“Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt’s new movie has a boring title” links


Brangelina’s new film is called By the Sea. Boring. [ICYDK]
This headline is crazy, the story is even crazier. [Starcasm]
Is Sarah Paulson going to have two heads on American Horror Story? [OMG Blog]
Justin Bieber already violated his probation. [PopBytes]
Kim Kardashian loves her ass more than she loves North West. [Evil Beet]
Ray J is probably going to jail. [CDAN]
Katherine Webb gives a glimpse at her wedding gown. [I’m Not Obsessed]
This Casey Kasem situation has gotten insane. [IDLY]
Of course Teresa Giudice is being fired from RHONJ. [Bitten & Bound]
This Missed Connections post is gold. [The Frisky]
Rob Kardashian pimps his sisters too. [Bossip]
Conan O’Brien tries to make #selfishie a thing. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Kim Kardashian is crazy-vapid, part one bajillion. [Life & Style]


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65 Responses to ““Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt’s new movie has a boring title” links”

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  1. Mel M says:

    Ha! Kim K smh, this is a woman who makes millions, MILLIONS!!! She is the definition of what is wrong in this world.

  2. TheRealMaya says:

    Finally you have put up a thread about this:)

    I like the title because it doesn’t give us any clues about what the movie is about. The movie could be about love, murder or even going to the toilet by the sea.

    • lisa2 says:

      exactly. Why the snark.

      Nobody knows what it is about yet. I’m excited to see them on screen together again.

      • Camille (The Original) says:

        Agree. She’s already said the movie isn’t some big action film, so I’m thinking this might be some quiet ‘little’ film, possibly more of a character piece or something. But because it’s ‘them’ everything to do with them gets blown out of proportion.

    • Lollipop says:

      It’s a really boring title, c’mon.

      • DMsux says:

        I’m with Camille, the title doesn’t mean much unless one have very high hopes of the movie. It’s them , therefore many have exceedingly high expectations, like to over-analyze and blow things out of proportion. It seems that they can never do something simple, small and experimental.

      • Amy123 says:

        It’s title. I’ve heard of stupid titles but not exciting ones. I know people love to hate on Brad and Angelina but a movie title is really going overboard.

  3. Side-Eye says:

    That Casey Kasem story is awful. What a stab in the childhood.

  4. LK says:

    By The Sea sounds like something Danielle Steel would write.

  5. V4 says:

    I’ve seen worse

  6. RobN says:

    I’d guess it’s a working title that will get changed to “Jolie-Pitt: Together and Possibly Naked”

  7. Andrea1 says:

    According to deadline many studios were fighting over the rights to the movie but universal got it in the end. It only says one thing; that is Brad and Angie are hot commodity and congrats to Angelina for hitting the $700m mark for maleficent it was $697m as at sunday I believe its around 700m or even above now! Kudos to her!
    And I like how we don’t even know anything about their movie by the sea.

    • Emma - the JP Lover says:

      @Andrea1, who wrote: ” …that is Brad and Angie are hot commodity and congrats to Angelina for hitting the $700m mark for maleficent it was $697m as at sunday I believe its around 700m or even above now! Kudos to her!”

      Yep … “Maleficent” is now at $700.5 million worldwide. The film has grossed $228.7 million in the Domestic market and $471.8 million in Foreign markets. 🙂

  8. bns says:

    I really don’t believe that she’s writing all of these scripts by herself.

    • lisa2 says:

      All of what scripts.. she has written two. And as someone who writes myself people that write and enjoy it do so all the time.

      but maybe someone is writing all the stories I have written over the years. Damn I have dozens.. maybe someone is sneaking in doing it while I’m sleeping.. But I remember writing them all by myself.
      Angie could be having that same experience.

      • Clever hand says:

        I don’t think anyone would be shocked to find out she has some help in the form of an editor, proofreader or something like that. Nothing wrong with it.

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        @Clever, who wrote: “I don’t think anyone would be shocked to find out she has some help in the form of an editor, proofreader or something like that. Nothing wrong with it.”

        And @bns, who wrote: “I really don’t believe that she’s writing all of these scripts by herself.”

        Angelina is an intelligent woman … everyone who has seen her in live interviews and before government/humanitarian panels couldn’t possibly doubt that. Is the assumption that she couldn’t possibly have written those two scripts because she’s an ‘actress.’ It ‘is’ entirely possible for her to have written the scripts without help.

        Matt Damon began writing “Good Will Hunting” as a project in a writing class at Harvard before he dropped out. He had completed the first draft of the film script when he moved to Hollywood to join Ben Affleck and his brother Casey. He and Ben did the second draft together.

        Sylvester Stallone has written several movie scripts including “Rocky.”

        Billy Bob Thornton wrote the award winning Independent film “Sling Blade.”

        Tina Fey is no slouch either. She wrote “Mean Girls.”

