Christian Siriano: ‘Quite frankly Melissa McCarthy was quite difficult to work with’


Last month I covered Melissa McCarthy’s Redbook interview, which was pretty uncontroversial. She mentioned that she had a lot of difficulty finding a dress for the Oscars the year she was nominated, saying: “Two Oscars ago, I couldn’t find anybody to do a dress for me. I asked five or six designers—very high-level ones who make lots of dresses for people—and they all said no.” Now Christian Siriano is calling her out about that comment. Apparently, Siriano was one of the designers Melissa spoke to, and he claims that she was the one saying no to his designs.

Oh, snap! Christian Siriano isn’t amused by Melissa McCarthy. The Project Runway season 4 winner is slamming the Tammy actress for recently saying that no designer wanted to dress her for the 2012 Oscars, claiming instead that he “met with her people” in an attempt to collaborate at the time.

“She and her stylist chose the fabric and the beading. Quite frankly she was quite difficult to work with,” Siriano recently told the New York Daily News. “She wanted some specific things that I thought would not look good on her body. And she was not comfortable with them in the end.”

McCarthy talked about her dress drama in the July issue of Redbook magazine, also noting why she decided to start her own plus-size clothing line this year. The Mike & Molly star eventually chose a custom blush-colored Marina Rinaldi gown to walk the red carpet. She accessorized with a Brian Atwood handbag and heels.

“I went to college for fashion and textiles,” she said of the upcoming line. “I’m really excited to start that this year. It’s going to be fun.”

[From Us Weekly]

I tend to believe Christian. Is that weird? I still have feelings for and about Christian because of Project Runway, and I think he’s grown into a talented designer. Christina Hendricks wears a lot of Sirano’s designs (to mixed results), and I like that he doesn’t shy away from dressing the celebrity women who are larger than a size 2. And from how Melissa dresses herself – even taking into account her limited options – I don’t believe she’s as good at “fashion” as she thinks she is. Now, on the other side, this was her first Oscar nomination and of course she wanted a say in how she looked and what her dress was going to look like and all of that. It’s only the ladies who get labeled “difficult” too.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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134 Responses to “Christian Siriano: ‘Quite frankly Melissa McCarthy was quite difficult to work with’”

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  1. Belle Epoch says:

    Who designed that dress? It doesn’t work.

    • Jules says:

      What a hideous dress.

    • homegrrrl says:

      Honestly people, designing for a client should be a private thing, like being someone’s therapist- it’s personal and involves idiosyncrasies and egos that become inflamed prior to red carpet events. If he called out a plus size person for “being difficult”, then he needs to be the big loser here; he needs to lose his loose tongue and shutty uppy about the hand that tried to feed him. Totally unprofessional, I’d never trust him!

      • joan says:

        You go homegrrrl!

        I do notice that she looks much sleeker and trimmer sometimes, depending on the outfit, and would love to see her dressed to her most flattering.

        But she doesn’t sew the clothes, so it’s not her fault.

        CS is being pretty bitchy here. She probably didn’t want one of his huge ballgowns.

      • From North of Boston says:

        Exactly – she was a client, consulting with him on a possible outfit. That’s the kind of interaction that should remain between the designer and the client. He just seems really bitchy mentioning it. She wanted some specific things for her first Oscar gown – that does not make her difficult to work with. And even if she wasn’t all peaches and cream – she’s the client, dressing for a very high-profile event, it would be within her rights to be on edge and not easy-peasy on someone who she thinks is missing the mark.

        If she had called him out personally, for example if she’d said 5 or 6 designers turned her down, including CS, mentioning him by name, then I could almost see him speaking up *almost* but she didn’t, so STFU Siriano. Like a therapist, stylish, hair person…designers in this situation are dealing with the person when they are probably under stress, having to choose from a myriad of options and probably coming to terms with their own self-image.

      • celeste says:

        you are dead on! should be kept private. cs is a jerk!

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        Christian has always been a snobby little ‘B.’ I remember his plump teenaged high school model basically saying the same thing when she was assigned to him as his client in the ‘Prom Dress Challenge’ during his year on “Project Runway.” He bitched about not knowing what to do for her because he just didn’t design clothes for people ‘her size.’ The worse thing is that she came to him with her mother all smiles and excited about her dress for the prom, and you could visibly see her self-esteem and excitement dwindle during the challenge. He didn’t listen to any of her or her mother’s suggestions. For him it was all about the challenge, not his client. And he basically said the same thing he accused Melissa of …. “She wanted some specific things that I thought would not look good on her body.”

        His model was not a happy camper on the runway. Her dress was ugly and unflattering and it was obvious by her demeanor and body language that she hadn’t enjoyed her time with Christian (a good working relationship with their client was part of the challenge). Heidi wasn’t pleased, but of course Michael and Nina were drinking Christian’s bath water the whole season. They really should have sent him home.

      • Wendy M says:

        Perfect. I had a full head of steam after reading this, and i was going to comment, but thanks to homegrrrl it’s not necessary. She really put it better than I could’ve.

    • KC says:

      Neither does the one she eventually chose for the 2012 Oscars instead of Christian’s design:


    • Lydia says:

      Right? Draw attention to the area with draping and gathered fabric, instead of drawing attention away from it!

