Star: Emma Roberts & Evan Peters will elope because his family can’t stand her

Emma Roberts

The last time I discussed Emma Roberts and Evan Peters was not a pleasant occasion. (Has this couple ever produced any cheery, heartwarming news? Nope.) We spoke about their explosive fight at San Diego Comic-Con. Emma started pushing Evan around at a party, and he fled the scene. Their relationship is not a healthy one, and god only knows why he proposed to her in January.

I suspect the Comic-Con incident wasn’t the first time Emma got physical with Evan since her domestic violence arrest last summer. One doesn’t go from biting and hitting to completely behaving themselves. At least, it doesn’t happen without professional help. Sources have said the relationship is a mess with Emma and Evan going to “passionate, extreme” ends. Evan’s family is reportedly very upset that he won’t quit Emma. According to Star, Emma knows the drill and is trying to get Evan to elope. She wants the deed done:

Emma Roberts is a runaway bride (well, sort of). The actress has been begging her fiancé, Evan Peters, 27, to elope because his family doesn’t approve of their turbulent union. After numerous fights that resulted in Emma, 23, turning violent, Evan’s loved ones want him to ditch the actress for good. “Evan feels stuck,” says a pal. “He doesn’t want to let his family down, but he’s also in love. Emma has a huge hold on him.” And the Palo Alto star wants it to stay that way. Sources reveal that Emma is already scouting locations for a quickie ceremony before Evan changes his mind.

[From Star, print edition, September 8, 2014]

I believe this story because Star has had a few inside scoops on Evan and Emma. “Passion” should never be an excuse for hurting anyone. A physically abusive person will not stop being violent simply because they’re enjoying post-marital bliss. Emma’s already been busted for laying hands on Evan in public and in private. This couple needs an intervention. I hope Evan’s family steps in before it’s far too late.

Evan Peters

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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51 Responses to “Star: Emma Roberts & Evan Peters will elope because his family can’t stand her”

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  1. Side-Eye says:

    I wouldn’t like an entitled, narcisstic, untalented hag who hurt my baby either.

    • Sabrine says:

      I feel sorry for Evan’s family. They see him in this sick relationship and there’s nothing they can do.

      Evan should think about the big picture – bringing children into this mess might be one of them.

      • Side-Eye says:

        I do too. It’s hard for many victims of DV to see the big picture, but I think it’s especially hard for males, since the way we view DV it’s always seen as a M-on-F crime, and many still don’t think it’s possible for it to be the other way around. I can see how Evan wouldn’t even be aware how serious this abuse can be, as many men still sadly think that they can’t be abused by women, or are too ashamed to admit when they are.

      • P.J. says:

        But that’s the sad reality and incredibly frustrating cycle of domestic violence @Sabrine. No one outside of the relationship can make the victim see and accept their situation for what it is. No matter how many broken bones, emergency room visits or bruises, the one being abused always feels equal parts confusingly stuck, in love and afraid.

        Evan can’t and won’t leave until he’s ready.

        It’s completely inconceivable to me that so many people STILL believe that “only men” can be physically abusive to their partners or incite fear in relationships, especially when the woman involved “is so much smaller!” But hey, when it’s a female who is an abusive lunatic it’s all just in the name of “passion” right? *Sad and disgusted*

    • (Original, not CDAN) Violet says:


      I hope someone can stage an intervention for this poor kid and get him away from Emma before she does permanent damage.

    • Bob Loblaw says:

      He needs to understand her abuse will only continue and escalate after they marry.

  2. starrywonder says:

    She’s abusive and I wish that he break up with her..I’m afraid an article one day is going to talk about how he accidentally fell down some stairs or something.

    • stellalovejoydiver says:

      ugh, I just want things to get better for him, he already was being sexually abused as a teenager.

      • SpookySpooks says:

        Really? I didn’t know that. What happened?

      • stellalovejoydiver says:

        When he was a teenager, he took pictures with a photographer who later was arrested for sexual molestation of the boys he photographed.

