Cele|bitchy | North West seems extra-concerned about her Doc Martens & ‘Yeezus’ jacket

North West seems extra-concerned about her Doc Martens & ‘Yeezus’ jacket


Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian and North West at LAX last night. As you can see, North is not happy and I don’t even think it’s about the paparazzi. It’s about the way Kim is handling her baby! It just seems like Kim is being rather brusque with North because North isn’t acting like a rag doll. Yeah, it’s a lot different when your doll-baby wants to do something else. Apparently, Kim and North were headed to Europe to join Kanye West on some remaining dates of his Yeezus tour. Thus, North wore a little ‘Yeezus’ jacket. Look at her baby Doc Martens!

As you can also see, Kim totally dyed her eyebrows back to a more normal shade. That was the quickest eyebrow-bleaching ever. My guess is that Cara Delevingne and Kim posed together for some European fashion magazine and some editor thought it would be hilarious for Kim to bleach her eyebrows. Is there an EYEBROWS magazine in France? Germany?

Meanwhile, Kim’s mother, Lucifer’s Homegirl, celebrated her birthday yesterday. To celebrate, Kim posted a less-jacked photo of the two of them with this message:

Happy Birthday to my best friend in the entire world!!!! After becoming a mom myself I understand you in a way I didn’t think was possible! I respect so much how you are able to raise 6 children, have a career and give each of us so much attention and be our biggest supporter and love us so unconditionally!!! You are my idol, my mentor and superwoman!!!! I love you forever!!!!

[From Instagram]

God… sometimes I really do wonder if the Kardashian-Jenner daughters would have been better off being raised by wolves. The thing is, I totally believe Kim is completely her mother’s daughter and that Kim considers Lucifer’s Homegirl to be her “mentor.” Welp, that’s another generation lost to famewhorery.



Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame/Flynet.

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117 Responses to “North West seems extra-concerned about her Doc Martens & ‘Yeezus’ jacket”

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  1. Tiffany27 says:

    Why is she holding the baby like she’s a busted bag of groceries?
    North is so cute though. I love her little baby docs.

    • ScrewStewrat99 says:

      North is probably constantly squirming in her arms. When my 1 year old wants to walk or be put down while I’m carrying her I end up holding her in the weirdest positions.

      • Gypsy says:

        Bingo! North wants to walk and run on her own toddler feet do that’s why she keeps looking down to let mom know that she wants down, then when that wasn’t happening she decided t straighten her body and slide down….At that age there’s no talking to her to change her mind, you just gotta hold on tight to them.

      • Someonestolemyname says:

        Yes ,North looks like she wants to walk.
        She’s such a sweetie.
        The cutest photos are of her with her little cousin holding hands…so sweet.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Adorable North is thinking, Where is my real mom, the nanny?!? Let go of me, lady!

    • Anna says:

      You can tell North is just trying to get out of her arms so she can run or walk but obviously that can’t happen because there’s dozens of paparazzi (you can tell by the frown on Nori’s face that the flashes are too bright).
      I don’t think Kim is holding Nori in a strange way at all, anyone who’s had a child or had younger siblings or even seen a toddler in public would know this kind of thing (of not wanting to be held) happens a lot. It has nothing to do with Kim lol

    • Opinionated says:

      LMAO @ “busted bag of groceries”. That was the perfect description.

  2. aims says:

    This family is so twisted. Also it’s not like Kris was a single mother, she had a boatload of help.

  3. Belle Epoch says:

    Yeah the shoes are cute but I bet they hurt when she kicks!

  4. Nev says:

    It looks like she’s just being fussy.

  5. capepopsie says:

    I can´t really see, but is her outfit size appropriate?!
    Almost looks like that.
    North is really SO cute.

  6. Cheryl says:

    Break through. Little girl finally gets to wear a colour beyond black and grey.

    • Ramona says:

      Shameful!!! To turn a baby into an advertisement for her sleazebag father is beyond tacky!!! Little girls don’t wear black!!!

      • Miss Kitty says:

        My little girl wears black all the time. She is a healthy, happy, well-loved, well-cared for one-year-old, a few months younger than Nori, and usually gets options to pick from before I dress her. At least half her clothes are black or have black on them.

      • me says:

        Why can’t little girls wear black? I must admit though, I doubt they are buying her clothes in any other color so the kid really doesn’t have a choice. What’s wrong with having a mixture of colors in a wardrobe? Why can’t she wear yellow, orange, pink, blue, green ? I don’t get it. They are trying to make her into some fashion forward toddler and it’s really ridiculous.

