Cele|bitchy | Lindsay Lohan covers Wonderland Mag, hangs out with EL James in London

Lindsay Lohan covers Wonderland Mag, hangs out with EL James in London

LL wonderland

Lindsay Lohan covers the newest issue of Wonderland Magazine. This is an absolutely terrible cover, right? I mean, the cover image is okay (for a Cracken), but the text ruins it. This is “The Mean Girls Issue,” and it features more interesting people than Lohan, but I guess the editors couldn’t resist putting an original Mean Girl on the cover. You can see more from the editorial here – LL is Cracken McPantless for several photos.

You know why she got the cover, right? It’s because she doesn’t want to be famous, you guys!!! She doesn’t want any attention, seriously! No, she’s on the cover because she’s promoting her stupid play. How in the world does she manage to get a magazine cover for a PLAY?

Since we don’t have any quotes from the Wonderland piece (sad-face), I thought I would mention this story from last week (I just never got around to writing about it) – Lindsay is being sued. Again. This time because she crack-heisted someone’s idea for an app. You can read more about it here.

Oh, and you know how Lindsay was wandering around London in lingerie several nights ago? She was at a party for AnOther Magazine, and she took a photo with EL James. Fifty Shades of Cracken. Fifty Rocks of Crack. Fifty Shenanigans of Crack. I could keep going…


Photos courtesy of Wonderland Magazine.

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47 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan covers Wonderland Mag, hangs out with EL James in London”

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  1. Ruyana says:

    Pitiful. Even photoshop can’t help her now.

  2. Belle Epoch says:

    Uh oh – the finger-in-the-mouth pose is like Britney’s pink wig.

    • lower-case deb says:

      to my daughter, that’s the “my front teeth’s loose” pose.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      What is that sh*t??? STOP IT!

    • Roma says:

      I’ve had a theory for years that finger in the mouth is when she’s using cocaine. Total oral fixation.

      • Lady D says:

        When I quit smoking, the 2 biggest triggers I read about were oral and tactile. For example, if you smoke a pack a day, you’ve moved your hand to your mouth 100,000 times in one year. Now times that by 10 or 20 years and it’s a hard habit/trigger to break. The article only spoke about the tactile sensation of smoking but did say oral triggers are harder to overcome.

      • littlestar says:

        Yep, coming down here to say that too! I completely believe the finger in her mouth means she’s on something.

    • Jem says:

      My theory is she does the finger-sucking thing for the INHALE and the blowing-kisses-thing for the EXHALE. If she doens’t do them, she will literally die.

    • FLORC says:

      She shouldn’t put that in her mouth. I doubt she knows where it’s been.

  3. Nicole says:

    Never put a red head with peaches and cream complexion in Pepto Bismol pink. See above.

  4. lower-case deb says:

    yay! there are still two more shades of 50 to be filmed. maybe Lindsay will be the next Ana!

  5. Christo says:

    Note to EL James: This is NOT the way to promote the upcoming film version of your novel. But, of course, she appears to have found an actress whose talent is on par with her own.

    • Brittney B says:

      Haha, that’s what I was thinking. Maybe she really WILL ghostwrite/co-write Lindsay’s memoir… her life is just as twisted and sad as EL’s understanding of S&M/syntax/characterization.

  6. doofus says:

    it’s funny…(or not really, but)…

    I remember when she first started to REALLY go off the rails and she looked so terrible in the pap pics that we saw (pink “fur” coat, anyone?…) but she would still clean up and look really beautiful for the magazine photos. I mean, I know they photoshopped, but her facial features were still somewhat “hers” and she looked good.

    now, even with a professional photographer, and make up/hair, and photoshop, she still looks dirty and worn. her nose looks weird, and her lips looks ridic…she’s officially lost her looks.

  7. word says:

    It feels like this girl is being shoved down our throats. Does anyone really care anymore? Career-wise what has she done lately that was successful? She’s now known for being a mess. Will she ever have a real “acting career” again? Who knows, but doubt it.

  8. whatsmyname? says:

    I mean she can’t even look decent for a photoshoot where they photoshop and style you.

  9. word says:

    This may sound mean, and I’m sorry, but whenever I see a pic of her I immediately smell cat urine. I don’t know why. Gross I know, but that’s what pics of her do to me. I’m a nice person I swear lol but damn what is it with this girl…

    • Jaderu says:

      That’s a conditioned response in the olfactory system. You must have been looking at a pic of Lindsay while simultaneously smelling cat pee at some point in your life. (That scenario seems so funny to me…perhaps your cat peed on a pic of Lindsay?)
      Sorry, Bill Nye the science guy just body snatched me there for a second.

      • word says:

        I have never owned a cat and am afraid of them (no lie). I’ve been afraid of cats since I was a kid. Weird huh?

