Ivana Trump steps out with her boy-toy in France: Patsy Stone Realness?


Believe it or not, the old UK show Absolutely Fabulous was not a cultural touchstone for every single person in the world. There are some people who can go days, weeks, months without making some kind of AbFab reference. I am not one of them. Many, many lines from AbFab are constantly cropping up in my mind and in my writing as I gossip professionally. You little bitch troll from hell. One snap of my fingers and I can raise hemlines so high that the world is your gynecologist! She’s emaciated, like her brain. All of those lines were said by Patsy Stone, brilliantly played by Joanna Lumley. Lumley played Patsy as a fashion-and-sex-obsessed alcoholic with a blonde beehive and a permanent sneer. And loads of cigarettes.

Anyway, I bring all of this up because as soon as I glanced through these photos of Ivana Trump in Saint-Tropez, all I could think about was Patsy. Ivana is SO Patsy. And there was even a reference to Patsy’s love of all things Ivana in an AbFab episode too. Patsy always walked like this too – that slouchy, uncomfortable strut.

The dude with Ivana is her boy-toy, Marcantonio Rota. Ivana is 65 years old now – and I can’t find a hard number for Marcantonio’s age, but some outlets have him pegged as “early 50s.” Yeah… he looks like he’s probably mid-40s. And she looks mid-70s. They’ve been together for two years or more, so it’s “love.” I imagine he makes her very happy. But I feel a little bit sorry for her as she tried to work that Herve Leger dress and those heels – if she dated somebody a little bit older, maybe she could wear comfortable shoes and a tracksuit. Here’s the real question: is Marantonio #initforlife?




Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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122 Responses to “Ivana Trump steps out with her boy-toy in France: Patsy Stone Realness?”

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  1. Nicky says:

    Patsy’s style, hair and clothes, were based on Ivana. No wonder you are having an AbFab flashback.

    • Arock says:

      There’s something to be said for the idea if dressing your age. It doesn’t have to be a literal blue print but if she wasn’t wearing absurdly youthful clothes/shoes/make up she would appear much more, um, together perhaps. The only thing that’s missing from these pics is a handle of Stoli and a pack of Mores.

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        I have to agree. Part of me wants to say that when you get older you should be able to wear whatever you want and not care, but she would look so much nicer in something more age appropriate. When you get to the point where your legs and boobs don’t look good any more. It doesn’t hurt to choose outfits that don’t display them so prominently.

      • Sally says:

        The Middleton-esque ring-around-the-eye liner is doing her no favors.

    • Petee says:

      Zwella Ingrid I agree.She really hasn’t aged very well and she should dress age appropriate.I don’t think she ever smoked or drank much but living with The Donald must have been hard and the aftermath of Marla Maples and the press.It must have been very hard on her.

      • Boomer says:

        I worked for the Trump Organisation for many years and I am sad to say Ivana has had a very serious and well hidden dinking problem for a long time now; I am sure she has health related issues at this pint….

  2. IL says:


  3. xpreson says:

    Wow, I hadn’t seen any pictures of her in a while. It seems like the years have caught up with her suddenly? She is 65 but looks 80, or am I being to harsh? What happened to her?

    • Soporificat says:

      There is absolutely no way that she is 65. RIch women do not look like this at age 65. If she were poor and in bad health then I would buy 65, but there is just no way. I’m guessing that she has been lying for a long time about her age, so there aren’t any sources that show her true age. She has to be at least 75. At least.

      • Soporificat says:

        You know what? Maybe she is in very poor health and I’m just being a meanie. I feel bad now 🙁

      • Bernice says:

        Perhaps she drinks too much. I agree, she has the money and access to specialists so that she should not look like this at 65 unless she drinks. She was a medaled skier in her youth. She obviously didn’t keep training physically as she has very poor muscle tone, bad posture, possible osteoporosis, and sallow skin colour. Alcohol would explain this.

      • mimif says:

        She looks like she’s been boozing it up to me. Hard.

      • Lee says:

        Yeah, unless she’s shaved at least 15 years off her age, and is actually 80, this has to be alcohol damage.

      • Soporificat says:

        Ah, ok, I didn’t know that heavy drinking could do that to you. That makes sense.