      Instead of creating a whole clothing line, why not just drop a few pounds? I know some people are naturally bigger and inclined to put on weight, but the extra amount she’s carrying is excessive…

      • Minxy says:

        Sorry Lydia, it’s not for you to say.

      • Mrsjennyk says:

        Wow! Cause it’s just that easy to “drop a few pounds” I can’t stand the broad but your comment was totally out of line

  2. Decloo says:

    That grey number looks like something made by Champion Sportwear.

    • krastins says:


    • What? says:

      Oh my GOD, I am crying laughing at this!!

    • TheOriginalKitten says:


      Poor Melissa…first Tammy, probably the worst film of the year (decade?) now this.

      • Frida_K says:

        I couldn’t even make it through the trailer for that movie.

        It’s sad that Susan Sarandon participated in such a farce as that one.

      • M.A.F. says:

        You’re not missing much. The trailer shows a different type of movie than what you actually see. Although St. Vincent was shown during the previews and that looks more promising.

    • Liberty says:

      Hahhaaa dying

    • melior says:

      I’m not American so could explain this to me? What can you find at Champion sportsware? thanks

    • mercy says:

      No amount of bling or styling can dress up volumes of stretchy gray heather material. :/

      think utilitarian workout wear, like sweatpants and leggings.

      • homegrrrl says:

        I think it looks nice, I like the gathering and the zig zag placed bling. Her hair is dated, could have been a more hip big hair thing, but she’s real star with no “reality show” to have given her a leg up. I respect her tenacity and no, she ‘s not a hollywood size 2, but she really shines and has unmistakable charisma. Christian whoeverheis shouldn’t have mentioned a thing, and is lucky to be in the industry.

      • mercy says:

        I actually like the draping and neckline. It’s the material in long dress form plus big clumps of silver that I don’t like. It wouldn’t be flattering on anyone. Maybe a below the knee length dress, or the top half paired with a long slim skirt of a different material, with more stylish sparkly accents would look better.

      • Samantha says:

        The big clumps of silver are meant to distract the eye from the oversized body parts.

  3. original kay says:


    It’s only the ladies who get labeled “difficult” too.

    where did this come from?

    • Jules says:

      Not true. There are difficult actors as well. William Hurt is one.

      • Mia4S says:

        Yep. William Hurt, Russell Crowe, David Caruso, Shia LaBoeuf, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Val Kilmer. I’ve heard all of them called difficult.

        In this case, I imagine both sides were at fault.

      • CatFoodJunkie says:

        I took the “difficult” comment to refer to someone difficult to dress – (either style-wise or attitude)…not in life.

      • Jules says:

        True, catfoodjunkie. But try to dress Val Kilmer now…………..yikes!

      • FLORC says:

        Leto was said to be a nightmare to dress for the Oscars also.

        Many men are labeled difficult. They just aren’t focused on as much. That doesn’t mean they aren’t just as difficult if not worse than women.

        How often do we really pay attention to what the guy wears over the women in gowns?

      • keyekeye says:

        Keifer Sutherland also is a terroizing, physical-threat-throwing tailor’s nightmare. He threatened to punch us all out when he showed up at our studio…yikes! Way to play, K!

    • Side-Eye says:

      This sudden idea that only women get criticized for anything ever even though there are plenty examples of judgement being gender neutral.

      • Sabrine says:

        He better quit verbally trashing his clientele if he wants to stay in the fashion business. His lack of discretion will not bode well for him in the end.

      • FLORC says:

        He’ll be fine. Loads of designers do this and no one bats an eye.
        He’s just telling the truth and seems to be very likable as a designer for celebs.

      • Bridget says:

        #FLORC: I have to politely disagree with you there. He’s still trying to break into celeb designing, Hendricks is really his only ‘name’ and she almost never looks good. Badmouthing people isn’t going to help him.

    • Mmhmm says:

      I think she’s mainly talking about being difficult when wearing fashion and dealing with designers, which makes sense because I’m sure it’s a little easier for a guy to choose a suit than the numerous dress options.

      • diva says:

        That’s what I was thinking. Obviously it’s going to be more difficult dealing with getting a dress made for a celeb then getting a suit made. If you’ve seen one suit you’ve seen them all.

    • jaye says:

      Soooo…because she wasn’t comfortable with his design ideas she’s difficult? Whaaaaat?

  4. Talie says:

    From what I’ve read, she is into fashion, so I can see her being opinionated. But in this case, I would’ve just looked at his sketches and accepted that he knew what was right. Although, I think Tadashi Sohji is the one most curvy stars go to for the best results. Christina never gets good reviews when she wears Christian.

    • kibbles says:

      I thought this dress by Christian that Christina wore was one of her better looks. It flattered her figure

      • Bridget says:

        Nothing will make up for that heinous peach gown with the ruffles, and to me it says a lot that the only dress of his that’s worked is a basic black dress. I know that people loved him on Project Runway, but I’ve always felt he got a bit big for his britches, and publicly trash talking really bothers me.

        However, I love that she and Atwood are still friends, they were apparently roommates before either was ever even close to being successful.

      • Whatwhatnot says:

        He has a history of trash talking his clients. He called Rihanna a bitch once as well. IMO, you still should show some modicum of professionalism, especially since at the time he was just reall starting out. I would think twice about working with him if I were a celeb.

