Kim Kardashian wrote an essay about stopping the Beverly Hills Hotel boycott


Here are some photos of Kim, Khle and Kourtney Kardashian going to lunch yesterday in Beverly Hills. Hand to God, Kim’s body looks drastically different since the wedding. Maybe she’s already pregnant. Or maybe Khloe gave Kim the number of her ass doctor, because all of a sudden, Kim is looking especially hippy and assy. And while I like the idea of Kim in a clean white/cream look, this ensemble is an utter disaster from the back. Why, Kim? Why do you feel the need to expose your body in the most unflattering ways?

Anyway, Kim has written (“written”) an open letter/statement about the Sultan of Brunei and the Hollywood boycott of the Beverly Hills Hotel, which the Sultan owns. Kim called this piece “My Thoughts.” Here you go:

My best friend Allison and I wanted to take our babies out to lunch a few days ago after our baby class but there were so many paparazzi swarming us, it would have really scared them. We were planning on taking them to the Beverly Hills Hotel, which is where we always go because they respect not having any paparazzi drive onto their property, but I reminded Allison that my bridal shower was moved from that hotel due to the actions of the Sultan of Brunei… we 100% agree that the actions and law enforcements of the Sultan are completely against everything we believe in.

However, I started to realize that maybe boycotting the hotel isn’t the best solution either. For a sultan that has 20 billion dollars, this loss of business doesn’t even make a dent in his fortunes. But the hotel staff are being negatively affected every day with the boycott that has gone on for weeks now… We shouldn’t punish the amazing hard-working people who have been so good to us for years! When I was a little girl, I would ride my bike to the Beverly Hills Hotel on the weekends to eat downstairs in the coffee shop with my dad, and some of the same people still work there! It’s sad to see them suffering from this protest.

There must be other ways to express our views without punishing the workers, some who I know personally have families at home and depend on the city’s business and tips to survive. When I was pregnant, the hotel was my safe haven. There’s one waitress that works downstairs who was also pregnant at the same time as me and due just a few weeks apart. We would always share our pregnancy stories with each other. I know for a fact she has a new baby at home that she has to feed, so this boycott is affecting her tremendously.”

The hotel is a piece of LA’s history as well as many of our own personal memories… The unjust treatment and violation of rights of the LGBT community around the world is never justified and I will continue to proudly support the LGBT community in every way imaginable. I do believe though that instead of this boycott, there has to be another solution… Boycotting the hotel won’t affect the sultan, just our dear friends who work there. For every warm smile when they greet us and for all the dedication they put in to make our experiences more enjoyable, I hope we can return the same love and compassion to make sure they’re not forgotten during this protest.

[From Kim’s Celebuzz blog]

Eh, I don’t really have a problem with this. I even see her point. The Sultan of Brunei has billions of dollars, he’s sitting on lots of oil and he enjoys Western pleasures and close relationships with many Western leaders. He won’t be affected by Ellen DeGeneres and Kim Kardashian boycotting the Beverly Hills Hotel. I mean, what is the long-term strategy of the boycott? To get him to change his policies? That’s not going to happen with a boycott. All that will happen is that the Beverly Hills Hotel will either close down or it will be sold off to some conglomerate or Steve Wynn or Oprah or something. Damn, did I just agree with Kim? I guess so. Me and Kim and the realpolitik. And the ass of lies.

Oh, here’s a photo from North West’s b-day party. She has no idea what’s going on or why Mama Kat-face is making her wear fringe.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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178 Responses to “Kim Kardashian wrote an essay about stopping the Beverly Hills Hotel boycott”

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  1. PunkyMomma says:

    I can’t. I just can’t.

    • mimif says:

      I want you to go back and look at her bra. Do it for me and then report back immediately.

      • Jules says:

        OMFG, I just noticed that. WTFF?

      • Ag says:


      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I’m speechless.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        Mimif – you OWE me big time for that! My eyes, my eyes. Pass the brain bleach while your at it, too. 👀

      • The New Classic says:

        Her ass needs a bra..

      • Kiddo says:

        @PunkyMomma, Just think of a horrible earworm song to implant in mimif’s brain. She’ll thank you for it. She loves it. Maybe something by Train. lol.

      • feebee says:

        I’d rather look at her bra than the shadow of ass crack through the tight white fabric.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        @Kiddo – Yes! MIMIF! LISTEN UP: “Hey, soul sister, ain’t that Mr. Mister on the radio”. . .

      • QQ says:

        Ah Shit. Mimif I love you but Eff you for that

      • BooBooLaRue says:

        The horror! The horror!

      • littlestar says:

        It’s like she’s wearing a little bolero backwards or something? Makes absolutely no sense and is not flattering in the least.

        Edit: She wears shit like this not because she thinks it looks good, but because she knows people are going to be talking about her because of it. I think that’s it.

      • mimif says:

        @Kiddo, you’re dead to me. @PunkyMomma fair game but tell me…did the wind sweep you off your feet?
        Did you finally get the chance
        To dance along the light of day
        And head back toward the Milky Way?

        *pets QQ*

      • PunkyMomma says:

        @mimif – let’s get to it —
        “If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
        If you’re not into yoga, if you have half a brain . . .”

      • mimif says:

        Lol oh shit. Have you ever seen that video (his bulge!)? I’d tell you to go look at it and report back immediately, but I’m afraid I’ve already pulled that card.
        Also: where the ffff is blue marie? She beats me at this game every time.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        @ Mimif – Yeah, not going to the bulge – fool me once . . . oh, and, “Midnight at the Oasis, send your camel to bed . . .

