Benedict Cumberbatch refuses to be your meme: ‘I’m not a performing monkey’


Another week, another Benedict Cumberbatch extravaganza! I had a thought this morning: what if Bendy and Sophie Hunter do some quickie wedding over the holidays? God. If they make me work on Christmas, I am going to be so pissed. Anyway, Bendy took part in Variety’s Oscar roundtable stuff, and Variety has been posting various video clips of Bendy and Edward Norton talking about acting, fame, etc. But Bendy also sat down for a proper interview with Variety – go here to read the full thing. This seems to have been done recently, although I’m not sure if the interview was conducted, like, this week. Benedict does seem aware that he’s reached the point of oversaturation. Some highlights:

Fear of overexposure: “The more work you do, the more publicity you have to do. That’s the only time I get worried — the idea that people might get sick of me not because of what I’m doing as an actor, but because of the proliferation of me in the media.”

Winning the Emmy for Sherlock: “I literally won in my sleep,” he quips. His biggest regret was not being able to make the ceremony and receive the prize presented by “True Detective” co-stars Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. “They announced my name and just wandered off. Probably smelted the statue into a bong by now.” And while he’s honored by the win, he jokes that it comes with “a ludicrous subtitle. Something like, ‘Lead actor in a motion series or drama single episode with Martin Freeman in it but not the one with Moriarty.’”

He didn’t have to audition to play Alan Turing but: “I would have done cartwheels naked through crowded streets just for a shot.”

Turing’s life: “Alan Turing is a war hero, a gay icon, a man whose work ripples on into our lives now. He forged a life so brief and tragic, yet so profoundly important, it shaped the world. And then he was thrown away by the very society he helped keep safe. Awarded with persecution and prosecution for being different.”

Playing real people: “I am determined not to carve out something two-dimensional. But you do have to make leaps as to what people are like behind closed doors.”

Praise for his TIG performance: “The biggest compliment I got was when his family came to the London premiere, and said (that watching the movie) felt like being with him again. That’s the only review I need.”

His public engagement announcement: “That’s how I would have done it if I wasn’t in the position I’m in. So that’s again me trying to normalize things.”

Losing his anonymity: “I don’t burn with regret at losing parts of my anonymity. I guess because this has happened to me in my mid-30s, not my 20s or teenage years.”

He doesn’t want to become a meme: “The amount of people I get asking me” — here, he puts on his best Valley Girl accent — “ ‘Omigod, can you photobomb me?’ No. I’m not a performing monkey. When it gets really banal and reductive, I’m like, let’s move on.”

Dealing with his Oscar campaign: “Thank God I have mechanisms and people and places to help me deal with this.”

What can we expect from Richard III? “A few beheadings, some near-incestual marital arrangements, a hump and a limp. Something very sexy, witty and dangerous.”

[From Variety]

First, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard him acknowledge his Emmy win. Maybe I missed it, but he never even issued a statement of thanks after he won (and wasn’t even there to pick it up). As for his flat-out indignant comment about not being a “performing monkey”… uh, yeah, right. DANCE MONKEY. *tosses dollar bills at Bendy*

Meanwhile, I read an interesting possible SPOILER for The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Please turn away if you don’t want all of the MARVEL SPOILERS

Okay, here goes: there’s a rumor going around that not only will Tom Hiddleston’s Loki definitely and totally make a cameo appearance in Age of Ultron, but Benedict’s Doctor Strange will be seen as well. Apparently, Bendy’s Doctor Strange could appear as a “nameless surgeon” in the end credits or something. You can read more about it here.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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370 Responses to “Benedict Cumberbatch refuses to be your meme: ‘I’m not a performing monkey’”

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  1. Sixer says:

    Oh lordy, Benny. “banal and reductive”? Like the original bounce was a moment of sheer creative genius? Stairs. Foot. I’m going. Thanks, Nanna.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      He’s been talking to Kristen Stewart, hasn’t he – ’cause Benny’s beginning to sound like a massive jug of “banal and reductive”.

      • Beth says:

        Bendy – can you please do a showmance with KStew? The amount of #jawseyes between those too will be quite a thing to behold.

        Plus, at least KStew doesn’t wear floral granny curtains and cheap PVC sofas to red carpets. Pretty please?

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Banal and reductive and bounce, oh my!
      Banal and reductive and bounce, oh my!
      banal and reductive and bounce.
      banal and reductive and bounce.
      We’re off to see the Wizard, the wonderful …
      Sorry, wrong wizard.

      • Tateru says:

        The bouncing and wizardry in your prose has given me this image of Bendy in a Tigger costume, bouncing down the yellow brick road. I’m confused, mildly amused and a bit aroused.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @tateru, my image is similar but stops short of arousal and features the tin man and scarecrow pelting him with apples while shouting “this is how Billy Bulger sounds!”

      • Tateru says:

        hahaha I like that even better!

  2. Mikasa says:

    Ugh! Just get married already so we have something new to talk about!!

    • Santia says:

      I just realized that “Cumberbatch” is a separate link at the top of the CB page. Oh my. Is that new? I’ve never noticed it before. Is it that serious? Does that mean we’ll continue to get daily Cumberposts??

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I think he’s in serious danger of overexposure, and he’s smart to realize it.

  4. (juste pour rire) says:

    He’s performing otter, not a monkey.

  5. vauvert says:

    To the not performing monkey: Ben, who has been impersonating you for the last six weeks?

  6. maria says:

    so he’s only Harvey’s monkey then?

  7. **sighs** says:

    Hahahahahaha! Not a performing monkey…… I needed a good laugh this morning.

    • MissMary says:

      Maybe he realized he’s in the wrong line of work, or at least the wrong producer’s PR game? This time next year, maybe we’ll see him written up in the Times not as a performing monkey, er, actor under HW’s PR machine but rather running a chippy on Bermondsey Road. Free from memes, fame, scrutiny of fans, and performing monkey-hood. (Really, he should’ve thought about it before the PR run started–did he think he could just phone it in?)

  8. Ingrid says:

    I just realized, he sported a “strange” goatee in August-September. When he was too busy to fly to LA to pick up his Emmy. When he said he was filming Jungle Book which just got pushed back a year to 2017… #justsaying

    (Warning: I hurt my back and I’m on strong painkillers (I’m fine-ish!). So expect a lot of crazy theories today.)

    • Lucifer says:

      won’t strange goatie be black though. And a christmass wedding?? ER should actually bomb him bloody sucker.

    • Cee says:

      Good connection there! Now we know what happened to the mysterious “beard”.

    • Felice says:

      someone put RDJ’s facial hair on him and it looked alright. It probably won’t be exactly like that but maybe in the ballpark. He has ginger facial hair though so it will be dyed lol.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Maybe Feige made him audition. He wasn’t signed to Marvel back then; they were still in talks with other people.

  9. lower-case deb says:

    didn’t he just performed a photobomb on Graham Norton on demand? isn’t that perpetuating the meme? “it’s not like i’m not reminding people, but i’m reminding people.”

    anyway. perhaps he has a change of heart. or it’s a coin-operated photobomb.

  10. someonestolemyname says:

    Don’t get the hype with this guy. Looks like Chris Martin with more hair. imo

    • SpookySpooks says:

      Chris is much better looking.

      • Beth says:

        I’ve met both Chris Martin and Bendy boy in person and I agree Chris is better looking. I was shocked that he’s actually pretty cute (although that may be shaped by the fact that my only prior impression of him up to that point was that Yellow music video). Bendy just looks like Bendy does on telly, but with a shinier face and he is much shorter in real life.

      • Charlie says:

        Chris is very handome! Although I liked him better when he was more geeky looking. Bendy is just Bendy.

    • tigerlily says:

      I don’t get the hype either. This is the first time I have clicked on or commented on a Cumberbatch story….and I am already sick of him. I don’t find him attractive, don’t find chris martin attractive either. They both look like frail, pale Englishmen….not my cup of tea.

  11. NewWester says:

    I want to see the look on his and Harvey W’s faces if Benedict does not get a Oscar nomination. They are certainly working hard for one

  12. Miss Jupitero says:

    Don’t he and Hiddles have matching organ grinder monkey outfits? I thought they were cute. *peanuts*

    And poor baby! This oscar campaign must be such a burden!

    Strange in the credits would make sense, as would the briefest Loki cameo.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      BC is all alone on this one.

      Strange was mentioned in Captain America; Winter Soldier so it would make sense to have another reference.

    • icerose says:

      Tommy is a hyperactive little bunny who loves to perform and is honest about it. Benny is a hypocritical drone who tells the world that praise from Turing’s family was his only reward (shameful self promotion) whilst behaving like a trained puppet to get an Oscar.
      Personally I wish both of them would get off the Marvel/Hollywood roundabout and concentrate on their acting but they are both very hungry in their different ways.
      And what is it with Benny that he has to promote Richard 111’s sex life now.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        One has been concentrating on acting for the past year. The other has been dating Anna Wintour and doubling as a TV sports announcer.

      • alice says:

        A six month long(since June) bout of celibacy keeps it on the mind.

      • J says:

        -review-, not reward

      • jammypants says:

        Oh I know. He hates fanbaiting, then he fanbaits by insinuating that Richard III was sexy *facepalm*

      • Emily says:

        That made me laugh. Are “near incestuous” relationships supposed to be sexy?

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @jammypants, the Richard III by Shakespeare I read was quite far from sexy. And that was before we had to act it out and our English teacher chose the nerdiest boy, with a high-pitched nasal whine of a voice, to read the part of Richard. BC must have read some other Richard III or he has a different definition of “sexy” than I do.

  13. Beth says:

    “No. I’m not a performing monkey.”

    But I’ll happily turn up in a cheesy dollar store costume with an eye mask and pretend to be Zorro kissing an actress (with the passion of a purse-lipped slug) in a bad telenovela! OSCAH! 😀

    “I would have done cartwheels naked through crowded streets…”

    Ssshhhh, Bendy! Don’t give Harvey any ideas please.

  14. Hazel says:

    He needs to disappear for about a year.

    • Lucifer says:


      not gonna happen m afraid

    • jammypants says:

      He will when everyone gets obsessed with next year’s Brit darling, whomever that may be. Shall I reach it a bit and say Harry Llloyd?