    • TheRealMaya says:

      It’s called being multi talented. Many directors/actors/producers also try their hand in scriptwriting.

      Plus Angelina has only written two that I know off and this one has been in development for years according to Angelina.

    • Nevermindme says:

      Why do some people get so bent out of shape at the slightest thing said about Angie that isn’t all praise… jeez chill people it’s her opinion .

      I don’t think AJ gives two _ hits about it and neither should you

      • lisa2 says:

        Nobody got bent out of shape. Now you answer why is it that every time Angelina does something someone has to imply that she didn’t do it.

        I will make a bet that this is never thrown at anyone else. And for the record the woman has been attacked pretty much daily for over 8 years. how is that constant praise.

      • bns says:

        Her fans are always like that LOL. It’s entertaining.

      • Mrs McCubbins says:

        I agree! Over the top defensiveness. Why?

      • lisa2 says:


        yeah and her detractor are always a certain way too.. LOL and after all these years that is a HOOT to see as well.

      • Nevermindme says:

        @Lisa2 your response just proved what I said about getting bent out of shape.

        Beyonce constantly gets accused of not writing her own songs. Angie is not the only celeb who gets accused of not doing something on her own.

        Also I’m a fan of both ladies I just think this defensiveness of a celeb you don’t know is a bit much.

      • lisa2 says:

        honey I’m not bent out of shape. I’m not calling anyone a name. Didn’t attack anyone. What I did was point out how hypocritical people are. If you can’t see the difference then that is on you. My point and I won’t bend from it is that if this was another actress or male or anyone no one would be accusing them of not writing their scripts or that they didn’t direct their film because.. let’s see.. OH they were not tan enough in Australia as proof.

        And your comment to me once again proves how when the JP fans make a counter point they are accused of going over the top. But I bet you don’t blink an eye at any negative comment.

        so don’t come for me and other fans when you are not truly unbiased.

      • bns says:

        I’m not a detractor. What I said wasn’t even bad. Just take a deep breath.

      • Candy Love says:

        I don’t think it has anything to do with Angelina if someone said they didn’t think Taylor Swift writes her own songs people would comment on it and her fans would disagree.

        The one thing I hate is when people single out AJ fans acting like other celebrities fans on this blog don’t do the something. Let me say something about Taylor Swift, Cate Blanchett, Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch just to name a few and see if I don’t get “jump” on.

      • Bridget says:

        @nevermindme: I know nothing about AJ’s writing, but some very prominent people have actually come out and said that Beyonce’s writing consists of changing a few words or a little bit of vocal arrangement, but that she strong arms for the writer’s credit.

      • bns says:

        @Candy Love

        People single out AJ fans because they’re as over-zealous as Twi-Hards and that is saying something. It’s just a little harmless teasing, no big deal.

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        @Nevermindme, bns, et al …

        No one is bent out of shape. There is no hashing of teeth or pulling out hair. This is basically what was expressed in the first two or three comments above:

        Opinion: “I don’t think she wrote these two scripts because I don’t think she’s capable of doing so.”

        Opinion: “Really? Well, she’s intelligent and expresses herself well so it’s possible that she did write the scripts.

        Anyone who read something different is the one overreacting and being sensitive. We are SO on to that game. Why continue to play it?

    • Janet says:

      Do you have any proof that she doesn’t?

  9. JonB says:

    THEY ARE BORING , not just the title of their movie

    • Soulsister says:

      LOL. But yet you can’t keep away from their threads.

      BTW the you appear to be in the minority considering Angie’s current film has just crossed the $700m mark.

      • Side-Eye says:

        Why do Angie fans always get so prickly as if the entire world is against them? Jesus.

    • Heather says:

      I agree jonb

  10. Jedi says:

    I’ve got this hope that the movie is something like Before Sunrise, but set in Malta. She keeps saying its “indy” and different from what they normally do, so maybe some sort of character and chemistry driven look at life?

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      That would be cool but I’m not convinced that these two have the unaffected, casual kind of chemistry that Hawke and Delpy have.
      Plus without Linklater at the helm, I can’t imagine it being as divine.

      That being said, I support them doing anything “indie” or different from the norm. Mostly, I think it’ll be fun to see them pairing up again onscreen.

      • Jedi says:

        Ah true. Both Before Sunrise and Before Sunset were so so lovely (haven’t yet seen before midnight but its on my netflix queue) that sort of magic is impossible to replicate.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      When I think “indie”, I think films that are character driven and don’t rely on big expensive effects like explosions or CGI. Indies can be thrillers, romantic comedies, etc., so this doesn’t really give us an idea what the story is about, just the budget and focus.

      Most of my favorite films are indie, because I would rather see an interesting group of characters work through their humanity than car chases and explosions, so I am hopeful about this film.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Oh me too. My favorite films are character-driven. I don’t care for the average action flick and y’all know how I feel about rom coms 😉

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I don’t know about you, but every year it stresses me out because there are only few movies I want to see that are released during the spring/summer “blockbuster” season…and then during the last quarter of the year, 25 films I do want to see get released all at the same time for award consideration.