      • kri says:

        First, I want to know if “she” wrote that letter in crayon or washable marker. I have a feeling she drew a picture of the hotel and put a frownie emoji over it. Second, I do not weight shame anyone, but I will slam them for for funneling so much silicone and filler into their body until they are no longer human. Third, how does one exclusively get Frederick’s of Hollywood to do bespoke, because I have no other explanation for what she is wearing. My eyes are asking very quietly to be flushed with cool water, and my brain is demanding a martini to forget this look.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        @Kri -for you -🍸🍸🍸

      • Deb says:

        Did she run out of clean shirts? It looks like she put a shrug on backwards.

      • Melanie says:


    • Sugar1 says:

      neither. can. I.

      • Sabrine says:

        When Kim went over to Europe for her wedding, she looked good, in shape and like she’d lost quite a bit of weight. She must have been doing a lot of eating over there because it looks like she’s packed on several pounds. She’s got a roll of fat on her back now too. it’s quite noticeable but not really surprising. All these lunches she goes out for probably aren’t always salad with grilled chicken.

        All the hate on her but she’s apparently a very nice person. Just sayin’…..

      • Chris says:

        @Sabrine… I used to think she was a nice person too but then I saw the show where she raged on Khloe for waking her up to say goodbye. Then I saw another clip recently where she went out with PMK and JC. She was hiding in the back from the paps and when PMK went to hand her something, she snapped and called her mom an effing idiot (or maybe it was retarded). So I don’t she’s very nice at all. Only to the people who are signing her cheques… maybe.

      • Lady Macbeth ex Hiddles F. says:


        She lookeed… good? She seemed a montgolfière in that wedding dress… :/

        I can’t comment on the rest, she is the epitome of stupidity, no matter who or what cause she supports. The end.

    • Kiddo says:


      I get knocked down
      But I get up again
      You’re never gonna keep me down
      I get knocked down
      But I get up again
      You’re never gonna keep me down

      TAKE THAT!

      The rest of the song reminds me of O’Kitt on Wednesday night.

    • diva says:

      Smh…..I don’t understand why anyone would do that to their body. She looks like a cartoon character now. She needs to leave the ass shots alone. I can’t even imagine how unfortunate her body will look as she gets older.

  2. Kiddo says:

    Is that her babies shirt she’s wearing, or did the seamstress forget buttons?

  3. AG-UK says:

    ugh her butt is MASSIVE but someone somewhere is telling her she is F I N E as she couldn’t possibly walk out of the house like that otherwise. I lived in NY and I never saw anyone / anywhere looking like that walking the street well maybe on the West Side highway.
    REMINDER: must not CLICK ON POSTS about the K’s… must not click on post.

    • Lady Macbeth ex Hiddles F. says:

      Same here, must NOT click on Kardisaster posts….. her butt is as massive as mine and I would never dream to walk around in anything she wears.. ugh!

  4. Mia V. says:

    Kim has a point, destroys it all showing her bra.

  5. ncboudicca says:

    I liked that sweater until I saw the back. Hey Kim, that’s YOUR BRA we all see.

  6. Eleonor says:

    She does have a point: the boycott affects the workers not the Sultan.
    And that moment when you realize you agree with Kim K. on something let’s put it like this “even a broken clock gives the right hour twice a day”.

    • Josephine says:

      Somehow I don’t think that little fluff piece had anything to do with her sympathy for the workers.

      • mia25 says:

        Nor did she come up with the opinion herself. Most likely just re-guritating someone else’s or several other people’s viewpoint that she heard, someone who has a better understanding of these matters. And the whole essay is most likely a subtle PR piece to off-set the backlash she gets about hardly ever being with her daughter – hence why she had to start off by letting the world know that she takes her baby to baby class.

      • HH says:

        Russell Crowe echoed the same sentiments. So I’m sure she’s just piggybacking off of him.

      • Yasemin says:

        Ha, her supposed penned essay sounds like it was taken directly from a tweet by Russell Crowe from the weekend of May 21st.

        “I don’t agree with the boycotting of Dorchester Collection hotels,” Crowe tweeted Sunday. “It only hurts the hardworking staff who I consider friends.”

        She’s so full of it. The boycotts actually started back in 2013. And a lot of “Real” celebrities have been speaking out for months now. What took her so long? Everytime this woman hires someone to make her sound intelligent it backfires, badly.

  7. Ellie66 says:

    Damn! I agree with her 😬 the employees are the one getting the shaft not the Sultan of whatever.

    • wolfpup says:

      Boycotts are effective, otherwise they wouldn’t be used by activists. What is the alternative? Do we just go about our business or do we show compassion for those under Sharia Law? Who is hurting the most, and how do we “raise consciousness” about this issue? The wealthy will go as far as they can if we just sit back. Why doesn’t Kim just slip all these workers that she cares about a wad? Who would even know about the issue, if there hadn’t been a boycott in the first place?

      Boycotting is a peaceful protest…you can’t just throw that out the door. Even if the Sultan is not affected financially, maybe he can be embarrassed. Who is going to help all those women and children?

      • mayamae says:

        I agree with you. Innocent people are always affected in boycotts. But what other way can we hold these people accountable? People in North Korea are starving to death while the U.S. continues our sanctions. What’s the alternative?

        People change when their bottom dollar is affected, they fear for their reputation, or they are required by law. The loss of money is minimal for this guy, but in this case, I think it’s his damaged reputation that may change his behavior.

        The documentary Blackfish initially minimally affected Sea World, but it has a snowball effect. In a very short time, big name singers have cancelled their performances at Sea World in protest for their abuse/neglect of Orcas. If we keep the pressure on and hold them accountable, something has to give. Unfortunately in this case, I predict Sea World will find another breed of animal to abuse and elevate as their mascot.

