Kourtney Kardashian gave birth to her third child on Mason Disick’s 5th b-day


Growing up, I always felt bad for the kids whose birthdays fell really close to Christmas. It feels like those kids don’t get the same kind of birthday fuss that other kids get, because their birthdays are just used an excuse to do some kind of extended Christmas gift situation. Now, imagine this: not only will your birthday fall near Christmas, but you have to SHARE your birthday with an older sibling!! That’s what happened yesterday when the littlest Disick child was born. Kourtney Kardashian gave birth to her third child, a baby boy, Mason Disick’s fifth birthday.

Kourtney Kardashian just gave her son a pretty great birthday gift: a little brother! The Keeping Up with the Kardashians star and Scott Disick welcomed their third child, a boy, on Sunday, Dec. 14, PEOPLE confirms — the same day their son Mason Dash turned 5.

The new baby also joins big sister Penelope Scotland, 2.

Kardashian, 35, revealed she was having a boy on last week’s episode of Kourtney and Khloé Take the Hamptons on E!

“It’s going to be perfect for our family,” she said.

As for Mason, he still got a special birthday celebration. His famous family, including aunts Khloé Kardashian and Kendall Jenner, threw him an early Nightmare Before Christmas-themed bash in November.

[From People]

We don’t have a name for the baby yet, but I’ll update when we do. Kourtney doesn’t seem to do wild-and-crazy baby names. What fits with Mason and Penelope? Mark? Robert? Jackson? It will probably be something like that. As for the birth itself, Kourtney discussed her birth plan with Fit Pregnancy a few months ago – she likes to give birth in a hospital, but then go home quickly and spend a few months just spending time with the baby. She seems like a good mom (sometimes to the exclusion of everything else). Anyway, congrats to Kourtney and Scott!


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet and Kourtney’s Instagram.

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80 Responses to “Kourtney Kardashian gave birth to her third child on Mason Disick’s 5th b-day”

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  1. Birdie says:

    Congrats, I am curious about the name. My birthday is close to Christmas and I always loved it. Everything is decorated nicely, December is a lovely month and it makes me feel like it’s all for me. (Lol, I know it isn’t.)

    • MrsB says:

      My son’s birthday was a couple days ago, and when he was a little younger (pre-school) age, he really did think ALL the xmas parties he went to everywhere were all for him. I think he was a little disappointed when he learned the truth 😉 But still, it is always a super fun month for him to have so much going on.

    • Miranda says:

      Birdie, my daughter was born on Valentine’s day and she thinks it is so nice the whole world celebrates her birth with her!

    • Andrea says:

      The week between Christmas and New Year’s is the absolute worst, worst, worst time. I’m Decemeber 29th . . . it’s always the pits.

    • Coco says:

      My little brother was born on my tenth birthday and it was the best present ever. We refer to each other as birthday buddies and my mom always says it’s the most efficient thing she’s ever done (she gave birth to seven). You’d be amazed how many people comment they’d hate to share their birthday but really it’s one of the coolest things to share it with a loved one.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        Coco, I have a (non-twin) sibling birthday buddy too! Yes, it’s awesome.

      • mfkmm says:

        My older sister and younger sister have the same birthday. I don’t think they ever minded. My birthday is 10 days before my younger brothers and had to wait til his birthday for our Joint birthday party. I never did like that growing up.

    • Ripley says:

      I love having a December birthday! People are in the mood to go out and enjoy dinner / drinks / company. Very Festive. Plus my parents always made certain my brother and I had our December birthdays and Christmas was separate growing up. I think it would suck to have a January birthday (everyone is Festived out) or February… Because, no.

    • supposedtobeworking says:

      my husband’s birthday is Dec 31st – he used to think that fireworks were for him. Fun birthday, except when you have kids. No babysitters are available, everything is booked up and expensive, and people always have New Year’s plans.
      But, its better than the 1st of January, when everyone is hung over ; )

    • Christina says:

      I was born on Christmas Day and I absolutely loathe it!

    • valgal says:

      Yep. I’m December 26th and that blows most of the time. Friends are usually out of town or with family. Family used to combine my birthday and Christmas gift into one claiming it was “more expensive.” So yeah, you learn to be kind of “eh” about your birthday.

