Cele|bitchy | Benedict Cumberbatch probably knocked up Sophie back in September, right?

Benedict Cumberbatch probably knocked up Sophie back in September, right?


This is just another Benedict Cumberbatch and Cumberbaby post because yesterday’s baby announcement post is overfilling with comments. So, you guys needed another post with a fresh comment thread. I updated yesterday’s thread with the “joyous” news: Benedict Cumberbatch’s rep confirmed that Bendy and Sophie are definitely and totally expecting a Cumberbaby. Twitter freaked out and I’m sure Tumblr was burned to a crisp.

For the record, this was the confirmation: “I am delighted to confirm that Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter are expecting their first child. They are both over the moon.” There is no confirmation on how far along she is, although Elle UK did publish this update to their cover story with Benedict from October.

The bag in front of the stomach is a dead giveaway, no? Now a representitive for Cumberbatch has confirmed the imminent Cumberbaby, saying: ‘I am delighted to confirm that Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter are expecting their first child. They are both over the moon.’

Naturally, we aren’t surprised one bit by the news. After ELLE Editorial Project Director Annabel Brog returned from interviewing Cumberbatch for our December 2014 cover interview, she told us. ‘I didn’t ask outright, but I’m telling you now that man is madly in love, and his girlfriend is either pregnant or they are planning a baby.’

The clues: firstly, his misty eyed look when discussing love; and secondly, the unexpoected level of interest he took in hearing what it’s like for a woman to be pregnant and have a small baby, and what sort of support she needs from the father.

‘Benedict is after the fairy tale. He has been open in the past about wanting marriage and children… My guess is that Benedict is a man in love, and making plans already,’ she wrote.

Plus, when asked how he wanted to feel looking back in 30 years at this time in his life, Mr Cumberbatch said he hoped he would be surrounded by a wife and children.

[From Elle UK]

That’s certainly an interesting addition to the timeline, isn’t it? Bendy was seen with Sophie in June 2014, at the French Open. Let’s be generous and say that at that point, they had been dating a month or two. So, dating since April/May 2014, then he proposes maybe late October and the engagement announcement in The Times in the first week in November. My guess… Bendy knocked her up in September or October. I really think he proposed as soon as she learned she was pregnant. Which is fine – the world is full of couples who had shotgun weddings and lived happily ever after. But let’s not dress it up like it’s the most epic love story ever, when it was probably more like “Eh, you’re pregnant so I guess we should get married.” That’s why he didn’t want to tell his proposal story! Because he probably proposed right after she peed on a stick. Very romantic.

Oh, and keep your eyes peeled this weekend. Benedict will definitely be at the Golden Globes on Sunday, but I’m thinking he’ll definitely attend the BAFTA LA event on Saturday too. Perhaps Sophie will join him. Of course she will. The bump is part of his campaign, isn’t it? Such an asset.

Also – Benedict has been filming Sherlock with Martin Freeman this week – go here to see some set photos. Their costumes look very… odd. Is this a time-traveling episode?!!?


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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854 Responses to “Benedict Cumberbatch probably knocked up Sophie back in September, right?”

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  1. Tateru says:

    *drags card table from the garage and sets up dollar mimosa stand*

    • PunkyMomma says:

      You’re charging me for a mimosa!?

      • Tateru says:

        They’re a buck!!! I can’t even meet payroll (my cats) with that!!

      • PunkyMomma says:

        It had better be some vintage for a buck. No Andre’ and don’t even think about switching out the Champagne for a Spumante 👀

      • Tateru says:

        I was just going to blow bubbles with a straw into a bottle of Boone’s Farm.
        *adjusts business plan

      • Erinn says:

        Tateru —
        Does Boone’s Farm make like… snow creek berry flavor? I’ve googled them, and the bottles are a lot different than the Boone’s in Canada… and ours is just “Boone’s” but they seem like the same idea. I call them juice wine haha. I’m just that mature. It can’t be two completely unrelated companies since they seem so similar though.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Mine are free because Kiddo throws them on me.

    • Abbott says:

      *plops down in beanbag chair*

      • Tateru says:

        *sells mimosa stand at a loss to the cats and plops down next to Abbott*
        I wonder if there’s a market for wind chimes made out of placentas?

    • kri says:

      How much for a double, minus the OJ?

    • Cupcake says:

      I’ll just spoke my coffee with kahlua!!

    • Kiddo says:


      You should set up a psych stand like Lucy in Peanuts, instead.


      If I had a nickle for every issue people had with this relationship and pregnancy…I’d be fabulously rich.

      • Tateru says:

        I’m going to have set up a Lucy psych stand and then charge and treat myself.
        PunkyMomma is leading a movement to take down my business before my authentic business cards painted on velvet canvas arrive.
        A tater just can’t seem to get ahead nowadays.

      • Kiddo says:

        Breathe taterho, I just hung a windchime on your stand.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        Oh Tateru – My bad. My bad. I had no idea about the velvet business cards. You know I LURVE you . . .

      • Tateru says:

        Tis okay PunkyMomma
        My windchime stand is taking off. Our revenue is up 4% in the last hour.
        My accountant is plastered though because she mosied over to Lilacflowers vodka soiree.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      I’ve got vodka if anyone wants some. Out of absinthe again

    • Sixer says:

      Once again, happy to contribute some sloe gin.

      • vauvert says:

        Late to the party today, but I just finished building a cozy retreat overlooking the (very frozen) lake. Fireplace on the right, martini bar on the left, leave whatever you can in the avant garde octopus sculpture jar by the olive bowl to cover expenses, such as Valium etc.
        Sorry, but must present a valid Comet club card for admission, no exceptions….

  2. Sixer says:

    I think it was an immaculate conception because Benny has muumuu access issues.

    Plus, the Comet gestation (well, hatching) period is a matter of days, so we could see Cumberprogeny tomorrow morning. How exciting!

    (Note that I’ve gone from Comet being a heavenly body to a species of fish. I think I like the fish sense better.)

  3. Kat says:

    Nah, no way they were dating in April or even early May. He was hardly around then. Late May at the earliest.

    Also, wtf is that piece from Annabel Brog? Is that just me or is that weirdest thing ever? It feels like her words were planned from the start. Why is she publishing a piece now?
    And surely he wouldn’t be stupid enough to ask questions from a journo about pregnancy ..he’d know that would arouse suspicion.

    • gg says:

      That woman is baity as hell. But for the record I think she got knocked up in early August. Engagement announcement in early Nov when she was past 12 weeks.

      • **sighs** says:

        I think you’re right about the dates.
        I also think she was a “tryout” and FO was to see how the fandom reacted. Since they got a “meh” and not an all out “we hate her” they got together a few more times and oops!

      • Felice says:

        No the interview was in August and she said that he was talking about it so she said it was possible she was already pregnant and he found out. So it’s more like June or July.

      • SteaminSam says:

        LOL. I cannot believe how psycho some commenters are. This is the exact reason this site’s Bendy fans are ridiculed as being mentally unstable on so many other blogs. Seriously, she was a “tryout” and when there wasn’t a negative uproar from fans only then did they decide to bring a new life into this world and forever link themselves together…just because the fans seemed ok with it…? WTF are you smoking, **sighs**?

      • Kat says:


        Try not taking things quite so literally before you get your knickers in a knot, steaminsam. Nice try, but no, this site isn’t ridiculed on other blogs. It’s largely made up of pretty down to earth people who are just baffled.
        Now, the question is which nanny Kingdom have you descended from? Imdb?
        You want true instability, you can always head there. Or keep an eye on cupcake woman.. Ive heard he’s due to take a dump later and she’s keen to get that one immortalised for the collection.

      • **sighs** says:

        Steamin…I guess you missed the “oops” in my comment. I’m saying she was a tryout for red carpet girl. Not for procreation. Jesus, can’t people have a little fun around here? It is a gossip site for crying out loud. I guess all the people on here who constantly gripe at each other and come up with crazy theories about Brangelina/Theroux/Anniston/Clooneys/Rimes/Beyoncé/jayz/I could go on forever are all smoking something as well? Well then I guess this whole site is smoking. It’s just a gigantic field of pot here.
        Go read the WSJ or something.

      • TheOnlyDee says:

        The Celebitchy Benedict Cumberbatch articles and the people who comment on them are ridiculed and called fanatics on almost every other gossip site or forum out there. That is a fact.

    • Lu says:

      @Kat, I agree with your timeline. I think they maybe dated a little just before the French Open, and he found they were compatible enough to bring her out into the open (no pun intended) for that particular photo op. (And even though he tried to imply in that Elle article that the photos from the FO were sneaky and intrusive (tsk!), that’s what it was—a paparazzi show.)

      • Kat says:

        The FO threw me off the idea that it wasn’t an entirely fabricated thing. Because why in the early days of dating someone, would someone so private go on a date to the front row of one of the world’s biggest sporting events?

      • Lu says:

        Kat, because she was a show girlfriend on show for the public? I think that was the intended intro, but they looked so disinterested in one another that many people, like me, assumed she was a stranger who happened to be sharing the same celeb box as BC. Imagine my surprise when, months later, I saw Benedict’s “secret girlfriend” and realized she was that “stranger” from the French Open.

      • Lu says:

        excuse me, I meant “uninterested.” I can’t believe I made that mistake.

      • Ingrid says:

        That FO is still the one thing I don’t understand. Why would they go there together so early on? The only explanations I can come up with, none of them good:

        1.They really started dating then and she was super hungry for fame /manipulative and got him to do that (he was still linked to Kinvara at the time). Maybe they broke up / something after that and had a one night stand in August?
        2. She was a PR girlfriend but BC mixed business with pleasure in August
        3. This is all fake and we will have a miscarriage next month, just in time for Oscar final voting. (Yeah, no way. This is purely disgusting, even for Harvey. I don’t believe this theory for a second)

      • Lu says:

        I thought option #2.

      • **sighs** says:


      • Claire says:

        As much as I want 3 to be true and doubt it, read a story on tumblr from a relative of a stunt coordinator. HW wanted him to fake a cancer relapse for the papers and the guy refused. Never worked much in h town again. Weird story, to pressure a non-celeb. wish someone could verify.

        Also if he appeared so in love with her to Brog, why do even non-fans seeing them out and about notice they look so miserable?

    • Fuji says:

      “So it’s more like June or July.”

      But in June/July Benedict was in Boston filming Black Mass. Sans Missy.

      Also that would make her 7 months gone. Annabel Brog is spewing bullsh*t.

      • Claire says:

        Where was she in June? Boston paper said he was on a date there. And he dated other women until august

    • Fuji says:


      She was in Paris, as per her friends’ Instagram. Benedict’s date in Boston could have been anyone, he was spotted with the film crew out and about or just plain solo: alone watching football, alone at the airport, etc. No sign of Teh Comet in Boston. Early stages of the whirlwind romance and she couldn’t be bothered to be with her boyfriend. Nice.

  4. koko says:

    If she should happen to feel like joining him, I hope she considers finding a stylist, a good one.

    • FurballFriend says:

      She missed some parts of her hair when she curled it. Looks terrible.

    • Anonymous says:

      don’t worry anna wintour and vogue has listed several options for next red carpet appearance – article up on their site. She’ll be fine…but she ain’t gonna out-do Kiera!

  5. mia girl says:

    “They are both over the moon”

    I call for moratorium on the use of this phrase to describe a celebrity’s feelings about a pregnancy. Please make it stop.

  6. Nene'sWig says:

    Ugh. Over this already.

  7. Kate says:

    Is Celebitchy being compensated for the daily Cumberbatch stories these days? Whew.

  8. PunkyMomma says:

    September, eh? Well that totally blows my “water breaking at the Academy Awards” scenario to bits.

  9. ellesbelles says:

    *sets out snacks and drinks, shoves Colin and Mark in to serve the masses*

    I’m still in Hiddle therapy on the Tumblr. Have some snacks.

    *backs out slowly, turns and dashes*

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Colin and Mark have made it very clear that they will have nothing to do with these threads for health reasons. People need to serve themselves

    • **sighs** says:

      What do you wanna bet Hiddles is taking avid notes right now on what not to do in the future. First on list: CONDOMS! CONDOMS! CONDOMS!

      • koko says:


      • Lilacflowers says:

        And Eddie Redmayne is congratulating himself on his own self control. Michael Keaton just rolled his eyes and is back to negotiating for Skull Island

      • 'P'enny says:

        I think hiddles is playing safe by sticking to his bromances.

      • **sighs** says:

        Hiddles, Simmons, and Keaton? Might have to go see that in the theater a few times…

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @sighs, that cast has the potential to be the bromance that beats all bromances.

      • icerose says:

        is the Keaton rumour serious. That is a combination with combustion potential.
        So I get to submit a question at Hiddle’s Q and A on Feb 22nd.
        Do I go for
        How have you coped with Benny’s engagement and the virgin birth?
        How did living with Rodney Crowell change your life?
        Are you flirtatious and as horny as they say you are and will you and will you benefit Benny’s marriage?
        Can you go into depth about Loki’s love making techniques and Adam, and Oakie’s and Hal,s and Coriolanus’s to include both finger and tongue technique?

        What condom’s do you use because they obviously work better than Ben’s or does he just shoot more blanks?

        Open to ideas?

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @i erode, are you attending the Nuffield event or just submitting for the Twitter feed?

        If you must ask a BC related question, I would ask him how many times BC pestered him to call Feige about the Dr Strange role.

      • icerose says:

        @Lilacsflowers I am attending and they send a form out to submit questions with the tickets which you can send back or drop in the box on the night,
        Good question! I will ad it to the Benny selection.

      • MtnRunner says:

        icerose, I’m jealous! I would ask him about his time in the south and with Rodney. I’m dying to know what his impressions were.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @icerose, congratulations! Enjoy! I go to quite a few Q&A forums each year and find them fascinating. Attended one with Robert Redford just a few months ago. These events tend to be easy fundraisers for the theaters and rewards of a sort for their supporters. I hope you have a wonderful evening with questions put forth by real theater advocates and not a night overrun with fan girls asking silly questions. Because the questions did have to be submitted earlier, I suspect the silly fangirl stuff will be weeded out by the moderator.

      • Grace says:

        @icerose, congrats! Hope you have a wonderful time!

      • TotallyBiased says:

        By the way, ICYMI Keaton is confirmed for Skull Island. YAY!

  10. AG-UK says:

    UGH I am outta here after this but… wants to know what is expected of the father?? I mean is he 17? Maybe all men think like that but I doubt it and why would you even ask some random person those questions. I have had enough he’s a good actor but too much exposure for me. So maybe now he can show his so in lurve face… maybe the stress of keeping it a secret had him deer in the headlights. Fairytales are for the movies… possibly he can have that but in real life ummm don’t know.

    • MtnRunner says:

      Perhaps he was happy when the pee said three… but it would seem after spending more time together that the infatuation wore off and by mid-November reality settled in. For a guy who’s gone on and on about wanting kids and having personal goals for 2014 (which I can’t help but think that meant finding Mrs. Batch), having achieved his goal of getting a fiancee and kid, you think he couldn’t contain his excitement. Yet, he looks like it’s the unhappiest season of his life. He gives me the sads watching him.

      I don’t doubt that he’ll love that kid to death and spend as much time as he can with them, but I don’t see a happy family here. I’ll be interested to see if he decides to marry SH after all. Maybe he’ll save himself the possible alimony (if prenups in the UK aren’t guaranteed to stick) and just co-parent with her.

      • AG-UK says:

        @ MTnRunner
        pre-nups are here but it’s not the same as in the US with the division of wealth some people get granted an amount and years later they still haven’t seen anything but I don’t think he’d be like that to be honest. I am hoping he is indeed happy and can live his life it’s just I don’t want to see it in every paper. I swear the way they write about him is like he can walk on water you’d think they are on the payroll. I watched Sherlock with my son from the beginning and never realize he was popular as when I would mention to anyone here or in the US I’d get a blank stare who what? I have no idea… I don’t think he is as clued up as you would imagine a 38 y/o being. I do think he should have kept the engagement under wraps for a couple more weeks until after TIG was released, saves all the grief/questions over the SO.

      • alice says:

        I’m thinking either delay nuptials until after awards, birth/no marriage at all, or marriage/divorce soon after. First option is definitely preferable, IMO.

        Heather Mills redux.

      • moodgirl says:

        I would hate to see him end up like Sir Paul but Heather = Sophie.

  11. Dani says:

    Am I the idiot here? Because I’m genuinely confused how a 36 year old gets accidentally pregnant. I really just can’t wrap my head around it. It had to have been planned (which is fine) or she stopped taking birth control, or they were stupid and had unprotected sex. But I just don’t get the ‘oops honey we’re dating three months I’m pregnant’ thing. No one is buying his ‘in love misty eyed over the moon’ nonsense. He looks straight up miserable for the last few months.

    • jen says:

      You aren’t the only one. I mean, sure: guy meets girl, they like each other, they fool around… And she finds herself knocked up unexpectedly. They decide to ‘go for it’ and then start editing the script: they are IN LOVE!!!! It’s a LOVE CHILD!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE….

      C’mon. I know they are fancy people and all that, but they aren’t fooling anybody

      • Dani says:

        They’re overdoing it. He just seems like the proper type, since he got her pregnant he has to make an honest woman and out of her, and in addition to that…he’s almost forty so it can’t hurt.

      • maria says:

        I don’t care about how they feel about each other, but do hope they both sincerely wants to have this child. All children deserves two loving parents.

      • scarf girl says:

        I think he freaked, reacted, and boom engagement. He clearly wants recognition and awards for Turing performance and while I don’t think that was the sole reason behind the proposal, I do think he, or PR, or both wanted to sell this relationship as something it is not.

        But no doubt he has been selling the personal angle as part of his campaign.

      • Oh Hey says:

        ^^^^ All of that. He got caught, either by his own stupidity, her deception, or the fact that only one method of birth control is 100% effective and he wasn’t practicing that one. I doubt they’d still be together if she wasn’t pregnant, but now he has to do the “right thing” and not look like a manwhore actor man to the general public. Dumbass.

    • maria says:

      It happens. I know one person who got knocked up even though she was on birth control. On the other hand I have 3 male friends who had unprotected sex with women they didn’t know that well and woooops they became fathers. One managed to knock up two different women within 9 months. Says more about him I guess.

      • Yep–my 36 year old aunt had an IUD put in–the very first time she took birth control seriously (unfortunately), and she got pregnant. Her doctor had been putting those things in for 20 years, and said that my aunt was the third woman she’d ever seen get pregnant with one of those.

      • Dani says:

        Don’t say that!! I have an IUD hahah. My OB told me something about your uterus is tilted=effects the way it works or something like that. I’m not saying she’s at fault or anything. If anything, they’re both irresponsible.

      • MtnRunner says:

        V.C., and that’s what I used because it had the lowest rate of failing.

        If both of them protected themselves, it’s really quite unlikely that she would have gotten preggers. But perhaps he got sloppy once they’d been together a few months and hers failed. Or she intentionally stopped without him knowing. Or, in his fairy tale mindedness or infatuation, having a child was something he thought would be awesome and after a few more months realized the mess he’d made for himself.

        But again, we wouldn’t be talking about it so much if he’d acted “over the moon” about Sophie and becoming a father. So perhaps this is part of the PR game for them too. Confuse people by acting unhappy to keep up the chatter. Who knows.

      • maria says:

        So did she! IUD i mean. And so do I. I have a disease thou so I’m pretty much barren anyway so no real need to worry about unwanted pregnancies. But I still do *lol*

      • Janet says:

        The only form of birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence. Even the pill has a failure rate of 1 or 2%. It happens.

        Then of course there’s another possibility — maybe they both want a baby.

      • OhDear says:

        @Janet – Exactly. It can happen no matter how careful both parties are even if they are older.

        Also, agreed on the baby thing. I mean, she could get an abortion if she didn’t want the child.

      • Janet says:

        This is why I don’t understand why everybody is yammering that she trapped him with an unwanted pregnancy. Nobody knows if it was unwanted or not. Maybe they both wanted it. We don’t live inside their heads and they are both old enough to know how to prevent a pregnancy if they wanted to, or how to terminate one. Maybe they both planned this. Nobody knows and it’s ridiculous to speculate. It’s their baby and no one else’s.

      • Kat says:

        Oh hai Janet!

        Changing tack from the insults that were deleted earlier?
        Actually not everybody is yammering on about her trapping him. So read again plsthanx.

        And there’s a big difference between unplanned and unwanted.
        Aaaalll so, like I’ve said several times, I find it v hard to believe he’d choose to start a family so early. Hence the engagement coming after. If he wanted to be traditional, he’d surely get engaged first?

        Of course nobody knows for sure but I disagree it’s ridiculous to speculate on a gossip site, cos this is kinda what they’re for?

      • TheOnlyDee says:

        Janet, I hope you are the same one who loves Brange because NO ONE has any right to call you guys names or call you out after these threads. Nothing compares to this behavior and despite the many clicks and comments rolling in, it is quite embarrassing for Celebitchy to be associated with this.

    • Dani says:

      I just don’t understand how at 36 you aren’t like, extremely careful already. You’re not 15. I’m almost in my thirties and married and I take like 3847239487 precautionary measures not to get pregnant again. Just seems odd.

      • alice says:

        Why be careful if you’re untalented, unemployed and bumping with Benedict Cumberbatch? The goose hatching her golden egg.

      • Felice says:

        Does she really look like someone who would care about any sort of outside precautions?

    • **sighs** says:

      Because men are stupid. If given the option, they will always choose to not wear a condom.

      • scarf girl says:

        Agree sighs. Most men are very, very dumb about these things. They get stuck in the moment so to speak.

      • Zavi says:

        **sighs** — Sexist, much? Keep your misandry to yourself and try not to belittle 50% of the human population.

      • **sighs** says:

        *most* men, then.
        *most* men, if given the choice, will choose not to wear a condom.

      • scarf girl says:

        Honestly Zavi, I was basing my comment off of personal experience.

    • gg says:

      Are you kidding? “Sure, Benedict, I’m on the Pill.” Even his co-workers have talked about how naive and gullible he is….

      • Cate says:

        ^^^ This. And men will also indeed be plenty happy to ‘work’ without a condom. Just ask Jude Law…

      • **sighs** says:

        This x1000. Don’t worry about it , honey. I’ve got it covered. We’re fine!
        And before anyone jumps all over my case about how women don’t have to trap men anymore, blah, blah. It still happens. You are naive if you think it doesn’t. Especially with people who are wealthy and/or famous.

      • Ingrid says:

        I said this before and I’ll say it again: It is interesting that BC has been able to not get a girl pregnant for 38 years but soon as he’s tipped for an Oscar with a Marvel franchise to boot, “Ooopsie!”

        Maybe it was him enjoying is “currency” a bit too much or maybe someone assured they were alright… There are morning after pills as well, you know.

      • Anne tommy says:

        I can’t believe I’m reading posts speculating about Benny’s birth control methods. I’m not even very interested in the man. I will excuse myself by saying I’ve had far too much time on my hands the last few days because of a lousy dose of flu, and the comments are also very funny. I may be reaching overdose levels though (on paracetamol as well as on Benny…)

      • Kiki04 says:

        I hate to give her the benefit of the doubt, but it is seriously hard sometimes to remember to take that stupid pill the same time every day. And this is from someone who went to way too much college for her own good………

    • Bea says:

      I’m guessing they were using the pull-out method and he was ‘explosive on entry’.

      Context: “You know I’d get the, I’d probably test the latex, if it involved prophylactics, beforehand. I’d do a little experiment to do with durability, length, girth, and um, strength… And I’d know exactly how to get that person into it, and get pleasure out of making that person feel pleasure to the point that I probably wouldn’t even have to enter. But when I did it would be explosive.” — Sounds like such a good smart plan on paper doesn’t it??

