Cele|bitchy | Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux at ‘The Leftovers’ NYC premiere: cute & matchy?

Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux at ‘The Leftovers’ NYC premiere: cute & matchy?


Here are some photos from last night’s NYC premiere of The Leftovers, which just shows you that Jennifer Aniston can really fly under the radar when she wants, because I literally had no idea that she had flown to NYC. We usually get pap photos of stars at LAX, so that is how “under the radar” she is these days – she didn’t even get pap’d at LAX. This was Jennifer’s first red carpet in months, and it was her first red carpet with Justin Theroux in… like, more than a year, I think. He came to Toronto for TIFF with her last September but they didn’t walk the red carpet together.

Jennifer wore this little black ensemble (I don’t have the ID), Justin wore Dior Homme. I like Jennifer’s look, although that skirt seems weirdly tailored. But it’s a little black dress and she loves those, and I like she went with something sleeved. It does look like she’s wearing a giant scrunchie as a belt though. As for Justin, I always hate that no-tie, buttoned-up look on men. It’s too fashion-y. Plus, I’m pretty sure Justin is wearing guyliner and probably some mascara too. Jennifer groomed the sh-t out of him. She likes her men super-pretty.

Us Weekly got an “onlooker” (totally NOT Aniston’s publicist!!) to say: “Jen and Justin were really sweet together. They were both absolutely beaming. Inside the event, Jen was being really sociable and looked extremely happy. They looked totally in love and seemed very relaxed.”

Also: Justin’s costar Liv Tyler is in Stella McCartney. There have been some tabloid rumors about Liv and Justin. I don’t know if I believe the rumors, but we’ll see. Their body language doesn’t seem like “we’re secretly boning,” but you never know.




Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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142 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux at ‘The Leftovers’ NYC premiere: cute & matchy?”

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  1. GiGi says:

    I really don’t love this guy overly groomed. I mean, we’ve all seen his street style – he ends up looking like a kid in a too tight suit for his confirmation or something. This is not his comfort zone. Jen should just let him be – look at Zoe Saldana’s husband – he goes to premiers and is the Scruff Master.

    Maybe Justin likes it, but I’m not down with the, “I love you, now change” thing.

    • Luca26 says:


    • Kiddo says:

      I think he puts enormous time into plotting out his ‘street act’, just like he does with dress-up. I doubt Jen’s driving it.

    • Sullivan says:

      I agree. He looks much better when he’s out and about in NYC. He always manages to look a little insane when he’s dressed up and with Aniston for an event. Overly groomed. Twitchy. At least he didn’t go overboard with the bronzer as he has in the past.

      • Ag says:

        good way to describe his look at events – “a little insane.” that’s so what is it. way too manic.

    • FLORC says:

      Justin doesn’t carry this look anywhere else. He goes back to his original style. I think if he really enjoyed it and wasn’t simply doing it fo his fiance/purse strings he would adopt a little bit of it to his casual style.

      It’s rare, but there are relationships where 1 will change for the other and they work long term. That’s usually for the better changes and not as superficial.
      Aniston strikes me as the many people I know that do this to their current so. Eventually the person wants to revert back to who they were before being this persons accessory.

      But if these 2 are truly happy what I say doesn’t matter and they will be another exception to this rule.
      Also, wasn’t this wedding suppose to happen already?

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Wedding was supposed to happen last spring…..remember the two PEOPLE covers? That’s why I think there is something fishy about their relationship. Because they hijacked the 2013 Oscar PEOPLE cover for their wedding plans, then had another cover that summer to say that they were busy with other crap to get married–and then Justin went off to film the Leftovers on and off for over a year, Jennifer filmed a few movies, and overall they kind of just met up with each other once every few months, for a week or so.

        I just find their relationship weird because there doesn’t seem to be any passion. Like I don’t get how you can be engaged to someone, be worth millions, but won’t take the time to fly a few hours to see them, on your downtime (Jennifer)…….like when PSH died. Jennifer really wasn’t doing anything that couldn’t be canceled (I think she interviewed Gloria Steinhem around that time), and Justin was a family friend of PSH’s (he visited his partner and their kids). But she didn’t go. Maybe they’re happy with rarely seeing each other, but I just find it odd.

        I actually do like Justin’s suit. They both look really good. Jennifer’s hair looks really healthy, she looks like she laid off the self bronzer, and whatever she’s been doing to her face, she stopped—saw this a few weeks ago, and she looked really puffy, like she had fillers or something.

