Kaley Cuoco adopted another dog, her fourth. She also has a peacock (??) and a several horses. This puppy’s name is Miss Ruby. [Bitten & Bound]
Selena Gomez wants breast implants? Ugh, that’s not the problem! [Celebslam]
Gawker’s psychic clam says USA will defeat Belgium today! [Gawker]
Jenelle Evans named her son after me. Haha. [Reality Tea]
Gisele has a fake shaved head for her new Balenciaga campaign. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Phil Robertson’s first kid was born out of wedlock. [Wonderwall]
Beyonce shades Justin Bieber? [IDLY]
Kellan Lutz as William Shatner? [ICYDK]
I can’t believe people still care about the Transformers franchise. [PopBytes]
This kitty cat is the shortest kitty in the world. [The Frisky]
Reverse racism at a fancy prep school? [Bossip]
Mariah Carey walks her dog in heels. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Lamar Odom has put on some breakup weight. [Life & Style]
I want to adopt a pup but my landlord won’t let me 😭
I hate her hair, looked so much better before.
Good for Kaley. I know a lot of you don’t like her, but there seems to be some sweetness underneath the attention-seeking. I still like her.
Gisele and her husband are twins. When that happens, does it mean you are very attracted to yourself, or is being together making you morph into one another?
As far as Mariah walking the dog in heels, there’s a girl on my block who does it in ridiculously high heels that she is barely able to remain steady. She’s more interested in seeing who is watching her walking the dog than walking the dog.
I like her too. I want a dog so badly but it’s just not possible right now. If I was rich and had the time, I’d have 4 dogs too. Also cats, pygmy goats, pot-bellied pigs, ducks… you get the idea. All rescue animals.
This totally sent me down the whole *dogs who resemble their owners* wormhole. Originally I wanted to find a dog that looked like Giselle, but found this ridiculous bunch of cuteness instead.
That’s adorable. But you should be finding a matching dog for Franco or Fabio. ;-O
Right? How would you protect your dog if you couldn’t keep your balance. I abhor baby or animal pap shots with incongruent styling. I can ‘t wash my eyes enough afterwards or deal with the self-shame, because -I- had to online and see this idiocy.
I always thought of her as a somewhat shallow and vain person, but she sure can give a lot of love.
She’s beaming with the type of happiness and unbridled enthusiasm usually seen only in children.
I’m cranky and bitter, so animals receive the last shreds of my capacity for love. Without self-restraint I could also repeatedly rescue; I have an old rescue cat (black, mature when adopted) a crapping chihuahuah and an abused x-racing dog. All highly dysfunctional that only a mother can love, and it’s that beaming unbridled love. (hearts float out of chest)
Good for her!! Lucky puppy. 🙂
NOW I like her hair
oot but OMG you guyses ..the #askRobinThicke hashtag is getting SAVAGED ON THE TWITTERS!! ROTFLMMFAO
I saw that, it’s a hilarious read. Whoever came up with that idea must be kicking themselves. He’s so gross and skeevy, what did they really expect? lmfao
What is that about? I don’t have twitter.
read a story about it on dlisted or jezebel, it’s freaking hilarious.
So funny!
This is a better summary than the Jezebel article.
that #askrobinthicke is SO FREAKING FUNNY.
Lol I wish she’d adopt a new hairstyle.
Good for her for adopting but it doesn’t magically make her less of an attention seeking idiot
reverse racism? racism is racism, it doesn’t matter what your skin color is.
the kids making fun of her photos should have been punished-and she shouldn’t have done what she did. oh well. everyone needs to pull up their big girl panties.
Didn’t read the article, but my first thought was “that’s cool!!”, because reverse racism, to me, means no racism at all.
There’s racism and that’s it. The “trigger” doesn’t matter.
It may be just me, but I don’t really find anything about what she did offensive or racist. I’m white and female but grew up relatively middle class and I’ve mocked this culture quite a bit myself.
