Charlize Theron: ‘Modern men should elevate & celebrate’ modern women


Is it just me or does Charlize Theron look really plastic-y in these Modern Luxury photos? It might just be wonky Photoshop or bad makeup. But she’s giving me Priscilla Presley vibes. Anyway, Charlize is still talking about body image and aging and how she’s gotten to a place where she’s really happy with herself and her life. Even though most of us give her a major side-eye about Sean Penn, I have to say… I agree with her that this is the happiest she’s been in a while. Her boyfriend is a sulky curmudgeon and alleged abuser and she’s never been happier. They’re probably going to get married. Sean will probably adopt Jackson too. Anyway, here are some quotes from Charlize about her happiness and self-confidence:

On her body: “I do not have a perfect body! I’m always finding things I can work on, but I definitely have reached a point where I feel comfortable and happy with the way my body looks. I definitely am not one of those people that is constantly counting calories and doesn’t allow myself to enjoy food—I love food. But I just try to be mindful of what I eat and be good to myself.”

She likes to hike with her mom: “My mom and I really enjoy hiking in the morning. There is a great trail around the corner from my house, so I go with [my 2-year-old son] Jackson and the dogs.”

Self-confidence: “I like to think I am a woman who is comfortable [with] and celebratory of my strengths…and indulges in the qualities that make me feel beautiful.”

Finding a modern man: “A modern man should elevate and celebrate the emerging progression of the modern woman. These days women are doing any-and everything, and men are realizing that women are able to do everything they can do. I think at the end of the day, we should be supporting one another, building each other up. We need each other.”

[From E! News]

I don’t have a problem technically with anything Charlize said, if we’re just taking her words at face value. But taken in context with her life right now… does anyone really believe that Sean Penn is a “modern man” who embraces Charlize’s feminine strength and supports her 100%? I do not. Sean’s past relationships tell a different story – he likes women who put their careers on hold for him, he likes a woman who makes it all about HIM. But, as I said, Charlize seems genuinely happy these days. Perhaps we should just hit pause on our I TOLD YOU Sos until this relationship crashes and burns.


Photos courtesy of Modern Luxury.

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37 Responses to “Charlize Theron: ‘Modern men should elevate & celebrate’ modern women”

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  1. Dani2 says:

    This is a great interview from her, I love pretty much all of what she’s saying here. Now if only she wasn’t dating Sean Penn. *sigh*

    • Mike says:

      The problem with most celebrities is that they attempt to come off like they have discovered some higher meaning in life but they live lives that are far more petty and self centered than any of the people they are preaching to. Being famous does not make you wiser or better unless you are famous for your wisdom. Charlize is famous because she is beautiful and a decent actress. She is not really the person to lecture the masses

      • zan says:

        Mike, thank you, very well said

      • Diana says:

        Agree, Mike. What you said needs to be read to all celebrities before they engage in any type of interview. It’s tiring being preached to by people who really don’t know what they’re talking about. Just because you photograph well and play dress-up pretend for a living, doesn’t mean you know anything more than anyone else.

    • SpookySpooks says:

      Pretty much all of them say the same things over and over again. I feel like I’ve read this interview a 100 times already.

      • Sabrine says:

        Perhaps she is not the right person to lecture the masses but she is the one the masses will listen to, far more than someone who is much more qualified to do so. Therefore it is hoped she knows what she is talking about since many will take her seriously (Jenny McCarthy – vaccines – cough).

  2. Irishserra says:

    Well Kaiser, ruin all my fun! After reading your very last sentence, I think I will keep my knee-jerk reaction to myself! 🙂

  3. Bubulle says:

    Meh Isn’t Penn super controlling, I heard he kept putting Scarjo down when they were dating.

  4. TheCountess says:

    When Photoshop goes too far.

    • mia girl says:

      So agree. It certainly resembles, but does not exactly look like her.

      I swear, between botox, fillers and photoshop it’s like we are in a
      real-life scifi B-movie, Invasion of the Face Snatchers

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      Baaaaaaaaahhaaaaaaaaaaaa…sorry but all I can say about her “modern man” is bitch please!

  5. bettyrose says:

    Reminds me of the Billy Joel song modern woman, which is from, what, 1978?

  6. Rocketmerry says:

    Looks stunning. A bitchy, cold, stunning woman. Sigh.

  7. aims says:

    In a perfect world, it should be so. We still have hurdles, but I’m thankful that I’m a woman at this time. I’m thankful I have choice in all aspects of my life. I also send a huge thank you to the women who fought tooth and nail so that I have that choice.