      • Lu says:

        Oh, wow, revisiting those comments now makes him seem so childish and careless in retrospect. I mean, we always knew he was a bit of a Peter Pan (and that’s part of what made him so likeable), but knowing that he was on the threshold of fatherhood back then kind of gives me cognitive dissonance.

      • **sighs** says:

        I’m laughing so hard at this… Explosive on entry….omg

      • Felice says:

        Me too lol. No matter what side of the fence you’re on, BC clearly screwed up hard.

      • tasha_nat says:

        OMG that is just way too funny right now. 🙂

      • PunkyMomma says:

        @Bea – OMG. Benny a two-pump chump. My poor brain.

      • alice says:

        And which interview was it where he said he could spot ’em a mile off? The famewhores who wanted to try him out. His radar was apparently at the shop when she showed up.

      • anon121 says:

        Man – these comments are priceless. I keep thinking back to these interviews and wonder exactly what dates they were done (as opposed to published). Obviously Sherlock would have been trapped by Ms. Adler if he had used the Batch method. Also – I LOVE the radar being at the shop comment – so true my friend, so true.

    • Aurora says:

      I’m 34 and had a very close moment recently. I had been celebate for afew years after my long term relationship end, so I wasnt on anything. I met a guy, we agreed that I would work out the BC issues on my end but in the meantime rely on condoms. And then one day there was a shower incident……long story short, brain shutdown can happen, even to old maids who “ought to know better”.

      • Andrea says:

        I can’t wrap my head around it either. I am 33 and have been in a long term relationship for nearly 8 years now and never a once been pregnant. I also am on the pill and very careful. Sure there are anomalies(there is always someone with a story), but every person with the oops that I know of was not careful and most of the times, wasn’t using anything to prevent it(some will lie to the average joe about it being an accident but they will confess to me that they didn’t use bc, condoms, nothing).

      • Dani says:

        I’m not saying anyone is an old maid, I understand things happen and that sometimes we don’t think with the right brain. I don’t think however, this was there situation. I really do think she just wanted to hitch her wagon to him.

      • Anne tommy says:

        Not trivialising your story Aurora but for a few minutes I assumed your ref to “BC issues” meant Benedict Cumberbatch issues and I wondered why you were working them out on your end…

      • Mary-Alice says:

        Andrea, wrong. I have a condom baby. Remarks like yours reassure me that people, me included, rarely educate themselves on birth control really well. I cannot use the pill as it turned out so we used condoms. They do, however, also have a percentage of factory defect and it is, in fact, worryingly high. Well, our factory defect happened to be used on a highly fertile day. The rest is history.

      • Andrea says:

        Condoms alone have a 2-18% failure rate which is why other methods are better (I understand you could not use the pill, but there are so many other options; copper iud, other iuds, shot, implants, sterilization etc.) Condoms for me would be a last resort alone. A good friend of mine had unprotected sex one time and it resulted in a surprise fourth child, he quickly got a vasectomy afterwards. I also know several people who have had condoms break and they got the plan b immediately afterwards to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Fact of the matter is pregnancy can be prevented in a variety of effective ways.

      • Me says:

        I’ve been vigilant most times and lucky others. So, I don’t have a dog in this fight. But PSA: Plan B may not work for women over 175 lbs.

        Panic ensued when this first came to light. A French manufacturer put disclaimers on packaging. But a year later, the EU published something claiming the studies were not “robust” enough to come to that conclusion. So… I don’t buy that as a confirmation that it will work for everyone either. Whatever.

      • Mary-Alice says:

        Well, yes, of course, post factum we use local contraception, as well. But it is not 100% sure either. My gynecologist says that people don’t have the slightest idea how many pill and condom babies are delivered each year. But he also says that we can never fully trick nature and the more we know about human body, the more we rrealize how clever and complicated it is. It works for better or worse, as with cancer, for example. There is n guarantee a pregnancy will be prevented. If on a given day a condom fails and my local gel leaks, tahts’s it. I just learned that there is no 100% prevention but I do what I can. We do, actually. And we still realize it may happen.

  12. ES says:

    “But let’s not dress it up like it’s the most epic love story ever”

    I don’t know why would anyone even believe that. It doesn’t take long to realize that Ben is extremly ambitious and hungry for success and work is the first love of his life and the wife/ family will be second, if they are lucky.

    • Ingrid says:

      Oh, obviously you haven’t visited Tumblr or IMDB today. It’s a f*cking Disneyland at the moment.

      • Cate says:

        I won’t visit that part of Cumberbatch Tumblr land anymore, seems I’m right! Yikes, I’m sure the cupcake toppers are all over the place…

      • Lu says:

        @Cate, oh, yeah, you bet that Cumbercupcake came out right away. It’s probably gone stale by now. And the “Sophie” figure is shown in her Palm Springs RC dress, looking far more pregnant than the real SH did. *bleh*

      • Kat says:

        Hold on… HOLD. ON. ..

        Crazy cake maker made a cake topper of the Palm Springs pregnancy parade?

      • Felice says:


        Duh, she also made a flailing Wanda even though she has yet to say a peep.

      • hehehehe says:

        LOL Ingrid…

        I did pop onto IMDB a bit ago…there is a baby pool started on there…good grief!

        I do not have Tumblr, so I’m not catching that craziness…

      • gg says:

        Wanda could be “flailing” for any number of reasons LOL

      • NixonRULES says:


        It wouldn’t surprise me if there was a cupcake topper of the actual birth, tentacles and all.

      • Kat says:

        A flailing wanda…

        Sorry.. Whut? 😐
        These people need locking up..

      • Cate says:

        @Nixonrules – YIKES!!! I need a palette cleanser now…

      • alice says:

        The cupcake is not as accurate as usual. It has Ben smiling.

    • Oh Hey says:

      They’re selling it awful hard, every time I see an article about how inseparable they are and how affectionate they are I want to vomit, because they have demonstrated none of the above.

    • Kiki04 says:

      Don’t all epic love stories include “getting pregnant in time for Oscar season”?

      (Returning my fairy tale book to the library)

  13. Pomegranate says:

    If he’s so “over the moon”, why has he looked like he’s been hit over the head with a hammer in every shot with her since the engagement?

    • Lu says:

      haha. Well put.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep she is very baity and it doesn’t seem natural.
      And you’re right…you’d think after maybe three months of knowing she’s preggers he’d be relaxed and happy now that they’re past the first trimester!
      Also he was probably misty eyed in that interview coz he wanted to cry!!

      • gg says:

        In the GMA interview (the morning before the TIG red carpet in NY), the interviewer asked about “Cumberbabies” and I stg he looked like he was going to cry. The camera cut away but there is unedited video on YouTube. Just horrible….but it makes more sense now

      • Kat says:

        That’s sad.

  14. Ingrid says:

    What happened, my take:

    He dated around during the summer.
    He knocked her up in late August.
    They learned the news two weeks later (“month” pregnant) in early September (maybe just before TIFF when PissyBatch emerged).
    They leaked the girlfriend confirmation to The Mirror in mid September. Mum Hunter even commented, how nice.
    They waited until 12 week mark to make sure it sticks, so she didn’t walk the red carpet at LFF yet or anything. If something would have happened, she could have disappeared after that. (So committed, much in love.)
    Announced the engagement after three months on Nov 5
    Now she’s just entering 5 months.
    Baby will be born in April /May.

    Maybe they are trying to make this work, or the engagement might be for the campaign so he wouldn’t look so bad, like the new Jude Law of London. But either way, I feel sorry for both and for the baby because this will be a horrible mess regardless. It’s already difficult to have a baby in a loving, committed relationship, let alone this. But BC will love the baby, even if he doesn’t love its mother. Hopefully he will find his Valentine someday.

    • ES says:

      She looks like 4 months pregnant to me, not 5. And only because it is her first child. If it was second I would’ve said 3 months.

      • Oh Hey says:

        I agree, I think Oct preg confirmed early Nov and emergency proposal on the spot, right before the campaign begins…..

    • Lola says:

      God, when you write it like that it just sounds so awful. Like a machine with just work mode instead of having also a love and life mode…

    • Angie says:

      But he could at least show some affection/warmth to the mother when the babys still in her belly? LOL

      Yeah I guess I’m a denier in this now LOL Still don’t think shes hving a Ben II

    • gg says:

      @Ingrid – I agree except she got knocked up in early August. She started being seen with him in London in mid-August after his holiday in Italy. (She was probably with him.) And she *did* walk the red carpet at LFF just not with him. I’ll bet she demanded it or she would squawk.

      • Ingrid says:

        If that was the case, she would be 6 months pregnant? She doesn’t look like it. (Pregnancy length i always counted from the beginning of the last period, not from conception). I think it’s very likely that they announced the engagement almost exact 12 weeks (or 10 weeks after conception), the earliest possible time but only after high miscarriage risk was over. The conception would have been somewhere between August 19-25 (She was in Scotland part of that time…ahem..paternity test, Ben!)

        Oh.. but who cares? This turned out to be even bigger clusterf*ck than our beautiful PR theory. No wonder BC has said some stupid things, he’s still in shock.

      • **sighs** says:

        I think she’s pulling a lot of strings. she does work with puppets. 😉

      • scarf girl says:

        My hunch is he found out around time of GQ awards.

      • Ingrid says:

        scarf girl, I agree. I would almost say that he found out exactly the morning of that day (Sep 2). Because he still looked like “I’m a stud and currently f*cking my way around London” the day before at the Guest Screening. Those were the last delicious pictures of him.

      • gg says:

        Yeah, that is why he got sh*t faced that night

      • scarf girl says:

        Ingrid, wouldn’t it explain his demeanor during the speech? And things went all grouchy from there……

      • anon121 says:

        GG and Ingrid-I absolutely think that baby got started in August – probably in Italy while Cumby was vacationing. The fact that she was also in Scotland with friends when he was somewhere in the Med points to a casual, not a committed relationship. Spot on with the observation about GQ Awards – I was trying to remember when that was. He was pretty rip roaring drunk there.

    • Angie says:

      Oh I think I sent this to Eggsy, don’t know if any of u has seen it, one of CN BNFs was at LFF and said he accompanied her when she left. I hv been curious as seems no one else has mentioned this? and I was like WTF? He escorted her then came back to after party? And theres what that girl working in the bar said, took with some salt though. So who knows what charade they ve been playing.

      • Lu says:

        What’s CN BNF?

      • Angie says:

        BNF s big name fan and CN s China/Chinese ; )

      • Lu says:

        Oh! I don’t think I saw that. Is that related to the blind item they were talking about where, one night, he dropped his girlfriend off at home after an event, then went out and “socialized” with another woman, then came back home to her? Or was that determined to have been the night of the Flaunt party? I can’t keep it straight.

      • gg says:

        Angie, I remember reading about that at Eggsy, about how he was seen with her (getting her into a car?) then he went to the afterparty and told one of the caterers he was single. (She hadn’t asked, he just brought it up.) And Lu, I think people were assuming it was Flaunt but you may be right – it was LFF!

    • Fuji says:

      Sooo, she got preggy in August when she was on vacation in Scotland with her circle of rich friends? When Benedict was spotted at the NT with the blonde (Aug 20)?

      Paternity test, dude. Paternity test.

      • Ingrid says:

        Yep. Plus, sperm can “live” for 5 days in the uterus and still fertilize the egg. So it’s somewhere between Aug 15-Aug 25. Missy was in Scotland at least until 20th, I think.

        PATERNITY TEST, BENEDICT! That would be the only smart thing you have done so far!

        BTW, what a clusterf*ck that would be? It would be this X 20,000!

      • gg says:

        Benedict “Tietjens” Cumberbatch would probably marry her anyway

      • anon121 says:

        Oh no – Ben’s been “Tietjenized”!!

    • Rachel R says:

      Actually if she’s due in April, she’d be 6 months pregnant. It could be that she just has great ab muscles but she looks a lot smaller than 6 months pregnant. More like 4 months, but then, it can vary.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m just confused more than ever. We assumed when it was fake enGAGment that it was all Harvey’s strategy – maybe I’m being reading wikianon a bit much (They don’t believe the pregnancy is real)
      His interview with Elle in August was very baity but everything after that seems consistent with settling down, but after Nov. 5 it just went downhill from there. Why?
      And his most recent statement about the wedding ‘one thing at a time’ and calling SH a tool and asset is very harsh!! What happened to the ‘most incredible woman’?
      They seemed to have lost sight of their narrative.
      So where was Harvey’s hand in all of this??

      • gg says:

        I think it might have been Sophie who leaked the news to the tabloids (BC might have chosen a classier outlet and a later date) because he was starting to backpedal on marriage.

      • Ingrid says:

        It’s a New York based tabloid. Harvey is based there and because it was leaked 48 hours before nominations were due, I’ll go with Harvey and PR.

        The quotes in that article were very “professional” and the wedding thing was necessary: BC had said two days before that the wedding wasn’t priority (most likely he accidentally let it slip and it went viral) so they needed to leak that “spring wedding” so it would appear in the pregnancy confirmation articles.

        If they had just made an official announcement right away, it would have been: Pregnant, wedding not the priority (but Sherlock filming)
        Leak NY Post first: Pregnant, NY post said spring wedding.

        They couldn’t make an official announcement with pregnant + spring wedding, because there isn’t going to be a wedding nor would they announce it so early.

        Nor could they leak it to US weekly (too official) or DM (way too shady). NY post was perfect: somewhat reliable.

      • anon121 says:

        Two words: Pre-nup negotiations

      • Me says:

        anon121: That’s a good guess. He better hang in there and not give in. Personally, I believe, if you’re marrying a woman who has no real profession and she won’t agree to healthy child support, a home and a reasonable amount until she can get on her feet after the divorce, she’s up to no good.

  15. 'P'enny says:

    he is beginning to come across as a control freak 🙁

    • ES says:

      He is a perfectionist. Of course, he is a control freak.

    • Lilacflowers says:


    • Angie says:

      He’s insecure, of course he is a control freak.

      ETA: Nope, I just don’t get it, a control freak whos been expecting a child would let the pregnant mother wear summer dress in winter. Hobbit/church though with a sweater * eyeroll /PS

      • Anonymous says:

        to be fair he did give his coat to her after the hobbit premier, he was papped coatless! And at PS he asked her if she was cold…I guess he doesn’t get much affectionate than that!! lol
        Which brings me to side-eye that Elle editor. If he was truly asking those questions about pregnancy and what a woman needs… then why isn’t he putting them into practice??

      • Noisy Bird says:

        Pregnant bodies are typically much warmer and nonpregnant bodies as they carry an additional 3-5 pounds of blood in their veins/arteries. Now that I know that she’s pregnant, it doesn’t strike me as odd at all that she was not dressed warmer.

      • Kat says:

        Tho that’s just a guess about his jacket, he was just pictured without it. Could’ve been in the car already.. But she was showing her latest Erdem, so had to stay coatless.

        The pregnancy questions make no sense. He would know that journos would twig. He has tons of female friends and relatives to talk to.

  16. defaultgirl says:

    They look like siblings to me…He never says anything remotely romantic or thoughtful about her. I can’t wait to see him REALLY in love 🙂

    • ali says:

      The more I look at them, the more they look like brother and sister. It is creepy but we already know what their kids will look like at least!

      • Lu says:

        The biggest difference is the set of their eyes. His are quite wide apart and hers are quite close together. I’ll be interested to see if the Cumberbatch eye genes win out (I hope they do).

  17. Lola says:

    I wish them the best, I do. Everyone deserves a life filled with happiness, but for some reason, I see these pics and others (and I know I don’t know them) but they seemed like a train waiting to go off the rails kinda thing….

  18. Maria says:

    well played, Benny. perfect timing to get those votes. its way more important to marry and/or be pregnant right in the time of the awards season than a good performance. such a sham.

  19. Sunflower says:

    Anyone still riding the conspiracy train?

    • Renee says:

      No. He’s the one who is using his mistake to get more publicity for himself. He turned his life into a train wreck. Maybe it’ll all work out. For the sake of their child, I hope so.

      • anony says:

        I concur

      • scarf girl says:


      • moodgirl says:

        Has he used his unfortunate situation to get publicity or did he try to get out in front of rumors by announcing the engagement to save himself the embarrassment? After all is said and done, I think he is SO embarrassed by this whole thing that the awards were no longer his concern.

        He figured if he announced the engagement, talked about it and her in a lovey dovey way, and appeared with her in public, they would look like a loving couple and not two morons who just finished humping and got knocked up. He is devastated by this.

      • Ingrid says:

        moodgirl – I agree 100%. This has been a sh*tshow because this is literally damage control.

        Just watched the little W mag video. He said he cried during Birdman. The reporter said “Really? Birdman? It isn’t really crying type of movie” or something and he went “Oh, did it make me cry? I don’t remember? Maybe I’m lying”.

        The poor man has been crying non stop since September. He needs a hug. Too bad Sophie doesn’t seem like a hugging type.

      • Aeltri says:

        He cried because he realized that Michael Keaton is going to get the Oscar. Reality is finally starting to set in, that all the PR in the world may get him noms and some minor awards but that’s it. Add to that the fact that his personal life is in the ICU while his reputation is in the ER. All that campaigning and acting like “a man in love”, look how it all turned out. I think BC got conned but still tried to do the proper thing. The “Please kill me now.” look started once he discovered just how thirsty and conniving SH really is.

    • gg says:

      Oh, Wiki Anon is. Over here not so much

      • Ingrid says:

        Wait, what? I mean, I knew she was crazy, but…????

        Are they saying it’s a fake pregnancy followed by a fake miscarriage? WOW. Even Harvey would have an ethics problem with that.

      • Kat says:

        Why does anyone even look at that site? She’s clearly a raving idiot.

      • Oh Hey says:

        WikiAnon has totally lost her shit, completely unhinged. It’s a fake pregnancy. She insisted that she had “medical sources” that confirmed Sophie was not pregnant. When it was pointed out to her that her medical sources are not worth the powder to blow them to hell, she started threatening things like redirecting the person to a porn site. Not quite right in the head, methinks.

    • HBIC says:

      I’m on it. I think this a PR stunt gone crazy.

      And I wouldn’t put anything past HW.

      • Sunflower says:

        I just think this is still all so weird…

        I mean, wouldn’t he be more overprotective of the mother of his child, even if it was an oops?

        And where’s Wanda “I want grandkids” in all of this?

        And yet, saying that they’re faking an engagement is nothing compared to how nutty saying they’re faking a pregnancy sounds.

      • Lu says:

        HBIC–that dress, I know, right? She just happened to pick the drop-waist dress with the band that grabs right below tummy level… not deliberate at all!

      • Sunflower says:

        Wiki think that it’s all to distract from the blind item about her real job, which wiki has apparently confirmed as true, but I take these people and their anons with a huge grain of salt.

        I miss SoGo already. Was such a nice balanced place.

      • Lu says:

        Wait, HBIC, when was she spotted drinking in Palm Springs? Are you thinking of the pics from the Donna Karan/Calvin Klein thing? Anyway, I could have bought the idea that she was only *holding* a drink to put off pregnancy speculation, except that she wore that obvious baby-bait dress in PS.

      • Kat says:

        She’s obviously pregnant, and people referencing that site thinking she isn’t.. That place is just an ad for electric shock therapy.
        But that doesn’t change how bizarre and stage managed everything has been form the outset, coupled with how BC has been… All just….off.
        And how anyone can deny that her appearance in that dress on the red carpet was for any other reason than to stir up the press, I don’t know…
        And she doesn’t appear to have any subtlety…the holding up the bag in front of her stomach was so obviously done to make a point.

      • gg says:

        Wiki is now jumping all over that blind item like it was a life raft even though when SoGo originally posted it last Saturday she got all huffy and said it absolutely was not true and it had pissed off one of her “sources”. Or so I heard….

        And yeah I think the blind *might* be at least partly true but we are talking a few years ago

      • Ingrid says:

        gg – …and now Wiki apparently has a Marvel source as well. Dear God, why people listen to her?

        I miss SoGo…

      • Kat says:

        No, HBIC. There’s just nothing more I can think to say except that.

      • MissMary says:

        @HBIC: My hero. *G* all you just said here, total agreement!

      • moodgirl says:

        I will bet big money that he had no earthly idea she was going to wear that dress. When he saw her he almost passed out – there are photos on SoGo where he looks utterly shocked. In one photo he is looking at Karon, who was standing off to the side, with absolute horror on his face, like he had just seen a crime and didn’t know what to do.

        I think, honestly and truly, that Sophie wore that dress because Benedict was backtracking on his promise to marry her. His rhetoric changed from wedding planning to what’s the rush. So, she decided to show everyone what the rush was by wearing that dress and forcing a reveal of his secret. And she put him in his place. And put a grin on her own face. And ended up introducing herself to the his co-workers on Setlock, so he could reveal the pregnancy before his pr did. I told y’all that Sophie was driving this train. Benedict is just getting taken for the ride.

      • moodgirl says:

        Unless that baby is HW’s he has nothing to do with this hot mess.

      • **sighs** says:

        Mood girl- with you. She is playing him like Sherlock’s violin. I think my final theory is tryout for (read: paid) PR/red carpet season girlfriend. He mixed business with pleasure and she saw an opportunity. Oops.
        I don’t think he’d be that ashamed/embarrassed if she was an actual girlfriend who happened to get preg. Even a fwb. I think he’s embarrassed because he got the help knocked up.
        Sorry if that was too blunt for some of you.

      • moodgirl says:

        @sighs – I never thought about it but your quote below is EXACTLY right. I bet if this were OP back in the day he wouldn’t be this upset at all.

        “I don’t think he’d be that ashamed/embarrassed if she was an actual girlfriend who happened to get preg. Even a fwb. I think he’s embarrassed because he got the help knocked up.”

      • Ingrid says:

        sighs, I agree, she’s playing this game and winning. I didn’t want to speculate on her part in this before because frankly I don’t know anything about her but it’s quite clear that she’s so happy with red carpets and attention while he looks so done with this sh*t and with her. Lovely person, the future mother of your child, Benedict!

        Unless this is The Oscar Campaign from Hell. In that case, the devil can retire, because Harvey Weinstein just arrived!

      • Claire says:

        Shocked but strangely happy HBIC, who’s always been skeptical of the PR theory, is questioning her being pg. But difference here with bey and aniston is this was confirmed via a rep. The other two were just major rumors.

        did she look pg at the karan party? I wish someone could pin down exactly when he said he’d have kids of his own “someday”

      • Oh Hey says:

        No one knows what she was drinking, it could have been ginger ale for all you know. Don’t ASSume.

      • Alice says:

        @moodgirl. I haven’t seen those pictures on Sogo(his horrified expression). I’ll check tonight. If she played that hand he needs to unload her a$$ the minute the closing credits for the Oscars start scrolling. And anyway, she can walk away with the title of Mother of BC’s first child on her resume.

    • Oh Hey says:

      I’m still side-eying the relationship as fake, I’m more affectionate with my dentist.

      • moodgirl says:

        @Oh Hey – The baby is real, the relationship is fake because he wishes he had kept his babymaker in his pants and hopes she would go away. He just got caught up in a bad situation. He doesn’t love her at all.

      • Oh Hey says:

        No kidding…..he’s a crap liar.

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe we are dealing with two narcissistic famewhores, BC & SH. They are perfect for each other! If you look back on BC interview me myself and I was all very one-sided but now hat she made her grand reveal she is officially the star. Still awaiting on Hello/People exclusives…or maybe Page Six and Dailymail is the best she could get!!
      I really don’t know anymore as far as conspiracy go… but wikianon and a few doubters think its a fake baby bump! Eventhough E News received confirmation!! Would Harvey even go that far to fake this??