      • tasha_nat says:

        I really want next year’s brit darling to be Ben Whishaw. He’s reprising his role as Q in Spectre. Fantastic actor.

      • Beth says:

        YAASSSS. Ben Whishaw is amazing. But he’s apparently very shy and retiring and utters monosyllabic answers for interviews, so I think Hollywood or big-time fame is not for him. But more people needs to wake up to the awesomeness that is Ben Whishaw.

      • jammypants says:

        Good option! He’s wonderful in everything I’ve seen him in.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Harry Lloyd, please.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        And I do love Ben Whishaw but I just want to pour him some hot chocolate, hand him a plate of cookies, and discuss teddy bears with him before snarkily talking about everyone in our 7th grade classes.

      • icerose says:

        both Lloyd and Whishaw would work for me but I have developed a soft spot for Andrew Scott

    • moodgirl says:

      I agree except maybe two years. And take SH with him.

  15. scarf girl says:

    Pictorials kissing Reese Witherspoon while donned in faux Zorro garb are not indicators of a dancing monkey….nope. Not at all. (Sigh). Oh Ben, these are the kinds of statements that will spring to mind when you are Marvel’s dancing monkey during Dr. Strange publicity campaign.

    Ingrid agree with the goatee observation.

    And someone up thread said they hope the wedding occurs soon so it can be over and done with and we can move on. There with you – I just don’t care. Sign I need to stop clicking on BC threads. I am very tired of hearing about him and what comes out of his mouth. And I used to view him as thoughtful (shakes head returns to coffee and traffic reports of freezing fog).

  16. icerose says:

    If he is not a performing monkey why did he allow himself in the horror of zorrobatch especially when he looked like his heart was not in it,

    • MissMary says:

      Two words, proper name, first one rhymes with “shmarvey.”

    • Lucifer says:

      Again he performs for money only. so he is indeed a performing monkey

    • Maggie says:

      Benedict acted in the company of 17 other actors who are possible award hopefuls. Even Timothy Spall “performed” in the 9 Kisses videos. They have been done, with different themes, for a few years now.

      These threads have become a bit of a hate-fest haven’t they?

      • Emily says:

        Pointing out the hypocrisy of what he says versus what he does without attacking his personal character isn’t hateful.

      • An says:

        We’re running on hit/miss with that, Emily.

      • scarf girl says:

        The entire set up is beneath all 9 actors. And if I read a story about any of them complaining of being performing monkeys for fans in selfie situations, would throw equal amount of shade.

      • icerose says:

        I watched the all and as PR GOES none of them were impressive but at least Spalding’s avoided the matinee idol scenario and had a a bit of wit.

      • scarf girl says:

        It is a Spall. I would love to see him walk away with lots of awards but glad he is at least getting recognition. Glad for all of them-the PR clearly annoys me but don’t question the talent.

  17. Felice says:

    Seems like all lies to me….

    The glasses do more for me than the zorro getup.

  18. olivierlawrence says:

    He sounds arrogant and annoying now. I can’t believe I used to like this twat.

  19. MissMary says:

    Is it too much to hope PR (his, HW’s, both?) see fan reaction to his pissybatch quotes, and see fan reaction to things like the “Smaug” interview, to the Nerdist interview, to, oh, anything that’s not pissybatch, and adjust accordingly? *sigh* Thought so.

  20. An says:

    I actually like this interview *ducks* but I think it’s from weeks ago.

    I get the performing monkey reference–if he’s literally jumping for every random person on the street, that would get pretty ridiculous fast. Surprised random people would ask that to be honest.

    This is in reference to the Oscar campaign distracting from work as well:

    ““If I go back and I’m tired on set or not enjoying the moment I’ve been given to play that character onscreen,” he says, “I’ll never forgive myself.”

    Maybe I’m too easy. I’ve dealt with actors going through campaigns before and he’s been mild plus no mud-slinging competitors this year, which I hate about Weinstein.

  21. anon says:

    Check out the S maug interview on Colbert. It’s amazing. Wonder when he filmed it though?

  22. GingerCrunch says:

    Really, aren’t all actors pretty much performing monkeys? FFS, why don’t you prove you aren’t, Bendy, and go write something. Hmmm?

    • Emily says:

      Performing monkey extraordinaires in fact.

      • C'est la Vie says:

        When the extraordinary performing monkey talks about things being “banal and reductive”, I keep hearing “bananas and reduction sauce”.
        Then I think of bananas flambé.

        Thank you zorromonkey, now I’m hungry.

  23. Ruth Dunbar says:

    Last night I saw TIG. It was a decent movie, and he was good, but the real star of the film was the boy who plays Turing as a child. Otherwise, a solid sausage fest (Matthew Goode! Mark Strong! All those blue eyes!) I predict the film will be nominated for everything, and win nothing.

    • Soothy says:

      “A solid sausage fest”


      I’d love that to be one of the tag lines..

    • Beth says:

      YAASSS! The boy is called Alex Lawther and he is uh-mazing. He was the standout in that movie despite his brief scenes.

      I didn’t like TIG. And yes I predict it will get nominated for everything but win nothing too at the Oscars. Bendy may get a shot at the Golden Globes since it’s the most “buy-able” award and he is competing in a different category (drama) than Keaton (comedy).

      • Ruth Dunbar says:

        Agreed. I hope to God he gets plastered at the ceremony. I KNOW I’LL BE DRUNK

        But back to that kid — he was amazing. That one moment where he batted his eyelashes after his friend walks off — I sat there and thought, “Damn, that kid just shut down this whole thing. He wins this movie.”

      • Beth says:

        And that wonderful scene in which he was trying not to cry after being told of Christopher’s death. He reminds me a bit of Haley Joel Osment.

        I met the actor who played young Turing (Alex Lawther) at the film festival. He looked shy and a bit lost on the red carpet. Bless him. 😀

      • Ruth Dunbar says:



      • gg says:

        DrunkBatch at the Golden Globes, oh please Jesus make it happen…….

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @gg, well, he claims he was drunk on the Oscar red carpet and he blames Ellen DeGeneres for it. Because he is incapable of turning down a shot of vodka. Or just stopping at the second, third or fourth shot of vodka.

      • icerose says:

        That was one of his disingenuous excuses for the photo bomb although it kind of contradicts his original tale that he did it as favour for the band.

  24. Peppa says:

    This dude is the definition of a freaking performing monkey. I mean, you used the tumblr crowd to climb up the ladder of fame and let them meme you to death, but now you are on the hunt for that oscah (sorry, it’s going to Michael Keaton) and you are too good for that? Ugh, no.

    • An says:

      Unless he is the emperor of Tumblr, whose influence you’re overstating, in my opinion, he’s got no control over memes there.

      But I do note that at the source, it actually says he doesn’t want to be known as just a Internet meme. I can’t imagine anyone would.

    • JaneS says:

      Totally this.

      The otter is thirsty. He dogwhistles his fans constantly and they come running like puppies, ready to lick up whatever he is serving on today’s menu of conundrums and cliches.

      Now their behaviour is embarrassing a serious actor like the Batch. Sorry Batch, once you let the dogwhistle genie out of the bottle, she ain’t going back in.

  25. InvaderTak says:

    I wonder if I could get the simple image sharing site to make him the meme of the week over there, just to annoy him.

  26. Beth says:

    I don’t care about the monkey business, but when he talks about Sherlock or Martin Freman or Moriarty, I get all wobbly and giggly. I fuc*ing love that show.

    • Beth says:

      Haha I just realise there are two (or more?) Beths on this board.

      Hello namesake! 🙂

      • Beth says:

        I never realized! Greetings, Beth. Beths are the best. Except to strangers on the phone, because people always think I’m saying “Bev.”

  27. KT says:

    Oh, the Colbert Smaug thing is great if you haven’t seen it!

    This interview is old, I saw it already. All actors are annoying during campaign time, no exception. Too much press, too many questions, and no one is on 24/7.

    Acting, shills for press/roles ≠ hoping on command for strangers. The photobomb thing needs to die now, and it will.

  28. Lilacflowers says:

    Benedict, your movie opens here today and, although I would like to see it this weekend, I probably won’t because, well, I’m busy. I know, I know, what am I thinking? How could I put anything before you, Benedict? Well, I did. I put a Celtics game and two performances of the Nutcracker and a tree-trimming party and a Patriots game ahead of you. I might be able to squeeze you in after the first Nutcracker but if the schedule for “Wild” is more convenient, I’ll see that. Next week isn’t looking better because I work and have holiday or birthday parties to attend and I already have Hobbit tickets. And then, Christmas!!! Poor timing on your part. If you had opened on Thanksgiving, I would have seen your movie weeks ago.

    • InvaderTak says:

      Can I have your life please? I have zero plans this holiday season.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        I am over scheduled always. Hence my need of Colin the butler and Mark the security manager.

    • Green Eyes says:

      Hey Lilacflowers, are you going to the C’s game tonight, too? See you there!

      P.S. love your post.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Thanks! Yes, I’ll be there and since my first husband Chris Evans is home and showing up at things, we might see him there too. We’re also probably going to see Spike Lee because Knicks.

      • Green Eyes says:

        Nah, Spike Lee LOATHES Boston. True story: I once worked for Spike’s best friend/college roommate.

        If I get on the jumbotron I will mouth “hi lilac!”

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @Green Eyes, Spike attends almost 90% of Knicks games in Boston. He sits near the court. When Ray the Mercenary Allen was here, he used to sit with Ray’s mom Flo. I wanted there to be a TV show of “Spike and Flo at Courtside”.

    • jammypants says:

      The misleading release date was very irritating! I wanted to see it weeks ago. Now, meh.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @jammypants, I was all set to see it on Thanksgiving. We planned to see it and Foxcatcher before a late dinner. Instead, Big Hero 6 and Foxcatcher. I think Harvey’s delay tactic might backfire and it will get lost in the mix. There are too many films coming out in the next few weeks while people are under a time crunch.

      • jammypants says:

        The marketing was terrible. They did not specify it was limited. I’m way busier during December than around Thanksgiving. Netflix it is for moi.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @jammypants, and the trailers here said “Thanksgiving” on them and it didn’t even open “limited” on Thanksgiving. It opened the next day in “Extremely Limited.”