        And eh–I think there’s a huge difference between changing the way a person dresses and sprucing up their look. Justin’s the type of guy who used to wear two different colored shoes on red carpets. I think he looks good here.

      • Jojoann says:


        I dont disagree with some of your post but I think you are over exaggerating Justins relationship with PSH, they were friends not BFFs. And be honest the Gloria Steinem thing was pretty big coup for Jen, certainly not something she would ever have been offered again, How can anyone have a problem with that?

      • Belle Epoch says:

        These pics seem very impersonal. JA is doing an excellent job of posing and looking prettily at the cameras. He is flashing his veneers the way he was told to, and is showing the correct amount of stubble. But I get the feeling she could pose like this next to ANYTHING. Picture a giant bottle of Aveeno – same smiles for the cameras. I would not be surprised if this was just a little bump in publicity for her, and a way for him to add star power to his premier – but that privately they have broken up. There is zero chemistry, at least in these shots.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        All I’m saying is that Justin was friends enough with PSH to go to his funeral, and to visit his family (Mimi & kids). They both lived in NY, so it’s not a stretch to say that they saw each other a lot. I never said that they were BFFs or like brothers–but I do think that they were more than just ‘hollywood friends’.

        My whole point with Jennifer was that she didn’t go. She didn’t skip the intervew, nor did she immediately fly out to be with Justin. I remember this because he didn’t come back to LA until right before the Oscars in late February.

        All I meant by the whole thing is that they don’t seem to want to put any effort into being with each other. It’s like they’re casual friends–if they happen to be in the same town at the same place then they do stuff together. I mean, I have a ninety year old neighbor who drives forty minutes, twice a day, to a nursing home to go and see his wife for a few hours at a time–and lately she’s been sleeping through his visits. To me, that’s real love.

      • eva says:

        @Bella Epoch

        Yes, she poses the same way with her friends, and seems to have more chemistry with them, here she has zero with Justin.

      • Jojoann says:

        I agree whatever they have going seems abit too casual for an engaged couple, I just thought your PSH illustration was very weak. If you accept that Justin and PSH were just friends not eternal BFFs then I dont see why it would be paramount for his fiance to come help him through the funeral. The guy is in his 40s, he must have had his share of bereavement by this point in his life. Atleast enough to not need hand holding over the death of someone who wasnt a very intimate part of his life.

      • Liberty says:

        Virgilia, I think your point is a good one. JT and PSH were friends, and hung out and lunched in NYC. Here, from 2012:


        Something nice: I like her dress and look in this photo. Have you read about her new 2000 sq ft walk in closet? I want such a closet. I would turn 3/4 of it into a bigger office though! 🙂

      • TC says:

        I agree with Virgilia. I also found Jen’s absence at PSH’s funeral odd, and frankly downright disturbing. Not because Justin and PSH were BFFs, but because Justin is a former drug addict as well like PSH. That funeral couldn’t have been easy for Justin. A friend and former drug addict who ODs and you’re a former drug addict as well trying to make sense of it all? That’s a tough situation. You need support from loved ones in circumstances like this. If I were Jen, I would want to be present to let Justin know I have his back.

        But then again, maybe he gets this kind of support from others, which still seems rather odd to me. I mean, what’s the point of your significant other if they’re not there for you through the bad times as well as the good times?

        It just strengthens the case that there relationship is mainly PR, in my opinion.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        So you’re saying if a friend of your SO’s died, because they weren’t ‘eternal BFFs’, you would not go to a funeral, or even go to be with your SO, when you have the time? Especially if you are rich and just finished filming (Jennifer)? And we don’t know how close Justin and PSH were–but they were close enough for him to be one of the few celebs that were pictured going to visit Mimi O’Donnell and her kids. I would say that they were more than casual HW friends, especially being that they both lived in NY.

        I really like the dress too. It’s really casual and cute, which is good for a daytime premiere. It’s fun. I think wedges would’ve gone good with it though.

    • Courtney says:

      He’s so much hotter when he’s not overly groomed or spray tanned

    • heidi says:

      that’s hysterical, I agree

    • Carol says:

      Considering what Brad looked like during most of their marriage, I don’t think Jen is controlling Justin’s groomed look as much as others seem to think.

  2. lower-case deb says:

    next to Liv and Ann, Justin looks real orange.

