Prince George’s big brown eyes & first birthday cover this week’s People Mag

george people

Look at Prince George’s big brown eyes!!! How did that happen? I mean, I don’t need a dissertation on genetics and eye color (again), but you would think that with a blue-eyed parent (William) and a hazel-eyed parent (Kate), George would not end up with brown eyes. But it happens. And even with the brown eyes, George looks SO MUCH like William as a baby. Except that I think George is more regal. George is totally going to grow up with a “do not speak to me, PEASANT!” face. Anyway, George turns 1 year old next week, so People Magazine has done an “all about Prince George” cover story this week. Eh.

He’s walking, babbling – and still waking up much, much earlier than his parents would like. As Prince George approaches his first birthday on Tuesday, the future heir to the British throne is growing into a spirited toddler whose every milestone is met with pride by his mom and dad, Princess Kate and Prince William.

“As for any new parent, it’s exciting and a joy to be a part of,” a palace source tells PEOPLE in this week’s cover story. “It’s a wonderful thing going through your baby’s first year.”

For the heir to the British throne (behind his dad and grandfather, Prince Charles), it has been a year filled with adventure (the royal tour Down Under), sweet moments (singing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” with Mom) and sleepless nights (for which William recently shared his coping strategy).

And like many parents of a nearly 1-year-old, William and Kate, both 32, have begun planning for baby no. 2. Although the palace won’t comment on the ever-present pregnancy rumors, a source close to the couple confirms they plan to give George a sibling not too long from now, but “they don’t say when.”

Still, the pieces are in place: William is preparing to start a long-term job with an air ambulance service, a job close to the couple’s country home, Anmer Hall.

“It’s a great, family-friendly environment,” says a source who has visited there.

[From People]

“Preparing to start a long-term job…”? Good God. That’s why everybody’s in a rush to announce Kate’s second pregnancy. They think another baby will help with the mountain of bad press they’re going to get for running away from their royal duties for another four years. That being said… I do hope they’re already pregnant or will be soon. I think it would be very cool if they had a daughter. It would change things up.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet and People.

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79 Responses to “Prince George’s big brown eyes & first birthday cover this week’s People Mag”

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  1. Sayrah says:

    My goodness he looks like William!

    • Megan says:

      In some pics, I think he looks exactly William, and, in others, I think he looks exactly like Kate’s father. Either way, he is adorable.

      • Dany says:

        yes, sometimes he looks like Michael Middleton and at other times he looks like William. If men could give birth, George would be the result of an affair of William with Michael.

      • Jaxx says:

        I agree, I see Kate’s Dad flash on his little face often. Does her dad have brown eyes? No matter who he favors he is just a bundle of delicious. Can’t wait to see the next one. Would like to see a girl, but really, I think another boy would be close enough to be a great support to King George, like his uncle Harry is to Wills. Then an adorable girl they name Diana.

  2. InvaderTak says:

    I hate to sound like a conspiracy nut, but aren’t Kate’s eyes actually brown? The blue/hazel are contacts?

    • SpookySpooks says:

      Hazel eyes can appear more brown or more green depending on the the lighting, no?

      • Squiggles says:

        Not just lighting, but what you are wearing, the colour of eyeshadow/liner, emotions, etc.

        I have hazel eyes and love mixing up the colours outside and of them.

      • M.A.F. says:

        Yes. My eyes look brown but up close you can actually see the green (it’s an olive green tint) which I have more of than the light brown.

      • wolfpup says:

        Wasn’t it weird that her first portrait artist, painted her eyes blue? Are her eyes ever photo-shopped as well?

      • ArtHistorian says:

        My sister has blue eyes with green specks – when she wears purple eyeshadow her eyes appear intensely green. It is all about colour coordination and lighting.

    • Lola says:

      A green eyed mother and a blue eyed father having a baby with dark brown eyes? Get real people!