      • jammypants says:

        @Lilac, two cities to be exact, NY and LA.

      • icerose says:

        I have a serious glut of the Oscar films and others at my local arts centre after Xmas so Benny’s will have to wait until it comes to TV unless I decide to down load it. Birdman, Foxcatcher, Nightcrawler, TIG and Whiplash are all being see. in a for week space along with some others I want to see.

    • Kitten says:

      Go Pats!

      • Green Eyes says:

        Speaking of Kitten and Pats: did you see the picks of Rob Gronkowski and kittens? If not google! Too cute!

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Go Gronk’s kittens! The most hilarious part is that any one of those kittens is smarter than Gronk. But, go Gronk! And go Gronk’s kittens!

  29. Green Eyes says:

    I think I am over Bendy. I never thought he was a great actor and only really liked him in Sherlock and now even that admiration is waning. Everything about him for the last 6 months has pointed to him being a total douche bag. Every time he opens his mouth I cringe. Even his choice of fiancee (or, more likely, “fiancee”) is not a good one as she is a talentless b!tch. Whatever, water seeks its own level.

    I used to come to Bendy threads because they used to be fun. Now, not so much. After posting on the Keanu thread yesterday, I thought about what a good guy Keanu is. No, his acting is not as good as BC’s, but I do think that Keanu is the better person.

    I think I will focus on the *better people* threads from now on.

    There, I said it.

    • J says:

      tbh I dont care much about them personally, i dont know them and press is a joke in those terms

      Acting is my main concern unless they do something really bad like eat their ex-girlfriend’s pet rabbit (jesus Dimitri Diatchenko).

      i am an opposite attracts person however. my parents are polar opposites LOL

      • Ani says:


        I’m of a similar mind. I’ve done the whole flawless interviews, coworker praise, A+ fan interactions and stories all the time thing with another actor only to have him do something horrid.

        At this point, I go with my gut instinct, and it tells me Cumberbatch is overwhelmed and could not handle this type of serious press. He’s also the angriest at himself—looking past the engagement stuff, I’ve noticed how very, very self-critical he is lately—so I’ll see how it plays out.

  30. MtnRunner says:

    @Green eyes, I feel you. After reading yet another annoying Bendy post, all I could think was, I want more Keanu.

  31. kri says:

    My Batch needs a few more minutes in the oven, as he is sounding half-baked lately. And that thing with Elle Woods gave me the reflux. god. He must have had no idea what Weinstein is like-even Kris Jenner is probably afraid of him. Or maybe he really did know what HW was going to do, but wants the recognition too much. I have a feeling this is the first and last time BC goes this way this hard. I hope. He is talented enough to not have to do this crap. Oy.

  32. HBIC says:

    Does anyone else wonder if his true love is out there and she knows who he is? And wonders what she may think about all of this stuff he’s doing right now?

    • Lucifer says:

      i bet my life he dreads this and that will explain this pissy behaviour atleast a percentage IMO. He is a believer in fairytale a big man child sometimes he comes off as

    • Soothy says:



      • HBIC says:

        I was just thinking that he’s famous enough for whomever he ends up with in the long run, that she probably has an idea of who he is, and could possibly have an opinion on his “engagement”.

        I guess I was just wondering what she would think, that’s all.

        And like Lucifer said… I think he will dread this future conversation that he’ll have with her about all of this. Sad.

    • Lucifer says:

      she’ll be nice enough not to talk about it and Let it go!! again my wistful thinking

    • Old Enough says:

      I think the saddest thing about all of this, is if they don’t marry, and he later finds a woman (or man) to marry, he will never be able to put an announcement in the Times without people rolling their eyes.

      • **sighs** says:

        Isn’t that sad? If this is purely pr (which I 100% believe) then what does he tell the future mrs? I guess he could just pretend it didn’t happen. Hope she doesn’t want a Times announcement….

      • alice says:

        Why would anyone say “This was pure PR?” I stick with long engagement, drift apart, over and out. Just a love that couldn’t withstand the stresses of fame. An old story. We’ll always be friends. Yada, yada.

      • blended says:

        from february on he will be more quiet about his private life. he will be happy just to share it with family and friends. unless he works with weinstein again of course.

    • Cate says:

      @HBIC Well, I don’t approve at all. And frankly, between all this and the PRgement I barely even see him these days. Being BC’s great love is vastly overrated to be honest. Maybe I’ll hand him over to The Huntress for real. (I kid because I love. Sort of. Maybe. Probably…)


    • V.L.719 says:

      @HBIC Here’s what I got to answer your question from my friend who’s talking about that girl she found:

      “She is not worried in the least about what’s going on with BC because she’s focusing on her path. As he gets more into the Dr. Strange role and into his early 40s, she will appear in his life. Dr. Strange is good for him because it’s one of the missing pieces needed to help him for this romance. Everything else is all well and good BUT it won’t happen until they’ve past their karma tests within the next few years. She is going to be known the public soon enough in her own rite”.

      • Lucifer says:

        how is dr.strange has to do with anything in his romantic life?

      • HBIC says:

        I believe that you’ve nailed down the right type of girl for him, but I don’t believe that you know specifically who she is. That would be impossible for you to know. Not only does he have free will, but you have no idea what’s in his life plan. And it’s foolish for you to get on this blog and pretend you know what’s definitely in his future, especially when a person’s future changes EVERYDAY.

        I think you are a pretty decent astrologer… but you are young, and have a lot more to learn.

        And I would stop with the predictions, and stop promising whoever this girl is that she’s going to marry Benedict. It’s just silly.

      • V.L.719 says:

        @HBIC I won’t say anything more then and get back on the sidelines. We’ll see what happens next in due time.

        @Luficer: When I asked she didn’t want to give me details. Just that it’s important.

      • HBIC says:

        I will say this though. I agree with your assessment of his “potential” love right down to the race, job profile and emotional support that the girl you described could be the one for him.

        I just don’t think its the exact person you “found” on the Internet. That is where I think you are mistaken.

      • Cate says:

        Shhhh Lucifer, don’t ask. Just roll with it. He’s probably going to identify so strongly with Dr. Strange so that he’ll fall in love with an otherworldly goddess/sorceress and he’ll never be seen again in this realm. Except to help The Avengers. Truth. (May have read a Dr. Strange bio…)

      • Annie says:

        I talked about this with several intuitive friends and from what I can get, it is pretty quiet on the Benny info front. But, they all agree that he has some karma, so to speak, to work out with Sophie and it will take as long as it takes. One friend believes there is already some contention related to lawyers and money. So, maybe prenup. Apparently judges take that into consideration during divorce proceedings.

        Whether or not he will marry her is still up in the air since he has free will. There is probability, but not certainty since he does have doubts in addition to friends and family doubts.

        I also sense that he will meet the love of his life, the person who is part of his life plan, in his early forties whether or not he marries Sophie. I am not shown who this will be since I guess it is for him to know and him alone. Spiritual info is usually on a ‘need to know’ basis.

        Make of this what you will.

    • Annie says:

      I believe that, if she does know she may be with him(pending his free will choices) then she will also be given the info regarding this engagement, the purpose and reason for it. So, she probably is sitting on the sidelines and living her life to see what happens next.

      • HBIC says:

        You make it sound like this person actually knows about him…

      • Annie says:

        @HBIC. I have no idea. Simple conjecture since I usually can get info about my own life, i figure she may also. i.e I knew my husband would be the love if my life the moment I met him. If we’d had a kid, he’d be about BC’s age.

        By the way, wasn’t there a poster who said she knew who BC’s love would be confirmed by 7 psychics? That would scare me, to be honest, UNLESS I got my own info within, then had it confirmed by others.

        Anywho, if this woman knows, it’s probably difficult seeing him with Sophie I would guess.

      • HBIC says:

        I believe that only that person and that person alone would receive intuitive guidance and be told that she was the one. It would be impossible for a psychic on a blog to accurately predict the exact person, especially when they’ve never met Benedict (which is what I was trying to tell V.L.719) and especially since that type of information is not usually available to a psychic. There is no way she could possibly know that info. And neither does that psychic who claimed she had “confirmation” from 7 different psychics. No way.

        I think some of the predictions about his future spouse are very possible. He could meet her earlier, depending on his free will and decisions that he makes for himself, or he could meet her later on. Timing is hard to predict. It all depends on the person, and whether or not it’s the right time for them to meet.

        Either way, if she knows about him… I feel for her. Seeing him with Sophie must not be easy.

        I’m still hoping that Ben makes the right choice here and sends Octopussy packing. Marrying her will not end well for him. My fingers are crossed.

        PS – And don’t forget – psychic information is only about 70% accurate. Everyone should always take whatever info they receive with a grain of salt.

      • Annie says:

        @HBIC we are on the same page. Even if we make plans with others before we even incarnate, we still have free will and things can change.

        I do wish the best for him, but I just don’t feel Sophie is it.

      • HBIC says:

        Me too, Annie. Me too. I just wish someone could get through to him. I’m hoping that he’ll listen to his parents, especially his mom. I bet she has a big influence into some of the decisions he makes in his life.

        And I really do hope he takes her to the Oscars. Here’s hoping.

      • Soothy says:

        Psychic information is about 0% accurate.


  33. Lucifer says:

    ahh m bored. when is the next red carpet.??? M eager to see the sodious one

  34. starrywonder says:

    I saw The Imitation Game last night and it was wonderful. I still want Keaton to win though and now I am pulling for KK too since she was freaking flawless in her role.

  35. ellesbelles says:

    *quietly packs up all of her Otter love and tucks it in the back of the closet behind the Joshua Jackson box*

    Ben. Congrats on being such a d**k that you are beginning to alienate even your most ardent fans. The ones who didnt even care about the engagement and just really liked you.

    Newsflash. You ARE a performing monkey, all actors are. Its what you trained to do and its what you are paid handsomely to do. Way to bite the hand that feeds. Nobody expects you to be “on” all the time, especially in the private areas of your life that you have suddenly made so public.

    At this point, I hope you marry her and plateau into mediocrity

    • KT says:

      This is from the same bitchy junket in November.

      Regardless, in general and not specific to Cumberbatch, I’d have to disagree a bit here: I don’t personally view actors as ‘performing monkeys’, as they have some degree of autonomy, and people do have unrealistic expectations.