      • Lucinda says:

        I was going to say the same thing. It’s tacky for him to publicly comment and he’s doing it to get attention. She did not specifically name names. Also, on PR, he complained about having to dress larger women (along with every other designer on the show). There is a huge difference between dressing Christina and Melissa. There body types are NOT the same. Melissa may have opinions. She may think she knows more about fashion than she does. But she may also (and I tend to believe this more) have real trouble finding a designer who will design something other than a tent for her.

      • Faye says:

        @Bridget – That peach monstrosity was the first thing that came to mind when I read this article. That thing still gives me fashion nightmares – he made Hendricks’s girls look like weapons, and not in a good way. *Shudder*

      • mayamae says:

        Christian is my all time favorite winner of PW and I adore him, but he can cop an attitude when he disagrees with a client. He did poorly on the show when he had to deal with an obese teenager with opinions. The way he acted with that girl was unprofessional and he was almost bounced for it.

  5. Krista says:

    I actually tend to believe her. I’m sure there are some things that she doesn’t feel comfortable wearing and maybe he was pushing her into something that she didn’t want on her body?
    Dressing a plus size body is not easy and maybe she didn’t want step out of a comfort zone.
    I dunno. My two cents.

    • Esmom says:

      I think many designers (and wanna-bes, based on PR) are bitches about dressing anyone over a size 2 but he’s not one of them.

    • FingerBinger says:

      “Dressing a plus size body is not easy.” It’s not that difficult either. It’s not rocket science. It’s about finding something that compliments their shape,just like any other body.

      • Krista says:

        I stand by my comment. I know it’s not easy for any person, regardless of size. But the challenges are different in the world of high end fashion. And finding what looks good is the biggest challenge, usually.

    • MollyB says:

      I’m a plus size woman and I tend to agree with her, too. Because given what is out there for plus women, designers’ ideas of what will look good on my body (i.e. some kind of sack with a tacky print) is bull.

      • Krista says:

        Agreed. I’m right on the line of plus size (a petite 14) and I know what looks good on my body it’s just not easy to find it!

      • Pandy says:

        Yeah, I think for sure the options for plus are pretty awful for the most part. I’m not sure she was shading designers who did step up to design for her. I think it was more that most designers were afraid of plus sizes.

    • Sam says:

      That tends to happen among designers who do not have experience dressing a larger or curvier body. But he works extensively with Christina Hendricks, who is no stick. In my experience, people can have a hard time realizing that good design varies based on body type. McCarthy can’t expect to be dressed in the same styles as say an Uma Thurman (tall and super thin) type. She’s different. It could just as easily been McCarthy asking for styles that were ill-suited to her body type. I don’t blame a designer for trying to steer a client away from a choice they know will not flatter them. It’s the designer’s name.

    • lisa2 says:

      This story reminded me of that shoe What Not to Wear..

      we all think we are dressing the best for our bodies. We pick the colors we love and will sometimes pass up colors or fabrics that are really great on us because we are stuck in thinking we are so so sure of what we look best in. Sometimes we are wrong and it takes another person to broaden our view.

      I think they are both telling the truth from their point of view. And as we know the truth is that space in the middle.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Really good point.

      • Steph says:

        You said what I was thinking. I don’t think either of them is lying. They are just saying it from their point of view.

      • Falula says:

        Totally agree.

      • mercy says:

        I used to love that show because they focused on the psychology behind our choices and how clothes can really have an effect on how a person feels about themselves. They also paid a lot of attention to fit, which is most important. So many people think they can’t wear certain styles, but they can if the fit is right.

    • Mixtape says:

      As someone who’s been both plus-sized and not, here is where I think designers (esp. designers like Christian, who probably still shops in the junior girls’ department) get it wrong: yes, it is difficult, if not impossible, to dress a plus-sized woman to look like a petite woman. Stop trying. What is very possible, on the other hand, is to dress a plus-sized woman to look fabulous in her own size and skin. When plus-sized women pick out our own clothes, we have no illusions of fooling the public into thinking we are tiny… we just want to look and feel great as ourselves. If I was working with him and he was nixing fashion elements I liked simply because he thought they were unflattering, I would get frustrated, too. Also note that, while MM was tactful enough not to mention any names, CS had no problem calling her out.

      Okay, rant off…

      • Badirene says:

        “esp. designers like Christian, who probably still shops in the junior girls’ department”

        Can we stop shaming men by comparing them to females, there is nothing wrong with being a woman.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        “If I was working with him and he was nixing fashion elements I liked simply because he thought they were unflattering, I would get frustrated, too”

        Ok yes, I can understand all this but it’s not Christian’s job as a designer to put Melissa in anything she wants. Creatively, designers will ALWAYS want to have a say in it because it’s their name that will be associated with the celeb’s outfit on the red carpet. Is he supposed to send her out on the carpet looking a hot mess just to suit her ego?
        He’s just protecting his brand and I don’t blame the guy for that.

        If the point is that McCarthy just wants to wear what SHE wants to wear then why not buy something off-the-rack and get it tailored? Why seek out a fashion designer at all?

