Cele|bitchy | Chris Martin on Gwyneth: ‘We’re very close. We’re not together, that’s the truth’

Chris Martin on Gwyneth: ‘We’re very close. We’re not together, that’s the truth’


Gwyneth Paltrow posted this ^^ photo on her Instagram last week with the message: “Yippie Ki-Yay motherf*&$rs, the Big Sky country today on @goop.” Yes, it was cross-promotion for her latest Goop-letter, which is a travel guide to “Big Sky Country” and dude-ranches in the American West. You can read the Goop-letter here. You know what this made me remember? It reminded me of Gwyneth’s interview about how she has it so much harder than all of those peasant moms who work 9-5 in an office because in Gwyneth’s job, she has to, like, spend a week in WISCONSIN. I guess Wisconsin doesn’t have any luxury resorts and quaint, organic-only “dude ranches” that Goop can deign to visit.

As for the other stuff, like Gwyneth’s maybe-probably “recoupled” marriage… Chris Martin says that while he and Goop love each other, they have not gotten back together.

They may have “consciously uncoupled,” but Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow still remain close, despite their impending divorce.

“The thing that we told everyone at the beginning of the year is true,” the Coldplay singer, 37, said of their split in an interview with Valentine in the Morning airing on Monday.

But he said that he still has a tight bond with the Oscar winner, with whom he has two children (Apple, 10, and Moses, 8). “We’re very close,” he said, adding, “We’re not together. That’s the truth.”

“There’s a lot of love,” Martin said. “There’s no scandal.”

[From People]

I think there IS scandal, but I think Chris and Gwyneth are making an effort to not air their dirty laundry in public (how gauche), so the result is sort of pointedly boring. But I do think Chris is probably going off-message here. He’s not supposed to say either way if he and Gwyneth are back together. Of course, there’s always the possibility that she doesn’t care. She was holding hands with some young hottie, wasn’t she?

Here’s a photo of Gwyneth last night at a screening in NYC for Hector and the Search for Happiness.


Photos courtesy of PCN, WENN and Instagram.

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57 Responses to “Chris Martin on Gwyneth: ‘We’re very close. We’re not together, that’s the truth’”

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  1. Allie says:

    She looks a little heavier in that last picture from the film premiere. It suits her.

    • Jem says:

      OMIGOD what a peasanty thing to say! One can NEVER be too rich or too thin, DUH. Now Goopy has to go on some epic cleanse and clear the pipes of any food particles…

      • Amelia says:

        Who said that, was it Wallis Simpson?
        How gauche, quoting a divorcée :p

      • Jem says:

        Yeah, I think it was Simpson… The first time I heard that, I was like “why would you be thin if you had alot of money?” I’m doomed to be ‘too poor and too fat’ LOL

    • Lauren says:

      Goops face looks prettier. Looks happier too.

  2. Jem says:

    Well, if there WAS scandal, sooner or later it will come out. It always does. I would care, except with these two even a “scandal” would be boring as sh*t.

  3. hutter says:

    What does Die Hard have to do with Cowboys?

    I quite like her outfit at the screening, weirdly. And it’s nice to see she’s supporting Simon Pegg. (I just said two nice things about Goop!!!)

    • Godwina says:

      “Yippy-kay-yay” was a cowboy or at least cowboy Westerns term, LONG before Die-Hard.

  4. GiGi says:

    Yeah – I think he’s definitely off message with that statement. And I LOVE it. I bet he’s feeling a delicious freedom right now!

  5. MrsBPitt says:

    Chris must feel like he has been let out of a cage…when he was with Goop, he never said a word, now he is all over the place…all I can think of is the scene in Braveheart when Mel screams….FREEDOM!!!!!!!!

  6. Abbott says:

    Uncoupled couple stays uncoupled. Got it.

  7. lisa2 says:

    At the beginning of their break up there were a lot of stories about her or him. Then everything just dried up. I think that is a good thing. Maybe their children were having a difficult time and they realized all that “scandal” was hurting the people they wanted to hurt the least.