      • Nicole says:

        Im sure she’s loves her daddy. There is nothing sleazy about this. Black and white are actually recommended for babies, who see high contrast better than colour.

      • senaber says:

        A baby North’s age sees color just fine.

      • Anna says:

        “Little girls don’t wear black” lmao okay
        how about girls and boys are allowed to wear whatever colour they want since gender shouldn’t designate the colours were “allowed to wear”.

        And btw what’s wrong with Nori wearing a Yeezus jacket? It’s not any different then other jackets for kids out there (which have giant logos on them)

  7. DogMom says:

    Why do celebrities not put their kids in car seats?

    Is that whole ‘preventing kid slamming brain through windshield’ just a problem for us 9-to-5 Corolla driving working moms?

    • Candy Love says:

      I’m sure North was in a car set she was just taken out of it before Kim got out of the car. I don’t know one celebrity that doesn’t put thier kid in a car seat.

  8. FingerBinger says:

    I wish they would dress North like a little girl and not like she’s working backstage at one of Kanye’s concerts.

    • Claudia says:

      How is a “little girl” dressed like? A glittery pink dress? I actually like that she doesn’t dress North in a cliché girlie way, however she could use a little bit more colors, all that black depresses me.

      • me says:

        Oh I bet you anything if that child’s father was not Kanye, Kim would have that girl wearing nothing but sparkly sh*t 24/7.

      • Josephine says:

        I think most people dress their kids with function and comfort in mind first. Celebs (and Kim is far from the only one) seem to use their kids’ outfits as a way to confirm something about themselves as celebs, whether it be an expression of how cool they are, how fashionable they are, how classic they are. And to me, Kim takes that to an extreme. The child’s outfits often look so uncomfortable and so impractical. It just must be exhausting to be a child whose appearance is so calculated. The kid isn’t a handbag. Whether it’s girlie or not, why can’t it just be best for the child and not best for mommy?

      • FingerBinger says:

        @Claudia A little girl shouldn’t always be dressed in black or always wearing boots. They have her dressed like Darlene Conner in her depression phase.

      • Dani says:

        Claudia – as a mother of a one year old three months younger than North, doc martens are the least comfortable shoes. My daughter has a pair and she cries if I put them on her because of how heavy and hard they are.

  9. tifzlan says:

    Baby Doc Martens, cut off denim shorts on top of heavy leggings, heavy jacket on top…. no wonder North is squirming around. All of these clothes can’t be comfortable in LA weather.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      Yeah, I just realized that the shoeless skunk costume is probably the most comfortable looking thing I’ve ever seen a photo of North wearing.

    • Miss Kitty says:

      Her clothes do seem very structured.

    • Someonestolemyname says:

      The airport is air condidtioned and LA weather in fall and going into Winter cools off a bit, usually, where you may need a light jacket or sweatshirt.

      • tifzlan says:

        Right, a light jacket or sweatshirt. Not layers upon layers of wool and leather. Poor baby.

  10. Ag says:

    what “career” did kris have before managing kim (and the rest of them?)?

    • Inconceivable! says:

      I believe she was a “sleeping all around town gold digger”. Her eye was always on the prize.

    • word says:

      She was a flight attendant for a little bit, then she married Robert Kardashian and was a stay at home mom with nannies.

  11. G says:

    I’m sorry that hood ratchet outfit on that baby girl is not cute at all. The Doc’s are though! They have some really cute ones too for girls. I don’t know why she insists on black clothes for her. So many other colors would look lovely on her.

    • Tiffany27 says:

      You know damn well there’s nothing “hood” or “ratchet” about that child’s outfit.

    • word says:

      I saw a video clip of Kanye talking to some “fashion folk” and he said “we have to dress her like a boy because there are no cool pinks”. I guess the women of the world need to wait until Kanye invents a really “cool pink” for us to wear.

      • Gypsy says:

        You made me involuntarily break out an inappropriate laugh, WHILE I was on a conference call and reading this.

      • word says:

        @ Gypsy

        LOL sorry ! But hey, let this be a lesson to never read comments on Celebitchy while on a conference call !

    • Inconceivable! says:

      I remember reading many months ago that Kim insisted North only liked to wear black and gray. I highly doubt North was not even one year old and insisted on dark clothes only.

    • Ag says:

      if i had a daughter, i wouldn’t dress her all in pink either, i hate pink. BUT, there are many, many other colors to pick from besides pink or black. i find black to be sort of a weird color on a toddler.