      • Lu says:

        It’s funny, I thought it was odd at the time that it was all about “MY wedding” and “me, I, I,” but now I realize that he may not have been planning to marry her at all in the end. That language doesn’t sound like someone who is thinking of himself as part of a couple. He may have thought to get engaged to her for the awards season, when the pregnancy was about to become public knowledge, but to wait and see if he really wanted to go through with the marriage.

      • alice says:

        @HBIC I think she has already tarnished his reputation. Since she really blasted on the scene(since the stomp-off) he has come across as beaten down and weak. Things may look ok to the ET watching, People reading public. but those in the know probably hear a lot of gossip. And I just have the feeling, somehow, that his closest friends feel sorry and mortified for him, while his acquaintances and casual co-stars may be smirking, thinking “How the mighty have fallen.” I imagine Danny Dyer is having a good laugh!
        I think the wedding not a priority was a get out of jail ploy that he accidentally let slip. I hope the plan is no wedding, joint custody, generous payoff for services rendered.
        He needs to get her gone and concentrate on his great love – acting.

    • Alice says:

      @moodgirl. My thoughts exactly. It must be massively embarrassing. He must be aware that so many people – his family, friends, co-workers – are looking at him side-eyed, and possibly with a degree of pity, not only for the oopsie screw-up, but for the antics of the past couple of months. Of course, I don’t know him, he doesn’t want my pity, but I feel so sorry for him the way this has played out.

      I feel like going to youtube and immersing myself in some old videos, like the book review one in Greece, with Olivia. He was such a carefree doll then.

  20. Nayru says:

    I’d say there are probably more people who had children with people after dating only a few months who end up with a mess on their hands than those who end in true love. Even having children after being married less than a year strains the relationship to breaking point. If people are side eyeing this as foolishness, as I am, they are likely looking at reality and practicality in my opinion.

    • Lu says:

      Right, the fact that they got engaged and pregnant after barely dating says to me that either it’s an accident or they don’t care to take any time to get to know and enjoy each other before settling down/settling into marriage and parenthood. That tells me that the main factor is not love for each other. I feel bad for him, but he did it to himself.

    • MtnRunner says:

      Yes to all this. I was married almost 2 years when I had child #1 (who was a very easy baby) and my huz and I definitely had more tension in the relationship, simply due to the presence of a child. We were in our 30’s and 40’s when this occurred so we had some maturity to deal with the challenges. Now that the kids are older, they wear us down and then we take out our frustration on each other. It’s a simple fact that as wonderful as they are, children bring stress into the relationship and it takes two loving, mature, self-sacrificing individuals to co-parent effectively. I’m not convinced either of these two have the maturity to stay together when the reality of parenthood hits them both.

      I love my huz and kids to death, but it’s certainly not for cowards. Being DINKs was much much easier on my marriage, that’s for sure. Why people would bring kids into a relationship that’s still new and developing boggles my mind.

      • Andrea says:

        Why I love being a DINK! All my friends I know, I hate to say it, with the exception of one or two with kids, are absolutely miserable, complain about lack of sex, spark, cheating (both men and women in marriages with kids I’ve seen cheat once the kids came along), lack of attention, affection, time together, constant arguing, women spends too much time with the kids and not enough time with the husband; the list goes on and on and on. Why I do not want kids; I’ve seen the most stable “perfect” marriage torn apart once a kid came into the mix. It is not easy and in my opinion, the most difficult thing your marriage can have happen to you is bringing kids into the picture, which is why most marriages fail; boils down to lack of communication, money and or time together IMO.

        Which is exactly why this scenario with BC and SH will not most likely not last.

      • gg says:

        In one of his more recent interviews (maybe even with People mag?), Benedict said he’d love to have a dog but it would be cruel for the dog because he wouldn’t have time to take care of it properly!!!

      • Oh Hey says:

        I don’t see Sodious as being mumsy at all, and I sure hope she gets a nanny because I don’t see her being a single parent, which she will be when he’s working all the time. Not great planning, really.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Andrea, I’m sorry to hear you’ve seen such disappointment and heartache with your friends’ family situations. I don’t want to give the impression that I regret mine at all. It’s amazing and wonderful, but a lot of hard work. Boyhood reminded me to enjoy the good moments b/c they’ll be off to uni before I know it.

        Parents need to have a solid relationship of trust and support to face the challenges together. I know there are those who introduce kids into the relationship early and stay together, but they are the exception to the rule from what I see. If the relationship doesn’t work out, it’s much better to not have kids in the picture so time is certainly a helpful thing when getting to know someone and see how they work with you during difficult and challenging life situations.

        Since SH hadn’t dated Ben long enough to go through a “normal” year of filming, promotions, red carpets and other events to see just what life with him would be like before getting knocked up shows a bit of fairy tale thinking (best case scenario), birth control sloppiness or deception (worst case scenario).

      • **sighs** says:

        It is hard work, mtnrunner. Especially the first few years. It strained our relationship but we’ve worked out the kinks and are doing pretty well now, as it sounds like you are, too. And sometimes I think it doesn’t really matter if you’ve been together 1 year or ten before you have them. It changes the dynamic, no matter what. You both just have to figure out the changes together. I don’t think these two could figure out how to change a tire together, let alone change a relationship.

      • MtnRunner says:

        sighs, for us it was the early years that were the easiest for us. My son was diagnosed with high-functioning autism at 5 and that helped to explain some of why he was so difficult after the age of 3 (easy peasy before that). I can only blame myself for my daughter. She inherited all my bad traits, so it’s like looking in a mirror… ha. It’s hard, but the huz and I are in it to win it and no one’s going anywhere so we just love and tolerate.

        I really look forward to them growing up, maturing and being able to have more adult conversations with them. I know I’ll look back and forget minimize how hard it was right now and yes, will probably cry when they leave for college despite sewing the biggest wings on their backs that I can. 🙂

  21. Renee says:

    Shoulda put a condom on it. Instead he’s putting a ring on it. No grand love story here. Just a dumbass.

  22. alice says:

    August. After a couple of dates. Couldn’t get just anyone pregnant. Had to know each other first.

  23. Bea says:

    Is it inbreeding if they have the same face? On the other hand once that kid cuts it’s way out of her vadge with those cheekbones, it’s going to be the perfect Burberry model so there’s that. (C-SECT ALL THE WAY SOPHIE!)

  24. AlsoPregnant says:

    As someone who got pregnant somewhere in the last week of Sept/first few days of Oct…I’d guess she got pregnant early September based on the bump sticking out of the dress. Granted, everyone carries differently, but just my 2 cents.

  25. ickythump says:

    I dont have a strong opinion on them either way – they are a bit meh. I dont love or loathe them but they’ve defo put their relationship – real or fake – out there for all to see. I certainly dont think he looks like a man madly in love with the woman who is carrying his first child. And its defo not a fairytale, just an everyday tale of someone getting knocked up very quickly and getting married – they’re doing what millions of couples have been doing since time immemorial. Wrapping it up in spin is just tiresome. Time will tell whether it will work out or not, anyhoo, best wishes to the little one when it arrives.

    • Lu says:

      @ickythump, yes, it is tiresome, and I think that’s where my problems with this whole thing come from as a (former) fan of his. It is a bit much to ask of his fans that they buy into his relationship when, to many of us, it’s plain to see what the state of things really is. He should just do what he has to do and not try to get everyone thinking it’s some great love story.

      • Renee says:

        He shouldn’t have bought into the notion of using his personal situation for PR. He couldn’t normalize it and own up to it and it was pointless to try. Hopefully he learned a lesson. Keep your private life private.

      • scarf girl says:

        How different would things have been for many of us here if that engagement announcement had not been released? What if they had just kept it quiet, and appeared at the exact same events together? Even if there was a ring? And if he had not brought up his personal life so much during the TIG release in US? We would have talked, but would there have been the strong reaction? Genuinely want to know thoughts.

      • gg says:

        I would have been, like, “Oh, ok, I guess she is the girlfriend” (or fiancee, whatever, although I would still roll my eyes at fiancee after so short a time)

      • **sighs** says:

        Scarf- I don’t think there would have been the uproar. If they had just pLayed it like a girlfriend I think 2 lines of thought would follow: either she’s a girlfriend for red carpet season, or he really does like pretentious chicks. I think that’s the extent of the backlash he would have got.

      • Lu says:

        It was obvious from things he’d said over the years that he wanted to get married and have children someday, so everyone would have taken it in stride, perhaps after an initial flurry of reactions. The way he actively pretended absolutely nothing was going on in his private life (i.e., he kept his private life private) and then suddenly announced an engagement in an internationally read newspaper was *bound* to create more furor than if he’d been normal about it from the beginning. Which is why one had to assume that it wasn’t the normal relationship it was being presented as. Plus, no one never had or heard any kind of explanation as to where and when they met (still haven’t, for that matter).

      • scarf girl says:

        GG, sighs, Lu and anyone else I missed: thanks. I am glad I am not the only one.

        When the engagement announcement came out, I really thought it was that senyorita person or a joke and didn’t really believe it until confirmed. Especially because of LFF and their utter avoidance. Ah, but now that makes sense to me.

      • moodgirl says:

        He panicked. It’s as simple as that. He didn’t think things through.

      • Lu says:

        @scarf girl, it’s taken me all this time to process the head-spin I got from his engagement, so I understand how you feel about hearing from like-minded people.

    • Fuji says:

      Or it wasn’t him. The more I see, the more I am convinced it’s all Sophie’s doing.

      Silence from his side, chat chat chat from her side, starting from mummy Hunter to the many random tweets and facebook posts by the hundreds of her cousins and flatmates of her third half sisters invited to the wedding party/wedding.

      The pregnancy ostentantion was all her doing. It woulnd’t be a stretch to think the “classy” engagement ad was her doing as well. Hence deadeyes PissyBatch.

  26. scout says:

    Sept-Oct: What Sophie, a cumberbun in the oven? Me Epicene, your baby daddy? Are you sure it’s not Squidgy? Well…ok then, let’s put a ring on it, you both can be my helpful assets for 2015.

    • Lu says:

      That’s a kinda ingenious summation of everything. Nice set of callbacks to the highlights of Fall 2014.

  27. Ingrid says:

    I bet we will see a slightly less PissyBatch at the Golden Globes and on Ellen. Must be a lot easier for him now that this is out. What do you think?

    Will she be at the GG? She seems to love the red carpets but flying your pregnant fiancee to LA for 24 hours seems extreme.

    Ellen will give him baby gifts and have a baby talk with him. A short one, I bet even she doesn’t want to stretch it out. After all this is somewhat an embarrassing situation. But we are over talking about the engagement, thank god. Missy will be only mention as a fiancee and baby mama, no more.

    • Kat says:

      I think he’ll put his heart and soul into trying to look happy, but it doesn’t explain why he wasn’t up to now. I think he looks … just tense and…sad?
      There was definitely something up at the GQ awards. People kept saying he was drunk but I really don’t think he was. He was very jangly and fraught, I thought. There was a backstage moment with Dan Stevens and DS actually looked a bit concerned for him.

      • Renee says:

        Just a hunch, but I think now that it’s all out in the open, he will start acting somewhat normally, if he is capable of doing that with her. They look so awkward together that my advice would be to lessen her appearances but since he’s selling his personal life for PR I doubt that will happen. He can’t sell the love he doesn’t feel I guess.

      • **sighs** says:

        I think she’s pushing for the red carpets. I really don’t think he wants her there but she’s playing her cards to get more publicity.

      • Lu says:

        sighs, yes, he did say that thing after her first RC appearance. The one where he implied he’d taken her for a trial so she could see what his publicity stuff involved and said that she didn’t have to do it… just “occasionally” or something. She’s been on every one since, though, so I guess she liked it just fine.

    • hehehehe says:

      I’m hoping so Ingrid.

      Frankly, up to this point no matter if conspiracy theories are true or not, what’s done is done and it is what it is.

      Time to for him to be happy about it ….for his sanity!

      Although, having to go on Ellen…ick…probably unavoidable though. How far in advance are promo appearances scheduled?

      I liked Ellen when her show first started…not now, haven’t watched it in years, and any type of Cumberbatch would not have gotten me to watch anyhow…I hope it works out for him.

    • Anonymous says:


      • scarf girl says:

        Yeah, agree with not doing PR’s job for them. But now we know why they monitored so closely….

        You know what kills me? Someone in BC’s camp actually leaked to Showbiz Spy. Because those leaks have all been true. That is just so low-and now PageSix? Really?

      • moodgirl says:

        How do you know it wasn’t Sophie’s camp?

      • scarf girl says:

        MoodGirl: two things. First, when the secret girlfriend story was released SH was too low on anyone’s radar to pay attention to-had to be BC. Second, I think BC has used it before during STID promotion, but memory faulty. Third, while I think Octopus is playing it to the hilt, I don’t think she is the sole villain or a villain. BC is not to be entirely pitied here. I think the easy path is to blame SH but I don’t think that is entirely correct. My other reason: CDAN had a scathing write up on the pregnancy that puts her in a very bad light. That screams someone is looking for a PR war. And that has my bs radar up. When you choose to fight your battles through gossip columns, that is a bad sign.

      • scarf girl says:

        But to clarify above comment, she isn’t a saint. I just need more proof (which I won’t get) before saying she trapped him with a pregnancy.

        Am really done with them both. Neither strike me as admirable characters at the moment

      • gg says:

        But Showbiz Spy SGF story was in April! You really think she was around that early?

        And also don’t forget Page Six ran a blind in early October saying that a gf of a fast-rising Hollywood star was telling her friends that he would be downright weird looking if he wasn’t becoming so famous.

        Who leaked that?

      • scarf girl says:

        GG you know I am not a SH fan. And that Feb lunch was bumped to next week so might be able to get impressions of people who have at least met or seen her. But there are some things that don’t entirely fit the “she got prefers on purpose” thing to me. I am willing to watch and see how it all plays out. Waiting to see if marriage. Yeah, I think she revels in the spotlight. I think she is probably pretentious.

        While I know women get preggers on purpose and I know a few dumb enough to do so irl, dont like to read about women having shade thrown on them b/c they are preggers by a famous guy. B/c it took two. It wasn’t immaculate conception. That “poor Ben” storyline is only going to go so far with me. He is not a bumpkin-he is a man who admitted to enjoying his currency.

  28. Lindy79 says:

    My guess is she’s near or at 5 months. Bump was starting to show in that leather dress but people wrote it off as crappy cut and material, there was no hiding it in that Cavalli. He’s been selling the engagement like a hooker trying to get bail money for his pimp so PR are back pedaling to make it seem less like he proposed right after she peed on a stick because whether that’s what happened or not, that’s what it looks like and it ain’t romantic. A Times announcement out of the blue when you hadn’t even said you were dating anyone looks iffy when 2 months later she’s bumping it out on a red carpet.
    I’d say her dresses will be trying to make it look smaller now.

    • Lu says:

      @Lindy79, yeah, I will never forget my shock at the Times announcement for that very reason. That has been his hugest PR mistake so far and, in my opinion, set in motion the whole clusterf* that has followed. It created shock waves and a situation in which he has been trying to justify and “normalize” that relationship publicly ever since. His statements and behavior never made sense *except* if you assumed that she was pregnant and he wasn’t in love with her. Unless he was fronting, why say such strange, over-the-top things about his love for an underwhelming woman whom he could not have known for long at all?

      • Felice says:

        That’s the thing. They did the announcement in The Times to appear “classy” and “normal” but then they announce the pregnancy through…….The Daily f****** Mail.

      • Ingrid says:

        Yeah, this whole thing would have looked so much better if she had been just a girlfriend, walked the red carpets with him and then announced the pregnancy. Even though it would have still reeked, it would have looked slightly less like a hasty engagement and more like a planned or nice surprise.

        But engagement did give him a nice little PR boost, didn’t? *side eyeing everyone so much*

      • Anonymous says:

        you guys forget, while the times announcement made quite an inpact, by december it was dying down…so guess they needed a new narrative since there’s no way he was gonna get married before the Oscars coz of filming… so the baby news made sense.
        I’m curious what the next gimmick will be next month!

      • gg says:

        It’s twins!

      • Ingrid says:

        gg -Ooohh! They will let the sex of the baby slip “accidentally”. Marvelous!

    • Grace says:

      I see someone’s been reading MK, LOL.

    • MissMary says:

      She’ll have a 9 lb preemie in March, I’m sure…

  29. delorb says:

    I think she got pregnant in September too. That would make it a May or June baby (fingers crossed). Perfect timing for him, if memory serves, because of Hamlet rehearsals and the show. He’ll be living in London for the birth and the months afterwards. Perhaps they planned it this way?

    • Kat says:

      Unless he’s completely and utterly taken leave of his senses, he would not choose to have children with someone he’d been dating for three months, much of that time he was abroad working, lest we forget.
      I think it’s a safe bet it’s accidental and the timing is far from good. Hamlet is a TOUGH play. Day Lewis had to give up the role because it started to drive him mad (yes I know ddl is already a bit mad, but still..). Tough rehearsals, line learning and he’s going to need his sleep.
      Worst time possible to have a newborn in the house.

    • scarf girl says:

      Oh, I doubt this was planned. They are way too awkward together for this to be a tight, I have met the love of my life and this is my dream couple. But for their sake I hope you are right on timing.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Perhaps, but she’s definitely more than 2 months so the pregnancy came first.
      Its an odd order to “plan” something, why not get engaged back in August if they were planning a family and wanted to be engaged before the baby arrived, this order was always going to look reactionary. That and planning to have a newborn in the house when he’s rehearsing and then doing 7-8 shows a week of a highly intensive play for 3 months makes no sense but ok…

    • Josa says:

      So they met sometimes last year, planned to get pregnant first in order to time the baby birth in May 2015. And then wait until the first trimester came and passed to make sure nothing happened to the pregnancy, then they can go ahead and get engaged. That’s so interesting.

  30. Cate says:

    I’ve been thinking about this and somehow I’ve reached the conclusion that Benedict is not that great romantic that many have perceived him to be. This is the guy who when still in a committed relationship with Poulet stated that they wanted children – but maybe not with each other. That’s someone quite rational talking. Also that comment about buying his ‘the mother of his children’ a drink, when he would meet her. I don’t know, he might have just decided to go for it with someone he deemed ‘compatible’. That ‘personal goal’ indeed. He might front it like it’s some great love, but it was a hard sell. At least to some of us. Apparently it’s not as easy to act like you’re in love in RL, as opposed to stating you’re in love. Or maybe I’m completely wrong and he was/is just the most awkward engaged man ever.

    • hehehehe says:

      That is what I have thought too Cate learning more about him…

      Also, with the being personal side. Well, his own baby photo was published in a paper, right? So, how much public exposure did he have growing up? Is his definition of being personal/public just not seen by him how it is seen by most others?

      I think he is a deer in headlights myself. Awkward, but because he is a person not in love and is pissed because he is unable to show otherwise no matter how much pressure he gets from PR.

      But, he has pushed the persona of what you stated and also of being opinionated and I think he just has to either put up the real him. suck it up or shut up more. We all do with our lives.

      I hope it all works out…whatever that is worth.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with you Cate 100% He was clearly looking since early this year. KB obviously didn’t want it based on that quote she posted on her instagram about marriage and being tied down. so he went for SH instead. wooed her with vacations – she must’ve have second thoughts tho coz they obviously weren’t exclusive until late august and then probably convinced her to procreate. but after moving in together and knowing more about each others true colors they probably realized they were a mistake, but it was too late to go back because the baby is here and the announcement has been made. and now they’re just making the most of it!!

  31. ireadtoomuch says:

    Hi, long time lurker~~~ love to read the comments always 🙂

    Loved BC in Sherlock and Star Trek- but I’m totally OD’d out on this whole Oscar/ Engagement/ baby- dog and pony show- BUT had to share this; apologize if this has been shared today already- was rolling eyes with disgust and laughing – my co-workers think I’m nuts


    Have a lovely day / evening/ night everyone – Peace out 😉

    • hehehehe says:

      Oh ireadtoomuch…that was a creepy article! LOL

    • Sunflower says:

      Funny that they’re doing the same PR trick they did when the Gag was announced. It’s important to make it look like anyone side-eying this is nuts, heartbroken and generally not to be taken seriously.

      • hehehehe says:

        It is funny Sunflower.

        I have to wonder…I mean…Hollywood PR has always been wacko.

        Has Hollywood PR gotten to the point where they actually think what they put out there is believable…that there is no one left of sanity that does not see it any longer?

        I have seen some creepy crazy Gag comments that have gone too far…but no further crazy than some of the ones going with it being real too…the extremes are entertaining I can say that!

        Reading up on both sides though (I am late to this), I have do keep this possibility in mind…“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” ― Mark Twain

      • Lu says:

        Too true. Are they assuming that the myriad “fangirl hearts” that were supposedly broken by the engagement have healed up, only to be rebroken by this further blow?

      • Sunflower says:

        And everytime they start with this nutty fan girl business, new people show up commenting on this board telling us how nutty we are…someone even went so far to say that they fear for SH’s safety. Seriously? I know we’ve been side-eying this thing pretty hard, but looks still can’t kill.

      • Lu says:

        Is there some kind of a Bat-Signal that summons them? An octopus-shaped light beaming into the night sky?

  32. Maria says:

    It’s gross, the conjecture behind when she got pregnant much less the assumption that she trapped him, or the insinuation that he got sloppy…

    Regardless of HOW the baby got here, it’s here, and regardless of what happens I’m sure he’ll be thrilled once it arrives. Also, enough with calling her untalented and opportunistic, she’s had her own career and sustained herself until now.

    The sad thing is the majority of y’all are grown ass women 😒

    Benedict is an actor: EVERYTHING you thought you knew about him is exactly what he wanted you to believe, and y’all did: hook, line, and sinker.

    ETA: the commentary abut Sophie isn’t in this thread BUT look at any other thread about them, some of you have really shown your selves.

    You don’t know who the man is, he could be happy for the cameras and insufferable behind, or vice versa.

    No amount of interviews will indicate squat.

    • Lu says:

      The “baby” isn’t “here.” It’s still gestating, so they say.

    • gg says:

      @maria: You seem to have made a wrong turn somewhere, this is a gossip site

    • The Original Mia says:

      You do realize this comment is too logical for this thread. Just sayin’. I totally agree with everything you said, but it’s going to get lost in the cray cray.

    • Kat says:

      What’s ‘gross’ is using your personal life for publicity and an Oscar campaign.

      1. Of course he’ll love the child, that’s never in question

      2. He’s put his personal life out there – he didn’t have his emails hacked and she wasn’t snapped coming out of her house. It’s been used for press.

      3. He dated her for a few months then publicly announced the engagement and pregnancy, people will discuss the timings and the hows. This is a GOSSIP site.

      4. She’s not talented and there’s no way she’s sustained herself up to now.

      5. ‘Grown ass women’ as you so delicately put it, can actually have an intelligent discussion without the grip of sycophantic worship of a celebrity.

      • Lu says:

        Bless you. I especially like your point #5, which is so elegantly stated. All the rest of it is great, too.

      • hehehehe says:

        Yes, Kat-this.

        Although, number 4 I have to say I do not know much about.

        Well put! 🙂

      • scarf girl says:

        All of that Kat. When you are in the public eye and you talk about your private life every chance you get, this is what happens.

    • hehehehe says:

      Maria and The Original: As gg put so well…this is a gossip site.

      Maria, frankly interviews reveal a lot. Printed ones are shady because any writer will put their own spin on it. Audio and Video do tell more and can be more true. Any interview though reveals a lot of information. How the information is perceived depends on the reader.

      As far as your clear personal offense with some of the extreme views Maria…well…oh please…all of the views have been brought on as to how this has played out in terms of timing, past personal views and persona projected, current public perception on both their parts. Neither of them are naive.