    • Tippy says:

      Next to Liv and Ann he looks like a dwarf.

      • Josephina says:

        See?? If I had said that there would have been an issue—

        Why does he need to strain his neck to make himself look taller? It’s as if he is trying to raise his feet to stand taller.

        It only draws more attention to the obvious vertical challenge.

    • Sullivan says:

      I just gave him credit for not going overboard with the self-tanner, but I only saw the pic of him with Aniston. When he’s next to people with natural coloring he looks quite orange.

    • InVain says:

      That’s Amy Brenneman – not “Ann”…. sorry – but I just love her so I had to correct it.

      • lower-case deb says:

        oops! thanks for the correction. 🙂 i only did a cursory google of “Liv Tyler Leftover” to search for Amy’s name and Ann is the word that popped up.

        i must admit i was not aware of her before today. any recommendations of her work? i love “discovering” new people to follow (better late than never, right?)

        thank you!

    • InVain says:

      I watched her show on CBS, “Judging Amy” – it ended several years ago…but she was great in that. I know she was also in “Private Practice” but I rarely watched that. She’s been in a couple other shows and movies, but I got really excited when I saw she was going to be back on TV. 🙂 I have hopes for this show so I hope it lives up to them!

      • lower-case deb says:

        cool! thanks so much!
        PP was played for some episodes on a local channel but got scrapped a while ago. it looked interesting but i couldn’t watch it due to the hour of the programming

        will look out for Judging Amy too 🙂

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    He always look so uptight to me.

  4. blue marie says:

    I would like to believe that Liv has better taste. Justin tends to look more douche-y around Jen I think.

    • Josephine says:

      Well she isn’t standing very close to him considering that he has his arm around her waist! She doesn’t strike me as the type to hook up with an engaged guy, even if it doesn’t seem like a very serious engagement.

  5. MaryIV says:

    Jennifer looks good. She has very pretty eyes.

    • Her eyes are contact lenses. She is greek and her eyes are naturally brown. Jennifer Anniston as we know her is a construct. She is a brunette with brown eyes and a naturally curvy build. She has totally re-invented herself (as you can only do in Hollywood) to become the girl we know. I actually like her as an actress, but I’m not sure how I would feel if after twenty odd years of performing, I had to “put my eyes in”, make sure my roots were covered, spray tan, starve down to a size 4….I think that would get exhausting after a while. I always wonder what she would look like if she let herself be natural.

      Granted, she carries this look well. Just seems like a lot of work

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      She does have really pretty eyes. I don’t understand the whole ‘Jennifer wears contacts’ thing. I’m not an expert in genetics or anything like that, but even I know this–your eye color can appear to be different at times. I have a sister who has hazel eyes–sometimes they look a lot more brown, sometimes they look a lot more greenish. And seriously–who cares if she has blue or brown eyes?

      • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

        My eyes are hazel green… some days they seem totally brown redish, somedays they are light brown and olive green; others they are light brown, goldish, light green and grey (all 4 colours at a time..) . others they look like goldish and light green…
        The beauty of hazel eyes, most people never pay attention to.. .

        Oh, my cousin is even worse, brown, green and blue depending on the lighting… 🙂

  6. Nessa says:

    I think this is the first time I’ve ever looked at Jennifer Aniston and thought, “I love those shoes!” Usually her shoe game is lacking….

    • Camille (The Original) says:

      True. She has terrible taste in shoes normally imo. These shoes look good with the outfit.

  7. MrsBPitt says:

    This might sound wierd, but he looks much better when he is not smiling!

    • Cecilia says:

      Not weird at all. I think his resting face is more attractive too. To me, it looks like he is really happy & excited…he just can’t contain it.

  8. jonB says:


  9. Josephine says:

    Wish she would have tried the shorter hair instead of instantly adding extensions. The dress is nice from the waist up but it’s too short per usual, and the shoes are awful. She seems very stuck in one look. My overall impression is that it’s just a bit cheaper looking than it should be – move towards sophisticated!!

  10. lisa2 says:

    The last picture made me laugh..
    his face is beaming.. like he is so happy it is about him.
    Jennifer looks good. I think the dress is way too short but uh.. JMO

    I think her hair looks better darker; but she loves the extensions and that hairstyle.

  11. doofus says:

    I think they all look great. aniston looks better than I’ve seen her look in a while.

