Angelina Jolie’s ‘Unbroken’ will likely win the holiday weekend box office


Here are some assorted Angelina Jolie stories for your Christmas holiday. I know, it’s just what everybody wanted! Some Jolie in their stocking! First, there’s some really good news. Unbroken was released on Christmas Eve/Christmas in many theaters and the box office numbers are looking really, really good. Unbroken is probably going to win the holiday box office, even though there were like seven major films opening. Deadline says Unbroken likely took in $15.6 million on Christmas Day and audiences gave the film an A-minus Cinemascore. Unbroken will probably take in more than $30 million for the whole holiday weekend. Deadline also says that the film is finding a home with the church-going crowd, and many Evangelical audiences have responded positively. I’m probably going to see it this weekend and I can’t wait!

A few more stories… Garrett Hedlund told E! News that he got the part in Unbroken by cold-calling Angelina one day once she got the directing gig. Hedlund said: “When I was working on On The Road, I read about Louis Zamperini. I thought the story was sort of too good to be true. When she signed on to direct it, I contacted her and said, ‘I’m such a fan of this man, this story. I’ll be your caterer’s assistant if I have to.'” Meanwhile, Miyavi told a great story about performing with his band on set once they wrapped on all of the prison scenes, and how Angelina danced like crazy.

Meanwhile, these quotes came out a few days ago, and I read them and thought, “Meh, that’s just a variation on what she always says“. But some sites are claiming that these quotes prove that she’s a Goop-esque humble-bragger. Angelina told a media outlet: “[Brad and I] work really hard at nurturing our family to make sure that everybody is alright and everyone stays connected. Maintaining a marriage and raising kids is hard work. You have to really make sure that your work doesn’t get in the way. That you don’t do something that is going to put too much strain on your family.” Okay. I don’t get why people are complaining about that? Even when you’re married to Brad Pitt, it’s still work. Even when you’re married to Angelina Jolie, it’s still work.

And finally, the NYT had a nice write-up on Angelina’s style evolution as she transitions from “glamorous movie star” to “I’m a director now, take me seriously.” She’s been wearing lots of pencil skirts and long sleeves. And very few sack dresses, thank God. Go here to read the NYT piece.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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175 Responses to “Angelina Jolie’s ‘Unbroken’ will likely win the holiday weekend box office”

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  1. Frida_K says:

    Yay, an Angie story! I love her and am always so happy when her work does well!

    Yes, I WILL retain my #1Brangeloonie of North America title this year.



    p.s. Miyavi is hot. Yow. Me encanta.

    • vauvert says:

      Can I be your second in command in 2015? Very happy for her!

      • Frida_K says:

        Absolutely! Welcome, Brangeloonie!

        Our ranks should only increase over the coming year, and I do need a second in command.

    • vauvert says:

      Awesome! I just can’t help loving her. So many stars are beautiful on the outside, but I honestly believe she is a lovely person too. She comes across as genuinely caring and wanting to help others. AJ directing for years to come would be great.

  2. Bridget says:

    I saw a lot of people on my Facebook feed going to Unbroken yesterday, and none of them were Evangelicals. A lot of folks had read the book and loved it and really wanted to see the movie.

    • LaurieH says:

      A lot of my Christian friends went to see this movie; they knew Zamperini mostly as a Christian inspirational speaker. He was a born-again Christian, thanks to Billy Graham, I think, and apparently it was his new-found belief in Christ that finally helped him through all his emotional trauma of being a POW. For Christians, Louis Zamperini was a model of forgiveness. So for this reason, many Christians are interested in seeing this movie about this man’s really amazing life. It doesn’t surprise me one bit that Angelina Jolie pick up on his story, as it is one of true humanity and struggle; issues that she really likes to explore.

  3. OSTONE says:

    My aunt and uncle went before Christmas dinner and they said it was outstanding. I believe into the woods would probably come on second place. Either way happy for Angelina!

  4. Amcn says:

    Going to fill my car with family and see it tomorrow! Great news for the movie and AJ. Love that the Cinemascore was so good and the social media reaction has been excellent. Maybe the critics are being a bit too picky?

  5. Amy says:

    Miyavi tho…gosh that’s the best new man discovery of this year. He is just dangerously hot.

  6. shortinafuse says:

    Can someone kindly tell me what brand her neckband headphones are?

  7. lower-case deb says:

    i think she knows her audience well.

  8. lisa2 says:

    We (10) went to see it on Christmas Day. SOLD we went back to a later show. Had to get there 1 hour early (should have gotten the tickets online LOL) but the line was so long; almost around the building.. I loved the movie.. and the audience clapped so loud at the end. People were crying.. and one woman stood up and said THANK YOU VETs..we love you. Varying age groups. Lots of older couples and lots of couples.. dates.. and many younger people too.. LOADS of families
    People are feeling this film and I appreciate it.

    I’m so happy for Angie. and FU to the critics that were tying to find something negative. Like audience would not be able to deal.. WTH.. audiences are loving it.. So much talk on twitter.. I’m sure some people didn’t like it which is as it is with any film.

    to the naysayers predicting failure and hoping for it .. WRONG AGAIN.

    • Emma - the JP Lover says:

      @Lisa2 …

      Thanks for posting this! I’m leaving in a couple of hours to do my annual ‘2-movie Christmas treat to me’ thing. 🙂

      I’ll probably see “Annie” or “Into the Woods” (whichever screens first) and “Unbroken.”

    • Andrea1 says:

      Yes! There were So many people who cried and applauded. The movie touched people and lots of reaction on twitter.. Great word of mouth!
      Am So glad and yes sorry to the naysayers! Angie has won again……

    • Kim1 says:

      Now you know Angie didn’t direct Unbroken.
      No tan lines

      Congrats to Laura,Angie,Roger,cast and crew.
      I can’t wait to see U.K. numbers
      I wonder if Angie is over the chicken pox.

      • lisa2 says:

        Kim.. you are so bad.. I know.. damn her not getting a tan.

        Yes so happy for everyone behind the film. Far exceeded the predictions. And FU to the critics; and how unfair they were. YES UNFAIR.. giving Unbroken a rotten at 3.5 and other films Fresh. Trying to find the most silly things to be negative about. It is too long, too sentimental.. not sentimental enough. Asking if the story was real; faulting Angie for a script she didn’t write. So unfair.

    • delorb says:

      When it comes to Angie (or Jennifer for that matter), there is unabashed hate. I’m not an Angieloonie or whatever its called, but I can see it almost every time there is a story about her. Its says more about the ‘haters’ than Angie, who is just going on with her life. To take what she said as an humble-brag is reaching. IMO, of course.

      • Jax says:

        Reaching indeed. All she said is that marriage and family is hard work. True that. Now if she said: and my hard work is paying off because my family and marriage is just soooo perfect, THEN she would be bragging. As my beloved Gilda Radner says (with a nasel twang), ” It’s always something….”

    • Someonestolemyname says:

      Well done Angelina. So glad for her after the weeks of nasty press.
      Well done Goddess Angelina.

  9. Andrea1 says:

    Yay! Kaiser I’m So glad you covered this
    1. The movie Unbroken was very powerful and difficult to watch, but a must see.
    2. Speaks to the strength of the human spirit.
    3. Glad I watched it
    4. Miyavi, who plays The Bird in the movie Unbroken needs an oscar and therapy!”
    Damn! Angie has won… go Angie go Angie go.
    In the end she has the last laugh.. To Me the awards don’t really matter as long as its a commercial success (which secures her place as a director). Critics be damned.. People loved it… Theatres have been sold out. Angelina is Unbroken… #shinningmyBrangelinabatchofhonour# we are unbroken… 🙂 !

  10. Vee says:

    Our family of 6 saw Unbroken yesterday. The lines were long, the theatre packed and the audience clapped at the end. This movie is excellent, the acting performances superb. What a man, what a story!

  11. Soulsister says:

    Am so pleased for Angie about the really positive responses that the film is garnering from the public. I think that she has taken so much flack regarding this project from people, who I have a have a sneaking suspicion about, desperately wanted this film to fail solely because of who the director is.
    It would appear again, as in the case of Maleficent, that Angie has well and truly had the last laugh.

    • Andrea1 says:

      +1000000000 to your comment.
      People desperately wanted to see her fail. Saying she is an amateur and mininally talented director. Saying she ruined the movie even before the movie was released. And when critics panned the movie they honestly thought it would deter people from going to see the movie.. All the while Angie remained silent.. And now she actually has the last laugh.
      And guess what? Just as we predicted they are now saying the movie is doing well because of the book and not because Angie directed it. Meanwhile they have been referring all this while to the movie as “Angelina Jolie’s unbroken”. I hope it holds strong and end the weekend as number one movie.

