Jennifer Aniston allegedly pushes her ‘no chemicals’ agenda on co-workers


Jennifer Aniston was a smoker for many years. I’m not sure if she still smokes cigarettes, but guessing from a few recent interviews, I’d say that she still smokes the weed. Regularly. My guess is that she’s pretty much stopped with the ciggies and now she just smokes pot. Plus, she gets weird formaldehyde-based hair treatments that end up burning off her hair. On the other side, her PR-reinforced image is that of health, yoga, salad-eating and “being natural,” complete with contracts with SmartWater, Aveeno and Living Proof. So, Aniston is a mixed bag of chemicals and health. So would you trust Aniston’s “advice” on how to live without chemicals?

Jennifer Aniston really, really wants her cohorts to go green. During the shoot for ‘Cake’, Jennifer “tried to persuade the cast and crew to stop using products with chemicals,” a set source tells Hot Stuff. The offending items: Listerine mouth spray, soda and cigarettes.

“She’d say everything she uses is all-natural and she knows every product’s ingredients,” adds a second insider. She even brought in licorice root – believed to be an herbal remedy for smoking. While her rep denies the story and says, “Jennifer is not the type to push anything on anyone,” the insider says Aniston also proposed yoga and meditation, a combo she said she practices “five days a week with Justin Theroux!”

[From Us Weekly, print edition]

I’ve tried to use Listerine in the past, but it makes my mouth feel like it’s dying. Anyone else? Now I just use Scope products and I don’t even care about chemicals. I drink soda too. I guess that means Aniston doesn’t want to be my friend or coworker. Too bad. That being said… I kind of believe that Aniston shills her “natural” stuff to coworkers, then she goes home, lights up a spliff and pours formaldehyde on her hair.

Two more things… Aniston’s turn in Cake still hasn’t gotten a distributor, so maybe not so much with an Oscar campaign? Ha. And Living Proof released this behind-the-scenes video of their photoshoot. Some of her outfits are cute, but am I alone in thinking her hair looks bad in this video?


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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82 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston allegedly pushes her ‘no chemicals’ agenda on co-workers”

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  1. aims says:

    Why can’t people just let other people be? Why are we always feeling the need to push on how we think other people should live?

    • Mike says:

      Because they are smug and self-important. They like to exercise their power to make them think they are contributing something to the world except sh—y movies

    • delorb says:

      I don’t get it either. I’m a meat eater, but I would never try to convince a vegetarian to change. Jeez. As to the question, I think its fake, but hell no. I wouldn’t listen to any of them.

      • Rosalee says:

        Paul and Linda McCarthy had a strict no meat policy on Wings World Tours..yes I am that old

      • Brittney B says:

        To be fair, that’s a bit different… some vegetarians are trying to save animals’ lives, not control humans. I realized by the time i was 18 that leading by example was way more effective than getting pushy or preachy, but I understand why some of my peers can’t help but be vocal. We see the flesh of animals who died in agony, and silence feels like being complicit.

  2. Pandy says:

    Not that I am an Aniston fan, but I call BS on the story (although not Kaiser’s take on her lifestyle). She and Justin aren’t together enough to yoga and meditate together.

  3. mimif says:

    I am unable to take advice from someone who never leaves the house without a plastic bottle of water. Hello? It’s 2014 and there are now multiple islands of plastic floating around our oceans. Can’t Justin fill up a reusable for her?

    • Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

      Imagine a cute add campaign with Justin refilling Jen’s “Central Perk” mug with Smart Water from a tap. Once you go tap you can’t go back.

    • Kiddo says:

      Do you think it right or fair to detract from time spent expertly coordinating jackets and jeans and scarves and sweaters, boots and maybe more sweaters while also having to apply guyliner?

      Also, now I can’t get My Chemical Romance out of my head. Thanks, Jen.

      • mimif says:

        I can’t get The Proclaimers out of my head. Thanks, Scotland.

      • Kiddo says:

        Here, have some Glenlivet aka memory eraser. Scotland says, “You’re welcome”.

      • mimif says:

        Oh god, no way. Never. How about Laphroaig? We call those Brown Liquor Moments in this household. It’s precisely why I had to vote NO yesterday. Sorry, Scotland, I loathe your scotch. Meow.