    • valgal says:

      Yep. I’m December 26th and that blows most of the time. Friends are usually out of town or with family. Family used to combine my birthday and Christmas gift into one claiming it was “more expensive.” So yeah, you learn to be kind of “eh” about your birthday.

  2. Eve says:

    She does look like a pretty devoted mum to her kids so that’s good, especially for a Kardashian! So congratulations to her.

    The thing that I find weird about her is that she is one of those manipulative women who seem to keep getting pregnant on purpose without a second thought of consulting with their partner, especially since we know from their show that her boyfriend Scott hates that she keeps getting pregnant and even considered and secret vasectomy at some point. Its a bizarre situation to be in I can imagine.

    • elisabeth says:

      if scott didn’t want children, perhaps he should consider wearing a condom.

    • Ohreallynow says:

      If you really believe all the story lines on that show. I don’t believe much out of the show.

      • Eve says:

        Obviously I don’t solely use their fake drama filled show as the basis of any absolute truth for this but I genually think that Scott was never really thrilled with all this pregnancies at the beginning, that dude has been miserable as hell for the past few years, way before his parents passing. With all their money and fame he still looks like a depressed person that is caught between a rock and a hard place. Anyway, that is just my observation.

      • HH says:

        I think there is some basis to that story line, especially because she refuses to get married. I think that’s partially a result of her parents divorce and of Scott’s behavior. It’s weird that a man isn’t good enough to be a husband, but he’s considered father material. That let’s me know that Kourtney is perfectly fine raising her kids by herself. I absolutely believe the story that Scott feels more a sperm donor; and, that Kourtney concentrates on motherhood at the expense of she and Scott’s relationship.

    • aenflex says:

      Come on now. It takes two to get pregnant.

    • Catk says:

      I have never seen the show, but doubt that a storyline on a reality show is valid. I’m sure it’s all for drama, but how silly.

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    My mother had my younger brother when I was five, and he’s a gift to me, for sure. But when I was five, it was confusing and weird, and would have sucked as a birthday present. Lol

    • Belle Epoch says:

      GNAT I was going to post “worst birthday present EVER!” No kid should have to share his/her birthday, especially with a BABY (unless you’re a twin – and sometimes they are born on different days!). Ideally every child should get one day to be special. Later in life it’s probably a lot more fun to have a shared birthday. OK I know 200 people will now say how special it was to them!

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I agree! When you’re five, it’s hard to understand why your mother is distracted and tired, and then goes to the hospital and bring home this squalling red person you’re supposed to be thrilled about. Of course, I eventually fell in love, too, but it didn’t happen on the first day. So we can stick together – WORST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER! Lol

    • supposedtobeworking says:

      I dated a guy who had a sister 2 years younger born the same day, and he always said she was the best birthday present ever, and behaved that way as well. He adored her. He passed away just before his 30th birthday, so that would be difficult.
      My dad and his younger brother by a year have the same birthday. They were 2 of 5, so I doubt birthdays were a big deal anyway.

    • Charlie says:

      My sister was born a few days after my 5th birthday and we shared birthdays until I was about 14. I didn’t think it was a bad thing. And she is by far the best present I ever got. I just moved to another city and I miss her like crazy, I miss my entire family but my baby sis particularly. We talk every day, but it’s not the same.

    • Belle says:

      I kind of agree that this type of ‘gift’ may not always be appreciated by the older sibling… depends on the child. For the baby, it won’t matter for years… and when it does, they will have grown up with it and won’t know anything different. For a child old enough to understand and celebrate their own birthdays, but still too young to appreciate sharing a birth date with a cherished sibling… it may kid of suck, LOL

  4. Cannibell says:

    I have sibling cousins who just turned 67 & 70 on the same day, and my niece & nephew (18 & 14) have birthdays within a week of each other. I’m too much younger than Cousin Set to know about birthdays growing up, but N&N had separate friend birthday parties and their family gathering has always been one of my favorite summer holidays. And my grown-up cousins really love sharing that brithday. Mazal Tov to Disick/Kardashians on the new arrival.

  5. Goats on the Roof says:

    My birthday is January 2. By the time it rolls around, people are over Christmas and worn out from New Years. I can’t remember ever having much of a birthday party and I got the good ol’ “this gift is for Christmas and your birthday” more often than not. Eh. Congrats to kourtney and her family. I wonder if it was a scheduled delivery?