      • LaurieH says:

        That’s a nice idealistic thought, but really…it’s pointless. It’s just a way for activists to feel like their “doing something” without really doing anything. The Sultan oc Brunei will not be affected financially. And he most certainly will NOT be embarrassed. Are you kidding me? Do you actually know what would happen to the Sultan of Brunei if he suddenly abandoned Sharia Law? Yes, you do know. And who do you think he’d be replaced by? Someone better? He might sell the place, but I doubt it. He’ll keep it out of spite and a tax write-off. Who will suffer? The workers. The man KILLS homosexuals. Do you actually think he gives a crap about some American single woman waitress or some gay bartender that might lose his or her job? Ummm…. Probably not.

      • wolfpup says:

        Ahhh, but the real truth lies in our awareness. Some of our celebrities started a boycott, and if other celebrities were to follow suit, then not only are we discussing the problem, but we are pressing our leaders (who have close relationships with the Sultan), to consider this. But it is when people care that things change. When wheels start turning, all sorts of things can happen.

        I just say if you are going to be cynical, then don’t complain. If you have something to complain about, then do something, and bring a friend.

  8. The Original Mia says:

    Let me get this straight. She’s upset because she can’t go to the hotel that is a pap free zone when her bread and butter comes from being an unapologetic famewhore with her own camera crew following her non-stop. She just wants to go to the hotel without people judging her. Still laughing at the alien concept of lunch at home with her 1 yo. Who does that?

    • wolfpup says:

      All the other celebrities are going to look down on her. They are trying to use their platform of fame for doing good in the world. Kim needs to give her friends that she cares about, enough money to salve her own conscience. What a bitch to put down the efforts of so many! She must be on the side of the 1%.

      • Izzy says:

        1. wolfpup, I’m pretty sure nearly every other celebrity already does look down on her. Now they’ll just be thinking, “I had no idea she could spell!”

        2. She does have a point, but so do all the people staging the boycott. And I agree with them, and with you, wolfpup. Boycotts are effective – they are the consumer’s way of exercising free speech against a company – we get to speak to them. With our wallets.

        3. Does she own a freaking mirror? Or did she actually look into one that morning and think, “Damn, I look great! Time to show the world my best fashionista self!” Seriously, what the what is with that outfit?

    • Sparklemotion says:

      Her essay makes it perfectly clear that she had a personal problem and then went searching for a more palatable excuse as to why she no longer wanted to support the boycott. I guess there is some awareness there that she should think about the people who are most impacted by the boycott and couldn’t simply be like “this was getting really inconvenient for me…” I’d have less issue with this if she were serving as an actual mouthpiece for the employees — if she’d had her folks contact them for statements/quotes and then given publicity to them. Instead she’s just lazily guessing about their circumstances in order to make herself sound better.

      I am probably the only person on earth who doesn’t mind Kim that much, and I love Kanye’s music. Also, while this outfit is terrible…back off criticizing her body, people! Jesus.

  9. Renee says:

    Does anyone know what the ID is on Kourtney’s romper? I saw a picture of her wearing it in creme the other day and I loved it.

    • TG says:

      Okay so I checked and the pink romper is from Blaque Romper and the creme one you are referring to is from Alice & Olivia. Hope this helps. I love clothes and love to pass on the info if I know the answer.

  10. huh says:

    Who ever edited this essay should get a raise

    • Snowflake says:

      Don’t you mean wrote? Lol

      And this is what Kim actually said: like, what do you mean? And her pr team wrote the rest.

      Kourtney and Khloe look great

  11. Jules says:

    How revolting………..

  12. MediaMaven says:

    “Looks like two pigs fighting under a blanket” (Steel Magnolias)

    • Ag says:


    • Nicolette says:

      LOL! Best shade throwing script in a movie ever! So many fabulous lines, my daughter and I quote them quite often.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Ha ha! Clairee Belcher is that you?

    • Jaderu says:

      OMG I love you MediaMaven…lmaooooo Clairee Belcher rules!
      “We’ll sell tshirts that say “I slapped Oiser Beudreux”Hit her!!!”
      OMG I’m dying laughing now.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        “You are evil and must be destroyed, and get your roots done”

      • MediaMaven says:

        “well, you know what they say: if you don’t have anything nice to say (about the Kardasians), come sit by me!”

      • PunkyMomma says:

        “I’m not crazy, M’Lynn – I’ve just been in a bad mood for forty years!”

  13. Snowflake says:

    Does she not take her back view into consideration? !! Her effing bra is showing!! Not just the straps but the whole effing thing? And the skirt !! Wow!! It looks ok from the front, although too tight. But the back is just unbelievae! Seriously skanky. That’s why she has to date athletes and rappers. A rich business man would want nothing to do with that .

    She has a great hairstylist though. Like how they put warmer brown highlights w the black/dark brown. And they do a good job with the weave/extensions/whatever they add to her hair. I don’t know the correct terminology but I can see the parts that are shorter do she has some additions in there to make it that full.

    • MediaMaven says:

      I think the only mirror that she has in her house is a 3-way fun house mirror…….

    • KDOM says:

      your comment implies rappers and athletes are somehow lesser than businessmen. I’m not a fan of Kim, but implying that athletes and rappers (who are predominately black) are the only one who dates her is a derogatory comment.

  14. Skins says:

    Another picture of the kid not wanting to be anywhere near her

    • Macey says:

      thats the first thing I noticed too. Poor Nori has to use all her eye strength to look for her nanny.

    • MediaMaven says:

      seriously, that poor little girl always has that “Stranger Danger” look in her eyes when KK is holding her.

  15. lower-case deb says:

    everything looks one or two size smaller.
    how can anyone breathe like that?
    looks darned uncomfortable to me

    (apparently she can… but)

    • Becks says:

      Between the spanx and super tight clothes, I can’t see how this woman can breathe.She looks ridiculous, she is way too wide and big for that outfit. Ugh, you can actually see the cellulite on her enormous ass!