      • Kiddo says:

        Yeah, when bartenders started saying, “pick your poison” I think scotch had something directly to do with that phrase, based on personal experience.

        I bet the word havering has something to do with scotch too.

      • mimif says:


      • Size Does Matter says:

        I’m so bored with JA stories it took me half an hour to haver my way over here. In Texas we prefer tequila. Just don’t put your mouth on the bottle with the Mexican flag. Might get you deported, or maybe even re-moobed.

    • Brittney B says:

      EXACTLY. But she doesn’t care about the environment; she cares about prolonging her youth and living a long life.

  4. MollyB says:

    No chemicals except for those you slather on your hair and inject in your face. Got it.

    • Ag says:

      that’s TOTALLY different. duh. don’t forget the ones that you inhale as cigarettes, ingest as alcohol and mixes for drinks, slather on your skin as fake-and-bake, have put onto your skin as facial treatments, put on your face in the form of make-up, etc. etc etc. yet another fool engaging in the naturalistic fallacy for show.

    • Nicolette says:

      The classic do as I say not as I do mantra. Hypocrite much?

    • GirlyGirl says:


      Hey Aniston, silicone is a chemical.

    • Ha! I came here to say the exact same thing. If this item is true, which I doubt, it ranks up there with the “I’ve never had plastic surgery” interview.

      “My nose? What…this old thing?”

  5. Chris2 says:

    Mmm…..well Aveeno has ‘chemicals’ in many of its products, in the form of petrochemical derivatives like mineral oil/parafin, and various acronyms and initialisations. Not that they are exactly h2so4, but they are ‘chemicals’ in skincare-speak. Hey ho.

    • The Original G says:

      …also tested on animals. Sad face.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Whoa–Aveeno tests on animals? I find it hard not to eye roll at her for promoting Aveeno when her pets are like her babies. Especially her. She’s worth a ton of money. She can afford to go out of her way and promote something that she believes in, and make a statement. Wow. She just went down a few notches in my book.

      • Sal says:

        Yep, I’ve seen on this site before people say Aveeno is tested on animals. That to me, really makes her disgusting. That and the plastic bottles of what is basically just tap water anyway. Do you know how many marine life choke on bottle lids? Celebs – ANY celebs who promote products that test on animals (side eye at you Ellen DeGeneres) need to be publicly called out and shamed.

  6. sadezilla says:

    This makes no sense to me, since she’s shilling for Aveeno and LivingProof. If you use a mainstream, non-organic/all-natural product, you’re going to get things like sulfates and plastics. I looked at the ingredients in an Aveeno facial cleanser, and they read like a commercial soap. Sorry, that’s not chemical-free to me.

  7. Jaderu says:

    I never really believe anything US magazine says. However, Aveeno products are full of chemicals and aren’t completely natural.

    Just saw the 3 comments above so I’m late.

  8. cleo says:

    Didn’t she cut off a significant amount of her hair not that long ago? Her hair must grow at an amazing rate, because she wouldn’t have extension in her hair cuz she’s “all natural”.

    yeah, right!

  9. DenG says:

    And again I ask, why is her hair better than other actresses’ or celebrities’ hair? Reese has better hair. Even Kim K. has better hair. Her hair color is as natural as the blue contacts.

  10. maddelina says:

    I love Living Proof products! They actually work. As for Weed, c’mon it’s a natuaral product with many health benefits. Plus if you live in a humid climate and have frizzy hair a keratin treatment works wonders and is actually good for your hair. It’s ok if you don’t like her but I think dumping on everything she does is unfair. I think she looks fabulous in the video and her figure is killer! Too bad about Cake but depressing ADULT movies don’t always get picked up. She was great in Life of Crime.

    • mimif says:

      Keratin treatments and Brazilian blowouts are two different enchiladas, fwiw. Also, weed has health benefits? Since when. All it does for me is make me feel highly paranoid and look like I was rolled in a vat of Howdy Doody. Trust.

      • maddelina says:

        She gets Keratin Blowouts that are actually good for your hair. Look up the health benefits of marijuana. There have been plenty of studies from health experts. Google both and educate yourself.