    • Cate says:

      @Maria, so you’re pretty much saying Benedict ‘spun’ his entire persona? And you seem to know or understand this how? What is his ‘real persona’ then may I ask? As you seemed to have looked right trough his ‘shtick’ and we ‘grown ass simpletons’ have not, please do enlighten us Maria. Don’t just leave us hanging here, as you do seem to think we’re all very confused ladies. Help a sister out.

      I’m glad you didn’t fall for Benedict’s fabcricated personality dear, I’m sure he’s delighted too. Takes one to know one I guess…

      • Maria says:

        Did I claim to know him? Did I call anyone simpletons? Did I somehow place myself above anyone else in this thread?

        The answers: no, no, and no.

        It’s gross, shifting blame on her and insinuating she’s only here for a come up, especially when do many of our posters are established women with their own careers.

        I loathe it when other women essentially lay blame on another woman’s feet, granted, I see many people calling Benedict out for his social manipulations so kudos to them.

        As for the it takes one to know one comment, I won’t even dignify that with a response.

        ALL celebrities sell an image, EVERY SINGLE ONE, period.

        The outrage, shock, and conspiracy theories surrounding why or how this all came to be is just petty and sad- I’ll stand by this statement.

        Whether it’s Dunham, Fassbender, Rashad, Jolie, Clooney, or Cumberbatch makes no difference-they’re paid liars.

        As for whomever stated grown ass women are capable of having an intelligent discussion without idolizing a celebrity, this site is proof of that, clearly if you’re one of these women–I wasn’t addressing you.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      I’m just here for the beverages and snacks.

      • Abby_J says:

        I’m just here to keep Colin calm and hope that Tom will dance for us and sing a few HW songs to distract us from the crazy.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Abby J, your efforts are much appreciated. Fortunately, Colin is unaware of this thread. He and Mark are waiting up for the BAFTA nominations because, well, Mark is in a film that may be nominated. They’re both just ignoring this whole sequence of events. Well, Colin is; Mark raises an eyebrow periodically. Tom is back in Loki mode for the AOU re-shoots. Don’t get him started about how his and Gillian Anderson’s ESA wins were buried in the papers because some people got the front page just for walking a carpet. We’ve managed to distract him with thoughts of pudding. They all just watched Elementary together and are in a fine mood. Are you taking Jonny Lee out for a run in the morning? Tomorrow, Colin is going to decorate the house in preparation for the Patriots game. Chris E got new Patriots shirts for everyone

      • Abby_J says:

        I am taking Johnny and Tom. We will be back for tea. Colin is going to have to redecorate after the Patriots game, however, for the Cowboys on Sunday.

        I am a die-hard Ravens hater. Being a Cowboys fan while living in Annapolis for a year will do that to you. I will be rooting extra hard for the Patriots. Hope Brady can kick them out.

    • Abby_J says:

      Amen my Sister! Or Brother.

  33. NixonRULES says:

    I don’t even feel bad for him at this point, he brought it on himself.

  34. Hickup the second says:

    OH NO. Sherlock without curly Sherlock hair.

  35. Keeks says:

    Can we say she’s got a cumber bun?

  36. Just me says:

    Another day, another voyage on the good ship Douche Canoe, as he slowly lumbers his way up Shit Creek without a paddle.

    God I haven’t bothered reading this crap for weeks, thinking I could use the rest and it would get better in the meantime and instead it’s gotten to be even more of a clusterf*ck. How is it possible that I have even less respect for him now?

    • **sighs** says:

      Oh my goodness. That is an epic and lovely visual. I just hope $hit creek doesn’t turn into Deliverance.

    • MtnRunner says:

      Oh, I have a feeling it could sink even lower. We still have six weeks until final Oscar votes are caston Feb 17th (presuming Ben gets a nod next week.) Once baby talk dies down, he (or she) will do / say something to keep the chatter going.

      • scarf girl says:

        MtnRunner, do you think he has become a little addicted to the fame? Well before this cluster, he was already getting a little egotistical in his interviews. Will all of this feed the me machine, or will he have a wake up call?

      • MtnRunner says:

        scarf girl, I certainly don’t think his ego will suffer with the attention he’s getting this awards season. He’s always struck me as enjoying fame, as long as it serves his agenda.

  37. MissMary says:

    Two words, proper name: Debbie Rowe.

    Keep her in mind when this all goes pear shaped for ol’ BC.

    • solanacaea (Nighty) says:

      Oh, you think… oh

      • Aeltri says:

        MJ wanted children with DR and looked happy about it. BC would have reacted similarly if this pregnancy had been planned. It was…but not by him. With regards to the circumstances surrounding MJ’s divorce including legal battles, if BC marries SH I agree that it will end in much the same way.

  38. Ingrid says:

    How to “hide” a baby bump while traveling: Newest lesson from Queen Keira.


    Oh, Sodious, you were so baiting…

    • Lindy79 says:

      Keira looks better pregnant and with a cold than I do most days.
      She’s also able to carry her own bag…..

    • Me says:

      Yeah, and it’s actually NOT her first sighting since the news. The other day, the DM caught a photo of her and her hubby when they were totally unaware. If I remember correctly, he was giving her a sweet kiss after she buttoned up her coat on the street. So…. natural.

  39. Lightbulb596 says:

    Excuse my ignorance as I haven’t had a child yet, but can i ask those of you who have…
    When you’re pregnant I thought the bump started at your pubic line and grew upwards, and was smooth and solid. But hers looks higher than that in the Palm Springs photos and kind of softer and lopsided. Also The band of her dress seems to be on her public line and looks flat – and the bump starts higher than that. Surely the band would go out too? And her boobs are flat. I thought they got bigger? Thanks girls!

    • Ingrid says:

      Every woman and every pregnancy is different. Some carry high, some low. Also, the bump doesn’t grow like a balloon, it changes it’s position and internal organs change their posiotion to make room for the baby.

    • Elisabeth says:

      I had my first and only child at 41. And my body type is like Sophie’s. I didn’t show until 4,5-5 months and then the baby bump started to show within a week. From a flat tummy to quite a bump. But every woman is different.

    • **sighs** says:

      Mine was very gradual. I really didn’t start noticeably showing until about 4 months. Yes, it starts pretty low, but every body carries differently.
      One thing though. Pregnant bellies are very hard. You’d think they’d be soft and squishy, but they aren’t. That’s why I wasn’t believing her bump at first…but like I said, everyone is different. ?

    • Mary-Alice says:

      Depenfs but generally in the earlier months it’s higner. Once the baby grows and especially once moves down, the tummy goes towards tne pubic zone. I carried high and I didn’t show much till the 7 month (according to other people, in my eyes I looked like a hippo). My then boss didn’t realize I was pregnant till the end of the 7th when I told him. I thought he was blind. So, yes, if she carries high and ghe baby is not too big, the tummy will stay high for long.

    • Abby_J says:

      I looked like a tank throughout both of my pregnancies. With my second, I swear I woke up, took a pregnancy test that was positive and was in maternity the next day.

      Also, my boobs never got bigger. Even while I was breastfeeding.

  40. Wait I'm Typing says:

    I haven’t commented on these threads in a long time but I just wanted to say the funniest thing out of all of this was reading some people’s thoughts on their genes.
    As one person put it “there child is going to look like a Mogdiliano painting sprung to life”

    Ps. Called it! As soon as the engagement was announced my friend and I agreed she was prwgnant. I also mentioned months ago that I wanted to do a side by side comparison of her because her chest and tummy seemed fuller (to my eyes) in the red floral erdem dress but so many kept saying it was just a bad dress, no way would she drink while pregnant etc.
    Oh man, I just laughed and laughed when people thought she stuffed a pillow in her Cavalli dress.

    They were dating, they have similar lifestyles and interests and while I don’t see romantic love between them it could be worse.

  41. cipy says:

    People who don’t think this was a planned baby or at least a wanted one are naive. I’m not surprised she got pregnant after little time of dating. If they both wanted a child, biological, they had to get busy fast, she’s 36. I don’t even understand what an oops baby means, you can have the next day pill or an abortion if you don’t want the child. Unless people prefer to picture this woman as a man trapping golddigger, which is hilarious, and nasty, as only a few days ago she was a hooker or Harvey hire. Even so he doesn’t have to marry her. No I wouldn’t think he’d call a golddigger the most incredible woman so on and so forth.
    Sorry, folks, Occam’s razor test. I also think he’s been shilling the engagement hard for an Oscar.

    • Kat says:

      You think it’s naive to think it’s unplanned?…Ummm Okaay.
      I’m sorry, but that’s a ridiculous scenario. He meets up with someone and has a few dates over as many months and you’d think he’d be insane enough to say, ‘oop, better hurry up with this kid’ for pure convenience? No. He has plenty of time to wait for that and 36 is hardly past it. It’d be a recipe for pure disaster.
      And can we leave out the gold digger, hooker stuff please? If you want to tackle a particular person’s post, then do so, but the blanket generalising is annoying.

      And I think the ‘most incredible woman’ thing sounded incredibly unnatural, as it goes. Along with many other things he’s said.

    • cipy says:

      Do due diligence and tackle those nasty posts yourself, every one of them, don’t come after me for calling them out.
      Honestly, I don’t even know when they started dating, I assumed it was in May. I don’t know how many dates they had, neither do you. I though they knew each other for years, so it’s not strangers we’re talking about. Yeah, it makes total sense to me they rushed it with the baby making. I’m in my early 30s myself, and my husband and I realize we have to make up our minds fast on the issue, there’s little postponing left.
      We’re not living in the Stone Age, if you don’t want to have a baby, you don’t have it. You also don’t have to marry. I think this a planned baby because other theories don’t pass the smell test.

      • Kat says:

        Um, you’re the one bringing these posts up, what I’m saying is, you shouldn’t generalise an entire opinion.
        People keep talking about how long they’ve known each other, but all people truly know is that they worked together once in 2009 and they have some mutual friends. They could’ve barely seen each other in all that time.
        Also, that isn’t sufficient grounding for a sudden instafamily, anyway.

        You and your HUSBAND are talking about it and I assume you’ve spent more than three scant months in each other’s company?
        And no, nobody knows exactly how many dates they’ve had but we do know that she really arrived on the scene very late May and he worked for much of june/July.

        I find it hard to believe that an accidental pregnancy doesn’t pass your smell test but a very ill advised rushed one does?
        Thats a weird old smell test you’ve got there. ..

      • cipy says:

        Kat, I read more of your comments above and you’re getting awfully ad hominem and fast. I brought up my case as an illustration of how age and fertility can weigh in people’s decisions. We don’t know whether this is an ill advised decision, because, long live truisms, we don’t know the future. It might be that, it might not, why are you so hot and bothered? There’s some people who wish they divorce and they haven’t even married, and I believe that to be bonkers and poisonous, beyond pleasant gossipy escapism. It’s the type of negativity that’s going to bite you in the ass, if it hasn’t already. And the opposite, people who faint with joy because of the news is equally infantile. So this guy you’re of fan of is an adult close to middle age, capable of managing his fate. Continue to enjoy his work or if you’re so disgusted with his Oscar thirst simply move on.

      • Kat says:

        Umm, what’s to suggest I’m ‘hot and bothered’? Coz I can assure you I’m really not…
        But you seem to be wound up about something…

        Look, why bring up something you’ve read somewhere about wanting them to be divorced? I haven’t said that and nobody on here as said that as far as I’m aware so what do you want me to do about it? It’s just the Internet. Seriously… Who cares. And like I said..if you see a post that you don’t like.. Tell them. Not me.

      • cipy says:

        Kindly don’t tell me what to do. You seem to think I was having a conversation with you only, well I wasn’t, esp. because I don’t enjoy your adversarial style in the service of such a trivial matter as the private life of an actor. You wanna get mad about the events in Paris, that’s understandable, but if you’re appalled, shocked, etc., in your own words, over Oscar campaigning of a guy you find despicable, then it is quite sad. Don’t bother replying, I’m going to avoid your posts, they’re like pollution.

      • Ant says:


        Ugh, did you forget who’s capable to beat you with experience?

      • Kat says:

        Wow, using a terrorist attack to make your point? Classy move.

      • solanacaea (Nighty) says:

        Wow, bringing up the events in Paris shows total lack of respect for the victims…
        That’s low…

      • Ant says:

        Can’t speak for the poster prior, but it’s clear that she was questioning the legitimacy of your butthurtedness. Here’s a classy one for you: let me guess, you’re single, right? Stay so. Don’t blight a poor schmuck with your crazy.

      • Kat says:

        Lol. Oh dear, the demented uberfans are out in force tonight. Why are you so ‘butthurted’ that the grown ups are talking, dearest disturbed? Where’s the ‘legitimacy’ in that?

      • Ant says:

        Don’t fool yourself, crazy (scrap that, you’re already off the deep end). I’m not a fan of your ugly lizard. I find him pretentious and mugging. But I do find your meltdown fascinating, in a train wreck kind of way. Actually the glee was fun for a while, inasmuch as it is enjoyable to see woman hater nutsos twist and turn like fish out of water. But it’s beginning to be boring and, as said above, sad.

      • ScottyisaRelic says:

        I’m beginning to question my commitment to the welfare state, given how much free time some of you across the pond seem to have. There’s no way you’re really working when you post dozens of reply day after day.

      • Kat says:

        You’ve already done the working/job gag, Relic. It bombed. Try harder

      • Kat says:

        LMAO. Well, I think watching your meltdown is much more fun, Ant.

      • ScottyisaRelic says:

        Touched a nerve, eh?

      • Kat says:

        Oh, absolutely. Totally. Yip.

      • ScottyisaRelic says:

        Nighty, your mother tongue is not English, so here’s help: the message was, do way I understand it, get mad for something that’s worth it. Not for an engagement.

    • scarf girl says:

      It can be a little of everything. If I were to have an unplanned pregnancy at this stage ( around BC age and slightly older than SH) I would think lng and hard about my options and the likelihood of it happening again. And would I factor in the ability of the father to help me financially and emotionally, even if I didn’t marry? Would I factor in how potentially being a single mom would hurt my career (which is a lot more stable than someone who works in avant garde theatre)?

      These are the questions I would ask myself. Bet SH asked some questions to herself as well. Look, I don’t wish them unhappiness, but they aren’t a couple I root for on the sidelines either.

    • moodgirl says:

      If this was a planned baby I doubt he would look suicidal. I don’t see how anyone can’t see this – how many happy people look and act like this?

      • Ingrid says:

        Yeah, moodgirl. He’s literally going through the biggest catastrophe of his life at the moment. If it was planned, or even if it was a happy surprise with a woman he’s in love with /likes, he would be over the moon, as Karon put it. He isn’t. Which says a lot about Sophie and their relationship.

      • **sighs** says:

        Everything he says and does screams not planned.

      • Anny says:

        He actually looks quite normal. I can’t see any “catastrophe”.

    • Janet says:

      If you’re not hot and bothered, Kat, then what are your frenzied posts over the past two days all about? I can almost hear you gnashing your teeth over there.

      • Kat says:


        I see your non crazy veneer in an attempt to not have your posts deleted lasted a long time.
        Why ‘frenzied’? We all chat a lot on here. But now and again a nanny drops in like a bluebottle into a pint on a summers day. Pesky.

      • TheOnlyDee says:

        I don’t even know what any of that meant, Janet. Kat is gaining notoriety over at the D.

  42. ellesbelles says:

    I’ve come back from the Tumblr to say that should their child be a boy, they can name him Eric, short for Embarassment of Riches

    That is all. Back to all of the hiddles gifs

    • solanacaea (Nighty) says:


    • Anonymous says:

      LoL – Out of all this….I hope the sex was worth it Benedict!!
      Coz that man looks like he hasn’t gotten some in a long long time… probably since conception!!

  43. Hexentanz says:

    If it was planned and they are both happy about it, then why did she not walk the RC with him at LFF? I don’t understand how she had to walk by herself, not even with the family. They did not have to mention who she is at all. Let people guess. BC knew then that she was pregnant, why do that to her? Because he felt tricked? Because it would have been easier to make her fade out if she didn’t stay pregnant. That is one of the things I don’t buy about this whole HIM being over the moon. If that was the case he could have treated her different. In actions and in the way he spoke about her in interviews. Never mention her name. The women I proposed to, my center, tool and asset…all those things, just don’t sound kind, let alone like true love. Is SHE over the moon???? Is that even an question? She managed to not get pregnant (as far as we know) for 36 years. And now, bam, after only a few weeks of dating she got preggers. She is beaming. Why not, she is having a baby with freaking Benedict Cumberbatch. She is set for live…..Kudos to her for pulling that of. She might not have succeeded in her career that much, but in terms of getting a father for her child she scored a solid A+.

    • Lu says:

      Hexentanz, seriously, that LFF red-carpet scene was possibly the most bizarre thing in a long string of WTF moments. What on earth was the point of it? You’re a big star at your movie premiere. Someone in your life whom you haven’t acknowledged publicly comes to the premiere *by herself* in a car, all dressed up, and walks the red carpet *by herself* in her evening gown in front of cameras—when your friends and family who are there are off somewhere else—only to disappear quickly and not be heard of again until the engagement announcement?

      • Ingrid says:

        She was 2 months pregnant and there was still a high miscarriage risk. So they made sure she was seen as to make the relationship seem more real, but if something would have happened to the baby later, SH could have disappeared to the thin air. No one would have been any wiser.

        Like I said, so committed, much in love. This is literally a situation where they got engaged purely for the sake of the baby and public image. Nothing more. And only after it was pretty certain there would be a baby.

    • moodgirl says:

      @Hexentanz – Totally agree.

    • gg says:

      What I said above – they both knew she was pregnant but not at 12 weeks yet. He wasn’t going to propose until then, just to be sure, and probably didn’t want her there at all. She probably threatened to blab to the tabloids – after all, she’d already been outed as the SGF by then. So she gets her “red carpet debut” but solo.

  44. Toodles45 says:

    Its possible he/they found out in November/December. During the Moet Awards he had said he had ‘just received the best news’ of his year but he didn’t want to talk about it too much followed by a comment about his engagement. Some people thought it was weird because he sounded redundant, but in hindsight it makes sense. Also, there’s a new interview with USA today where apparently in November he was excited to talk about kids which may mean he was happy about the pregnancy news. Its likely he’s happier about being a dad than getting married to SH, but who knows for sure. They look apethetic/odd on the RC but I wouldn’t say he looks miserable/suicidal.

    ^^ I will never forget that strange stomp off at the ESA (it was the ESA right?) Whether they had just had a row on the way there, or she was running away from the camera to avoid an interview (as some of the ‘nannies’ alluded to) we will never know.

    • Kat says:

      No, no way. She’s at least four months.
      At the Moët awards the painful exchange was him talking about 2014 and he’s says he had the ‘most important news of his life, but it’s private’ .. Yeah, course it is, that’s why you just brought it up to a reporter.
      The USA today interview was the one where he said he’s excited about having his own children but he also said he liked being a godparent because he had the ‘parenting without the headache’.

    • Anonymous says:

      I don’t trust his print interviews anymore, especially from news sites that seem to worship him. It’s just bizarre and contradictory. We should focus on video interviews instead because we can read his real expression. And his last statement I believe was from PS ‘one thing at a time’.
      As for that quote, ‘I’ve obviously had the most important news of my life’ – back then I thought he was referring to the announcement ad or baiting for the baby announcement to come… and it did! Everything seems to have been planned for PR since the sgf rumors. Except for the oopsie baby…provided its real. Dunno if Harvey would go this far?!

      • Toodles45 says:

        @me, very well thought out post. I too wish him happiness and wish them a healthy and happy baby. I saw a video of them at the FO where they were sitting next to each other and were laughing but he was looking down at his phone and his body language was off.

        EDIT: @me, for some reason was posted in the wrong place. What’s going on with this site lately?

  45. ireadtoomuch says:

    OMG OMG- Seriously this is too much 🙁 – I just had to post it

    I read this yesterday and couldn’t find it today morning but just did- it’s from abcnews.go.com.
    Will include the link at the bottom. IMO, ABC News is not a tacky tabloid and usually gets it’s facts correct and then I see this:

    The “August: Osage County” and “12 Years a Slave” star has been with his love since 2009, when they appeared together in the film “Burlesque Fairytales.”

    OK so speculation is one thing since it is totally up to personal bias and opinion- but are they really trying to spin this as a long term romance???? Since i don’t follow BC as closely but did some digging after reading CB comments (which i love) I run into this. Did they fat finger it and meant to say “known his love since 2009″ as opposed to ” with his love” which implies a long term r/s. Pls correct me if i am wrong- BC and OP’s r/s and breakup are public knowledge and documented etc. Breakup happened in 2012???? So……… what is being implied……UGH why am I getting into this?????? Misinformation irritates me ………….. if you have to create a hype abt something……………get your facts straight news people 🙁

    Oh God please stop me someone – this topic is so not rant worthy……..Anyhooo- I prob will comment again – will will try and refrain- I lost all respect for BC as a “family” person when he referred to his step-sister as his “mom’s daughter from her previous marriage”….. dude you share blood with her despite the age diff….. or is the clarification really needed (sigh)…

    Oh here is the abc link :

    As always- Happy Commenting lovely people!!!!! Peace out 🙂

  46. Me says:

    Aw, guys. Can’t we cut them a little slack? I honestly think that Benedict was convinced by Weinstein and all the PR teams to turn all these lemons into PR lemonade. I do not believe for a second it was planned this way all along and that he would want his personal life and PR like this. Lots of people are bringing up good points, but I find myself agreeing with Cate, moodgirl and :sighs: a lot.

    I absolutely believe Benedict was interviewing potential wifeys all year long. I buy his “romantic fairly tale” schtick, but, yes, he is also very career oriented and logical. He’s also a bit immature and socially inept. People call it naive, rude, problematic – whatever. But I think it comes down to ineptitude. That’s why he says thoughtless, clueless things sometimes – like unwittingly talking to the press about really personal stuff, especially when mulling over current things in his life. Preggo questions to a journo that he could privately ask his male, married friends. Thinking he could “interview” for a wife to fulfill a personal goal by a deadline. The impending demise of his relationship with Olivia. His – ahem, I mean – Sherlock’s sexual prowess.

    He’s actually done really well these days, considering the utter devastation it appears he feels. It broke my heart to see how close he was to tears in at least two interviews back in November. In one q & a someone asked him when the last time he cried was and he said something like, “today on the the plane.” But hurriedly followed up with some bull about just being tired. I do not think that this is at all how he pictured any of it in his dreams: his first Oscars, his marriage, the birth of his first child. He looks the way my dad did at my sister’s shotgun wedding. None of it was supposed to happen this way. Whether it fits our ideals or not: he wanted to meet someone extraordinary to him, he wanted to get engaged and married the traditional way. He wanted to get pregnant after that. He wanted to be an actor with broad range and opportunity – not some Hollywood monkey. (That would explain the Birdman tears. Excellent film btw.)

    I know some people really feel they’re owed an explanation because of his seeming personality 180. But we aren’t! How humiliating is all of this anyway? He’s learning lessons right now. I bet he knows he’s fooling no one, though the party line is to continue to try. Living this out in the public eye is humbling. Big time. I hope to God Ellen doesn’t harp on it and that he doesn’t feel the need to blabber on and tap dance for us. This has got to feel like wearing nothing but a dunce cap in the middle of the street while getting publicly flogged. His fans are all over him. Lord knows his colleagues are either laughing, shrugging or rolling their eyes. His parents definitely didn’t want this for him. They had to do the monkey dance in order to help put him through Harrow. He’s said a million times that his mum could have been right up there with Judi Dench, if he was never born. But they wanted him and they wanted him to find true love and success on his own terms. This might be it, but it doesn’t look like it.

