Sheryl Crow adopts two week old baby boy, out at charity event Saturday

Sheryl Crow announced on her website that she’s adopted a two week old American baby boy. She says:

I am so excited to share with you guys that I’ve adopted a little boy ..he was born 2 weeks ago.

His name is Wyatt (after my dad) Steven (after my little brother and Scooter) and we are enjoying some very private family time.

Just wanted you to be the first to know.

Sheryl’s representative told PeopleShe’s just going to take some time off to be a mom.” If Sheryl starts working again soon, even though it might only be part time, are people going to point it out and call her a bad mom like they did Angelina? (Not that it was justified, I’m just asking.)

Crow has completed treatment for breast cancer after a February, 2006 diagnosis and is now in remission. She is single and says she’s “looking for a cowboy.”

Sheryl Crow was seen out at the Revlon Run-Walk for Women’s Cancer on Saturday. It would be remiss of me not to mention that I dissed Madonna for going to the gym on the same day she brought little Davie home. Crow was participating in a scheduled event, though. She might not have known when the baby would come home and was just honoring a prior commitment.

Congratulations to Crow! That’s wonderful that she has a new addition. This week’s Star Magazine said she was going to adopt, and that she’s “talked about adopting for years.” She’s said to have talked to her pal Jennifer Aniston about adopting, so maybe Aniston will be the next celeb to bring home a baby.

Also present at the charity event were Mandy Moore, Eva Mendes, Jessica Alba, and Fran Drescher. Drescher is also a cancer surviver, and was diagnosed with uterine cancer in June, 2000. She was given a clean bill of health after emergency surgery and detailed her experiences in her book “Cancer Schmancer.”

Thanks to Photorazzi for these pictures.

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