Wow….racism is racism no matter WHO gives it or WHO it is toward. That really bothers me that it’s called ‘reverse racism’?! Hate is hate just as love is love! It shouldn’t mean more or less because it’s from a man/woman or black/white person. Shesh…pictures taken and posted directly making fun of a certain culture/race shouldn’t happen. She needs to just consider this a lesson learned..
I used to think the same thing, but a colleague of mine in the sociology department explained that it is a semantic difference between “racism” and “prejudice.”
She said that racism is defined as a history of systematic discrimination and oppression of one ethnic group by one or more other ethnic groups. Racist practices enforce this systematic oppression and prevent these individuals from attaining some measure of equality with the original oppressors. A boss with pale skin who refuses to hire people with a skin tone darker than his/hers is engaging in racism (and stupidity) because he or she is continuing to engage in the oppression by attempting to deny such people employment.
In America, very few pale people have experienced true racism, because their ethnic group as a whole (European-Caucasian) has not experienced systematic oppression (there are some exceptions, I’m sure, this is not my area of expertise). A boss with dark skin who refuses to hire individuals with skin lighter than his/hers is not engaging in racism because there is no history of systematic oppression in place. However, said boss is engaging in prejudice, which is also harmful.
Both bosses are doing ignorant, harmful things, but from a sociological perspective, only one is engaged in true racism. Again, it’s an issue of definitions and semantics. I personally don’t like the term “reverse racism” because it implies the reverse or opposite of racism. Prejudice is a better term in my view, as it better communicates what’s really happening.
Please don’t shoot the messenger if you disagree — I’m only communicating what I was taught!
Nicely done.
@Sciencegal, very nicely said. Perhaps this is why I don’t consider it offensive. Since I have never experienced systematic oppression due to my race, someone mocking people of my race that are in a different financial group bothers me not. Definitely worth deeper consideration. Thanks for sharing.
I’d have to agree with you, sciencegal.
I really don’t think it was fair for her, as a leader of students to so obviously mock people. If the same people were to mock the way she acts, I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate it. There are much more positive ways to encite change – unfortunately she didn’t choose a positive way. If you don’t like the way something is find something proactive to do, don’t continue to use a bad attitude.
nicely put @sciencegirl.
I think the point still stands though that it’s not reverse racism. racism is racism and prejudice is prejudice. I may be a white middle class girl (yay privilege) but i’m also jewish (hello oppression, persecution and genocide)
Maybe that makes my viewpoint unique. I personally think EVERYONE needs to get over themselves. I think she shouldn’t have done it-but then again the boys should have been punished as well (I don’t know if they were). No one was in the right here. And as someone who is supposed to be a role model and a leader I’m perfectly ok with her having to resign her position-and I hope if it were a white boy in her place the same would have applied ot them.
I personally try to judge by words and actions-not by the way someone looks-it doesn’t always work but at least I try.
@Wino, though I’m not offended by it, I agree that in her position it wasn’t the brightest action on her part. I too am on board with the resignation, as long as the boys received some sort of discipline as well. She is just a teenager and that era of life is all about pushing boundaries.
ScienceGal is actually correct “ism” by definition refers to a system. In this case racISM means a system by which one group has privilege over others due to their race. Most of the world’s structures are catered to place anyone who identifies as or looks white in a position of power and privilege. Yes, white groups have been oppressed, but the matter still stands that in a racial systematic structure someone who is white will always have more privilege over someone who is considered non-white. The fact of the matter is that a person who is considered white is less likely to be viewed as a threat, more likely to be identified as beautiful, more likely to be hired for a job, less likely to have to defend their religious beliefs, and really the list goes on. That is not to say that white people do not experience oppression, but the reality is that by definition alone, reverse racism does not make sense as there is never a time in which our social structure gives more power to people of color. Prejudice is the proper term in this case, not racism or reverse racism.
Sciencegal, very insightful post!