        Fashion designers want to WORK with celebs when it comes to red carpet dress– this means an exchange of ideas concluding in a mutual agreement. It does NOT mean the celeb dictating how and what the designer’s dress should look like.
        Remember, ultimately it’s the fashion designer’s creation–celebs shouldn’t seek out that designer if they don’t enjoy his/her work.

      • Mixtape says:

        Not intended as shaming, Badirene, but a reference to CS’s own past comments that he buys his jeans in the junior girls’ department since he is so tiny. I forget not everyone is a Project Runway diehard like myself.

      • name du jour says:

        That is so true and the proof of it is how MM was dressed as Sookie on Gilmore Girls. She had the cutest clothes and she looked happy and pretty in them.

        (In response to Mixtape’s first post, why can I never manage to click the right reply button on here?)

    • Kate says:

      But that’s the thing. If she has a ‘comfort zone’, if there’s a lot of styles she won’t consider, then her options are going to be limited. It’s not a designers fault if they make clothes she’s not comfortable with, that’s her issue. Not many designers are willing to make something they don’t like and think will look crap, certainly no big designers, so if she’s asking for specific things and they don’t even suit her, of course no major fashion houses are going to dress her.

      But anyway it sounds like Christian caved to her demands even though he thought it would look bad and in the end she wasn’t comfortable wearing the design she had asked for anyway. Which definitely makes her difficult.

  6. Esmom says:

    I don’t think it’s weird to tend to believe him, I do too. He may be quirky but he’s a professional and passionate about good design so I can imagine that he’d be frustrated with someone who was disregarding his expertise.

    I also don’t think MM is nearly as good at fashion as she thinks she is. And Christian could have ripped on that but instead was tactful in his comments.

    • Jules says:

      She is Jenny McCarthy’s cousin. Maybe difficult runs in the family.

    • tinyfencer says:

      I agree entirely. She seldom, if ever, dresses in a way that flatters her figure. Her clothes are usually dreadful. But to hear her talk she clearly thinks she knows a ton about fashion. I think she comes across as delusional when it comes to her clothes.

    • Josephine says:

      I don’t think she was discussing him – she referenced the top 5 or 6 designers, and he’s gotten bigger, but he’s not in the top 5 or 6. I think he seized the moment for some PR for himself – he’s very good at that. And his ego seems massive – way bigger than hers.

  7. Bridget says:

    Is Christian Siriano really in a place that he can publicly criticize an actress that he didn’t end up working with, let alone subtley imply that he was one of the 5 or 6 “very high designers”?

    • Moneypenny says:

      This was my thought. Perhaps he shouldn’t assume he was one of the 5 or 6 that flat-out said “no.”

    • StaceyP says:

      Exactly my thought, she said “5 or 6 very high-end designers” turned her down. I don’t she was including him in that group. I know I certainly wouldn’t.

    • Josephine says:

      Just wrote this above – I completely agree. He jumped on her comment to bring attention to himself.

  8. Sam says:

    I can believe him. The celebrity might want what they want, but its the designer’s name out there when a dress is worn. If its terrible, the designer suffers. Christian does have a history of dressing curvaceous women, but I also recall on Project Runway that he clashed with some models. The prom challenge in particular stands out. There, he had a more curvaceous girl as a model who was extremely particular, and he wasn’t happy about doing things that he really thought wouldn’t flatter her – and the judges seemed to back him up.

    I make clothes. One of the hardest parts is trying to drive home to people that bodies have limits. There are certain styles, cuts, fabrics, etc. that simply do not look good on certain body types (and not to malign big girls – I’ve seen many a skinny fashion disaster too). Some styles flatter curves, and some do not. Is there a problem in the fashion world with dressing larger women – hell yes. But Christian has a history or working with curvy girls, so I don’t question whether he COULD design for Melissa. Those being dressed have to keep in mind that a designer often knows their stuff and if they are making a recommendation, they might have good reason to do so.

    • HH says:

      +1 Million! I love everything about this comment.

    • kri says:

      It’s telling that he says “she wanted things I thought would not look good on her body”. So, if she liked something and he said she wouldn’t look good in it…well, if a designer siad that to me I might not want him to dress me either. The fact is, she is not built like Christina Hendricks (who is??!). MM is a very plus-size person-there’s no hiding it, nor should there be. So let her wear what she wants.Even if it’s hideous, cause that grey thing looks like a tarted-up Snuggie.

      • Sam says:

        But why should she have to look hideous? That’s part of the problem – plus-sized women are expected to settle. MM could look as good as any skinny woman out there – but that would require dressing her body in a way that flatters it. The grey thing she had on didn’t flatter her body – it tried to hide it. I’m thinking of Gabourie Sidibe (I know I just butchered her name) – she looked great during her awards season, and that’s because she wore bright colors, nice draping, but not a sheet to be found. She looked amazing. MM could too.

        And when a designer says they don’t think something would look good, generally, I don’t think the attitude of “well then I don’t want you” is best. Generally, a designer wants their clients to look good when they wear their stuff (now “good” can be a matter of perspective). It’s the designer’s name that will be out there if the dress is a hit or miss. They’re not trying to sabotage the client because they’d screw themselves in the process. If a designer is saying “I really don’t think this looks good on you” you might want to actually consider what they’re saying.