      • word says:

        You mean the cellulite that wasn’t there in her mexico bikini pics? Weird how her size, shape, and cellulite come and go huh? She is fooling no one. Also, no one should wear spanx that tight. They are digging into her leg…and no one should wear a bra so tight it gives you back fat. She must be so uncomfortable. All this for a lunch date? Come on.

  16. Josephine says:

    I read this as a PR piece to advertise that she does, indeed, see the child from time to time, and she needs everyone to know that. But oh how she suffers by having to have lunch at someone’s house, no doubt served by the staff, instead of by the staff she prefers at the hotel that blocks the paps she has called. How horribly she has been inconvenienced.

    And I think it’s a pretty standard rule that when your skirt shows both the shadow of the space between the cheeks of your bum and your cellulite, it’s too tight.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yes, to all. So inconvenient for poor Kim. As is she cares about the staff at the hotel. Please.

    • Chrissy says:

      Not to mention the bottom of the Spanx on her thighs!

  17. Allie says:

    While I would love to not worry about money, I don’t think I could handle being a millionaire and seeing less fortunate people. In “her” essay, she explains that people she has known since childhood are surviving only on tips while they have a family, all while she just spent $20 million plus on her THIRD wedding. I get she can’t pay off every poor family in the world, it just rubs me the wrong way. All I want is to have my loans paid off, not 10 cars and designer clothes. Too much greed, freaks me the f out

    • Happyhat says:

      I totally get you, and it’s something I think about from time to time. Whilst, if I were a millionaire I think I’d like to give lots to charities…but, which ones? All of them? Why some not others?! And, really, I think that part of me would just cut off from the reality of the situation. I’d just not think about it – and whilst I don’t think I have expensive tastes, I know that it’s one of those ‘covert what you see every day’ kinda things. Like, yeah, I say that I’m happy to be debt free and owning my own house, but then why do I need all those millions in the bank still? I could give all that away! But I won’t… Instead, I’ll give a little bit of it to charity to make myself feel better, then go to a charity auction too.

      • wolfpup says:

        Or, the money could be used to “raise consciousness” because the will of the people matters. How do you think that the US got out of Vietnam? There were lots of protests and music and gatherings. I was in high school during that era, and at Venice High School (CA), groups of us would be engaging in topics of conversation far deeper than teenage dribble. We talked politics, philosophy, and on issues such as abortion and women’s rights, and civil rights. It was the day of Height-Ashbury and Woodstock. How else does change occur? Gays did not get society to change by just sitting there – there has been tremendous activism on their part – same with civil rights, same with women’s rights. The wealthy sure as hell are based primarily on self-interest, and we have to make it their self-interest, to change. Just bread and circuses (if that), is all we will get if we just use cynicism as an excuse for doing nothing.

        Hell, I remember being in junior high and all the young students actually staged a protest, and walked out of class to protest something we all felt deeply about. I remember how scared we were, we were just youngsters after all, but we did it because we saw it as being effective as it was for the adults. The administration, in order to get us some back into the classroom, took remedial measures. I come from a long line of social protest, and have seen it do a host of miracles. The last parade I marched in was for gay rights, and I am straight, with a ton of conviction about human rights.

      • Happyhat says:

        Well, I agree with you. It’s just that I have a terrible fear if I were a millionaire I’d turn into a selfish a******. I’d like to think I wouldn’t, but I also suspect that money can be a poison and the more you have the more it poisons you to be apathetic. I’d hope to be a philanthroper, raising awareness and such…but, what if I turn out to be just like the rest of them?

      • wolfpup says:

        Maybe you would, or maybe you wouldn’t…but there are many millionaires that are social activists. Don’t draw such distinctions between people, because everyone is needed in the struggle for human rights.

        I believe that there are few of you who remember when gays had to be closeted. They needed to be, to escape harassment and punishment. You didn’t know who was gay back in the day, because no one wanted to know and people were afraid. Princess Diana made a real difference too.

        Remember America *would not exist*, had the people not protested – remember the Boston Tea Party?

        Be fearless!

    • Ag says:

      i know, i was thinking that too. if she’s known these people since childhood (or, for years), why doesn’t she help them out? she has enough money to. what would it be to her? one less vacation? sigh.

      • Happyhat says:

        Probably cos she’s been rich since she’s been born, and thus doesn’t really think about it like that! Oh, rich people problems!!

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I found it funny that she knew a waitress there that was pregnant at the same time…meanwhile the hotel was where Pregnant Kim hid away, the hotel was where Pregnant Waitress had to WORK during her pregnancy.

      If she feels bad for the people that helped her, why not give them a gift?

  18. Snowflake says:

    When Kim asks does this make my ass look big , she wants to hear yes , not no!

  19. Ag says:

    “wanted to take our babies out to lunch a few days ago after our baby class ” – hahaha, please.

    while i agree with the point that it hurts the workers, which really sucks and is unjust, as all they’re trying to do is support themselves and their families, i am suspicious of the motives behind her “writing” this. anything for a quick shot of attention and publicity. i also realize that it won’t change that country’s treatment of the LGBT community, but at least it’s highlighting it and bringing negative attention to it? it’s sometimes so frustrating how many angles there are to everything. sigh.

    • wolfpup says:

      That’s why a person must educated themselves, by looking at both sides of the issue, and THEN forming an opinion; consciousness can be raised by discussions with friends and family; and finally, there is showing up for rallies and group work, and by practicing these deliberately formed ideals, in daily life.

  20. Dragonlady sakura says:

    WTF is up with that outfit?! Did Kim get the back of her top caught in a door? And the industrial strength Playtex bra is too much. Get your crap together, girl!

