Jennifer Lawrence in the ‘Mockingjay: Part I’ trailer: better than the book?

Jennifer Lawrence

The first full-length trailer for Mockingjay: Part I has dropped thanks to Lionsgate’s new film website that contains all sorts of goodies. The promotion for this movie has been strange so far. We’ve seen next to nothing at only two months out — aside from some obligatory character posters and confusing district propaganda. I guess the studio realizes this movie will be a hit no matter what, so why waste money on unnecessary promos? That’s the power of a successful franchise led by Jennifer Lawrence.

This trailer gave me chills from the opening moments when President Snow (in that soft, gravelly Donald Sutherland voice) tells Katniss, “It’s the things we love the most … that destroy us.” Here’s the trailer, and we’ll discuss:

Katniss is in a bad place, emotionally and mentally. Elizabeth Banks’ Effie (who was MIA in the book) is adjusting to life in District 13. Battle scene. Poor Peeta is the brainwashed weapon of the Capitol. Katniss demands for Peeta to be rescued. Sam Claflin’s Finnick cheekbones look great. Natalie Dormer is fierce as Cressida. Look, an affectionate Woody Harrelson as a not-drunk Haymitch! Katniss screams. More battle scenes. Lots of battle scenes! This will be a true action movie, which is strange considering how the Mockingjay book dragged its feet for most of the first half. For most of the second half too. Okay, it’s not a very good book compared to Suzanne Collins’ other Hunger Games installments. Hollywood is selfish and split it into two movies anyway. I think we all know where the first movie will end, right? It’s gonna be a major cliffhanger.

Lorde will curate the film’s soundtrack. As much as the misuse of the word “curate” drives me nuts (thanks Goop) these days, I think Lorde will do a good job. She’s got the angsty-teen vibe down and will add her own postmodern touches to the mix.

This is the coolest film still. Natalie Dormer is such a badass.

Natalie Dormer

Jennifer Lawrence

Movie poster & stills courtesy of Lionsgate

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71 Responses to “Jennifer Lawrence in the ‘Mockingjay: Part I’ trailer: better than the book?”

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  1. Abbott says:

    If you took out all the shots of JLaw’s concerned face, the trailer could be for Enders Game… Or Maze Runner… Or The Giver.

    • Charlie says:

      I’m again not blown away by her acting. After Winter’s Bone, she never impressed me again.

      • Liv says:

        I disagree. Just the last scene of Catching Fire in which her face changes from sad to desperate to angry gives me everything. She’s an amazing actress.

      • whatsmyname? says:

        ITA with Liv.

      • Charlie says:

        I’ve seen Cathing Fire and thought most actresses could pull that off. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

      • Liv says:

        I hope you didn’t see Shailene Woodley in Divergent then.

      • Jules says:

        @Liv: Regarding Jennifer Lawrence and what an amazing actress she is….Plus one million. I completely agree.

      • Diana B says:

        After seing Shailene Woodley on divergent Jen seems to really earn her Oscar, only cuz Shailene is so wooden, but I still find that JLaw only knows how to emote with crazy eyes and not real emotion. Her scene with Bradley Cooper on SLP where she tells him he’s a hypocrite shows the same face as the scene where she finds out the Capitol has Peeta at the en of Catching Fire, aaaaaall crazy eyes.

        So yes, Jen is better than most actresses her age but I still don’t see how she got that Oscar, though I admit I haven’t seen Winter’s bone.

      • Sozual says:

        Oscars are trash. I still haven’t seen her in Winters bone. I have seen the other movies though and I do love her in these Hunger Game movies, but not the other movies. She is good, but not great in the others. In Hunger Games she knocks it out.

      • Deedee says:

        Winter’s Bone is amazing. If you don’t see Jennifer’s acting talent after watching that movie, you must not know what talent is.

    • Guest says:

      Shooting supersonic jets down with a bow and arrow or a cross bow is ridiculous. Rambo was shooting helicopters down with a bow and arrow eons age.

  2. Audrey says:

    I can’t wait to see it!!

    I’m definitely putting my husband on baby duty so I can go this time eeeee

    • Gwen says:

      Seriously?? :O

    • Abbott says:


    • Audrey says:

      Or he can play with our daughter?

      Sorry but my husband isn’t interested in exploiting women

      • pam says:

        Audrey, I don’t want to intrude, but who are you replying to?
        Again, I’m sorry, I don’t want to bother you. Anyway, the trailer looks fantastic. I’m looking forward to any and all changes made to the film. I hope we get to see what happens to Peeta and Johanna at the hands of the Capitol. The book hinted to it, but it would be nice to see it play out.