      • Erinn says:

        But again, that runs into the problem of her wearing his name. If it looks terrible, it’s making HIM look terrible, not just her.

      • Bridget says:

        We’ve seen S iriano’s aesthetic – it’s entirely possible that she just didn’t like what he had in mind. That’s part of the business of being a designer – a professional understands how to handle a client that may w ant to interject their own opinions. Remember when Rachel Zoe wanted to add an enormous train to the Armani dress that Anne Hathaway wore? He indulged her and made a mock up, but steered her away from it in the end.

      • irishserra says:

        See, I feel differently. If a fashion designer told me, “This will not flatter your body at all” I would say, “Okay, gotcha. What will?” I’m not a designer and I have zero ability to visualize what would work with my body and what would not.

      • Lady D says:

        I agree with you, irishserra. Why go to a pro for advice if you’re not going to listen? It’s just wasting their time and yours.
        I have a friend who is in therapy, and she lies nonstop to her therapist. He works with a nonprofit organization and is worked off his feet. She wastes valuable time that could be used to help others,

      • original kay says:

        @ Lady D

        that’s it, exactly. why go to a designer, then disregard their advice.
        It’s like the makeovers on ANTM- they say Tyra picks the makeovers. Ok, she probably has help but damn, if someone offered me a free makeover, a high end makeover with professionals of that caliber, you better believe I’d shut up.
        What do I know?

        melissa may think she knows how to dress her body, but for a red carpet look? doubtful. that’s why they have designers. (shrugs)

    • Jenna says:

      You are completely right. I work mainly as a costumer these days when sewing – mainly because I just couldn’t stand to deal with hysterical brides any more, or deal with women who seemed to never have actually stood in front of a mirror before. I lost it one day, actually telling a client I had a sewing machine, not a magic wand. CAN gorgeous clothes be made for every single body type, every person on the planet? Damn skippy. CAN a person dress in ways that showcase their best features, embrace their quirks, and flaunt their own personal style? A million times yes. But a person also has to understand there ARE limits. That unless there is a magic fabric I haven’t found yet – a fuller figured woman (and I say this as a size 34 freaking Ecup, I know of what I speak) can’t demand say a sexy skintight dress, no lining, no boning, no undergarments built in or worn under that will flow, allow for breakdancing, and still be ‘totally comfortable’. Unless rubber catsuits are that gals idea of comfy – it isn’t happening. A larger gal can wear any fabric or color (if it suits their coloring) but large or small, there are limits and decisions have to be made as to what matters, what doesn’t, what can go and what is vital. And worse – most red carpet looks are seriously time-limited. If you give someone 6 months, perhaps every item on the wish list can be checked off, but if there is only 3 days, 2 people, and limited fittings? Stuff has to be pared down. And even more – if you go to a known designer, you are going because you like their style, and want to work that vibe into the look. If you want someone to simply make what you tell them – hire a tailor. Otherwise, what is the point? You go with a designer because you love what they create. No sensible person would hire a famous muralist only to hand them a 12 inch roller, a can of flat eggshell, and tell them to paint your office. It would be an excessive waste and a horribly frustrating experience all around. You don’t go to someone like CS and expect him to do nothing but make something you have designed, ignoring his talents and own esthetic.

      And frankly… while I think MM is a good actress and seems like a pretty cool person, based on the type of clothes she always seems to wear on red carpets, usually while bragging about her design ambitions and training, it would appear all her talent would be in acting. I’ve yet to see her in anything that flatters her, or does anything other then make her look like a tent. Curvy women can be sexy, stunning, gorgeous, stylish and just all around amazing and there are no hard and fast ‘rules’ anymore for clothes. So the fact she seems to almost always dress in ways that double her size, distort her shape, and have all the color interest of elderly support garments seem to show she not only doesn’t have the faintest idea about what looks good on her body, but has yet to truly embrace the magic of even a well made bra. If she can’t get the underparts right – she would have much better luck at least TRYING to let some professionals take a crack at it! (Frankly? I’d give a lot to put her into the hands of some of my burlesque friends. Even if she never wore that type of thing publicly, I think it would open her eyes to just how stunning she could look if led down a different stretch of the fashion highway!)

    • mercy says:

      “The celebrity might want what they want, but its the designer’s name out there when a dress is worn. If its terrible, the designer suffers.”

      Very true! Though you wouldn’t think so when looking at some of their controversial pieces that seem designed to get attention (like Rhianna’s see through numbers. ;))

  9. K says:

    I don’t really think Siriano is all that, though, and agree that Hendricks does not look good in his stuff.

    It may have been a case of too many cooks in the kitchen.

  10. Katren says:

    In the picture of her in the ugly grey dress – talk about giant hair! She looks very outdated

  11. Jules says:

    If that is the future of fatwear, then I am glad I have lost 138 pounds………..and I will keep losing.

  12. QQ says:

    i love her but i kinda totally believe him too

  13. Kim1 says:

    I believe him.

  14. jenn says:

    i don’t know how she functions being to friggin’ FAT
    I’m 35lbs over weight and I can hardly breath sometimes b/c of it and have just a general malaise on a daily basis.