      • MaiGirl says:

        I also wonder if its illness, alcoholism, or even prescription drugs. Ivana was always so put-together (even if her clothes/jewelry were ostentatious and tacky, she clearly put in effort) and stayed on top of her alterations in the past, so something is off. I was startled at how much older and unhealthy she looks!

      • Kellie says:

        The AbFab episode where Patsys sister came to visit was hilarious. Patsy was teying to get Jackie to go out for NYE with her. She said ” Patsy, I am tired. I am 82″.
        Good surgery and good living can keep you looking young. But not forever.

    • LAK says:

      glad someone said it. I’ve never met a 65yr old who looked like this, even when they don’t have money.

      It’s age where a person hits post 70+yrs and suddenly they are stooping, they have saggy skin on their legs, their face sags and not because they have a medical condition. All these things hit all of us, with very few exceptions, when we are at a great age. 65 is not that age especially for someone like Ivana whose image is glamourous and painstakingly maintained to project that.

      • joycet says:

        Perhaps her look is the result of too much time in the sun. She definitely looks like a woman in her mid 80’s. Sad, she was always so attractive, even if a little overdone. She’s also had her lips (as I like to call it) “blown up” which doesn’t help.

    • Ag says:

      i guess i haven’t seen pics of her in ages, but she seems to have aged drastically. she does not look like 65 – a decade older, at the least.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      Oh my she has aged and quickly. Always had a fondness for Ivana hope she isn’t too ill. And thanks for the AbFab reminder – LOVE PATSY!

    • Nordic Noir says:

      I was actually a little pleased when I read that she’s 65, since it’s so rare for a woman in the public eye ( and/or with a LOT of money) to actually look her age. I didn’t question her age at all – maybe because the few older women I know (the age of) are public social workers who smoke/drink a little too much and have been for the past 45 years…

    • Mixtape says:

      I couldn’t believe she was only 65 when I read it either. I actually googled “celebrities who are 65.” Meryl Streep and Judith Light (who has a similar look to Ivana) are both on the list, and they both look at least 10 years younger than her. I think this is what happens when you get plastic surgery too young–it all falls apart by the time your friends are going in for their first round. So take a nice long look, Kim K–this is your future.

    • holly hobby says:

      She had a face lift and some other stuff right around the time she divorced Donald and she looked great. Now, not so much. I think she’s still getting tweeked only it’s not looking good. Sometimes it’s better to lay off on the surgeries.

      • Francis says:

        She was about 38 then. I think?
        Back then she said she never wanted to look a day over 28 and would continue to maintain.

    • Petee says:

      I am 51 and don’t look anything like this.I don’t smoke or do I go out in the sun.I even wear sunscreen in my car.I do drink beer but that is about it.I don’t think she is a alcoholic but I think she has been in the sun too much.I really like Britney Spears but she looks a lot older then she should because she is always tanning.The sun is the worst thing for you if you want to take care of your skin.Also I think Ivana looks like she has something wrong with her bones.

  4. paola says:

    I really have no sympathy for women like her. They are their own worst enemy. I don’t get it.. You can’t be SO fool to think it’s just about love when you status is being one of the richest women in the States. She looks ridiculous and older than what she actually looks. And he’s clearly a gold digger.
    Maybe that’s their deal. He gives her ‘love’she gives him money and fame.

    • joycet says:

      Well, he may be a gold digger with a big butt – per the photo of them from behind. He looks like John Derek in the 3rd photo.

  5. Sayrah says:

    I thought that was Joanna lumley!!

    • Jaded says:

      Joanna Lumley is gorgeous still – and a lovely, interesting person. Have you seen her travelogues? Very historical – she actually trekked to the source of the Nile, way off up massive jungle hills in the middle of nowhere. Now that’s intrepid! And her series on cats – OMG a cat lover’s delight!

      • booboobird says:

        Ohh, I loved the Nile trekking. Lumley is still so sexy. And her voice too.
        Ivana should lay off the make up a bit and switch up her clothing for something that does not so desperately scream of youth long gone. Exposed saggy knees and boobs are not sexy whether you are 30 or 60.