    • Lex says:

      Her first two were natural births so this probably was too.

      I thought they said they were having another girl months ago but I must have misread!

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      My sister’s birthday is in January, too and she gets the same thing. No fair! 🙁

    • Mimz says:

      I feel you, my birthday is on the 9th of january and in my country people come back from new years vacation/partying on the 4th or 5th, and by the time its my birthday all sorts of excuses come up.
      When I turned 17 (12yrs ago) i booked a dinner table at a restaurant for 10 guests, only one showed up.
      Luckily in the past 9 to 10 years i have a group of friends that know that if they skip my birthday they are in serious trouble…

      In any case congrats to Kourtney and Scott. I dont think same day birthday will be an issue for too long anyway 🙂

    • Chris says:

      This will sound weird but my birthday is January 7th and now I celebrate it June 7th. It sucked having a birthday in the dead of winter (I live in Canada) and right after christmas and New Years. It’s been much more fun celebrating it in June. Now when people ask me my birthday I just tell them June 7th.

  6. Syko says:

    My third was born on his sister’s 8th birthday. And my birthday’s two days after theirs. Guess who never got to celebrate for years and years. It wasn’t planned, it just happened.

    How nice that she can just spend months at home bonding with the new baby. Too bad women who actually work for a living don’t have that option.

    • Catk says:

      It is nice.

    • MP says:

      That depends on where you live. Lots of countries have good maternity/parental leaves. In my country it’s 10 months and you also earn annual leave during your parental leave so that’s another month.

      • moon says:

        where do you live? 😀

      • supposedtobeworking says:

        In Canada we have 12 months. You get maternity pay from your company (based on their policy, usually 6 -10 weeks) and if you had a birth that would have required extra time healing as well, then for the remainder of the year you collect Employment Insurance. In some provinces, the government gives a child tax credit and a child tax benefit until the age of 6, I think.

    • LNG says:

      In much of the world women who work for a living do have that option. Where I live we get 52 weeks at 50% of your salary (with an upper limit), with many employers topping up to 85-100% for a portion of that time (6 months in my case). My husband and I can split the time if we want – 6 months each (and many employers will top up paternal leave as well).

      • Goats on the Roof says:

        Unfortunately, the U.S. is incredibly behind on maternity and paternity leave. I work in a pretty progressive area, but my job only allows a standard six-week unpaid leave for new mothers. Most fathers are lucky enough to be able to take a few vacation days from their PTO stock. It would be incredibly nice to have the option to stay at home for three to six months with a newborn without the risk of losing my job. Oh, to dream!

    • Charlie says:

      In my country women get 100% of the salary for a full year ( 3 years for twins or a 3rd child), you also get a “push present” from the government. Women who are unemployed get a certain amount of money from the government for 6 months. When my sister was born (16 ys ago) my mum stayed home for 2 years because she had a dislocated hip, one year was payed and one was not. She returned to her job normally.
      Being a former communist country sometimes isn’t all that horrible. It also helps that we have very low birth rates and a population of just above 4 million, so the government is doing everything to stimulate procreation.

  7. mkyarwood says:

    This happened to my sister! Her new son was born 2 days before her 1st’s birthday — which is 5 days before her wedding anniversary.

  8. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    Today is my birthday. ^_^

  9. My kids have the same birthday, too. It could go either way as far as how the kids feel about it. My oldest says at least once a week that his little sister is the best birthday present he’ll ever get. It warms my heart. (He’s almost 6, she’s almost 2)

  10. scout says:

    Congratulations! Two in one Birthday, cool. Now on to the fourth one as she wants one more!! My kids are born 14th and 16th, same month but 4 years between them! We do one Birthday with two of everything every year.

  11. Kitten says:

    My birthday is the day after Christmas. Who cares? Birthdays are for kids anyway. I’m not really into celebrating getting older. In France they celebrate Name Day–much cooler IMO.

  12. Yabby says:

    My two older sisters birthdays are one day apart. The older sister was born on Aug 18th and the younger (by 4 years) was born Aug 19th. They love it now that they’re adults because they’re really close. Every year they have a dinner with family and friends or pick a place to travel to. I think it’s a blessing especially if you raise a tight knit family, which I’m sure Kourtney will.

