Lindsay Lohan’s OWN show won’t be renewed, because of crack shenanigans


Lindsay Lohan has been a mess for a while. Personally, I believe that she only maintained her tenuous post-rehab sobriety for a matter of days or weeks. My guess is that after one month out of her last rehab stint, she was back to boozing and cracking. But we’re still supposed to believe that Lindsay has only recently fallen off the proverbial wagon (the wagon had an open bar). Anyway, this week’s tabloids have a hodge-podge of stories about LL being a drunken mess. Some vodka-soaked highlights:

*In Touch says that Lindsay was spotted at the Electric Room in NYC a few weeks ago, “slamming back glasses of straight vodka. Then she invited everyone back to her rented penthouse at the Gramercy Park Hotel. That is classic Lindsay — she never wants the party to end.”

*Backstage at Coachella, LL was partying with a group that included Aliana Lohan. A witness says: “The group was standing in a small cabana and one of the friends was making regular trips to the bar. I overheard the friend order four vodka sodas and when he carried them back to the group. He handed one to Lindsay and she started drinking it. She didn’t seem to care who saw and none of the group seemed concerned…She looked completely out of it. She couldn’t stand up straight and she was frantically chain-smoking cigarettes. In one of her hands she had a plastic cup with a clear liquid in it.”

*Star Magazine says Lindsay hosted a “viewing party” for an episode of her OWN show, and wouldn’t you know, Lindsay got blitzed at the party. A witness reports: “Lindsay was laughing at herself on the show and having drinks. When she stepped inside the elevator, she reeked of booze and could barely stand! She was walking in a zigzag, and everyone in the lobby was staring. She was definitely not sober.”

Worst of all, the Daily Mail has an “exclusive” story about how Oprah is super-pissed at Lindsay and how the OWN show has ended up being a complete fiasco. The Mail’s OWN-affiliated sources say that Oprah isn’t going to renew LL’s series, which isn’t that shocking considering the original plan was just for one season. Still, Oprah is reportedly “livid” with all of the Cracken’s shenanigans (Oprah’s pissed that the shenanigans didn’t make it on the show), and Oprah thinks Lindsay should have promoted the show more. Plus, the ratings are pathetic. You can read the Daily Mail story here – the best part is that Oprah hasn’t told Lindsay that there will be no more Oprah Money coming in the future.



Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Fame/Flynet.

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130 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan’s OWN show won’t be renewed, because of crack shenanigans”

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  1. lucy2 says:

    When this was first announced, everyone called it, and said OWN would regret getting involved with her, just like everyone else who’s hired her in the past few years.

    • mimif says:

      Yeah, strangely enough I think that Oprah looks like the bigger a-hole here. Lindsay is just being Lindsay being Lindsay (ad nauseam).

      • NeNe says:


      • blue marie says:

        I’m gonna go with them both being pretty big a-holes.
        Oprah knew what she was getting with Lindsey but she wanted the ratings.
        Lindsey is just an a-hole, that will never change.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        I truly believe that Oprah believes she has some kind of special powers and thought that she could just sit with LL and work her magic and POOF…LL would, all of a sudden, be an upstanding, sober, individual…Silly Oprah, her powers are no match for the cracken!

      • gg says:

        I would kind of like to see Iyanala Vansant and Suze Oermann scream at LL for an hour though. Hell, toss in Nancy Grace too. These three are famous for their withering what-fors and LL doesn’t even get upset when regular people lecture her.

      • Kiddo says:

        Yeah, I’m totally on board with ratings and an overdeveloped sense of power as the motivation from Oprah.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I don’t think Oprah looks like the bigger ass. I think there are a LOT of people who think “if only she had people around her to help her and not just mooch off of her! “, etc. I think that Oprah thought perhaps Lindsey might turn around if given the proper support (life coach, sober coach, etc.), but also knew that she would still have a tv product to sell even if that didn’t happened.

        There are very few people in this world who look like bigger asses than Lindsey to me. She is in very rarefied company when it comes to being an ass.

      • Dommy Dearest says:

        I think a part of it was Oprah believing Lohan was going to try given how many bridges the Cracken has burned. Someone such as Lohan won’t function in normal society without the glare of a spotlight or camera flash on her. I wonder if Oprah knew that and thought it might have been enough to motivate Lindsay to at least keep her appearances and try for roles and other things that people would work with her on. She seemed so determined to have a clean start but as seen on the show everyone around Lohan are Yes-men and Lohan has her head so far between her cheeks all you can see are her legs.

        Lohan is doomed to fail, we should all let her get to that because it’s obvious from her show you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. It’ll be more of the same until she’s in the hospital due to organ failure from drinking or she’s actually cold on the ground. Tragic and sad but it’s the direction she’s heading if she drinks the way it’s been reported.

        But eh, who really knows.

    • NeNe says:

      What’s wrong with people!! Even Oprah couldn’t curb her. If Oprah couldn’t do it, nobody stands a chance!