    • Francis says:

      You should go look at Joanna Lumley in any recent appearance, she’s still gorgeous.
      Joanna Lumley has better bone structure than Ivana and probably took good care of herself.

      Even if Ivana is drinking wine and champagne every day at dinner, that would cause a bit of aging. Her face looks like alcohol bloat,mass well as being aged. iMO

  6. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    That makes me really sad. She could look lovely in a dress that flattered her body. Please, somebody tell me if I lose touch with reality when I’m her age. I admired the way Ivana handled her breakup from The Donald. Now she just looks pitiful.

    Adore AbFab, and often think to myself “is your hair on purpose?”

  7. GiGi says:

    Wow. I do think he looks like he’s in his 50s… however she looks like she’s in her 80s! Let this be a plastic surgery cautionary tale!!!

    • LAK says:

      i think she looks 80yrs old not so much due to the surgery, but because she has a stoop and the skin of her legs….that’s something we all get if we live that long and it’s a marker for great age.

      mmmmmm somebody has been telling porkies about their real age…….by a factor of 10-15yrs i’d say. with all the surgery she’s had over the years, no one would have been able to tell, but that stoop……tsk tsk tsk. it gets us all in the end.

      • Tammy says:

        I think she lied about her age too…but keep in mind she had 3 kids with Donald & she can’t be 80 because she would have them in her late 40’s….so no. She’s probably 69 or 70.

  8. DailyNightly says:

    OMG, she DOES look like Patsy! I think the guy might be in his early 50’s, though. His fashion sense leaves a bit to be desired-faded jeans, sneakers and a dress jacket? Really?

  9. Kiddo says:

    Delusion is a hell of a drug.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Now where did I put my thong bikini….

      • Kiddo says:

        It’s right next to the beige bootie shorts; top drawer, on the left. (hee-hee) Too easy, sorry, under the bed monster could not resist.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I was going to say that, but I’m still scared of you.

      • Kiddo says:

        BWAHAHAHA, hac- hack hack cough cough cough. Sorry, it’s hard being a monster, especially with the dust bunnies under here. I think I’ll go hide behind the drapes.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:


        Brush teeth
        Put on pajamas
        Wash face
        Check under bed, in closets for Kiddomonster
        Now check behind drapes

      • Kiddo says:

        You forgot the Vacuuming part, dammit!

  10. Frida_K says:

    She looks like she really and truly needs to get some work done on her upper back and neck area. An acupuncturist who specializes in musculoskeletal issues could do something–not tons, but a good amount of fixing–for her.

    The guy looks like a walker in the old-timey sense of the word; e.g., a gay man who escorts older ladies so that the older women have a partner for functions and the walker is never tainted by allegations of lightness in the loafers.

    Her fashion sense leaves much to be desired.

    All the above said–if they’re happy, bless their hearts.

    • Lee says:

      Good call on the gay man escort/friend. There’s something in the photo of them from the back seems to suggest that to me as well.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      Yes. Some better posture always makes any one look better! Our moms were right: stand up straight!

  11. eliza says:

    Had it not been stated that was Ivana Trump I would have never believed that was her.

    I am not against the aging process AT ALL but I am totally against older women not wearing a bra plus a nice piece of shapewear would have been ideal if you have to wear a bandage dress at 65.

    She looks unwell and a bit feeble. I hope she is not ill.

    • Nicolette says:

      A good bra and some Spanx would have gone a long way here, and should have for a dress like that.

      • pnichols says:

        I just thought the same thing. Age has nothing to do with wearing the proper undergarments. Especially when you wear a dress that makes me want to buy a vowel.

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        yes, plus a little bit more length on the dress to address the droopy thighs.

      • joycet says:

        She has a very flat behind – almost non-existent from the side.

  12. Lisa says:

    Is that a “southern” “bless their hearts”, or a sincere blessing?

    • Frida_K says:

      Well, my bless their hearts (above) is sincere. There’s a little bit of the Southern to it, of course, but I appreciate eccentricity and they are, if nothing else, just a bit quirky.

      Live and let live, I say. It’s not like either of them are hurting me in any way, and she seems nicer than The Donald.

  13. Jayna says:

    She’s been a drunk for years with user boy toys with their drunken fights. It’s sad, because she came across as a sharp businesswoman during her marriage to Donald and right after the divorce.

