Keira Knightley: Friendships ‘don’t have to be sexual to be intense love affairs’


Keira Knightley has a really lovely interview in the new issue of The Advocate. They ask her about a lot of her gay-friendly film and stage roles, and I guess I never realized how many of her films involved explicit or implicit female-on-female love. She gave the interview to promote Begin Again, the movie where she plays a rock star’s ex who begins her music career with a little help from Mark Ruffalo. You can read the full piece here and here are some highlights:

Working with Adam Levine: “Yeah, he’s a pretty sexy dude. He’s got a good body on him. He’s also very funny, which is always the most attractive thing about anybody. He had so much energy that he was literally bouncing off the walls, so it was great fun to work with him. He had never acted before, so he was constantly going, ‘Oh, I don’t know how to do this.’ He was a complete natural, of course, which is a bit annoying, really. But yeah, he certainly hasn’t been left short in the looks department.”

Being drawn to projects about complicated female friendships: “Well, female friendships are f–king extraordinary. They don’t have to be sexual to be intense love affairs. A breakup with a female friend can be more traumatic than a breakup with a lover. I’ve always been attracted to stories that look at the love-hate complexity of close female friendships. It’s ripe for drama. Did you see Frances Ha? That portrayed a female friendship I really understood.”

On her girl crush: “I just watched The Punk Singer, the documentary about Kathleen Hanna from Bikini Kill, so I actually have to go with her. She might be my top girl crush of all time, really. I love a riot grrrl.”

On The Imitation Game & Alan Turing: “I first read about him several years ago and I was appalled. It didn’t happen in my lifetime, but I felt quite ashamed. It’s an important story to tell. We have to look at what happened to this brilliant man because of his sexual orientation. He was destroyed, and we can’t allow that to happen again. We can’t let homophobia or bigotry take over and tear people apart. What was done to this great intellect in a court of law is an absolute travesty. As much progress as we’ve made, we must continue to fight to make people understand and value each other.”

Whether Georgiana Cavendish (Keira played her in The Duchess) was bisexual: “I think she was in love with that particular woman, and I think she could’ve had great sexual pleasure with a woman, as many women can. Sexuality is a funny thing, and sometimes labels don’t quite cover it.”

[From The Advocate]

I love what she says about female friendships and about bisexuality and labels. In the interview, she also talks about how liberal and LGBT-friendly her parents were and growing up, she never saw the LGBT community as anything other than completely acceptable. You can tell she’s very passionate about gay rights.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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25 Responses to “Keira Knightley: Friendships ‘don’t have to be sexual to be intense love affairs’”

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  1. Louisa says:

    I used to really dislike her for some reason but she is growing on me lately. I think all the recent “I’m not a feminist” type comments from other young actresses have made me appreciate her more.

  2. Jac says:

    She’s one of those very rare celebrities in the sense that the more she says, the more I like her.

  3. Blarg Smith says:

    Love her. But I’m concerned about her love for Adam Levine. He’s the Ultimate Skeeve.

    • Panache says:

      I second that. I also thought the pictures of her visiting a refugee camp recently were rather ill-judged.

    • kri says:

      It seemed to me she only said what was expected (or what she could manage to choke out w/out laughing) about a co-star/douchebag. I like her.

  4. yennefer says:

    She’s my ultimate girl crush FOREVAH. That’s all I have to say.

  5. Sharon says:

    Ah yes! Female friendships can be so intoxicating and much like a love affair but without sex… But there seems to often be that love/hate thing she mentions, no? I have only 3 female friends like that in my life and it’s funny how I get excited to see them and that googly feeling when I’m with them an I’m a married woman of 32… You don’t need to be a teenager/college girl to have those “intense” friendships.

    • jaye says:

      I’m the same. I have 4 very good girl friends and I’m always giddy when I know I’m going to see them and I go through withdrawal when it’s been a long time since I’ve seen them. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I move to GA from DE.

    • QQ says:

      This!! one of my besties (who move down the block from me from another state on my advice and push – all of the girls were lobbying for her to move by them!) is getting married in August and when I tell you us four grown women are plotting daily and having talk of sleep overs and what are we gonna eat and all of this!! Sheesh!! (Also we all met through blogging and eventually progressed to daily email group chats and then to a yearly trip together)

  6. lunchcoma says:

    I’m not wild about her as an actress, but I like her more every time I read an interview from her. She seems to have her head on straight, and I get the feeling she has a little more going on upstairs than many other young actors and actresses.

  7. Duri says:

    Lovely interview, one can tell she is a grounded person and quite knowledgable about important matters.

    When is Weinstein gonna release the trailer of TIG ???? Freakin Unbroken’s trailer came already and it’s releasing on Christmas SMH

  8. Jayna says:

    Great interview. I’ve always loved her in movies.

  9. Francis says:

    I like her.,she makes a rather good point.
    I actually enjoy listening to her when she’s interviewed. It doesn’t seem like press agent speak, but authentically coming from her own thoughts and feelings.

  10. may234 says:

    I like her more and more. She seems normal and very self aware, unlike most stars of her caliber. And being beautiful in that classy way, obviously, doesn’t hurt!

  11. Jill says:

    I’ve loved her ever since I saw Pirates of the Caribbean when I was like 13. I love that she does period pieces because she likes history and I love that she’s a feminist. Her fashion sense can be a bit off-kilter sometimes but I love the dress she’s wearing in the header photo!

  12. kristina says:

    Slightly off topic but… can anyone identify this dress she’s wearing? I’ve been trying to for days with no luck!

  13. nnq says:

    Only a woman would think like that. We men want the cookie.

  14. Lilacflowers says:

    For some reason, I really need to see her do a road trip movie with Emma Thompson.