      • imqrious2 says:

        It *is* possible. Everyone in my immediate family, on both sides, has green or blue eyes (or variations of) except my dad’s older brother who has brown eyes. Turns out my grandmother’s mother had brown eyes, and my grandfather’s uncle had brown. Sometimes, all it takes is those two genes to come together at the right time, and poof! A brown eyed baby.

        Still, it can take a full year for a child’s eyes to settle into the color they’re “supposed” to be.

      • Lex says:

        Eye colour genetics are far more complicated than everyone assumes.

        My parents are both blue eyed. They had 3 blue eyed kids and 1 kid with intensely yellow hazel eyes. They were blue as a baby but changed when she was about 3 years old. It happens. Get over it!

  3. QQ says:

    Little ChubbyWubbers *makes faces at imaginary Royal Angry Baby*

  4. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    He’s really adorable. Love those chubby little cheeks.

  5. Ciria says:

    He is so freaking cute.

  6. SpookySpooks says:

    He’s so adorable,
    I’m going to hijack the thread a bit, but me and my friend were talking about celebrity babies, and of course George came up, but we agreed that Messi’s kid is the most adorable. Has anyone seen him? His the cutes and funniest little boy I have seen in a long time.

  7. Kate2 says:

    Oh. He is such a cute little guy. I love that he’s a bruiser.

  8. eliza says:

    Long term job??????? Ahahahahaha. *eye roll*

  9. Hausfrau says:

    That baby is delicious.

  10. Zigggy says:


  11. Talie says:

    Really? I think he looks identical to Kate’s baby photo.

  12. Aussie girl says:

    Aaaw very cute 😍

  13. Ag says:

    chunky babies are hilarious, and he looks very spunky.

  14. Francis says:

    He’s so cute. Adorable. I think he has Kate’s face shape totally. I see Williams hair but Kate’s face.
    IMO his brown eyes were uncovered months ago,when US Magazine retouched them to make them look green. I knew then his eyes where obviously brown.
    George is sooooooo cute. The cutest cheeks. Such a sweetie pie.

    • pippa middle says:

      So cute n kissable— hellraiser to be sure – he looks dad P Will, grandma Di and great grandpa Earl Spencer Churchill-like features with the cheeks. Look at Pr C*Lady D wedding when. Great grandpa walk grannie Di down the aisle. Christening face was QE2 feature (maybe cause he was crying but respectfully stop when Ggrandma, QE2 arrived) n G/grandpa Earl Spencer.

  15. M.A.F. says:

    One can’t determine how the kid will be as adult based on the attitude of a 1 year old but I do (secretly) hope he will do some major side-eyeing of his parents when he gets older.

  16. Leaflet says:

    George is always upset, just like Nori, lol. It would be funny to see them get together for a play date to see how they would react to each other. I think they’re b-days are like a month apart. Hope George doesn’t grow up to have a temper like his dad is rumored to have. Don’t think it’s a good idea for them to have another baby so soon, Kate did say that William doesn’t spend much time with George.

    • FLORC says:

      Ugh oh. You opened the door for comments about Nori and by association Kim. Here comes the hate parade.
      (Hopefully this comment shames and prevents such disgusting comments)

      • Leaflet says:

        I would hope not. No one should be so disgusting as to insult a baby just because of their distaste for the parents. Nori and George would still be cute playmates. It would be like grumpy, cute overload.

  17. LK says:

    It’s Princess Kate now?

    • CG says:

      People has referred to her as Princess Kate since the wedding. It drives me insane, but if they were going to call her by her real title, they probably would have changed by now.

      • AM says:

        The problem for all of these outlets is that she has formal titles and we live in an informal society. Inconvenient for them, and it’s not like they ever really get called out on it.

      • Lola says:

        No they don’t, they call her Wasty or Waity, or Lazy Kate, or something that suits her.