    It is always better to put your children first. Sometimes pretending you are still great friends ends up being the real after a time.

  8. Jen2 says:

    Man code for I am free now and can date without feeling guilty. I think Gwyn was trying to keep the possibility of them getting back together in the mix and he just slammed that door shut. He is now truly separated, not just uncoupled.

    • shannon says:

      ITA. This coming from a man that used to run away from his wife in order not to be photographed with her. All of a sudden he’s offering up all of this personal stuff? Yep. He couldn’t wait to slam that door shut and put a nail in it for good measure lol.

  9. Lex says:

    Haha her hair is so gross… I don’t know how she can’t see it!!

  10. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    So many actresses go braless when they shouldn’t. Two kids and age … just wear a bra ffs.

    • Lex says:


    • Andrea says:

      I wouldn’t go without a bra, but I have 36 D’s.

    • Annie says:

      Not a fan of the braless look but I think she has nice boobs for having 2 kids.

    • raindrop says:

      Her boobs don’t look saggy, like, AT ALL. They just aren’t pushed up to her collarbone. Criticizing women for not wearing bras is pretty lame.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Deleted. How lame.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I simply think most women look better with a bra. Especially over 30. And they do look, “like,” saggy to me. Sorry to be “lame.” lol What are you, 12?

      • Vesta says:

        Whatever age @raindrop is, I agree with her. Criticizing how some women’s breasts look like without a bra is pretty lame. LOL what are you, GoodNamesAllTaken, 61?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I think at some age, women need to wear a bra if they don’t want their breasts to look saggy. If you want to walk around with saggy breasts, have at it, but don’t complain when people notice. I’m not criticizing her breasts. All breasts will eventually sag, including yours. By the way, belittling someone for getting older is every bit as unkind as you’re pretending not to be. And I’m 57. I’m not sure what that has to do with anything, except I now need glasses to see her saggy breasts and read your bitchy comments.

      • Vava says:

        Her boobies are sagging, she needs some support, even if she’s small.

      • Lex says:

        They’re hidden by clothes in all the photos presented. Also, they’re typically ‘supposed’ to fall halfway between elbow and shoulder, which they are. Women don’t need to wear bras unless they feel pain or discomfort. Everyone’s tits are gonna sag one day – that’s her business. While she doesn’t absolutely have to, ahe may as well go braless if she likes it. Freeeeeedom!

  11. Frida_K says:

    “Yippie Ki-Yay motherf*&$rs, the Big Sky country today on @goop.”


    Wow. Goop is just so edgy. So “street.” So . . . fierce.


  12. poppy says:

    an a$$ riding a horse.
    that’s just brian fellows crazy.

  13. Marianne says:

    Whether or not they are getting back together or not, I’ve got to give them some respect for staying civil. Going through a divorce is hard and their kids dont need to grow up reading stories about how one parent said this/did that.

  14. shannon says:

    Yeah, I’m going to say it too – she def. looks heavier. My assumption is that she’s trying to be more “laid back” since Chris left her. Food trucks and french fries and what not. I think she looks great. I’m not a fan of GOOP by any means, but I do like the fact that she’s photographed without make up on a regular basis.

    • Lucinda says:

      She could have also just been really stressed trying to keep the marriage together and now that it’s done, she is relaxed. Or she’s an emotional eater. Who knows. I think the extra weight suits her but I don’t expect it to last.

  15. Jayna says:

    I respect that by the time they uncoupled they had worked through so many issues that their friendship has stayed strong for the sake of their children. What better gift to give your children than to show them their world is still safe and mommy and daddy don’t live together the same way anymore, but they are still a family and mommy and daddy respect each other. I remember just one time my dad and mother fighting to where I knew and went in the bedroom to find his suitcase packed. I will never forget that sick feeling to my stomach and fear, absolute fear, at the age of eight. He didn’t leave and everything was fine. But I can’t imagine children and that uncertain time of divorce and their lives changing at such a young age. So kudos to them for doing that right.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I send a hug to little eight-year old you. How scary. You’re right – I make fun of them, but they are definitely protecting their children as best they can.