    I’m looking forward to this show, too. I think it has the potential to be good but it could also start off GREAT and then drop off, like so many shows do.

    • Tippy says:

      Ordinarily any HBO Original Programming has the potential to be great and often is.

      The Leftovers is a Warner Brothers production and will be the first “HBO” series or mini-series created outside of HBO’s own studios.

      Leftovers late June premiere doesn’t seem like much of a vote of confidence on HBO’s part.

      • Teri says:

        This is from Damon Lindoff of Lost, Peter Berg of Friday Night Lights and based on a book by Tom Perotta who also wrote Election and Little Children. So I’m not worried that this is not an HBO Studios production. I’m so excited for this!

        And late June is always when Sex & the City came on so I wouldn’t call the date a vote of “no confidence” by HBO. TV programming has drastically changed over the past few years because of HBO, Netflix, so Summer TV has become very competitive. Still not as much as the Fall but very different from the days where Summer was nothing but reruns.

      • Kimmy says:

        I plan to give this show a try. I love Liv Tyler. She and Alicia Silverstone will always have a soft spot in my 90’s loving heart. Plus now that GOT is over, I need something to get me through til fall when all my shows come back!
        Speaking of Lindlof, I actually started Lost from the beginning last night. The first 3-4 seasons of that show were amazing.

    • YuYa says:

      I specifically ordered HBO this month so I could watch this show. I am a sucker for apocalyptic anything. So, I hope it’s good!

      I think they look happy together and really are a cute couple.

    • Becky1 says:

      Yeah, I think everyone looks great. I think JA and JT are a cute couple-it’s nice to see a 42 year old man dating a woman who’s around the same age. I hope it works out for them.

      I’m also looking forward to “The Leftovers!”

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        I was watching Boardwalk Empire, and I googled Jack Huston—HOT. But I was so impressed that he was dating a model, but that he was dating a model who was like a year younger than he was. And they’re both in their early thirties. I think she’s a Victoria’s Secret model. So when I read that, I just sat there and thought–it isn’t THAT hard, Leo!

  12. Esti says:

    I think she looks great here and they do look happy together. I also hate that collared look on men, but to each his own I guess.

    • Esmom says:

      It looks like he lost his tie. He also needs to shave and lighten up on the guyliner, imo. She looks great, agreed.

  13. Cecilia says:

    Jen & Justin look great. They make a gorgeous couple — happy, healthy & in love. They have really been laying low & it is a pleasure to see them again.

    • Alice.H says:

      Yes, they both look great. As you say healthy, happy and in love. I was surprised how many comments there are on these pics in the DM, mostly positive too. She’s still very popular, not bad for 45.

      • Cecilia says:

        I will check out the Daily Mail. Not bad for 45?? I say, she looks great for any age. 45 ain’t what it used to be. It’s young!

  14. Bennred says:

    They are both So orange. And there is nothing remotely hot about them.

  15. truthSF says:

    “Us Weekly got an “onlooker” (totally NOT Aniston’s publicist!!) to say: “Jen and Justin were really sweet together. They were both absolutely beaming. Inside the event, Jen was being really sociable and looked extremely happy. They looked totally in love and seemed very relaxed.”

    I don’t understand… why does he always give these entertainment sites the same damn quotes regarding his client and any (every) man she’s dating? He’s so un-inventive when it comes to Aniston. Or he’s working with what he has/don’t have.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Maybe he makes up these quotes like a Mad Lib–all he has to do is fill in a few blanks.

      ______(tabloid) interviewed an onlooker who said: “Jen and ______ (current man who is SO better than Brad) were really sweet together. They were both absolutely beaming. Inside the event, Jen was being really sociable and looked extremely happy. They looked totally in love and seemed very relaxed.”

      We need Liberty! I’ve missed her take.

  16. Kim1 says:

    Those trips to the skincare clinics…OOPs I mean that Aveeno has done wonders to her skin.Her hair(extensions) look great.
    He should stick to the closed mouth smile.

  17. mkyarwood says:

    I have no cares to give for this couple. Boring!

  18. feebee says:

    He looks so different. I’ve never seen a photo of him smiling that big. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever seen his teeth. It’s a little off-putting… but nice to see him happy at his big premiere.

  19. khaveman says:

    I love Jen’s slingbacks. Those are shoe p0rn for me! She looks really good here. He looks stuffy for some reason.