    • Bernice says:

      Ah, I didn’t know that it was known she drank. Above I gave drinking as the only excuse for how she now looks. Soshe does have a reputation for drinking? That is sad. I thought she handled the whole Donald thing really well and she came across as a savvy business woman. Alcohol just robs your body of needed nutrients and ages you excessively. She doesn’t look like a couple glasses a night drinker. She looks like an alcoholic drinker.

    • Godwina says:

      If I’d had to spend any time with Trump, I’d be raging drinker as well. It would take all the moonshine in Kentucky to sterilize someone after contact with him.

  14. Belle Epoch says:

    I find these photos so disturbing. He looks more like her nurse than her boyfriend. Did he ever have a career? How does it feel to be a kept man? Does she really think she is fooling everyone into believing she is forever young and hot? I love an old lady who still rocks, but there is something desperate about Ivana refusing to accept her age.

  15. Azurea says:

    I am truly shocked at how aged she looks. She has not crossed my radar in a few years, but not THAT many. She looks really ill….I wonder if she has some kind of autoimmune disease, like lupus.

  16. truthful says:

    hmmm, I think he hasn’t told her, he was actually hired to be her nursemate/security.
    he’s just going w/it though. she looks older than 65

    reminds me of when I saw Julia Child in Chgo grabbing lunch, with a gorgeous, strapping, body builder type guy and she joked that he was her boyfriend…

    No Ivanka, no.

  17. Hautie says:

    Girls… this is why a lady should always wear good foundation garments. There is so much they can smooth out and lift up.

    Sadly, Ivana does not look healthy. I hate to think she is ill.

    I always enjoyed how she had no f*cks to give. And ended up successful on her own. Divorcing that Orange Turd was the best thing she did.

    • Godwina says:


    • Jupiter says:

      Hautie, I agree. I wondered if you have any recommendations on good foundation garments. I have some spanx from a few years ago when I was heavier. one is a full half body slip, which is still way too tight. i never wrote them. I want something comfortable, but that also does the trick. Any recommendations you guys might have would be great.

    • Francis says:

      I agree she won the public war,, but the truth is Donald wanted the divorce, not Ivana. She was humiliated to the point where she had no choice, Donald’s mistress exposed herself to Ivana on a ski trip and said I’m in love with your husband, Why don’t you let him go? Poor Ivana was cornered, embarrassed and came out fighting , but it was Donald who pushed for divorce, he let the world know he wanted that horrid mistress, he later married and had a child with,
      I agree Ivana won the public war and she’s a smart lady and came out of it with her head held high and successful. Which it why it pains me to see her now looking so beaten up by this life, but it could just be age.

      • Petee says:

        I remember all that.It was a really big scandal back in the day.Ivana did hold her head high and gave in to Donald.Look at Marla Maples now.He dumped her after she lost some weight and her curves.She even said that he preferred her heavier but she was more comfortable being thinner.Serves her right though.He is a complete shallow,arrogant,narrow minded man.He has a trophy wife now and she sealed the deal when she had a kid with him.Hate to tell you Donald she isn’t that great looking and never has anything to say so I guess that is how you like them.I think Ivana is just aging.She never came off as a addict to me at all.

      • Francis says:

        He dumped Marla because the dumb*ss got caught on the beach by Palm Beach Police Patrol with her bodyguard and the call went out over the police radio, Marla Maples on beach with bodyguard, she told the Police she was ok, she had asked the bodyguard, limo driver to stop the car at the beach so she could pee ..in the sand because she couldn’t make it back to Mara Lago mansion a few miles away. The whispers around town was that she got caught doing the bodyguard…Donald was humiliated but rumored to have have his PR go with Marla’s story of peeing on the beach..because the truth was allegedly worse. To this day he can’t stand Marla. He can’t stand being in her presence but he now always speaks highly of Ivana and how smart she is, how wonderful she was, but not the mistress.
        It was a case of what goes around comes around,,,,,after all that manuverings and goldigging, Marla gets caught on the beach peeing, with the bodyguard or whatever she was allegedly doing.

