“Ben Affleck makes a daying man’s wish come true” afternoon links


Ben Affleck Makes Dying Man’s Wish Come True [PopEater]
– How to look like “Real Housewives” Kim Zolciak [Dlisted]
Miley Cyrus says Radiohead snubbed her at the Grammys [Lainey Gossip]
– Now the rumor is that Rihanna and Chris Brown are secretly married [Bossip]
Britney Spears Songs Make Madonna Horny. Ick [Fafarazzi]
Aubrey O’Day Almost Became A Lawyer [I’m Not Obsessed]
– The recession is taking its toll on Paris and her diamond-encrusted Bentley upgrades [Celebslam]
Eliza Dushku likes bad boys [Websters is my Bitch]
Natalie Portman takes her dog Charlie to LAX and gives it a smooch while checking in through TSA security. [In Case You Didn’t Know]
Katy Perry Wants To Be A Beauty Pageant Mom [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Shirtless Tom Brady Looks Ready For Field and Family Time With Gisele and John [PopSugar]
Jessica Simpson is a Natural Beauty [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
Marisa Miller in a Bikini [Egotastic]
– Heidi Klum promotes the ‘Perfect One’ bra for Victoria’s Secret[The Superficial]
Fergie’s neck bothers me [Hollywood Tuna]

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13 Responses to ““Ben Affleck makes a daying man’s wish come true” afternoon links”

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  1. Leandra says:

    Good on Ben. You can see he hates the paps hanging around outside his home.

  2. Larissa says:

    opsie…dying not daying!

  3. Mairead says:

    He does seem to be a very nice guy for things like these. I remember reading an article last year, titled “Ben Affleck stole Jennifer Garner from me” (or similar) and it was about this young kid who is also very ill, who contacted Ben (or it was set up through make-a-wish_ years ago to do something like attend the premiere of a film. He attended Daredevil and Ben and Jen were both really nice to him. Apparently they meet up regularly and there were some lovely candid snaps of them together. Lovely family.

  4. Vibius says:

    Of course they snubbed Miley. She represents everything they hate about the music biz. I find it funny that she listed U2, Coldplay, and Fergie. All corporate friendly, pop music sudeo-artists.

  5. Dirty Martini says:

    I’ve been crushin’ on Ben since Good Will Hunting, and into Pearl Harbor. I did forgive him for that unfortuate Jennifer Lopez incident, and that god forsaken movie……but it took a while. Actually it just took Jennifer G…..he redeemed himself admirably.

  6. Sally says:

    OMG Ben is so HOT!

  7. Aspen says:

    Doesn’t Madonna have, like…kids? Her children are dealing with a public, hostile divorce…and she’s out clubbing with her little man nub? God, she makes my breakfast come up.

    What a piece she is.

  8. Mandy says:

    I’ve always thought that Ben seemed like a great guy, and this proves it. We need more celebs to follow the examples of people like him and Johnny Depp, who are always so nice and generous to their fans.

  9. Mandy says:

    Aspen, those aren’t kids, they’re accessories!

  10. MT says:

    Don’t you have to be 21 in order to be in a casino?

    I gather his mother in law is driving him crazy and he had to escape to Vegas.

    As for Madonna- she seems like a great mother, and she is entitled to party with young and hot men, just as successful men have done for ages.

  11. MT says:

    So annoying!

  12. blunderbuss says:

    It’s perhaps not my place to say, but we need more celebs doing good deeds (like Affleck) and fewer celebrities being professional train wrecks (like Amy Winehouse, and Tori Spelling, and Courtney Love, etc.)

  13. Leandra says:

    Tori Spelling is not a professional train wreck. I loved “Tori and Dean Inn Love” and her book was a best seller. She also has two adorable kids.