Rihanna: ‘I’m shy’ & my mantra is ‘f— bitches, get money!’


Rihanna covers the December issue of Elle. The publication’s editor’s letter plays up her fashion icon status, which yes, I agree that Rihanna can wear anything and look fierce. I don’t know why she keeps insisting upon wearing nothing. She showed almost everything at the CFDAs this year. I couldn’t even cover her outfit at Tom Ford’s amFAR gala because it was so booby. Rihanna is so sultry, and she’s completely sexy without always taking it off. Case in point: Most of this Elle shoot shows too much chest despite also highlighting lovely clothes. So these are the tamer photos. Elle has released some “excerpts” in the form of a Q&A. Rihanna has some fun with this journo:

The craziest thing she’s ever done: “That’s still a secret.”

What people misunderstand about her: “I’m shy.”

The sexiest thing a man can do: “Any man that tells me what to do is sexy!”

Her mantra: F*** bitches, get money!”

Her worst fear: “Childbirth!”

The last time she was starstruck: “When I met Aaron Paul at the Spike awards.”

Is she a good cook? “I’m a fun cook! My specialty is seafood, but I also make the sickest mac ‘n’ cheese you will ever taste.”

If she wasn’t a singer, she’d be: “A wife.”

If she was a piece of jewelry: “I’d be a choker!”

What she wants for Christmas: “A big, trimmed ****!!”

[From Elle]

Did we all just read that correctly? “I’m shy.” Ahahaha! Rihanna is shy. She’s so shy that she walks around in transparent tops all the time and says she wants a big “d**k” for Christmas. That’s what she was asking for under the tree, right? Oh Rihanna. Never change, girl.

Here’s something cool: Rihanna has rejoined Instagram after a six-month hiatus. She’s already acting really shy over there too.



Photos courtesy Paola Kudacki for ELLE & WENN

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70 Responses to “Rihanna: ‘I’m shy’ & my mantra is ‘f— bitches, get money!’”

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  1. Venuslotus says:

    Yea I’m not really picking up that shy vibe..

    • Anne tommy says:

      So any man that tells her what to do is sexy? Chris brown telling her to stand there while he punched her must have been a real turn on. Idiot.

      • Kiddo says:

        It’s out of any context, but it’s possible that this was a sexual turn on and not necessarily about being ordered around on the daily.

      • Venuslotus says:

        Right? I mean, I think being submissive can be a real turn on, but she said anything a man tells her to do is sexy..like “go do the dishes” does it for her too?

      • maybeiamcrazy says:

        She doesn’t say anything a man tells her what to do is sexy. She says Any man that tells her what to do is sexy. Quite a difference.

      • Betty says:

        I don’t know many Alpha males, but one of my doctors is one and it can be quite attractive. At other times, it can be annoying, though. It’s all about the moment and the circumstances.

      • shenasty says:

        this comment is so gross

    • Miffy says:

      I read ‘I’m shy’ and instantly had a flashback to an Instagram (or Twitter? Can’t remember) photo she posted of herself, on her bodyguard’s shoulders at Coachella or some festival, rolling a joint on his head. It was definitely one of the more badass photos I’ve seen but shy? Not quite…

    • LeAnn Stinks says:

      I agree. I was going to say that she is the shyest exhibitionist I have ever seen. 🙄

    • Betty says:

      I don’t know. I’m somewhat shy and introverted and I typically wear clothes that bring attention to me. I love fashion and see it as a form of self-expression, so even though I’m not outgoing I don’t dress in a meek/humble way. When I was younger I also used to perform in musicals and the like. I never had stage fright. I think most performers are shy, but their creative side helps them entertain others.

      • LeAnn Stinks says:

        This goes beyond just dressing a attention getting garb. She has worn see through clothing without any undergarments on many occasions and posts pictures of herself on her own Twitter in various states of undress. We have all seen what her breasts and booty look like.

        Don’t get me wrong, I think she is gorgeous and has a killer body. If anyone can pull that stuff off, it’s Rihanna. But, I have a very hard time conceptualizing that she is shy in any way.

  2. sally says:

    I think you can be shy in real life but also have a alter ego ala Sasha Fierce.

  3. Observer says:


  4. Loopy says:

    I mean some people try to insist their shy but their not. But look at Michael and Janet Jackson they come off as ‘shy’ but are so fierce on stage.

    • Jegede says:

      I think MJ was shy and nervous.
      But it was often OTHERS who noticed his shyness rather then him declaring it himself
      When Paris Hilton insisted in interview after interview, to be shy, it was eye role worthy.
      I wonder if some even know what shyness entails or they make up a definition in their minds
      (No genuinely shy person would revel in the infamy of a sex tape)

      • capepopsie says:

        I also Think MJ was genuinely shy. But his stage personality was an invented person, not really him. Maybe that´s what Riri means? But I doubt it, though. She´s done so many unshy things privately, so. . . .

    • Someonestolemyname says:

      I think there are a lot of people who are shy personally but as performers they are fierce, magnetic and powerful on stage.

      But for whatever reason, Rhianna doesn’t seem so shy,but maybe she is maybe it’s all a big front.

    • Arnu says:

      I think she’s saying shy, when she really means insecure. Her outrageous behaviour strikes me as someone looking for attention and external validation because they are afraid to be quiet and still lest people see the real them. And not like the authentic person behind the artifice.

  5. Paloma says:


  6. Lori says:

    I’m so tired of her. and Katy Perry too.

    • captain hero says:

      My neighbour was blasting some black Sabbath last night and I thought there’s no way people will be listening to Katy Perry in 30 years time. Or rihanna.