      • Jaderu says:

        @Word Not weird. I know a few people that are afraid of cats. I’m a crazy cat lady though. I have many many many cats.

      • Lady D says:

        Good for you Jaderu. I have 5 cats, 4 of them are rescue animals. I’m currently working on another feral stray. I’ve got it to the point where it will sit on a chair on my deck and doesn’t take off when I bring food out. Baby steps. I’ve trapped and tamed 8 cats and found them homes, found farm homes for 6 nursing felines and have trapped and fixed 12 with the help of my local humane shelter in the last 5 years. God bless those people at the shelter. Some are wild and all you can do is release them, but they won’t be having more babies.

      • Jaderu says:

        @Lady D
        That’s wonderful! I have 6 cats myself …4 are rescues from shelters and 2 are cats that my sister found stray as kittens and brought to me. (My husband has actually become very attached to the latest after saying we have too many cats! LOL) It’s so important to get your cats spayed or neutered! We recently had a case of someone in our city poisoning stray cats and trapping them in raccoon traps. UGh, I can’t even think about it without getting teary eyed.

    • Pixelated says:

      LOL. Makes me want to clean my cat’s litter box now…

    • lisa says:

      when i see people that i think look dirty, i swear i smell old milk or cheese

      and i’ve been non dairy for years, i cant even remember the last time i smelled normal milk or cheese let alone old milk or cheese

  10. Mia4S says:

    Hey England! The real reason Scotland wants to separate is to escape the Cracken! This is what happens when you keep embracing the American D-List (That Kardasian thing as GQ woman of the year?! Really??!). We tried to warn you!

  11. bns says:

    Lindsay, the Olsen twins, and Hilary Duff were my idols when I was a kid and now she just grosses me out. She looks so dirty.

  12. RedWeatherTiger says:

    I think so much less of anyone who has his/her picture taken with her voluntarily. Cracken by association.

  13. funcakes says:

    looks high as usual.

  14. Sister Carrie says:

    I’m far more interested in Saoirse Ronan–wasn’t she Hanna?

    Pink does the Cracken no favors.

  15. Angie says:

    There is actually the whole interview online, on wonderland website:
    She’s The Queen Bee,The Star: Lindsay Lohan

    There is a lot of ass kissing, my god. I know it’s almost always like that with celebrities, but for several years fashion magazines called her out for her bullshit and crackie behavior.

    I didn’t care for Lindsay ‘s article, I went only on the site to read Saoirse Ronan’s interview. She is a lovely, poised and beautiful girl, and super talented. Loved her in Hannah, atonement and budapest hotel this year. Lindsay has no chance against actress like Saoirse, even back in 2004. She was an ok actress, cute and likable, but she was never talented and smart like Ronan or Mia Wasikowska. I think they are my two favorite younger actresses at the moment. I’m pissed that Saoirse keep losing on big movies roles too: the hunger games, the avengers 2, star wars, noah…. She need to be in more good movies and have more A list and high profile roles. Same for Mia, I wish she played Lisbeth Salander and was in “Carol” with Cate Blanchett instead of Rooney “aloof” Mara, but she had scheduling conflicts.

    • islandwalker says:

      Saoirse comes across as so thoughtful, grounded and intelligent. The Blohan article is is just awful, ass kissing of a has been.

  16. PrairieLilly says:

    She always looks so dirty! So gross, so faded. Her hands are nasty. Alcoholism has changed her body. And cocaine bloat. So very unhealthy can’t believe she is only 28! She’s gonna die soon.

  17. 237 says:


    anyone read the blind item about her (99% her) today? (I know, reliable anonymous source, but still you wont have a problem believing it)

  18. Mischa Jane says:

    She ruined her face with the lip injections and fake teeth. Her natural lips and teeth were so much prettier. Her face used to have a delicate prettiness, which she’s turned into a puffy mess.

  19. Annie says:

    Word’s can’t describe how much I hate those duck lips. No way is she sober if she thinks that’s a good look.

  20. Ice Queen says:

    She is a caricature of the caricature of herself. Even if she does Speed-the-Plow and it turns out ok (I wouldn’t say amazing or great because it’s impossible) she has lost so much credibility that even if she makes 3-4 ok (good) movies, she will never go back to being at least a B-lister… That train is long gone.

  21. MissWilson says:

    I think she actually believes she’s being cute and sexy when she puts her finger in her mouth. She’s trying to be innocent and sexy like Marilyn Monroe. I could just imagine her thinking it’s how Marilyn would look. She looks like a try-hard. Plus that Megan Foxes move, and Megan looks pretty damn hot doing it. She can actually pull it off. It’s a horrible “signature” move. It’s like Beyonce’s obsession with putting her hands behind her head showing her armpits. Who is coming up with these hideous poses?