Amanda Seyfried: ‘Thank god for Kate Upton. She has curves’

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried covers the June issue of Elle UK to promote her role in Seth MacFarlane’s A Million Ways to Die in the West. That’s a Western movie by definition, but Seth has jazzed it up with contemporary language and behavior and (probably) a bunch of rude jokes. The film will probably make a bucketload of money, but it sounds like an annoying movie. I’m sorry to sound so negative straight off the bat. Seth MacFarlane’s humor isn’t for everyone is all I’m saying.

Amanda looks as gorgeous as she always does in this photoshoot. Her amazing Australian Shepherd, Finn, also pops into the photoshoot. She takes that dog everywhere she possibly can — even into the cabins of airplanes. Amanda talks a lot here about fitness and body image and Kate Upton. She adores Kate. She also calls Charlize Theron “a total dude.” Huh:

Justin Long’s role in her life: “I need someone who can make fun of the stick up my ass.”

Working with Charlize Theron: “[She’s] a total dude — so easy. I mean, there’s something intimidating about her; maybe because she’s taller and sheknows who she is. She has no filter and she’s really funny. It shouldn’t be intimidating, but it is.”

Amanda works out every day: “But only for an hour.” She watches what she eats and does “the occasional raw diet for a single week, just to cleanse. I’m just not into hardcore anything. If I go on a diet, I can’t quit something. Emotionally, I need sugar in my life. I like wine. And coffee. It’s like, coffee, you can’t drink coffee?”

We all worry about our bods: “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t constantly aware of what I’m doing with my body. I don’t have to look like a supermodel. I don’t have to have these abs — the camera doesn’t see that. but because we have all been designed to want these things, I’m a victim of this stuff too. Thank God for Kate Upton. She’s a supermodel, she has curves. She’s like the new image of beauty and thank god.”

Her early emotional difficulties: “I had my anxiety and my OCD — a lot of kids have it. You’re afraid of it; you’re afraid of your brain. I didn’t tell people. My parents didn’t even know. I was over organizing. Like, my socks and underwear — it would take me hours to put them away. I still do it sometimes. I have dreams about packing. I am constantly shifting my life around. I bead, I knit, I paint, and I read. So packing is an issue for me. Making sure I have my stuff for those things, and that I have Finn’s stuff, and the stuff that I travel with, like this one little angel that I’ve had since I was born. It’s my guardian angel.”

The tiniest whine: “If I had a structured life, things would be easier for me. And I love my job. But it’s so hard — I landed in New York on Sunday and thought, ‘What am I doing here? What is this apartment?’ It’s so dark, it’s so depressing. It was a shock to the system. And so you have to focus on a simple thing: being mindful.”

She Twitter searches herself: “You can’t take yourself too seriously if you don’t wanna die. Sometimes I read the feed on Twitter where people are talking about me. I was scrolling one day, and there wa something really sweet, like: ‘Amanda heart heart’ and a picture of me. And then there was ‘All movies starring Amanda Seyfried are definitely going to be awful.’ I want to see what people have posted. It’s stupid, I shouldn’t really.”

[From Elle UK]

The anxiety and OCD topics are always interesting to me. Amanda says she’s been on anti-anxiety meds for years and cannot cope without them. Her OCD variety appears to be an organizing and checking type. That seems preferable to the germ-obsessed type (which is torture), but you know, the grass is always cleaner on the other side.

I’m also curious about Amanda’s exercise habits. She’s always been in great shape, but she tore a hip muscle on a recent movie set. She was running in high heels and torqued something bad, so she can’t jog anymore. That hasn’t stopped her from working out every day for an hour. I wonder if she really works out every day? A lot of people say that and do five days a week. Amanda has always talked about how hard it is to stay in movie-ready shape, so I can see why she’d appreciate a supermodel with curves. The reality is that Kate works out like a fiend too, but she brings a different body type to the world of supermodels.