      • lisa2 says:

        Yes but if the film had failed the headlines would have been Angelina tanks at the BO… not Unbroken.

        My brother who doesn’t follow gossip said are we going to see that Angelina Jolie film. hmm so yes the film was associated with her.. HER SUCCESS just like it would be her failure.

        people on twitter are giving her credit. So why can’t the people that would have attacked her if it was a different outcome.

      • Jayna says:

        Critics panned the movie? She got great, good and so-so reviews. Some that didn’t praise it as great said she had the makings of a great director but fell a little short of this movie being great. You are taking it so personally. Everything isn’t about Angelina. I see movies all the time that get about a 50 and 60 and really enjoy them and feel they are better than what the critics say when averaged out. For Angie to have been panned by critics she would have gotten what Exodus got, a 29 percent average on Rotten Tomatoes and even lower for other films, like a 19, not 50 on Rotten Tomatoes or 60 or Metacritic when averaged out, which means she got as many positive reviews as not so positive. And usually the audience score is always higher that like a movie compared to critics, every once in awhile being almost even, but rarely.

        By the way, you act like people saw this because Angelina was listed in the promo as Angelina’s Broken. If you think that was the reason people saw it, then that is sad, because that would make it a novelty they are checking out. Because no one saw her first movie. It bombed. She has no following as a director YET. There would be no reason to see it because it’s “Angelinia’s Unbroken” as you call it.

        You should hope they saw the movie because of the book and that in the trailers or interviews that it looked like a good movie and because the movie did have many favorable reviews (like in my city), and then after seeing the movie, AFTER, that they said she did a great job. It’s after seeing the movie, that her directing skills should be determined by the audience-goers.

        A lot of people in my neighborhood went, mostly older, and were all going because of the story and interviews about the man’s life promoting the movie and the book. I plan to go today with my family. I would have gone regardless of Angelina directing it, which really had no bearing on it for me. Which to me is a good thing. It’s like seeing any other movie where it looks good and I have no idea who the director is, because it’s not a proven director’s name like Scorsese. It is a compelling story and the trailers intrigued me. But I hear she did a good job from what my neighbors said. Word of mouth is a great thing also, which this movie will have.

        The success of the movie will definintely be a boon for her directing career. Like Ben Affleck said, after the critical success of his first small movie, you have to PROVE yourself with the next one, that it’s not a fluke. She got overall good (not great) reviews when averaged out, and it’s a commercial success. Good for her. She proved herself. Just because not all reviewers love it doesn’t mean it’s directed at Angeliina. It’s a critic doing his job, and not some conspiracy against Angelina.

      • Andrea1 says:

        @Lisa2 you got it wrong. What I meant was that the naysayers associated Angelina Jolie’s name to Unbroken hoping it would flop. And now that it didn’t flop or isn’t going to flop they are no longer associating unbroken’s success to Angie directly but the book…

      • Krystal says:

        @Jayna I get what you are saying but do you really think if this film had flopped at the box office all the blame wouldn’t be on Angelina? All the headlines would have been ANGELINA MOVIE UNBROKEN FLOPS. No one would have cared if it was based on a true story. It’s just the way things work and who’s going to deny it? It would be the same for any actor becoming a director. I can use Ben Affleck as an example. If he directs a movie and it flops, who do you think will get all the heat? Ben Affleck. All you will hear is BEN AFFLECK MOVIE FLOPS.

      • Andrea1 says:

        I agree the use of the word panning wasn’t a good choice ( sorry about that as english isn’t my first language) but then you could sense that some of the critics took the criticism to a personal level as some of them even referenced Rudin’s comment about her being minimally talented….
        And no I didn’t take to heart personally Jayna cos I knew Angie would win in the end. And yes there is no denying that the movie is doing well because of the book..

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        @Jayna, who wrote: “Because no one saw her first movie. It bombed. She has no following as a director YET.”

        “In the Land of Blood and Honey” was never taken out of limited release. The film was shown in ’18’ theaters (possibly all ‘Art House’ theaters, with less seating than regular theaters) and still managed to make $303,877 in 77 days (two and a half months). Is that really considered a ‘bomb’?

      • The Original G says:

        @Andrea1. Can you cite a review that mentions Rudin’s comments?

        Chirstopher Nolan and Ridley Scott also got mixed reviews for their recent films. No one is suggesting that they aren’t real film directors, are they?

        BTW, if this movie does well, it will be because of a number of smart strategic decisions the producers and director made, including the source material, the marketing tactics, the number of theatres etc. Anyone COULD have made those choices but Angelina and her team actually made them.

      • mojoman says:

        I am planning to see the movie to know about the life of Zamperini. To get inspiration from his struggles and victories. As for Angelina Jolie, she has no bearing whatsoever. But I am thankful she brought this man to the movie screen for us to understand about humanity.

    • Seán says:

      I don’t see critics as trying to undermine Angelina. Critics are there to give an honest opinion about a film. While some critics are out of touch, under-experienced or biased, the vast majority know movies and use their vast knowledge to form an opinion about a film.

      It’s annoying to hear actors, directors and the general public whine about critics ‘attacking’ movies. It might be valid with specific critics but not as a consensus. Unbroken has received lukewarm reviews. I haven’t seen the film myself but many of the criticisms do seem valid.

      Nevertheless, I will go and see the film because Louis Zamperini’s story is intriguing and I really enjoyed Angelina’s first directorial work, In The Land of Blood and Honey.

    • Someonestolemyname says:

      +100000 So happy for her. Well deserved. Angelina well done.

  12. Toot says:

    Very happy for Angelina.

    People thought Maleficient would bomb, it didn’t and people thought Unbroken wouldn’t do well. I love that “people” were wrong again.

    • Someonestolemyname says:

      It’s the critics who seem to keep discounting her, the movie going public seems to support her.
      Well done Angelina.

  13. minx says:

    Congrats to AJ and everyone involved in the movie. I know they put a lot of themselves into it.

  14. Nikki says:

    Saw Selma instead. Loved it!

    • Soulsister says:

      Also very happy for Brad and Plan B.

    • Kim1 says:

      That’s cool, Angie said she supports Selma.Win Win for JP family

      • lisa2 says:

        So true.. I’ll see Selma when it plays in my city. It was only in 19 theaters.

        Congrats to Plan B.. great news all around.

    • Amcn says:

      I am looking forward to this one as well!

    • Beep says:

      I also saw Selma yesterday and it wasn’t anywhere near as good as critics are saying. Oprah hammed it up in that one scene where she’s on the floor. Oh lawd she might win an Oscar for producing the butler 2

      • I’ve never really though Oprah was that great of an actress. I mean, I saw her in The Color Purple, liked her in it, but past that, I’ve never been that impressed. Plus it seems like to me that she’s inserting herself into these Oscar baity movies (to turn a phrase, not that it’s a bad thing) to get acting kudos for herself. I mean, I get that her being in the movie gives it an extra oomph and attention from people who might not watch it, but I guess it just annoys me that everything is OPRAH OPRAH OPRAH! I didn’t grow up watching The Oprah Show, so I haven’t really drank the particular brand of koolaid she’s been selling for years….but eh.

        I am interested in seeing Selma though. Probably will have to wait until it comes out on dvd in my neck of the woods.

  15. paranormalgirl says:

    Really good film. Well acted and well directed.

  16. cat1 says:

    I am very surprised. Was near an NYC theater yesterday and everyone was going to see everything else, other films were sold out (into the woods, hobbit, night at the museum) and not that. I am really surprised. But go figure… she had to go through a lot to get there this time tho.

    • Bea says:

      I was in NYC yesterday with my family and we went to 3 different theatres only to find all the Unbroken showings were sold out.

      We will try again today and tomorrow if necessary before we head home.

    • Mia says:

      Unbroken topped the box office because it was playing on almost 1000 more theaters than the second highest grossing film – Into the woods. Unbroken was playing in around 3400 (I believe) taking in $15M and Into the Woods was playing in 2400 theaters taking in $13M. ALL of the critic reviews have been very tepid some very bad for Angie’s directing. It has fallen off most Best Picture lists.

      Maybe with a good opening weekend and good word of mouth, Unbroken can climb it’s way back into award contention.