      • Lucinda says:

        Coming from parents who divorced when I was 3 and fought bitterly right up until I got marred, I agree that they are protecting their children admirably (from what we can see). You don’t see that often and everyone will be better for it.

  16. Lesley says:

    Oh jayna I feel sad for you even all these years later. Deep fear, changes and hurts in childhood are the deepest as you have no control over them as a little person. I was moved to a different country when I was 12 and even though my parents were together, the intense change from everything I knew shook me to the core. Friends relatives social norms all gone and changed. As an adult, no big deal. As a child- life altering

  17. Cinderella says:

    She looks expectant. Wouldn’t that be crazy at this juncture.

  18. Calcifer says:

    I think it must be a relief for Gwyneth that her situation is out in the open now. Looking back upon the past few years, I now have the impression that she was killing herself to keep up appearances. She might have felt that Chris didn’t love her enough (I could imagine him being distant with her). The dieting, the excercising, that whole period in which she seemed to be screaming for approval a few years ago by trying to be good at everything (singing, dancing, acting), it must have taken its toll. And I think the public instinctively felt that there was something wrong, something forced there – which made people dislike her. It would be nice for everyone – but most of all for herself – if she could become more relaxed, gain a few pounds, let go a bit.

  19. Andrea says:

    Yawn. I am so tired of them.

  20. Francesca says:

    Uhh… Big Sky Country is Wyoming… Not Wisconsin.

    • CatJ says:

      Actually, Big Sky is Montana. The reference to Wisconsin was from a previous article
      where Goop had to go to do some filming and it was very difficult for her. 🙂

  21. Annie says:

    I think she looks nice here – I know she’s not a great beauty, but she does know how to make the most of what she has.

  22. Marny says:

    I really like what he said and I don’t know why something negative has to be made from every single uneventful thing that happens in their relationship. He just confirmed that they are split- big deal. He said they were still close and still love each other- great. How is he going off-message if he’s restating what they jointly stated months ago? I’m soooooo over the “shade, peasant, gauche” remarks thrown her way on a daily basis- clearly I need to stop reading Gwyneth posts.

    • scylla74 says:

      I also think the terms have lost all meaning with the obsessive overuse.

    • Carol says:

      Marney, I am with you! It has gotten to the point that I hesitate to click when I see a Gwyneth headline because I know the article and comments will be toxic. I’m at about 50% now in choosing to read them.

  23. ashley says:

    I’m happy that they remain amicable for their children. They both can breathe and just live life like they want to.

  24. Bianca says:

    I think she looks great with the slight weight gain. She looks genuinely happy too.

  25. Pepsi Presents...Coke says:

    Number one right now on my list of films not to see. Saw the trailer and felt like I was chewing glass. Sorry, Shaun.

  26. anne says:

    For Chris to make this statement was not in character for him and not easy. BUT he wants it known, they are NOT TOGETHER and will remain separated (reference to original statement. Like the Dorothy (hi other DOrothy- hhope you are well 🙂 who stopped posting and couple of my other friends happen to know them have been saying they have not been together since 2009. GP won’t stop…Chris is done. He is ADAMANT that it is made VERY clear that they are not together to protect the little ones from having to deal with it prior to start of new school year. And all my friends and I are very nice but we know GOOPERS and so say unpleasant things about her because they are true – never or rarely anything but positive or don’t know comments on ANYONE else. Chris has the children’s best interest at heart, GOOP has her image and that is it. I find this very very low of her in particular because not only did she make a mockery of marriage but she is now doing the same with amicable separation and divorce – and that is a very very selfish and immoral thing IMO, and it prolonging agony and confusion for kids and Chris. Chris is the sweetest guy you could ever care to know but everyone has their limits and privately he has well exceeded his with her. He is determined and will not stop until his children are emotionally through this as best can be. And he has made this very clear to her…things are changing and he is now taking control as he should, for the best interest of his children and so he can move on too! And yeah no scandal was BS but part of agreement made to get out and for kids sake too he is protecting her image but no longer will be indulging it that is for sure 🙂