      • blended says:

        agree @KT. he IS being treated like a performing monkey, and is being asked/forced to do stuff that are simply not his style, and it’s very obvious to me that he hates it.

  36. Deb says:

    “His biggest regret was not being able to make the ceremony and receive the prize presented by “True Detective” co-stars Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. “They announced my name and just wandered off. Probably smelted the statue into a bong by now.”” >>>omg, I totally spit out my coffee when I read that; that may have been the funniest thing he has ever said. LOL

    • Cate says:

      I love me some sassy Batch, slightly offensive, but funny still!

      • Deb says:

        I, too, thought it could be construed as slightly offensive, but more hysterically funny given the two actors he is talking about. lol

    • Mikasa says:

      His biggest regret…hmm…what happened to not having kids by 40?
      More fuel to add to the pg rumors!!

  37. jammypants says:

    So is humble bragging his new PR trick?

  38. Green Eyes says:

    Just wanted to say there’s an interesting post on wikianon. Link’s on SOGO.

    • Sunflower says:

      Saw it! Taking it with a massive grain of salt, but really, really want it to be true…

      • gg says:

        Certainly would explain all the silence around it, and maybe Emily’s sour face. And the vulgar nickname has to be Sophie C*nter, right?

      • Felice says:

        Honestly, if this all falls apart, my heart goes out to those who sold their Hamlet tickets.

      • Green Eyes says:

        TBH, Felice, I have a ticket. No matter what happens with the Batch, I still plan on going to the show and am looking forward to it.

        The wikianon article sort of made me feel a little better about BC (if true). Hopefully by October (when I am going to see Hamlet), this will be but a bad memory.

      • Felice says:

        Oh Green Eyes I’m going too and I’m so excited you have no idea. But I know some people have sold their tickets.

      • Green Eyes says:

        @Felice. That is so ridiculous that people sold their tickets. No matter how I feel about Benedict, it’s still a Shakespearean play in *London* and with a good actor. What’s not to love? I, too, can’t wait. I used to live in London a long time ago and would love to see how the city has changed. I would also like to see a few more West End shows, if I can.

    • Lucifer says:

      me too

    • Mikasa says:

      Its nothing we haven’t heard before. Only difference is it allegedly comes from a “reliable source”. So taking it with a huge grain of salt.
      Also as fans, there’s absolutely nothing we can do about this whole farce. We can only watch and wait. I fear that if things don’t go Harvey’s way, he may start pushing BC for a real wedding, complete with exclusives from People and Hello magazine.
      Let the count down begin….
      About 3 more months?*

      • Ingrid says:

        I don’t get either why that post is so “ground breaking”. There’s literally nothing new and it’s anonymous source and no one should ever trust those. And how many of BC’s friends know about WikiAnon or SoGO? And how many of those would actually post on those blogs? I would say 0.

        PR wedding? No way… UK prenup laws, remember? And otherwise as well…

      • gg says:

        Apparently prenups now legal and enforcable in UK

      • Ingrid says:

        That’s not strictly true, gg. They are not enforceable as in courts can choose to upheld or not.

        “Currently, married couples and civil partners can make agreements but courts do not always uphold them.” -BBC, February 2014

        “Law Commission says prenups should be binding only after financial responsibilities to children and each other are met” – The Guardian, Feb 2014

        So basically, you can have a prenup but your spouse can easily challenge it in court.

        BC would be an idiot to risk it.

      • Save the Benny says:

        @Ingrid Apparently the information about prenuptial laws in UK was old info, apparently you can have enforceable prenuptial as long as it is considered fair. Since, 2010. I think it would take a lot for them not to be enforceable.

      • Felice says:

        AJ rumor is probably still crap though

      • Ingrid says:

        UK legal system is quite different from US /Europe and there are still no laws on prenups. The 2010 court case set a significant legal precedent where the courts can now recognize the agreements where before they weren’t even taken into consideration.

        Still in most cases they will make considerable adjustments to it or not upheld it at all. They are not fully binding.

        My quotes are the most recent ones and they are from 2014.

        Basically, it’s f*cking complicated.

    • lola says:

      I don’t believe it. It is just not possible that nobody he’s ever worked with (with exception if three/four combined) has responded via twitter. Even if they didn’t know bc/sh were dating there would be some congratulatory twits. But here nada.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Laughing at that. Same set-up of “reliable, insider source who needs to remain anonymous but wants to reveal the truth and we know his people follow this blog” as a certain other Tumblr blog.

      • InvaderTak says:

        Seems very self important doesn’t it? Seriously, who goes to tumblr with actual insider gossip? That’s not the place to go to be taken seriously.

      • moodgirl says:

        I don’t believe it at all. Someone is yanking her chain.

      • InvaderTak says:

        Uhg. Just had to come back for a moment and refresh myself after following links on Sogo and falling down the tumblr crap hole. Hold me celeb!tches.

      • Felice says:

        ehh, it is what it is.

      • blended says:

        i actually think tumblr has improved some since more and more people have started to side-eye the GAG. however over here, people have gotten unnecessarily mean-spirited. they are what they are.

  39. koko says:

    I get the “performing monkey” thing, being a “dancing bear” is much nicer.
    Perhaps he should give that a try.

  40. I Choose Me says:

    So what was that bushpushing (thanks to whomever coined that term) and kissing scene with Reese all about.? Wasn’t that all part of the shilling for an Oscar? I mean, do it if you feel you have to but then don’t pretend to be above it all after.

  41. shenasty says:

    He’s such a humorless prig. I’ve always thought so. And he takes himself veryyyyyy seriously.

    • Shantal says:

      The fascination with him is so completely baffling.

      • shenasty says:

        I can kind of see it because a LOT of his fans came out of the Sherlock fandom, which totally woobified him and blurred the line between character and actor, but there’s no excuse. Every time he opens his mouth I wish his fame clock would move from 14:59 to 15:00.

  42. tasha_nat says:

    Psshhh. Pick a story and stick with it, douchebag. This fanbaity whiplash on performing and memedom is getting old.

    Let’s check for Bendy’s fave phrases!
    “Gay icon?” Check.
    “Normalize.” Check.
    “Banal and reductive.” Check. Not the first time I’d heard this, and his reaction pissed me off the first time around when a journalist was trying to play a word association game at the end of a TIG interview.
    “…performing monkey” Check. Heard this the first time at Oz Comic-Con, when someone wanted him to say something in the Smaug voice. He refused. He then proceeded to agree to do it for “Button Lady” at SDCC and at Graham Norton and countless interviews.

    Pick your story and stick to it.

    • MissMary says:

      I wonder if he just finds phrases he loves and sticks with them, or if PR writes up his talking points based on what he *wants* to say, and he sticks to them with a devotion until someone writes him new ones.

  43. Veronica says:

    JFC, he’s worse than Johnny Depp. It’s like the thesaurus is his equivalent of fifty scarves. There are few actors who have managed to kill my lady boner faster every time they open their mouth. The worst part is, he thinks he sounds intellectual and profound when he says this crap, but really he just comes off as pretentious as hell. I used to be like that, too – when I was *20.* You’re an actor, dude, that is the definition of a performing monkey. Or does he think we’re dumb enough to think his obsessive engagement commentary isn’t about plucking the right chords with the Academy voters? Using your lady as a publicity prop isn’t “banal” and “reductive?” I could never hit it without thoroughly duct taping his mouth and probably tying him down, as well, since his previous attempts at erotica have not left me convinced of his prowess.

    • Beth says:

      I’m not a big fan of Hiddles acting (apart from Thor 1 in which he was very good), but I appreciate that he’s aware of what he comes across as when he pulls those PR stunts – a “dancing bear” in his own words – and embraces the silliness (or at least doesn’t moan about it).

      What is annoying about Bendy is that he is obviously shilling and doing cartwheels for PR, yet acts as though he is above all that. Erm, no. If you don’t want to play the game, then be like Joaquin or Ben Whishaw and don’t engage the media. Don’t bait the fans. Don’t attend the opening of an envelope; just skip those SAG luncheons and Academy screenings. Don’t do those embarrassing NYT videos. Otherwise, just do your job and be gracious about it instead of acting high and mighty. Turing’s family response being the only review he needs? PLEASE.

      As for the photobombing thing, the day that this silly trend dies off can’t come soon enough so I get his sentiment. High-pitched, cutesy fangirls can get irritating. Fine if he doesn’t want to do it; just decline politely and keep your smuggery to yourself. But to call it banal and reductive in an interview and mock the fans (in a Valley Girl accent!) who very likely paid to watch your movies, bought your TV dramas, etc is just UGH.

      I would really like to hear him do a Valley girl accent though. 😀

    • **sighs** says:

      But is it worth it If you have to do all the work? Not worth the bother…

    • SA says:

      This is probably mean and honestly a little off-topic because everyone is entitled to criticize, like I get it, but his crap fans are worse than annoying and he’s got them in a bigger percentage than normal.

      They are incredibly entitled/self-centered, and have zero concept of things like boundaries or respect. I’ve never had issues with another actor’s fanbase like this but his. It’s why he’s a joke in the media, and it started years ago. I gave up.

      {I know it’s not all of them but it has gotten worse over the last few years because everyone is busy going ‘Not ALL fans!’ all the damn time.}

      • J says:

        yeah i mean he needs to chill, although i know this isn’t a super recent interview, but at the same time I didn’t understand why ppl complained about his fanbase sooo much until all this

        there is like 15+ engagement gossip blogs now. its pretty ridiculous. plus you look at what his fans do in actuality versus what they cost and it’s definitely idk. i think hes fine with the normal ones but annoyed with the ones who treat him like a thing

  44. Zazie says:

    isn´t there a cure for logorrhoea? That would help him so much.

  45. scarf girl says:

    Um, anyone else see where Gawker listed BC’s engagement as being either fake or a PR ploy as one of the best rumors they have heard recently? It is one of many listed, so not a whole article but guess it isn’t just being discussed amongst ourselves anymore?

    • Lucifer says:

      Rumor: Benedict Cumberbatch’s engagement to Sophie Hunter is a public relations ploy.