      • mimif says:

        I don’t use Google and just so you know, I was totally joking about the weed. Google any of my posts and you’ll know why. 😉

        And in my OP, you’ll notice I was differentiating keratin from Brazilians, one of which contains formaldehyde and *might* make a person have to chop all their hair off. But thanks for trying to edumacate me. 🙂

      • Kiddo says:


        mimif is a known liar, like Judi Dench.

      • mimif says:

        Quit havering me, Kiddo. I’m tryna learn something here and stuff.

        Namaste y’all.

      • Nicolette says:

        Mimif had me fooled into believing she was a cool elderly woman posting comments on here one day recently until @TOK straightened that out for me LOL.

      • maddelina says:

        Sorry not a regular on here and there are plenty out there who still think marijuana is evil! How would I know you’re so cool?

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        @ Maddelina- Put it this way, you could wrap Mimif in a large rolling paper, smoke her, and start tripping balls.
        Hell, I got a contact high just from high-fiving her the other day.
        Mimif actually got me busted because a cop pulled us over and SWORE he could smell weed. Didn’t believe me when I told him it’s just Mimif’s natural odor—Eau de Blackberry Kush.

      • Brittney B says:

        “Since when”? Seriously?!

    • mimif says:

      @maddelina, let me be the one to apologize; I am a complete and total jackass. I’m also 92 years old and so sometimes I forget my manners. Plus, I’m totally covered in amber trichomes most of the time, so I’m look there goes a waffle!

      @Nicolette, I care about you and muumuus, so please don’t talk to Kiddo, she’s a known troll.

      @Kitten, dude. DOOD. I can’t even drive this time of year, I have to teleport. Pass the vodka.

  11. Josephine says:

    Her hair always looks stringy and dry to me. But more importantly, how the heck is anyone, anyone watching a video promotion of an ad promotion?

  12. pnichols says:

    doesn’t she drink and chain smoke? this is a BS story.

  13. chick b. says:

    Has she always looked like Lisa Hartmann-Black? Not that there’s anything wrong with that – I just wish JA would go back to less tan and a more Rachel-like ‘do.

  14. Ice Queen says:

    I used to have this kind of friend who constantly criticized everything I and other people do: drinking water from plastic bottles, drinking sodas, eating meat, not being vegan or vegetarian, eating margarine instead of butter…it was exhausting just to be around her, needless to say-I’m not around her at all anymore. I don’t need anyone to tell me how to live my life. Oh, and if anyone EVER started to criticize her, she would become this drama defensive victim… I literally CANNOT stand those kind of people.

  15. DaSariH says:

    My question is: If her Living Proof products really works, then why does she always have to resort to chemicals and brazilian blowout which eventually burnt her hair? And isn’t she wearing a weave in that video?

    I feel embarrassed for the Cake movie. They Oscar hype it so much i was actually gonna root for it. Then i saw a clip at EW. Her acting is terrible in that clip. At least she’s trying though. Doesn’t she have another indie film to premiere in another festival? I hope that one is better and will be picked up.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      That’s what I’m wondering about. I’ve read mixed reviews about the movie…..same with Life of Crime. I also read that there were a few different distributors looking at ‘Cake’ to buy…..but no one’s bought it so far. So I’m guessing the rave reviews aren’t so ‘rave’ (or whatever)–all in all, I don’t think it’s been a good few months for Jennifer. Especially since her last movie that came out (Life of Crime) didn’t get a distributor either.

      Yes–Life of Crime premiered at TIFF last year (I think that was when she wore that light, powder blue Westwood dress, and was really orange).

      • Janet says:

        So far there are six reviews up on rottentomatoes, 2 positive and 4 negative.

        I remember last year when “12 Years A Slave” was shown at TIFF and blew everybody away. Weeks after the festival the press was still raving about it. Whereas a few days after “Cake”, nobody seems to be interested. I guess it takes more than trumpeting “Oscar buzz” to generate interest in a movie.

  16. TheRealMaya says:

    Why don’t people sue Jennifer and Living Proof and Aveeno for false advertisement?

    Jennifer claims that living proof is the reason for her anti frizz hair and yet she has treatments like brazillian blowdry. She also claims that Aveeno is the reason for her clear glowing skin and again she is pictured almost weekly getting spa treatments. Plus Jennifer infamously claimed that she used Aveeno in her teens and yet it is known fact the specific product she was advertising for didn’t come out until end of 90s.