      • Kim1 says:

        The analysts knew how many theaters it would open in yet they still predicted it would make in the $18M over the four day period.They also knew it was b based on a best selling book yet they said it would come in third.So if is #1 on Sunday than Unbroken exceeded expectations.Why were the expectations so low? The viewers are praising the film,Cinemascore is an A-.

      • Jayna says:

        @Kim, Into the Woods and Unbroken, the two top movies so far box office-wise, both are now predicted to come in well ahead of the previous box office prediction for the full weekend, and I think Hobbit may beat the predictions also by the end of the weekend.

        I also read somewhere else when Christmas falls on Thursday often box office is higher for the box office weekend as far as the top movies compared to the predictions.

        With a long weekend with many off today, and with strong word of mouth from audiences and good audience scores coming in, I think Unbroken could go even much higher by Sunday, exceeding even the new box office expectations.

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        @Mia, who wrote: “Unbroken topped the box office because it was playing on almost 1000 more theaters than the second highest grossing film – Into the woods. Unbroken was playing in around 3400 (I believe) taking in $15M and Into the Woods was playing in 2400 theaters taking in $13M. ALL of the critic reviews have been very tepid some very bad for Angie’s directing.”

        Actually, according to Box Office Mojo estimates for Thursday, December 25th “Unbroken” is listed first with $15,592.000 and “Into the Woods” is listed second with $15,084.000. It will be interesting to see if both totals hold up in the ‘Actuals.’

        @Mia, who wrote: “ALL of the critic reviews have been very tepid some very bad for Angie’s directing. It has fallen off most Best Picture lists.”

        Fallen off most Best Picture lists? When was it ever ‘on’ most Best Picture lists? Hasn’t it only been on the American Film Institute and Critics Choice lists? What ‘Lists’ did it fall off?

      • lower-case deb says:

        @Jayna, that’s what i read too, good news for the movie indusrtry, it said.
        Unbroken can still end up at #3, with Into the Woods opening up on more screens following its success, and Hobbit resurgence over the holiday.

        wherever it ends up on the end-of-week list, thought, it should enjoy the same if not better opening weekend than Fury, which means it’s not as fatal a flop as predicted earlier (which has since been adjusted).

        and getting Fury numbers ain’t bad, because i remember when they’re tallying up the numbers back then they said Fury was like 3rd or 4th? biggest opening for a war movie? (which is also a category where Unbroken will fall into to). not bad. actually very good.

        Selma is also getting great returns, despite opening only in 19 theaters. they’re saying that more theaters will pick it up in the coming weeks and months, especially since it has gained big noms and critics awards. i hope
        it does well, and picked up for wide circulation. (this way it will stand greater chance of opening in my country too!)

      • Mia says:

        @Emma – the JP Lover says – Earlier today Into the Woods was expected to come in around $13M for Wed and Thur. It was updated this afternoon to $15M – making the race for #1 for the weekend a toss up. This morning it looked like Unbroken would def. take the weekend – now not so much.

        Re: your question about Best Picture lists – prior to any actual screenings of Unbroken, industry insiders were saying it would be the picture to beat for Best Picture for all the awards (SAG, GG, Oscars etc…). Once the movie was actually screened, it has fallen lower and lower on every critics list as a contender for Best Picture Oscar. A huge box office this weekend could help at least score a nomination.

        As an aside – I received the DVD of Unbroken last week (award screener), and I was sorely disappointed after having such high hopes for this movie. It reminded me of a very old studio movie where everything had to look perfect all the time even if it belied reality Example – after a few days stuck at sea, Louie has a perfectly trimmed goatee – not a scruffy beard – a goatee. That’s a very minor example, but I don’t want to give anything about the movie away to those who haven’t seen it. There were also certain shots that were very distracting and came across amateurish. One sequence – a view shot from the mirror, a view through an open door, a view through another open door, a view from below the bleachers… this is back to back to back… I was watching this movie w/ my husband and SO wanted him to love it – that sequence was so cheesy, it made me cringe. It was like – just tell the story and stop with the distracting camera angles (and they weren’t artistic – just bad). I so wanted to love this movie because I love the book and I was rooting for Angie, but parts of the movie are way to schmaltzy and took away from the incredible story.
        I hope I don’t get flamed for my comments, but I’m just being honest.

      • The Original G says:

        Those sound like period stylistic devices to me? Like the narrative is congruent with the look and feel of the time? Roger Deakins is no slouch as cinematographer, either?

      • Maya says:

        @Mia: it’s funny how you conveniently forgot to add that while Unbroken was in 2D and showed in more theatres – In The Woods was in 3D and costs a lot more and the intake will be higher.

        So of course you cannot compare the average theatre intake because it has two different prices.

      • Katherine says:

        Mia says . . .

        Please. Ms Cellophane take a seat.

      • mia girl says:

        Won’t comment on Unbroken because I have not seen it, but apparently many have and that is great for Jolie, actors, Universal and box office overall.

        I did go to see Into the Woods with my family and
        @Maya, here in Miami there are no 3D offerings for Into the Woods. The only movie in 3D and/or IMAX is The Hobbit. Also I don’t see 3D listed on Fandango anywhere for Into the Woods. Are you sure it is in 3D?

  17. lower-case deb says:

    so i just read that Deadline link. so they revised their 4-day weekend box office prediction from low-teens to 25-30 mil. people who tweeted it mentioned similarities with Fury, both budget and 1st week earnings).

    i checked at Boxoffice mojo, apparently Fury’s production was 68mil vs 65mil of Unbroken. that’s very interesting that they really do have mirror images of war movies going together 🙂 i think Angelina also commented during the Tavis Smiley show (? can’t remember.. i watched so many interviews)that Fury and Unbroken are two sides of the same coin amplified by war. one side showing the depths of human depravity, the other side showing how far the spirit can soar.

    it’s just a nice symetry, i find.

    • lisa2 says:

      actually I think she was comparing ITLOBH and Unbroken.

      She talked about how she and brad were doing films of the time in different theaters.. Pacific and Germany.. But I like how they both had success with their films.

      • lower-case deb says:

        @Lisa2 & @Soulsister, thanks! i knew my braincells got crossed. wow, i got everything smushed up together.

        i really hope the film will gain from strength to strength. it will be amazing if Unbroken can finish at the top of the box office this opening weekend (is this too optimistic of me?). which will mean that Angelina will have both of her films opening at #1, both as lead actress and director. and that’s an a nice way to close the year, methinks.

        even if it continues to get ignored in the awards circuit , if it does well financially it will do well for Angelina getting more directorial Jobs (which she hinted as well? i.e. studios care for bottom line).

        can’t wait to see it!

    • Soulsister says:

      I saw the interview on the Travis Smiley show and Angie actually made the connection between Unbroken and ITLOBH not Fury.

  18. Janet says:

    I have a feeling word of mouth may drive this movie. Overall audience response on Rottentomatoes is very positive.

  19. marjiscott says:

    Nope,” The Interview” has done over ONE Million already domestically (?) Probably due to the YOU Tube showings.. Jolie is just NOT having much luck this year.. Who would have thought?

    • lisa2 says:

      Yes.. poor Angie

      an Oscar
      Marrying her love/father of her children
      Dame hood
      750+ million blockbuster

      damn when will she win.. when???

    • Krystal says:

      Predictions are nearing $35 million. I can definitely see it being #1 or at least Top 2. I’m happy to see it doing so well. I’m seeing it Sunday.

    • Leah says:

      Maleficent which made over $750 million (many movies average around 150 – 350 million) and this movie which is said to be debuting this week with the number one spot and some say, number one Christmas day opener of ALL TIME. Yes, such a bad year she is having. Such bad luck. lol If this is called a bad luck year (in addition to getting the Herscholt humanitarian award and marrying Brad Pitt) the I want her bad luck year, EVERY year!

      • Amcn says:

        I whole heartedly agree but it is the 3rd best Christmas day opener of all time. Still, not too shabby.

  20. Lady D says:

    I’m glad the movie is a success. I wish Louie could have seen the reaction to his life story.

  21. Elsa says:

    I am excited that Unbroken is doing so well! I really hoped the film would succeed for Louie since they have been through years of trying to get someone to make this film. It all worked out in the perfect timing with the right director who would tell his story right and not take it and turn it into something else. Congratulations to Louie, his family and Angelina!

  22. Maya says:

    Wohoo – congrats Unbroken team. You deserve all the praise and success that has arrived and will continue to get.

    For the past decade – a certain section of critics, media and haters always puts down Angelina and Brad. They always have their knives out without even having seen the movies just because they dislike the couple.

    Well Brad and Angelina continue to be silent and just gets the work down. The reward is that they are gaining more and more fans, millions at the boxoffice, several awards and respect & admiration from people around the world.

