Matthew McConaughey making out with his costar on the beach

Yesterday there were pictures of Matthew McConaughey acting like he-man and throwing stuff around while filming a scene in Malibu for his new film Surfer Dude.

Now there are hot pictures of him making out with his costar Alexi Gilmore and playfully running around the beach while carrying her.

The scene started where Matthew runs out of his beach cabin and leaps several feet into the air and onto the sand. He is followed by his co star Alexi Gilmore and he picks her up spinning her in the air before they both fall to the ground. The couple did five takes of the scene passionately kissing and rolling around in the sand for each take.

[From SplashNews photo description]

This film sounds like it’s doomed just due to the title, but it’s always fun to see McConaughey making out. I bet the movie is about a guy who refuses to grow up and then ends up falling in love and changing for a woman, but that’s pure speculation on my part and is based on his past roles. There is no plot summary on IMDB and just says that McConaughey stars as “a soulful surfer in existential crisis.”

Here’s the film poster from IMDB. Hopefully they’ll rework it before the movie is due to be released. Thanks to Splash News for these pics.

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