  21. Sarah says:

    she is right that it will hurt the employees. thats unfortunate, but it is the only way to make clear such mindsets wont be accepted. as soon as more people start loosing money they will change their minds.
    yes, this boycott will only leave a little dent in his pocket, but the PR damage is huge. other companies will think twice about working with that guy. not because they are so moral, but because they dont want to lose money.

    i understand that it is bad for the employees, but how else could you break the power of such people?
    you could also say that boycotting Gary Oldman movies now obviously damages all the people involved who have nothing to do with that he said.

    in the end every little choice you make will help someone and hurt someone else. if you buy at amazon you damage the little bookstore, if more and more people go back to buy at bookstores you hurt the people working at amazon.

    i can hear the anti-capitalist cries now, but a freemarket is so much better in those things. if it was from the state we would have no option at all and could just proceed to give our money to hateful people. at least we have a choice to try to bankcrupt them and change other companies minds.

    • Sparklemotion says:

      And if workers start leaving because their tips are suffering or they are laid off, that further hurts the hotel owners. BHH-caliber service employees actually do have skills that would make them a little more difficult to replace. (Although I don’t think that means it would necessarily be easy for them to find a new job).

  22. octops says:

    Ew in that second photo you can totally see her rolls poppint out of that skirt. Wear clothes your size, is it that hard!?!

    • Happyhat says:

      ha! Sorry, I love how the comment before this is a note on free market capitalism and then your comment is about Kim’s flab rolls! Gotta love this site!!

    • TG says:

      You can see her rolls popping out of the shirt in the side. It is so gross it looks like two sausage casings. I am guessing these pics were published without her photoshop approval. And as if Kimmy and her friend wanted to have lunch with their one year-olds. More like they wanted to have lunch and the babies would be left snoozing in the strollers with a blanket overtop so as not to remind Kimmy that she was there.

  23. LeahMommy says:

    How can a woman who forgets about a child to get dolled up 2-3 times a day to go on pap walks complain about the paparazzi? B*tch please.
    That said, I get her point and I agree with it. The sultan is not suffering but the workers are.

  24. Jess says:

    Wow, she has a point, can’t believe I’m saying that. Also can’t believe she actually spoke to a waitress and seems to be genuinely concerned for her little one.

    That outfit is cute from the front, back not so much.

    • wolfpup says:

      I think that all she cared about was the photo-op, and some food with her girlfriends…seriously. What a bimbo!

      • Jess says:

        You’re absolutely right! She really comes off as extremely self centered and spoiled, I can’t think of any instance where she did something that wasn’t benefitting her.

  25. swack says:

    First, the outfit – too tight – again. That top is meant to be worn by a smaller breasted woman. If Kim had not worn a bra she may have had boob spillage everywhere. Second, while boycotting the hotel is not going to hurt the sultan, if you take a stance you should stick with it. And instead of talking about how there must be something that can be done, go out and do it. I don’t believe she wrote this piece herself.

    • Chrissy says:

      I can’t believe that she wrote this either. This is someone who can’t
      string three words together unless it’s ‘Uh huh, Baby”! And I don’t
      believe she’s ever gone to “baby class”. This is a woman who still
      doesn’t look comfortable holding her one year old never mind feeding
      her. She probably hasn’t even changed a diaper.

  26. msmercury says:

    Can’t edit my post but if you go to the source + first paragraph. Kim just comes across like she’s just upset about not being able to go to her favorite place.

    • msmercury says:

      “My best friend Allison and I wanted to take our babies out to lunch a few days ago after our baby class but there were so many paparazzi swarming us, it would have really scared them. Instead we had to feed them at her place and put them down for a nap. We were planning on taking them to the Beverly Hills Hotel, which is where we always go because they respect not having any paparazzi drive onto their property”

      Like I get boycotts are bad because they do hurt the little people but let’s be real, this hurts Kim more because she has to stay home.

    • Ming says:

      This! It seems like she’s more upset about not being able to go to her favorite spot.
      Also, I think she wrote this essay just so she could say she went to baby class…or was even with her baby. Especially after those pics of north flying solo.
      Damage control mixed with selfish intentions.

  27. Alexandra says:

    Please, she just misses going to one of her favorite places without the backlash.

  28. feebee says:

    You/she lost me at “My Thoughts”.

    • Happyhat says:

      She had me at “baby class”.

      I wanna know what this is. “Today in baby class: don’t put your baby in an oversized handbag. Tiny dogs and babies are different!”

      • word says:

        Yeah she has an assistant, a nanny, and a baby nurse. Why would she need to go to a “baby class”? Who believes this?

  29. joanne says:

    i want to know how she put that skirt on. i don’t see a zipper anywhere or any seams. it it’s a pull on, how did she get it over her hips? this is fascinating to me.

  30. Dawn says:

    What a joke! I don’t believe for a second that she wrote this. She may have asked someone to write it but she certainly did not. She can’t speak a sentence without a “like” in it or an “um”. Nope not buying it. And really how many “best” friends does this woman have? Never heard of an Allison until this article. Like always with her it’s all smoke and mirrors and downright lies. Oh and the other KimYe news it appears that KanYe is speaking to young designers as a part of Community Service sentence. Geez all this guy does is find all designs, copies them and then calls them his or a “sampling”. How does this type of stuff help this ego maniac? It won’t. But then this Hollywood justice I guess.

    • dorothy says:

      Agree, she’s not intelligent enough to put together a statement such as that one. Hurt’s her brain to think.

  31. eliza says:

    Another fondant cake nightmare. Happy Bday North, your cake tastes like crap. Enjoy!

    The ONLY reason she wrote (hahahahaha) this was to justify her going to the hotel. This idiot has no awareness of anything unless her mom spoon feeds it to her.