    Which is why – most of us fans didn’t comment on the boxoffice predictions because they always get it wrong and the JP always slay it.

    PS: people should really read the whole interview instead of the misleading titles. Angelina said – she and Brad work really hard to make sure their children are happy and safe and that themselves are happy and supportive of one another. Nothing about it hard work etc.

    • Jayna says:

      “Maintaining a marriage and raising kids is hard work. You have to really make sure that your work doesn’t get in the way. That you don’t do something that is going to put too much strain on your family.”

      That’s what she said. I am glad she’s honest. I would think no differently of a family with six kids and two busy careers taking them all over for months at a time. There’s nothing wrong with what she said and I would roll my eyes if she acted like it was easy.

    • Beep says:

      Nah, they’ve only gone after Angelina. Brad is safe and has been for ever- Great pr team protecting him. Sometimes I wish Angelina would hire his Pr crew but maybe she doesn’t want them. Blah whatever even with all the criticism she still succeeds.

      • lisa2 says:

        Neither has a PR team.. and Brad is “protected” because women are the main consumers of gossip and are on more gossip sites. Therefore their focus is and will always be on the woman. So she will be the one to get more attention and attacks. This is how it is always. Yes some will make snide comments about Brad.. but they save the hate and visceral for Angie..

        and as I said they don’t have a “PR TEAM”.. and don’t need one. What is being said on gossip sites is not hurting them personally or professionally. Has not for 10 years.

  23. tarheel says:

    Where are the comments on what Chris Nolan or DOR wear, or any other male directors?

    • Mia says:

      In all fairness, because Chris Nolan isn’t plastered on magazine covers draped all over the star of his film.

    • Mia says:

      Because Chris Nolan isn’t plastered on magazine covers draped all over the star of his film.

      • Beep says:

        Her presence was needed because of the lack of big stars and it obviously helped the box office.

        Isn’t it fascinating how the predictions were so low because of the lack of star power, low reviews, Sony hacked emails badmouthing jolie, and yet the movie did more in two days than any of the predictions predicted for the 5 days. Hahaahahahahaha

    • The Original G says:

      Christopher Nolan got distinctly mixed reviews for Interstellar. No one is calling his ability to direct in question? It’s just sexism.

      Of course they used Angelina to promote the film. She’s the famous one. That’s why HW makes people famous. So they can use them as marketing vehicles.

  24. MrsBPitt says:

    You know that I am a full fledged Brangeloonie…however, how come when Ben Affleck says marriage is hard work (and, yes, I realise he was a dope to do it during an Oscar speech) he is villified…but when Angie says marriage is hard work, everyone totally agrees. I will never understand the Ben haters….Congrats to Angie on Unbroken…Hubby and I are going to see it next week!

    • Krystal says:

      Actually everyone doesn’t agree. Why do you think Kaiser said something about it in the OP.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        @Krystal…I believe Kaiser wrote “even being married to Brad Pitt is hard work. Heck, being married to Angelina Jolie is hard work”…so I think she does agree that marriage is hard work…

      • Krystal says:

        I was pointing out the fact that you said no one is getting on her for saying marriage is hard work like they did Ben Affleck, when people are getting on her which Kaiser pointed out in the OP, ” But some sites are claiming that these quotes prove that she’s a Goop-esque humble-bragger”.

    • Emma - the JP Lover says:

      @MrsBPitt, who wrote: “…however, how come when Ben Affleck says marriage is hard work (and, yes, I realize he was a dope to do it during an Oscar speech) he is vilified…”

      It’s been a while since Ben made those remarks, but I thought the vilification didn’t come just on those words from Ben but rather connected with something else he said about his wife that was sort of a ‘Diss.’ Perhaps I’m wrong, but that’s the way I remember it

      • Plus I think it’s because he never really gushes over his wife, but is always talking about how hard it is. He’s never really romantic about/with her publicly. Heck, he talks about JLo like she was the one that got away (and oh how he wishes she didn’t), and he’s married w/three kids. It’s stuff like that that kind of makes me lean towards her staying with him because of their image.

      • Jayna says:

        @Virgilia, he won at numerous awards show that season and had gushed over his wife. Watch this, an award show, The Golden Globes, which happened before The Oscars, when he won for Best Director of Argo. He was so moving at the end of his speech calling her “his everything” and many other tender words to her. But also he was a nervous, emotional mess on stage at The Golden Globes, just like he was at the Oscars.

      • @Jayna
        I mean before Argo. Before that, he’d always talked about Jennifer in very clinical terms… how you’d describe your nanny/babysitter, imo. I don’t think he’d have gotten as much flak if he’d said lovey-dovey things about her, when he was praising her about everything she sacrificed for him.

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        I Found the Quote … this is what Ben said in his speech that got people up in arms:

        “I want to thank you for working on our marriage for 10 Christmases. It’s good. It is work, but the best kind of work and there’s no one I’d rather work with,”

        Ben made it seem like being with Jen has been a ‘chore’ since they first got together. @Virgilia Coriolanus is right about how Ben gushes over his relationship with J-Lo as if she’s the one who got away. His eyes seem to light up whenever he talks about her.

      • @Emma
        Exactly what I mean. I think it’s really good for a celebrity to say that their relationships are hard work AND acknowledge how much they love their other half. Brad and Angelina, for example–they have a rep for being a Hollywood-In-Love-Power-Couple. They gush over each other. Brad said he didn’t find the right one, until Angelina. Angelina didn’t want to give any other man bio kids, until Brad. Yet they also acknowledge that to have a great relationship, they have to carve out time for each other, apart from their kids, AND talk about how hard work a relationship/marriage is.

        Ben Affleck, to my knowledge hasn’t ever been gushy about Jennifer. At least not in recent years. All we ever hear is that he’s grateful that she supports him and his career; how she’s a lot better than him with the kids, etc. I mean, it’s great that he acknowledges those things (especially about his career), but he makes it seem like it’s a business deal by NOT being that romantic about her. Ever. (until Argo). When you take that, and add it to the gambling rumors, the prior cheating rumors (on JLO, I think AND Jennifer), it adds up.

        I don’t really like or dislike them as a couple because it doesn’t ever seem like he’s that into her. I mean, one of my favorite, low key couples is Christian and Sibi Bale–people may think he’s an ass with a temper, but he’s an ass that flat out loves, adores, and worships his wife. You can see that in the way that he looks at her, or what he’s said about her the rare times he’s talked about her. And she always has the biggest smile on her face. I love them together. Ben and Jennifer–if they ever split, I’d be sad for their kids, but nothing much past that.

    • Amcn says:

      Am I the only married person with kids that thinks it is the hardest work I’ve ever done? I remember single- doing what I want, when I want. Now it is planning and organizing and not sleeping etc. Mind you incredibly rewarding and I love my family dearly but honey, it’s hard work. As much as another full time job anyway.

      • Rhea says:

        You’re not the only one, sista! I’ve got 2 kids and a newborn. Living abroad—far from families and friends—as my hubby is not from the same country as me. I love them to death but it sure is a hard work some times. 🙂

  25. jammypants says:

    She’s having a great year. Maleficent made bucketloads of money at the box office as well.

  26. Miss M says:

    I saw unbroken on dec 24th. I liked the movie, but I thought she played safe and it was lacking as she decided to focus more on the torture Zamperini endured during the war than on his redemption (loved the flashbacks) That being said, I prefer that she chose to go on the safe route.

    • Emma - the JP Lover says:

      @Miss M …

      I thought Angie didn’t include anything about his alcoholism and conversion to Christianity at Mr. Zamperini’s request?

      • Miss M says:

        Not according to this blog:

        It was a good movie, but I would never say it was great. I sand by my opinion that it fell flat and I had high expectations to see it.

      • I don’t understand why everyone is upset that they didn’t show his faith. A) they did. He specifically told God that if he helped him survive ‘this’ (on the raft) that he would serve him for the rest of his life. His friend (Gleeson) was Catholic, and prayed on two separate occasions in the film. B) unless I’m missing something, Louis didn’t become a full fledged Christian until AFTER the war. After 2-3 years of suffering from PTSD, alcholism,etc…..I think that if she had put that at the end of the movie, it would’ve done a disservice to his story, because it would’ve been rushed. That’s a whole ‘nother movie. So you can’t really put much in, because he really wasn’t a practicing Christian at the time. Unless it’s written in his book that he prayed every day, and got beaten for praying, then I don’t see what else they could’ve done.

