Jennifer Lawrence in Dior at ‘Mockingjay’ LA: angelic or too bridal?

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence brought it home for the final Mockingjay: Part I premiere in LA last night. She must be so relieved to have this event behind her. Most of the main cast showed up with the exception of Woody Harrelson. The dudes are in the gallery. There’s Liam Hemsworth (who still needs a haircut), Josh Hutcherson, and Sam Claflin. Evan Ross brought new wife Ashlee Simpson, and they both wore their best Breaking Dawn Volturi costumes. Jessica Simpson showed up with her Eric, and they made kissy faces on the red carpet. Overall, the fashion was a mess. Several of the ladies tried to give “the leg,” but it didn’t translate.

Jennifer wore Dior couture to no one’s surprise. She’s been wearing lots of white during this tour, and I think this is my favorite look of hers. This jaquard silk dress features the same bustle as her London dress, but the fabric is so much prettier. The runway version is a full-on gown, but Jennifer wears the dress shorter, fresher, and younger. JLaw styled the dress with gold Aquazurra sandals and a gold Roger Vivier clutch. She matches the backdrop of the premiere, which would be cheesy if she wasn’t the Mockingjay. Her messy updo and soft makeup are gorge.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Elizabeth Banks pulled some consistently strong looks on this tour (especially in Berlin). This strapless Leonard dress with bold paisley print has what it takes with the right styling, but the Roger Vivier shoes throw off the look. Check out the awesome boots in the runway version. Liz should have grabbed those shoes and done some Effie-esque makeup.

Elizabeth Banks

Natalie Dormer‘s dress was disappointing. She wore a Rocha resort gown with an unexpected belly cut-out and acres of jacquard fabric in a gathered skirt. I think this dress could have worked in a jewel tone, but the color almost matches her skin tone. The effect washes her out. Up close, Nat was a total bombshell. Her hair and makeup were flawless.

Natalie Dormer

Natalie Dormer

Jena Malone got it all wrong all over again. She wore a red-orange Emanuel Ungaro dress with Charlotte Olympia shoes. Jena tried hard to work those shoes. I think she intended to match this red-orange getup to her new Robin hair, but this dress is garish and awful. It reminds me of a 1980s lampshade.

Jena Malone

Julianne Moore wore a sequinned Tom Ford number that was reminiscent of a flapper gown. I like the idea of this dress for Julianne, but the tailoring is all wrong. Can you imagine what would have happened if the bodice of the dress was more structured? [Boom.] Instead, the fabric looks droopy, and Julianne’s bod is anything but droopy.

Julianne Moore

Willow Shields (who plays Prim) wore a Cristian Siriano dress with Stuart Weitzman shoes. This dress is huge and too mullety. It reminds me of an Easter basket.

Willow Shields

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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50 Responses to “Jennifer Lawrence in Dior at ‘Mockingjay’ LA: angelic or too bridal?”

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  1. Jaderu says:

    Jennifer looks beautiful in white, but ever since AH, I worry she is going to spill or wipe something on it. Maybe she has someone to follow her around with baby wipes.

    I really like Julianne’s look.

  2. Loopy says:

    I think gold shoes are fugly. J.Law was the least offensive here.

  3. paola says:

    I’m not her biggest fan.. but JLaw here looks lovely. Especially her makeup.
    I still believe she should wear different shoes with more restrain/support. Her feet always look like they’re escaping.

  4. Liz says:

    I really love Jennifer’s dress, the shape is interesting. I also like Jena’s the colour and cut makes me think of a gown from the thirties, I think it looks glamorous.

  5. Luciana says:

    Their fashion game has improved since London premiere. All of them look amazing.

  6. LadySlippers says:

    Several things:

    1) I think Jennifer looks too 80’s bridesmaid.

    2) Jena, The Leg is seriously overdone.

    3) Elizabeth gets an almost here. I’m just not a fan of hugely asymmetrical hemlines. Otherwise, she looks fantastic.

    4) Willow, Jennifer, and Natalie all look too similar.

    5) Julianne looks harsh next to the springy bridal-gowns.

    6) I need more sleep. Lol. I’m grumpy! 😜

  7. shizwhat says:

    Natalie Dormer… hair and makeup was bang on! But I love her so maybe Im biased.

    • Katy says:

      I agree shizwhat! Her hair and makeup are absolutely flawless. But I too may be biased….I really like her and I think she always looks beautiful!