      • mimif says:

        NeNe I think it’s going to take more than a comfortable couch and some sympathetic eyes to get this train wreck back on her feet. Girl needs yearlong rehab with continually outpatient treatment and even then…I hate to lost cause anybody, but she’s gonna have to put some serious time in to get (and stay) clean.

      • blue marie says:

        I think in order to do that though, she’ll need to go somewhere that has no cameras. She needs to quit talking about acting and focus on getting clean.

      • Petee says:

        I know everyone is slamming Oprah but I think she tried.I really do.I think her heart was in the right place but I don’t think she knew what she was getting into.Not only does Lindsay have a huge substance abuse problem but she has a personality disorder that has not been addressed.There is so many wrongs with this girl and her family it will take a lot of work to even remotely get her on the right path.I am a addict.I admit that.But I know right from wrong.I would never steal,lie,or have total disregard for other people like she does.

      • Mich says:

        @ Petee – I’m with you. I think Oprah thought she could help.

      • The Original G says:

        Oprah got her a home, an assistant, a life coach, a sober coach and a driver. What ELSE was she supposed to do?

      • Lee says:

        Petee, you hit the nail on the head with Lindsay’s underlying personality disorder (which are notoriously hard to treat).

    • Lindy79 says:

      I really don’t get what Oprah was trying to achieve with this show other than ratings.
      The recaps of last weeks show just summarised the whole Lindsay situation for me. Why do people continue to hire her for anything. She never shows up on time, is a mess when she does and it ends up costing 10 times what it should yet people act surprised.

      She was due to Elle Indonesia shoot at 12.30, one of her cronies rings and says she was working the previous night so is late, then not coming at all. It ends up taking them a week to do what should have been 1 day. They even had to use her own clothes as the designers wanted theirs back.

      Another site summed it up perfectly “even the clothes were busier than Lindsay”

    • Aura says:

      Does anyone else think it’s strange that her sister was there with her at Coachella? If my sister had just got out if rehab there’s no way I would stand there and watch her drink…. Maybe it was just water? Am I being naive?

      • Lindy79 says:

        No, the whole family are pretty messed up so it doesn’t shock me that Ali was there actively participating in it. Sure her own mother encourages it and is probably just as bad an influence as her dad is.
        Seriously, the latest recap is just….Dina goes to a club with her and is drinking around her. I’m not saying that you can’t ever have a drink around someone in recovery but someone like Lindsay who has repeatedly fallen off the wagon and is so early into their recovery, she shouldn’t be booking jobs that involve partying in clubs and/or have drink around her.
        She’s the only real breadwinner for the family so they really don’t give a shit.

        Having said that, Lindsay is a chronic victim, blames everyone but herself, has a massive over inflated sense of her talent and worth and quite a nasty spoiled brat (as identified in the show) so I have little sympathy. Plenty of people have folks had shitty parents/upbringing.

        Seriously, click on the GoFugYourself in the Featured Links above…
        any sympathy you have for her will be gone by the time you finish it.

      • gg says:

        I have noticed that absolutely nobody tells Lindsay what to do. I think she melts down, so the addict holds everybody hostage with her little moods.

        I am also shocked that people hire her and are surprised when everything completely falls apart..

      • John says:

        I don’t think anyone’s surprised, gg, I think they’re banking on it. Train wrecks get ratings until they don’t, but the ones who board the train at the end of the trip don’t get the financial return they’d hoped for.

      • jwoolman says:

        I doubt that her siblings were there to keep her from drinking- how exactly would they be able to do that, anyway? More likely they just hope they can keep her from getting hurt too badly – going off with someone dangerous, falling down, etc. Sometimes all you can do is try to minimize the damage with a relative who’s a lush.

    • BobbieFisher says:

      I really disagree that Oprah looks the bigger asshole. Say what?! Oprah gave her every single sobriety tool in the book plus enough money to take care of a good deal of her debt. And Lindsay pissed it away. How is that Oprah’s fault? And no – she was not enabling Lohan. She was trusting that Lohan was a normal person who would be grateful for the incredible good fortune that Oprah bestowed upon her. If I was in Lindsay’s place, I would have welcomed the crew every morning, bright and early, bought them coffee and donuts and talk sobriety all day with them. I would have gotten down on my knees every night and thanked Oprah for the chance of a lifetime. I would have cried with gratitude. But Lindsay is not a normal person. She’s a freakin’ sociopath. And Oprah (who has lived in her magic Oprah Kingdom for so long, she did not realize that crackies like Lohan exist) is now all the wiser. She knows she made a mistake putting her trust in Lohan. Just listen to her response to David Letterman when he asked how Lindsay was doing on Lohan’s last appearance on his show. It was tenuous at best. Oprah tried with all her might, and God bless her for that.

      • Tadzio says:

        @Bobbiefisher – How is exploiting a well documented publicly known self-destructive person with an equally bad self-destructive family “incredible good fortune” (as you put it)? Yes, maybe for Oprah (well she thought this venture would be a ratings stealer), but not for Lindsay in the long run (future earnings).

  2. John says:

    Meh, it’s not being renewed because nobody watched. If it was killing in the ratings, O would run it, no problem.