  13. Ginger says:

    Perhaps it’s because she doesn’t saturate the media as much as her sisters do but she seems to be the most level headed of all the Kardashian’s including her Mom. Speaking of Moms, mine has her birthday today. And I can tell you that she often wished her birthday wasn’t so close to Christmas. So yes, I’m sure Mason and his little brother will do some complaining of their own later on. I still find it adorable that the siblings will share a birthday.

  14. Jess says:

    She really does seem like a great mom, very hands on and involved. I loathe that family but she turned out decent! I think the name will be unique but not crazy.

    My brother has a December birthday and he always got the “this is birthday and Christmas” presents, poor guy hated it. My closest friend had her son in late December and she always bails out of a party for him, she says everyone is broke and already tired of dealing with family and friends so why bother, and I keep telling her to do an “unbirthday” party for him in the summer, I think that would be so much fun! But, she won’t listen to my brilliant idea, lol.

    • ughinsomnia says:

      Jessica! Fancy seeing someone I know in real life here! I just had my daughter on the 4th, and I’ve been worried about the whole Christmas/birthday stuff. I’ll totally use your Unbirthday Party idea if it becomes an issue.

      • Jess says:

        Oh sh*t, I’m busted! 😉 celebrity gossip is my secret obsession, but I never figured out how to change that picture of me , it just shows up anywhere I make an account, and I do believe you were there the night it was taken! Haha, if I’m guessing correctly, A? 🙂 baby girl is so precious, I’m so happy for you guys!

    • Gina says:

      Haha…my brother was born on December 28th. His biggest issue growing up was that his birthday gifts not be wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. Personally I think it would be cool to born this time of the year….as a kid all this fuss for me! Sharing a birthday is special so good for you Mason and little guy Disick.

    • ughinsomnia says:

      Yup it’s me! 😀 I’ve been on this site forever- I love it! I’m all about celebrity gossip- no shame lol

      And thank you! I’ve wanted a girl for SO long! We’re ecstatic!

    • jenn12 says:

      Jess, that’s a great idea. My daughter is Jewish, Catholic, AND her birthday is right after Christmas. People are either like, oh, great, let’s give her a gift for all 3 together, or it’s impossible to throw a party for her right before New Year’s Eve. I may steal your idea. My elder child was born at the end of November, right before the holidays. It doesn’t stop for a full month. 🙂

  15. Scarlet Vixen says:

    All 3 of my kids’ birthdays are within 6 weeks of each other–and that 6 weeks also includes Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s (I did not plan those pregnancies very well!). My youngest will have her birthday fall on Thanksgiving every few years or so, and my oldest is in the beginning of Jan when everyone is burned out from the holiday season. That being said, we try to make each one’s birthday a special & individual day. I even try to separate #2’s party decor from the Christmas decor so she doesn’t have a bunch of Christmas stuff in her birthday pics. 🙂

    My mum, oldest brother & I all have birthdays within 4 days of each other–all 20 years apart. But it’s fun! On big birthdays, like when we turned 60, 40 & 20 all in the same week we had a huge party and got tattoos together.

    • Sally J. Freedman says:

      My daughter’s birthday is two days after Christmas. She’s gonna be twenty this year and she always plans a birthday party for herself with just family and a few friends. She seems everyone a text pretty much on the same day or the day before, and everyone shows up. One thing I’ve always done, is I take all the Christmas decorations off of the tree and decorate it with things that just pertain to her and her birthday. We call it her birthday tree. She loves it! 🎁🎂🎈🎄

      • Jess says:

        Sally, that’s a really cute idea with the tree!

      • Sadezilla says:

        That’s really cute, Sally J. Freedman.

        My brother, sister and I have birthdays within two weeks of each other in July. It was actually really fun having family parties together, and as someone mentioned, we had separate parties for friends (although not every year). And for some reason, even though my birthday is three days after his, and my sister’s is two weeks before mine, my brother cannot for the life of him remember anyone’s birth date except his own. Oh brother!

      • SunnySide says:

        The 27th is my birthday as well! I never had a good party and people often forgot so that sucked but on the other hand I have never had to go to work or school on my birthday. Basically the 24-2 is just a big party so it works out.