    • astra says:

      Ugh I know! I am pregnant AGAIN and barely 5 months along and am gigantic. I look like a barge and feel like garbage. Lol maybe I’m a garbage barge. But I never really lost the weight from my last, who is only 14 months so I went into it bigger than I’ve ever been (145 at 5’2) and have gained maybe 5-10lbs so far and feel horrible! Some of that is just pregnancy I know, but I am dreading gaining any more weight. How do really obese people do it? Not judging them or trying to be mean, just honestly wondering.

      Oh, and I have no clue how to dress myself at such a big size. I mostly just wear all black dresses and long sleeved light shirts. But if someone has been large for a long time wouldn’t it be easier?

  15. lucy2 says:

    It’s possible she was talking about other designers who flat out said no first. I’m aware of Siriano but I’d probably name a dozen other designers before thinking of him. Maybe she tried all the big names first and they said no.
    As for her being difficult – I’m guessing it comes from her studying fashion. Speaking from my own experience, clients who have some kind of design background are usually the most stubborn and/or difficult, and often just want us to produce their ideas and aren’t as open minded about suggestions. I had one client last year who stuck to his own design so stubbornly, any minor suggestions I had about making things cleaner lines and more functional, he rejected, and the end product showed it.
    If Siriano is used to getting his way, and Melissa wasn’t open to his ideas, I could see how they’d butt heads.

  16. The Original Mia says:

    I believe him. And I’m sorry, but her Oscar dress was ugh. Too much. She doesn’t know how to dress herself for the red carpet.

    • lw says:

      I am a fashion designer, and a plus size woman. My two cents is that it is that Melissa has NEVER looked good in anything she has worn on the red carpet, EVER. She has no idea what works for her, and seems hell bent on being completely covered up with some sort of hideous embellishment added. She should look to Oprah, and Queen Latifah who have both really mastered what works for them.

      • Faye says:

        You can’t really compare. Both women are much less heavy than she is -and Latifah lost a LOT of weight, right? Is she even technically plus-size anymore? They are good dressers, though.

      • lw says:

        Both Oprah and Queen Latifah have lost significant weight over the years, but both were similar in size to Melissa at some point, although Queen is much taller. And they still out-dressed her by leaps and bounds.

      • mercy says:

        Oprah is a great example of dressing well at any size. She’s had some misses, but in recent years her style has been pretty impeccable.

  17. rep says:

    I know when I was 30 pounds overweight, I could hardly breathe. My legs burned all the time, and I just felt awful. I wish for her sake that she could drop a few pounds.

  18. Lady says:

    I believe him. I think she complicated matters because its really not that difficult dressing plus sized bodies. Depending on where the weight is carried and what the woman is comfortable showing it can change things but it doesnt HAVE TO be that way.

    I’m a size 4 and I don’t have any particular fashion training but I have seen women her size look absolutely amazing in dresses worn by women my size. Dont believe me? Check out

    • Blannie says:

      That website has some beautiful clothes but it only goes up to American size 16, so barely plus size. None of those women have Melissa’s build. I’m plus size myself at 239 lbs, but I still think she dresses horribly. But it’s NOT easy to dress as a plus-sized woman with her build. I would bet Melissa is more like a size 22-24. And she doesn’t have much of a defined waist, so that makes it harder.

      I agree with the posters that said we’re hearing both of their sides. But I think her fashion sense isn’t nearly as good as Christian’s is. He was phenomenal on Project Runway.

  19. smee says:

    I see in MANY photographs wearing high, round necklines – the worst possible choice for a plus sized and/or large chest.

  20. Nev says:


    if she can’t work WITH a designer that means listening to the input or ideas from that designer and collaborating then she should make her own clothes then. I believe him.

  21. TX says:

    I totally believe him. And I know I will get yelled at for this, but please keep in mind, I have fluctuated from skinny to fat several times, so I know what Im talking about….clothes just do not look as good on overweight and obese people. Sometimes I truly do not believe its a matter of a designers ability. Clothes tend to look better on people with less shape, end of story. It’s not a judgment on Melissa’s body or life..its just a fact.

    Obviously there is an issue with the fashion industry, but can we all just reasonably agree that clothes will always look better on people like Charlize Theron than Melissa, and not get all up in arms about it blaming designers?

  22. Dany says:

    Melissa often dresses bad… so i tend to believe him. But that doesn´t mean she is a difficult person and i don´t think that is what Christian wants to say. It just means she isn´t really in fashion (but she thinks she is). In real she has no idea whatsuits her. Obviously she doesn´t want to hear the advices of others. I bet if she would let a good designer show her what works Melissa could rock the red carpet.

  23. Faye says:

    Whether it’s true or not, I think less of him for saying this. Melissa didn’t call him out by name, so there was no need for him to do that to her.

    Melissa does wear unflattering things sometimes, but he’s not exactly an expert on dressing women who aren’t thin. I’ve seen some of his stuff on Christina Hendricks, who is far, FAR lighter than Melissa, it was hella unflattering.

    Wish everyone would use a modicum of professionalism and consideration – even in Hollywood. I know, I dream.