    • LB says:

      I agree. It’s a boring mess because Lindsay won’t allow them to film anything except her unpacking nonsense. I bet people would have have tuned in more if it was about her working on improving her life but she clearly has very little interest in that. She comes off as a horrible person with only an interest in garnering attention while doing very little to merit that attention.

    • don't kill me i'm french says:


    • Kiddo says:


    • decorative item says:

      Couldn’t agree more.

    • The Original G says:

      +5. The product that they ended up with was also very boring. Very.

    • janie says:

      I tried to watch a couple of times, it was total confusion? I agree that no one will say anything to her, it’s ridiculous. They treat her like she’s a princess and huge A -list actor, neither are true. They all feed into her delusion of grandeur… it’s crazy!

  3. Gwen says:

    Is anyone surprised?

  4. Dani2 says:

    Over the years, I’ve always had a certain (minuscule) amount of sympathy for Lindsay and I’ve always silently wanted her to get het sh-t together and be a good actress again. After watching only one episode of her show though, all of that sympathy and goodwill is gone, she came across as super unprofessional and a legitimately horrible person. I’m done rooting for her.

    • Bridget says:

      Bingo. This is a woman who would run you down and then say it’s your fault for not getting out of the way because she’s famous. She is rotten to the core.

    • decorative item says:

      Of all the horrible things she has done, I think her show will be her downfall. She is so delusional that she can’t see how nasty and vile she looked. She has lost every last ounce of sympathy she had. I hope this stops and she goes away because, as it stands, we are literally watching her run head long into a mental breakdown or death.

    • pk says:

      I totally agree! After watching this mess, I am done feeling sorry for her. The worst was her getting paid $100,000 just to show up at a casino for two hours and she couldn’t even show up on time. TWO HOURS are you kidding? Most people don’t make that in a whole year!

  5. NeNe says:

    Is anyone shocked? I think people finally need to stop giving this lost cause chances and face facts. She is over. She has ruined her career, and has nobody to blame but herself. With everyone giving her chances, I personally believe she thinks she is ‘it’, when really it couldn’t be more of the opposite. Enough already with this worthless P.O.S.

    • Tx says:


    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Totally agree, and would add that I think people giving her all these “chances” are actually hurting her. She needs to get out of Hollywood, run out of money, and figure it out for herself, but people keep interfering with that process by trying to “save” her. Nobody can save her now but herself.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        Right…if people keep giving her “chances” she will never hit rock bottom…maybe letting her totally crash, will be the only way she is “saved”

  6. Kim1 says:

    Lindsay got $2 million and Oprah is still a supporter .

  7. neelyo says:

    Anyone who hires her after watching even one minute of this show deserves exactly what they get. This just validated every story of her unprofessional, childish behavior.

    • neelyo says:

      I missed the chance to edit my comment so i’m replying: The show also shows that she’s a horrible actress (crying jag in the hat, hilarious!) and looks terrible. I’ve compared the show to GREY GARDENS before but now I think it’s closer to CIAO! MANHATTAN. If she survives a few more years and makes it back to Long Island to live with Dina, then it will be GREY GARDENS.

      • gg says:

        The turn on the camera and watch me fake cry thing really pissed me off. If I were Oprah I would have torn her a new one. She finds a reason to blame everything on her dad, her favorite scapegoat. He is an immature ass that never should have had kids for sure, but she’s just using him for her own purposes to stay forever a victim.

    • Chicagogurl says:

      Am glad I’m not the only one enraged by the fake crying business. She makes me feel so stabby. It’s clear from watching the show, he parents let her be in charge because she was the only one bringing home the dollars. They built the monster and since she pays for everyone, no one says anything. They all fear her.

      If you watch how she treats those who she works with/for, I wouldn’t want a working realtionship with either. Everything is always her way and I wonder if she still doesn’t need a parent. Someone who holds her completely responsible all the time and doesn’t take crap…..not all these people who cowar and have given up trying but I can’t say I blame them. I would have walked out a while ago but when Oprah stood up to her, she backed down and seemed to try for a minute,

      She’s far from sober, she hides from people and the camera – sober people have nothing to hide.

      • ParisPucker says:

        I’m glad someone mentioned this. It was set up by HER and not a genuine-moment-caught-by-the-camera. It was staged and premeditated, all to extract sympathy ….it’s just so pathetic because it was so staged and calculated. Who does she think the audience is? A bunch of idiots that can’t see through her crack-antics and shenanigans??

        I think how she treats people speaks volumes. And for her to continually blame others for when things ‘go wrong’ at this age and stage in her life is just mind-blowing. Someone said earlier that having all these assistants to help her wipe her own ass is helping to perpetuate the problem — I agree. Thing is, if you’re not a POS and have some self-awareness, you’ll fire them all and do the work to manage your life yourself. She is just such a WHINER! Please let her whine herself into oblivion. We’ve had enough.