    • JessSaysNo says:

      Infant boots arent “for boys” or “for girls,” they are COLORS and nothing more. Us normals who shop at Target and don’t spend $75 on infant shoes have two ridiculous choices for our kids. Cheap cardboard pink Fuggs for girls, or rugged, water proof, snug, warm, and play-able boots for boys. I have a daughter and I juts could NOT buy some ridiculous POS for my daughter, just because it was pink/gold. I bought her these: http://www.target.com/p/toddler-boy-s-cherokee-ollie-boots-brown/-/A-15568924

      And let me tell you. She loves them, they go with all her outfits and I CONSTANTLY receive compliments on them. I detest dressing girls in 100% pink and think boys boots are sadly, made better. She has plenty of pink and purple (all her coats, most shirts, snow boots, stroller) but there is nothing wrong with putting girls in black/brown/gray.

      • Nopity Nope says:

        I have two daughters. 90% of the time they wear boys’ Nike sneakers (the KD ones, to be precise, they are great kids’ shoes) b/c they hold up well and aren’t covered in glitter and bows and all that shit. Plus the colors are bright, fun, and work with most of their clothes.
        I’m not anti-pink – one look at their closets would tell you that – but I’m also not in the ‘all girls’ clothing and shoes must be for girls only’ camp either.

      • Ag says:

        i love those little boots! i think i’m going to go over to target this weekend to get a pair for my son. thanks for the tip! 🙂 and, yes, having shopped for kids’ shoes on many occasions, i always find myself grateful that i don’t have to wade into the sparkly pink madness that is the girls’ section. haha

    • Nicole says:

      What’s it to you if they like the colour black? The kid looks well loved and cared for. I think the clothes are cute. People are saying they might be a bit warm given LA weather, but if she’s going between air conditioned spaces, that’s not an issue either.

    • Anna says:

      “Hood rachet” do you even know what that means?? Your racism and belief in continuing stereotypes is showing.

  12. word says:

    Maybe North is just tired of travelling all the time…and in clothes that aren’t comfortable at all. Poor kid. With regards to Kim, of course she is her mom’s fav and of course her mom always makes time for her 6 kids…she’s profiting off all of them and wants her 10%.

    • Gypsy says:

      North better get used to the traveling and changes, and she should use this time to enjoy her childhood because come next year this time she will have begin earning her keep.
      Cute don’t just grow on trees, there are Balmain and Givenchy toddler line for North to model, right Kim?

    • Someonestolemyname says:

      How do people know her clothes aren’t comfortable? They look fine, IMO.

  13. The Original G says:

    Unfortunately, I have never seen that kid with a toy in her hands.

  14. This little baby is concerned about those screaming men and flashing lights, and the story is turned into “concerned about her doc and yeezus jacket”. Nuts.

    I feel bad for looking into this. Leaving until there´s no kids policy.

    • word says:

      Well it might help if Kim stops calling the paps to tell them where she’ll be. There are plenty of celebs who travel with their kids and never get pap’d. That kid is dressed for the paps, and so is Kim. A few more years and that kid will be the one calling the shots and good for her.

    • jwoolman says:

      There are no screaming men and flashing lights. Kim has her own people take these pics, that’s how they get into the security areas. Kim also calls her own pap who gives her a cut of the profits. Nori is not distressed by a camera in these pics. She’s tired and cranky and not in a mood to go along with the game and wants her nanny, that’s all. Kim carries her just for show. As Nori gets bigger but still not old enough to be bribed, Kim is going to have more and more trouble controlling the kid for the perfect pap shot. They’re all wigglers with a mind of their own by that age.

      • Artemis says:

        Have you watched the video? It’s over at the Dailymail. People are running and screaming, flashing lights.
        A pap shot is set-up in the best possible way, not this airport mess. Also, you can hear Kim saying ‘excuse me’ the whole time as they are not allowing her to walk at her pace as they might not get their shots.

      • word says:

        @ Artenis

        If you pay very close attention you can see the nannies are in the elevator waiting for her. She is not travelling alone. The nannies have the diaper bag. If Kim really wanted to, the nannies could have held North discretely prior to Kim getting out of the car. This whole thing was done on purpose. Kim would cry her eyes out if she was at LAX and no paps were there to take her pic and make a fuss over her. She is now using her daughter for attention. It’s beyond obvious.