      • ichsi says:

        Oh f-, I didn’t know that. Poor guy. Now I really don’t want to know how Bryan *I-got-away-with-rape* Singer noticed him…

      • LeAnn Stinks says:


        Thank you for that information, because I was just about to say, that if Evan came from a healthy home life, he wouldn’t tolerate Emma’s abuse and that something had to have happened to him.

        Well, that now sadly explains why he tolerates her abuse 🙁 Sounds like he is in need of some professional help.

      • FLORC says:

        We don’t actually know if Evan was 1 of the boys assaulted. It’s speculated. So, let’s not act like either party has come out and admitted this. With that said I do believe he was assaulted.

        And he has since received years of help.

        All this history and alleged history aside he’s young and infatuated. I’m sure their affection is very intense and she’s dominating/manipulating him. Personally, I think this relationship would have ended months ago if Emma wasn’t invited back to AHS season 4. They would have spent less time together and seperated.
        And she’s awful as an actress.

    • Addison says:

      Domestic Violence is so sad. You should feel safest with your loved ones. Sadly maybe Evan feels she is so small she cannot really hurt him. And that may be true, for now.

      If she like you said pushed him down some stairs or worse used weapons he could be seriously hurt. I don’t blame his family for being against this relationship.

      Evan should ask himself, if it was a female relative of his how would he feel about that.

  3. It is what it is says:

    Run Evan!! He’s so cute and talented, he can do way better

  4. Snazzy says:

    The more I read about this girl, the less I like her …

  5. Brin says:

    This will turn out well.

    • Christin says:

      It will only get better, right?

      The more those close to him try to point out the obvious, the more it may push them together.

  6. Karen says:

    She absolutely ruined AHS last season 🙁
    He is a doll, it sucks that she seems to have him wrapped around her finger. His friends and family need to stage an intervention before it’s too late !

    • akivasha says:

      I wanted to change the channel every time she came on, ugh *eye roll*

    • Pamela says:

      I actually thought she was pretty good on AHS..but mostly because she seemed to just be playing *herself*. That said, it is more pleasant to see a likable star actor play a bad guy, so I get why she ruied it for people.

      I absolutely love Evan Peters and this situation makes me so sad.

      • Josefa says:

        I think she was hilarious as a parody of herself, too. But when I watched it I wasn’t aware of Emma’s reputation.

  7. NewWester says:

    Has her father Eric or Aunt Julia ever commented on this relationship? Granted they would not want to trash Emma’s behaviour in public, I can’t recall hearing any of her family supporting it either

    • eliza says:

      Odd that Ghoolia has never commented on Emma’s abusive behavior but had no trouble speaking out very vocally on her brother’s abusive behaviors in the past.

      I guess it only matters when the woman is the victim and not when the man becomes the victim of abuse to Ghoolia.

  8. Chocolate bunny says:

    Such a double standard in Hollyweird, she beats her bf , and ppl act like it didn’t happen.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Another double-standard: When women are pulled into abusive relationships, they are often blamed for being “stupid” and “weak”.
      Interesting how when the genders are reversed, the man is seen purely as a victim (and rightfully so BTW) and nobody is saying it’s his fault for going back to her *coughs* Rihanna *coughs*.

      It would be nice if we could extend the same level of compassion and understanding towards women who get caught in a cycle of domestic violence as well.

      Just an observation.

      • Candy Love says:

        That not true the first time the public head of Emma being abusive most of the comments were what did he do to her or what did he say to her to set her off, Just like with Jay Z and Solange.

      • Side-Eye says:

        OH FREAKING *PLEASE*! Besides this being an absurd derailment of ‘who has it worse’,not to mention a completely RANDOM assumption that this poster didn’t pity Rihanna, the claim that people have less sympathy for women who get abused is simply absurd and blatantly untrue. I know every time a male is getting hit by a female you like to ignore those comments, but just look at the Solange and Jay-Z situation. There were so many people automatically blaming Jay without knowing the situation and even when it first came out that Evans was being abused by Emma, there were still people trying to turn it around on HIM. There are people who still hate Chris Brown for what he did, but are perfectly willing to brush this off, because the abuser is female and it’s somehow ‘not as bad’.