        And as for Oprah, I heart that woman so much and believe that she did have the best intentions, even though she knew this was going to win some viewership. (Say what you want about the ratings, but everyone is talking about what a train wreck this is in the dailies – she’s def getting some press and brand recognition as a result of it). I think she could still redeem some value from this disaster by forcing Lindsay to have an uncomfortable interview where she calls her out on her antics (bc you can tell that Lindsay DOES look up to her and respects her). Similar to the interview she had w that disgraced author who she featured in her book club series (can’t remember his name).

        Anyway, hope that happens. And to those of you on here whom have shared your REAL stories of recovery, thank you – for giving us insight on this v real disease and for your courage and strength to keep the monster at bay …from reading your stories I’ve come to understand that it’s a *daily effort* and to maintain sobriety for months and years is to be commended. Much love and respect to you all – keep at it!

      • Chicagogurl says:

        Paris – completely agree. I wish Oprah would call her out and interview the mess out of her but I believe their working relationship is over. Oprah’s not abotu to waste valuable time in trying to teach a lesson to someone who’s deaf.

        James Frye was the author. I remember that interview.

        LL is a complete and utter disaster so how could her life with her at the helm produce any differently. I was really hoping for an ah-hah moment. She’s more respectful of random strangers who want autographs than people who she works for or has working for her. AJ is the only one with sense and I respect how she walked away gracefully instead of investing more into the relationship.

        And yes, kudos to everyone for sharign their recovery stories. Its not easy to own responsibility for hurting yourself or others but self-awareness is so key to recovery. Stay strong and treat each day like a gift!

  8. Tx says:

    I suspect she walked out of rehab and went straight to the bar. And if her past rehab stints are any indication, I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t even totally sober in treatment.

    • don't kill me i'm french says:


      Remember she was treated with her Aderall during her rehab

    • OrangeBlohan says:

      I agree Tx. I don’t believe she ever had any intention of staying sober. The rehab was court ordered in lieu of going to jail, so that’s the only reason she was there. Both Linds and Dina kept saying she didn’t have a problem and the courts were playing “hardball” etc. I wish just one court would play hardball with her one day. She’s been given more chances than anyone deserves and she has blown off every single one of them. I’m still shocked that Oprah would jump into this mess, but obviously, she thought there would be some big ratings there. I’m disappointed in Oprah.

      • swack says:

        Does anyone remember how Oprah got started? Her original talk show was a show just like Maury Povich’s show. She did tabloid type show – before she became a guru and saviour of people. She knew what she was getting into and if she didn’t then it is her own fault. I believe she did this for the ratings and is not as much of a saviour of souls as people portray her. Sorry, but I don’t have any sympathy for either of them.

      • Nick says:

        That’s what annoys more than anything. She’s making a mockery of living sober. I can go to bars and not drink etc. it devalues what actually sober people are living. Like if Lindsay can go to a bar and not drink after 1 month of sobriety why can’t you….

        Also, it kills me that she thinks people believe the lie that she is sober. She thinks the public is dumb and she’s a great liar.

    • Lady D says:

      The only way this trick is going to get sober is with a 2-year prison sentence. Prison would solve most of her problems. The booze, drugs, sense of entitlement, loss of minions to cater to her lazy ass. I also have to admit, it would make me happy to see this lying, racist, thieving, disrespectful, drunk-driving, utterly useless person behind bars for a while.

  9. don't kill me i'm french says:

    How many second chance had Lindsay Lohan? More than anyone!
    How many second chance did she waste ? All

  10. bettyrose says:

    I know we’re talking about LiLo here and any crack is bad crack, but none of those vodka soaked stories involved abusing innocent people. Adults have the right to pickle their own livers if it’s the life they choose.

    • OrangeBlohan says:

      There are plenty of vodka soaked Lindsay stories that involved hurting other people. The high speed chase where Lindsay was chasing another vehicle, and then blamed it on the black kid. The time she clipped the baby in the stroller while driving and drove away, and the numerous car accidents. It’s only a matter of time until she kills some innocent person, or herself.

      • Or when she was filming Liz and Dick, crashed into that truck driver and tried to blame it on him (he could’ve lost his job), and then on the car company (Mercedes, or Ferrari, I think) for the brakes failing–when she shouldn’t have been driving in the first place, and had a driver.

    • BangersandMash says:

      This is so true!! It’s unbelievably true!!!
      How can you, or I or LiLo’s sister or O tell Lindsay, “Hey, you put that f*cking drink down NOW young lady!!!”
      She’s 27 years old. She is an adult in the eyes of society and the law, and we cannot tell her what to do. We can only stop it if she’s personally threatening to harm another person or personal property!! that’s that!!

    • evie says:

      You’re absolutely right, they do. But then they can’t turn around and cry that no one wants to hire them for being unreliable. They cannot claim that acting is the most important thing in the world to them. If she’s going to be a crack-addled, drunk mess she needs to just own it.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      Lohan is a thief, a liar, a grifter, a mean-spirited human being, an unrepentant recidivist, and a person who has endangered others with her reckless driving. She has hurt many, many people with theft, with reckless driving and lies, and with verbal, physical and emotional abuse.