      • Miss M says:

        @virgilia: have you read the book? It is about Louis Zamperini’s life ( survival, resilience and redemption). Yes, it fell flat.

      • How did it fall flat? Because she didn’t show his life after the war?

      • The Original G says:

        According to the Religious News Service……

        “We made it universal, not specific to one faith, and that was something that was agreed upon with Louie,” Jolie told reporters on Friday (Dec. 5). “He said he wanted the message to reach everyone. He said to make faith and forgiveness universal.”

        Jolie, who directed the film, argued that the film does not neglect portrayals of faith.

        “He said this is about reaching everyone, this should speak to everyone, and we were very clear on his parents’ faith, they being Catholic. … We’re very clear on him praying,” she said. “If you were looking for symbolism and miracles in the film, you will see them.”

        I think Zamperini knew what he believed and what he wanted.

      • jwoolman says:

        The blog Miss M gave a link for makes it clear why he wanted the film about his life to be more universal rather than using certain religious rhetoric that would at best confuse and at worst turn off most of the audience. Christians don’t hold the patent on forgiveness (and rarely practice it themselves…). Most comments on the blog are full of specialized religious language very meaningful to the commenters but downright off-putting for many others. Unfortunately, their religious framework emphasizes the words rather than actions. They are so focused on converting the rest of us to their words that they forget to simply live their own words and respect the religious frameworks of others. Jesus himself was more interested in how people treated each other.

      • Miss M says:

        I don’t know in what reality you live in, but I am born and raised catholic and I never tried to convert anyone and I have never seen any Catholics trying to convert anyone… You are probably referring to other segment of Christians. My beef (-along with other things) with this movie is that is not showing his redemption. I read the book 4 years ago (not now under the hyper around the movie). The director/writers oversimplified the plot, probably trying to garner a wide audience. It was simple, effective, but not an os at contender. Oh, if his redemption was not that important/off putting , why to release in a holiday that has a lot of meaning to Christians?! People have different opinions and the brangeloonies need to understand that.

  27. Leslie says:

    The opening paragraph to a Jeffrey Anderson review of Unbroken:

    “Angelina Jolie’s Unbroken should have been called “Unendurable.” It has been offered up as an awards-season movie, a serious biopic about a heroic figure, and a potential Oscar candidate. If not for this smokescreen, it would be getting more of a trouncing from critics. Rather than one of the best movies of the year, it’s better qualified for the other list. Unbroken is opening on Christmas Day alongside eight or nine much more worthy films, and I feel sorry for the folks that accidentally choose this one as their day’s viewing pleasure. It’s the Oscar-season equivalent of torture pr0n.”

    • The Original G says:

      He can certainly speak for himself, but why does he feel the need to speak for other critics and why they failed to agree with him?

    • Nikki says:

      Lmao. I’m glad I chose Selma.

    • Dana says:

      I hate a critic when he/she acts their opinion is better than others. Please get off your pedestal. People will pay to see what they want, it’s their money.

    • Amcn says:

      This doesn’t sound like an objective, unbiased opinion discussing the merits of film and storytelling. It sounds like unadulterated hatred. I’ve never felt that for a movie. Not even the Interview but I shut it off after 10 minutes though.

      • Jayna says:

        Once they go personal, like the comment, I feel sorry for the people that accidentally chose this one as their day’s viewing pleasure, I ignore anything they say, period. That’s not professional.

      • Mia says:

        @Amcn – he’s not in the minority in terms of critics that didn’t like this film (rotten tomatoes score of 50% for critics compared to say, Selma, which got a 100% critic score). If you read his whole review, he has similar complaints about the movie that many other critics have had – he’s just really rude about it! I wish this movie didn’t have so much pre-screening buzz as an Oscar contender. People would view it more of an accomplishment on Angie’s part rather than a let down as an Oscar contender. There are problems with the story telling in this movie – but what an amazing accomplishment for a sophomore directing attempt!
        @Dana – you are correct, people will pay (if the huge box office this weekend is any indication!), but critics get paid for their opinions on movies. And they ALL think their opinion is better than anyone else! LOL!

      • Dana says:

        @Mia I’m with Jayna on this. He didn’t go about it the right way. His attitude is unprofessional. When critics are actually professional and give their opinion, I read them. If they come across as snarky know it all’s, I stop reading.

      • Amcn says:

        @Mia. I’ve read many of the reviews and found that most of the rotten ones are not very bad at all. Not to the extreme of this angry man. Most are a bit nit picky and fussy but liked the movie overall but found “something” missing. And nobody really clearly defined what that something was which just leads me to believe that it is a very subjective response to this movie. I haven’t seen it yet though. As well, most of the poor reviews were rated 2.5 or 3 stars which is not terrible, just not considered fresh. For this movie anyway.

      • Maya says:

        @Mia: Unbroken has 50% on rotten tomatoes out of 131 reviews (as of today).

        Selma has 100% on rotten tomatoes out of 64 reviews.

        You cannot compare those two as they don’t have the same amount of reviews so of course the average score will differ.

    • If the movie was being presented as an Oscar contender (which, all signs, imo, point to YES), then wouldn’t that mean that it WOULD be ridiculed even further? And it’s not like this person is in the minority of not liking the film, it has a 50% on rotten tomatoes. Don’t get it…

      • Amcn says:

        VC, I fully believe that some critics absolutely were extra harsh because it was the last big Oscar contender to the table. That’s why so many of the reviews have a hard time explaining what they don’t like about it. I’m sure many just didn’t like it but others were definitely huffy over its Oscar hype.

      • @Amcn
        I get what you mean. I went into the movie expecting that it would be completely monotone, in terms of conveying emotion. It wasn’t. There was no sentimentality to it, they (Louis and the other prisoners) didn’t pity themselves, but they were clearly suffering. That’s what I loved so much about the movie. These men were real, brave, true men because they endured, and didn’t let their enemies break them down. They didn’t lead a coup, or kill the most soldiers–they endured. I think that’s a great message, for boys and girls, to know/see what a man should be, and what you should look for in a man. Not just someone with the biggest muscles.

        As for Oscars—I haven’t seen any of the other Oscar contenders, so I can’t say whether or not this movie is any better than them. I think Interstellar looks like a hot mess, as well as boring, but we’ll see if I’m wrong. But then again, if Unbroken was nominated (or won) Best Picture/Best Director/etc….would that be such a travesty. The movie was better than Argo. I couldn’t WAIT for Argo to be over. I just hate that women have to be 100% better than their male compatriots just to have a shot, while men can turn in mediocre work and win awards.

        I just can’t believe none of the actors were nominated for anything in the SAGs or GGs. They were all fantastic.

        I can see why Angelina’s proud of this movie. I would be too. I loved the ending, when they showed a video of an 80 year old Louis running a race in Japan, with his Olympic jacket on, with hundreds of Japanese people running and cheering him on. It was so sweet.

      • Mia says:

        @Amcn – Have you seen the movie yet? I have. The critics aren’t being extra harsh – they are critiquing the movie. And most of the negative comments are fair. It is an absolutely, visually stunning film that has zero character development – completely opposite of the book. Whether it’s a book, movie, play, etc… there should be growth and change in the characters. Angie presented Louie as a hero from the beginning then for the duration of the movie, it was hero, hero, hero…to the point of cheesiness. She doesn’t portray any significant interaction w/ Louie and his family – only shows it from afar so the audience doesn’t really connected to him. The movie is somewhat claustrophobic because it doesn’t show ANY of his relationships to a significant degree or why/how his experience was different or how he may have had more at stake than the other POW’s.
        I could go on, but I won’t because you don’t seem open to any opinion to the movie except unadulterated adulation. This movie doesn’t deserve it. Go watch it – then watch Empire of the Sun and you will see the difference.

      • Amcn says:

        @Mia what an unfair comment. I am not stuck in any opinion one way or the other and can appreciate honest opinions even if they differ from my own. I haven’t seen the movie yet but am simply basing my opinion that some reviews seemed excessively harsh on 1) the reviews that thought the movie was fantastic (especially the ones that were wtf? at all the negativity) and 2) the reactions of people who have seen it and seem to be offering an unbiased view, which I’m sure you are. But this is not my first Angelina thread. I know the score.

      • lisa says:

        @virgilia – i totally agree it was SO MUCH better than argo and when ben didnt get the directing nom, people acted like it was a travesty, jen hustled those kids out to the farmers market every day, and the best picture oscar was in the bag.

