Cele|bitchy | “Ian Somerhalder enjoys lazy days with his adorable puppies” links

“Ian Somerhalder enjoys lazy days with his adorable puppies” links


Ian Somerhalder with his dogs. [Seriously OMG WTF]
FKA Twigs drops the video for “Video Girl”. [OMG Blog]
Why wasn’t Jessica Biel at the amfAR gala last night? [LaineyGossip]
Ricki Lake filed for divorce. Interesting. [CDAN]
Are these people trying to get a reality show or something? [Starcasm]
Queen Latifah smokes a joint. [Celebslam]
Daphne Oz is so annoying. [ICYDK]
Jessica Pare is pregnant, by the way. [IDLY]
Jana Duggar must be freed from Duggar slavery. [Bitten & Bound]
Michelle Monaghan in Zac Posen… love it except for the sleeves. [RCFA]
This is me – my sleep pattern gets messed up when I’m on my period. [The Frisky]
Publishing is dead: the Jenner girls’ book flopped. [Gawker]
Amy Poehler & Tina Fey retiring for Golden Globes hosting? NO!! [PopBytes]


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25 Responses to ““Ian Somerhalder enjoys lazy days with his adorable puppies” links”

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  1. Rhiley says:

    I thought it was confirmed that Jessica Biel is pregnant and is due in April. At least that is what was trending last night.

  2. mollie says:

    Just can’t think of him as anything other than budget Rob Lowe, but that’s just me.

  3. Janet says:

    He’s got some gorgeous eyes. Otherwise, he’s kinda meh.

  4. FLORC says:

    Lots of sites are pushing Pare’s pregnancy and no one really cares it seems.

    Ian is fairly handsome. The puppies take his hotness up a bit. If not for the puppies I wouldn’t clicked.

  5. Mimz says:

    I used to think very little of Ian Somerhalder, Even after starting to watch TVD like 3 months ago. But I follow him on instagram and he seems genuinely a really good, soft-hearted guy. In the photo above he is talkin about hia love for his dogs and promoting an organization to protect animals abandoned in shelters? But sure no one takes note of the positivity. He almost exclusively posts photos and talks about his concerns about nature and environmental problems and asking his fans to participate and donate.
    But of course gossip wise they will only take the picture and talk about his holidays .

    I guess my point is I really like him. You guys must check out this project he did with other celebs alike, in http://www.natureisspeaking.org

    • Kiddo says:

      Nice Mimz

    • Kitten says:

      This is one of many reasons why I love this kid.
      I’m not certain that he’s the sharpest tool in the shed but he seems like a genuinely caring guy.

      Love all of his pics with cats, too.

    • Artimis says:

      I’m with you! He’s a really nice bloke and cares a lot of important things (I’m not saying he never acts douchey but hey what guy (or girl) doesn’t have their douchey moments :D) Overall though, I like him a lot.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I do think he’s a really nice guy, but he is SO serial killer pretty to me. Really creepy. My bf LOVES him (she watches the Vampire Diaries), and gets mad when I say he looks like a pretty boy serial killer.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      He seems to be really consistent in his support for animals and good causes. Kudos to him !

      I have to say I am very jealous of his lazy day with his dogs! I just had a few days of vacation, and I got so used to having my little jack Russell by my side. I miss her so much today!

      • Kiddo says:

        Jack Russells are so f*cking adorable, it’s almost hard to take. I have cats, but always thought I would love one because they seem so smart and, of course, f*cking adorable. But are they really hyper? Do you need a huge yard or something, for them? I heard that they get bored easily. I have a kitten like that, energetic and intelligent, and she literally climbs walls if you don’t exercise or entertain her.

        ETA: Jeez, my comment comes across like my hyper cat.
        Note to self: reduce coffee intake.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Jacks have some energy, but you just have to know how to channel it. My dog is also very lazy at times and loves to lay in spots of sunshine on the floor. She’s also super cuddly and likes to steal my body heat when I am sitting on the couch! Like most dogs, she naps for a good portion of the day.

        I would describe the personality like this: they want to make sure shit is taken care of. If no one is stepping up to be alpha dog, they will take it upon themselves. If you aren’t firm, they will run your house. But I always do little things to reinforce my alpha position (I go out the door first, I make her wait for my command to eat food from her bowl, I don’t let her sit on my lap without an invitation from me, etc.) . When they respect your authority, they chill out.

        Because she is on the small side for a jack, she has been just fine living in an apartment. We play ball inside with her a lot and take her for walks. She loves to destroy toys, so it is important that we take toys away from her when we aren’t playing with her, or she would annihilate it in 3 minutes.

        That being said…she is very clever. When she about 2 years old, she couldn’t get to the tall kitchen garbage can, so she pushed a chair over to the garbage bin, stood on top of the chair and pushed the lid release button to get into the garbage can! She knows when we order food for delivery by how we talk on the phone. She knows that we call her “she” and “her” in addition to her name. She can follow a list of steps without being reminded. If I say “we’re going to go to the bathroom, then get the mail, and then go for a car ride” she will complete the steps in order even if it takes 5 minutes. She’s really emotionally in tune with my boyfriend and I. She studies our faces and tries to understand every word we say!

      • Kiddo says:


  6. PoliteTia says:

    Anyone else getting a ‘Clockwork Orange’ vibe here? Please Hollywood! Don’t remake ‘Clockwork Orange’ your remakes SUCK!

  7. maria says:

    What, what?! a whole day without a Benedict Cumberbatch post!? What has the world come to?

  8. RobN says:

    He’s a little too pretty for my tastes. Seems like a good guy, and the dogs help, but I don’t see the sex appeal.

  9. Blue says:

    I absolutely adore Ian as Damon on The Vampire Diaries. Delena 4eva! I also love the fact that he’s such an animal lover. He seems like such a great guy.

  10. Happy21 says:

    He is a little on the pretty side for my liking but I must say the more I see of him and his animals, he is becoming more and more attractive. I do love me a man who loves animals 🙂

  11. Char says:

    I love Ian. I watch VD & I’ve found him attractive since I started watching the show, but then I started following his ISF page (Ian Somerhaulder Foundation) & I realized what a good person he is. Plus they film near where I live & I’ve only heard good things about him; how he always takes time to greet fans, etc.