      You’re right that these current stories don’t involve her hurting anyone other than the people trying to work directly with her, but based on her loooong history of being just as toxic as her upbringing, I just can’t cut her any slack. She’s been abominable for a solid decade now.

      • bettyrose says:

        I’m with you on most of that, but I’m not going to begrudge her the right to drink herself stupid or comatose. As long as she’s not endangering others by driving – or even by having tantrums involving thrown glass – let her stew in her own vices. I don’t think she’s entitled to anything but she has the same rights to control her own destiny as anyone else.

  11. decorative item says:

    Had the ratings been higher O. would have renewed.

  12. BangersandMash says:

    I’m going to tell my truth here. I actually like the Lindsay series because I’m her age, I’m a woman, and until recently I was exactly the way she is now, I had really hectic drinking problems. I am an alcoholic in recovery and I couldn’t see beyond my own nose for the better part of my life. I was wasting light, and continuing to pursue some genie at the end of the “bottle”. So it’s cathartic for me to see just how I was (to a lesser degree because God knows if I did every single thing Lindsay did, I would be doing about 2 years or more in jail right now, society would have rejected me 7 years ago without a second thought)!!

    But my advice to her, is to reach her own personal rock bottom and for her to have self awareness.
    For me, it was about not wanting to grow up, not wanting to be an adult in society and take on responsibilities, but also desiring the good things of being an adult in society (good money, a good man, a good life)! I was locked out of my own dreams because the person in my dreams, didn’t match the person in my reality. There were things I didn’t want to face about myself for many, many reasons, including the fact that I didn’t like the real, childish, petulant, entitled, person I was.
    I know, for sure. You can’t do anything in life unless you really truly want to do it for yourself. Too many crutches is a diversion from this, and when you’re 27 years old… Who the hell is going to be able to tell you what you can drink? They can advise you not to do it, but ultimately it’s up to you to put the drink down *or the pills or the drugs*

    Good luck Lindsay

    • Kiddo says:

      Nice post.

    • Miffy says:

      Thank you for sharing and best of luck with your recovery.

      For someone to even begin on that path of recovery, the person needs to want it. They need to realise the change is within them and no one can help you come to that realisation but you.

      Full disclosure, right now, I’m dealing with a loved one coming to the realisation of their own drinking problems. The general consensus in what I can do to help them is to back away. Pick up my own life and to leave them to their own devices until they have reached a point of healing and wanting to heal. It is the most devastating thing I’ve ever had to do.

      So truly, well done to you for coming to these conclusions and starting your recovery. So many people don’t reach that point and it takes so much strength to get there.

    • Frida_K says:

      You sound like you have worked hard for and genuinely earned a lot self-awareness. I wish you all the best of health, luck, and joy in your new, healthy life.


  13. insomniac says:

    I really don’t understand people who hire Lindsay for things and then profess to be shocked and appalled when she behaves exactly the way anyone with an ounce of common sense could have predicted she’d behave.

  14. GeeMoney says:

    Did we expect anything less from THE CRACKEN?!? Nope.

  15. Miffy says:

    Unpopular opinion, but can we stop labelling her as an addict/alcoholic and just face the facts that she’s actually just a massive, self-entitled, unprofessional asshole? She’s unrepentant, there’s always an excuse. If she is an alcoholic, she doesn’t want help so won’t be helped so leave her to it. Why are people trying to make her life work when she doesn’t want it to work herself? There’s a reason why helping an alcoholic who doesn’t want help is compared to watering a dead plant.

    There are way too many celebrities who made successful comebacks after serious, serious substance abuse problems. This girl ain’t one of them. There are far too many people suffering from substance abuse issues that would kill for the resources and support this girl fritters away annually. It’s sickening me at this stage.

    • Bananapants says:

      You’re exactly right. She obviously doesn’t want the help, and she’s never going to get better until she wants to get better.

    • Kiddo says:

      Why can’t she be an addict and an asshole? Sometimes being an addict makes people into assholes. I feel that giving her this show was the WORST possible thing anyone could have done. It was, in my opinion, highly exploitative and not helpful.

      • Miffy says:

        Oh she can totally be an addict AND an asshole. I’m just saying let’s not peg all of her crappy behavior on an alcohol/drug problem. Sometimes a jerk is just a jerk.

    • Macey says:

      Unpopular opinion, but can we stop labelling her as an addict/alcoholic and just face the facts that she’s actually just a massive, self-entitled, unprofessional asshole?

      This x a million!

      so sick of ppl thinking her problems are b/c she’s an addict..that has nothing to do with her a**hole behavior, stealing things, intentionally destroying property, lying and trying to get ppl fired when she doesnt get her own way..the list goes on and on and not one thing has anything to do with being an addict.
      I know plenty of ppl that struggle with addiction and they dont do any of the stuff LL does or treat ppl the way she does. the girl is an awful person inside and out, addiction is the least of her personality disorders. I really cant wait for ppl to stop reporting on her and she fades away into oblivion. The girl cant act to save her life so not sure what everyone talks about when they say she WAS talented. sorry she was not, she always played herself and thats it.

