“Evan Rachel Wood & Katherine Moennig are done after 3 weeks” links


Evan Rachel Wood & Katherine Moennig are done after three weeks? [Dlisted]
Will Duchess Kate meet Queen Beyonce? [LaineyGossip]
Harry Styles is very bisexuality-positive. [Buzzfeed]
Concept art photos for Game of Thrones. [Pajiba]
David Gandy & Matt Smith in the same photo together! [A Socialite Life]
Katherine Heigl’s pleated pants in pink. Ugh. [Go Fug Yourself]
Kourtney Kardashian’s IHOP baby shower. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Megan Fox still has a cute booty. [Popoholic]
Recap of Kourtney & Khloe Take the Hamptons. [Reality Tea]
James Van Der Beek & Joshua Jackson 4 Eva. [Wonderwall]
Liv Tyler shows off her bump. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
People really love Alfonso Ribeiro on DWTS. [Evil Beet]
Kim Richards removed her pit bull. [CDAN]
Jessa Duggar & Ben Seewald went to Paris for their honeymoon. [Starcasm]


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28 Responses to ““Evan Rachel Wood & Katherine Moennig are done after 3 weeks” links”

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  1. Courtney says:

    PGTip: Katherine and GOOP are cousins.

  2. QQ says:

    her hair and the cut on that dress…JESSSUUUUSSS

  3. tifzlan says:

    I’m really annoyed that Jessa and Ben Seewald-Duggar put a love lock on one of those bridges because authorities have been asking people not to since the weight of all these locks are damaging the structure.

    • Abbott says:

      Earthly rules do not apply to the Duggars. They are the chosen ones. Or something.

      • mimif says:

        Quit tryng to steal their joy, Abbott. Jeez.

      • Abbott says:

        Isn’t it Jessa’s responsibility as a woman not to let her Joy be stolen lest she RUIN the holidays for her family?

      • mimif says:

        I thought her job was to make babies with her Jesus cannon or something.
        Also, I’m sitting in a room with a hundred billion people waiting for to be called for jury duty. Do you think I will be excused if I say I’m on a mission from God to Save Christmas? Or should I just whip out the absinthe and call it a day.

      • Abbott says:

        Preface every answer to the screening questions with “According to the prophesy…” You’ll be out before the Cumberbatch posts hit 500!

      • mimif says:

        Yassssss, dismissed for being a punk ass. Thanks, Abbott!

      • tifzlan says:

        Ya’ll are killing me!

  4. bns says:

    Noooooooooo 🙁

  5. Reece says:

    MATT! I need more FKA Eleven in my life.

  6. Dani L. says:

    Liv is so adorable!

  7. PaulB says:

    Evan Rachel Wood looks so much like Gillian Anderson in that first picture.

  8. Jackson says:

    Pacey and Dawson. Yaay! I admit it, I would have acted like a giddy schoolgirl if I ran into those two out and about. And I would not feel guilty about it either!!

  9. Green Is Good says:

    Jessa Duggar and her new Husband/opportunist went to Paris?! Her daddy let her leave the county? Yes, I mean “county”. I was pretty sure the Duggar girls weren’t aloud to leave the family compound without a male family member. Daddy let them travel abroad? They might get weird ideas like their marriage is THEIR business, and they don;t have to squirt out kids in the first year of their marriage/publicity stunt.

    • Chrissy says:

      Do they even know what a passport is??? Maybe it was Paris, Texas.

    • Sea Dragon says:

      Very clever. I think though, Jessa’s husband mainlines their koolaid and wouldn’t recognize a new way of living life even if it slapped him upside the head.

  10. Elise says:

    Wow, I’m pleasantly surprised to see how chill Harry Styles is about sexuality. Usually with boy bands, they whip that “OMG WTF? NO HOMO! EW!” card.

  11. ellesbelles says:

    I love Matt Smith, I HATE his hair. I hate it so much. There is a photo out there in internet land of him with a buzz cut and dang its delicious. But this swoopy Dr Who hair is no. No no no no no.

    I’ve been a Kate Moennig fan for ages, ever since Young Americans. Shes too good for ERW.

  12. Amanda says:

    I have a feeling that Evan Rachel jumps into relationships too quickly and too intensely and therefore she scares men and women away. That’s just my theory.