      Benedict Cumberbatch is engaged only as a PR strategy for the Oscars. They look like they hate each other in pics and even got into a brief argument on a recent red carpet. — Aeiou

      His engagement is real, but he strategically timed it for the Oscars. He is actually incredibly careerist and very “Hollywood.” He wants to be a huge movie star and was very let down— even a little pissed—that last year didn’t help him break out more and get an Oscar nod. — LAX-Pat

      • scarf girl says:

        Thx Lucifer. It will be interesting to watch the response I think. What are your predictions?

      • Lucifer says:

        m afraid if it really gets out via legit sources BC might end up marrying sodious just to prove the rumours wrong.. i dnt know much abt gawker is it a mainstream gossip site?do a lot ppl follow it?

      • scarf girl says:

        I am honestly not sure how to describe Gawker, because I have always followed Gawker. It has gossipy elements, and is strictly online. But it is not strictly a celebrity based gossip site. Not CNN or NYT; my guess is target audience of 25-45, large cities, primarily NYC, LA, and DC.

        I wish he would just go underground for the holidays. No new sitings, no new interviews, shoot Sherlock and resurface. Preferably w/o Sodious but if it is “real” then, whatever’s. If he marries her, real relationship or no, to prove a point, then he has some issues. Anyone that wrapped up in what the public thinks is going to start to have issues bubble up in other areas of his life. So I hope not the case.

      • moodgirl says:

        I think he has other issues.

    • scarf girl says:

      SoGo has link. Just go there.

    • moodgirl says:

      I believe that some anonymous questions on various blogs are actually media or rumor sites asking questions to write crap. It was tried here but no one really responded but I see a lot on SoGo – “I don’t understand why fans believe this engagement is fake, will you explain it to me” or “Why is SH referred to as Octopussy?” If you are a regular participant in these blogs you would know these things, otherwise why would you care?

      • scarf girl says:

        Mood girl-good point. I also wondered if some of the anonymous questions about the people behind the blogs were from media digging. Again, will be interesting to watch how all this winds itself up. I do truly hope for media silence through the holidays.

      • gg says:

        so do you think it is better to ignore those questions? They could just search the blog or read the FAQ……

      • MissMary says:

        I would not doubt for a second some of the anon questions are digging, either from sites that want to paint skeptics as “crazy,” from PR (even the NY Times has run a piece about how PR trolls social media for fan input and trends), or from media “sources” who write for tabs or are more ruthless in their efforts to get “information” and dirt.

      • scarf girl says:

        GG-there was a question posted on SoGo (which I thought SoGo handled quite well) that made me wonder if it was phishing. I think SoGo has been handled very fairly and if someone wants to go to FAQ and through blog they can. But that is just me.

      • Claire says:

        A few posts back when someone was asking why outbreak monkey wasn’t liked and several of us listed the reasons I had a strange feeling it was his PR asking for future image tweaking. I figured I’d answer in the off chance what we think gets back to him.

    • InvaderTak says:

      Yikes. That’s not good at all. Wonder if this will force HW to change his tactics next time. Above people were discussing how this is all to get the approval of the “minivan majority” and like the people who actually buy People magazine. But seriously, isn’t the majority of gossip online nowadays? You would think that even the day time soap crowd has internet access and uses it. The idea that they can fool a large crowd with that kind of media seems very outdated to me. We shall see though.

      • MissMary says:

        But…the minivan majority looking up info about that actor they heard about who got engaged will likely go to sites with PR-friendly pablum on it first (those geared towards that demographic) and not to sites like CB or Lainey or fan blogs with more of a mish mash of “fan types” or “skeptic blogs” like SoGo.

    • blended says:

      honestly, their best tactic is to just tell ben to stop talking about it. he’s not convincing. the more he talks, the worse and more fake it sounds. just trot her out for the red carpets and to meet academy members, but other than that, give us ALL a break.

      • moodgirl says:

        He should just disappear until the AAs.

      • blended says:

        unfortunately there’s more galas to attend, more press to do, and sherlock starts filming. so he will still be in the media eye, which is fine (he’s doing his job). he just needs to stop talking about the engagement.

      • scarf girl says:

        My guess is the engagement talk will die down and we don’t see SH for a bit. If this is real (don’t think it is but I will play) I can’t imagine dragging her out when there are questions about the relationship. Avoid embarrassment etc.

        If PR they are fools to trot her out. My hunch is that there is more chatter about this than what we see on Tumblr, comments online etc. Don’t think Gawker would post a rumor based solely on fan chatter. Those comments were from their own website-they own those I believe for publishing purposes. But not convinced vocal questions from the Internet would put a BC rumor in a list of rumors including a Bill Cosby divorce.

        So yeah, don’t think BC will be given much opportunity to discuss engagement

      • moodgirl says:

        I don’t think he should introduce her to anyone because of her shitty attitude; after that they may vote for a dog at the local pound before they vote for him.

      • moodgirl says:

        He will convince everyone by marrying her, gosh darn it.

      • MissMary says:

        I agree that PR needs to lay off the Sodious appearances and tone down the pissybatch pronto–if it’s showing up on Gawker, youtube, and maybe getting shade from JP, it’s not good in the long run…

      • Lucifer says:

        @missmary the kelly n mchl show clippings are out too where he looks like a near breakdown status. Again asking is gawker a mainstream gossip site? unlike CB n lainey? it is so not good in the long run. i dread he might marry her to convince the masses.

      • moodgirl says:

        I forgot about JP, that was a biggie if it was aimed at BC.

      • Ingrid says:

        Uh-oh, Gawker picking up on this is bad. Hope it won’t spread to other outlets because that will hurt BC no matter what.

        I suspect PR will need to address this and they have two ways.
        1. The Lovey-dovey: Even more ridiculous photo-ops and romance talk
        2. Try to make people forget SH

        I hope PR realizes the strategy no 1 is the reason they are in this clusterf*ck and pick the second option. No one really gives a rat’s a$$ about SH and they would forget her easily if She. Would. Just. Stay. The. F*ck. Away.

        But I”m not convinced at this point that BC’s PR & Harvey will chose to sensible option. They haven’t thus far.

      • scarf girl says:

        Lucifer-expanding on comment above re Gawker: it is more broad in topics covered than this site or other gossip sites. There is an entertainment component, but it is not celebrity lifestyle based. For example, they do cover ( in a snarky way at times) mainstream news stories. But it was the first place I read about Beverly Johnson’s accusations against Cosby ( even though a VF subscriber and she wrote essay for that mag) and they are the best site to go to at the moment for the Sony hack scandal. And they had a lot of stories yesterday-the BC enGAGment rumor was a blurb in a story about 5 other rumors (some higher profile).

      • gg says:

        SoGo just posted a link to an LA Times story about how overwhelmingly old, white and male Academy voters are. Only 12% are under 50, so I very much doubt they read Gawker. (Their kids probably do……)

      • scarf girl says:

        GG-I actually read that. I really hope Sony hack lays stronger foundation for breaking the white male hold on Hollyweird. Maybe wishful thinking, but so much misogyny and racism in what has come out. IMHO. So yeah, I do see why there would be pressure to put forth perfect male image during award season.

  46. lunchcoma says:

    Sigh. Okay, Benedict. I understand that you have absolutely no control over the fact that Weinstein bought your movie. You’re not one of the producers. I’m sure it’s in your contract somewhere that you have to do a certain amount of promotion.

    But you’ve got some choices here. One of them would be to sigh, realize you’re going to have to put up with junkets and bullshit for the next few months, and think up some funny stories or amusing dancing bear routines to entertain people. Another would be to do exactly as much publicity as specified in your contract and stay out of the spotlight otherwise. One of the worst ones is to constantly do publicity and make it clear how annoying it is. I found Fassbender a bit irritating last year, but this is so much worse than skipping the Oscar campaign to whatever extent you can and letting people vote how they will. Either the Oscar matters and you want it and will chase it, or it’s meaningless and you don’t care. Can’t have it both ways.

    • J says:


      this is still from the november crabapple junket

      tbh his more recent stuff has been fine

    • littlestar says:

      Exactly! If you don’t want to do the “crappy” work that comes with making a movie (aka PROMOTION- and really, dressing up fancy and standing around on a red carpet doesn’t seem to bother is fiancée, does it?), then don’t act! It’s as simple as that. You just can’t pick and choose what you want when it comes to work. We all do the crappy things at our own jobs, why does he think he’s some special little snowflake?

    • jammypants says:

      I find Aniston more genuine in her Oscar thirst than Ben.

      • Gracie says:

        The expectation is lower though. She’s in Hollyweird for a lot longer. If she hustles hard, it’s expected – it’s almost considered normal behaviour.

  47. littlestar says:

    Oh shut the f*ck up, Cumberbatch. There, I said it. This guy annoys me.


  48. Lunar says:

    ~Sigh~ I think he needs to just shut up sometimes.

  49. pru says:

    “I’m not a performing monkey”

    I get the feeling this is a case of misplaced frustration/annoyance. He can’t say anything to HW for the campaigning he is doing because he agreed to do it, and and he really, really, really wants the shiny trophy. So, he is taking his frustrations out on fans. This has made the thin line between Sassybatch (who I love) and Bitchybatch (who needs to be slapped) almost non existent, and overexposure not a matter of proliferation but attitude.

    I’m so hoping that when the Cumbercurls grow back, he has had an attitude adjustment. Oh, Cumbercurls, please grow back…

    • KT says:

      @pru: possibly, but something else is also going on I can’t put my finger on. It’s not all ‘BitchyBatch’ is how I would explain it, if you’ve been following more than just the random quotes on here.

      For instance, I don’t ever recall him being this prone to crying but barely keeping a lid on it before (GMA, 92Q, etc). And the BIFAS–what was that? He was literally trembling.

      And we don’t even have to take the mick of him because he is doing it for us: as of now, in a serious manner, he’s called himself ugly, unintelligent, foolishly impulsive, unproven, overexposed, long-winded, disorganized, and insecure, and that is just what I can recall off the top of my head.

      I’m probably reading too much into but I followed another actor once who started doing the same things and it didn’t end well, sadly.

      • blended says:

        seeing him get so emotional just makes me more compassionate towards him. he is clearly struggling. this is not a happy man we are seeing in, what should be, the prime of his life.

      • tsmiv says:

        I agree KT. I don’t see him being bitchy or pissy at all. I just see sadness and I’ve seen it since the GQ awards.

