Cele|bitchy | “Britney Spears & Dave Lucado are still together, apparently” links

“Britney Spears & Dave Lucado are still together, apparently” links


Britney Spears & normal-gay Dave Lucado are still together. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Recap of Little Women: LA. [Reality Tea]
When Rob Lowe met Monica Lewinsky, they talked about The West Wing. [Wonderwall]
The first image from Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. [IDLY]
I love Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick. He’s awesome. [Jezebel]
Naomi Campbell wore a bikini, yelled at somebody. [Celebslam]
Jennifer Meyer designed Courteney Cox’s ring. [ICYDK]
Lily Allen wants you to pay attention. [PopBytes]
Is bridesmaid-butt the new trend? [The Frisky]
I saw this story on CNN and it is seriously so gross. [Bossip]
Kevin Smith is a Star Wars nerd. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Nicole Scherzinger used to be bulimic. [Life & Style]


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28 Responses to ““Britney Spears & Dave Lucado are still together, apparently” links”

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  1. Rachel says:


  2. Tiffany27 says:

    Deval Patrick is dope! That is all.

  3. Gistine says:

    Those eyes. So very sad. There’s nothing behind them. Poor Britney. 🙁

  4. Kiddo says:

    Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick: Here’s to you! Raises arm with imaginary drink (swiftly stolen by Theoriginalkitten aka “Q”).

  5. Patricia says:

    Lily Allen looks awkward and try-hard as F the way she is flailing her arms all over the place in that video. Hard to watch.

  6. mel says:

    I think the bridesmaid butt trend is so tacky.

    • Ag says:

      tacky and bizarre. WTH is the point of it?

      • mel says:

        Maybe they think they are being sexy? I just don’t get it.

        But then again, I’m an old lady now and have developed a deep sense of respect for myself as a woman. Maybe if I was younger I wouldn’t think it was so tacky. No one wants to see my ass anyway. Ha!

      • Snazzy says:

        it really does make no sense at all …

    • RN says:

      Oh, I’m sure they believe that they’re “empowered” and we just don’t understand the joke. It would be funny to have them look at the pictures in 20 years and watch them cringe. Unless, of course, the pornification of the US continues – by then, people will just dispense with clothes altogether.

      • astra says:

        Yep, it’s like, totally empowering to do stuff like that! Modesty, restraint and chastity are soooo uncool and prudish, didn’t you get the memo? But with the clothes people wear nowadays it’s really basically the same thing. I’ve seen barely teen girls wearing shorts that look like underwear and all sorts of appalling things that 20 years ago you would only have seen on a street corner somewhere. Not being mean but it’s the truth, and it’s such a shame. How do people expect to be taken seriously when they do things like that?

  7. Samtha says:

    She should not have gotten another nose job. It’s really bad. 🙁

    • TWINK says:

      I saw some pics on the DM (shame on me, IK) and her nose looks hooked when it wasnt before!

  8. Chris says:

    Good luck to her. Never been a fan of her music but I felt sorry for her when she was experiencing hard times.

  9. ella says:

    That’s Britney? Looks nothing like her!