    Next her essay on how Terry Richardson is an artist and American Apparel is made in the U.S.A .

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      ‘Ray-J told me naked on film means class and success. And like it has the word ‘American’ in the name. Like how can you get that confused with it not being American? *looks off camera* what’s that thing the internet does? oh, right. *looks back at the camera* like go, Murika!’

  32. Hey says:

    So, Kim is just mad over how this is affecting her. Cool.

  33. dagdag says:

    Adultery is to be punished with death by stoning, so had Kim lived in Brunei she would not have to worry about the staff of the hotel.

  34. GirlyGor; says:

    I’ve read a lot of things on this website, but the words “Kim Kardashian wrote an essay…” are just too unbelievable.

  35. LAK says:

    i”m sorry, but i disagree with the sentiment in this essay. yes, i’m hardcore about this, but i have lots of gay friends and i have lived in Muslim countries that have sharia law . it’s not pretty. As a woman i felt harrassed, belittled and didn’t exist as a sentient being. i had to be so careful in how i behaved, not least because any small thing would and could set off the religious police.

    Every single movement or call for action has taken one small change. From Gandhi to Rosa Parks. Their one action might have been laughably small in the face of the giant they faced, but it worked.

    I’m sorry that workers are affected, but this is a bigger issue and bigger than Kim K and her need to go out socialising.

    I will never darken the doors of any Brunei owned property and i actively look for any product that they touch and boycott that too. My few pennies might not make a difference to a billionaries, but if enough of us boycott, it will have a domino effect.

    Utopian and naive? tell that to Rosa Parks or all the men and women whose one small action changed the world for the better.

    • The Original Mia says:

      Well said, LAK!

    • DameEdna says:

      Serious question. Why is the Sultan of Brunei more worthy of a celebrity-driven boycott than the rulers of….oh, let’s say……Saudi Arabia? As a woman, you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of the Muttawa in that country. Gender apartheid exists in many countries so why, especially, Brunei?

      Will Hollywood ever boycott Bollywood? Despite Ghandian principles, some pretty unsavoury stuff goes on in India…..who’s protesting about that? I hate to sound flippant but if someone like Kim Kardashian (who gives the impression of being slower than a poorly snail) is inserting herself into this conversation…….well, sorry but what will be the flavour next week.

      • wolfpup says:

        You have to start somewhere, my friend. Whenever it is possible to turn up the heat, whenever there is a rally about something you care about; you show up. And you vote for people who care about the things that you do. That is how social change happens. Young people seem to just take women’s rights, and civil rights as a given, when they had to be struggled for, for decades. In my decades I watched everything change. I remember watching the state police, fire hose black protesters in the deep south. All I did was care enough to be involved with everyone else who cared. I really hope the baton of human rights and the conviction for that, will be picked up by the “millennials”. Work for big dreams and they will happen.

      • LAK says:

        The Sultan is easy to protest because we can pinpoint assets that he has.

        However, small and consistent protests eventually wear out the bear. And we should protest all of them.

      • dagdag says:

        A very interesting subject.

        Beverly Hills is easy, look at Saudi, they invested millions in Twitter; Netscape, to AOL, than Time Warner.

        Abu Dhabi in Citygroup.

        And yes, people can make a difference.

    • Amy Tennant says:

      Also, for me at least, it would be an integrity issue. Not that I’m even in the demographic the hotel serves anyhow, but I vote with my dollars, few though they be.

      • LAK says:

        Amy Tennant: You’d be surprised at the small ticket items that add up to the big bucks these people receive.

        The hotels are a very visible asset and probably too expensive for most people to spend money in so celebrities boycotting is about right since they spend the most there.

      • wolfpup says:

        It is an action that people notice and they become curious; because other people care deeply about something, and they want to know if they need to care too. We called it “consciousness raising” back in the day. These actions are deeply political. This is how societies change.

  36. vv says:

    She has a point but…change doesn’t happen over night or with the speed and size of an avalanche either, it can be slow and entail babysteps.

    I like to imagine this boycott will at least focus more attention on what a sh*theel the sultan is and garner further change or outrage.

    Until the boycott I honestly didn’t really know that much about what he was doing in his own country although I had heard of him (mostly because of the MJ connection). Also, I don’t know how I would feel as an employee at that hotel knowing what I do of the owner. I might just feel compelled to leave my position but that’s just me.

    • TG says:

      I agree @VV and it seems to me we all could be more effective if we the people demanded out president and our government do something. That something is invest in forms of energy that is not oil. Those douchbags who believe in treating women and LGBT folks bad do so because they have the money and the power but if no one buys oil from them or trades with them then they will be powerless but our government, the US, is not interested in that because oil companies run both democratic and republican parties. I mean President Obama is on record calling the Sultan his friend. President Bush let all those Saudi’s escape the US right after 9\11. But if we all actually pushed hard enough we might be successful.

    • DameEdna says:

      Well, I wouldn’t presume to discuss employment opportunities in the US, especially at the lower end of the scale……but, where I am, if you have a reliable job, you tend to hang on to it. Especially the hidden staff who need to work more than one menial, minimum wage job just to survive.

      Was there much boycotting of Harrods when Mohammed Fayed was busily corrupting members of Her Majesty’s government? Certainly not by that same Majesty’s former daughter-in-law who happily availed herself of his largesse, both for her and her sons. Boycotting of the Paris Ritz when it was owned by that vulgarian?

      And yes, @wolfpup, big dreams can come true but, invariably, larger nightmares will come along….usually propped up by Western governments who depend on oil, other raw materials or simply the sweatshop labour that citizens, ruled by despots, can provide. The Beverley Hills hotel is a soft target….there’s plenty of alternatives, you’re not really disadvantaged by this action, your social conscience receives a bit of buff and polish and your PR crew salivate at the publicity received when you eat your outrageously expensive salad elsewhere.