      • Alice says:

        Agree with blended and tsmiv. I worry about him.

      • KT says:

        Yes, @ well, everyone.

        I don’t quite know how to word it. It’s not as if he’s just being snarky or acting out of his personal character, he’s acting abnormally for any 100% put together person, period.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      Very well said, pru and KT.

    • scarf girl says:

      Please, please, please do not let designers take this seriously. I do not want my dress choices to be limited to school markm dresses with Peter Pan collars that make me look pregnant even if I am not.

      • Lucifer says:

        I would wear to manipulate my rich boyfriend*cough* who is not ready to marry me coz he hates me

  50. 'P'enny says:

    stop moaning Benedict!!

    there are so many actors out there who would give their right arm to be in his position, and all he can do is turn everything into a negative.

  51. Ingrid says:

    There’s a new gif from BIFA of the lovebirds sitting at the table and listening someone on the stage. BC is genuinely laughing and SH looks like she has just heard to most disgusting and/or boring thing her life. *snort*

    Cannot link, it’s on tumblr (sophiehunter appreciation blog or some sh*t). Sure it will end up everywhere today…

  52. Ingrid says:

    Little OT but there are new pictures of Keira in The Daily Fail from last night after the pregnancy confirmation (Yay for Keira and her hubby!). Now that’s a person who has just shared her happy news with the world and she usually *hates* paparazzi. She looks so, so happy.

  53. scarf girl says:

    I have a question: have there been any sightings of them as a couple since the enGAGment that are not at a public event? Prior, I would read about people on Twitter claiming they have spotted him with a brunette? Have there been sightings of the Octopus and the Otter?

    And this is why I just have difficulty believing this is a real relationship. I know people say-oh, he’s working and she is staying at home planning the wedding and the trips he is having to make are short. I get this-I travel 40% per year (every 10 days or so, with time off for holidays). But that is why I cannot believe there have not been sightings during HC filming. When you travel so much for work, it is SO hard to keep a relationship going and to date. I have experience on that. When you are home, you are rushing to get caught up on the adult things one has to do to keep life moving, check in with friends and family, etc. My co-workers even rope parents in on some trips (and make it long weekends for the selves) just to be sure parents still alive.

    So I find it really hard to believe there have been no HC set sightings of SH. No visits. If there is a wedding being planned, surely it would be done together ? I know all of BC public statements never reference her and you would think he is marrying himself. Anything?

    And what does SH do? Is she on the board of a local theatre in London, planning out the agenda and performances (that would take time and make her busy). Is she writing something? Seriously, what does she do? Maybe she is the Fifth Column…..

    • MissMary says:

      Now that you’ve asked it out loud, lol, I’m sure PR will figure out a sighting. Since ER is getting married this weekend, I’m betting we have a “pap shot” of the Otter and the Octopus on a Christmas-themed outing. Walking down the High street somewhere past a display, or attending a concert. But it’ll be in the Fail and have a brathless “Loved up couple alert!” header, no matter how near or far they’re sitting, and no matter how it comes off.

      *snort* OCto being the Fifth Column…that would explain so much…

      • Lucifer says:

        They ll be spotted buying presents for ER wedding lol

      • MissMary says:

        Or taking a walk down a suitable picturesque street while she throws her head back like she’s got no bones and he looks like he’s drinking vinegar through his nose.

    • Ingrid says:

      Shhhh!!!! Now we will have the staged pap photos…

      There was sightings of him a few weekends ago at the same time in Isle of Wight, London and Winchester. The “Shakespeare” pub in London said “the couple wanted to see…” but no confirmation it was SH (could have been Lyndsey Turner…or Adam. LOL.)

      I truly think we will get the romantic pap pics this weekend. There has been so much speculation on the showmance. Unless he’s doing transatlantic traveling again…

      ETA: LOL, MissMary. Great minds think alike… and ER is getting married this weekend? Didn’t know about that…Yay!

      • scarf girl says:

        I did not know about ER wedding. Good for him! She is either the Fifth Column or Santa, away in the North Pole having the eleven carve wooden octopi. Well, we shall see on the sightings.

        So much to do, and I am fighting off a serious cold.

      • Felice says:

        Mazel tov to Eddie! I hope Weinstein doesn’t stoop low and runs a “Wanda is sewing the wedding dress” story.

      • Mikasa says:

        Ooh, Redmayne weekend wedding! How fun. So I guess this weekend BCSH enGAGment party is on!!

    • Toodles45 says:

      I agree Scarfgirl, it’s VERY difficult. One wonders how he managed to cultivate a relationship that would lead up to an engagement in such a short time (a year at most, between when he himself last said he was single?) while working long days AND traveling between different countries (unless she was meeting up/went with him on his trips). Then again, he was traveling to NY a lot a while ago when SH was reportedly still living there.

      (btw, I’m sure you get tired but I’m always envious of people who travel for work)

      • scarf girl says:

        Toddles 45-I like it and love my job but it does get tiring. Impossible if you have children. There is a high turn over rate and they try to move you on to other things in company after three years. Like everything else, it is what you make of it. You can choose to see the world or you can choose to sit alone in a hotel room with your laptop. Relationships and dating are hard.

  54. Ingrid says:

    Did Martin really choose to wear “Who the f*ck is Benedict Cumberbatch?” t-shirt during The Hobbit press?
    Gotta love him if that’s legit…Also where’s the line between friendly piss-taking and straight out (passive)-aggressiveness?

    • Felice says:

      No it’s an edit lol. It’s great though. I’m excited for tonight. He will dominate.

      • Ingrid says:

        Ok, good. I suspected as much… looks very real, lol. SNL will be great and hopefully the writing staff is on their A game this week.

      • Angie says:

        Yes!! I’m soooo looking forward to SNL.

        I know he’s grumpy and some people here in Asia say that he’s rude to Asian woman, but THAT definitely is NOT true. Fall for him even more after met him in person ; )

      • Felice says:

        Tumblr is very unforgiving about him and Lucy Liu. He does need to watch his mouth sometimes.

      • Angie says:

        Yes, I do wonder why he had to say those words… he probably was pissed by the male Watson, still.

        But I went for RCIII in August, he was, well I think I could say particularly kind to Asian girls. It felt like he knew it’s not so easy for us to be there, so he spent more time for the autography even though he apparently was exhausted.

  55. Angie says:

    I asked myself to step back for a bit this weekend and when I read this thread, it suddenly comes to me that why it seems like his PR is insisting on making him sound like an immature, arrogant jerk?

    I mean yeah, the PR don’t have full control on the TV interview, live shows and we all know Ben is too talkative, but surely they could at least make it look better in print? Why they’re making it even worse? Hope I didn’t get it wrong, he himself once said he’s a PR nightmare? Though I don’t doubt that, still…… This is one of the things having been confusing me since the announcement, the whole team is just incompetent.

    • Ingrid says:

      I think PR is controlling everything they can but they can’t control everything BC says during interviews. His problem truly is the fact that he talks and gvies long, long answers and press take them out of context. His sense of humor is also something that doesn’t really translate in writing.

      PR is fixing those things they can (smile! laugh! say nice things about the fans! mention SH by name. sit next to her.) but they can’t fix body language and unconscious cues.

      They can feed the press, but they can’t control it (unless it’s People and Co.)

      • Angie says:

        Well, he being like this is both endearing and annoying…

        Tbh I don’t really read his interviews even before the mess. It feels like second handed…he’s so easily distracted by himself, the journalists probably have hard time figuring out how to write it down…

        Still, I hope he could be with some smart guys, who know how to talk with him first to help him understand what it’s going to sound like. Well I know it’s not possible, I’m just saying…

  56. Lucifer says:

    Slow news day. wonder what the next bomb will be?? wedding? pg?
    guesses anyone?

    • Felice says:

      He always vanishes in December until a store announces he bought $5000 worth of snowboard gear.

      He’s still filming I think.

      • gg says:

        Can’t see Sophie as the snowboarding type, can you? Do they even make floral print snowboarding gear?

      • moodgirl says:

        You can’t see the SNOW JOB Sophie has been throwing all over the place? She deserves some fresh equipment.

      • MissMary says:

        Sherlock starts filming pretty soon so I’d be legit surprised if the cast isn’t in read-throughs and rehearsals now or in the next week or so.

    • Ingrid says:

      Good god I hope they are taking a break. Monday is Critics choice award noms but there shouldn’t be anything else going on next week. GG and SAG voters aren’t yet voting so maybe we will get a cumberbatch free week? An early Xmas present for us? LOL.

      Or then it’s the romantic christmas shopping lovey-dovey aren’t they sooo adorable not at all staged pap pics this weekend / next week.

      • gg says:

        I am really, really hoping his PR wise up and let Sophie sort of disappear unless really, really needed (at the major awards shows). They can break up in March or April citing those busy schedules they both apparently have, etc etc. Sophie can get a job in the Weinstein production of Finding Neverland, which opens on Broadway in April. Easy peasy.

      • moodgirl says:

        Just to keep things going: Take a look at SoGo site, in the picture with SH in the turd dress standing with BC. Look at her feet in the photo – pointing straight ahead – while she contorts her body to maintain contact with him for the shot. What is with her?

        Her body language is so awkward; she just couldn’t put her arm around him for the photo? I bet she needs a chiropractor after each red carpet. WEIRD.

      • lola says:

        I noticed her awkwardness, something is wrong with her muscle strength control. She either squeezes his hand to the point of bleeding though nail beds, squeezes the clutch, contorts her body in a really weird way …. Quite impressive that she manages to be so relaxed when she is posing solo and looking into the camera.

      • blended says:

        quite honestly, this site uses ben articles as clickbait. there are plenty of other oscar contenders doing the media rounds, and there aren’t any articles on them. so there will be more ben posts, even if there’s nothing to report.

    • tasha_nat says:

      I’m guessing some reactions from family and friends re his nominations, with a few comments on how happy he and Sophie are casually thrown in. And some sneaky “fan photos” which will be picked up by the press. No paparazzi shots.

      • moodgirl says:

        I will be amazed if his family or real friends mention SH; they haven’t so far.

      • gg says:

        Would be interesting to hear from his friends and family about *anything* at this point, they have all been so quiet since Nov 5 (except James Rhodes of course, and even he has been relatively quiet). Of course the DM could always make up “a source close to…..”