        And you can’t look me in the eye and tell me that men are more sympathised with, when they’re the ones the police instantly look at when there’s a DV situation, even when it’s them that called, when they’re discriminated against and turned away from shelters, and when female on male violence is so often seen as a punchline in movies and television. Not when people were taunting and calling Chris Brown a moron for not understanding his sexual abuse by a woman, not when Jezebel has an article glorifiying female abusers. You’re not getting away with that line of BS, sorry.

      • Bridget says:

        @side-eye: while I agree that it should not turn into a discussion of “who has it worse” the rest of your comment was totally off base.

        For one thing, women make up 90% of the victims in domestic violence situations, so overwhelmingly people look to the man as the perpetrator because the man typically IS. That said, you’d be amazed how often the case is reversed when it comes to arrests and police calls, because police officers typically have woefully insufficient DV training. Think about it: it was bad enough that they finally had to make it an umbrella policy that their is an arrest when there is a evidence of a domestic disturbance.

        Finally, please stop using Jay-Z and Solange as an example of anything. Your choice to use a blanket statement about a sensational incident doesn’t support your point.

      • Side-Eye says:

        That 90% has been debated numerous times because of the simple fact that males being the perpetrator is such a heavy stereotype. And I wouldn’t trust that stat anyway based on the heavy discrimination males face both on the social and higher levels:
        (I tried providing links, but it’s not letting me for some reason.)

        Do you have any idea of how many male victims fail to report because of stuff like this? When many of them aren’t even aware of how they can be abused. The gap between victims is actually smaller than you would think. I use Jay Z and Solange as an example because it is the most recent incident of a situation where a male was being attacked and then blamed for the violence of a woman without any valid information. Even this situation held a lot of support for Emma when it first came out, and there are still people who refuse to see it as a big deal. Your other comment also doesn’t hold weight because I’m not talking about women calling the police on their husbands, I’m talking about how men are calling the police on their wives and getting arrested.

  9. Jen says:

    This is the silliest post ever. Emma and Evan weren’t fighting at Comic Con! Emma was upset because some paparazzi were very rude to her (I’m thinking she took this extra hard because she might’ve been drinking at the after party, and she was a little tipsy), and Evan and a few others were trying to calm her down. She never shoved/elbowed/shouted at him, he simply wasn’t successful on cheering her up. BTW, his family ADORES Emma–you can ask them, they have Instagram accounts and answer everyone. So yeah, stop spreading lies! Star is another magazine full of crap, too. Ugh.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      So his family loves a woman who was arrested for abusing their son? Got it. That’s not silly at all.

    • Izzy says:

      Oh, hi Julia.

    • aquarius64 says:

      For all you know his family could be putting up a front, or they simply don’t know and take the tabloid accounts as fake. And being drunk when she allegedly railed at the paps is no excuse. Bottom line, unless you are a member of either family and knows what’s going on you cannot say with absolute certainty the Star account is false. There are too many accounts of Emma’s violence towards her boyfriend from other sources to dismiss this out of hand.

    • stellalovejoydiver says:

      his family seems pretty shady tbh.

    • tarheel says:

      Hello, Emma.

  10. Mia4S says:

    Magneto come get your son!

    Seriously though if there is any truth to this the relationship needs to end before a wedding, or worse, a kid. Smarten up!

  11. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    How awful to be Evan’s family, having to watch him make such a terrible mistake. I’d want to lock him in a closet. Marriage to an abusive person never gets better – just worse and worse and worse. He needs help as much as she does, to understand what draws him to this sick woman.

    • maybeiamcrazy says:

      I feel for the family. It is impossible to make someone notice how wrong their relationship if they don’t want to. One of my cousins got married to a abusive douchebag no matter how I tried to convince her not to. Then he made her cut me and all of her family out. She was 19 when that happened now they are thankfully divorced. It sucks, she, herself, can’t believe how blinded she was. I hope Evan realizes it before he starts to cut people out because from what I observed that is the next step.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yes, she will start to alienate him from everyone who loves him next. I’m glad your cousin got out ok. You’re right, people won’t listen to what they don’t want to hear.