I do have one question. Wouldn’t the dark skinned boss who doesn’t want to hire light skinned people be engaging in discrimination more than prejudice? I always thought prejudice was to pre-judge someone. If he had said I won’t hire a light skinned person because they are lazy, that would be prejudice. But if he won’t hire a light skinned person because they are light skinned, isn’t just discrimination not prejudice because the choice wasn’t based on assumed ability etc?
The entire point here is that the term reverse racism is not accurate. Lol I am in a masters program right now, and my book by defination says: Racism the assertion that people of one race are less worthy or even biologically inferior to others. From the post, it seemed like she was implying she was better than that race of people. Yes, prejudice means an unfounded generalization about an entire category of people.
Hey, at least she didn’t paint her face with white paint!!
The definitions aren’t really important….
It’s easy to get caught up in semantics.
It’s pretty unfair to degrade someone’s actions just because historically one group was not persecuted. Ohh it was only ‘prejudice’ as it was just against a white person. This has been discussed a lot… There *are* white groups that were systematically persecuted in history, just not in every country. If a white person of a certain descent experiences racist treatment in USA, it isn’t “really” racism as they historically in the USA white people werent a marginalised group? You bet though, that if in say, Iceland, someone did something racist towards a black person there would be an outcry of RACISM even though there may be absolutely zero history of that in Iceland. It seems it always goes on way and not the other, which is fundamentally wrong!
It’s not my fault what happened before me. People are responsible for their own actions NOW – it benefits no one to be still whining about things that did not even happen to you, and happened before you were born. Everyone should be respectful of everyone else and just stop thinking so much about race. Just ignore everyone’s race and everything will be fine.
@ Lex
for the love of all that’s sacred, when will the Robertsons STFU?
Ssh, ignore them. ‘I will not click or listen’ should be your motto.
wow…Giselle should NEVER cut her hair. the short hair really accentuates her “strong” features. those pics remind me of George McFly in BTTF.
Ha oh shit she does.
But wait, I think Crispin Glover is hot. Now I’m confused.
Glover IS hot!
I guess this means that Giselle can rock her looks as a woman OR a man.
THAT B*TCH. (lol)
*waving my freak flag*
I find Crispin Glover hot, too!
Giselle did not cut her hair. She’s wearing a skull cap, fake hair and makeup to make it look realistic.
The peacock came with the house.
In Tim we trust. GO USA!!!!
Howard is amazing but Belgium will win.
😀 Belgium won but USA did a great job.
You guys (from the US) have an amazing goalkeeper. Wish he played for my team here in Brazil (Corinthians).
ETA: sigh…Belgium has just scored. But it’s amazing it took this long — I was watching part of the game and the Belgian team was attacking relentlessly, but Howard kept defending his goal….oh, well.
Now it is 2-0. Damn it to hell !!!!
I just hope I didn’t jinx him (Howard)… 🙁
Nah, I don’t believe in this sort of thing. Howard’s still incredible, in my opinion.
Howard was amazing in this game!!
We’ve had our adopted dog for 5 years now.At first he was cute and he behaved like a dream.Now he barks to much and he’s very demanding time wise and he always has to be with someone.He doesn’t care who that person is ,it could be someone he just met it doesn’t matter he’s just a real cuddle buddy. We know that no one but us could possible love a dog like this and truth be told we wouldn’t trade him for anything.He’s loved imperfections and all.
Sweet! 🙂 I like her.
I’m in the process of adopting my second basset hound. I’d have 4-5 dogs if my husband agreed to it. But I think 2 for now with a 5 year old son will have to do.
Is ANYONE in the Jenelle story raising their own children?? Her oldest son is with her mom, and her baby daddy’s daughter is with his ex-wife’s parents (not even with her own mother). How long before the new baby is
“re-homed”? Apparently they had him just so she could have a baby on the final season of Teen Mom. Saddest thing I’ve read in a long time…