Cele|bitchy | Miley Cyrus: ‘I’m the poster child for good health’ & ‘like an athlete’

Miley Cyrus: ‘I’m the poster child for good health’ & ‘like an athlete’

Miley Cyrus

These are photos of Miley Cyrus onstage in London last night. Well … these are the few photos where Miley wasn’t flashing her butt. She’s back in action after her health-related issues last month. She had a severe allergic reaction to antibiotics and landed in the hospital for two weeks. She missed several US tour dates, which have been rescheduled for October. Miley tried to come back last week for her show in Amsterdam, but she had a setback. Now she’s fully back in action. Miley spoke at a press conference before last night’s show. She called herself “the poster child for good health.” You know people will have fun with these quotes:

Miley Cyrus is back with a bang.

The singer, 21, looked healthy and raring to go at a press conference at the O2 arena in London Tuesday as she prepared for the restart of her Bangerz tour.

Crediting vitamins, yoga and honey with getting well again, she says that she “kind of took the natural route” when conventional meds weren’t working.

“I’m the poster child for good health,” she says, adding she’d been “connected to an IV for the last two weeks. I’m going to go off!”

“You have no idea how ready I am. There is nothing I would rather not do than lay in a bed for two weeks. It was the most miserable two weeks of my life,” says Cyrus, dressed in red leather pants, a short denim jacket and black rockabilly shoes.

When discussing her illness, she referred to online rumors. “I didn’t have a drug overdose. I took some sh—y antibiotics that a doctor gave me for a sinus infection and I had a reaction.”

She then had a setback when she was packing for the tour and had to reschedule additional dates. But now she says she feels “better than ever.”

“I’m on this crazy vitamin rush and crazy honey and lavender,” she says. “I learned a lot about taking care of yourself.”

“I’m probably the only one on this tour who doesn’t drink or smoke before a show, as I take this really seriously,” the “Wrecking Ball” singer says. “It’s almost like being an athlete being up here, because if someone was f––ed up, they definitely couldn’t do my show.”

[From People]

I can buy that Miley’s feeling better, and perhaps some natural remedies helped her get there. Buuuuuut she’s not going to fool me by claiming to be the poster child of clean living — we’ve all seen that white-coated tongue. Miley did start last night’s show by encouraging her audience to smoke up, take pills, and make out with their same-sex friends: “Weed never killed anyone so stop smoking cigarettes and roll a fat blunt.” Reviews of the show were begrudgingly positive. Digital Spy calls Miley’s show “crude, bright, and brilliantly bonkers.”

It sounds sappy, but I do hope Miley learned a few lessons about her health with her recent scare. Live performers always like to compare themselves to athletes, which … fine. I won’t argue. If they’re going to pull the athlete card, they should take care of themselves like athletes.

Miley Cyrus

Photos courtesy of WENN

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32 Responses to “Miley Cyrus: ‘I’m the poster child for good health’ & ‘like an athlete’”

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  1. mkyarwood says:

    This made me blow the biggest raspberry ever at my screen. I’ll admit, her brand of shock rock nonsense is growing on me. She fills her niche well. But, in no reality is ‘skinny white chick with streptococcus tongue’ the poster child for health or athleticism. Girl’s got NO muscle tone.

    • Brittaki says:

      “Weed never killed anyone so stop smoking cigarettes and roll a fat blunt.”
      Ummmm…she has not only said in interviews that she’s a cigarette smoker, she’s been photographed smoking cigs. And a blunt wrap is literally a leaf of tobacco, so she can go ahead and shut the f*ck up and stop giving people unsound and hypocritical health advice. Idiot.

  2. Hiddles forever says:

    Poster child for…. For… For what, pardon me?

  3. Rose says:

    I follow her on Twitter she’s definitely not the poster child of good health she’s always complaining about getting sick, or getting a cold

    • eliza says:

      Constant drug use lowers your immune system significantly where you cannot even fight off a tiny cold or heal up small scratches.