  8. FingerBinger says:

    I don’t recall Madonna putting her career on hold for Sean Penn. Another thing, why doesn’t Robin Wright get the side eye? She was with him for for something like 20 years.

  9. Lilly says:

    I will always side eye her for being friends with Chelsea Handler while raising a black son (Sandra Bullock as well).

  10. Jag says:

    Yes, I’m seeing the Priscilla around Charlize’s mouth.

    As for what she said, I’m sure that Madonna felt entirely elevated during the hours she was allegedly tied up by Penn while he beat and tortured her. (I believe her, but have to be mindful of slander.)

  11. TX says:

    well, first of all, I think she is more like Penn than we would like to think. Once you admit that to yourself it’s a lot easier to see them together lol

    second, I can believe that Penn has changed, if only a little bit. Happened to my own dear old dad. Went though 4 wives before finally doing some soul searching..It took the right woman, too. idk. I guess all Im saying is it’s not totally impossible.

  12. The Original G says:

    Women should value themselves. No need to wait for men to elevate us. Equality, Respect.Value.

    • Sea Dragon says:

      Agreed. But once we’re able to value ourselves it’s incredibly reinforcing when a man (or men in general) show sincere support for the strength women bring to the table.

    • bettyrose says:

      So much this. Women in the 70s were “modern.” The men of my generation were raised by working mothers and the good ones don’t expect praise for not being jackasses.

  13. SpookySpooks says:

    These women seem to focus on looks only when they talk about aging. And the most beautiul ones seem to complain the loudest.

  14. kennedy says:

    I have a major conflict with Ms. Theron. I feel madly, deeply in adoration of her after YOUNG ADULT came out. Like, it was my top film of 2011 and I truly believe she deserved an Oscar nom. It was the rare female led (and female written) film with an unflinching portrayal of a real, flawed anti-hero. I loved that she chose to “revive” her career with such a challenging, unique film. I still think it’s Jason Reitman’s best film to date. And sorely underrated. But then, she opened her big, fat mouth and made a lot of stupid comments, dated Sean Penn and lived up to her icy betch image. I’m conflicted. I want to love her but I find her personality so grating.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I agree with everything you said about Young Adult. She was fantastic in that role and it was a truly great movie.

      I’m not sure how I feel about Theron as a person, but I do think she’s quite talented.

      Also the terms “modern woman” and “modern man” are very eyeroll-inducing.

      • Jayna says:

        I thought she was fantastic in it also. She’s a great actress and one of the rare ones that is a beauty but can play a variety of roles and be believable. It was a tough character, selfish, and I think she deserved an Oscar nom also. At least it was a meaty leading role, which so few roles are for women in their 30s in Hollywood.

  15. JenniferJustice says:

    I call Bullshit! Her words sound great in theory, but I don’t beleive her words are indicative of she and Penn’s relationship. I continue to be convinced they are only together because it draws attention to them and they both like the nose candy.

  16. Sea Dragon says:

    I get the sense that Charlize believes every word of what she has to say about Penn and that’s one of the reasons why she’s so happy. And I think he’s doing a spectacular job of embracing her feminine strengths. Isn’t that how many abusers reel in their women? He’ll continue putting her on a pedestal until he begins taking her for granted. But once that happens, it’s all downhill.

    • Izzy says:

      I’ve wondered about that too – is he putting on a good act for the time being? Because he seems SO whipped whenever he’s with her. It’s such a bizarre turn of events for him.

      • Sea Dragon says:

        Just a theory: In Charlize, he’s found the Woman of his Dreams, the Redeeming Feminine Force that will forgive all his past indiscretions and foibles and make his life perfect from now until the end of time. With her, he is all Man and she is all Woman. What he doesn’t quite get is that the clock is ticking. Once the honeymoon stage wears off and he realizes she’s just as much a person as anyone else, his respect will dwindle, his treatment of her will become less positive and his bad behavior will emerge soon after. By that time, she’ll be in too deep to get out harm free. This could take a year, five or a decade or more. My guess is that it will happen much sooner than later as Penn is an impatient, self-righteous man that has no clear understanding of boundaries and little to no sense of genuine respect for anyone, including himself. Again, it’s just a theory. Time will tell.

  17. njj says:

    Robin and 20 years with daughter father’s new love was blessed to admit that.

    In the future, I wish they would come in time to break up when becoming two days but

    It’s also a good movie masterpiece a mind-blowing experience a small budget film production costs make serving and helping others live well together when happy. Their life.

  18. Jayna says:

    I was expecting some gag-me quotes, but I thought her interview was nice.