    I am glad she tried something new with Cake and feel sorry for all the people involved because it hasn’t got any buyers.

    Someone mentioned above that indie movies don’t get picked that much etc – well they do get picked up and released and gets lots of awards- it’s just that those actors/actresses have something called drama acting talent. Jennifer is brilliant in comedy but drama not so much despite what her fans claim.

    PS: if as her fans claim that Jennifer is well like, respected and powerful in Hollywood then her movie would have had a distributor way before this but alas it’s doesn’t. Tells you how low down on the food chain she really is.

    • maddelina says:

      Longevity in HW and her bank account say otherwise. If she’s so far down the food chain what does that say about us?

      • Janet says:

        It says several things, most of them not very flattering, but I’ll be nice and say she has some loyal fans.

      • TC says:

        Her longevity has more to do with the PR machinations of her long-time publicist, Stephen Huvane, than any of her film work in Hollywood. Most stories written about Aniston are centered around the trials and tribulations of her personal life (which has become tabloid fodder) rather than any films she’s making.

        She can’t sell Cake, but she sure can sell her hair. It’s not real, but it sells, nonetheless.

      • Sal says:

        If you go by that argument – her longevity and her bank account, you’d think that Britney Spears, the Kardashians, Bieber etc are above us on the food chain in humanity. I don’t think so. Trash sells.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Eh, if people started suing for false advertisements, then almost everyone would get sued. I just find it funny that she was so blatant about it.

  17. jane16 says:

    I don’t know if she still smokes or not, but one of my relatives worked on Friends all the years it was on, and they said she ate salad for lunch every day. Her skin has been aging for years due to the tanning and smoking, and she is probably concerned about it now. I would not consider myself a fan, and have only watched one of her movies, the recent one with Jason Sudeikis, but I will say, I never hear any industry people talk badly about her. Her movies may be dumb, but they keep people working and my own husband worked on a few of them, and he and everyone else say she is always nice to everyone and not diva-ish at all, so I never get where the hate for her comes from. She’s not anything like a stuck up, entitled kartrashian or a bieber, with whom I have had numerous personal run-ins. I watched the video and thought her hair looked great.

    • Ennie says:

      I really think that at least half of that are extensions… for real. she has had it shorter for a while, and suddenly she has long luscious locks? nah!
      I do believe most of the time she wore extensions in Friends, except at the beginning seasons and when she cut it shorter.

      • jane16 says:

        She may have extensions now, idk, but I have been told by several people, her own friends, her hair people, & Friends people, that she did have really nice thick hair and that her hair on Friends was all hers. She’s in her late 40s now (?) and all that smoking and boozing, and coloring and blow drying may have caused her hair to thin out.

      • jane16 says:

        Also, her dad is Greek, and she looks a lot like him and he had very thick hair when he was young. I think she was born with thick hair.

      • Ennie says:

        Of course she used extensions, and the show lasted years.
        I particularly remember how long was her hair in one of the latter seasons, where she was Bruce willis’s gf and thought. Whoa! when did her hair grow so much? Can it be that horse shampoo (no way!).
        That’s when I started noticing how much she was doing things to her hair. She was more natural in general in the first seasons, not so blond, not so tanned, and not so skinny-wiry as she and CCox became in later

        YEs, she might have had lots and lots of hair but she has been bleaching it and ironing it for decades, even if she still has lots of hair, it must have taken a toll.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I don’t get the hate for her either. I wasn’t a Friends fan, I haven’t seen a lot of things that she is in, but her public persona/interviews she really isn’t that offensive. I don’t understand the extreme critique of her every move.

      • maddelina says:

        She’s had Pitt’s dong…….major crime!!!

      • lisa2 says:

        And I don’t get the hate her fans have for Angelina either. So I guess Brad leaving and moving on first was the major crime Angie is still being blamed for.

        and both women are analyzed for every move. But it seems her supporters are much more sensitive. She is not being called foul names. People are talking about her acting, hair and such. Hardly comments that one would find offensive. But I have seen far worst on other’s threads. But then that was fine. I have not seen post calling her a bitch, or whore or addict.