      • I don´t know if she is cooperating, I’m not saying it´s only the media´s fault.
        Im only saying i won’t cooperate anymore watching this.
        Only came to see this comments, but as i said, won’t looking at celeb kids anymore. I don’t care whose fault is. They are kids.

        Not to compare, but just to give some perspective, in my country is illegal to show kids faces until 18.

        Not judging anyone, as i have been watching for years, just the kid face got me.

    • Falkor says:

      This kid has been trotted around for the paps her entire life. The flashing lights and loud men are just another unremarkable day for her.

    • Josephine says:

      I think the real concern is a grown woman using the kid for a photo-op instead of taking the more private route available for other celebs. Yeah, I feel sorry for the kid – having a mom who needs to take pap walks must suck.

      • Falkor says:

        If the cameras aren’t on Kim her heart may as well call it quits because she is truly dead inside. She will sell out you, me, god, and the kids as long as the glossies will spill about it.

    • Booklion says:

      Okay, so I have from Scotland and have only ever visited America once – not California though – so I am not 100% aware of American laws regarding Celeb children, but wasn’t there a law passed in California for celeb kids’ protection last year?? I remember something about Halle Berry testifying for it. Is this not a thing??

  15. embee says:

    Poor North. Traveling all the time, spread across Kims huge hips. She has no cute baby pictures because Mom and Dad dress her like a gloomy little boy

  16. Wren33 says:

    Whatever, when my kids were/are that age, getting them in and out of a car is always a $%(*show. I sometimes have to basically sit on them while they scream and flail to get them strapped into the car seat.

  17. Gina says:

    Being a self anointed celebrity does not give this woman the right to pimp this kid out for even more camera time. A baby in a leather jacket, jeans and Doc Martens is not hip or cool, at best it is child neglect. This is the only time in your life to dress in complete comfort. Her little bones are growing and I’m sure she’d like to kick her dumb ass mother in the face with the boots that are meant for adults. This is one woman who definitely is not cut out to be a mother. Mothers put their childrens needs before anything else…..and clearly this is not the case with this shrew.

    • Mika302 says:

      Nothing wrong with any of those things u listed. Her boots r awesome!! U r way to judgemental. Love to see ur style!!

      • Falkor says:

        Okay Mika, let me break this down for you: North is uncomfortable. Babies do not have the patience for restrictive clothes for the sake of fashion, they’re babies. It doesn’t matter how oh-em-gee cute you think it looks or how fun it is for you–it is not fun for her. It’s not about style, it’s not about h8rs, it’s not about Kim, Kanye, or you. It’s about how literally no baby on the planet is comfy in that crap. U r way to blasé.

      • Moochiemom says:

        Yes, the boots are awesome but they are not comfortable for a child who needs good walking shoes. At her age Nori should be in toddler shoes suited for learning to walk. I put my child In cute shoes for photos but she wears shoes designed for walking, running, playing. Maybe Norimwont ever have to walk and we can rename her Mimi.

  18. Dawn says:

    I can’t even imagine how heavy those boots must feel to that baby girl. And she really should just let her hair go natural. I think she looks so much better in her curls. And maybe she should let the little one simply walk so she isn’t so squirmy and disconnected from her. Even better maybe she should stop calling the paps when she is traveling with North West. Sometimes we mothers just need to buck up and do what is best for the kid and not ourselves. I don’t think Kimmode has learned that yet. I think she is on her way to London to sell fake hair. Also someone in my grocery store turns any magazine to the back cover when a Kardashian is on it. Maybe it is a new movement in the U.S. to get rid of this vile family once and for all!

  19. Venuslotus says:

    North is wearing cut-off jean shorts, with leggings under?! Comfy clothes is for peasants I guess.
    And sure, use her to promote your tour..They forgot to add “Katch Keeping Up With The Kardashians on E!”

  20. oompaloompa says:

    So sorry, but she put her baby in booty shorts? Over leggings, but still… Seems, not quite right to me.

  21. JessSaysNo says:

    I love her boots. If I had money to burn, my toddler would have tons of Dr. Martens. I’m sure they aren’t heavy, since they are engineered for kids… obvi…

    • swack says:

      Those boots may not be heavy but they don’t look very flexible. She needs a more flexible shoe.

  22. Shopgirl says:

    I have never seen that baby smile. Never.