Amanda Seyfried

Photos courtesy of Elle UK

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52 Responses to “Amanda Seyfried: ‘Thank god for Kate Upton. She has curves’”

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  1. Tatjana says:

    I saw the trailer for Seth’s film and it looks great. Very funny.
    I love Amanda. She’s refreshingly honest. She’s also incredibly beautiful,

    • paola says:

      I loved her since Mamma Mia! She is so effortless beautiful and she can do anything.. dance, sing and act.
      She’d be great on Broadway.
      I’ve seen a video during the Mamma Mia promotion and Meryl Streep treated her like her daughter. It melt my heart.

      • SallyJay says:

        Yes, I have too! I think she is breathtakingly beautiful and in that movie she was so natural with stripped down make-up, and she was still so luminous. Plus, in on-screen interviews she comes across really well. Smart, quick, funny and just a little weird. She has personality, something a lot of starlets are missing. I hope her career continues to go well.

    • KC says:

      I agree, I think Million Ways movie looks really funny.

      There are too many comedies aimed at teenagers, so I’m there for the R-rated ones.

  2. Audrey says:

    I could never do a diet which said no coffee. Someone would die.

    I already drink it black but I can’t cut it out completely

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Agree. And they would die screaming.

      • kri says:

        +10000. Cannot, will not stop coffee. I drink the darkest blend I can get my paws on, black. And now I’m off to get some dark magic.

    • ernie says:

      Came here to say exactly that. I mean, what’s the problem, I can’t have my morning sugarfree cup of coffee? Even if I eat super clean for the rest of the day and drink plenty of water?
      I really don’t have patience for that kind of restriction. Every week they come up with something seemingly harmless that people have had in their diets forever and suddenly it’s a no-no. Recently it was bananas. Well, I have my daily banana and my coffee and still manage to lose a few when I need to. Go figure.

  3. SophiaJames says:

    Why does everyone claim to have OCD? Is that a trend now?

    • Pants says:

      Something like 1 in 50 people suffer from it, so maybe it’s just because people are more open about it now. I’ve never been officially “diagnosed,” but I’ve long believed that I have mild OCD about certain things.

      • Amanduh says:

        Agreed…I think we just have a name for it now, as is the case with many disorders.
        A lot of people also confuse Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder.
        “…for people with OCD, for example, these behaviors are unwanted and seen as unhealthy, the product of anxiety-inducing and involuntary thoughts; for people with OCPD, on the other hand, they are experienced as rational and desirable, being the result of, for example, a strong adherence to routines, or a natural inclination towards cautiousness, or a desire to achieve perfection.”–compulsive_personality_disorder

    • BendyWindy says:

      It’s a trend, yes, for not just celebs but normal people to claim to have OCD, or be bipolar, etc. However, Amanda actually has OCD and has done medication and therapy to help it.

      • SophiaJames says:

        I don’t like it when people who are not diagnosed with actual OCD claim to have it. It’s a real disorder that needs medication and treatment and people just fling the word around like it’s nothing.

      • BendyWindy says:

        I don’t like it either. But that’s not the case with this actress, so…? Why would you have a problem with her talking about it?

      • Tatjana says:

        Does every OCD require medical treatment?
        Like, I have certain things that I do – touching things four times, thouching things with both hands, checking if I locked the door numerous times, slight obsession with germs, etc – but it’s gotten better with time and I neer took any medication or anthing. Is that a very very mild case of OCD or is it nothing?

      • BendyWindy says:

        Tatjana, I don’t know. I’m not a doctor (and I don’t play one on tv *wink*). I think, though, that people mostly seek treatment/therapy when it begins negatively impacting their lives.

      • Ginger says:

        When you say Bipolar is a trend it may possibly be over diagnosed in the medical field but please don’t say it’s “trendy”. I suffer from Bipolar 1 and it took the majority of my life to date to get the proper diagnosis. Thank goodness the medical field is more open to and more readily checks for this disorder or I may still be unmedicated.