  24. Kori says:

    I don’t remember if CS made any specific comments on PR but they pretty uniformly hate dressing anyone over a size 2 on that show let alone anyone heavy. The thing is MM is fat not curvy–and I say this not to shame as I’m probably her weight or a little less myself. She’s not curvy or just big bosomed like Christina H. I can believe some designers not wanting to dress her. OTOH she is horrible at picking out clothes. I’m beginning to think only overweight WOC can dress because every year you see Oprah or Queen Latifah killing it and Octavia Spencer (was it the same year as MM even?) was my absolute fave ,heavy or skinny ,her awards year. Her gowns were beautiful and flattering. MM has usually dressed to cover up and it makes her look heavier.

    • Faye says:

      @Kori – Mostly agree but again, you can’t compare. I don’t think any of the three women are anywhere near as heavy as Melissa (particularly not Latifah who has lost a lot of weight), and they all have curvy figures. Melissa is kind of shapeless at this point.

      That being said, the issue to me isn’t whether Christian was right, or whether it’s hard to dress fat women, but him saying this in the first place. And I think it’s disgusting. Melissa seems nice and never named him. Why did he mention her? So unprofessional.

      • mercy says:

        Oprah is a great example of dressing well at any size. Octavia, too. I think both have been almost as heavy as Melissa, though proportioned differently (and Oprah seems quite a bit taller.)

        Kate Hudson is rather shapeless. 😉 Melissa still has a shape, imo. Sleeker, well fitted outfits would bring it out better.

      • Faye says:

        Mercy, skinny people can absolutely be shapeless too! I should know -I spend ages doing all kinds of targeted lunges, squats, plies, etc and I still have a basically flat backside 🙂

      • Kori says:

        Latifah and Octavia have slimmed down but they were still very heavy women when they were at the Oscars. They were at least closer to MM than the usual size 0-2 or ‘bustybut not heavy’ types who are usually on the red carpet. And Oprah has definitely been up there. I really do think part of it is confidence. OS I particularly loved and pinned some of her dresses to my Pinterest board. MM could’ve gone with those kinds of looks and rocked it instead of wearing sacks.

        But I agree–CS was tacky to call her out when she named no names. Did anyone even draw a connection between the 2 until he went public?

  25. lilac says:

    I am agreeing that she was not talking about him. She was actually talking about a major designer. He obviously thinks highly of himself.

  26. mercy says:

    I’ve found that clothes are a very personal thing for many people, especially those with more limited options or who have had trouble finding the right fit. They’re forced to become their own experts and therefore less likely to trust a relative stranger, even if said stranger is a professional. And MM has an interest and some formal education in fashion, so I have no doubt that she is very opinionated when it comes to what she wears. But the fact that very few designers even offer to dress her in the first place (Siriano excepted) is pretty sad.

    Looking at her choices, she could probably use more guidance. But I’m not convinced there are that many designers who would know how to dress her, anyway. They’re looking to make their own statements, and MM’s curves are hardly the blank canvas they’re used to working with. Those curves are a statement in and of themselves and I’m not sure a designer ego could handle the competion lol. Curves deserve to appreciated and be flattered, not distorted with weird shapes or cuts, or busy patterns, or covered up with excessive material and frills.

    My first job was working at a department store in an upscale beach community selling pricey women’s designer clothing. One day Roseanne came in and asked where we kept the clothes that would fit her. I can’t explain how awkward it was for my teenage, minimum wage making self to have to tell one of the most powerful women in her field (at the time), who could have bought out our whole department without batting an eye, that we had nothing for her. The official line was our store was small and we “didn’t have room” for a “women’s sizes” section. But we had a Petites section. And the men’s dept. carried extended sizes. I think the truth was that plus sizes were considered a more ‘budget’ customer that did not frequent our store (of course they didn’t – we had nothing for them.)

    When I moved on to a different store, I specifically applied to work in the plus sizes department. I knew it was an under-served market and was excited by the prospect of having something different to offer them. I initially faced some resistance from management as I was not plus sized myself, but they gave me a chance after I explained my reasoning. It was by far the best experience of my brief retail ‘career.’ Never had I dealt with more appreciative and loyal customers. They were the complete opposite of difficult. It was still often hard to find the right fit (for some reason, designers assumed larger sizes must also be very tall), but they were just happy to find a resource for higher quality clothes in their sizes. And they were willing to spend on nice clothes. Biggest commissions I ever made!

    Designers are missing out big time if they ignore this market. I think they’ve gotten better in recent years (at least I hope so), but if someone in Melissa’s position still has a hard time finding designers who want to dress her for events (Siriano excepted), it sounds like there’s still a ways to go.

  27. swack says:

    I have watched Christian come back and help judge on Project Runway and he is not the nicest person when it comes to critiqueing. I kind of remember not believing that he actually won PR as I didn’t like his collection. I think he has gotten a bit of a big head over all of it and is a bit of a snob. JMO.

  28. LaurieH says:

    I’m going to defend Melissa. Sure, Christian Siriano has dressed Christina Hendricks, but Hendricks rarely looks good in her clothes. The boobs are either too out or too covered, while from the waist down it’s matronly, frumpy-dumpy. That, to me, says that while Christian Siriano is willing to make dresses for large-size gals, he doesn’t necessarily know how to. He just creates a design he’d normally make in a sample size and then sews it up with more fabric into a larger size. Christian Siriano also doesn’t seem to understand the insecurities that many large-size women feel. They don’t care what YOU think makes them look good; they care about what makes them feel good and confident. That doesn’t make Melissa McCarthy “difficult” – it just means she knows what she wants and what she’s comfortable wearing.