      • Petee says:

        Well said.I am a addict,I have struggled for years.I have good days and bad ones.The one thing is I hold responsibility for everything I do.I don’t treat people badly,I am not cruel,pull a bunch of drama,or any of the other things this young woman does.Most addicts are kind and caring people that would not hurt a fly.Just themselves .She has something else going on.My sister his always trying to make excuses for her EX husband.Well he did this and that because he is a addict.I call B.S. on that one.It doesn’t give you a excuse to do horrible things to people.

      • Miffy says:

        Well said, Petee, and I hope you have better days than bad. Good for you.

    • The Original G says:

      I totally agree. I think she’s got some personality disorder. Borderline, psychopathic or narcissistic. No empathy, no interest in self reflection, no ambition but occasionally charismatic and quite capable of a con. When she’s bored, she self medicates with booze/drugs/shopping. Still sad.

      • jwoolman says:

        I think you’re right about the bored part. Her life is mind-numbingly boring. My life isn’t exciting to an outside observer, but I have an interesting job, two cats and their occasional live prey to take care of (as the only vegetarian, the rodents in distress run to me for help), and enough video games to keep me occupied for the rest of my life (mainly because I’m not that good at them…). Poor Lindsay doesn’t even have a goldfish who depends on her. Any friends will vanish with the cameras. Her life is just dull.

        Plus I suspect she’s not physically addicted to alcohol or other drugs, but doesn’t like the way the world looks when she’s sober. But mainly she does seem bored.

      • littlestar says:

        That’s the scary thing about her, to me. She’s a complete loser, but somehow capable of being very charismatic when she wants to be (example: when she is on talk shows and being interviewed). She can really pull out her acting abilities then. Or maybe it’s just her narcissistic *sshole abilities. Regardless, I think it’s one of the reasons why she’s been able to con so many people for such a long time and continually get away with it.

      • Bread and Circuses says:

        I think you’re right, although she maybe self-medicates to avoid facing the truth about herself and her life.

        I mean, we can all see she’s a horrible person who has nuked all her prospects for a successful acting career. But for her to examine that and admit to it?

        I think most of us would want to run from a truth that horrible. The problem is the longer she runs, the worse it becomes.

    • Jazz says:


  16. Bananapants says:

    I got sober in November, and I was really excited about this Lindsay project, because it was gonna show the world how you can come back from addiction and be stronger than ever, and then she blew it. She totally blew it. Nothing that she did on that show was conducive to maintaining sobriety. Crying about not being able to go to meetings because the paps might see her and then in the next clip, she’s twerking on the stripper pole. I know they edit that crap, but still.
    She never got a routine, she’s sleeping at really bizarre hours, etc. Everyone that I see at meetings, the ones I want to emulate, have one thing in common: a freaking routine. The people that “get it” are the ones who work the hardest. They get their asses up and are productive. They spend time on their recovery. They surround themselves with positive people and situations. They aren’t still awake at 7 in the morning watching a bunch of partying Russians play with knives. They aren’t at nightclubs. If she were truly sober and committed to a sober life, she wouldn’t want any part of those shenanigans.
    I guess my point is, I’m disappointed. She had so much to offer and she is pissing it away. I know she is extremely miserable. I was her six months ago and it sucked and I will do whatever it takes to never feel that way again.

    • Nick says:

      First – Congratulations! I really mean that, you should be extremely proud of yourself. Second – Your post was DEAD ON.

    • bluhare says:

      I hope you do Bananapants. I was that way too . . . many years ago. It can be done!

    • Dani2 says:

      Congrats honey! 🙂 and I hear you, a lot of people struggle with similar things as her but they manage to come back from it. I’m glad people like you exist, you’re amazing.

    • Petee says:


  17. Skins says:

    Oprah is getting just what she deserves for taking on this trash. Did she really think that this would turn out well? As soon as Lindsay got paid it was all over. The girl is a lying, drunken thief who would steal everything you have if you gave her the chance. Another thing that bugs me is these late-night guys bringing her on their show and treating her like she is some kind of talented major star with her latest blockbuster to promote. Didn’t see her on Letterman but she was on Fallon a couple of weeks ago and he was kissing her ass so much it was sick. She is garbage and the sooner Hollywood realizes it the better

  18. Odessa Nguyen says:

    That chicken leg of hers grosses me out. That is unhealthy skinny right there.

  19. Mia4S says:

    Oprah finally remembered one of Maya Angelou’s best quotes, (to paraphrase): when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.

    • bluhare says:

      I couldn’t agree more. I’ve said that for years (only not as nicely). “If someone tells you they’re an a-hole, believe them!”

  20. Talie says:

    Oprah will spill the tea on this soon enough and say how much she regrets dealing with Lindsay — right now, she has to keep up appearances and still take her calls. The minute that show goes off air, Lindsay will be hearing a dial tone.

  21. Rhtexaa says:

    I’m just wondering what happens to the apartment Oprah rented for her. How long is the lease? How long is that free ride? And what horrific condition will it be in when she is finally evicted?