  20. Lori says:

    I think they are all horribly dressed……all of them. ugh

  21. serena says:

    I really just love Liv and Ann! Guys with eye make-up… unless you’re Johnny Depp or in a band then… NO. Just NO.

  22. Noushin says:

    Gorgeous Jennifer, all the best forever.

  23. Allie says:

    They look great here. She, in particular, looks fantastic.

  24. Midnight says:

    I find them extremely shallow. I also find it strange that Jen couldn’t or wouldn’t visit him when he was grieving the death of his good friend, Philip Seymour Hoffman. I also find it extremely strange that she would fly out to be seen at HIS premiere when she couldn’t or wouldn’t visit just for a weekend. There is something weird about this relationship. If you’re engaged and in love, I’d think you’d want to see your significant other more than every three weeks. But it’s all about her, as usual, and she isn’t going the extra mile to make the relationship work. Also find it strange that this couple couldn’t or wouldn’t walk the red carpet together when they were in the same picture, Wanderbust, but she finds time to walk the carpet on HIS big night. Living Proof must not be working because the weave is back in and so is the blonde hair color. If, as she said, when she had her natural hair color, this is the way God made me and she supposedly liked it, why return to the weave and the blonde hair? Also I think she’s just a little old for that outfit. Not age appropriate at all.

    • Cecilia says:

      I think they see each other a lot more than reported. No one was even aware Jen was in NYC for this event. They have been very low key & private, so it is impossible to know what is really going on. I enjoy seeing their pictorials & reading the light commentary but I don’t pretend to know them personally.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Well, he’s basically been filming since last summer. How is it that he’s always pictured on the set of her films (like we just saw him, a month or so again, on the set of her movie ‘Cake’), but she’s never on the set of his show? Ever.

        It’s entirely possible that they’re just low key in NY, but it’s also entirely possible that she flew right in and went straight to the premiere.

      • Cecilia says:

        VC…it is all speculation. The only difference is if the speculation is positive or negative. None of us knows what really goes on with any of these people & every relationship is unique.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        This is a gossip site. What is there, but to speculate? They’re a couple who has been together for going on three years, and for the past year they’ve been apart–except for when JUSTIN has breaks in filming and he goes down to LA or wherever Jennifer is. Now I just looked it up, and found one instance (a few months ago) of Jennifer being in NY with Justin.

        All I’m wondering is how is it that they are always caught by the paparazzi when it’s Justin who’s going to her, on her movie set, it’s Justin that’s in LA to see Jennifer–fresh from his tv show set, yet it’s never the other way around…not regularly. Especially considering the fact that Jennifer has had more downtime and freedom than Justin (who has been filming on and off for a year).

        You might not see something odd about it, but I do. Especially since they are separated by four, five hour plane rides (and are wealthy enough for it to be comfortable and luxurious), not an entire continent or something like that. Especially after pushing their wedding HARD in PEOPLE magazine.

      • Cecilia says:

        @ VC “This is a gossip site. What is there, but to speculate? ”

        Yes, that was the main point of my comment. I like Jen & Justin but I’m not looking into it that deeply.

      • darkdove says:

        Cecilia no one is saying they know them personally what every one else is saying or speculating is what they see or hear just like it happens with every other celebrity couple, I would be happy for her if she got married and lived happily forever with this man so her fans can move on their behavior is toxic to her.

      • TC says:

        I just find it disturbing that Justin seems to be the one making all the compromises in this relationship. He seems to visit her in LA more than she visits him in NYC. And considering he’s been filming his show for the better part of a year, she should’ve been the one making more of an effort. And when she finally does visit NYC for Justin, there’s a red carpet involved. How convenient.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Exactly what I’m saying.
        (God, I wish I didn’t like to talk so much)

  25. The Original G says:

    I think they look great. Living apart seems to agree with them, so, who’s to say?

    I’m really looking forward to this series. I think it’s got a lot of potential and I’m interested in what Justin does with a leading dramatic role. This could be a big moment for him.

  26. eliza says:

    They look nice. I hope his series does well and I hope the marry soon so all the naysayers can then speculate on the divorce because Aniston, apparently, doesn’t deserve to be happy. Lol.

  27. Mel M says:

    He’s wearing mascara right? I’m not sure if this is normal for men to do on the red carpet but his looks quiet obvious to me. That or he has amazing lashes.