      • wolfpup says:

        Change is always fraught with struggle. It has never been easy. How many blacks died in the struggle for human rights; how many gays tormented? When things get bad enough for you, perhaps you become more willing to die for what you believe. However, ask yourself, if not you, who?: if not now, when?

  37. lisa says:

    lol i knew it was fiction at “i rode my bike”

  38. LeahMommy says:

    How many best friends does Kim have? Jonathan Cheban, Allison(?), Lala, Britany Gastineau, Rachel Roy, Ciara, Lara Pippen, Blac China etc etc… And yes I hate myself for knowing all her supposed BFFs.

    • word says:

      It depends on who is getting more of the limelight that particular week. Remember when Eva Longoria and Kelly Rowland were her besties? Kim seems like a fair-weather friend.

  39. Palermo says:

    Kim never wrote that, it’s too coherent. Her only issue every day is whether her maid got all the streaks off the mirror so she can stare at herself 24/7.

    • Tracy says:

      She needs to have her writer scatter a couple dozen “likes” throughout the piece if she expects to pass this off as her own work.

    • Word Girl says:

      I believe that both Kim K. and Paris H. are intelligent individuals that get paid to act “ditsy,” so they do. These girls had private educations that I can only dream of, they just choose to brand themselves as low life idiots.

      • swack says:

        Just because they have a private education doesn’t mean their intelligent. And what intelligent woman would want to act “ditsy”, it just puts them up for ridicule.

      • lirko says:

        Though, education and intelligence aren’t mutually exclusive…

      • jwoolman says:

        They may have gone to private high schools but that doesn’t guarantee an education. Kim cheated when she could and hasn’t shown any sign of an education that stuck. Paris was well into drugs and booze by high school- I think she actually has trouble reading. I went to school with some rich kids. They can coast and graduate with very little education even though it was offered. Often their parents are less than observant, being busy with their rich people lives. There’s a lot of neglect in many rich families. Lots of money but not much else. The troublemakers were always rich at my schools., trying to get some attention. The non-rich kids had to work because they weren’t going to come into money at 18.

  40. Jackson says:

    Aside from the obvious ridiculousness of her outfit, can I also add that I cannot stand when bright, optic white is paired with slightly off-white. Does. Not. Work. About the only time you can pair those two colors is in a men’s linen suit: sharp white shirt with a creamy natural linen tone.
    No problems with her sentiments, although not sure anyone cares to hear her opinions.

  41. Tracy says:

    Kim, you know very well that you would disappear into oblivion if it were not for the papz.

    • word says:

      Yeah, how would the Bev Hills Hotel be a “safe haven” for her when she is the one who calls the paps and tells them she’s leaving the house now and to be outside to take pics? Why can’t her home (mother’s home) be a safe haven? Her mom lives in a gated community, no paps allowed in. During Kim’s pregnancy she was living at her mom’s house but did you notice she would be pap’d leaving her Bev Hills home (which is not in a gated community)? It was so damn fake and staged. Who is she fooling? Also, who believes she really wrote that essay? We have all heard her speak, we know her level of intellect.

      I also can’t believe some judge allowed Kanye to teach at a fashion school as a way to make up his community service hours. Why punish the students ???

  42. Akua says:

    I was just waiting for this post to come on here..when I saw the pic I was like WTF?? who does this??? Kim,some clothes are not meant for you ..why is her bra showing??it’s ridiculous..she makes it look as if she was held at gunpoint to put on that thing…. is it by force?? kmt

  43. Faye says:

    That back – what the heck is that?

    I have a theory that she really hasn’t changed drastically since the wedding – all the pics around that time were just altered. Heck, we already know from the horse’s (ass) mouth that four hours were spent Photoshopping the wedding pics alone.

    Also, can we have a post on Kanye speaking to schoolchildren? Pretty please? I want to hear what went on there.

  44. Word Girl says:

    I wonder if Kim has stock investments in this hotel? If she is worried about the staff’s wellbeing due to the hotel not making money, then why don’t her and Kanye make a financial contribution to the hotel employees? I get the genuine concern for the employees, but I’m sorry, the best way to let an owner know that you disagree with his despicable behavior is to hit him where it hurts-his pockets. Sorry Kim, boycotting the hotel is the best solution.

  45. idk says:

    Nori finally got to see color…her bday cake has every color on it. Surprised it wasn’t beige.

  46. yolo112 says:

    O.o …anything relevant she said went right out the window after seeing that back. Gawd. Dayyyuuuummm. HOW…how can she possibly think that that looks good!? I literally laughed out loud the entire time I read the article and half way thru the comments. Just. Wow. Kim has a head of delusions, Khole has the ass of lies and Kourt has a case of RBF. …lmao…good lawd….

  47. truthful says:

    OMG, I’ve hit rock bottom because I just noticed that one of her huge ass cheeks is hanging lower than the other–then I ran to the bathroom to make sure my bum wasn’t too, LOL.

    no chance of that-I was just staring at it–just hanging so dang low, OMG
    the left is bigger than the right cheek. what a mess!

    oh, I do not agree with her borrowed opinion, the Sultan will not close that hotel, he uses it for himself and all of his family more often than not.
    K does not give a damn about the families of the workers or whatever.

    • wolfpup says:

      Ladies, your bodies are just fine, and Kim K is only a twerp. She is just a silly, uninformed woman, with opinions that are meaningless. I don’t care about her silly-ass butt. Mark my words, it will be out of fashion in 10 years, and then all the women with small butts will be in again…same as all that breast stuff. Save your breath, and be happy dancing in meadows, and climbing mountains, and swimming in lakes with the body that gives you the most!