    FWIW, I think this started out as a real relationship, but it wasn’t going as quickly as Sophie would have liked. Probably because he realized that, for everything she is on paper, she’s kind of stupid, silly and boring. (Just my surmise based on what I’ve seen of her on the carpet, in party pics, in her work and her interviews.) She’s into him, one way or the other. Accidental pregnancy or no, it looks like she was rushing this. I don’t see them online now, but there are French Open pics where he made her sit behind him. Because he wasn’t ready to go public. She forced the LFF red carpet. He wasn’t ready for it. They could get an abortion. He probably wouldn’t want one and, apparently, she’s fine with that as long as he commits to her. If there was the possibility that he could have truly fallen for her and had the real thing, she might have permanently killed it in her hurry. Because it looks like he got more sensible about taking it slow with his “personal goals” by summer and she was already glued on an that point. He doesn’t seem really into it/ready now. The announcement in The Times was his way of dealing with the fallout of what looks to be an accident. The reveal in a tabloid was someone forcing his hand after the “one thing at a time” quote when Miss Thang clearly showed up in her surprise get up and pretended to hide her sh!t.

    Maybe I’m wrong and the “public scrutiny” is what’s making them uncomfortable looking. But I don’t buy it. She’s not famous but she’s found herself in front of cameras for crappy “work” and at glitzy events for years. He is usually very warm, open and comfortable with himself in the press. If he just wanted to fiercely protect the love of his life from crazy Cumhards, I could totally see him waiting to announce his marriage and child until after it happened. But with his previous behavior, I think if he found the real thing, he would have officially revealed his “girlfriend” on a red carpet at some point. He was paranoid about being seen with women before because he wasn’t that into any of them. We all know, when a man finds a woman he’s into, he’s extremely proud and wants to be seen with her. He hadn’t found that girl yet.

    I wish him and his family luck and love. I wish him happiness. I don’t doubt for a second that the baby will be loved. I just hope Sophie is not the type to use him/her as a pawn.

    • Lu says:

      @Me, you’re very compassionate. I admire that.

    • ireadtoomuch says:

      @ Me- I do tend to agree with a lot of things you have said- I think what actually made me be like what??? was the comment given my Sophie’s mother “Watch this space” – I think that was the comment that started the frenzy and made people scrutinize things even more- Just my 2 cents 🙂

    • Kat says:

      Where did he make the comment about crying on a plane?

      • Ingrid says:

        Kat, The only one I know, is the one from SAG Q&A and he said that he cried the day before while playing RIII.

        Me – That was a beautiful post and I agree with most of it. Sadly.

        ireadtoomuch – Her mom commenting: either her family leaked it and insisted on the engagement, or more likely, it was leaked from PR. Her name was wrong, wasn’t it? Anna? The Times announcement said Katherine, her legal name is Anna Katherine so she uses her middle name but PR didn’t know it?

      • ireadtoomuch says:

        @ Ingrid- Mom or family or PR – I think that just put a spotlight on the whole situation- pity that it backfired in such a big way or things could’ve just been a tad better

    • gg says:

      @Me: Beautifully put. I hope he starts to look happier once the baby is here. (I also hope he comes to his senses and realizes that he does not “have to” marry Sophie.)

      • ireadtoomuch says:

        @gg much as we would like the man to be happy but I think that the “not having to marry Sophie” ship has sailed- just my opinion- I don’t think he expected the overwhelming scrutiny and naively relied on his fans – many of which I have to say are totally in love with her (by default) – to be totally accepting with no questions asked. So even if her doesn’t want to marry her – now it’s more of a matter of saving face, accepting the consequences and moving on. I don’t think he is stupid enough to commit career suicide which is what that will lead too and no one wants to be a laughing stock of peers and fans. Also i am going out on a limb here, please don’t flambe me on a open flame – since they sprang the pregnancy news, I wont be surprised if they come up with oh we are already married over the holidays- Just saying – not trying to make a pt and definitely not picking a side- Sorry if i have made anyone mad- this is just an opinion – don’t have a timeline neither do I know when they could’ve, couldn’t have etc…..just saying I won’t be surprised by anything anymore wrt them 🙂

      • Me says:

        I think he will probably marry her, but he really doesn’t have to. It would most definitely not ruin his career. Most of society would get it. Hollywood and theatre people would get it. I think even upper middle class Brits would find it acceptable enough because they will have been in a legit relationship with the intention of marrying. “It just didn’t work out.”

        That’s really all he would have to say. She could say whatever crap she wanted to the tabs and most would report on it but everybody would take it with a grain of salt. She would just look like an embittered, gold digging nobody – whether she is or not.

        The only rub is, if she is as crazy and scheming as some people suggest, she could try to keep him from his child and fill the kid’s head with poison.

        But I think they’re getting married. I hope that we’re all wrong and he’s happy. Or that he gets courage, tells her he wants to co-parent and she would deal with it without hurting the child.

    • Renee says:

      Me: You make many valid points. I have thought for awhile that BC was a bit immature. I do think he was dating SH and maybe not wanting it to go further and then, oops, she got pregnant. I think SH is/will be a bit problematic, but unfortunately, that’s his problem. I think he was talked into using all this for PR. I think that didn’t work out so well. JMO. I hope they both can move forward with their lives and make it look a little bit less of a clusterf*ck for the child’s sake.

    • Me says:

      Thanks, Toodles, Lu, Ingrid, ireadtoomuch, gg, Kat & Renee.

      I know it was a long, “crazy” post – But not a “why isn’t he marrying me – I know him so well – this is all a planned conspiracy – he needs my help” kind of crazy. I am just genuinely a fan who really cares about this person who I admire. I feel terrible for what it looks like he’s going through right now.

      Kat – I wish I could remember the interview. I want to say 92nd St. Y, but it was probably the LGBT SAG Q&A out in LA?

      FWIW – I don’t think Sophie’s motivations would be purely financial/career oriented. Hopefully, by now, she should realize she’s more of an admirer of the arts than an artist. Maybe she started dating a sexy, successful, hard working, intelligent, funny man close to her age who had a lot of money and status, but no crazy exes or kids… And he was interested in her! And wanted marriage and children! And she was desperate for him to continue to be into her. Sometimes, I see photos of them when he looks like he’s vacillating between shock and despair, but she looks happy. And I can’t help but think she is telling herself that he will come around and love her. And everything will be perfect.

      People talk about gold digging and “advanced age mothers,” but I think they forget how hard it is to find a single never married man who is in his 30s, has his sh!t together, has no kids AND has an interest in a serious relationship with a woman his age.

      Someone said there’s a new CDAN blind. What is it?

      • scarf girl says:


        It might have been me. But it wasn’t a blind item, it was that site’s write up of the pregnancy announcement. I had to google it tonight to find it again. But the write up made me feel sorry for Sophie and that is saying something. I think it is a PR plant. By someone. Because it dropped some questions or suggestions that made me go “wow, I don’t like the woman but that is just mean spirited.” And since I have opened the door I have to step through, don’t i? It had the rhetorical question of “do you think it was a one night stand, she got pregnant and asked her to marry him? Of course, there is always the possibility he might not be the father. It all seems so quick and convenient and just in time for awards season.” I mean, I have written snarky things, but that kind of take from a gossip site-even one that admits to making stuff up-seemed kind of vicious.

        And that is when I started to feel sorry for Sophie to some degree. Because I don’t take to her, I dislike her art, but can you imagine? I mean, there will be a child at the end of all of this. And I couldn’t help but think there was a PR reason it was written so slanted. And so I have just been sitting back, watching and waiting to see how this all plays out.

        Because I believe the only innocent person is the child. I am starting to think the two adults are really messed up.

      • Me says:

        Ooooh. Thanks, scarf girl. I found it. I actually didn’t think it was much worse than a lot of comments on these gossip boards and tumblrs. He probably picked it up from there to encourage more “tumblr crazy.” I mean, as much as BC looks kind of stupid, it would go to say Sophie looks like she gives the cookies away pretty easily. But people don’t care much about that these days. As far as the paternity thing? Well, it sounds kind of bad, but everyone (and I mean everyone), from fans to most media, find the length of their relationship mysterious at best. And he was travelling A LOT this year. It’s probably his. If they waited until she made 12 weeks to make a lot of decisions regarding the relationship and the media, they probably did that downs syndrome test too. Don’t you need amniocentesis for that? Perfect time to look into paternity, unless he was too polite to ask.

      • ireadtoomuch says:

        The CDAN article is ummmm wow…. I believe it is BC’s baby….. in whichever light SH is portrayed – neg or positive on the gossip boards…. she is not stupid and if we go with she knew what she was doing she would have made sure there was no question of paternity . As someone said earlier BC has been wife-hunting what seems like forever- would he really decide to do the deed with someone with a potential conflict of interest sexually??? I dunno- this is all very confusing but goes to show how easy it is to mess up when you are a celebrity. And as one of my very wise friends once told me- it is all good when the affair is young and the blood is hot and there is distance- the real problems happen when you actually live with the person and wake up next to them everyday.

      • scarf girl says:

        Me I agree I have read worse, but somehow, the fact it was on a gossip site like CDAN made me cringe. Maybe some gossiping guilt on my part?

        Whatever is going on, I don’t think I would put too much stock on any blinds or anything else until after Oscars. If there are issues, I think it will start to come out then.

        But I maintain they are both weird. And he is just so talented. I will eventually feel sorry for him but right now, just, no.

      • scarf girl says:


        Yeah, that was my reaction too.

        Again, there won’t be any cracks on rg until after Oscar.

      • moodgirl says:

        “Hopefully, by now, she should realize she’s more of an admirer of the arts than an artist.” 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

      • Cate says:

        Great posts Me, truly! You gave me some new food for thought and also some new insights. It’s really quite a sad story though, but it’s also life of course. Which can be messy for any of us. Whether you’re a successful actor or not.

      • moodgirl says:

        I can’t find the CDAN stuff. Hint please.

      • Felice says:

        It’s Enty being Enty. He basically called it a shotgun wedding and called her pretty by British standards.

      • moodgirl says:


      • moodgirl says:

        Nevermind, I found it. JUICY. And well deserved. I have no sympathy for Sophie at all and I’m still an 😇!

  47. blended says:

    the biggest riddle in all of this: why is this man, normally so gentlemanly in the presence of women, never seen being courteous with the woman carrying his child. he’s so protective and affectionate with keira (he probably knew she was pregnant fairly early on), and beams when around anyone else. but towards the mother of his child-nothing but coldness. even if he doesn’t love her (and i don’t think he does), he would at the very least be protective of her (open car doors, sit next to her in the car, help her down the stairs, etc.). it’s a mystery to me.

    • Renee says:

      blended: I’ve wondered the same thing. The only thing I can think of is that their relationship isn’t a good one and he can’t act his way into feeling any differently about her. I really don’t know. It is….odd…for lack of a better word.

      • Ingrid says:

        Renee & blended – I agree. When the gag was announced, pregnancy or PR were my first thoughts. Then he landed in LA with #jawseyes and I leaned more towards PR. Then he started to give those weird quotes with no emotion, they appeared together and I thought no way in hell he would act that way towards the future mother of his child.

        Still don’t know what to make of this…

      • Renee says:

        Ingrid: Can’t think of anything else to justify his behavior except that he doesn’t seem to have much regard for the mother of his child and vice versa, to the point where he doesn’t even want to be protective of her…see the LFF stunt, the leaving her in a car in front of Quaglino’s, etc, etc. Maybe he has no intentions of marrying her and that part is all PR. I don’t know. I never thought they appeared to enjoy one another’s company. It’s sad but this is the result of poor decisions. I don’t know what else to offer. He’s got to live with it now. He doesn’t have to marry her though.

      • Alice says:

        This behavior gives more credence to the entrapment theory. And that he knows it was no “accident” and he resents her and the situation. Yes, I know it takes two to tango argument, but I imagine in most instances outside of ONS women are the birth control managers since they’re the ones who get pg. I stand with all the others who think it’s very easy to say, “Yes, Dear, I’m on the pill(just haven’t taken it for two weeks).” Especially when you’re looking to land a catch.

        Sure, he’ll love the child, just not the bearer. And a child doesn’t benefit from a bitter, resentful marriage.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe because she isn’t?? Or he knows its not his?!

    • moodgirl says:

      He can’t stand her.

    • moodgirl says:

      @blended – Your own words give the biggest hint: Since Ben is normally gentlemanly in the presence of women then there must be a reason for the drastic change in his behavior.

      “why is this man, normally so gentlemanly in the presence of women….”

  48. Gwen says:

    ” Because he probably proposed right after she peed on a stick. Very romantic.” – Now this just made my day!

    Well only time will tell if this guy loves the mom of his child for sure. I agree, he’s doesn’t look super affectionate on these photos. Hmm…

    Wanna have fun? Check out -FakeABaby-

  49. Janet says:

    The past two days have been too funny on here. Supposedly grown women having a mass meltdown because their idol knocked up somebody else. Of course he’s got to be miserable, devastated, suicidal, she trapped him, etc. etc. 🙄

    Enough with the crazy. I’ll leave y’all at it. I’m done.

    • moodgirl says:

      I don’t see it as a mass meltdown, in fact people on this site are always thoughtful, mature and considerate of each other. We are concerned about a person that we all like and respect. Why are you here?

      • Maggie says:

        You might be “considerate” of those that agree with you but certainly not considerate if anyone dares to disagree with any of you.

        You are certainly not “considerate” of Sophie or Benedict with your crackpot theories and totally inappropriate discussions about his personal life.

        Say something against the ‘hive mind” and out jumps Kat/Soothy to defend the hive.

        The hyperbole in many of the posts is just laughable and makes a mockery of any reasoned discussion.

        A 38 year old man got engaged to a 36 year old woman and they are having a baby. Sounds all good to me.

      • TheOnlyDee says:

        Thoughtful about a woman that you have never met, who has done nothing to you, and you truly know very little about? Seriously it is very disturbing and I almost fear for the woman’s safety. As someone who knows little about the man, and came over here because this was being discussed on another site, I can truly tell you that none of you come off as mature and thoughtful.

      • Kat says:

        @the onlydee
        Yup, of course you know very little about the man. You just made your way here from somewhere totally unrelated out of pure curiosity.
        Seriously, it’s these types of posts that give me the utter creeps.
        Have you actually read what’s you’ve written? It’s so ridiculous.
        She has put herself firmly in the public eye and seems to be pretty comfortable there, her show on Saturday and past red carpets – she has no problem with that at all. So, that’s fair game for people to discuss it. And that’s what people are doing.
        How can you make a fool out of yourself by saying this ‘is disturbing and almost a fear for a safety.’? This brand of crazy is utterly disturbing to me.

      • Felice says:

        Why are you fearful? No threats have been made. No one knows where she is. You can’t say there’s a threat to someone’s safety unless you have proof of intention to harm.

      • Claire says:

        I think we should all give thanks to Kat for tirelessly fending off these creeps trying to gaslight us skeptics as the crazy ones these past few days.

        Time will tell who’s right. Time will tell.

      • Me says:

        Ick. Some people are pretty emphatic and go overboard with their version of whatever narrative they suppose is going on. But saying people want to hurt this man’s fiancee is supremely overboard. Hope BC/Sophie’s “people” don’t actually buy that baloney.

        Otherwise, as weird as it is for someone on another gossip site to click on this gossip site so that they can change tack from criticizing the “Alien Lizard King” to criticizing fans/gossipers for the way they gossip? It’s as strange as us engaging with the vitriol of these strange people – defending the celebrities we don’t know – who they, um, also. don’t. know. So, yeah…

        I mean, we have no lives, but everyone on “the D” does. Maybe we can ask them where they get their “psychiatric assistance.” ROFL.

        Everyone who is super into commenting on gossip sites is a little weird, okay? Ignore them. They’re either actually mentally disturbed or trolls looking for entertainment.

      • Kat says:

        Oh the crazy has been ramped up a bit more..

        Maggie, I understand you are from imdb and you have a crazy obsession over this guy..like frighteningly so. But your regular appearances on here are just getting weird. That site chills to the bone. It is dark, creepy and wicker man level of wrong.
        I don’t confront people that disagree, there’s all sorts of opinion on here, I confront the totally demented and delusional nanny fans who periodically come over here to foam at the mouth and claw at the face of everyone who’s actually discussing some pretty effed up way of selling out your personal life for publicity.
        And yes, nannies, that’s what it is.
        You can see your ‘man has baby with woman and gets engaged’ simple narrative, nobody cares what you think, but why the hell do you care about people who are talking about it for what it is and who do you think you are telling people how they can think?
        Do you realise how crazy it sound so say that this is ‘inappropriate discussion of his personal life’ I mean really? Have you listened to yourself?
        He is using and publicising his personal life, so it is BOUND to be discussed .. How can even you not see that?

      • Felice says:

        There are fans who are just fine with believing everything spoon fed to them. I just think that it’s very rich that tumblrites can mock Fox News for being inaccurate and biased while celebrity gossip will always be 100% accurate (yes, there are fans who double as Social Justice Warriors). If there is any type of news being reported, they will never give you the whole story. Why is it that any other celebrity is fair game but once it’s Benedict it’s suddenly wrong?

        Also, there are people who pour their milk in before their cereal, wear socks with sandals, and watch Fox News. People just do things that people are going to question and it’s not necessary to lash out at every single thing.

      • ScottyisaRelic says:

        And what are going to do after a couple of years with prolly another kid on the way (they seem fertile)? Are you going to eat crow and realize how risible all this has been?
        You guys have as much sense as door knob. Why are you invested in this dude’s private life? It’s his professional one that deserves attention, if any. Is he stupid not to wear a condom and be played by his fiancee or cunning and devious in choreographing his private life for public consumption? Is he a superb talented actor who cannot fake affection on the red carpet? Make up your minds.
        But you won’t give up. You’ll be here for months on end, spewing basically the same story.
        In the meantime, i’m afraid that crazy in contaminating so peace out

      • Maggie says:

        I’m done as well but Kat/Soothy you should really try writing fanfiction but try to tone down the hyperbole.

        “That site chills to the bone. It is dark, creepy and wicker man level of wrong.
        I don’t confront people that disagree, there’s all sorts of opinion on here, I confront the totally demented and delusional nanny fans who periodically come over here to foam at the mouth and claw at the face of everyone who’s actually discussing some pretty effed up way of selling out your personal life for publicity.”

        Oh the irony!

      • moodgirl says:

        “A 38 year old man got engaged to a 36 year old woman and they are having a baby. Sounds all good to me.”

        Sounds all good to you. O.K. You don’t need validation from me. If you believe this then why are you questioning us? Again, why are you here?

      • Kat says:

        Wow it really is imdb away day. Do you two have any self awareness at all or any concept of how ridiculous you sound? IMDB is quite rightly hailed as the place where sanity went to die and here’s the evidence.
        Do you really think it’s normal to run around to gossip sites screaming at people for celebrity gossip? Particularly ones who publicise their private lives so strongly.
        Lol @scottyrelic’s previous attempts to seem like a too cool for school troll calling out the people wasting their time online but as I suspected, emerges as an arch IMDB nanny, demanding people only talk about his private life.
        And as futile as it is try and reason with you, Scotty, the points you were so feebly trying to make about ‘making up your mind’ are examples of many different opinions of different people on here. So, no..no contradictions.
        Maybe nannies would fare better if they didn’t try and attack everyone as a collective body and realise that we all have varying opinion on him and how this has played out.

        Oh, maggie…we all know you’ll be back. And I’m just counting down the hours..

        Also, is it part of the imdb manifesto to believe everyone is the same person?

      • Sixer says:

        I think you should ALL stop with the ad hominems and the purple prose you use to denigrate one another. It’s a disagreement about a microscopically insignificant corner of an interwebz cult, not a clash of bloody civilisations.

        To someone who is only here for the comets, you all come out of it diminished. Try a bit of peace-outing, ladies, and we’ll all breathe a sigh of stardusted relief.

      • Kat says:

        Of course it doesn’t matter, Sixer.
        But it’s just bats£&it for obsessive fans to descend on a gossip site to scream at people for talking about a celebrity’s very public personal life.

      • Ganger says:

        Well said, Sixer. I’m flummoxed by how many people are so passionate about this silly man and his silly life.

      • gg says:

        The imdb-ers are clearly bored with attacking each other so they came here. And I know it is early but I nominate Sixer’s “To someone who is only here for the comets” for Typo of the Year

      • Shesh says:

        Maggie, I’ve been reading the comments (first time) and most of the people here are speculative and skeptical. Surely with a site name like celeBITCHY you’d understand that this was a no-holds-barred gossip site. Benedict Cumberbatch chose to have his private life made very much public so gossip sites will discuss it. It doesn’t even begin to cross into the realm of weird. Also using the hive mind analogy–having one or two people contradict you doesn’t mean it’s a hive mind. It’s no more a hive mind then any forum or site you’d prefer (I’m guessing no gossip, no opinion, no speculating).

        If there’s no been threat made to a person, then their safety is not an issue. I have found in my experience that obsession is something that happens on both sides of the camp. In my experience with fans of various celebrities I have found that the kind of fan you’re implicating (you mention one person but I’m guessing everyone) do exist in those who gossip or choose not to.

        Surely there’s fan sites that would be better suited for your preferences where you don’t have to come across speculation. I mean it seems a bit overkill thinking that either side has that much investment into BC/SH that they’d actually threaten or actual act out a threat since it’s clear that having disdain for gossip and speculation or loving it doesn’t automatically mean anything other than how people like their news/gossip.

      • Kat says:

        Thanks for the voice of reason, shesh, but these people are beyond logic. They’re horribly obsessed with him and attack anyone who dares to actually talk about him critically.
        Usual domain is IMDB, but they spill over now and again.

        And laughable, seeing as he’s made his personal life as public as possible, but still they insist it shouldn’t be discussed.

    • **sighs** says:

      Sixer. Thank you. I hate the fighting on here. Just ignore the trolls, ladies. It’s not worth it.

  50. Lightbulb596 says:

    Just noticed on BTT and other blogs (pic on link in notes on BTT) that the Just Cavalli dress she has on at the PSIFF has a missing front panel – which completely changes the balance of the dress! It’s on the Daily Mail article today if you can face it. It would make anyone look pregnant with that part missing. They have doctored it completely. Pregnant or not, this proves that was completely deliberate and orchestrated. That was their intent. Probably without his knowledge by the look of things.

    • Ingrid says:

      Oftentimes designers change their designs before they go to retail so the missing panel isn’t that weird. I liked the model version better, they should have changed the bottom IMO.

      But I agree that the dress was a deliberate choice as was the coat holding. Ugh…

      • scarf girl says:

        Ingrid that Just Cavalli dress made me yearn for the floral Erdem Hart and Emily Wickstead. I am looking forward to her choices at higher profile award shows. I thought she would just go for avant grade but no, Missy has proven she will wear labels championed by Paris Hilton and Victoria Secret models with the Cavalli choice.

        And I realized who she reminded me of (face shape only). Catherine Keener. Her hair would look quite nice styled a la that look from Being John Malkovich. And I do hope PR reads this, because that hair in Palm Springs was not acceptable.q

  51. Hexentanz says:

    On every red carpet so far he looked and acted like he was mad at her and had a hard time to contain it. Never a tender word or gesture, even though he knows she is pregnant. Then he moves away from her and is all smiley and happy, huggy, kissy with other people. I looked at a bunch of pics/video of the two of them and there is not a single one where he really looks at her face. He glances at her for a millisecond on the video where he says “you’re late or allright”. That’s it.
    He knows people will pick up on that, we are not blind. I don’t care if he feels trapped by her. She is the mother of your child, she did not do this on her own. Show her some respect and kindness. Just show all of us that you are at least a little bit of the nice, down to earth, funny guy that we (the normal fans) all rooted for. The other people, that only know him from People magazine buy whatever is sold to them. The “over the moon” and everything else. They don’t care.
    The only reason that would explain that kind of behavior from him towards her would be if she really told him not to worry about it and he was dumb enough to go for it, or if the baby is not his.