  28. Jaded says:

    That cheezball grin is just so phony….

  29. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    Can’t Louis take them to a brothel or prison far far away so they can be seen doing something interesting? same goes for Wills $ Kate. All need to spice it up for the tabloids.

  30. Paige says:

    Justin looks uncomfortable

  31. TJ says:

    Liv Tyler looks lovely. And I don’t think she’d have an affair with Theroux. She doesn’t seems like that type of woman. I hope the Leftovers will give a decent spark to her career because I consider her a good actress.

  32. videli says:

    I’m looking forward to this Leftover show. Justin looks creepy as f*k on the red carpet, but he was OK in the trailer, which, in its turn, looked intriguing. But it’s Damon Lindelof, so I’ll wait for the smoke monsters, time travel, and arctic penguins.

  33. pnichols says:

    I’m so bored with her clothes being meh, her body being orange and her skirts being waaay to short. yawn.

  34. QQ says:

    Am I the Only one excited about this show?? like its premise sounds so crazy interesting to me!!. Are ya’ll gonna watch?!

    • Cecilia says:

      Oh yeah, QQ…I’m gonna watch. The concept is indeed, intriguing.

    • mayamae says:

      I’m going to watch. I’ve never really paid attention to Justin, and certainly didn’t find him attractive. Having said that, he seems like he’s going to be playing tormented on the show – and I’m thinking he’s kind of hot.

  35. Kate2 says:

    They look awesome. And I agree w/cecelia up thread who said she looks great for any age, not just 45. (It really isn’t what it used to be.)

    This show looks great too, can’t wait to start watching it. It seems there are so many good shows on these days I can’t keep up with them all.

  36. Fan says:

    These photos are so fake. You can tell just by looking at the pictures. These are just for show because Angelina has a successful movie going on. She still has not moved on yet. This is consuming her life. I also like Jennifer but she needs to understand that sometimes marriage ends. She should look at it as a blessing because maybe there is somebody out there that is perfect for her.

    • lisa2 says:

      Please leave Angie out of this.. Just opening a door for her to be attacked for no reason. Some people only need a crack. Don’t give it to them
      and if you are trolling..

      well move on..

      • Fan says:

        You are right.

      • RobN says:

        How about we just don’t bring Jolie into it because she isn’t at all relevant to the story? How about we don’t look at every single thing Aniston does through a mirror of Saint Angie? That would be refreshing.

      • lisa2 says:

        How about we stop calling her Saint Angie..
        just had to throw that in.. why

        @eve below

        it never fails.

    • eva says:

      Aww too late, one got in.

      • RobN says:

        Actually, I quite like AJ; I do get tired of people like Fan who seem to think that she walks on water. She seems to be a pretty nice, actual person, so I don’t get the need to deify her. But then, I don’t get the need to bash JA either, who also seems like a pretty nice person, simply to somehow elevate Jolie. Can’t help it, I find it odd. There was no reason to bring her into this post at all, but some can’t seem to help themselves.

    • Becky1 says:

      Come on-JA going to her fiance/boyfriend’s (whatever he is at this point) premiere has absolutely nothing to do with Angelina or Brad.

  37. someone says:

    Can I just say – thank you Jennifer for not going with the “possible baby bump” look this time around. It seemed like for the past few premiers she wore outfits that hinted at a bump so the headlines would scream “Jennifer’s pregnant”. At least this time she doesn’t seem to be promoting that line of publicity….

    • Janet says:

      What’s funny is that just this past week, two tabloids had yet another story about her being pregnant. I don’t know why her publicist keeps perpetuating this bullshit. It’s not like anybody believes it any more.

      • eva says:

        Maybe that’s why, hopefully the public have finally had enough of her endless baby baiting.

      • Cecilia says:

        I’m not sure if her publicist keeps perpetuating the BS. I’m thinking it is more the tabloids themselves. They miss the big bucks that the triangle generated for such a long time.

  38. Des says:

    Ok why do we have to be told every time they are together that ” they seemed so happy” etc . They dont do that to any other Hollywood couple so why do it to these two? Do we need to know every time they are together how happy they are or seemed? It’s like they are trying to convince us of this fact. Is it their PR or is it the fans that want to always hear this…the smiles say something different like ” forced”. Makes you wonder about the subliminal message that has to be added to every photo op they do. Remind me of Penny and Leonard’s characters in BBT.