      • theoneandonly says:

        My son bought me the vinyl edition of Black Sabbath’s first album (vinyl is coming back; what’s old is new, and what’s new is old), and I’ve been playing it quite a lot. I hope KP and Riri invest their money, because they won’t be around 10 years from now – the fundamental problem with most pop “stars” esp. of today is that they have no interest in music for the sake of music.

    • ORLY says:

      Then don’t read about her, you could have just skipped this story and read the others.

      • snowflake says:

        uh, you can still read and comment on people you dont like. why dont you just skip her comment and read the others?

      • otaku fairy says:

        You both kind of have a valid point. Yes, Orly could have ignored that tame comment, but I have to say, whether or not it’s a celebrity I like, it’s always kind of funny to me when people go on about being so tired of and bored with a celebrity, an anime, etc. but then click on things about that subject and comment on it. It’s like, “I’m so bored…but I can’t look away!” I’ve been there before too.

      • Kiddo says:

        @otaku fairy, I don’t feel this way about Rihanna, but I think it’s perfectly fine to say you’re sick of someone, especially if that person is overexposed with constant coverage. It’s an expression of frustration, and it may be valid to that person. We should be under no misconception that Celebitchy is a fanzine, because it’s not. KWIM?

      • ORLY says:

        Snowflake – because I actively and consciously choose to participate. I don’t like the Kimye, I never click on their stories. To click only to say I’m sick of them seems silly and a waste if time. Make sense?

      • Lori says:

        I guess we dont use this site the same way then.

    • Cali says:

      I was scrolling down to say “can’t her and Katy Perry just disappear together somewhere and roll around in their money, away from my computer screen?”

  7. Jegede says:

    Paris Hilton claimed to be shy.
    Liz Taylor claimed to be shy.

    It appears to be the go to for some famous/infamous women for some reason

    Shy people hardly acknowledge they are shy.
    Its a state of conscious others say about you. Most people will consider you a loner, weirdo, acutely self-conscious, even anti social before realising there is a shyness there e.t.c

    Because some of these famous women declare themselves to be shy does not make it so

    I do think some like Kim Basinger and Michelle Pfeifer are genuinely shy

  8. Birdix says:

    Editors note rather than letter to the editor. Although that will probably come too, with “f b*tches, get $…” My squareness is showing–what does that mean? And why did the editor say she has no makeup on when she clearly does?

  9. bns says:

    Love her so much, but Elle did her wrong with this photoshoot. It takes a lot of effort to make Riri look bad.

    • ORLY says:

      In the editorial, they said she was wearing only lipstick and ‘a dusting of powder ‘, ‘ no highlights or lowlights’. I think she looks beautiful.

      • Kiddo says:

        She looks fabulous. She’s better than some models out there.

      • bns says:

        Of course she looks beautiful, but I don’t care for the styling here. Rihanna on her worst day is still breathtaking.

      • QQ says:

        Me too, The girl looks stunning natural or with a ton of makeup… and on top of that she can wear the Sh!t out some clothes…or not too many clothes LOL… she is gooooodd at being a model

      • Charlie says:

        Lipstick and ‘a dusting of powder is still quite a bit of make up. She is one of the most beautiful celebrities out there. Too bad about her personality. And lack of talent.

      • K says:

        Photoshop is the new makeup.

      • Val says:

        Yeah they said that in the editorial, but….clearly she is wearing mascara. Come on. >_>

  10. Hissyfit says:

    She’s a beautiful girl and although her songs are mediocre, it’s always catchy and a hit. I just am tired of her almost naked in every event and her IG photos. I wish she stop trying so hard to be sexy all the time because she already looks hot even with her clothes on.

  11. Nev says:

    Pics are gorgeous. Especially black and white one. Cannot wait to buy it!!!

  12. BlueeJay says:

    This chick is really pathetic. Miley actually is more pulled together then her. She needs to take a break and pull her life together

  13. Lis says:

    That she loves Aaron Paul and wants a big d**k for Christmas – I’m def a fan. That’s the best thing I’ve heard all week! LOL

  14. otaku fairy says:

    Can a person be shy and confident? She seems outgoing. Maybe she’s using shy to mean “Deep down I actually get nervous in certain social situations.” I wouldn’t expect this from her. Maybe she’s messing with us.

    • Kiddo says:

      I’ve heard people, who were shy, use a bold attention-grabbing method to overcome their shyness. It’s like exposing yourself to spiders when you have arachnophobia. OR, she’s messin’ with us.

  15. INeedANap says:

    OK. I really want that mac and cheese recipe now. You’re gonna claim it, then pony up!

  16. maybeiamcrazy says:

    Oh Rihanna. “F bitches, get dollars” would sound a lot more gangsta.

  17. whatsmyname? says:

    Is she releasing something soon? I like her music it’s not amazing but it’s catchy and fun to sing/dance to.

  18. Vvvoid says:

    She is so effed up and I just love it.

  19. Midnightatthemuseum says:

    FKA Twigs should sue. “B*tch stole my looooookkkkk!!”

  20. yoyo says:

    Interesting! Cause MY mantra is: “Rihanna! STFU!” Twinsies?!

  21. MaiGirl says:

    She is so pretty that I wish she would just shut up. In every interview she does, she says something stupid, problematic, cliched, or all three. She has a right to live her life, but her try-hard shock value ways are tiresome.

  22. Val says:

    I’m pretty sure she wants a big trimmed BLUNT for Christmas… not a big, trimmed (wtf?), dick! Ahahaha!
    Rihanna has been posting about smoking her tree instead of decorating it for Christmas before…

  23. Joh says:

    I would get so tired of looking at that tattoo every day…..
    Big and busy.