    • Ingrid says:

      … or she doesn’t know who the father is (might be Ben) and/or she is blackmailing him with it. I truly hope that’s not the case because no one should sink that low.

      But why is he so cold? I don’t understand… The contrast from PSFF pics with SH, eddie and allen is so shocking. As is BIFA with AS and others.

    • moodgirl says:

      I understand that he should show respect to the mother of his child BUT from what I can see Sophie is rude, disrespectful, and inconsiderate to Ben, Karon and Ben’s niece Emily. She was perfectly willing to make fools of both Ben and Karon – the hardest working woman in show business who deserves respect for not only her job performance but for her complete loyalty towards Ben during this nonsense – in front of their peers and fans.

      There must be a reason why his family and friends are silent during this whole fiasco. So, maybe Ben is giving as well as he gets.

  52. nonnie says:

    Why do people worship this man? I mean he is unattractive and I’ve heard stories of him being rude to fans. Also I find him annoying to watch in interviews his voice is just so boring. I honestly do not get the Media frenzy with him, its not like he is young or anything he looks like he is approaching his mid 40s and having his first child at that age? alriiight. I am not sorry if I have offended any of his fans because tbh if you are offended by what I am saying about someone you do not know then I think you need to relax and remember he is a stranger. But please someone answer my question as I am clueless.

    • Maggie says:

      God help us all if this is what you call worshipping a man. LOL

      Yes he is a stranger and all this discussion of his private life is inappropriate and way OTT. IMHO.

      • Kat says:

        Coming from someone on IMDB who has incredibly intrusive discussions on his private life all the time, but because you’re inappropriately familiar, fawning and sycophantic, that’s fine is it?

      • scarf girl says:

        It is no different than what people do in small town churches, women’s horticulture clubs, sororities, in bars…..people talk about people. It happens. That is why PR uses sites like this for good and I’ll. And if you are in the public eye, you either don’t talk about your life or make it private (see, for example, artists like Spike Jonze, Richard Armitage, Jessica Chastain) or you pimp it out (Jessica Simpson, Kim Kardashian, and now, BC although he is not on the same scale just yet and hope after Oscar campaign he tones it down). But I am no worse than my mother or your mother in their old ladies circles.

  53. tsmiv says:

    The doubters were right all along. It was never what PR was selling. There was no romantic story. I don’t think the doubters should gloat, but it’s nice to know people are still capable of reading through media and PR bull even though none of this is important to any of us in the real world.
    I honestly feel bad for him, he is obviously embarrassed. Who wouldn’t be? Somebody suggested he didn’t know she was going to wear that dress at PSFF, I wholeheardly agree with that. I cannot believe any decent man would want his baby announced on a red carpet in front of a bank of cameras and that’s exactly what she did. They could have gotten her a better dress to hide it, but she went rogue. I still want to know how are they going to explain the wine in pictures from ESAwards?

    • ES says:

      > They could have gotten her a better dress to hide it, but she went rogue.

      I don’t really think she did it on purpose/ I think the opposite – she was trying to hide her pregnancy but she is at a stage where it is pretty much impossible. I think both of them didn’t realize it.

      First, camera makes everyone look like they have 30 pounds more than they have.
      Second, she probably picked the dress a couple weeks in advance not realizing that she’ll be showing much more.

      For pregnant ladies there isn’t much choice – either go with an empire waist dress or a drop waist dress, which was her choice. So, to me the dress actually says she wasn’t trying to call attention to her pregnancy, The bottom line is, may be she could hide it for 1 week more with an empire waist dress but that is it.

      • Alice says:

        Or, she could just not show up. Her presence wasn’t required.

      • Anonymous says:

        It wasn’t the dress that gave away her pregnancy, it was the way she carried herself. From the super shimmer on her face to maker glow (she wasn’t glowing in airport pics), to the way she stood at a particular angle to show off the bump (she has always posed standing tiff and straight towards the camera) and the dead give away was the shiny purse strategically placed in front of her tummy to “hide the bump”!! These are classic pregnancy poses done at the red carpet by pregnant woman, only difference is that most women tend to show off their belly when their bump is soo much bigger.! And don’t forget the coat holding through both airports…it was all super baity.

      • Kat says:

        Wow. No offence ES but are you kidding?

        A) if she truly wanted to hide something, she could’ve either stayed away from the event completely or not posed on the red carpet for pictures with him.

        B) she was undoubtedly 100% baiting. She chose the clingiest style of dress possible with a band underneath the stomach for emphasis and stood with her stomach out. And to top it off, she incongruously held up the minuscule bag at her stomach which was a clear ‘don’t look at my stomach’ manoeuvre. Confidently, she dropped it enough to make sure photographers got a really good shot tho.
        Think about how Keira dressed, she completely subtlety covered herself at all times. It’s very easily done.
        Seriously, I know there’s a lot of conjecture and opinion on here, but how anyone could dispute that, I really don’t know.

      • ES says:

        > Or, she could just not show up. Her presence wasn’t required.

        She would still have to show up at Golden Globes and Oscars. One week doesn’t really make much difference.
        PR wise she can’t stay home either. If they just got engaged it would look very starnge for her not to accompany him.
        So, I am still not buying the whole conspiracy – oh, she tricked him and now everyones KNOWS 1 WEEK EARLIER than planned.

      • Kat says:

        Erm, no it wouldn’t have looked weird for her to stay home. She didn’t have to be photographed on that PIFF red carpet at all. Them being engaged has nothing to do with it. There’s no law that states that engaged couples must pose together on red carpets. Many, many people don’t as they just don’t want the attention.

        It’s nothing to do with a conspiracy. It’s a a fact that she deliberately wore that dress to that red carpet to announce the pregnancy and whip up the media when she had no reason to.

    • Fuji says:


      “If they just got engaged it would look very starnge for her not to accompany him.”

      Um, no, since he specifically gave her a way out by stating that she’s not used to red carpets (BS) and OMG! so so very very busy! (double BS). She definitely could have stayed home. Or simply not in front of the flashes. She was there with the specific aim to be seen pregnant. She enhanced her belly in every possible way.

      EDIT. Sorry @Kat, we basically posted the same post 😉

  54. Me says:

    Something positive. Did y’all see this? http://entertainthis.usatoday.com/2015/01/08/tbt-we-talk-parenthood-with-dad-to-be-benedict-cumberbatch/

    I think he will be a good daddy. 🙂 Can you imagine spending your childhood listening to private readings of bedtime stories by Benedict Cumberbatch?

    • Ingrid says:

      Benedict Cumberbatch using single phrase answers? That’s weird…

    • Kat says:

      Oh of course he’ll be a good dad.

      Weird though these journos appearing with edited snippets of interviews going ‘I knew he was going to be a dad!!!!!’ … Ummm. Okaay? Not sure that’s anywhere near significant enough to warrant mentioning, but there you go.

    • **sighs** says:

      It’s very strange that these things keep dropping now. They just happened to remember bits of awkward conversation? He’s asking random journos about discipline?

      • MissMary says:

        Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah no journo would’ve sat on that for this long if they could have been the ones to “break” the rumor he was going to be a dad. I call b.s.

    • gg says:

      @Me: Benedict reading The Hobbit??? *swoon*

    • Me says:

      I totally see your point about the timing, etc. But I hope he’s excited. We aren’t giving him credit for this either: Most expectant fathers are terrified (even when happy).

  55. Linz says:

    Haha!! The Independent called them out..

    (Old-fashioned dad-to-be Benedict Cumberbatch drops his retro image)

    “Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter may have taken the old-fashioned route when they announced their engagement in marriages section of The Times two months ago, but the couple last night did an about-face and confirmed the arrival of their first child to the tabloids.

    The couple told the gossip website they are “over the moon” to be expecting their baby – a clear departure from their previous PR approach.”

    • Claire says:

      Not just that but notice the phrase “their previous PR approach”. They didn’t just call out the sleaziness but knocked down the “traditional announcement”, “private couple” bs and are saying publicity is central to their relationship and their image is highly controllled

    • Ingrid says:

      Gotta love The independent. I think it was them who also wrote the “top human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin marries an actor” article 😀

    • Lu says:

      “the couple told the gossip website they are ‘over the moon’…” No they didn’t. A PR representative said that about them to the gossip website.

  56. Claire says:

    Lol always wondered what happened to soothy. Now we know: kat!

    • Grace says:

      Wait, Kat is Soothy?

      • Claire says:

        Well she appeared as soon as soothy disappeared last weekend, and they have that same…ahem, fighting spirit. I didn’t like soothy for her atrocious politics but we’re on the same side of this fight, so am happy to have her here to bite off these maggots like Maggie and scotty

      • Kat says:

        Rule 1

        Oh don’t believe what the nannies say, girls…

        Thankfully there’s more people with a fighting spirit in this world than you can imagine.

      • Claire says:

        Lmao I’m a nanny now. Yup, soothy absolutely. If the language analysis similarities weren’t enough. Anyways, read my post again soothy, I’m overlooking your nastiness bc we’re on the same side of this fight, which still led you to think I’m a nanny. Errrr

      • Kat says:

        Um, no claire. I was referring to maggie claming that I’m Soothy. I’m guessing that’s where you got this from? Of course I wasn’t referring to you as a nanny.
        When have I been nasty by the way?

  57. Grace says:

    Okay, people, here are my questions:

    I don’t know Sophie and I am not claiming to have any inside knowledge of their relationship/connection/affiliation. I am just calling it as I see it. Let’s say they were dating and made a baby and things went south for reasons unknown to us. What kind of woman with self-respect marries the baby daddy who refers to you as ‘tool’ and ‘asset’? Who can’t act like a loving partner when you are with his child standing on red carpet?

    Stick with co-parenting and have a long and hard think before the wedding bells seriously. At least until they work things out. It’s just too much unnecessary drama in the game they are playing. If this is how it’s gonna be, how can they not loathe each other in time?

    • Ingrid says:

      Because she doesn’t care about him but about fame & attention?

      The way Ben acts around her, talks about her and how it’s still “I, I, I, me”, tells there’s something really, really wrong with their relationship. I hate to say this about any woman, but the trapping theory would explain quite a lot. She’s like Cheshire cat, he’s miserable as f*ck.

      Think about how BC would act if he had knocked up one of his other friends accidentally: Loo or Keira or Juno for example. He wouldn’t act like this. No way. There’s something fishy about this lady.

      Loved how the nannies said he’s so caring because he asked her if she was cold at PSFF. And then you watch his interviews from there and he said the same thing to at least two reporters. LOL.

      • alice says:

        He just wanted to get her the hell away from RC cameras at PSFF.

      • Ingrid says:

        alice – The picture where he’s “tenderly” looking at her bump, his face is more like “Dear God, what is she doing”

      • gg says:

        He was the last to come on to the red carpet – by far – because he was across the street signing for fans. I also think he was delaying going over to be with Sophie

      • Me says:

        @”Dear God, what is she doing?” ROFL! +10 billion

    • Claire says:

      Grace, all the same wtf questions we’ve had. You’re not being crazy or weird by asking them. Something in denmark is rotten

    • alice says:

      He’s reaching the loathe her level. She’s loving his money, fame and the cameras flashing around her. That’s why she’s there.

    • moodgirl says:

      Money, security and fame. She has no self respect but appears to be manipulative and underhanded. She has no problem hurting others to get what she wants. If he has good emotional and legal backing he will agree to co-parent and child support and move on. He won’t, because he doesn’t have the emotional backbone or the maturity to get away from her. And she knows this. She is too cunning for him. Sad his people won’t step in and call it.

      • ES says:

        > has no self respect but appears to be manipulative and underhanded. She has no problem hurting others to get what she wants.

        You don’t know the woman. And whether you like her or not, this kind of mudslinging is uncalled for.
        “Hurting others”? She didn’t hurt anyone. BC did it to himself. Anyone else she hurt? Give it a rest.

      • New Poster says:

        @moodgirl Agree with ES. We can’t make assumptions regarding her character. We can assume that this pregnancy wasn’t intentional as if they were trying based on current events, we can also assume if intentional they would have gotten engaged first.

        I don’t know what’s going on in Benedict’s head but I think he cares for her as he’s engaged to her. Whether or not they marry doesn’t matter, they will be in one another’s lives forever as they share a child.

      • moodgirl says:

        He cares for her? You don’t have to know what is going on in Benedict’s head, just look at his face. If you want to live in the romance novel that you have created for these two so be it. My opinion counts as much as yours.

  58. Ingrid says:

    BTW, where the hell is James Rhodes congratulatory tweet fest? And more importantly, where’s Mama and Brother Hunter’s tabloid statements?

    If these three aren’t talking, something’s very wrong. Quite telling….

    • alice says:

      Crossed fingers that he’s told his nearest and dearest to hold off because there’ll be no wedding and don’t make a big thing of the announcement.

      • Ingrid says:

        Yep. James is pretty close to BC and probably knows this is killing him. This isn’t really happy news, regardless of what nannies think. Every adult with a brain knows what happened and it isn’t good.

        Stephen Fry is the first one to “comment” (Sky News after Bafta announcement) “I was as surprised by Benedict’s nomination as I was by Sophie’s pregnancy”

        Just a bad joke which doesn’t really make sense (sarcasm? I need Sheldon Cooper style Sarcasm sign), and he didn’t even had to mention it. Shade or just that he has no filter?

      • Felice says:

        Shade to a point. Stephen Fry isn’t above shade.

      • Cate says:

        That’s a weird joke, I mean, he obviously meant that he wasn’t surprised at all. But to joke about it in the first place…and the radio silence is weird too. Like has James all of a sudden got a gag order or something?

      • Felice says:

        He could’ve meant he wasn’t surprised about the pregnancy because of the rushed engagement. Honestly even when his friends (not co-stars. Matthew Goode you’re beautiful but shut up) commented to the press about it, it’s never “I’m so happy for him,” but just dancing around it.

      • gg says:

        57-year-old Stephen Fry is engaged to a 27-year-old. He can’t really afford to throw THAT much shade LOL

      • Felice says:

        Yeah but he managed to keep that a secret until the public registrar let the cat out of the bag. I don’t follow him enough to see if they’re really in love but I do like his work.

      • Me says:

        Stephen Fry is so smart. That joke can be taken so many ways. It could be seen like he was taking the piss at Benedict’s expense by saying he was genuinely surprised that Benedict was nominated. Or that, since Benedict’s nomination is no surprise, neither is Sophie’s pregnancy. And it’s all fabulous news… Or shade.

        It could be a little of everything. He’s surprised at how it’s all being handled, but (with hindsight) not so surprised she’s pregnant. And he’s happy for Benedict? But not sure because this circus has to be side-eyed. I mean, even if he was madly in love, the situation wouldn’t have to be handled this way.

    • New Poster says:

      I try to make things as simple as possible. He got her pregnant, they waited until the first trimester was over then they got engaged. Based on tweets in early December regarding an engagement party, they may be very serious about getting married. I don’t think anyone (friends, family, etc.) can force a man to get married. After getting engaged, they decided to put her bump on display in Palm Springs (decision they made together) for PR and so it wouldn’t be a surprise when she showed up to the GGs pregnant.

      I am willing to chalk Benedict’s poor demeanor to shilling out his private life for an award. Explains his BIFA speech and his comments regarding Harvey.

      • gg says:

        Why “announce” by just flaunting it on the red carpet like that? Issue a statement at least. No way did Benedict have control of that situation…..

      • Ingrid says:

        Yep, I agree. But his poor demeanor is clearly linked to SH, talking about her and being next to her. Not just selling his private life. There’s something very serious going on behind the scenes and it’s not difficult to guess what.

        They also chose to do the reveal at PSFF to max the PR. If they had done it at GG it would have gotten buried under the award coverage (bale’s wife/applegate/portman have used this trick). That baby is working overtime with daddy’s campaign.

      • alice says:

        Why did he(?) put an announcement in the Times? Let me think….oh yeah, it was so people wouldn’t find out via a grainy photo of a ring on her finger. Mixed messages??

    • moodgirl says:

      Where are his parents????

      • **sighs** says:

        I still think that’s the strangest thing in all of this. Aside from JR, who, let’s be honest, seems like a little bit of a famewhore himself, none of his friends/family have tweeted or made any statements since the engagement. Not that I can remember. Not even congratulations on the awards/nominations. No pithy congratulations. Not even generic happy for you tweets. Nothing.

      • Me says:

        See, I’m side eyeing all of this, but I don’t find his parents’ silence weird. Nor that of Adam et al.

        The only reason we know how much Wanda was interested in new grandchildren was because of that Caitlin Moran profile. It’s not like his parents regularly comment on him publicly. Pretty much never actually.

        As for his friends who tweet: Loo may mention him from time to time, but always in reference to work. Or she’ll answer an innocuous question about whether they hung out recently. She doesn’t actually post about him that much. Adam usually congratulates him on career stuff – as a friend, but publicity for Sunny March too. Some other friends congratulate him on career stuff or tweet little jokes. But we don’t know how close any of them are. They might have held their tongues on this one because all this was a surprise. But not too surprising because they might not be so close that they know that much about BC’s dating life. They probably congratulated him privately.

        After the firestorm that ensued, James probably decided to deliver his well wishes privately. BC might have asked him for that. Comments and jokes about BC’s career or hanging out are a lot different than public comments about his private personal life.

        Who knows what’s going on. But their silence doesn’t have to mean they don’t support him.

    • moodgirl says:

      @Ingrid – Maybe JR wasn’t aware of the unfortunate circumstances when he first tweeted when the news came out. Now he knows so he is keeping his mouth closed.

  59. Claire says:

    While we wait for a newpost, I assume he got a bafta nom?

    Also, was she showing at the nye party pics? Where was that held anyways

    • Anonymous says:

      Hard to tell from the insta pics if she was showing in the NYE party…but her bust looked pretty big, as it did in the Bifa leather dress…so who knows?! Either way a pg is the only thing that would explain this clusterf**k and the turmoil of a public relationship made complicated by unplanned baby.

    • gg says:

      Yep, TIG got nine BAFTA noms

  60. Ingrid says:

    Keira arrived to LA alone (sans husband). Hoping that someone else does the same.

    • Anonymous says:

      yep. And he’s presenting an award at the golden globes too! He needs to be there pre-rehearsal.

    • gg says:

      Nationally televised (in the US!) red carpet? Not a chance!

      • Ingrid says:

        Yep, but it’s so nice to live in denial for a while 😀 Soctopus has really gotten over her fear of red carpets.

        Unless her red carpet stunts (ESA, The Hobbit and now the PSFF) went too far and PR realized they are not ready for televised red carpet. If she shows up, it will be a sh*tstorm. Hours of material and he will be one of the most photographed /filmed people that night…

        It will be interesting to see what will happen after the Oscars. I always remember Sandra Bullock when I think about “keeping your personal live together” until The Oscars.

      • gg says:

        @Ingrid: Oooo, excellent point about Sandra! Boy does that give me hope…..fingers and all other appendages are crossed

      • alice says:

        Yeah, Sandra came up roses after her scumbag husband departed the scene.

    • MissMary says:

      Oh SH will be with him till that kid is hanging by the cord and waving at the paps for an exclusive–don’t expect him anywhere alone for a while.

    • alice says:

      If BC has to sit next to a pregnant woman at the GG, please, god, let it be Keira. He’ll be beaming so much, he’ll light up the room.

  61. Freshmeat says:

    I recently just discovered Sherlock and started to become a fan. I never really paid attention to BC even though I had seen him other things “12 yrs, Star Trek”. It was Sherlock that led me to look him up.

    At first I thought this guys interesting, comes across well and gentlemanly……

    However this last month or so’s riduculous FIASCO has totally turned me off as a BC fan. As much as this is manipulated, and I fully agree with the majority. BC is still a grown man who has allowed this to continue. Are we to believe at no point in this PR he can’t say “enough or keep quiet?” This alone is mostly the reason I’ll shy away from being his fan.

    I will however continue to enjoy his work.

  62. Anonymous says:

    -double post-

  63. moodgirl says:

    I don’t agree that this is pr but a poorly managed personal disaster that blew up at the worst possible time. He and his pr were attempting to protect his reputation by making us believe they were a happy couple and the media did what it does best. Unfortunately it is award season so we are left to link the two. If this had happened at any other time things would have gone down differently. Cut him some slack. If he doesn’t want to look at her and appears to be the personification of embarrassment why would he advertise this willingly? I doubt it.

    • KT says:

      Agree, moodgirl. It’s pretty obvious now. This approach both mitigates harm to his public rep and his personal life, presuming he doesn’t want his child to realize what went on in the future.

    • alice says:

      Absolutely, moodgirl. At any other time they wouldn’t be on the red carpet allowing us to scrutinize so many stiff, awkward pictures. There would be some pap pics probably, but few and far between. On the RC their relationship, or lack thereof, is on show for anyone with eyeballs and a functioning brain to see. I just think he’s absolutely mortified by the whole thing. You know, he’s supposed to be the smart one, the one who can spot ’em a mile away. He said so himself. And look what happened. In such a situation, I wouldn’t want to show my face, but unfortunately he has to shill for the awards and show up for filming Sherlock instead of hiding out till it blows over.

      • moodgirl says:

        Not only did the unthinkable happen, it happened with a woman he, under normal circumstances, wouldn’t have even bothered to think about. The worst.

      • New Poster says:

        Really? A woman he wouldn’t have bothered to think about? It’s not like she was a blimp on his radar. He was dating the woman based on photos at that tennis match and he got his girlfriend pregnant. If he bothered to date her, we can’t say that her presence his a nuisance to him. Based on interviews he gave during that time August/September, he definitely sounded like a man in love. Maybe…not a man so in love he was ready to father a child.

      • Me says:

        New Poster, you really think he sounded like a man in love? Which interviews?

        I’m not trying to pick a fight. I’m genuinely interested because some people say he sounded like he was in love – others say he sounded like he was on some kind of vagina pillaging rampage.

        I think he just sounded the same. He used different words for the usual soundbites:
        1) He wants a family one day.
        2) He knows he’s an unlikely sex symbol, but he’s enjoying it.

        What am I missing?

      • New Poster says:

        @Me let me try and find the interview that really had me thinking: he’s ready to settle down. He’s done so many print interviews this may take a while. When I heard this, I thought he was being very sincere:

        The Big Issue interview:

        He admits that when he was younger he was quite confident that by the age of 32 the “more seismic things of adulthood would have come, including being a father”. But he’s more wary now when it comes to talking about his private life because “it always comes back to haunt me in strange ways. I’ve been judged for my relationships or not being a father in the weirdest ways. All I’ll say is, when it’s right, it’s right”.

        “I’m starting to realise you can say no to things and it won’t all fall to pieces. I really want to do more, by which I mean less work and more of other things. I want to be more present for other people. As I get older I increasingly feel the need to step back, ask what I’m neglecting, what do other people need of me. I want to be more impulsive, to be able to suddenly go away for the weekend. Whenever I get the rare chance to be impulsive I grab it with both hands, which is why I do stupid things sometimes. Having said that, I don’t know how long I’ll ride a motorbike for. I’m sure if and when I become a dad I won’t want to do that any more.”

      • Kat says:

        As soon as I read that big issue interview, I thought it was totally manufactured. Everything has just been far, far too timed and convenient. All these little crumbs being dropped and The parentheses from the journos (also see elle). It’s all very fishy.

        I mean, why have two separate journo come out of the woodwork to dig out bits of previous interviews to prove that he was talking to them about pregnancy and kids?