      • Lucrezia says:

        @ Tatjana: To be formally diagnosed with OCD, the obsessions/compulsions have to be present most days, cause distress, and be time consuming (take over an hour per day) or otherwise interfere with your ability to lead a normal life.

        It’s really common for to have a few odd obsessions/compulsions/rituals. (I can’t sleep unless I’ve triple-checked my alarm clock.) It’s just a question of scale. The general rule is: it’s only a problem (clinical disorder) if it’s causing actual problems in your life. Otherwise it’s just a quirk – and we all have plenty of those.

      • snakecharmer says:

        @ginger i have suffered from bipolar disorder my whole life. now, at 34, i have been stabilized on medicine and it is like a whole new world. i was very high functioning, but the effort it took for me to be so successful was immense. i really feel for people with mental illness. it is so painful and misunderstood. the way i feel is akin to a person with bad vision who thought it was normal until they got glasses. god bless you and all people who have suffering in their lives in any way.

    • Artemis says:

      Seyfried has mentioned this many times before. OCD and panic atticks. She takes Lexapro (known since 2010) for it and had intensive therapy. She also drinks to self-medicate before doing interviews sometimes. I think she still has a bit of therapy but I’m not sure.

      She said her relationships with Ryan Phillipe and Cooper made it worse (and this is dating back to 2008!) as the media interest increased. Fame always made her uncomfortable but therapy has helped her deal with it.

      I think it’s good that she talks about it because people have a lot of misconceptions about it like with most mental health issues. This should not be hidden en Seyfried always talked very open and informative about it. She’s very young so she’s been dealing with this since her teens, it’s nice if other young people hear her story.

    • Lisa says:

      It sounds like she has it, though. It shouldn’t take hours to put away your socks. Doing that isn’t the same as checking your locks twice and claiming you’re “so obsessive, like I have OCD or something!”

    • Isadora says:

      I wouldn’t exactly call it “trendy” (because I don’t want to imply someone claims to have a psychological disorder without having one), but I still think the number of people nowadays with OCD’s, depression, anxiety, panic attacs, AD(H)D, bipolar disorders, eating disorders etc. is simply staggering.

      I sometimes ask myself what’s wrong with this world today as I can’t imagine that people also had to deal with this stuff in a time and age before therapy or medication even existed.

  4. Wren33 says:

    I have anxiety and have moved around a lot, and done some exchange programs in foreign countries when I was younger, etc. I know that feeling so well of “Where am I? Why am I here?” I definitely thrive on structure even though I’ve made a lot of choices that push me beyond it.

    • Mingy says:

      i have anxiety and panic issues, and i’m having a tough time lately. so i totally get what you’re saying about thriving on structure, routine really helps me. my family who live in other countries make me feel like shit for not visiting, and just can’t understand that traveling makes me paralyzed with fear/anxiety, i just can’t. no matter what i say, they think i’m making excuses. i wish people would be more understanding. so not only do i have to deal with all of those issues, they say all kinds of things like “my daughter doesn’t even know you” or “how will you feel when your grand-mother dies and you don’t get to see her” the guilt on top of everything just makes me feel so bad.

    • tealily says:

      I’m in the same boat. As a young person I felt very trapped (emotionally, physically) by my anxiety problems. One of the best things I ever did was move overseas for a while. It was terrifying, but ultimately helped with a lot (A LOT!) of the issues I was having. I still get panic attacks sometimes and my life isn’t very stable, but ultimately I think I’m a happier person than I was when I was afraid to take any risks or get outside my comfort zone. It’s a tricky business.

      And Mingy, I’m sorry you’re dealing with that… don’t let anyone push you into doing anything you aren’t comfortable with. Maybe one day you’ll be ready to take the plunge, but that choice is totally up to you.

  5. Hissyfit says:

    I saw the trailer and it looks annoying and stupid.