      • Jayna says:

        @Lisa, do you understand how insane you sound? “Jen hustled the kids to the farmers’ market and the best picture Oscar was in the bag”? LOL Ben Affleck swept the award season that year regarding Argo, every single one, Golden Globes, BAFTA in England, Critic’s Choice Awards, AFI,. It won many awards as Best Movie and/or Best Director. And you think Jen and the Kids put it in the bag at the Oscars? LOL Well, Angie and her wedding on the cover of People and her kids at the premiere should really put it in the bag. See how stupid that sounds. Like all the members of these organizations are voting because of spouses and kids. Yeah, and the Oscars all voted it the most prestigious award of the year because of some photos of family. Jeezus.

        People were shocked about the Best Director snub, not even a nomination, because it’s always shocking when a Best Movie director is snubbed. The industry was also shocked because he was nominated and winning Best Director for other organizations but yet not even nominated by the Oscars. . The prestigious Directors Guild Awards, voted by his own peers, directors, voted him as the Best Director.

        “The film won the big prizes from both the Producers Guild and the Screen Actors Guild last weekend, and last night made it three on the trot, with Affleck picking up Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Feature Film from the Directors Guild of America.
        The Directors Guild Awards has been an uncannily good predictor of the equivalent category at the Oscars, matching up nine times out of the last nine years, but this is one year where it’s unlikely to match.” (Because Ben didn’t get a nom from the Oscars).

      • lisa says:

        sorry jayna but argo was so so and so so movies win awards all the time, anyone remember crash?

        just because he won a lot of awards, doesnt mean it is citizen kane

        and if oscar campaigns didnt work, no one would launch one

      • Artemis says:

        and if oscar campaigns didnt work, no one would launch one

        Oscar campaigning is mainly done behind the scenes. It’s shaking hands and kissing babies with industry people, not farmer’s market trips.

        Many people seem to think that photo-ops are a way of campaigning when the truth is it’s IN ADDITION TO the work done behind the scenes which counts the most. Or do you think the old white men read gossip sites and care about family pictures? Nah, they will read the interviews at best.

        Actors like Meryl Streep and Daniel-Day Lewis never do photo-ops. They do interviews and behind-the-scenes work but extremely subtle. Lupita didn’t even have a family to use for votes and she won because she attended everything she could, talked to the right people and sold herself well by carrying herself with class and speaking very eloquently. They would’ve looked a fool if she didn’t get a nom and subsequent win.

        As for Affleck, Garner is the perfect wife. Always by his side, very charming and a wholesome image. She herself has said that Affleck can turn on the charm (e.g. by selling his work well). They are a force to be reckoned with during awards season but if you think that photo-ops are the only strategy into winning awards then you’re not only unaware of the true workings of a campaign but you also imply that they are lazy sods who take the easy road (as if there is one?) to winning. They are not. Most campaigners (people who WANT to win) are quite stringent in their approach, they just won’t let you see it 🙂
        Affleck’s change to ‘family man’ is obvious, what the old white men see everytime that couple attends events, is a strong nuclear non-eccentric (=non-threatening) family. For their public image (= winning at the box office) however, they do need those photo-ops.

  28. Kim1 says:

    She mentioned the movie was at 3 and 1/2 hours so she decided to focus more minutes on those scenes.There will be a directors cut on DVD

    • I saw the movie on Christmas, so…SPOILERS!

      First-whoever I had that exchange with about going to the movies on Christmas–THANKS! First time I’ve ever been, and I only went because my mom got back home two days before Christmas, so we’re celebrating on New Year’s.

      Okay, so I went into the movie with low expectations, because of the reviews,etc. Came out amazed. I LOVED it. And here’s a funny little story–my 15 year old sister went with us, because, for whatever reason, she thought the movie was a love story. I have no clue why. But she loved it (and trust, she doesn’t watch anything that isn’t a horror movie or reality tv), and was crying throughout the entire movie.

      I honestly don’t see how this movie took such a beating from critics. It was great. Some of the complaints I didn’t get–there were complaints that it was too polite and there wasn’t any swearing–there weren’t f-bombs being dropped in every sentence, but there was swearing. The idea that we should have all of the backstory to Louis’ raftmates…….makes no sense to me. Two things that were so-so were the ‘catch phrases’ (if you can take it you can make it,etc)–but I don’t think they can help that–, and I wished the raft scenes were shorter.

      But OMFG, Miyavi was FANTASTIC. Everyone was, but Miyavi as The Bird REALLY reminded me of Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goethe in Schindler’s List. It was all in his eyes….pride, curiosity, hope, pity….all making the way for the cruelty that would come. The “Why do you make me hit you” scene was just…..*shivers*. And he was uber creepy with that bamboo stick–you never knew what he was going to do with it.

      What I liked most about Jack O’C’s performance was the consistency. My impression, when I came away from the movie was that Louis survived (or felt that he had survived) because he wanted to make it all the way to the finish line. And you don’t do that by dying; you do it by surviving. I love that the message of the film is that these men won because they survived. Not because they overpowered their camp ‘kommandants’ (if you will), killed them, and then lashed a couple of sharks to a raft and made it all the way back to America (while killing a few Japanese/German warships) as heroes. But simply because they made it to the end. I feel like in films especially, there is a great pressure for a man to stand up and take risks, to try and do the impossible (while not being scared at all), and the man that doesn’t want to, just wants to survive, is seen as weak.

      As for the direction, I feel like the movie came together very well (especially with the flashbacks–first time I EVER liked multiple flashback scenes), but I wish the camp scenes had been longer. It seemed a little rushed that The Bird just automatically started making weird googly eyes at Louis because he was an Olympic athlete–but I haven’t read the book, so maybe it was that abrupt.

      But overall, I thought the movie was really good. I honestly went into this movie expecting a hot mess, expecting not to be affected by ANYTHING that happened in the movie (because I had read that the movie was technically good–the plane scenes were AMAZING–but very…cold/passionless)…..last complaint. Torture p0rn. I HATE This term. It’s a freaking true story. Unless someone gets out the book and says the torture that The Bird inflicted on Louis was UNTRUE, then how the f-ck is it torture p0rn? They said the same shit with 12 Years A Slave.

      Am interested in seeing the three hour version that was mentioned in the upthread, I think that’d be even better. I just don’t understand how directors can submit a film to something like the Oscars (or any other award), when it’s not THEIR vision. I never really realized what ‘director’s cut’ actually meant, never thought about it. Artistically, I think it’s bs.

      • Amcn says:

        Thanks for the review!! I’m hoping to see it tomorrow if husband will stop changing plans on me. So many tweets have had the same reaction as you that I am very excited to see it. I’m glad that the reviews are not deterring people. It all seems like hollywood politics.

    • Sherry says:

      I watched the movie as well but I don’t believe we saw the same thing. There was character development for his family etc. if Angie threw in more of that in the early part we would be looking at a much longer unmanageable film. As it was she kept it tight and spare and focused. It’s a story based on Loui’s POV of HIS experience in the war. Not a buddy buddy camaraderie road movie.

  29. Lilacflowers says:

    In a 24 hour span, we saw Unbroken, The Imitation Fame and Into the Woods. Unbroken was my octogenarian aunt’s favorite of the three. Into the Woods seemed to draw the biggest crowds here.

    • Was Into The Woods any good? I thought the trailer looked like a hot mess.

      • Lucy2 says:

        I saw the very late showing of it last night, we tried earlier but it was sold out all day. I saw the play as a kid and always loved the music, and the movie stayed pretty faithful to the play, so I enjoyed it a lot. I have no idea how someone who hadn’t seen the play would feel about the film.

    • MtnRunner says:

      We saw The Imitation Game and Unbroken. TIG was alright, but the cheesy lines and imagined conflicts left me feeling like I didn’t get the real story. Now I just wish I could have seen a well-done documentary on Turing instead.

      I hadn’t read Unbroken and only knew the basics of the story, but thought it was very well done — much better than TIG. Having not seen Boyhood, it’s the first movie that I’ve seen with Best Picture written all over it. Angie did a great job on it (as well as the screenwriter/actors) and should be very proud of their work.

      I live in a town with a strong military and Christian presence and Unbroken was sold out on Christmas. I saw it the next day in the largest (IMAX-sized) theater and only the front three rows were empty.

      • So TIG isn’t very good??? I really wanted to see it. My dad actually knew who Turing was because he’s a computer geek, and he said Turing is like God in the computer world…….guess I won’t be running out to see that.