      • Me says:

        New Poster – Thanks for finding the quote.

        Sorry, I’m going to have to agree with Kat on this one. That interview came out right around the time of the engagement. I think a little bit after actually. Like November 9 or something? So, I think it actually happened sometime in October. Big Issue has a shorter lead time than magazines.

        In October, Sophie had already made her red carpet debut and was somewhere between 8-12 weeks (in my estimation). He was trying to set us up. I think finding out about the pregnancy made him realize he would have to slow down. Not falling in love with Sophie. He was very much in love with Olivia and didn’t have those revelations. And anyway, by the looks of it, he’s not really slowing down. Rumour has it that was one of Olivia’s problems. They talked about settling down, but she didn’t see him making moves to do it.

    • Ingrid says:

      I agree with everything (he’s embarrassed and so on), except this: Why parade it around?

      Just announce engagement and say “Thanks, we like to keep our relationship out of the limelight so we don’t walk the red carpet together and I don’t talk about it in public.” Like most celebs.

      It would have worked much better with their oopsie pregnancy, some might have though that they are just very private and most likely dated much longer than everyone thinks and are very much in love and happy and oh joy. This would have been so much easier for him.

      But they had to milk it like the Kardashians… Either Harvey’s idea, Soctopus’s idea or Benedict is really hungry for that Oscar. (I’m going with SH because she probably also got him to sit next to her at FO very early on…)

      • Felice says:

        Weinstein is probably making them.

      • **sighs** says:

        Exactly. She’s not famous, she could have easily gotten away with not coming to every single thing. They didn’t have to announce in a paper. They could have kept the whole thing on the down low and then made a quiet statement around the holidays that he was expecting with his girlfriend. No one would have thought that was strange. Now everyone thinks the only reason he’s marrying her is because of the baby. So, sort of the stand up thing to do, but not necessary in this day and age. And he’s getting more *what a dummy* flak than he would have.

      • moodgirl says:

        Because Sophie wants to be a star and she controls this situation.

      • moodgirl says:

        I agree with both Ingrid and sighs; things would have worked better if he had left her back in London and kept his mouth shut until after the award season was over. I just think he panicked and Sophie and her people were not going to sit on the sidelines and stay quiet.

      • Felice says:

        And because this isn’t 1915, everyone is like “Why is he marrying her for that?” I guess Weinstein thought people would be like “Oh how noble.” Maybe they would think that if they put the announcement in the ‘Congratulations’ section of the Times instead of The Daily Mail.

      • moodgirl says:

        I don’t believe Weinstein has anything to do with this.

      • Ingrid says:

        Either Weinstein or SH is driving this but I doubt Benedict himself would have chosen this route.

        (Speaking of The Daily Fail, Karon confirmed the news to every tabloid with the same statement but I think they gave it first to DM, so they would act nice. “I scratch your back you scratch my back” mentality. Because DM could have gone very vile with this news. This is the motherload of celebrity dirt and yet, DM hasn’t bounced on it)

      • Felice says:


        Please, I beg of you, realize that Weinstein has a word in everything BC is doing right now because this is an Oscar campaign. Just google Weinstein dirty tactics and you will understand. I’m really sick of people thinking Weinstein would turn a blind eye.

      • Me says:

        Ingrid, I agree with the Daily Fail relationship. Outside of the open, the Fail were the first to get non-red carpet photos. LAX & Heathrow. And like 5 seconds ago… I wouldn’t be surprised if the DM had something “useful” they’re sitting on.

      • Me says:

        This all started off with Benedict placing that announcement in The Times. And I do believe it was him. I think he panicked and was only thinking of things from his perspective. That IS what he would have done, if he proposed to the love of his life when he was ready. But it was a bad idea because that wasn’t his situation.

        Sure, he has that traditional gentleman image. But I think he holds on to that image of himself. No one actually thinks he’s a time traveller from the Victorian age. If he had let things play out privately, most people wouldn’t have batted an eye when he announced his girlfriend’s pregnancy. Or his engagement and pregnancy. Or his marriage and pregnancy. (Well, of course the fandom would freak out, but just once. This mess is full of mind blowers and I don’t think we’re done.)

        She’s a total Ann Veal. No one would have noticed her. They totally could have gotten away with a private/secret wedding after the Oscars.

        He panicked trying to make all this look legit. Harvey told him to ride that horse all the way to the Oscars and back. And I do believe Sophie pushed to be “recognized.” Maybe for the limelight. Or maybe just because no woman wants to really be a secret girlfriend. Maybe at first, but she got to the place where she was “ready.” And I stand by what I said earlier, he was dating her, but not ready to commit. Or probably even be exclusive.

      • Felice says:

        I would believe he put the announcement there if it weren’t for the missing initial. I feel like he has a lot of pride for his father and I don’t think he would’ve missed that.

      • Sunflower says:

        Personally I think that if Weinstein were running the show, it would be much better run. Or do the cracks normally show like this in an Oscar campaign? This is the first one I’ve followed up close like this.

        Also, I still don’t understand how he couldn’t be at least a little bit happy about becoming a dad, even if he’s not happy about who it’s with. I’m waiting to see how things will go on the red carpet and on Ellen next week.

      • New Poster says:

        You speak truth! I am shocked the Daily Fail is playing nice. Prior to all of this, you would of thought they had an axe to grind with him.

      • Ingrid says:

        The gag might have been HW’s idea(missing intial): BC’s image is very much based on being British gentleman and now he had his one night stand knocked up. Bad, bad thing. So this was damage control. However harvey didn’t know how unsuitable these two were together, which was the biggest give away.

        Or this could be Missy & family pulling strings. They were at church on xmas so they are at least somewhat religious.

        Sunflower, well this has been a catastrophe in all levels and there’s only so much they could do to smooth this out. They did A LOT. They made her look like a catch, him like a gentleman, them a couple in love. And it’s still a mess because it’s one.

      • moodgirl says:

        @Sunflower – If BC can’t look even a little bit happy about an event he has been looking forward to since he was twelve, that should be proof that something is really, really wrong.

  64. Felice says:

    “I had a huge crush on Brando.” Yikes. Oh Benedict, what now?


    • Ingrid says:

      I like to think they actually gave him an electric shock to style that hair because he makes about as much sense in that video as a person who has been just electrocuted.

    • **sighs** says:

      It’s like he has short term amnesia. He forgets what happens when he says things like this immediately after they happen.

    • Felice says:

      He is STILL naive to how the media will always twist his words. Okay folks, looks like they’ll have to marry now because of this (I jest).

      Or, he’ll have to REALLY sell the baby stuff on Ellen.

      • moodgirl says:

        He needs to straighten up, forget about his upper class crap, and take control of his future. If he doesn’t he will regret it mightily. Really, really.

      • Felice says:

        That was a hilarious unintentional pun, moodgirl. I don’t believe he’s gay ps. I think he’s very comfortable since he went to an all boys school.

    • alice says:

      He’s right about Waterfront. When I saw that movie for the first time, I thought it was the greatest performance ever captured on film. I just hope he doesn’t end up like Brando.

    • Anonymous says:

      OMG! I actually thought of this as his ONLY solution to get out of this clusterf**k….IS TO COME OUT AS GAY!!!!
      I didn’t think he’d be crazy enough to actually go for it, especially since the stereotype would affect his career.

    • Kat says:

      He looks weary in that video. He just looks like he’s done.

  65. iceanna says:

    “”he probably proposed right after she peed on a stick. Very romantic.”
    ROFL while at the office….
    …oh crap CB has just been deemed a forbiden domain here x_x
    I regret nothing!!!!

  66. Anonymous says:

    @me requested this vogue article link: what SH would wear on the red carpet….


    Now we know the NT theatre with Wintour was another “business date” – and possibly providing her the latest designer collections!

    • Ingrid says:

      Ummm… Keira is also pregnant… and, you know, actually a filmstar and a gg nominee. Why is everyone drinking the Sophie cool aid? She is literally a nobody.

      Oh, Anna knows Harvey. So cozy…

      • Anonymous says:

        exactly! How can we say HW doesn’t have a hand in this when that theatre double date happened end of September…just before LFF!!

    • Kat says:

      Ok,I’m not going to click on it, but please someone tell me that vogue haven’t created a red carpet looks article for her?

      • Anonymous says:

        that’s exactly what it is…they suggested red carpet dresses for all the awards, but its tagged benedict cumberbatch and her name… I guess that’s how its gonna be now and forever.

      • ireadtoomuch says:

        Yes – they have indeed (sigh)- though I don’t know why they would do just for her- I wonder why they didn’t do one for Kiera or at least keep the title generic?

        What Expectant Mom Sophie Hunter Should Wear On the Award Show Circuit….

      • Kat says:

        What the hell…..

        Sorry, but what is going on here. This doesn’t happen with anyone else.. This is vogue and they’re treating her like a film star. Why are they forcing her down people’s throats? How can anyone say there’s not an agenda here?

        Seriously, this is insane…what a spectacle. They’re not doing this with Eddie’s wife.

      • Me says:

        Kat – I wouldn’t worry. If they break up, she’ll be yesterday’s news. If they marry, people will be over her after the wedding. She’ll be like any other Hollywood WAG. As much as everyone seems to complain about too much Batch, it seems like no one can get enough of him. Anything related to him. Maybe he should strike while the iron is hot and start selling his chewed up Nicorette on Ebay now. Guaranteed to fund 5 years of Harrow straight away.

        The NYT did an article on stylish leading men yesterday and they used mostly photos of BC. My, they were gorgeous :swoon:

      • Ingrid says:

        @Me – Why do I feel like she won’t go that easily? But BC will disappear after the Oscars. He has only one movie coming out next year (Black Mass) and he’s busy doing Hamlet then, so no way he’ll promote that. Hamlet is sold out: no need to promote. Sherlock episode: maybe two/three interviews, if that. (unless he’ll get support noms for BM. No, I can’t deal with this two years in a row).

        There are new photos of Keira from AFI Awards and you know what? Still no obvious bump! Dear god with Sodious and her/their baiting.

        The trick of hiding a pump: the waistline should go *over* your bump, not *under* it!

      • Me says:

        Ingrid – BC’s Hollywood break is exactly why she’ll fade away. When he goes back to the theatre, Batchfever will simmer down. I’ll miss him, but he needs the theatre after all this circus. Even though Hamlet is tough, theatre is his roots. It’ll feel good to be a “proper” actor again and do less press. I have a bad feeling about Black Mass, but hopefully I’m wrong. IMO, he has career longevity if he wants it anyway.

        Also hopefully, Miss Thang has no delusions about a career coming out of this relationship. We all know she has no acting talent. Based on what we can find, her directorial talents are dubious. The fact that one has to actively search is a clue there.

        Aside from talent, I’m sorry. But when people say she’s “attractive for an English girl,” they mean that the tall, skinny, horsey thing is not widely seen as attractive, hot or sexy outside of the UK. It’s not even classic – it’s plain. English roses have prettier, softer faces. Think Kate Winslet, Keira Knightley, Felicity Jones. That’s universal and classic.

        As far as bodies go, a slender, toned 36-24-36 is still preferred. Sophie has no boobs or butt. She is ruler shaped. So, her looks (while preferred by some) would not be enough to carry her. (I’m not body shaming anyone. Majority of Americans don’t know about Page 3.) Finally, she doesn’t light up a camera with her charisma either. (That’s fine; very few people do.) Sadly, the only reason the media cares about her existence is because she’s part of BC’s narrative. After wedding and baby she will be a footnote.

        Personally, I don’t think this would upset her in the least. She gets to be lady of the Cumberbatch household. Comfortable home, some money for the designer clothing she likes, invites to the best parties, never working again except for the odd tiny show no one will see. Just to satisfy her “creative urges.” Not a bad life.

        Something tells me BC likes the idea of this kind of traditional wife too. But I don’t know how it’s working out in practice.

      • Alice says:

        They’re all ugly except for #3.

      • Me says:

        Re Keira’s bump: Darling just knows how to dress. Her bump is visible, but she’s dressed impeccably and her choices are minimizing the look of her bump. Black sweater slenderizes. Red scarf in front of belly draws eye to the scarf – not the belly. Counter-intuitive, but it works. I was never a big fan of hers, but I’ve been loving her these days. Her interview persona seems so cool, laid back and fun.

        That silver clutch Sophie “tried” to use didn’t work because the dress already highlighted her bump and her constant moving the purse towards and away from her belly was more of a giant, blinking neon arrow than camouflage.

        Whoever said that an empire waist is the best option for dressing a bump was right. Some pregnant women do choose drop waist, but it is usually a bad choice, unless you want to highlight your belly. See Elsa Pataky in that green Oscars monstrosity.

    • Me says:

      Thanks! Hahaha! Something went wrong at that meeting, looking at the way this chick has dressed so far. Someone else said it right. That PSFF dress made her look like a pregnant Singapore Airlines flight attendant.

      She needs the most help, admit it. Vogue’s charity work for the year…

      Honestly, only looks 3 & 5 were appropriate. Charity fail. Look one would make her look like a sofa from the 70’s. Look two would make her look like a pregnant children’s drawing. And look four must have been bad because I can’t even remember it.

      Oh, wait. It was a long version of her French Open dress. *yawn*

    • Ingrid says:

      By the way, I have finally found a fool proof way to always look stylish. I was doing a little online shopping and this is my new method:

      “Would Sodious wear this?”
      Yes -> Don’t buy it.
      No -> Buy it.

      I will look so elegant from now on!

    • Me says:

      deleted by “Me” 😉

  67. Ingrid says:

    Back from my tumblr doubters blog round. Some/most of them are really going with fake pregnancy… I miss SoGo. She was the sane one.

    Now I understand how the nannies felt, when we were saying this is PR relantionship. Ugh… (Still might be, but pg is real)

    • Me says:

      Ugh. Yeah. I’m just grateful the press hasn’t picked up on those blogs: “Look at them! They’re all crazy! They’re going through the 5 stages of grief! Their imaginary boyfriend doesn’t want to marry them!”

      If (when) these two marry, I hope people can accept it.

    • Claire says:

      This is why I was asking if there was a bump at the nye party. I’m also interested in all the times in the past three months she’s been photoed drinking alcohol

      What happened to Hbic too? She sure changed her opinion quickly!

    • Sunflower says:

      Oh dear lord! Wiki just posted that she has intel from a client that proves the blind item about SH. Dying from hypertension with all this salt I’m taking.

      • Anonymous says:

        Ugh. Does anyone else think wiki might be vixeypink?? She is located in Oz and is an excellent writer!
        Also what happened to senyorita? Is she alright or was this too much to handle??
        I only see lots of retweets from anythingbatch – who I believe. is a genuine pr plant (saw the times ad from her)

      • Me says:

        Now THAT is an excellent question re vixeypink.

      • **sighs** says:

        Who the heck is vixeypink?

      • gg says:

        I actually thought Senyorita was maybe vixeypink. Vixey is a super mega invested BC fan, who thought (thinks?) she was his gf. She flew to meet him at the airport, she would tweet JRhodes and others thanking them for the wonderful time they had together. Think she got thrown out of Ox Comicon by security. Obviously ill – I feel very bad for her but afaik she’s been quiet lately so thought maybe she’d gotten help?

      • Me says:

        I think gg is being kind. It’s a terrible thing, but afaik Vixey is legit mentally ill. She hasn’t just flown to the airport. She claims she’s flown to various cities to see BC, that they talk regularly on the phone, that they are in love and he is/was her boyfriend. She got escorted out of Oz Comic Con precisely because BC’s people recognized her and I think she wrote some sort of explanation claiming that BC called her to tell her that his security would not listen to him and just laughed at him when he said that she was his girlfriend. She dyed her hair blonde because he prefers blondes. All sorts of stuff.

        I mean, the stuff this Wiki person writes could be true. But of course she can’t name her sources. But that means she can also make them up. Most legit journos don’t publish anything where they can’t reveal the source unless they have some other kind of proof that they can share. She gets really defensive when people doubt her “tea.” She has some sidekick named PR Pal who doesn’t actually seem to have her own site or speak for herself and Vixey HAS been quite quiet. So….

        I hope Vixey got help.

  68. anon says:

    Good morning (actually late afternoon-working nights). Couple of thoughts-
    I STILL haven’t seen a pic of Ben protectively covering the cumberbaby bump. Don’t know why I’m so fixated on this except it fits the pattern of him “not being into this”.
    There are several cringe worthy shots-GQ, ESA, Quags, etc. But the all time winner,in my opinion, led to the baby announcement. That’s right-it wasn’t some newspaper in NZ, the Fail, Guardian, or even Tumblr that broke the baby news. It was Sophie Hunter herself who chose a dress to highlight a bump, then stuck said bump out as far as possible with the clutch positioned to actually highlight the bump. The one pic of Ben looking at said bump is priceless-gobsmacked, embarrassed, realizing that his TWILTIPT was basically outing him on the RC.
    I’m sure a formal announcement was prepared (these guys usually have a game plan in place), but Soph decided to go rogue-probably because of the “marriage is not the most important thing at this time”.
    And 17 minutes on Sherlock set to inform key players of the happy news is telling as well (if that, as someone suggested on another site site/thread suggested (sorry-working too many nights and kinda getting lost)-telling as well.
    need another couple of hours of sleep now-will try to catch up tonight.

    • Me says:

      Oy. Well, we know what the next photo op will be, don’t we?

    • moodgirl says:

      This is why I believe he should have an agreement to co-parent and call it a day. If not she will manipulate him right out of a career. Remember Stompgate? That was Sophie reacting to not getting her way. Run and only look back for visitation.

  69. ireadtoomuch says:

    Just a quick question- and an honest one- We are all discussing this – have different viewpoints- the for’s and the against’s- and people like me who love BC as Sherlock and are just watching thing unfold on the red carpet ….. wondering what the heck is going on with BC- Do you really think that HW’s PR really notices the opinion of the masses and relay’s it back- I know it’s PR’s job to scour the boards for public opinion and possibly adjust the campaign but sometimes I genuinely wonder if any of the discussions are actually passed on to him/ them…….

    Just something to ponder about 🙂

    • Me says:

      PR generally has underlings that have to look through all this crap. As somewhat of a litmus test, but also just in case anyone writes something libelous. In the grand scheme of things it is majorly low priority. If they make certain decisions about strategy and the client questions it, they might give some vague answer about public opinion. But no. I doubt any specifics are passed on to BC or Sophie.

      Particularly BC. He is way too busy. Any clue he has about this would be extremely general.

      • ireadtoomuch says:

        @Me – thanks for responding- I would actually love to be a fly on the wall when the internal PR team is actually discussing public opinion amongst themselves 😉

      • gg says:

        SoGo’s blog is still on the first page of results when you Google “Sophie Hunter” 🙂

      • **sighs** says:

        Sogo rocks! Hope she comes back one day. She was the sane truther blog.

  70. Ingrid says:

    BC will be at BAFTA Tea party tomorrow in LA.

    History is repeating itself yet again: BC lands in LA with a bang like in November. I would side eye the timing so hard, but there’s no way they could have faked the pregnancy? Right? RIGHT? Nobody would do that!

    But, for the love of f*ck with the timing. For a media attention, this could have not gone any better. Harvey is the one who is “over the moon”.

    • Claire says:

      Ingrid are you pondering the fake pg theory? I’d like it to be true but I think I’d be in denial at that point. It’s the only other thing that explains his anger and sadness these months. But I want it to be true, and for a miscarriage to make this nonsense and parade go away

      • Kat says:

        Agh, I really hate seeing the m word, I know it’s in the context of stupid fakery rumours and BS but still.
        Not trying to dictate or anything… Just how I feel on this one.

      • Claire says:

        Well i’ll put it like this. How much would you wager it’s on his mind too? His misery about this situation is as plain as the noses on our faces. We’re all torn up about this, but imagine how he feels. It’s his future, his happiness, his career at stake. We’re only unhappy out of empathy for the man.
        And by miscarriage, that includes a “miscarriage” as well for those who think her drinking these months is something more than being a reckless MTB

      • Ingrid says:

        Claire, No, I’m not even entertaining the fake theory, just pointing out the timing.

        Benedict, ask for a paternity test and then work out co-parenting, please? The main point is that the parents can get along, not that they are married.

      • Kat says:

        Oh come on now, claire. No, absolutely not.
        And I wouldn’t say I was torn up, just really confused and kind of intrigued. There’s clearly something strange and organised but I’m not personally upset.

        As for the drinking, I just think that was to stave off the rumours until it had been timed just right. Just another manufactured and coordinated element of it all. Very odd thing to do, but this is all quite odd.

      • Cate says:

        @Ingrid, theoretically that’s true indeed, parents getting along is the most important thing. And if a child would grow up like that, it wouldn’t know better anyway. And both parents would/might probably find new partners anyway. Whatever works, as long as there’s love enough. Ah well, let’s see what will happen. I just don’t know anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if he married her right after the Oscars either.

      • Ingrid says:

        @Cate – I don’t know, I mean nothing would surprise me anymore, maybe he really will marry her after the Oscars. But he seems so unhappy around her, I just…

        I hope that the engagement is just PR to make this clusterf*ck look better. I’m not saying the relationship is also PR, but maybe they are smarter than that and are not actually planning to marry, at least not right away.

        Ugh… what a mess. Poor Ben. (Sophie seems to be quite happy *side eyeing her so much*)

    • moodgirl says:

      He is too sad for this to be timing. It’s obvious it was an very unfortunate accident.

  71. Toodles45 says:

    TBH, I just saw a video of the PSFF and they look decent actually. Smiling and talking on the RC. Sophie gives him a toothy smile as they walk off towards the end. I don’t think he was miserable there, although I concur that the dress was baity. So we’ve seen both SH and BC look like they just had a fight before the RC and also looking happy. We’ll see what happens. This is going to be a trying next few years for them both. Sure, busy actors have families all the time but with a newborn, Hamlet, Dr. strange, MC for jungle book, sherlock and press in succession/short span…good luck to them. I suppose BC is more than used it by now.

    • Kat says:

      Nah. All I could think about with that video is how they look like business associates preparing to go out onstage to front a seminar.
      A couple of smiles in front of cameras don’t convince me of much.
      When he approaches her, and they hadn’t travelled in the car together yet again for some reason, they just look…,awkward again.
      And he’s in danger of dislocating his jaw with the ferocity he’s chewing that gum…

      • Me says:


        Sing like no one’s listening. Dance like no one’s watching. Love like you’ve never been hurt before. Live as though heaven is on earth. And chew Nicorette like you still smoke when you think no one is watching…

        Wait, what? Sousa said that? LOL. (Just kidding. Boo needs something to keep him from going crazy.)

  72. tsmiv says:

    I still want to know what the deal with her strange appearance at the NY TIG premiere was. Wearing the same dress looking so undone, and generally last minute. Why? Because of the doubters? I don’t think so, because I don’t think the doubt was that strong then. The doubters came out of the woodwork after NY. He was papped several times without her and they did not fly back to London together. In the airport pics there was only Karon and a bodyguard. If she was planning to be there and he was a happy hubby and daddy -to-be he would have seen to it that she had a new dress. People can say he’s a guy and he’s busy and he doesn’t think about stuff like that, but Karon would have thought of that. That whole NY red carpet weirdness is where I’m having a hard time with just oops pregnancy, let’s have shotgun wedding. There’s still something weird going on besides he got a new gf or casual date pregnant.

    • moodgirl says:

      Didn’t she have to show up in NY because he had this big announcement in The Times? It may have been a last minute deal because they didn’t realize how much interest and effort the American press would put into it and it would have been odd for her not to show up, so she did. Honestly, she looked last minute and undone in the last red carpet so maybe it’s not her thing. What interests me is she was nowhere to be seen after the NY premier. No hand holding, her showing him around NY, nothing. Combined with the odd behavior – both acting crazy – at the NY TIG itself and her disappearance after…..it just doesn’t look right.