    • Francis says:

      People Mag,seemed really bothered on the wedding day, when she came out as Duchess IMO
      They had visions of Princess Kate or Princess Catherine and they have stuck to it, which looks ridiculous at this point.
      Everyone knows her as Duchess ,so it looks odd now to call her Princess. IMO

  18. Abby_J says:

    I really just want to grab that baby and squish him. He is so adorable. However, I don’t want to get arrested or shot, so I will just imaginary squish him! 🙂

  19. Lady says:

    I had fairly dark brown eyes when I was young but now that Im older they are lighter, perhaps that’s the deal with Kate’s eyes and thus George’s!

    I also want to add that I LOVE this kid. All babies are cute and celeb babies make me smile, but George is like a little powerhouse. You can see it on his face. He reminds me of my six year old when she was a baby. I swear the moment she was born she looked at me with an expression that said “I am unimpressed, peasants. Why the dickens did that take so long, someone get me something to eat.”

    • wolfpup says:

      Why is there all this eye-color changing? Is there something wrong with having brown eyes? I hear about the changing eye color situation too often, not to wonder.

      • Lady says:

        No clue! I wish mine had remained dark!

      • Lola says:

        There is when the baby has dark brown ones, and the parents green and blue.

      • Ange says:

        My eyes were sort of a light blue/green until just before puberty, now they’re dark green with brown flecks. For what it’s worth my mother’s eyes were blue and my dad has hazel eyes.

    • Lola says:

      Eye colours don’t change, sweetie.

      • wolfpup says:

        Don’t call me sweetie. There was an eye color change on her portrait. DM said something about it. There are also contacts that change one’s eye color – I’m thinking violet for me… Anyway, Kate most likely carries the dominant gene for brown-eyes from her father. Remember all that gene-crossing stuff in biology? George looks more like Mike than any other Middleton, including his mother.

  20. T.C. says:

    Seriously we need a face on picture of this cutiepie if these mags decide to do a cover story on him. Enough with the low rent pap pics. Ask for the palace to send you an official picture and do a real interview otherwise you are no different than The Enquier or US magazine.

  21. Hissyfit says:

    He is so friggin’ cute! Those chubby cheeks! Aww!

  22. KJP says:

    This slide show is hilarious!,,20395222_20834899,00.html

  23. MinnFinn says:

    I also see Kate’s eyes in George. But George looks much more burly than William did at the same age.

    My favorite photos is his lip curled into an almost sneer as Kate de-planes during their down under tour wearing her red flight attendant outfit.

    Caption on that photo should be “Prince George is not impressed”

  24. Leaflet says:

    I know George is a baby, and these are just his play clothes, but those black booties look a bit harsh against those overalls. Maybe she should have gone with a darker colored set of overalls.

  25. Jocelyn says:

    I’m usually not much of a baby person but George really is adorable. I’m hoping he’s a troublemaker. His parents need to be kept on their toes.

    • Francis says:

      Well Harry said, he got one of George’s first smiles, he said George looked at him and smiled. Maybe George recognized a fellow rascal. 🙂

      • Jocelyn says:

        Haha I hope so. 🙂

      • Lola says:

        Harry, another one of dubious parentage. Harry is still a weak idiot.

      • Megan says:

        Lola – as LAK astutely noted, at age 25 they all start to look like Windsors and Harry is no exception.

      • JulieM says:

        Lola, the dubious parentage of Harry is really getting old. He’s looking more and more like a Windsor every day. I will grant you though, he’s not the sharpest knife in the block.

      • Francis says:

        Harry’s so lovable. He is a rascal and a sweetheart at the same time.
        Harry is a people’s Prince in my book. He has some of Diana’s charisma whereas William has one of it.

        George is so cute, those cheeks are absolutely adorable. He always looks like he’s about to get into something,like grabbing toys and throwing them. Hahaha.

  26. Leslie says:

    He’s so cute. Such mischief in those dark eyes.

  27. Moi says:

    His beautiful face, including those big brown eyes and strawberry blonde hair make me happy. ❤️💗