  6. Couiny says:

    I love Amanda. So pretty and lovely, plus she seems like a nice girl.
    She is still Karen Smith for me. “I’m a mouse, duh!”

  7. TheOriginalKitten says:

    She’s a very pretty twit.

  8. Lindsey Gregory says:

    “And coffee. It’s like, coffee, you can’t drink coffee?””

    This is me. All the way. Any diet that says no coffee gets an instant ‘f*ck this sh*t.’

  9. Bella Bella says:

    I like her. She was really great in Big Love. She is just gorgeous too. I think sometimes she says things that are a little big annoying but she’s young. At least she isn’t moping around all the time like whatshername vampiremovie girl.

  10. Original Tessa says:

    A gorgeous dog and a gorgeous girl. They are too pretty to function.

  11. Chinoiserie says:

    I do not know really what kind of humor Seth MacFarlane does since I have not watched anything he has done. But I think a western comedy might be fun. And I need Amanda´s hair.

  12. Maria says:

    As someone with general anxiety, I get it.

    One of the most annoying things to hear is that “it’s all in your head.” Well, no shit Sherlock, my brain chemistry IS different… Now go take your meditation and mind over matter bs and go sit on a corner.

    As for Kate Upton: SHE DOES NOT HAVE CURVES, glorious breasts, most definitely but that’s it.

    Christina Hendricks, Selma Hayek, Beyonce–they’re curvy.

    • Artemis says:

      I think everybody who is normal or ‘chunky’ = not size 0-4 is considered ‘curvy’ regardless of actual curves :). Which is ridiculous but hey every bit helps I suppose.

  13. BooBooLaRue says:

    Sorry, but Kate Upton has big boobs, she is not that curvy!

  14. lucy2 says:

    I really like her (and she is one of the most naturally beautiful actresses out there) but I dislike Seth MacFarlane so intensely, I don’t think I could sit through this.
    She seems like a nice person too. I’d imagine all that moving around is tough with OCD.

  15. Spikey says:

    Finn! Finn! Finn! More pictures of Finn, please. I looove this dog!

    • Jacqueline says:

      Yeah, he’s super cute. That’s so great that they did that!

      • Spikey says:

        I am in awe of that dog. He is so photogenic! My pooches usually fart when I try to take a picture – and that’s exactly what they look like.

  16. LAK says:

    Kate Upton has the same body type as Giselle except that she’s several sizes bigger.

    She’s straight up and down with big boobs.

    In a world of size zero, it’s easy to say that she’s a breath of fresh air, but she’s not.

    She’s adheres to the preferred fashion body type.

    A person with curves is Dita Von Teese or Selma Hayek . Let’s stop saying Kate Upton has the same body type as Dita or Selma because it’s simply not true.

    • Isadora says:

      Yes, but Dita is enhanced. And I honestly think that Selma Hayek had a (well done) breast enhancement too because she looks very different on old pictures, although I think she never admitted it like Dita who speaks openly about it (which I admire). I think if we are looking for curvy rolemodels we shouldn’t take someone who had surgery to achieve this curvy look.

  17. Jane says:

    She´s so adorable.

  18. tealily says:

    a.) I love her. b.) She looks weirdly like a young Michelle Pfeiffer in that cover photo.

  19. bettyrose says:

    Doesn’t black coffee have negative calories? As in you burn more calories drinking it than you consume?

    • Isadora says:

      The whole negative calories concept is quite controversial. But I don’t think that coffee has a great impact if you drink it black – the sugar and milk are most likely the culprits. I guess not having coffee during a diet is more for overall health reasons than to lose weight as caffeine normally suppresses hunger.

    • themummy says:

      That’s like saying water has negative calories. It’s ridiculous.

  20. Naddie says:

    She’s not specially annoying, but I expected more from her interviews, maybe because I just love to see her in films and wish she was more inteligent than she seems to be. But I can relate totally when she says about fearing your brain and hiding from others. OCD is a hell of a disease, I’m just sorry that people only quote the obvious signs.