        I wish they were paced more evenly throughout the year! Sometimes I get the screeners, and even with the convenience they provide, there is only so much movie-watching time I have available. It starts to feel like homework getting them all in before the Oscars!

  11. Reece says:

    Well the movie where got together is called “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” that’s pretty boring.

  12. Lucy2 says:

    Maybe it’s a working title? It is a bit generic but many titles are. Something I saw about it said their characters are a couple and it’s all about their relationship, which seems a little odd for a people who are already a real life couple going into it- especially such a public couple like they are. Who knows if the description was right though.

    The Casey Kasem situation is really sad.

    • Camille (The Original) says:

      It’s a very Burton and Taylor sounding kind of thing isn’t it… Maybe they will be playing up to all of the tabloid BS from over the years.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      The Casey Kasem situation IS really sad.
      I wonder how common this type of situation is. It just seems like there should be something illegal in how this has played out, but nothing is being done. If the kids wanted to claim elder abuse, they will no longer be able to offer evidence because of the way the body was handled.

  13. Hissyfit says:

    This movie sounds boring as hell but I can’t wait for the promotion! It’ll be crazy exciting! I want a hot W magazine couple shoot like the one they did 10 years ago.

    Wait, that was 10 years ago? Lol. Time flies!

  14. Tess says:

    I have heard rumors around…..Angelina won’t be REALLY be directing this sea/malta film…

    RADE Serbedzija’s wife (Lenka Udovicki, a professional theatre director) was hired for this project. Rade Serbedzija was one of the main characters in ITLOBH.

    • Candy Love says:

      Universal announce Angelina as the director and as for Lenka Udovick she is hired as an assistant.

    • lisa2 says:

      So how many other sites are you going to post this on? Just curious what the point of doing that on so many sites is.

    • DMsux says:

      Mind you, filming involves a lot, all directors have their assistant, it doesn’t mean Ms Jolie is not the one that is in-charge and directing. And if you are posting on many sites as stated by lisa2, it simply means you are a intentional detractor…LOH

    • Katherine says:

      Tess wants us to believe,” . . . I have heard rumors around…..”

      ROTFLMAO! From where? Your telephone tree with all your industry insiders?

      Seriously what is the point of you making up these silly rumors? You couldn’t be more transparent if your name was Miss Cellophane.

      I look forward to actors experimenting with film and stories. I just wish they’d let them do it without all the hype and tabloid junk. I love the type of quiet character driven indie film Jolie seems to want to make even though most of them are usually rather flawed. Still I almost always find something to enjoy about them and I respect the effort and hope Jolie and Pitt enjoy themselves making it.

    • Kim1 says:

      I heard rumors that Lenka gave birth to Knox and Vivienne.

      • lisa2 says:

        Lenka Udovicki was asked in an interview about this and her reply was….

        “That’s not true and I do not know who wrote it – was brief answer from Udovički in a telephone interview to “Avaz” from here Croatian home.

        so Tess no you don’t have to post that “rumor” around the internet anymore.. It is not true.

        OH boy so Angie is the Director.. SURPRISE.. NOT

  15. Brodie says:

    Well if it’s an independent film without guns, explosions and stunts, it could require actual acting. This will leave these two scrambling because without the distraction of the aforementioned, these poor excuses for actors are screwed.

    • Katherine says:

      I disagree. Pitt has delivered some fine pieces of acting such as Moneyball, Tree of Life and quite a few others. And Jolie, well her acting bona fides are hardly in question. You may not like their acting styles but then that is a personal preference.

    • Sal says:

      Yeah, so say the Oscars who gave Angelina an Oscar in 2000 and Brad numerous nominations. What does the Academy know?

    • Brittney B says:

      Wow, I must have completely forgotten about all the guns and violence in Gia, Girl Interrupted, Changeling, Benjamin Button, Tree of Life, etc… because I was pretty sure their acting talents carried those movies, not the action scenes.

  16. Sal says:

    It could be just a working title.

  17. LAK says:

    How unoriginal…..

  18. abby says:

    Yeah, don’t most films have a basic – even boring – working title just to get things going? They can think of a more captivating/exciting title in post-production.
    Most important is the script be sharp and interesting and the movie well executed and entertaining.

    The little I’ve read, this “indie” doesn’t sound like their usual film projects. I wish them well. I hope they have fun making it.

  19. kim says:

    Congrats to Angie for the great success of Maleficent….$700M plus…it’s incredible achievement…after 4 years absent from the big screen…Angie came back and on top of the world…A single star female star name alone that carries the film…no other actress/actor can match her record…Hats off to the dame!!!
    Can’t wait to hear more about this new movie with Brad…so excited about the plot of the story…stay tuned….