  48. AskDesCamp says:

    “Kim Kardashian wrote an essay.”


    Back to work.

  49. shelley says:

    Y’all left out the part at the end of her “essay” where she lumps herself in with Rose McGowan and Russell Crowe. AS IF. No one cares what she thinks or cares about her “brain”, not even her husband. I doubt Rose and Russell give two sh-ts about her “support”.

    And this white ensemble is atrocious. It easily ranks within her top ten worst looks ever, and that is no small feat. And the bra showing is hilarious. It’s a super industrial strength bra, not some pretty delicate one that could be exposed on a skinnier person and look ok. She looks ridiculous. And that skirt is too too too too tight.

  50. What you guys? What’s wrong with that outfit? That’s her essay-writing outfit! You should have seen what I wore when I did my master’s thesis….EVERYONE knows that you do your best work with your undies hanging out of a too-thin spandex ensemble. Sheesh. So critical.

    Anyone know where I can get that top she’s wearing? I have a few freelance articles I need to finish.

  51. Oh, and I forgot to add, this will be Her People taking a page out of the Angelina playbook and trying to make her into more of a humanitarian by doing something for the greater social good. Just you wait and see.

  52. Dommy Dearest says:

    Sorry, I refuse to believe Kim is able to form a paragraph let alone an essay. I rather see her moving her lips like a fish while someone sits next to her and types it up.

  53. Bliss says:

    Her fake disproportionate booty has destroyed the curvaceous harmony of her frame.

    And what about that bra hanging out on her back for all the world to see ? She really has no fashion style whatsoever !

    As for her essay, i have one word for it : YAWN !

  54. bob says:

    Ignori look bewildered because she don’t know who holding her. She like this ain’t my mom…the nanny my mom. Why can’t I go back with my mom?

  55. jwoolman says:

    Besides the difficulty believing Kim takes Nori to “baby class”, considering how unacquainted the tiny tot seems to be with Kim — would anybody who had nannies take a just turned one year old to lunch at a hotel?!? Really? Maybe this means Kim spends so little time with the baby that she isn’t aware of the baby’s developmental stage.

  56. Jae says:

    …And this is precisely why the libertarian idea of people being able to influence the makers of ethically questionable decisions by making consumer choices is utter bullshit.

    Because, hey, it’s not like we can actually make a difference! This guy will stay rich and powerful no matter what we do! And, oh, oh, those poor workers! So, you know, it’s totally fine if we just continue doing what we were doing before. It is totally not about us justifying choosing our habitual comfort over ethical position we supposedly hold, we swear!

    It’s not like a single person boycotting Coca-Cola or Apple will make them change their horrific business practices. We can’t do anything so let’s not even try. It’s not that the drink is sweet the smartphone is cool and the hotel is sooooo swelll. It’s just us picking our battles.

    We are totally for working towards making the world a bettef place, as long as we are sure we definitely are going to sucseed.

    We are neither bad people nor hypocrites. We’re just insignificant. 99% and happy to remain so.

    • Jae says:

      Also, you know what this “think of the workers” is?
      Big Money version of taking hostages.

      Yes, you may dislike us, but look at all these nice people! I would be a shame if any thing happened to them!

      Lehman Brothers probably had a lot of really nice employees. Ans so does SodaStream in their how-can-ScarJo-endorse-them factories.

    • wolfpup says:

      Actually consumer boycotts would deeply concern Coca-cola and Apple. Their advertising dollars, would be wasted. They want to look good, really good, so we will buy their products instead of the competition.

  57. sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

    Like Kaiser, I’m in shock too… I actually agree with KK… Kaiser, it’s two of us agreeing…

    *This is weird… *

  58. Sherlockapple says:

    I’m sorry. I started laughing at “Kim Kardashian wrote an essay” and haven’t been able to read further.

    PS-Kim was once a beautiful girl. She has aged herself immensely, and doesn’t have that gorgeous, exotic look anymore. She’s cut, nipped, tucked, and filled it away. Sad.

  59. Jane says:

    She belongs in The People of Walmart photos.

  60. annieanne says:

    “All that will happen is that the Beverly Hills Hotel will either close down or it will be sold off to some conglomerate or Steve Wynn or Oprah or something.”

    The BHH won’t be closing down anytime soon. And the whole purpose of the boycott is to force Brunei to sell the place. Duh.

    • wolfpup says:

      Just as so many of you have mentioned, the Sultan will not close his hotel. But look at how a few people (some celebrties) made so many people even aware of it, aware of what Sharia law is!

      Occupy forced people to become aware that something bad was going down, and people needed to pay attention. Consciousness raising… When the movement first began I remember Pres. Obama being sympathetic to it. He has stated that income equality is the next big issue for Americans.

      And for the people who just want to nap…you need to travel and find out just how lucky Americans are. Most of the world lives on $2 a day. To them we are the rich, who only care for themselves… And while we sleep, the corporations steal right and left.

      • DameEdna says:

        That’s an indictment in itself that so many were unaware of Sharia law (and its stablemate, Wahhabism).

        If eyes truly are being opened, let’s hope the previously ill-informed take a long, cool look at Saudi Arabia, that well-respected business partner and political ally of the West. Or is that country’s brand of fundamentalism less of a worry because they may be despots but, hell, they’re our despots.

        Nineteen Saudis took part in September 11th, not one Iraqi……imagine that.

  61. Smurfette says:

    She has an ass on her like a forty-dollar mule.

  62. EscapedConvent says:

    Here’s a sentence everyone can relate to: “When I was a little girl, I would ride my bike down to the Beverly Hills Hotel….”

  63. Evi says:

    I think if she wants to be taken seriously, she needs to grow up and stop dressing like a cheap porno star.