      • mayamae says:

        @Audrey, I don’t think they’ll dwell on it. I know a PG-13 rating was essential, but it really made light of the horrors. I found the books absolutely gut-wrenching, yet the movies didn’t even make me tear up.

  3. LadyMTL says:

    Mockingjay the book was a huge disappointment (IMHO) so I am happy to say that this trailer does look better. Still, I’m not getting my hopes too high, just because of the fact that I thought the book was really bad so the film will really have to wow me to change my mind.

    • Audrey says:

      I hope they make her a bit stronger and more decisive

      I was disappointed in her personality change and the fact that she seemed to need a guy to be strong.

  4. lia says:

    … It looks like all the big Hollywood productions, no very original. I guess it will be good for the fans, enjoy!

    • Alex says:

      @audrey Katniss really didn’t change in terms of needing a guy to be strong. Katniss was only outwardly strong most of the time to survive. In CF you see her dealing with PTSD and really all her rebellious acts were mostly accidents. In terms of purposeful rebellion, Peeta outdid her in both THG and CF. Katniss fell apart because everyone lied to her and used her as a pawn without her knowledge. The only partner she had was Peeta who was basically left in the arena for dead because they got their asset. In MJ she reverts back to who she was the entire time…a scared teenager. Like she said in the trailer she never wanted the war or the games.
      In the end she still has PTSD from the war but chooses to build a life with someone who gives her hope. It doesn’t make her weak it makes her human.
      Anyways I agree with everyone saying MJ was the weakest book. I liked the political and war stuff but the hijacking parts were not necessary. But the movie looks excellent esp since they expanded the war efforts that we only hear about in passing in the book. Should be good

      • SK says:

        I actually really liked the first part of the third book. I thought it was realistic. Katniss has PTSD and is a teenager with a massive rebellious streak. Of course she behaves this way! I also loved Boggs and Cressida.

        I think it’s an interesting and realistic choice for Collins to make that Katniss struggles so much and that she doesn’t know who to trust. War is complicated. It is not good vs evil no matter how righteous your cause. Innocents on all sides always suffer and there are people doing awful things on all sides. I think Collins captures this well.

        For someone like Katniss, there would be a lot of waiting around and boring promo stuff, that is realistic too. It did start to take off when they let her out to film the propos, and I was enjoying it; but I really disliked the second part of the book.

        I found her team’s journey through the city weirdly cartoonish and unrealistic. The traps were weird and over-the-top and robbed that part of gravitas and realism. I also hated how many characters I had come to love died in quick succession; although I suppose that is more war realism.

        I found the ending rushed in a frustrating way. I’ve come to peace with the prologue. I understand her final choice even though I’m (SPOILER!) Team Gale all the way! I think that’s going to be worse for me in the movie because I think Josh is a terrible Peeta. He is a tiny midget who comes across as a sad sack with none of Peeta’s charisma or humour – which is weird, because Josh seems to have those things in real life.

        Anyway, we shall see!

  5. maria says:

    Philip Seymour Hoffman :´(

  6. Linn says:

    President Snow is really creepy in the trailer.

    Not sure if I will watch the movie. I didn’t like the third book all that much, didn’t watch the second movie and having to watch two more movies instead of one to see the end of the story kills my last bit of excitement.

    It kind of makes me glad that lord of the rings was shot before making two movies out of the last book in a movie series became a thing.

    • Sam says:

      I don’t get you comment, you didn’t watch the second.. So why would you watch the third it’s like you have nothing to say but you just want strangers to know you wouldn’t be watching this movie … Ok thanks..

      • Linn says:

        Well, I obviously somewhat like the Hunger-Games Series as I’ve read the books and enjoyed the first two. So if the trailer would have been amazing I might have reconsidered my opinion about watching the third movie.

        However, the only thing I really like about the trailer is President Snow (as I’ve stated) so I probably won’t.
        I was disappointed by the movie to the first book which I really liked, so I don’t have much hope for the movie of the book I didn’t like. Making a pretty boring book into two movies probably won’t help.

        If you don’t care about other people’s opinions about Books/Movies and the trailer why did you even bother reading the comments?

        And honestly, reading your comment you don’t seem to have anything to say about the topic of the arcticle AT ALL.