  22. Original Lee says:

    No one is going to be able to ‘help’ Lindsay because she doesn’t want help / doesn’t think she needs help.

  23. Meredith says:

    this girl is gonna crash and burn and no one can say she was never offered help

  24. daisy says:

    Can she please stop with that stupid peace sign? It’s not cute.

  25. Quinn says:

    Her profile is frightening.

    And no one can be saved that doesn’t want saving.

  26. kimber says:

    I’ll root for her because thats what u do when you’re talking about a cracked out wh*’re. However she’ll never be “ok” as long as she keeps her family and cracky hangers in her life. Cut off the cancer which she wont because she’s weak minded and isnt strong enough to be alone.

  27. BeckyR says:

    I am an RN who has worked in a treatment center for many years and I have seen it all. There are those who truly want a better life and are willing to do the hard work. Then are those like LL who will NEVER get better. They get worse. They either die or end up in jail. Sound harsh? This is the reality. I know Oprah thinks she is the 2nd Jesus Christ and Savior but she should have known better. Her move to do this cracked out series was just plain dumb. Did not help OWN at all.

  28. Alexis says:

    I know it’s cool to hate on Oprah if you were never in her old show’s demographic (SAHMs) but I think that O was planning on selling an addict in recovery show to the Lifetime set, with the fringe benefit of possibly being able to grab some younger former Lindsay fans. The ratings are bad because that’s not what it ended up being. I don’t think O is at fault for wanting to see the best in Lindsay.

  29. jwoolman says:

    My aunt always said that people don’t change as they get older, they just get more like themselves. This is just what Lindsay is like, we’re just getting to see more of it.

    I don’t think Lindsay’s problem is booze or drugs or her family. She’s never gone to rehab to get clean, only to convince a judge to let her stay there instead of jail or under a mandatory sentence. Therapy seems to also be something she does only when sentenced and she tries to weasel out of it any way she can (avoiding face to face, for instance).

    But the key point is that drunk or sober, she just isn’t very nice to people. I also don’t think anybody in her family still seriously thinks of her as their meal ticket- she’s been draining the family finances for years with her legal fees and more recently, the IRS and her lawyer get paid first with little left over. The torch has been passed to her brother Michael and her sister Ali, may the gods help them… She’s just that sad relative who occasionally gets a little money but can’t keep a job, they love her so they just try to take care of her but can’t force her to do anything.

  30. portlandjan says:

    She’s a scheming schemer who schemes. When you offer normal people a liferaft, they cling to it for all they’re worth and make a concerted effort to remain afloat. When Lindsay’s offered one, she immediately begins plotting to upgrade it to a yacht.

  31. shannon says:

    The ONLY reason I have any (very little) sympathy left for her is because she doesn’t have children. And I don’t mean that in a “oh, your life has no meaning if you don’t have kids” kind of way. I mean it coming from someone who has struggled with sobriety, and I haven’t won that struggle as much as I wish I had. But when I had my second son, I went through big-time postpartum depression. I didn’t have any family nearby, I wasn’t with my son’s father, and I did turn to drinking as a result. It was the only way I knew how to make it through the day for a while. My life got better, but I still feel like I lean on alcohol too much when I’m stressed out. The two things that kept me from turning into a Lindsay-like trainwreck were proper parenting (they left their home to come help me) and the thing that helps me stay strong and keep a routine is that I have children who count on me. My six-year-old isn’t going to get himself off to school and get his own breakfast. My 18-year-old can’t talk to himself about what he needs and where he’s going in life. I do credit my children with keeping me relatively grounded. I can see where, without that structure, I could have gone off the rails.

    That being said, I’ve watched the show. She should NOT have children!! I didn’t even like drinking until I was almost 30-years-old, so I already had the structure in place to keep going strong.

    • Petee says:

      Me too.I have stayed grounded because I started all that late in life myself and came from a structured family.I don’t have children but I love and take care of many animals.They are a responsibility almost like little kids at times.Lindsay sad to say couldn’t even take care of a fish.I shudder to think if she had to care for something.Good luck to you!

  32. Jazz says:

    She’s the griftiest grifter that ever grifted. Next!

  33. shannon says:

    My sympathy diminishes for her each time I see her show or read about her. When I was struggling with alcoholism, I was never mean. I’ve never in my life treated people the way she does – it’s repulsive. I hope people realize there’s a difference between being an addict and being an a$$hole. She’s supposedly such a great actress, but she can’t even ACT like she’s a decent, responsible person in recovery for the cameras? Okeedokee then.

  34. Bella says:

    There can be people addicted that, even besides the issues with addiction, are nice people. She is just a narcissistic sociopath person. I never understood why people, journalists, the media said she was a good actress, I think she is limited and always plays herself in a way like the “raspy voice, I think Im a cool girl”. Also she doesnt have a lot of movies to back up those “great actress claims”. She had the talent and potential to be a fine actress she decidided to waste that away.
    I dont like that she is always blaming her childhood, wich I understand that could have been very painful, Im sympathetic to that, but she uses that as an excuse for everything. Like the day of the photoshoot for Elle that she didnt show up and her excuse was she is a night owl beacuse she was always waiting for her dad to come home at night, so she didnt sleep and was too tired.
    A lot of amazing people had the shittiest of the shittiest childhood and upbringing, and became amazing, succesful and kind persons that dont use the bad upbringing as a excuse of their actions.