  23. Miss Kitty says:

    I really don’t get all the criricism about what is appropriate for little girls to wear. Nori doesn’t always wear what I’d dress my daughter in for the sake of comfort, but, the vitriol over wearing black is a little over the top. I dress my daughter in black frequently. I also let her choose her own clothes, and she usually picks bold colors – black and red and dark blue and purple and saturated teal. The assumption that little girls should be in pink is based on what, exactly? I don’t wear pink. Why would I force my daughter to? Plus, we have merchandise related to my partner’s artistic/gaming projects, and i love to dress her in it, because she adores her daddy and it makes him so happy. I think it’s actually kind of charming to think Kanye would be captivated by his little girl wearing a representation of something that he made that meant something to him.

    Also, all babies are different, but one is a ROUGH age for corralling and containing a baby. My little one runs and flails and gets the chance to do her thing… when we are in a safe place for it. Traveling? In public? Back and forth from the car? I keep her pretty close. She’s at an age where she might randomly decide to drop down on all fours and crawl, or put something in her mouth lightning-fast. As a protective parent, I try to discourage that. There’s no telling if Nori is the kind of baby who might dash off, or drop down and crawl someplace unsafe or inconvenient.

    Kim has a lot of issues, and her parenting probably has a lot of the questionable choices in it that the rest of her life has, but some of the criticisms specific to Nori’s clothes in this post, or the carrying vs walking, seem a bit much. I realize I come off as a Kim apologist and i really am not. I just think sometimes people look for things to carp about when they’d be fine with another celebrity doing it.

    • Josephine says:

      My main objection is that the kid is a photo-op. There is a priority service that would allow her to use a more private route through the airport (they also obviously have the ability to fly private). But the choice of this very public route insures more pics. It also insures more discomfort for the child. As for the black, I can’t speak for others, but I think the objection is that the child is apparently not allowed colors, which just seems bizarre, and the child is dressed so that she can reflect the parents’ images. I suppose we all do the latter to some extent, but not at the expense of choice, comfort, and practicality, all of which appear to be missing.

    • Miffy says:

      Agree with everything you said here.

      I have nitpicked at photos of North West in the past (the photo of her in her Halloween costume standing at the top of a stairs with no safety guard for example), but I see nothing wrong here. These are photos of a grouchy baby whose mother is being criticised for not letting her run free range around an airport? Come on, people.

      The pink clothing argument is ridiculous and a tad offensive. For all the talk about feminism and gender equality on this site the number of pearl clutchers over a child being dressed in gender neutral (albeit dull) coloured clothing is disappointing. No, I wouldn’t dress either of my kids in half the crap North West is crammed into but that’s nothing to do with her clothes not being the right colour for her gender. Again, come on, peeps.

      I love hating on Kimye’s daftness as much as the next person but not enough to nullify my strong feelings on raising children outside of archaic gender constraints.

    • Moochiemom says:

      I think the issue is more about her development. Those shoes are not appropriate footwear for a child who is still learning to walk/run etc. this child also needs to,walk. Paps or not, she needs to toddle along because her whole life is going to be filled with paps. Wait till she is 40lbs and see if Kim carries her everywhere. As for dashboard mg about, it is called, discipline which I seriously doubt this childless any. I don’t think at her age she will dash out somewhere but the concern is that she will be forever attached to mom, dad, nanny and never have autonomy. I feel sad for her.

      • Jessica says:

        Right, but she was about to get on a plane, so comfortable walking shoes weren’t really needed. And it would be irresponsible to let a child North’s size toddle around on her own with dozens of grown men scrambling for photo’s just a few feet away. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a celebrity being papped like that let a child that young walk. A lot still pick up their school aged kids in that situation.

  24. daisyfly says:

    That kid never looks like she wants to be in Kim’s arms. Ever. She only ever smiles when she’s with her father, which tells you all you need to know about how Dimberly feels about her kid.

  25. pk says:

    She sure is cute but always looks so unhappy. I love her little Doc’s. Even the jacket is cute.

  26. Faithmobile says:

    We’ll said miss kitty. I didn’t want my daughter in pink but it turned out to be a great color for her skin tone and she likes pink so I let it go and focus on comfort and quality instead.

  27. Thaisajs says:

    Agree North is unhappy but it’s crazy to say she cares about what she’s wearing. She’s a toddler. She could give a rat’s ass what’s she’s wearing. That said, why does Kim carry her like that? My toddler would scream too if I held her head like that.

    • Falkor says:

      I think she holds her like that to keep North from messing up her hair and makeup. Priorities, ya’know.

  28. me says:

    The kid dresses better than her mother, that’s for sure. It must be exhausting for that poor kid to fly so much, not to mention the amount of radiation you get each time you fly. Flying constantly also affects your hormones. I wonder what they’ll do when Nori starts school? They surely won’t be able to travel as much then.