  18. shelley says:

    She doesn’t even resemble herself. She used to look a lot like her daughter. Too much plastic surgery that hasn’t aged well? I dunno.

    • Nicolette says:

      But if it’s too much plastic surgery how come her face has dropped so severely? Having not seen any photos of her in quite a while, I’m stunned to see how she looks. Being wealthy and having access to the best surgeons in the world, it’s more than surprising to see her this way. I agree with other comments here that something is not right with her health wise.

  19. poppy says:

    sweetie-darling would look 10 years younger if she could manage to smile. and wear shoes she didn’t feel were going to cause her to break a hip.
    i’m with frida-k, he looks like a walker. and in his 50s.

  20. Courtney says:

    But is it Art?

    • homegrrrl says:

      Yes. For me, this is political ARt. Everyone here says, “oh she was so successful, blah blah, and used to look sot good”. Her 80’s success looked like this: yaughts, bigger blonder hair, top shelf/only the best will do booze, shitons of make up every day, uncomfortable clothes/shoes, urban high rise living. Is that was success is for our culture? Look at the fruits of her “successful” life, and what “looking so good” got for her in the end. YEs. This is Art.

  21. Tig says:

    She didn’t do herself any favors with that dress and those heels- and concur with the opinion that she’s 70 odd, or in poor health if really in her mid 60s. And regardless, she still looks better than her troll of an ex- husband!

  22. PunkyMomma says:

    It was not that long ago that Ivana was photographed at Ivanka’s wedding and she looked fabulous. IIRC, she was older than Donald Trump when they met and had also married and divorced her first husband. No way she’s 65 – probably early 70’s.

    She looks ill to me – she was a bit of a fashion icon in her day and I can’t imagine her knowingly dressing so inappropriately now. Sad.

  23. Cleveland Girl says:

    She not only looks like she could be this guys Mother, she looks like she could be Donald Trumps Mother!! What the heck is going on with her????

  24. Luca26 says:

    She looks god awful and is aging like an alcoholic it’s sad.

    But I will be saying sweetie darling all day!

  25. QQ says:

    She looks ancient and I think is either “we need to see a Birth certificate” situation or “you should sue the surgeons who left you looking like that…and you hair person and your stylist” she is too rich to look this Bedraggled

    I Hope he #isInItForLife cause by the looks of it #ItMightCouldBeAShortWait before he can marry a chick his age or younger?

  26. Francis says:

    Pasty STone, Joanna Lumley is still gorgeous.
    Ivana not so much. Bless her heart. I don’t understand why she can’t wear a bra, it would have helped her body hold the dress better. Does she have a stylist who advises her? She should call whomever works with Helen Mirren who Always looks fabulous and age appropriate, but Helen’s skin and figure are better.

    Ivana looks just plain sad, walking all decked-out ,next to her boy-toy , it’s very sad.
    This is Madonna in the future. IMO
    Ivana ruined the muscles in her face with the surgeries she had over the years to try to look younger. Once age sets in and the muscles in the face have been all cut up, there’s no way back when the face starts dropping. I like her, but the photos just look sad.

    • LAK says:

      YES!!! re: old age vs facial surgeries. That is something these people never think about. Every older person who once had surgery has a face that is meltingly droopy, like melted plastic. The only solution is to go Joan Rivers way ie tighter than tight to cut the drooping skin.

  27. Truthtful says:

    Ok.Where are all the nice comments regarding big age gaps now… They were all over the place on the Jeff Goldblum topic.

    Where are they?

    And being in his 50’s , normally isn’t he supposed to be considered like a mature adult, and at a point where an age gap is not significant because it’s between two mature people?

    It’s odd how when you reverse the gender in these big age gap relationships, suddenly people become less tolerant…

    PS: and why a man in his 50’s is called a boy toy???

    • Francis says:

      When she got with him he wasn’t 50’s, or was that Joan Collins hubby? I get confused on the ladies and men with the toy boys and arm girlfriend fiancée candy.
      I actually like Ivana it’s kind of sad to see what has become of her. Like some men trying to hang on to a youthful appearance at all cost. If she loves him and he treats her well, then more power to her.
      But she does look bad physically ! I hope she’s ok.