  8. mar says:

    Jen looks the best here she has in a while.
    Everyone else’s dresses are fug- but Juliannas isn’t bad plus she’s so stunningly beautiful

  9. bns says:

    I can’t believe I’m saying this, but she looks great. Hair, makeup, dress, everything.

  10. don't kill me i'm french says:

    Just no with her dress and shoes but nice make-up and color of dress
    And no for the other dresses.It’s not ugly but “you can do better” but their make-ups and hairs are good

  11. whatsmyname? says:

    Jennifers face and hair is really pretty here but they need to stop putting those type of shoes on her, she needs more support it ruins the view. And I like the dress on her.
    I like Natalies makeup and hair, if the dress was a different colour and that cutout wasn’t there it would be perfect.
    They all look better then they did in London (minus Elizabeth)

  12. Josefa says:

    – Jen looks like a cupcake. Very cute, and the makeup suits her. I approve.
    – Not liking the shape on Elizabeth’s dress, nor the makeup. Shame, she normally rocks it.
    – Natalie looks flawless from the neck up. I agree about the color, though, not right on her skin.
    – The other ladies look good, though not remarkable.

  13. Cici says:

    In an interview she showed her manicure (peach and black) and said it matched her original dress so for some reason they decided to go with this white one instead of the one they had decided to use at first. Considering how tight the sample couture dresses are, it might have been just a case of being more bloated then normally and being unable to close the zipper or something. I remember watching Rachel Zoe’s reality show’s first season and she said something about that and always needing to have another dress ready just in case which is slightly bigger.

    • Alex says:

      I definitely think her original dress was black. Not only because of her nail comment but typically she matches Josh on the red carpet for premieres. She’s matched him every Hunger Games premiere since this all began so you can usually guess her dress color when you see him arrive. Who knows what happened but she looked great either way. This press tour has had her best and freshest looks yet. So maybe she has a new stylist! Whatever the case is…it’s working

    • Veronica says:

      It could also have a lot to do with the fit of the bodice. She’s not as slim chested like the models those haute couture gowns are designed for, so I imagine there’s a lot of, “Oh dear, this will not do” moments when she tries them on. Her build is similar to my own, and the way the top fits can really make or break an outfit.

  14. Ollyholly says:

    Oh god, I actually think JLaw looks AMAZING. Honestly, she struggles in the fashion department, but I do like seeing her look like a real movie star like this. It’s just lovely.

    And, please, round of applause for her makeup team, which have FINALLY found out how to make her up and not look too heavy! This is make up perfection!

    • CuriousCole says:

      I agree, Jennifer’s makeup is perfection! I wish she would have worn bigger earrings with some sparkle to draw more eyes to her face. Most observers will focus on her dress, which is blinding in the camera flashes.

  15. Annika says:

    I actually really like Jena’s dress. Old school Classy & sexy.
    Julianne & Jena should swap gowns. Julianne is too petite for the flapper gown but would look fantastic in that 40s silhouette.

    • Venuslotus says:

      You’re so right. I like Jena’s dress, but it would look amazing on Julianne.

    • zinjojo says:

      Yes, I think you’re right. I like Jena’s dress, but I think the styling is throwing me off — hair and makeup feel too harsh, and I don’t think matching your dress to your hair color is a good idea.

  16. lucy2 says:

    I like Julianne and Jennifer’s a lot, I think they both look great. It’s a shame Natalie’s is so washed out. I don’t love Elizabeth’s, but she looks amazing as always.
    I really kind of like Jena’s, and I usually dislike orange, but I think her dress is different and interesting.

  17. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    She just can’t carry off elegant. It doesn’t fit her personality. She’s pretty and the dress is pretty but they don’t fit one another.

    • FingerBinger says:

      I disagree. The dress she wore to the 2013 Oscars was fabulous and very elegant. It was probably Dior. Jennifer can be very hit or miss when it comes to fashion.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        The one she fell down the stairs in?

      • FingerBinger says:

        Lol yes. I didn’t say she was elegant she’s a goofball. I said dress was elegant. πŸ˜‰

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Lol. That’s what I mean – she just doesn’t quite carry off the elegant dresses, even though you are right – she has certainly worn some. I was just teasing you. I probably would keel over in the shoes these women have to wear myself.

  18. Brionne says:

    I’m not normally a jlaw fan but I adore this poofy dress on her. Just the right length. Just the right amount of poof. I’m getting shades of a baby Jane Krasinski with Natalie Dormer. What the heck is Evan Ross wearing? The son of THE SUPREME and this is all the style he could muster???? I’ll have to go indulge in some chic Solange Knowles wedding pics to get Evan Ross off my retinas.