    • Sam says:

      But what makes her feel good is only part of the equation. When celebs attend an awards show, they always talk about who they’re wearing. Why do you think almost all the dresses are comped? Because it’s free advertising. Siriano’s name would be associated with any dress MM wore long after she took it off. Designers take a creative risk when they dress stars for any event, but especially one that’s high-profile like the Oscars. If what SHE wanted was aesthetically displeasing, I do not blame him one bit for not wanting to create something that he knew would adversely impact HIM. Should be expected to potentially torpedo his image or business to make this woman comfortable? I’d hope not.

      I think it also bears repeating that there is such a thing as aesthetically good design. There are things that flatter curvaceous or fat women and things that do not. It’s not a matter of taste, but a matter of visuals. MM may be extremely comfortable in the grey dress above, but that doesn’t make it good design. (Serious) Designers are in the business of good design – at least, they try to be. If MM simply wanted her own design created for her, she had no reason to engage a designer. She needed merely to hire a seamstress or tailor who could create her exact vision. So why even hire a designer if you are so set on what you want?

      • LaurieH says:

        I would agree with that, but for the fact that actually famous designers – haute couture designers like Valentino, Lagerfeld, etc…have used their “creative judgment” to dress celebrities for the red carpet, only to have the gowns panned and ridiculed…not just because they look bad on the celebrity, but because the dress itself is a hot mess. That doesn’t seem to hurt their reputations, so I hardly think Christian Siriano’s designs for a hefty girl would ruin his “reputation” – such as it is. Show me a majorly plus-size celebrity on the red carpet and I’ll show you a woman wearing a variation of a sack. It doesn’t matter who made it, it will be a sack…maybe with some sequins or chiffon or whatever…but a sack nonetheless.

  29. Sarah says:

    He used the same adverb twice in a nine word sentence. I pretty much can’t even get past that to assess whether I believe him or not.

  30. Dany says:

    i read somewhere that Melissa wants to create a fashion line for plus-sized women… so i just googled Melissa´s red carpet gowns and i have to say it´s obvious that she has bad style. Seems she doesn´t accept advices of designers 🙁
    All these bands under her décolleté make her body look rounder… not a good look.
    I mean she always has the same dress type “tent with drapings”. This whole look emphasizes the wrong places. Plus size doesn´t mean you have to hide every inch of your body under a wide tent. You need clothes which shape your curves in the best way.

  31. Alexa says:

    Hate to admit this (and always thought I had an eye for fashion too), but I REALLY LIKE MELISSA IN THE GREY DRESS. (Anyone else?)

    • astra says:

      I really really like her hair and the color is lovely on her, but something about the dress just doesn’t do it for her. I think it’s the draping around her middle. Other than that, she does look really pretty!

  32. Hannah says:

    Well, she said she spoke to high level designers so she probably wasn’t referring to Siriano.

  33. joan says:

    How DARRRRE she??? Have an opinion on the dress she’s wearing?[ And paying for maybe?]

    She has to wear it.
    She has to take the flack if people don’t like it.
    She has preferences.

    Well realllllly! Some people!

  34. itsetsyou says:

    Okay, I have a stupid question, but I want to hear your thoughts on this: Melissa is not curvy, she is very obviously overweight (in Europe she’d be considered as obese). AS far as I understand she doesn’t have serious health problems (or does she?). So why wouldn’t she want to become a healthier person and lose some weight? Not to get to Heidi’s standards but just be a regular, curvy, healthy woman? I cannot imagine living with so much extra weight even if one has no vanity, the everyday struggle with simplest tasks is too much. So why not make an effort and become healthy?

    • Rudy says:

      YOu had NO idea whatsoever whether or not Melissa is making ‘an effort’ to become healthy. Why do you presume she has NO vanity? And are you saying that hefty women have no strength to do simple chores, struggle with making the bed?

      There are all shapes, sizes, colors of women and men. For all we know Melissa can drop and do 50. Obviously carrying more weight puts more wear on the bones but at the same time, as you get older it is the people with extra pounds who live longer.

      I was waiting for someone to put Melissa in the ‘Other’ category. YOu are the first person to suggest there is someone wrong with her because she does not fit the ‘normal’ standard of weight. The design industry is also all about excluding people of color and people of weight.

      Big women can be very healthy. Check it out.

  35. Jene Byrnes says:

    I wonder how much practice/education Mr. Siriano and other designers get when it comes to plus-sized women’s clothing? Just from my brief exposure to fashion school (my sister went), they did not have many assignments designing clothing for women who exceeded the more acceptable hourglass figure. So, if he did not have a lot of experience in this, I could see why it would be frustrating for them both: Siriano, perhaps because he does not know how to dress a fuller figure, and McCarthy, because maybe some of the things she requested were not doable on a dress cut for her specific shape. I wonder, too, if a designer would think there was little payoff in plus size design – maybe more tailoring involved, different areas must be accented or hidden, etc. (by plus-size I refer to sizes above the more “acceptable” 16/18, or hourglass shape of a Hendricks [not saying I find it unacceptable, but there is a lot of social flak for not being f*ckable by hollywood standards])..