      • Scarlet Vixen says:

        @Sally–the birthday tree is a super cute idea!! I may have to steal that one. My daughter just turned 4 on the 11th and is super obsessed with Disney Princesses, so maybe we’ll start a tradition of having a princess birthday tree. 🙂

  16. Mel M says:

    I have a December birthday and growing up I thought it stunk because I always heard the excuse that I would be getting something good for Christmas. Also, when you’re younger and getting all your presents for the year within a couple of weeks stunk because come summer I was always begging for the new toy that just came out but was SOL.

    Mr. M shares his birthday with his youngest brother, 9 years apart, and as far as I know he and his brother always loved sharing their birthday and think it’s really special.

  17. Gina says:

    Kourtney is the only Kardashian that doesn’t make me want to heave. This child’s birth will be documented on E as he pops out just as his siblings were. If she didn’t have it taped, it would be like naming a Duggar baby Ethel or something. Hang in there Scott, you’re making lots of money being a sperm donor.

  18. JessSaysNo says:

    I gave birth on my husbands birthday and we were SO pissed about it at first but now, almost 3 years later I think its adorable. DH totally lost his birthday, but its something he and she will both share for life. Now, if I had another kid on that same day, I would freak out. It’s too much to do with two birthdays on that day and with 3, I’d cry.

    I would probably also be a bit sad if my kids were born on the same day (even if its not dads birthday too) because I would want them to have their own special day. In the long run, though, birth dates are unimportant. Kourtney is SO LUCKY. 3 healthy kids in 3 pregnancies…. what I wouldn’t give….

  19. kb says:

    My brother was born the day before my 4th birthday. I was spoiled so I hated him for years because my beloved mother was in the hospital resting after a difficult delivery with him and was there from my birthday, the 22nd, to Christmas Eve. Growing up though we always got offered separate parties for our days even though it’s right at Christmas. We have always preferred to make it easy and celebrate together. But our family did make sure to separate our birthdays from the Christmas theme.

  20. Dawn says:

    Congrats to them. Here is hoping for a normal first name and she can go nuts on the middle name. I don’t think I’d like to share a birthday with a sibling because I am stingy and want my own at least within my family and circle of friends! My son’s birthday is the 29th, right between Christmas and New Years and it was nearly impossible to have a birthday party with friends.

  21. Nopity Nope says:

    Little Miss Nope is a December baby, as am I. It’s not all bad.

  22. Sue says:

    My brother has a daughter (5) and a set of twin boys (1). All of their birthday are on the same day. My daughter’s Birthday is 3 days before theirs.

  23. word says:

    How cool to have two of your kids born on the same day.

    Did anyone watch last night’s episode of their show? Kim said something so stupid. She was looking at pics of khloe online and said that Khloe needs to lose weight and that her ass is too big. LOL that’s rich coming from Kim…and then Kim said she herself wanted a flat ass now. I don’t know if she really meant that or just did it for “good tv”.

  24. Megan says:

    My sisters birthday is Dec 7, my niece is Dec 16, my oldest brother is 26, my mom and youngest brother have birthdays Jan 2, my dads is Jan 4. By the time my birthday comes around (January 14) im sick of birthdays!

  25. jenn12 says:

    I think she needs to work on her relationship before she brings more kids into the world. He seems to have wanted to stop at one or two. Maybe not keep having kids with someone with a drinking problem?

  26. Angie says:

    A childhood friend of mine had all 3 of her kids on the same day a few years apart. It was a big deal at the time, she was on the local news and the Today show. I always thought that was really cool.

  27. Anony says:

    You guys are freaking me out! 35 weeks pregnant here, due Jan 15th. I’m hoping to go over-due as I’m terrified of giving birth around Xmas (but it could happen since I’ll be 37 weeks then).

    Ugh! My husband is a december baby and it drives me nuts trying to find a good birthday gift and then have to come up with something equally brilliant for Christmas.

    Some women have the luxury of planning the month they gave birth but it took me a long, long time to conceive and I decided not to skip any months because it had been over a year at that point. If I had skipped trying those months who knows how much longer I would have had to try! I was going insane. So to summarize the equation: christmas baby > no baby 🙂