      • MtnRunner says:

        V.C., Of all the Oscar buzzed movies I’ve seen so far (Unbroken, Birdman, Nightcrawler, Foxcatcher, Whiplash, TIG and TTOE), TIG was the ONLY one with cheesy, laughable dialog at times. I was disappointed. The true story deserves to be told, so I guess I’ll have to read the book instead. It doesn’t deserve to win awards for film, director or screenwriting. To me, every other movie I’ve seen so far blew TIG (and TTOE) out of the water.

        I see from your comment above that you enjoyed Unbroken as well. That was an all-around great movie and deserves nods for Picture, Director and Screenwriter, imo. I think Actor and Supp Actor races are too stacked for either Jack or Miyavi to be included, however.

        Still waiting for Mr Turner and Selma to arrive to my hometown theaters and hoping that Boyhood returns now that it’s getting a lot of love from critics. From what I hear, those movies will not disappoint. It really is a great season for Oscar movies. It’s a shame your local theaters haven’t brought them all in.

  30. Tasz says:

    Just got home from seeing Unbroken. Thought it was a very good film. Zamperini was an amazing person. Jack O’Connell & Miyavi were great. Movie is definitely worth seeing.

  31. martin says:

    Angie’s unbroken

  32. Leah says:

    I really like that despite put-downs by critics and her haters, Angelina always has the last laugh.

    • Amcn says:

      You know, it does make it just a little bit sweeter.

    • Mia says:

      @ Leah says – Not quite yet… She’s gunning for a best director/best picture Oscar for Unbroken and that’s not a sure thing yet. And before anyone’s feathers get ruffled over that comment – she didn’t hire Oscar strategist Tony Angellotti for nothing. “He’s been steering the Oscar campaign for World War II epic Unbroken since early 2014…” according to Variety, LA Times and many others.
      For LZ sake, I hope many, many see his his story on film. But let’s get real – girl has been gunning for an Oscar from the get go. You don’t pay an Oscar strategist for almost a year out of your own pocket for any other reason.

      • Amcn says:

        He actually works for Universal. Unbroken is their Oscar contender. Usually happens that way. I don’t think it’s common practice to bill the director. And she’s already had a pretty good laugh. The movie is going to make Universal money, it’s the third highest grossing Christmas release and AJ will get lots of directing work in the future. Because she makes them money not because she collects gold statues. But it may just be nominated. And if not, it’s her second directing job, it’s not so shameful.

      • Mia says:

        @Amcn – he doesn’t work for Universal. He owns his own PR company. Universal has their own publicist for the film – she hired him for her. Please see my earlier comment on how you are so quick to jump on anything you perceive to be anything other than unadulterated adulation her Angelina. I’m sorry you thought that was unfair – but I rest my case. What’s worse – you respond with misinformation or present your opinion as fact.
        I never said her Oscar campaign was shameful. I pointed out that she has in fact been campaigning for an Oscar for this movie from the beginning. No shame in it – but please don’t pretend she hasn’t had a laser focus on best picture/best director Oscar in her sights from the beginning.
        It cracks me up how quick on the draw you are with any comment that has the merest hint of negativity toward her! It’s like…five…four…three…two…one…”How dare you post factual information instead of adoring praise! That’s unfair!”
        LOL! Thanks for the laugh!

      • Just googled–Angellotti has been working with Universal since 2000 on all/most of their Oscar campaigns. No ‘evidence’ that Angelina personally hired him. And even if she DID, why is that a bad thing? As I’ve been schooled, it’s the name of the game. Plenty of people do it. It brings more attention to the film. Awards do that. Even a hint of a nomination does that.

        I hadn’t heard of Boyhood, The Birdman, Selma, or Whiplash (and various other contenders) until I started reading some nomination prediction lists that were linked to this site. Still haven’t seen the trailers for most of the movies……

      • norah says:

        Mia, everyone in hw wants to win an oscar etc – so please dont think that none of the pple dont want to win – i am sure that roger deakins wants to win so does aj for the movie what is wrong with that? If so many different actors and actresses do their pr work so do studios and every one else . So getting pple to push the movie for awards is very common – so what is your problem?

    • Dana says:

      Well actually Mia, Amcn is right. Angellotti does work as an Oscar consultant for Universal and Pixar. He’s under Universal and he helps most stars with Oscar campaigning. However, I don’t see anything about Angelina hiring him. The only article that popped up is Female First, LOL

  33. Janet says:

    Congratulations to Angie and a big F-U to Scott Rudin. Who’s the minimally talented spoiled brat now?

  34. aang says:

    I’m saving my money for Selma. Finally watched Malefacent last night. Awful. Both the acting, Fanning spent most of the movie grinnig like an idiot and AJ’s “accent” was unbearable, and the CGI were terrible. Just because a movie rakes in the money doesn’t mean it is any good. I’m thinking of any Transformers or most disaster or super hero movies. Unbroken looks too graffic for my tastes but I can see how others with stronger constitutions would find the story compelling. Imo most movies are just junk CGI action or emotionally manipulative drivel, but people for it.

  35. Cornelius says:

    I wouldn’t say I’m quite an Angeloonie but still am a big fan of hers- yet I was a little dissapointed with the movie Unbroken. I thought it was good but not great. It is a big story to tackle and I think a more seasoned director, like Eastwood – even Spielberg, could have delivered a more nuanced movie. It wasn’t awful but not an Oscar contender either.

  36. neer says:

    Reading the comments of people who have already seen Unbroken is truly overwhelming & remarkable. They are very passionate with their expressions, praising the movie. They don’t hold back.

    Now, Louis Z is smiling with happiness who’s up in heaven & so is AJ who’s recovering at home. AJ might be feeling good as well & saying to herself, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED” that she’s able to do what she has to do, that is to get her friend’s message across to the public via her movie.

    I am happy for AJ & LZ.

    So, supporters, friends & even trolls, let us allow ourselves for self-reflection by filling our hearts with love & inspiration that will surely last for a lifetime.

    AJ’s good Karma is rewarding her because she rises above all adversities. She is living the words of LZ aside from the fact that she’s always this way. Never gives up. She is “beaten” physically (chicken pox; being tired perhaps) & emotionally by some people BUT she is facing them with grace, humility & physically. Her spirit is always high. Never retaliates. Her good character is always admirable. For her, let her work speaks for itself.

    Now, the public is “speaking for her” through the support she is getting from them. The public really want to see her finished product. The heavily promoted Unbroken is reaping its success.

    You know, that movie is on God’s side because it propagates the very values that He wants to be instilled on humanity …to each one of us. Hence, may the good shall triumph.

  37. neer says:

    The public positive reception on Unbroken would hopefully make the critics think objectively as well. Whether or not this would influence them is secondary to AJ & to LZ’s family. What is more important is that the people get the message of LZ.

    Awards could NOT make our lives better. Inspiring messages are the ones that give us relevance to our lives. Those VALUES are FOOD TO OUR SOULS NOT trophies or medals of vain celebrities who are only after for the material things and false respectability & paid credibility.

    I would like to believe WORD OF MOUTH (of the public & honest people & NOT the paid critics) will make UNBROKEN kill at the box office. Just like Maleficent, some are saying that it will not do well even before it was shown & look what happened, it gained 757m dollars world wide.

  38. Monica says:

    lol at Mia. The Dame winning has her so heated. I love it! If this movie had bombed this would have reached 300 comments. Where are maddelina blue jay and the other Angei haters lol. screaming at the ocean.

    • Mia says:

      If bothered reading my previous comments instead of just agreeing with Amcn that I’m an Angie-hater, you’ll see that my original comment on this post was now people are actually seeing her movie and not just critics – hopefully the big $$$ box office will help her Oscar chances. You ladies are quick to jump on people and start calling people Angie-haters with very little info. I never said there’s anything wrong w/having an actual Oscar campaign. It makes her smart – Amcn implied I thought it was shameful – I never said that.
      I’m actually a huge Angie defender – but when I defend her to people that genuinely dislike her, they bring up dumb, inaccurate comments like several posted here, that eliminates any credibility for any pro Angie discussion.

      You guys seem to take pride in the “loonies” aspect of Brangeloony. I like to present facts for some intelligent discussion. I’m not emotionally involved or take comments pro or con about Angie so personally. Apparently many of you do – I can’t believe you guys think it’s okay to attack another commenter because they present ACCURATE info about someone you’ve never meant – and you guys attack them personally.

      FYI – I do have inside info because my husband, uncle, father-in-law and brother-in-law are in the movie and television business and have been for years. I probably shouldn’t be commenting on here anyway. I’ve followed this site for years and LOVE it, but have never commented. I only commented recently because you guys were throwing around such inaccurate info.