      I don’t follow her but have seen people post Tweets of hers where, like you said, she is always with a throat bug, head cold or bad stomach.

  4. Dani2 says:

    Maybe she was trying to be funny?

  5. blue marie says:

    That ginormous Miley head will give me nightmares..

  6. eliza says:

    *rolls on floor laughing like Snoopy*

    Girl has one hell of a sense of humor. I will give her that much.

  7. BooBooLaRue says:

    Wow, call me crazy, but she just disgusts me.

  8. lower-case deb says:

    i believe Miley.
    you know when you do several laps, lifting several dozen barbels, and then go home to the yoghurt and organic dinner, and being generally healthy and exercisey, and then you wake up…

    i do that often and i honestly believe i’m the poster child of health. physically and mentally.

  9. Hannah says:

    Doesn’t she get tired of doing this trash every night? It must get boring.

  10. Mia4S says:

    She doth protest too much methinks. 😉

    Sounds more like a please keep buying tickets and please Mr. Insurer don’t raise my premiums!

  11. QQ says:

    Yeah That’s the ass of an athlete right there

  12. aquarius64 says:

    Miley’s been coming out with a lot of statements about her health because of speculations as to why she was in the hospital (OD, rehab). Chatter like that scares off concert promoters and insurers. She had to shut it down or no one would book another show of hers.

  13. S says:

    You know, when you’ve been sick for a really long time… Or hungover on a daily basis, or high or whatever, that becomes your standard for normal. She may actually think she’s healthy. Clearly to the outsider looking in, she’s not. She may have stamina for a show and 15 second #turndownforwhat Instagram videos, but that does not make her the picture of health OR an athlete.

    • Seapharris7 says:

      As an alcoholic, I agree completely. Any day I didn’t wake up puking blood or was able to hold down food was a *good* day

    • Lauraq says:

      I remember what healthy felt like when I was a smoker. And I remember a few weeks after I quit smoking thinking that something felt different, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what…then I realized it was ACTUAL HEALTHY!!

  14. Patricia says:

    I have to say… What she does is pretty athletic. I used to do some theater and dance on stage nightly. Between months of rehearsal and then weeks of performances I was in the absolute best shape of my life. And I probably spent half an hour to an hour actually dancing each night, it wasn’t at the level of a whole concert worth of dancing.
    It takes amazing stamina and musculature to dance.

  15. Tiffany :) says:

    While I think that honey and lavender are nice things…they arent the be-all and end-all of good health. How is honey and lavender “crazy” as she says? Her hyperbole about everything is so grating.

  16. lucy2 says:

    I can believe that performing like that can be athletic, but with her affection for party drugs and God knows what else, I don’t think she should really consider herself healthy.

  17. TheOneandOnlyOnly says:

    She is the poster girl for a manufactured contrived pop star that desperately doesn’t want to admit what everyone over 18 knows. THe more corporate you are, the more you act in ways to try and convince yourself – and your fans – otherwise. Notice, musicians in the 60s never went to these lengths to distance themselves from the “man.”

  18. * says:

    Is that a slide…with a tong…what?

  19. serena says:

    Good for her, not that I believe that she doesn’t do drugs and stuff.. now, if only she’d cover her ass we’ll all be happy.

  20. Lia says:

    I think that needs to include mental health, which then disqualifies her.

  21. Nikki L. says:

    Oh give me an effing break. Miley, you’re not fooling ANYONE.

  22. Davy says:

    I was ready to rag on her for this, but I think you need to consider the context. I think she was reassuring concert promoters, fans (and insurance) that she is in great condition to perform and will not disappoint (hence, the “poster child” reference). Also, when people are uneducated about their health (and let’s be fair, there is A LOT of false information out there especially generated towards women), they might very well believe that eating some vegetables and taking the odd yoga class and/or “natural” treatment gives them great health. It helps, but being in great health means consistency and being on the leading edge of health research and application.

  23. primixed says:

    If she did a show like Britney in the old days, I might believe her. Musculature.