  35. cornelius says:

    I do believe she did drink alcohol at some point but not what was mentioned above – those stories sound made up. Also I don’t get why people think Oprah was an a**hole. She gave Linds a chance to tell her story and have people see what an alcoholic goes through after rehab. Knowing a few alcoholics myself, it took a couple of rehab turns before they got their sh*t together.

  36. newly sober says:

    Being newly sober (and by newly I mean like 5 days and counting), I’ve been scrolling through websites trying to focus on my sobriety and tips on helping, and I came across this. Most addicts use for a reason, whatever that might be. Once you are sober, you have to deal with the reason you started using in the first place. Maybe the reason she keeps falling back to old habits is because she doesn’t want to face and conquer the reason she started using. Alcohol was never my issue, I had a prescription pill problem for many, many years. It scares me a little now that my brain sparks are returning to normal that I will have to face all the issues why I leaned heavily on the pills, but I have made a decision in my mind that I have no other option but to stay clean and I’ve done it all by myself. No fancy lux rehabs for me during my time of withdrawal and I don’t have legal issues forcing my hand either. The decision was mine and mine alone. Perhaps that’s another reason she is failing also is she hasn’t made that decision either for herself.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      Good for you! I wish you strength and courage.

      There have been studies done on what helps people get clean and sober, and by far, the most important factor is that the person firmly decided that they would get clean and sober.

      Having the support system helps, but your decision and your commitment are the most important factors. So good for you; you’ve already done the most important thing, and that means you’re capable of doing the rest too.

    • Miffy says:

      Well done, I hope you’re feeling as proud of yourself as you are anxious. You’re doing great.

      Your points are really interesting. I won’t pretend to know much about addiction and I certainly didn’t know the theory about an original issue that drove the person to the escapism and subsequent dependency. That’s really interesting and makes a lot of sense in the few (but close to home) cases of addiction I’ve encountered.

  37. Decloo says:

    I watched ‘The Canyons’ last night (free on showtime right now) and I was left completely floored by, not only how awful it was, but how terrible Lindsay looked. I don’t want to be a body shamer but I was quite amazed that they would cast her looking so bad since her appearance did not go along with the plot (in the movie everyone is always saying how gorgeous she is). I have a similar figure and I would never have been in a movie without doing some serious dieting and working out. She clearly wasn’t even trying to suck her gut in during the nude scenes. She had a pot belly, cotton cheese thighs (covered in bruises), boobs like the cover of a National Geographic Magazine and a puffy, double chin face. I’m wondering which of you may have seen the movie and what your thoughts are on her tragic appearance?

    • Petee says:

      I didn’t see it.But now I will have to watch it.

    • RedWeatherTiger says:

      I did not make it through the whole movie, but I agree that she looked terrible. Beyond that, though, her “acting” was terrible. She has a kind of detachment about her now that will not allow her to even remotely become a character; this is why she seems to be reading her lines or reciting them. They never come out of any real immersion into a character.

      Also, the group sex scene? How can anyone make a group sex scene look so boring?

  38. Tadzio says:

    Lindsay is a grown adult woman. If she wants to self-destruct, then let her self-destruct. She should stop lying about being sober, though. Her sobriety is really none of our (the public) business. Lohan should keep that to herself unless she is going to try and rebrand herself as some type of sober living guru. Then this would be the only reason why she would have to share “her story” with the public (or if she is writing a tell-all book). I don’t care what she does. She’s no Robert Downey Jr (acting abilities) so I don’t really get why she is still in the news.

    @Decorative Item – EXACTLY!!! If the her show brought in those ratings, Oprah would have renewed her contract and gave her another $2 million. Lindsay would have to be more messy and outrageous for season 2.

  39. silyone says:

    What is wrong with her left eye? Is that a huge stye?

  40. Shelley says:

    So everyone who is an arrogant, rude, entitled, despicable ass has a ‘personality disorder?’ When did this happen? Please. She is what she is, she chooses daily to behave this way, to drink/take drugs, and *DUI/DWI,* thereby endangering countless people. She rejoices in being exactly who she is, and she despises anyone not committed to telling her how wonderful she is. That is pure, simple, unadulterated assishness.

  41. Anne says:

    I think this is could be rock bottom for her. One does not f&%k with the Oprah and get away with it!

  42. LAK says:

    I’m surprised it received any ratings.

  43. Canada Guy says:

    Anybody that says or thinks Oprah did this out of the goodness of her heart are lying or just plain stupid.
    Oprah did it for ratings. Her OWN network is sinking faster than the Titanic and she saw this as a life preserver. Oprah is getting exactly what she deserves. No sympathy for either of them here.