      • Truthtful says:

        Sure about the appearance, but she is with him for just 2 years so he wasn’t a young “thang”… In his 50s he is quite the aging man himself so at their age doesn’t matter.

  28. Nicolette says:

    She’s giving me Donatella Versace vibes.

  29. jferber says:

    Spot on, Truthful. Why isn’t Jeff Goldblum a sad, pathetic, old geezer with a paid gold digger/nurse/assistant? Damn straight the tables are turned when the dynamic is older woman/ younger man. Has the Donald EVER gotten shit for his much, much younger ex-model wife? Have they ever been compared (age-wise, looks-wise) when together? I didn’t think so. It’s so “natural” and accepted to see a sixty-something male with a hot twenty-something or thirty-something chick. When the man is rich and successful in his business, he is envied and congratulated for snagging a much younger, hotter woman. Sexism much?

    • Marlene says:


      • TTmagee says:

        Long time lurker…first time poster. I personally feel that both relationships are odd even though Goldblum and Trump are around the same age. I was just as weirded out but his relationship as hers. But the photos of Ivana don’t seem touchy/feely as Goldblum’s did. He honestly looks more like a nurse or a nice guy helping a lady cross the street than a boy-toy. I don’t discriminate.

  30. krtmom says:

    Aging is a bitch!!! She looks awful and those sausage casing clothes aren’t doing her a favor. Also showing those wonky, wrinkled legs is a no-no!!! Yikes!

  31. Francis says:

    Jeff Goldblum looks just as desperate, with his younger wife, IMO. But he still looks like himself.
    Donald Trump looks terrible. IMO

    I like Ivana, but she looks sad with her toy boyish man.

    • Truthtful says:

      An aging man in his 50s is a far far away from a “toyboyish man”….

      And even if Jeff Goldblum looks “still” like himself …well ahem…he looks like the old geezer version of himself, the one who is 61…

  32. FingerBinger says:

    Ivana needs to start dressing her age. I’m not talking about wearing a muumuu and slippers. She just shouldn’t be wearing a prom dress and high heel shoes.

  33. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    She looks like a blonde Victoria Beckham. I keep expecting to see David and the kids somewhere in the background.

  34. Jess says:

    She is totally Patsy! And now you have just killed my motivation to work today. I just want to have an AbFab marathon instead!

    • Francis says:

      She’s OLD Patsy in the Edina ,Patsy fast forwards to when they are 25yrs older and living in the guest house asafetida has banished them to. 🙂
      Joanna Lumley as Patsy is still gorgeous. IMO

  35. Bernice says:

    I looked at some pictures on google. She has a lot of wrinkling going on. I think there are two kinds of physical damage money can’t fix, alcohol and sun. Looks like she has spent a lot of time drinking in the sun. But a big smile, foundational garments and better clothes choices could go a long way to improving how she looks.

  36. Alexa says:

    Geesh EVERYONE! She looks FABULOUS to me. I could NEVER rock that dress nor could I ever even WALK in those shoes (and I’m late 40’s). I like that she’s LIVING her life, not just POSING for a “pictorial story about her living her life.” She’s in her late 60’s and she’s showing some signs of aging??? That’s called REALITY! Get a check-up!

    • Bernice says:

      She just doesn’t look well. It’s her energetic aura that looks so old. Her posture or osteoporosis, her skin colour, her lack of any glow or smile. If she was standing upright with a bit of a twinkle in her eyes and a smile I don’t think anyone would be commenting. She is either sick, alcoholic, depressed or terribly unhappy.

  37. Mrs McCubbins says:

    This is what happens when you dont exercise. I met her in person years ago and her legs were amazing then. The outfit doesn’t help. If anything it makes her look older.

  38. Jane says:

    I have to rant because I LOVE PATSY STONE!!!!!! Patsy Forever! So you cannot compare Ivana Troll to Patsy. Patsy is Real! and no doubt my delusions stem from the fact that Joanna Lumley is an amazing actress and truly nice, intelligent person. And yes, I am an abfab freak and hear quotes all the time in my head, “but Edie, is it art”….favorite episode where Edie is on a mission to buy art and Patsy mistakes dead father as an art instillation. ok…..I remember Ivana from her HSN days, soulless unhappy creature. Thought I heard she had some major ski wipeouts in her day which may account for the weird posture. Healed bone injuries can cause a lot of pain when one gets old, isn’t this an issue with George Clooney as well. I have to go watch some Abfab, maybe the one where Edie is obsessing over her kitchen and spends weeks to find a door handle, only to come back from NY to find Saffie has completely remodeled while she was away 🙂

  39. Cricket says:

    Best line ever from Ivanna
    “Don’t get mad…..get everything!”