        That to me is far worst. So when that happens I can see her fans being upset. But maybe some of you should be offended when these things are said else where. But the quiet from you all is deafening.

      • TheRealMaya says:

        @Lisa2: agree 1000 times. Jennifer’s fans can give it but cannot take it.

        As you said they have said much worse about Angelina, Brad and even disgustingly they have attacked their children.

        Now that the tides has turned and people critize Jennifer – they all act sanctimonious. Even as you correctly said we only comment lightly on Jennifer’s hair, movies etc unlike Jen hens who has wished death, rape and other horrors on the Jolie-Pitts.

        I have always said it – Jennifer’s middle name is hypocrite and so is her fans.

    • maddelina says:

      Isn’t everyone’s skin aging? At least the human variety?

  18. jane16 says:

    Regarding hair, when you’re in your forties, your hair starts changing, sad fact of life, and most people have a hard time keeping it long, whether or not their hair gets as much processing and blow drying as Aniston. My own hair was looking like crap this year and I started using Aveda Damage Remedy Daily Hair Repair and the stuff is amazing. Its expensive, but you only need a tiny bit, like a 1/4 tsp, rub your hands together, apply all over your hair and blow dry. Its great for aging hair, makes it look shiny and silky again. Also, I bought a blow dryer that has a warm setting. Just thought I’d throw that in the mix.

  19. GMAB Please says:

    Since half of Aniston’s hair is a weave shouldn’t the makers of Living Proof have to put that information in their commercials and on all of their ads? Full disclosure and all that. Since she now constantly has McMillan posting Instagram and Twitter photos when he works on her hair and she’s sporting long braid and long hair when her hair is barely shoulder length – and they’ve both talked openly about her wearing weaves all the time, I think Living Proof should have to state that in their ads, “Your results will vary unless you’re willing to pay several thousands dollars for the best weave products on the market.”

  20. RobN says:

    She’s always been the one who enjoys a drink and a cigarette; I kind of doubt that there’s been such a change that she’s trying to pressure others.

  21. hilda says:

    you sound bitter

  22. ol cranky says:

    Aniston is sorely mistaken if she thinks there are no chemicals in Aveeno products: Active Ingredient: Dimethicone 1.3% Inactive Ingredients: Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Extract, Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Flour, Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Oil, Benzyl Alcohol, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) Extract, Cetyl Alcohol, Distearyldimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Isopropyl Palmitate, Petrolatum, Sodium Chloride, Steareth-20, Water.

  23. xoxokaligrl says:

    I doubt she interacts that much with the crew to push an agenda lol

  24. Anath Pariah says:

    Aniston doesn’t offend me.

    I don’t enjoy most movies she acts in, but it’s her thing and I respect that. Horrible Bosses was funny, though.

    But I think she’s kind of charming in interviews. I don’t really see her trying to be something she’s not. SHe’sokay by me.

    • Janet says:

      I’ve seen her in a couple of interviews. It was mostly “um… ahhh… well… uh… mmm… yanno…” interspersed with hair-twirling every 20 seconds. I didn’t find that charming at all. I found her to be very self-conscious and ultimately quite annoying.

  25. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    Just watched the video–seriously, her hair is not that great. I’ll give them props because it doesn’t look so much like static-y straw, like it does on RC’s……but for an ad? If I was white, I would want my hair to be silky soft (straight or curly) and LOOK like it is…her hair never does.

  26. gio says:

    She looks pretty and lively watching from the video

  27. Carrie says:

    Can’t hate on her for the weed, there are far far worse things to be doing

  28. jwoolman says:

    Oh, come on. She’s just doing what most people do after finding some change that helps them. The world is full of people “pushing” their favorite things on friends, family, and coworkers. It’s called conversation.

    She’s gentle compared to me. I’ve given up trying to convince people to come visit me unscented: “Come grubby, not freshly washed with your artificial fragrance-filled shampoo and soap and and detergent residues and god forbid colognes and perfumes and scented makeup”. Doesn’t work, they pay no attention. So I make them stay on the porch, takes too long to decontaminate my living/work space. For good measure, I’ll chat with them in a charcoal mask. You would think that would drive home the point, but it doesn’t. I love e-mail, needless to say…