      • moodgirl says:

        Someone will make up something to keep up appearances. Maybe he will take the ferry again.

      • MissMary says:

        Shhhh, now the DM will definitely run a “sources close to the happy couple say they’re planning a quiet christmas at home” thing with made up quotes the nannies will lap up. The fact is his family and demonstrably until now close friends have been mum for so long, it’s not going to look like anything other than PR with a cattleprod pushing them out there to make them talk if they say anything right now in regards to the enGAGment. PR teams will work with other PR teams (not like a huge secret ops thing but “Hey, your client and my client have worked on all these projects together, if you get them to say how happy they are about PR SHAM, we’ll throw some love your way next major interview, mention how awesome an actor they are”.

  57. Lucifer says:

    We are a wild bunch of women. 😀
    I like the ferry idea. Or multiple sitings on several places in a single day. Again what was the snowboarding 🏂 story?I don’t know that. Would you good people care to elaborate?

    • Ingrid says:

      He spent last Christmas snowboarding in Vermont(?).

      BTW, someone somewhere was just talking about the Quaglino’s photos and I realized something I don’t think anyone has pointed out yet. Both BC & SH arrived in a chauffeured car (separately or not). When has BC ever used chauffeured cars on his private time? When he’s working he does that all the time of course but in his downtime I have seen him use taxis (ny and London).

      Ergo, it was work for him and Harvey sent him a car…

      • Toodles45 says:

        There was some discussion about the two arriving in separate cars, but it was hard to tell because of the lighting. The shot of the car that BC got out of is definitely a BMW, and the shot of SH is in a car with a red interior, which could’ve been a BMW as well since it was said that one of their models does have a red interior. However, it looked really staged. The one shot of SH is of her casually using her phone. She doesn’t look up while the pap takes her pic. BC appears to just leave her behind.

        Yes, BC is known to either drive his own car, motorbike or take taxis. I believe he has more than one car though. I’ve read he has both a BMW and a Jaguar.

      • Mikasa says:

        Last time I saw him chauffeured was last year, during his birthday celebration coming out of a club holding hands with a certain tall red headed woman. This was during the ibiza photos circulating at the time, of him with a certain blonde who was clearly with him at his gay friends wedding. So you see, BC is not above using friends to play the pr game.

      • moodgirl says:

        And… why would SHE arrive in a chauffeured car for a casual dinner, especially if they arrived separately as I understood? It’s not as if she is working on an important project and meeting backers or co – workers. She was, at the time, an unemployed nobody.

        Most importantly, why didn’t she get out of the car and go inside to get rid of the paparazzi instead of sitting, on her phone, getting papped? And why didn’t he help her instead of just walking into the restaurant? Unless, of course, they wanted her to be papped to get her picture out there and connected to him.

      • Felice says:

        That whole situation really pissed me off at the time because I thought they were genuinely dating and his head was too far up his ass to comprehend that no one cared that he was dating someone. But now, I understand slightly.

      • Toodles45 says:

        Yes @ Mikasa. That was a direct response to the pictures of him and Katia in Ibiza. No doubt about it. The red-head was Charlotte Asprey (I think is the spelling), who is actually a longtime friend of BC. He had a grin on his face as they rush into the car (with poor Emily trailing behind).

      • Toodles45 says:

        @moodgirl, exactly. If they in fact planned to arrive separately but were caught by the paps, you’d think that BC would scrap the plan and stay behind to help TWILTWIPT. And, a BIG and, if I remember correctly, Quaglino’s had just re-opened that day or the day before, and is a notorious pap nest. 90% sure it was a set up to confirm to the public they were together. But honestly, I don’t see anything wrong with the idea of it. The execution was just weird and annoyingly obvious.

      • Ingrid says:

        Re: Charlotte Asprey: that was definetly staged for PR. And the car was a black cab, very normal way to get home in London after a night out. Chauffeured car isn’t.

        Quaglinos: And if the paps didn’t get photos of them together arriving, surely they would have waited for them to leave to get the money shots. I think she never went in.

      • Mikasa says:

        I feel bad for Emily. The things she has to put up with being personal assistant to her uncle must be exhausting. Ushering his flavor of the month is a dreadful job, unless your a pimp!
        And yes, those resto pic with SH was definitely staged….

      • gg says:

        I distinctly remember that the first stories about Quaglino’s said that they arrived together but by the next day even the Daily Mail was saying that they arrived in separate cars. And yes, the “romantic date” happened to be on the night after the restaurant’s grand re-opening party. And Benedict’s outfit of blue buttondown shirt, sweater and jeans did not exactly scream “date night” to me….even for him. Sophie was a little more dressed up.

      • blended says:

        i actually think he was dating asprey, or at least had her on his fwb list. she was out with him before, in the sneaky salon pic where he’s getting his hair dyed. she’s getting her hair done next to him.

      • Lucifer says:

        he either uses his bike or taxi or subway. I’ve rarely even heard mentioning driving the jag (gawd the guy is frugal 😛 ) . So it is highly suspicious he arrived in a chauffeur driven car!!

      • Lucifer says:

        @Toodles45 which camp are u in?? Just curious

      • Soothy says:

        That wasn’t Charlotte Asprey next to him in the salon pics.

      • KT says:

        All I recall is that the ‘Aspery/him being school friends’ thing checked out.

      • Claire says:

        As always Ingrid, we think alike. I always wondered at the time about the chauffeur and why no pics of her coming out, always smelled funny. Didn’t say anything for the same reason as always.

        You’d make a great detective!

      • blended says:

        @soothy i remember someone who’s a much better sleuth than me saying it was.

      • Soothy says:


        Nope. Nothing like her. Just a random woman that was nothing to do with him.

    • Toodles45 says:

      There’s no way of knowing whether she went in or not. They probably got the shot they needed (or were hired for) and left.

      • moodgirl says:

        French Open – staged. Quaglino’s – staged. Botanical Gardens – planned staging that didn’t work out. London Film Festival (LFF) – staged. What else with these two?

      • MissMary says:

        THIS. The paps aren’t there to sate their own curiosity but take pics they’re hired for or know will sell, or both.

        Moodgirl: Paris was likely an attempt at a photo op, and possibly her attendance at the Richard III play esp as she didn’t stay after to hang out with him and his friends. Showed up for what would be noticed the most and jetted.

      • Toodles45 says:

        There were some sneaky pics circulating of BC inside a museum in Paris with what looks like Sophie (brunette, fluffy hair, full-length coat) trailing behind. Same with the French Open. Some girl took a very blurry pic of BC walking with a brunette. The French Open was obviously meant as her “debut”. BC looked uncomfortable in some pics, but then again there’s a video (and photos) of them laughing.

    • scarf girl says:

      Lucifer, based on Twitter he is at the HC Xmas party. No word if SH getting jiggy with it. As I have a head cold and am confined to my recliner, will report back. But I have just taken Nyquil so brunt of search battle may be left to others.

      Edited by me because, NyQuil

    • Toodles45 says:

      @lucifer, I’m on the fence to be honest. No, I don’t particularly like SH, I think she’s a posh dilettante but because I don’t know her or exactly what BC likes, I’m reserving some judgement. As pointed out here, many men say they want one thing and then go for another. People and their tastes change–maybe his did after he an OP broke up after he saw the possibilities (remember the quotes about punching above his weight and having fun with his “currency”?) Also, we know BC is terribly insecure. Moreover, (I feel strongly about this until I’m proven otherwise) but BC does not strike me as having the guts to date outside of his circle/background.

      Believe me, I PRAY I’m wrong, but I think SH has the credentials he’s looking for but probably just not the attitude that goes with it. It’s hard to admit, because I think they have totally different personalities but who knows. He’s a dork and she’s described as “strange, intense and far too serious” which just means she thinks she’s hot sh*t. Yes, there are some staged photos, but that’s something that 90% celebs do. Say if things don’t work out between them, then I’m sure the day he’s with another woman he’ll/his PR will likely stage a way to introduce her to the public as well.

      • Claire says:

        Wait a second, you’re saying his words about punching above his weight after OP is the logic getting with So Odious? How on earth is she above his weight in any dept? Looks, money, talent, smarts? That makes no sense.

      • Toodles45 says:

        @claire what I said is that his tastes might have changed or he may have an inclination to be with someone like SH because of his insecurities, and her background may factor into that. Like I said, I don’t see BC with someone who isn’t part of his circle, but I could be wrong. That’s just part of it. We know he has many insecurities including the public opinion of him not being married yet, compounded by that most of his close friends and contemporaries are married. I’m not saying that I believe someone like SH is fundamentally better for him than OP (absolutely not) nor do I think she’s above him, but who knows what he thinks about that? I was trying to rationalize the reasons for them getting engaged, if it is real. There must be some commonality between BC and ‘the most incredible woman’ he’s ever met if I were to go along with what he is selling. I hope that isn’t the case.

        I could be overthinking it and it truly is a sham. Just putting my thoughts out there.

      • Just Here says:

        @ toodles

        Everything you said, +1

      • Soothy says:

        Nope. 90% of celebrities do not do staged photos. Nor do they feel they need to ‘introduce’ who they’re dating to the public. It’s nothing to do with their job, they just get on with their personal lives.
        And why are people assuming she was in his ‘circle’?

      • Toodles45 says:

        @soothy, I used that percentage to add emphasis, so forgive the exaggeration on my part. I should have said that MANY celebs have done staged photos/called the paps on themselves/done things in the realm of PR to introduce or be seen with a significant other. This is why although its annoying, I’m not surprised by it.

        SH is definitely in his “circle”. She knows/is FB friends with Olivia and many other actor/theatre friends. She knows Andrew Scott, she’s close to David Birkin and Eloise Fornieles (attended their wedding, which BC went to I might add), and is friends with Polly Stenham (also friends with BC). She and BC are also friends with the infamous Gambles a.k.a Matthew Siskin from NY (BC hung out with him in Coney Island a couple of years ago). There are pics online of all mentioned that you can find easily. These are just off the top of my head. The point is they revolve around the same group of people and are of similar background.