      • FLORC says:

        That’s the internet for you. You don’t have to like it, but everyone will post their latest and most trivial thoughts and tell others what they’re thinking. Relevant or not we can all state our opinions and thoughts as we like.

      • FLORC says:

        Books and movies are almost never the same or as good. Why anyone would walk into a movie thinking or hoping it would be as amazing or better than the book is imo wishing on the moon or foolish.

        And the 2nd movie (like most in trilogies) was a bridge from 1st to 3rd.
        Also, why state a full opinion on a movie from the trailer? That’s your right to do so ofcourse, but makes no logical sense. Many movies have been drastically better or worse than the trailers. And as Bedhead has touched upon Hunger Games promotion has been limited thus far. They’re tossing us scraps because they know it will be a hit. Not to get undecided people excited. We’re on the 3rd movie. If you’re not on board they’re not worried at all. It will make a profit.

        And we come here to discuss. To reads the insight of others. I think your comment was more of the type of mindless banter that comes from people giving unfiltered, irrelevant thoughts to the internet. Like “Oh you didn’t like that poptart? Well, Today I had a cupcake.” You’re might have been more mind boggling off topic than anything else which lead even myself to wonder why it was typed out.

        And Sam’s comment was in direct line to you. Not the topic. That’s why it didn’t have much to do with it.
        And no need for Capping all letters. It’s for yelling and we shouldn’t be yelling at eachother.

  7. Norman Bates' Mother says:

    This was the only book from the series I didn’t enjoy – too many convenient plot twists, too much pathos and too many cliches. Many scenes, especially the epilogue, seemed rushed, as if the deadline didn’t allow Collins to give her characters the proper closure. I have to vote yes – the trailer and the movie might be better than the book – we’ll see.

    • Felice says:

      I may skip reading the third book. I was on Chapter 10 when I stopped. I couldn’t stand how boring it was. Maybe after seeing the film I will finish it. I know, I know that is a faux pas but I can’t get into the 3rd book even though I LOOOOOVED the first 2.

      • Rin says:

        You have to finish it though! You gotta see it through. I didn’t love Mocking Jay, it felt slow and then rushed at the end and it was not as epic as the first two. I look forward to the last two movies. I love Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss.

    • mayamae says:

      Collins has a minimalist style I appreciate. For instance, in the second book, Katniss whispers something to Peeta, and he responds, “always”. It’s not until the third book that we learn she said, “stay with me”. The author doesn’t use a lot of long flowery descriptions or beat you over the head with dialogue. Not that I don’t appreciate that in other books, but it wouldn’t work in this trilogy. She’s so minimalist, that I originally missed when Prim died. I had to go back and catch it.

      @Felice, finish the third book. I loved the part where Katniss runs to Peeta expecting a heartfelt reunion, and he attempts to kill her. She realizes that she’s taken for granted his blind devotion. She also realizes why Gale isn’t right for her, and Peeta is.

  8. Kali says:

    Out of all the books, this is the one that I’ve been wanting to see translated to screen the most. It’s going to be interesting to see how those ideas of actual “warfare” as such (as opposed to the one-on-one killings in the arena) actually play out. I actually liked the fact that a lot of it was piecey and jumbled and messy. Gave a really good insight as to the mess that Katniss was by the end of two rounds in the arena.

    Poss spoiler……

    I’m just trying to figure out – does the general consensus seem to be that the end will be a cut-to-black after the choke/attack? (trying to be obtuse here….)

    • GlimmerBunny says:

      Yeah, I think absolutely think the “reunion” of the star-crossed lovers from District 12 will be the cliffhanger.

    • julianne says:

      I think this would be way too obvious and early to split. Francis and Nina indicated they wouldn’t slipt there. Nothing really happens befire that. Mostly likely will be after they destroy district 2 and Katniss gets shot. Part 2 will have plenty of capitol stuff.

      • Kali says:

        I’m hoping it’s there too. Having the “75th games” be the majority focus of the 2nd half gives a lot more time to dedicate to the characters who need it (am hoping for the pine needles scene with Johanna and some good ones with Finnick)

      • Kali says:

        Oh man, can’t remember the exact order of events in this book but I swear, I’ll riot if Finnick’s “confession” scene isn’t in there. (Well, I’ll be pouty 😜) I just have this horrible feeling it could be too dark, even for this movie…. 😳

      • Liv says:

        You mean when they have to hide in the bunker? I thought there’s a glimpse of it in the trailer?!