  39. Dominque says:

    What the hell does “too fashion-y” mean? Are men not allotted the right to be fashionable to you? lol

  40. vic says:

    Liv obviously not standing close could mean something. She looks uncomfortable.

  41. Annie says:

    Aniston poses like that with her other leading men. With bateman, butler, sandler,Owen, etc. she hugs them all she hugs theroux in RC. She has good body but her face looks old despite all the treatments and facials she gets all the time.

    • Cecilia says:

      I don’t think she looks old at all.

    • Ennie says:

      With all those treatments and money she should look younger than she is. The tanning tries to fade away her age.
      For all the fillers, botox and laser treatments she has had, she looks ok-ish, even when she has looked very puffy and ducky-lipped but has managed to maintain a not so surprised look.

      I prefer Bellucci, S. Bullock, K. Davis, Cate Blanchett, hey Even Kelly Preston or Tilda Swinton are classy “older” beauties who look a bit more natural or seem low maintenance on top of having very nice figures.
      Uh-oh, I forgot Mrs Bond. (I did not include Halle Berry and a host of WOC because their skin is so beautiful it is unfair, no wrinkles, no sagging, etc etc. hehehe unfair!

  42. Arlene says:

    I think they both look nice here.

  43. Nikki says:

    HA! HA!

    that picture with liv and amy, I think he’s standing on his tip-toes.

    • Josephina says:

      Maybe he wants you to use your x-ray vision and enjoy all the splendor of his bangin’ bawwwdy??

      You know, he was twice listed in People’s Magazine for 50 Most Beautiful. Don’t you wanna see more of him?

  44. shelley says:

    I think they both look great. Jennifer’s hair looks really good here too.

  45. Camille (The Original) says:

    So orange. Yuck.

  46. Emily C. says:


    They just look so fake. I want to believe they have a solid, real relationship, and I did before these pictures. I can’t look at them and keep believing it though.

    Also, his smile is incredibly annoying.

  47. A Fan says:

    Where’s she been?

    [*A little nip/tuck?*]

    • Jag says:

      Does he normally smile like that? It looks like he doesn’t know what to do with his teeth. Veneers perhaps?

  48. lrm says:

    Well, maybe this JA and JT thing is a contract? I agree there’s no chemistry between them, but I often see no chemistry on red carpets between partners…so I’m not sure we can judge photos at an event, carpet, etc. as far as determining. And whether or not they see each other often-who knows? They only publicize what her rep wants put out there for her image, I think. Otherwise, she is able to lay low and not be seen or papped if she doesn’t want to. It could be a contract relationship, though. It has many of the tell tale signs, and has since the beginning.

  49. Jenny12 says:

    Not a Jen fan, but her style is generally on point. Her fiancé is a mess. Guyliner?

  50. delphi says:

    Damn, I was hoping for a little gratuitous Christopher Eccleston action. He’s co-starring (as the gossip-mongering minister) and I can’t even begin to express how freaking psyched I am!

  51. Jag says:

    I complain about Kim K. not wearing clothes that are her size and fit her properly, and I’m going to say the same about Justin Theroux. Why can’t he wear a shirt or jacket that doesn’t pull at the buttons? Jennifer has enough money to pay for a good tailor. He looks bad because of the ill fitting clothes.

  52. Amy123 says:

    Considering how much they were all over each other, it actually makes me think that Jennifer and Justin are about to break-up. They have never been this affectionate in public. It also brings me back to Jennifer’s other high profile relationships. I still get a chuckle from the John Mayer relationship.

  53. Mindy says:

    Personally I think it is great that he is making all the sacrifices. That’s how I like my men – it means they really do love you – willing to do whatever to keep you in their lives. Jen has always been this way – she is unwilling to give up what is important to her (her home, friends, etc.). I personally love this about her – very strong in what she wants. Wish more woman were like this. I hate it when a woman follows after a man desperate to please him and following them around because they think they might cheat.

  54. melain says:

    He is such a cheeseball.

  55. Clover35 says:

    I enjoy this site. But, honestly do not get the hate for JA. She seems harmless to me. I guess the website authors love Angelina so much, they feel the need to overly shade Aniston. Seems you could love Jolie without trashing Jennifer. It’s not like they actually know any of them, or what really went down. Weird!

  56. cicada says:

    He needs to lay off the hair dye. He’s starting to get that snap on Lego hair look that John Travolta has.