    • Gypsy says:

      I think just as they have traveling Nanny(ies) they will have a traveling tutor, I’d be totally surprised if that child ever see the insides of a school before 18 years old.

      • word says:

        That is so sad. This kid deserves to go to school, make friends, do school plays, etc. How sad if the first 18 years of this girl’s life will be nothing but travelling and living out of a suitcase and having her mother dress her up and parade her around.

        “Hey North, let’s fly 15 hours to Dubai so I can get pap’d sipping a milkshake !”
        “Ummm no mom I have homework”
        “No child of mine is going to give up a good pap pic !!!”

      • Gypsy says:

        – Okay! You just got to stop making me laugh, thank you for the levity though.

    • Josephine says:

      You’re funny. Like this poor kid is going to get to go to school.

      • Gypsy says:

        Idle Musing:
        North at 5yr. to tutor: “You say you used to work at a place called school, and there were other children there? “It must have been tiring having to get all those kids sparkling water and having to wait until they finish their Photo-Shoots before you can teach/”
        Tutor to North: I think I need to break you out of this velvet prison, don’t tell your parents but here’s a video of kids having fun at school.

  29. sha says:

    North’s always wearing age inappropriate shoes- the hard soled non-flexible kind. Those are so bad for a child’s feet! Get the kid some soft-soled supportive footwear, damn! Stride Rite, See Kai Run, Pediped, etc… smh…

  30. Anon says:

    North is walking now, starting to test her Independence as any toddler does….that little one wants down..now! Of course, Kim cannot let her down with all those paps around. Poor girl, I wish they’d put her in lighter weight shoes. The strain on her little legs/knees as she tries to walk, run and learn to jump is not good. I could never keep up with a running toddler in those heels Kim is wearing, but I’m a clutz with a bad back.

  31. me says:

    Doesn’t Kim and her sisters have a children’s clothing line called Kardashian Kids ? Why doesn’t she have Nori pap’d in clothes from her own line? I don’t get it? Oh I guess those clothes are not good enough for her child, they are only good enough for the children of peasants.

  32. ketjo says:

    Good Grief…..watched the video on DM …1. The nanny was in the back seat with baby and unbuckled her got out. She moved out of the way so Kim could get her Photo session reaching in and pulling the baby out. That baby did not want to be in Kims arms… .She stiffen up and wanted away from Kim . Kim struggled all the way across the airport entry walking right through the middle of those Photographers even after another way was cleared ahead of her. She keep pressing that baby’s head to her shoulder to keep her from turning her head looking for the nanny who was waiting in the held open door of the elevator… That baby wanted away the entire walk….She did not one time cling to Kim she was struggling to get away the entire time…Go look on DM if you don’t believe me… About the cloths a baby her age doesn’t give a rat’s behind what color shes is wearing or what style that is entirely Kim and Kanye’s choice poor as it is….

    • embee says:

      I had seen these DM pictures of Kim and North. Awful how she always grasps and turns her head around, she’s straight flat against her body looking like she’s a drooping rag doll. It might be easier to carry her and walk if Kim wasn’t always wearing heels

  33. Barbara says:

    Kim seems to really gel down North’s curly hair. I have noticed when she is with Kanye it is left in a natural state.

  34. Falkor says:

    I cried when I heard Kim popped out a girl because North’s fate was sealed from the start. She’s not a tiny human-being to them, she is an extension of “the brand”. She’s just another victim-child cog in the Kardashian machine.

  35. Jessica says:

    My aunt bought my cousin’s son baby doc martins and the kid hated them because they were so heavy and uncomfortable. It must be annoying to be constantly forced to wear those heavy shoes.

  36. Velvet Elvis says:

    Poor little North. She looks like she just stepped out of the Michael Jackson BAD video. I wish they would put that child in some normal clothes and quit trying to inflict their horrible taste in fashion on that baby.

  37. Lurker says:

    All I know is that I looked at the pic and the name “Joan Crawford” jumped into my head (as in “No more wire hangers EVER!”) This poor kid doesn’t have a chance. With a mother who is so self-absorbed and a father who thinks he’s Yeezus, how is there any room for North to have any needs? As for her clothes, it’s not like the only choices are black and pink. It’s more about comfort and age-appropriateness, neither of which this outfit appears to offer. And I agree with what someone else said earlier — I have never seen this child smiling. She is pre-divorce Suri redux.