      • Kali says:

        I’m gonna have to re-read the book again. I def think that shot of those two is from when they’re all having to hide in the bunker but I can’t remember when in the storyline that the bombing comes.

  9. danielle says:


    They are not ending the movie when Oetta chokes Katniss. Its way too soon. They will end when they blow up the district 2 and Katniss get shot. You can see at the end of the trailer they blowing up what i assume its the montain in district 2 since districct 13 has nothing on the surface.

  10. Jenn says:

    Jen wiggy is too dustracting in some scenes. She should have waited to cut her hair after mockingjay but everything else is perfect. Can’t wait until november!

  11. St says:

    Too much Katniss. Not enough Peeta. Not enough Finnick. Funny how they kept alive Effie. In the book I believe that she was left in the Capitol. Presumed dead. She did not get ticket to District 13. But I understand how filmmakers wanted Effie in the movie. Also it doesn’t affect main story. So it’s ok.

    • Rin says:

      I thought we found out Effie was tortured and killed … I need to read the book again. But I agree glad they altered that for the movie.

      • Lady D says:

        I wonder if Effie and Cinna could hear each others’ screams the way Peta and Johanna did?

      • Alex says:

        They are using Effie in replacement of the prep team because the audience and Suzanne Collins loved Elizabeth Banks in the movies. No one knows what actually happened to Effie in the books

      • tarheel says:

        Effie was alive after the war, but was basically semi catatonic — very blank.

        I like they are showing her life after the Quarter Quell. I bet she was tortured by the Capitol.

        The scene in the trailer where she pins the Mockingjay pin on Katniss made me tear up.

  12. RocketMerry says:

    Natalie Dormer is awesome. The end.

  13. Tig says:

    I read all the books, and the last one is by far the weakest one. It will be interesting to see how the BO from the last one in 2016 compares to the previous ones.

  14. Jules says:

    @ST: Never enough Katniss…especially considering that Katniss is the MAIN character of the story (LOL!). Anyway, the trailer is terrific!…so epic!. Really looking forward to the film. Jennifer Lawrence just kicks all sorts of ads as Katniss.

  15. Adrien says:

    Plutarch Heavensbee.

  16. Frida_K says:

    I’m so excited about this movie!

    I’m glad that there will be more Effie–she is a wonderful character. In this trailer, she nails it. She’s kind of twitchy, like a too-wound-up doll, and the look in her eyes, my wow! She’s a wonderful character. I’ll miss Cinna, though.

    Ah, I loved the first two movies and hope that the final two are done right.


  17. Luciana says:

    I love THG franchise. Guilty pleasure! And I am hoping to see Natalie’s Cressida.

  18. I felt like the book tried to cover too much ground. I think two movies may be the way to go in terms of storytelling, not just revenue.

  19. Reece says:

    Um, District 13 looks way more tech than I pictured but I like it.
    I guess I’m getting old because I don’t remember half of this. I remember the PR battle, my name for it, and Gale becoming the “Weapons Master”, again my name, but the other stuff…? Still I’ll watch it.

  20. Karen says:

    Awwwww, PSH. That’s how I feel about this trailer. Sad all over again that we won’t be seeing him in movies anymore 🙁

  21. murphy says:

    I was disapointed Johanna Mason wasn’t in the trailer.

    And geez Natalie Dormer is in everything.

  22. Veronica says:

    The movie should be interesting. The problem with the book is that it’s 2/3 clever genre deconstruction and 1/3 rose-scented lizard mutts. The absurd tends to overwhelm the better parts, and frankly, the series really needed another book. If the movie can condense the story and give it the time it needed to resolve itself, it could very well be better.

  23. Ana says:

    Gosh, I cannot wait to watch this movie! I think I will go see it twice.

  24. Lostara says:

    I read the books, but didn’t see the movies. Maybe I will watch them once all three are released on DVD – as a nice compilation with lots of extras…..

    But, according to the books – contrary to most of the others here, I think the third one was the best book. I remember reading it in one weekend, because I hardly could put it away. Oops.

  25. tarheel says:

    It looks to be better for several reasons: 1. Mockingjay kinda sucked, mainly because Collins was forced to draw out the story, and 2. Te book was very internal and from Katniss’ POV. here, we’ll see the war and other POV’s, and characters not “seen” in the book, including more of Finnick, Johanna, Effie, etal.

    The trailer is fantastic!