      I won’t be commenting again. So have at it Brangiloonies – the Angie posts are all yours – you’ve managed to drive away another Angie fan.

      • TinyTurtle says:

        I’ve read all your posts, and your no fan. You just play at being objective but it’s easy to see what you really feel.
        and upthread you bragged that you got to see it last week because you were an award screener (doubtful) and now you are saying you have inside infor because of your family.. which is it?
        “FYI – I do have inside info because my husband, uncle, father-in-law and brother-in-law are in the movie and television business and have been for years.”

  39. zut alors! says:

    I am very pleased about the box office success of Unbroken. I saw it last night with 5 family members and we all liked it very much.
    I guess Angie won’t be sending an email to Universal ‘s Donna Langley asking for protection, unlike a certain Chairman of Hollywood. Amy Pascal was right after all; box office returns are the best revenge!

  40. Beep says:

    We went on Christmas day and the place was packed. Unbroken was sold out but luckily I had tickets.

    I’m so happy for my fave Angelina… She proved her critics wrong. Some of the predictions were ridiculously low. Well, guess what? Her movie made more than Fury and it’s higher on the Xmas day list than Ben button. I’m happy and I bet Universal and Angelina are happy too. Yay.

  41. Beep says:

    Some tweeters tweeted stuff like “the critics gave unbroken a low score simply because angelina jolie is the director” and ” critics don’t like unbroken because they don’t like Angelina.”

    I dont think those people are brangeloonies either. It’s interesting when the public starts calling out critics for being biased…the people have spoken and are raving the movie on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.

  42. Kim1 says:

    Unbroken holding strong predicted to make over $48M over 4 day holiday period.Last week it was predicted to make less than 20 by most analysist.

    • BNA FAN says:

      Thanks for the BO info Kim1. Angelina must be so happy for LZ family and what a great testament on his life. I’m so proud of Angie, she worked her butt off bringing LZ story to the movies. I’m sure Brad and the kids are on cloud 9 with her. Not bad for a spoiled brat.

  43. Elly says:

    The reviews i read weren´t that negative and spitful as people here make them. Just because something isn´t praise doesn´t mean that the critics are haters or so. I skip reviews from people who write more about the tabloid personas from the people involved than the movie so maybe there were spitful ones. Whatever.

    What i read in most of the reviews were things like this “it´s a good, solid movie, but not a great movie and Louie deserves a great movie. Maybe someone like Spielberg would have made this movie great”. So yes IMO the high expectations (bestseller book, true story) are the reasons why this movie gets only so la la reviews and ratings. The critics wanted to see a new masterpiece a la Spielberg, but in the end they “just” got a good movie. The expectations were too high and IMO it´s hard to put a book with such a great story in a single movie. Directors often fail with such things because you have to chose what you use and what you axe if you only have 2h.

    The movie is good and it´s awesome that a new/almost unskilled director can make such a good movie with a talented cast (and all that money). There was no chance that Angie out of nowhere makes a Spielberg or Scorsese. You need years of experience for that. If Angie still works as a director in 10+ years she likely will look back and think “i should have made this and that different and better and OMG the crazy camera angles. What was i thinking”.

    • Beep says:

      Well it’s weird when a reviewer gives a movie a 3 out of 5 stars but it’s considered rotten. The reviewer has the option of giving rotten or fresh on Rotten tomatoes but most people would say 3 out of 5 is fresh. 2/5 is rotten but whatever. Metacritic is more accurate I guess.

    • I agree. I don’t think Angelina is as good a director as Spielberg or Scorcesse (although I’m side eyeing Scorcesse for that piece of crap, “The Family” that he made…worst 2 hours of my life), but I think she’s pretty good. I really enjoyed this movie. And it was a lot better than ITLOBAH (which I enjoyed as well), a lot easier to follow the story. But I think she’ll keep improving, like we all do if we keep going at it, trying to be better. The plane scenes were amazing.

    • Miss M says:

      @Elly: thank you! As I said earlier, it was good not great. lol on the angles comment because I didn’t enjoy some of the angles she chose for certain scenes. As an experienced director, she will look back and think about the choices she made for this film. Every director does it.

  44. TC says:

    Congrats to Angie, Jack and Miyavi. Saw Unbroken yesterday in a sold out theater and thought it was a solid effort from Jolie. She definitely has the directing chops in her arsenal. The opening bomber sequences were incredible. Many of the aerial shots were stunning. She clearly has an eye for composition and framing.

    Happy to see the film is being received well by audiences. I’m sure Universal will be grinning from ear to ear once OW final numbers are released since the film is over-performing. Angie’s directing career is off to a solid start and I for one am looking forward to following her future directorial efforts. And if she can accomplish this level of success with a cast of unknowns on her first major studio directorial project, imagine what she could do with a cast of A-list talent! It’s only onward and upward for Jolie!

  45. LAK says:

    Saw this film. Loved it.

    • LAK, did you see any of the ‘big’ movies of this year, and if you did–which ones did you like??

      Seriously. I was surprised that my theater was even playing ‘Unbroken’–if it wasn’t for Angelina, they probably wouldn’t have (they didn’t even show Lincoln when it came out). The only other films in my theater are the JLaw-Mockingjay movie, The Hobbit (whichever one it is), Into The Woods, Night at the Museum (made me sad about Robin Williams–just watched The Birdcage), and Annie.

  46. Janet says:

    It will be interesting watching the race between “Unbroken” and “Into The Woods” but when they both hit the foreign market, I think “Unbroken” may pull way ahead. Musicals, like comedies, don’t translate well into foreign languages, but war stories are popular everywhere, and Angie is enormously popular overseas. I think this movie will be a runaway hit in China and Korea, and should be well received in Europe and Latin America. (For obvious reasons, it can probably kiss Japan goodbye.)

    • lower-case deb says:

      i think Into the Woods will do even better overseas. it’s a musical with recognizable characters (Japan made Disney a lot of money on Frozen and Maleficent–one a musical another a live action). Johnny Depp is a big name there too (65% of Alice in Wonderland’s 1 billion dollars take came from overseas of which 20% (highest) came from yep you guessed it, Japan)

      so the place where Unbroken will be shunned is also the place that traditionaly rewards pics like Into the Woods.

      i think both domestically and internationally Unbroken will always be slightly behind Into the Woods, which don’t get me wrong, is not a bad place to be.

      • Alma says:

        hmm i am from overseas and i doubt that musicals do better over here.
        i totaly agree with janet.

      • Janet says:

        Neither Alice nor Maleficent were classified as musicals, and both were hits overseas mainly due to star power (Depp and Jolie). It’s difficult to translate some genres into foreign languages because a lot gets lost in translation. ITW may do well in the UK and Australia but I don’t think it will do all that well in non English speaking countries.

  47. BNA FAN says:

    @aang went to see Mal months after it left the theatre just so she can knock it on Celebitchy. I hope Angie continues to give the finger to the haters by making great movies. Next By The Sea.

    • lisa2 says:

      It amazes me every time Angelina and Brad have a film. All the people that say they don’t like them, they are terrible actors, they make horrible films. Yet they continue to spend their money seeing them year after year after year.

      I can honestly say that if I don’t like an actor they don’t get my money ever. Nobody drags me to see films of people I don’t like.

      But hey big thanks for adding to the BO total..

      UNBROKEN opened with an estimated $31.75M this weekend. 4-Day domestic total stands at $47.34M.

      “Unbroken” scored the third highest Christmas weekend opening ever and attracted an audience that was 71% over the age of 25 and 52% female.

      (My favorite part of the article)
      It arrived at that impressive number despite lacking a big name star among the cast and after being snubbed by many awards groups.

  48. BNA FAN says:

    Congratulations to Ms Angelina Jolie – Unbroken is estimated to make about $47m for the four days holiday weekend. $30m more than some had estimated. So proud of Mrs Jolie Pitt, you go girl.

  49. lucy2 says:

    Hollywood had a good holiday weekend. The Hobbit pulled in another $40+ million on it’s second week, Unbroken and Into the Woods both are at about $31 million, and even the dreadfully reviewed Annie did well.
    I just got back from seeing Wild – I really enjoyed it. I know a few people who weren’t crazy about the book, but the film was very well done and emotional, and Reese Witherspoon was very good in it.

  50. Kim1 says:

    $50 Million Worldwide

  51. scout says:

    Back from vacationing, 82F to 50F reality now but yes! Got my dose of “Unbroken” and “The imitation game”. A+ for both, Miyavi is pretty cool. Yes, Unbroken is a legitimate hit and Angie deserves every award she gets.