      • scarf girl says:

        Toodles45-there is an article ( and I need to find it) that discusses the relationship of celebrities to paparazzi. How they will be called to get those “spontaneous” shots of working out, or going grocery shopping, etc. It was an interesting read. It is a very symbiotic relationship.

  58. moodgirl says:

    I came across this post on SoGo, it may explain why this entire exercise is taking place. I hope they don’t get mad that I lifted it but they lift CB stuff all the time. Any thoughts?

    “In reference to anon’s asking why an engagement vs a steady girlfriend, I remind you all of this quote from BC’s Out interview:

    “While there was experimentation [at Brambletye], it had never occurred to me as Oh, this is that. It was just boys and their penises, the same way with girls and vaginas and boobs. It wasn’t out of a desire.”

    This is what followed:

    Benedict Cumberbatch hints at gay ‘experimentation’ at boarding school –

    Benedict Cumberbatch has opened up about his previous sexual experimentation, that took place while he was at boarding school – Huffington Post

    Benedict Cumberbatch has revealed that he has “experimented” with sexuality when he was younger in school –

    Benedict Cumberbatch had a lot of sexual experimentation at all boys school: it was just boys and their penises –

    The “Sherlock” stud … confesses to fooling around with his classmates while he attended the all-male Brambletye School –

    And before anyone had a chance to explain, this came out:
    Gay rights group Stonewall has applauded Benedict Cumberbatch for revealing his experience of sexual experimentation – The Independent

    Does this answer the question?”

  59. Mikasa says:

    hollow crown xmas party on sogo. Does this mean they’ve finished filming? Or on holiday break? Coz that leaves BC plenty of time to attend the engag party and plan a wedding!! *sigh* I wish someone from nw3 would check their local registry for wedding announcements. The suspense is killing me!!

  60. Felice says:

    I don’t know why people were expecting him to be mentioned every 30 seconds on SNL

    • Ingrid says:

      The wedding objections sketch. Oh I think that one wrote itself. LOL. (Tbh, most likely it was just a coincidence)

      • moodgirl says:

        MF did say he was “Harrow and Oxford” in the wedding sketch. I think that was on purpose.

      • Felice says:

        The assembly line one was my favorite. Simple and showed pissy Martin lol. (critics seem to disagree with me lol)

        The weird Home Improvement-esque one was the weakest imo.

      • Toodles45 says:

        I just read about that on SoGo. “Something about a Harrow educated man marrying someone he barely knows” (from Oxford)?


      • Ingrid says:

        Uh-oh, moodgirl. I didn’t catch that Harrow Oxford thing. Good point. Harrow is way too specific. For the sketch, surely Eton would have been better? Harrow is not as well known, not sure if even SNL writers know about it. So it was definitely reference to BC and added by MF.

        So far, Martin’s reactions:
        -The Hobbit premiere tension between MF and BC
        -“Benedict can go f*ck himself. Next question”
        -No Sherlock mention (anywhere)
        -No engagement mention (anywhere)
        -The sketch about Harrow-Oxford guy marrying

        So is it…
        -Just a coincidence and all is well?
        -He’s annoyed /jealous of BC?
        -He knows it’s a sham and objects very strongly?
        -He absolutely hates SH?

        I cannot imagine MF’s passive-aggressiveness coming just from the fact BC is (supposedly) marrying someone he (supposedly) loves. It’s not like they spend a lot of time together… I’ll go with “he knows”

      • gg says:

        @ingrid: I’ll go with the last two theories. If Martin had never met SH before (which seems likely), he surely met her at The Hobbit premiere. So did Amanda too if SH stayed for the afterparty. I can imagine them getting along like chalk and cheese.

        And I am sorry people can say all they want that Sherlock is just not that popular in the US but John Watson is an absolutely iconic character that everyone has heard of, and he just won an Emmy for it a few months ago. I would have expected a mention in the monologue at least.

      • Ingrid says:

        Rewatched the sketch and here to add: MF calls leslie “my amour fou”. Who else we know is “french”?

      • Toodles45 says:

        ‘Amour fou’ means crazy or uncontrollable love. So the sketch had French references thrown in? Oo boy

      • Lucifer says:

        teacher I know the ans.. thr is a fluent french speaker we all know in this thread 😀

      • KT says:

        Um, no, honestly, you’re all reading too much into it.

        They write the skits beforehand, so this skit and idea was already in there before Freeman had input.

      • Cate says:

        @KT, Martin could’ve easily ad-libbed that line anyway. And besides that, the writer staff meets up with the host at Monday, they have quite a bit of input, see link:

        You have coincidences and you have COINCIDENCES. These were def. jabs, and the Amour Fou bit was right on the nose. He might just mock BC because he loves him, British humor just works like that sometimes. You should hear the Monty Python guys talk about each other at times…

      • KT says:

        @Cate: Oh, I know. It’d be terrible if they can’t poke fun at each other, honestly!

        That’s not entirely accurate re: SNL though. What they do is have the host and writers meet, and everyone pitches ideas.

        Problem is that the host is usually drowned out, since the writers already have skit ideas they are ready to pitch in the traditional manner from experience. By the time the host gets input again, they’re already on the deadline. This is why SNL quality complaints tend to dominate entire seasons, no matter who hosts.

    • Cate says:

      Watched the entire show and thought him not mentioning Watson was weird. Might not mean much, still weird. But maybe it were his nerves playing up. I don’t know. Caught the Harrow/Oxford thing and even thought he had a BC similar wig, hahaha. Seems a bit too much of a coincidence, the ‘psychic from the street’ was weird, lol! It really reminded me A LOT of the PR circus.

      • Lucifer says:

        not to forget
        -5 days (months) of dating each other
        -Floral dress
        -same flower arrangement as sherlock wore in JW’s wedding
        -French mention- amore fou 😉

      • Toodles45 says:

        And the love interest had a floral wedding dress, lmao

      • Cate says:

        LOL! I didn’t catch that French reference! That’s entirely too suspect!

      • Ingrid says:

        @Cate – The lack of Sherlock/ Watson might have been on purpose or maybe there was a sketch that was cut after dress? Apparently it happens often. I did wonder why he didn’t mention it during the monologue, but there’s “rule of three” in comedy. You shouldn’t do the same joke less or more than three times. Martin did the three: hobbit, fargo and office. Those were the three most known / recent.

        The Harrow-Oxford mention was 100% on purpose. Maybe the French thing as well, seemed sort of out of place. (I studied French for 4 years (maybe I’m as fluent as SH, lol) and never heard that phrase, is it commonly used in US/UK? Damn my Scandinavian brain.) The florals and 5 might have been coincidences… or maybe SNL really does their research.

      • Cate says:

        @Ingrid, totally agree with you on the sketch, and yes, the rule of three makes sense, he can’t call out an endless list of his roles in an opening monologue. He loves playing Watson and will shortly take on the role again, so what would be the sense in leaving it out on purpose?

      • J says:

        nah, those sketches are pre-written before the host gets there. it was just supposed to be ‘funny’ because of how different they were

        anyway, yes@ not mentioning Sherlock not meaning anything. He was there for the hobbit, and both fargo and office are more well known in the us

      • Lucifer says:

        agree those sketches are pre written, but thr is one word called LIVE in SNL so thr must be some improvement. U can not deny the fact that the rumour in gawker came out and they did the skit, SNL people are the kinda people who read gwker and dlisted and CB .. What we say about co-incidents? THE UNIVERSE IS RARELY SO LAZY.

  61. Koodles says:

    Guess it’s a slow news day for the daily fail. Talking about Benedict’s face cream that he buys for £55.

    • Ingrid says:

      *snort* addiction? The daily fail never disappoints…

      Hopefully Eddie’s wedding is today and they’ll have something interesting to write about. Also, Prince George is adorable.

    • tasha_nat says:

      *gigglesnort* I almost feel bad for him, that’s a headline I would expect for a D-list reality tv “celebrity” type. Can we expect a “What’s in my bag” article next?

      So much for getting attention because of the work. Although Neal’s Yard is quite good, I use the brightening serum myself.

    • MissMary says:

      It does make me think the tide is turning though–the Fail was running “omg he misses SH” type tripe not long ago and singing her praises… now they’re back to taking the piss out of him and mocking him. So either his PR denied them info or pics, or they’re tired of the enGAGment too.

      • Lucifer says:

        IF fail picks up on the GAG it’ll be inescapable for BC. Hope those dumbos don’t

      • scarf girl says:

        Well, the commenters on Fail articles don’t always hold back. And the “happy” couple are their own worst enemy. Real or fake, they should give public outings a break. Besides, SH will need daily chiropractor visits if she keeps that hair tossing up on red carpet. Hands…useful for the ergonomic hair pull back.

      • Lucifer says:

        woman does not ever tie her hair .. even with a collared dress.

      • scarf girl says:

        Lucifer, I give her points for consistency.

      • Lucifer says:

        u r a generous soul. 😛

      • scarf girl says:

        Trying really hard not to bash for superficial reasons. really hard ( but it is so hard -so many opinions about how she presents herself)

      • J says:


        Nah, the fail has always gone back and forth with him.

        someone once, stephen fry maybe, said the fail does this thing where like they run nice stuff for a bit but if you deny them access, they get nasty. it becomes a cycle. so if they wanted an exclusive interview about the engagement, they play nice until they are denied LOL

      • MissMary says:

        @J: Makes me wonder what they were denied lol. My guess is “exclusive” holiday snaps or something.

      • Felice says:

        I’ve met people who work for the Mail. They are honestly horrible people lol.

      • moodgirl says:

        @MissMary – Exclusive wedding photos.

      • Lucifer says:

        the fail should not be upset about wedding photos. Bcoz its PRIVATE and only BC ll be goin to it 😀

      • J says:

        @MissMary: me too! Probably something couple-related.

  62. anon says:

    Of course BC is not a dancing bear! He’s a dancing otter!
    (Apologies if already used-just got home from work and REALLY tired. (Live in MA)

  63. anon says:

    Sorry-monkey. Like I said-just getting home

  64. Anon says:

    Seems like a lot of people on here are really invested in his relationship with SH.

    I can agree with her not being the right person for him, that he’s settling, etc., but part of me just wonders why there are so many comments on it.

    I’d like to see the guy truly happy, but at the end of the day he’s going to do what he’s going to do. Who knows what that is, but, it is what it is.