  19. Jess says:

    I actually like most of the looks, except the red orange thing, but that’s probably because I loathe that color on anyone or anything. Natalie looks amazing and I love the dress, but yes a different color would’ve worked better.

  20. Veronica says:

    I liked the Dior dress from some angles, but the length stumpified her in others, so I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it. The shoes were completely wrong for it, though – a dress with that much volume needs a pump, not a delicate shoe. The makeup game was much stronger this time around, though her makeup artist needs to stop slapping such a light concealer under her eyes. She must have dark circles like I do, but in that case you use a color corrector mixed with concealer or foundation to avoid that “ghosting” effect.

    I don’t mind Jena’s dress. I don’t think the color is necessarily right for her, though, and I don’t like the hair. Banks shoes and dress are great but not together. I was okay with Moore. Willow looked cute, which is all I can ask from a kid. Natalie Dormer was the biggest disappointment – such personality! Yet they always put her in something boring.

    On the bright side, this guys looked great. Remember how boyish Josh Hutcherson looked when they first started? He really grew into his features. And Liam Hemsworth…unf, the beard just makes the lumberjack fantasy even better.

    • Nicole says:

      gosh you should see the side by side of the boys (Josh and Liam) from the THG premiere and last night. Its like night and day esp for Josh. His face changed so much in two years. And yea Hemsworth doesn’t usually do it for me (more partial to Josh) but the longer hair and facial hair is doing it for me. And Sam looked dapper as always. A great looking cast

      • Veronica says:

        Yeah, I saw a few on tumblr and went, “Whoa.” Lawrence, too, for that matter. I think both Hutcherson and Lawrence lost the last of their “baby fat” look between films, so it really stands out when you look at them side by side. Hemsworth had a few years on them already, so it didn’t show as much. (I used to think Lawrence had dropped some weight since getting the Dior contract, but then I saw shots of her from the Bill Engvall show and realized she was always that slim – man, did she have some serious baby face in her teen years!)

        Either way, I would “HELLO NURSE” most of that cast in a heartbeat.

  21. danielle says:

    Jennifer looks lovely.

  22. Rusty machine says:

    Waist up I think J Law looks amazing. The puffy bottom is a little much to me. It looks like she has marshmallows stuffed under the skirt.

  23. Jackson says:

    Not bridal, more like bridesmaid, circa 1980s. Were they going for some kind of old school look? Either way, it just doesn’t cut it. And why, why do they put her in such unflattering shoes? They detract from the look and feel of that dress and do her feet no favors, either. She looks awkward and like she does not want to be wearing that whole outfit. Makeup does look nice though, so at least someone on her team was awake and compliments to them.
    The other ladies are a whole next level of not good, so I’ll just leave it at that.

  24. Artimis says:

    Yum. Just yum. Jen, Elizabeth, Nat and Willow look gorgeous. Not keen on the others but hey ho. I want a JLaw body! πŸ˜€

  25. Mellie says:

    I don’t think anyone looks particularly great, except the boys πŸ˜‰

  26. Div says:

    Jen and Julianne look great IMO.

  27. Ciria says:

    Love J. Law’s dress. Elizabeth Beth’s shoes are regal.

  28. CuriousCole says:

    That closeup of Julianne has me running for SPF. Her skin is like porcelain, and she’s !53! What better inspiration to protect your skin? I find I’m able to tune out her poor choice of dress (fringe flapper fail) if I’m preoccupied with guessing her beauty regime πŸ˜‰

  29. Reece says:

    You know the saying, if you can’t think of anything nice to say…

    • MinnFinn says:

      …sit next to me.

      On a serious note, they dressed JLaw to maximize her appeal to her fan base which is teen and pre-teen girls. Amiright?

  30. Lucy says:

    Jen looks fantastic! And so does Willow! She’s so grown up. Jen and her look like actual sisters!

  31. susiecue says:

    I’ve been loving her hair the last few days. I never liked the short hair on her, and now that it’s longish again I feel like it just does so much more for her.

  32. Tig says:

    I love JLaw’s makeup- her whole demeanor suggests she’s put strep throat behind her. Plus/minus on the dress, but she should quit wearing that style sandal. I agree with previous poster -looks like her feet want to run for the hills!

    I would love to have seen Elizabeth’s dress with the boots- the ankle strap with the hemline does her no favors.