  40. Realist says:

    She always had a pleasant smile on her face in the past. She’s walking and has the expression on her face like she KNOWS she looks less than gorgeous. 65? I don’t think so.

  41. taxi says:

    Her looks have deteriorated badly in the last few years. She looks 75, not 65. Her bf looks 50+. It’s time to lengthen the hems, lower the heels, raise the neckline & hike up the girls.

    • Francis says:

      There were Rumors around time of the divorce ,of people leaking she had lied to Donald about her age. She was an Olympic, or trying out to be an Olympic skier, from Chek….forget which Country, ….anyway some said she pushed back her year of birth by about 8yrs, but many chalked it up to Rumor and Donald’s pr people leaking stories to the press.

      • Bernice says:

        Ok, that makes sense, Francis. Instead of 65 she would be 73. She looks 73, she looks good for 73 although she still needs a good bra, spanx, different dress and better make-up.

      • Lee says:

        My mom is 73 this year, and she looks nothing like this. She is upright, energetic, healthy-looking, and looks easily 15 years younger than Ivana does.

  42. Jana says:

    This woman needs a longer hemline, control-top pantyhose, lower heels, a better fitting bra and to stop filling her face full of poison, not necessarily in that order.

  43. DrFunkenstein says:

    When did she start sparring with Mike Tyson?

  44. cody says:

    I remember when she worked for The Donald for a dollar a year. I think her face is a result of too much plastic surgery and face injections.

  45. Gorgonia says:

    reading the comments above, I see a lot of people asking: “how is possible to look so bad at 65 years old? she looks at least ten years more.” Yes, that’s true and it’s really really possible to look that bad even if you are one of richest woman in the world when: you want to compete with women in their 20’s or 30’s; you want to believe you are still as sexy as you were when younger; you want to believe and to make other people believe all the men in the world are eager to hit on you; you want to dress yourself the same way you were used to in your 20’s; you think you are worthy only if you have a man by your side; ecc.ecc. Instead, when you cast aside all of this and you simply want to enjoy life, to do new things everyday, to learn new things everyday and to keep your body healthy and good, it’s very possible you look better and younger, even if you are not famous or rich.

    • Francis says:

      Look at how gorgeous Helen Mirren looks, Meryl Streep, Susan Sarandon, not sure how old these women are but they look great.
      I read that Joy Beher of the view was 67 can that be true, wow, I was shocked because she looks great

      • Gorgonia says:

        yeah, all the women you speak about look great, because they are not obsessed by the idea to look young, they put passion in what they do. I would add in your list Jane Fonda and Isabella Rossellini, other women which are aging wonderfully.

      • Chris says:

        Yes, the poor woman looks desperate in these photos, as though agonising about deep insecurities. Compare her with Joan Collins, 80+, and her devoted Percy! Joan simply blinds you with her self-possession and though always fabulous, she is never dressed like a twenty-yr old.
        We can also bring in, at 67, Duchess Camilla, whose visage is a tale of outdoor pursuits and enthusiastic smoking, yet she looks perfectly happy in her own skin, and has never been enslaved by the cult of lifelong youthfulness.
        Those whose ageing is admired all project a great gift: they are young at heart and are not seeing ageing as a negative experience.

  46. Tessa says:

    I think there is either a stroke or dementia issue going on. All the recent picks she seems to be either being led or help up by him.
    She should ditch the slut shoes and get a zimmer frame, it might help

  47. angel says:

    I agree with the majority of the comments here that Ivanka looks unwell… we haven’t seen her for a while. Did something happen to her? Seriously… some ailments can leave someone looking feeble. Praying for her…

  48. Camille (The Original) says:

    He looks early 50’s to me, no doubt he dyes his hair by the looks of it.