      • Side-Eye says:

        I have a friend in a similar situation now, though it’s more emotional, and I had another one who was in one before, but thankfully broke up with him for other reasons, and saw his abusive behavior come to light after.

        My other friend everyone is trying to convince, but she just can’t seem to see past that ‘BUT I LOVE HIM!’ line, no matter emotionally hurtful or callous he is. (She was returning from the hospital and instead of helping her from the car while she was feeling weak and ailing, he checked her arm to see if she was ‘really’ at the hospital. Not to mention all the rude side comments comparing her looks to others.) It’s incredibly frustrating to see and I feel for any family or friends that has to go through that.

      • maybeiamcrazy says:

        That is so frustrating to watch especially if it is a close friend. The worst part is you can’t really help her if she doesn’t want you to. I hope she gets out fine.

    • Ange says:

      My family has had to watch that with my brother. He’s been married for 16 years to a woman who thinks nothing of throwing heavy objects at his head (and bragging about it – I’ve seen the holes in the walls as well), belittling him in front of his own family, screaming at him, emotionally abusing him and leaving him but she came back because she said she didn’t like living without his money. This woman has alienated him from us at every turn and he happily follows her lead. He probably can’t even see what she’s doing at this point. It’s devastating that he constantly chooses someone who doesn’t love him (she loves material comfort and control) over his family that does but we can’t do anything about it.

  12. A. Key says:

    I feel sorry for his family. But I don’t feel sorry for him. Seriously, what the hell does he see in her?!?? He obviously WANTS to be with her, despite her psychotic, spoiled, arrogant and abusive behavior. He’s got money, he’s got success, he’s independent, yet he still stays with her. Sorry, but dude obviously has issues of his own. It can’t be all her fault. But then again it always is the woman’s fault in the media.

    • JWQ says:

      he might be dumb to want to stay with her (or have issues), but that is not a justification for violence and abuse! If they fight and she beats him, it is HER fault! plain and simple! being a woman has nothing to do with it! what you just said is the same as saying that a woman with a skirt had it coming if she gets raped, and it’ s stupid!

    • maybeiamcrazy says:

      “It always is the woman’s fault in the media”?! On the contrary it is almost never the woman’s fault when it comes to DV in the media. Whole elevator spectacle and Evan&Emma’s passionate relationship completely verified it.

    • Diana B says:

      I can see both sides of the spectrum. Sort of. On one hand it is extremely frustrating to see a person going back to someone who is abusive torwards them. They know their character and make the informed decision to go back and stay with them. That can turn people’s simpathies the other way. But on the other hand the cycle of DV is a very complex one. DV victims are on most cases emotionally dependent on their abusers. It is not only a matter of economic dependency so it is a tricky subject.

  13. GIRLFACE says:

    Oh no! He’s so cute and comes across as smart in interviews and persuasive on screen. He could have a great career ahead of him, and I had no idea he had such a hard life? I hope he ditches this loser and focuses on himself and developing his talent. There are other pretty women in the world Evan that won’t belittle your ambitions and hit you. Kick this trash to the curb.

  14. AryaMartell says:

    Narcissistic abuse sucks. I don’t care about genders. I was in a narcissistic abusive relationship and it nearly killed me.

    I’m not victim blaming but if this story is true then Evan will need an epiphany where he realizes he doesn’t have to be in a relationship where he is treated horribly. That epiphany doesn’t always happen. I do suspect that Emma is a spoiled and entitled brat and I am sure she qualifies as a narcissist. So I do believe the rumors are true.

  15. QueenOfTheBadCats says:

    You know how sometimes you can develop a seething hatred for someone famous that you don’t actually know and sometimes have little to no exposure to? I don’t get it often for people, but I have it out for this girl BAD.

    I hate her brattitude. I hate her entitled cluelessness over nepotism in the industry. And this whole violence mess… just because you’re the size of Tinkerbell doesn’t mean it isn’t still abuse. She is the WORST.