    • moodgirl says:

      Benedict is on “Countdown to the Golden Globes” on NBC.

      • Toodles45 says:

        Just saw it. He says about SH ” there’s one person in particular who is far more important than I am, to me” and “she’s beautiful”. It was actually a sweet thing to say.

      • Anonymous says:

        omg. Perhaps they’re having a girl?! They should know by now the sex of the baby and I’d be surprise if he didn’t reveal it at Elle… at least a scan to blow the nannies mind off!

      • Linz says:

        @Anonymous. “I’d be surprise if he didn’t reveal it at Elle”

        What are you talking about? He didn’t reveal anything to them.

      • Anonymous says:

        @Linz sorry I meant at Ellen next week!

      • Just here says:


        I totally called a girl several threads back. I would love it if he did reveal the sex. Dunno why, but I always enjoy hearing what sex expectant parents are having.

    • Linz says:


      A sweet thing to say? He still can’t say her name. He did not look sincere. He smirked when he said she was beautiful. Also the slight shrug of his shoulder. No confidence in what he said

    • Claire says:

      What are you thinking the reason for that weirdness is tsmiv?

    • Kat says:

      I agree tsmiv. It’s all so frightfully confusing. If it weren’t for the pregnancy I’d be 100% this has got to be a showmance. Now, I’m just even more confused. The pg explains some things (his behaviour) but makes the rest of it even more baffling.

      • Sunflower says:

        I’m with you. Can’t make any sense of this wtf-ery.

      • **sighs** says:

        She could still be pregnant and a paid red carpet season girlfriend. That’s the shame. He knocked up the hired help. And now she’s pulling strings and forcing his hand to get her at every event. You can’t tell me she doesn’t want publicity. That smug smile at all the red carpets.
        Re: TIG – perhaps she wasn’t initially supposed to be there, but she was pissed about not being shown off at LFF. The whole engagement announcement itself seemed weird and rushed, like they hadn’t even remotely planned it all out. So not surprised her first appearance was hasty and rushed.

      • Kat says:


        Yeah, that’s a definite possibility.
        And I totally agree, she’s really revelling in it all. If they wanted to be low key, they could’ve done it.
        No way is any of this necessary. She doesn’t need to do red carpet photo opps, certainly not as many as she’s doing.
        Whoever’s idea it was for her to showcase last Saturday with that dress, she was certainly enjoying that moment more than him.
        I don’t care what anyone says, there’s a concerted effort from *somewhere* to raise her profile. I can’t believe more people aren’t shocked that she’s appearing in mags with her own little fashion write ups. It’s crazy. The vogue one was the last straw for me. Does anyone see Eddie’s wife featured in the same way?

  73. Felice says:

    So when was that thing filmed? The errant curls were back.

    • moodgirl says:

      Heavy editing to include the baby news, he’s getting better with the fakery because he refers to her as beautiful. So funny. He is good at fooling the general population of People and Time but many people, including the majority of people on this site, know the real deal. He is so full of it. I agree now that he understands the pr game with this chick. Thirsty. Phony.

      I’m getting sick of him. The fans who supported him and made him famous, including the Cumberbitches, he denigrates and refers to them as cray cray. But the crap he has pulled the past few months with his low class, coniving fiancee makes him sane? He would have had a harder time getting to where he is today without his original fans and he should acknowledge that and be grateful. He doesn’t think before he talks. Idiot.

      • Linz says:

        I don’t think he is getting better with the fakery. He didn’t say her name and he did not look sincere.

      • Anonymous says:

        He doesn’t think before he does things either!
        Does anyone here think he’ll get anymore job offers after all this??

      • Ingrid says:

        That smile he had: He’s consciously trying to sell this now, but it still isn’t a real smile (it will never be one).

        So, Benedict, she’s “cool” and “beautiful”. OK, this is the greatest love story of our time.

        As a reminder, what he said about Keira: “It’s always a joy when you’re working with a friend and Keira’s fantastic, she’s such a smart, brilliant, mature, and wise actress. And also when it’s a mate whose supporting you, whose being encouraging, and who you know has really got your back not just as a brilliant actress but as a friend watching your work and encouraging it that’s a real gift.”


        To be fair, it is difficult to talk about someone you don’t even know.

      • Kat says:

        He said ‘cray cray’?? 😐

        He actually used that phrase? WTH?

      • moodgirl says:

        @Kat – Yes, he said the Cumberbitches and similar fans are “cray cray.”

      • Kat says:

        Holy poop. I think that shocks me more than anything else tbh. :/

      • **sighs** says:

        Well, Ben. I didn’t hire a pretentious girlfriend with a questionable past and then Knock her up when I barely knew her and then get engaged so people wouldn’t think I was a complete moron. Who looks cray cray now?

      • j says:

        nah, he said ‘it’ went a little bit cray cray, so he ain’t talking about fans but the way he (or Sherlock) blew up, the entire situation. hes right imo

        the video is so heavily edited

      • Alice says:

        I go with j. He was referring to his position as “the internet’s boyfriend.” The charming Ben still comes through when he’s not having to talk about her/the situation.

      • KT says:

        Same, he said ‘It went a little bit cray cray’. Quite obviously isn’t talking about fans but a situation.

      • Just here says:

        Can I postulate something? I’m interested in people’s thoughts.

        BC has been dropping little ‘hints’ throughout this mess. Toodles45 quote:

        “He says about SH ” there’s one person in particular who is far more important than I am, to me” and “she’s beautiful”. ”

        It sounds weird if he’s talking about SH. Why not just say her name, as someone else pointed out? But SH looks to me about 5 months pregnant. They’d know the sex by now if they’re interested. So his comment about the importance of “one person in particular” could be a baby girl. And I can see Ben getting misty-eyed and describing an ultra-sound photo of his baby as ‘beautiful’.

        *shrugs* Just my two cents.

    • Me says:

      I think it was filmed during the NY trip back in November. You know, right after the engagement announcement and the NY TIG premiere. He punched out a bunch of appearances: Today, GMA, Kelly & that Strahan guy, Charlie Rose, his chat with Ed Norton, that round table with Steve Carrell, Channing Tatum, Eddie Redmayne, Michael Keaton and RDJ…. I’m sure I’m missing some.

      I cannot imagine the stress he’s facing right now: filming Sherlock, being hounded by the media and fans, committing to big appearances like Ellen & presenting at GG, jetting across the world at least once a week, campaigning in interviews and at premieres – all along with maintaining/dealing with his relationship with his fiancee, preparing for fatherhood, maintaining a relationship with family and close friends – all while getting ready for the Oscars, preparing for Hamlet and looking towards his next 3 or 5 projects that are already lined up. Sheesh, it gives me a headache just thinking about it. I hope Tina Fey & Amy Poehler go easy on him. They were merciless (and hilarious) taking the piss out of Clooney & DiCaprio, but if I were BC, I might crack if they went after me.

      Seriously, I hope this chick doesn’t push the wedding thing to happen right away. I get wanting to be married before the kid comes, but it is what it is. He’s going to need March, April and May to try to recover somewhat. I don’t even know when Hamlet rehearsals will start. But I think that kid is coming in June or July. I hope he doesn’t crack.

      • gg says:

        Hamlet rehearsals start in June; I’m thinking the kid will arrive in April or May

      • Me says:

        Yeah, you’re right. May. Definitely May. Poor Ben. Everyone knows how to count to ten. (I only say Poor Ben because Sophie seems thrilled. That must be hard. I’d be thrilled to have my first child, but it would be sad if my partner didn’t feel the same way.)

      • J says:


        that is like incredibly stressful if you’re right. jesus

      • moodgirl says:

        Sophie isn’t sad in the least. She doesn’t have to hustle anymore.

  74. Claire says:

    My mind keeps going back to the showbiz spy leaks. The story on her, the engagement, the pg were all published weeks before it hit the major tabloids AND accurate, so his camp was leaking to them. Beyond any doubt. That means his camp planted the sgf story as well. We pretty much confirmed from a photo timeline she was in America when that story hit, so why was the sgf story planted? Was it done in advance while he found someone to fill the role? Did he hold wifey auditions like tom Cruise? It’s the only conclusion I can come to. I guess it puts his mum’s comment about soon having a huge garden into perspective. What I can’t answer is…why? Why did he feel the need to do this? Pushing 40 doesn’t cut it.
    Probably irrelevant but would like to know who owns showbiz spy too

    • Ingrid says:

      Not every tabloid gossip is a PR plant. The SGF story was just click bait. But after he knocked her up, this has been PR plant central because they needed to have the story straight and needed to be in charge of what happens and what media writes about them.

      Even the shobiz spy pregnancy “leak” might have been click bait. Surprise engagement usually means pregnancy, it’s not a difficult leap. So they went with it. If I was running a shady gossip blog, I would have done the same.

      • gg says:

        Yeah Showbiz Spy pg story ran on Dec 1 and said she was 2 mons along then when she is clearly farther.

        And Wiki’s escort theories? Why would BC have to pay with someone he’s known since (at least) 2009 and has mutual friends with? I have no trouble believing she worked as an escort in NYC (theatre wasn’t paying her bills) or that BC has used them. Just not in this situation

      • scarf girl says:

        Yeah, I call bs on this particular escort story.

      • **sighs** says:

        Me too, scarf.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m inclined to believe you Claire. It’s been so baity from the moment the sgf article and makes me think everything was orchestrated from the very beginning since his first USA Today interview in Feb/March where he said something about a BIG announcement and “personal goals”.
      He was definitely wife-hunting, I even remember an anon said on Eggsy saw him at a cafe with a ‘matchmaker back in May’, so whether for awards season or to fulfill that personal goal doesn’t really matter now. He did this to himself. The question ‘why she came back to London with no prospects/job offer remains a mystery’. Unless you count Hay fest and modelling for an editorial mag (that KB posted and deleted on insta) and a car commercial, she didn’t have much going for her. It was all BC from there. It’s like he deliberately took her in the moment she landed.
      I guess he really really wanted this, babymama and marriage, but found it extremely difficult to deal with the reality of maintaining a relationship. It’s been about two and a half years since he’s been in one, and got used to just having flings/tryst/fwb/escorts/models and treated her the same keeping her a secret, til she got knocked-up and had to show her off to the rest of the world – her patience was sure worth it!!
      I still don’t understand why he seems cold and distant towards her but she seemed to have warmed up and on good behavior since Bifa. I saw on pop sugar video of them on PS redcarpet and they look almost like a normal couple now compare to NY premier, so maybe they’ve sorted their sh*t already….?
      Have they’ve been papped on the way to Bafta LA yet??

      • Kat says:

        I didn’t see anything at PIFF that indicated anything had changed, tbh. I think she definitely tries hard, take the maniacal grinning at BIFA as opposed to the previous ones. Subtlety is not her strong point, I have to say. Hence the very OTT clutch bag placement last week. She was clearly showing off the pg, but even more obviously pretending she wasn’t. Hence the placement of the clutch bag. Very purposeful.

        Also, Fry’s comment..people have said they don’t know how to take it? I thought it was pretty obvious, really?

      • Me says:

        I think maybe he was looking a lot this year, but I don’t remember him saying he would have a big announcement, except that he was working on something with Sunny March. I think part of him didn’t believe that he’d be successful. As for patience? His clear unattachment (is that a word?) to anyone particular this year signals that a lot of the leaks indicate someone was not patient for this to become a real, exclusive, committed long term relationship at all.

      • Kat says:

        No, I do agree that I suspect something with showbiz spy.
        They baited at first with the gf rumours in April, and I’m sorry but there’s absolutely no way they were anywhere near each other then.
        It’s way too convenient that they ‘guessed’ about the pg thing. It was tipped to them for sure.


      • Me says:

        I think something’s up with Showbiz Spy too, but I think it was Sophie. Clearly, all conjecture:

        BC spent a lot of time in and around NYC during the holidays before April. They could have started something casual that she was pushing to be more. Maybe she thought a leak in April would help her cause. Who else would describe her as “having a serious career?”

        She must be “talented” in other areas. Because the leak didn’t work, but he kept her around & thought the Hay and Seat gigs would shut her up. Nope. Bringing Kinvara to Formula One mucked up any chance of that working. Cue French Open that he really didn’t want to bring her to, even though she probably was one of the women he was dating. Kinvara since disappears and tweets “cryptic” stuff indirectly relating to BC.

        By September, the baby forces immediate exclusivity – accidental or not. Secret girlfriend reveal by his PR in the real papers to try to leave some trail, if this is all actually a go. Cue drunk speech at GQ. By October, she’s expecting acknowledgment and commitment signaled by her first red carpet with him. No dice until 12 weeks and an amniocentesis. But she’ll tell the media! Fine, she can walk the carpet… alone. By November, 12 weeks are gone. Panicked engagement before he flies off to start campaigning. Commitment and acknowledgment achieved.

        Wait? People have babies out of wedlock now? No one is holding him to Victorian morality regardless of his reputation? Maybe they should talk about this whole marriage thing. “No, let’s not.” Showbiz Spy pregnancy leak in December.

        January, still thinking about backing out? “Oh, look. I didn’t look in the mirror when trying this dress on – and choosing it – or before I left the damned hotel to go to the premiere. Silly me, maybe this blinking, neon clutch will conceal my obvious pregnancy if I circle it slowly around my belly? Good thing I’m an actress. I did graduate from Jacques LeCoq after all. Well, I took some classes.”

        “Oh, really? Wedding planning is still not a priority?” Page Six reveal and there’s no dodging it much longer. His PR agrees. Exeunt.

  75. anon says:

    Just home from work and wanted to make a couple of observations. BTW-a lot of excellent posts and points. Although we probably never really know what went down, there are some stark facts to review.
    I’m pretty firmly in the August camp. The bump looks about 5 months. The engagement would have been 12 weeks later. Why 12 weeks? Because the pregnancy would be viable. Why wait if they were so happy together and trying? If there was miscarriage they could try again, no?
    Why not take Sophie on the red carpet at LFF? Ben said somewhere that it was because they weren’t engaged yet so she wasn’t a part of him. Keep in mind that she’s pregnant with his child at this time.
    At Quaglino’s, regardless of who arrived how, he leaves her in the car alone. She’s pregnant with his child at this time.
    No matter who, why, how these decisions were made, they didn’t appear publicly as a couple until 12 weeks passed. Strange, no?
    Also, I commented up thread about Sophie being on the set for 17 minutes. If to announce pregnancy, then extremely short. If I had done that back in the day, then I would have people left and right want to talk and congratulate me.
    Food for thought.
    Also-fwiw-that Wiki person should be careful. She could get shut down or even sued with what she’s posting.
    Night! (Actually morning but off to sleep)

    • Kat says:


      Agree on most of that. But what’s the reason for the LFF parade at all? That was clearly manufactured to say ‘she’s with him, but not with him’.
      Her own car onto the red carpet, that was done to leave people in no doubt. Odd. But his excuse was ‘we weren’t engaged so no need to show off.’ So weird.

      And the suggestion for her going to the sherlock set to announce a pregnancy I think was a one off suggestion from a fan. I don’t think it makes much sense because it’s all a bit OTT. Why would she even need to be there for that? It’s not as if she knows the sherlock cast and crew as a whole. But yeah, just yet another strange thing. I think there was a ‘be seen’ for those last couple of days, hence the staged airport shots.

    • **sighs** says:

      That blog is….entertaining. Sources seem questionable at best. Because if I were a rich dude, rich enough to hire multiple high end escorts, I would certainly go to a BC blog with that info. Errrrr…..?

      • moodgirl says:

        If I were a rich dude and knew she was a “hee” (high end escort) I would tell. I wouldn’t miss the chance to out her snooty butt. TBH, doesn’t she behave like a woman who knows how to play all of the games? Bet she knows how to put the screws to any man, Ben just lost the lottery.

      • Me says:

        Word, **sighs**. No offense, if I had that kind of money, I’d be on my yacht sipping champs and laughing. Not on the interwebs.

    • Oh Hey says:

      Oh but Wiki has proof that Sodious is a high class call girl, PROOF! I tell you. Won’t take it to TMZ because they’ll look like over zealous fangirls. Y’think?
      I’m going with about 4 mos, possibly confirmed late October and engagement follows just before the press tour, because he has to make it look good. She wasn’t showing at all until the leather dress thing. The interview last night, yuck, I was liking him again till he tried to sell the most important thing in his life. Bleah. When was that interview he gave where he said he’d just been given the most important news of his life ,and it wasn’t that he was engaged, I think it was the pregnancy he was talking about, can’t remember when that was tho. Good luck to him, he’s going to need it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah the ‘bump’ looks about four months, but that means he really was trying to knock her up like he implied in that Elle interview (done mid-august). And his ‘friends interview’ after in the DM after times announcement means it was true they didn’t really hit it off til late summer (secret cinema brunette). And BC said he was taken during Tiff q&a in September. And the out of town trips around October and official announcement November. The interview where he said he just received the most important news was at Bifa, I thin. So presuming he everything he said in interviews was the truth about him planning to settle down…why has he been such a prick and bitchy towards her when He really wanted this??? Baby news was probably early October and told Mama hunter the news after LFF.

      • Kat says:

        No, there was no way he’d choose to get married and have kids with someone he’d been dating since June..late May at the very earliest, not unless he has actually lost his mind.
        And if that were the case, why not propose before? If he’s as traditional as wanting to be married to have children?

      • Sunflower says:

        Mama Hunter made a “watch this space” comment in a Sept 13 article. Something tells me she knew then. I’m thinking he found out about the pregnancy on September 2nd, (hence the drunk GQ award acceptance speech) and the engagement is announced as soon as he confirmed it’s his.

      • Kat says:

        If her mother did really say that, then so much shame on her. Horrible famewhorey baity comment.
        Although, she and the brother had no worries inviting tabloids in and being photographed the day after the engagement announcement, so it would make sense.

      • Me says:

        I agree. If this were intentional, it most likely would have played out in one of two ways.

        1) They would have gotten engaged or announced their relationship way earlier – like August. October LFF, at the latest. No need to wait until actually pregnant.

        2) She’d stay under wraps and make her first appearance roundly glowing with a giant sparkler on at GG. Vieira gets an exclusive announcement in her count down to the Globes. Last minute Oscar voting boost, if needed. Maximum PR madness ensues.

    • scarf girl says:

      Anon: good points. I am walking away with these thoughts: 1) BC is a brilliant actor who has some serious issues; 2) this is the oddest pairing of two people I have seen since the early 90’s; 3) when the meltedown occurs, it won’t be pretty; 4) PR surrounding his love life has just been so odd to watch and I will never believe anything about his private life again; 5) hunch is that Sherlock ends at season 4 if we get there; 6) things won’t return to normal after award season – this pissybatch behavior not solely due to accidental baby and bad timing; and 7) don’t know if SH is enjoying a spotlight boost due to BC, if part of it is paid PR, or if there is some deal, but dang, she went from obscurity to being catapulted onto A list. Oh, and 8) the silence from friends on Twitter (with exception of JR who mentioned 3 couples had gotten engaged since his wedding when Frye confirmed) is deafening. Physically dread the media onslaught for Marvel.

      • Me says:

        Well, they looked good on paper together? Technically, they would make sense. I don’t think he’d do well in a Brangelina power couple. But a Rita Wilson kind of wife? Mostly in the background, but still smart and talented (for reals)? That would have been nice.

        I feel badly too, scarf girl. He will probably never be the same. I hope he doesn’t end up hating women.

      • **sighs** says:

        Laughing at the early 90’s

      • scarf girl says:

        @sighs-a “You Are Not Alone” reference point

        @Me I honestly have no real clue. If he just wanted the Rita Wilson wife, why the PR write up to Time? Vogue giving the future Ms. Batch dress ideas for awards? Would that happen to a Rita Wilson type! Uh-uh. This whole thing seems like a bad novel being played out in real life. The language he uses in interviews about her; the way they interact…it is not coming off as genuine to me. They could be married for years and I would still side eye them when I see pictures.

      • anon says:

        You know -Scarf Girl-I’ve been thinking the same thing about Sherlock. Season 3 was questionable. The special edition dolls were cringe worthy and apparently didn’t sell out as expected. I’m pretty sure there are Sherlock lunch boxes (a nod to BC saying why he wouldn’t do Dr. Who). Now we have an EdwardIan special. Interesting tidbit – apparently Ben wanted to wear his hair slicked back as Sherlock. Now he is. Hmm
        I’m leaning towards either jumping the shark entirely or Ben’s too busy or Ben wants to get out ofor the franchise biz. God I’d love to know what the cast and crew think about this WTFRY.

      • Alice says:

        Anon. I’ve been afraid Martin would pull out because he doesn’t put up with much nonsense. I wonder the same about the cast and crew’s thoughts. That first day must have been awkward.

  76. lola says:

    How are you ladies that quickly convinced that, if there is a baby, it’s his?

    • Felice says:

      We’re waiting for the appearance on Jeremy Kyle.

      • moodgirl says:

        Maury Povich. Wanda will be on stage to point out the ho. Sophie will run back and forth to the photo of baby batch hanging above the stage, screaming “Look at the eyes, look at the nose!!!!!! You know it’s your baby because it looks just like you!”

        Ben is sitting next to Wanda, listening to music on his headset. Sophie’s mother leaps out of her seat in the audience and charges toward the stage. She didn’t see Tim, who is seated in the front row, and also didn’t see his foot that he has conveniently placed in the aisle to trip her ass up. Sophie’s brother approaches the stage but, realizing there is no cash to be made, quickly leaves the building.

        Next up is Emily, who appears from behind a curtain and commences to pound away on Sophie like there is no tomorrow and her paycheck depends on it. Emily didn’t want to carry Sophie’s bag so she most certainly doesn’t want to drag the baby around London. The audience goes wild.

        Maury finally opens the envelope and reveals the dna results:
        Ben is NOT the father. Ben rolls around the stage, turns cartwheels and quotes Shakespeare while Wanda dances the Running Man. Sophie, horrified that her secret has been revealed, runs for the door. Suddenly, she is hit by a chair thrown by Karon (y’all had to know that Karon would get her revenge somewhere in this story.)

      • Ingrid says:


        The ending! ROFLMAO 😀 I can picture Karon’s b*tchface when she swings that chair.

      • tie pin says:

        Oh god, this made my day. The rolling around part – I can’t stop laughing! I would add to that scenario Ben yelling “cray cray!” at the retreating Sophie. (seriously, where did he pick that up? Mr. I don’t even look at social media let alone engage with it…pfft.)

      • tsmiv says:

        “Of course he’s the boy’s father. Look at the turn ups on his jeans!”

      • Anonymous says:

        Karon WINS an Oscar!! LOL
        Seriously, they should add a category for Best Publicist…perhaps even for Best Publicity <—Benedict would win that for sure!
        As for the 'cray cray' I think BC got that from imdb. I haven't read that anywhere else but there. Also explains how he found out about the 'love pouring back' after times ad and the 'theories' he mentioned in one interview.
        Actually its more likely SH is checking social media for him coz he doesn't have much time, it's probably the highlight of their convos ' SH rise to fame' or the next Brit power couple!!

      • New Poster says:


        Cray cray or just cray is an American street slang term. It’s used predominantly among certain demographics such as my own. You will mostly hear people say “S**t cray”. I was surprised to hear him say it maybe he learned it from SH as she spent time in New York (as New York is very diverse).

      • Alice says:

        Moodgirl. That was on the money!! Biggest laugh I’ve had in weeks. Thanks for that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Were not. That’s why we’re still questioning it! Something still smells kinda off….I don’t understand why he needs to sell the Comet as a Star??

      • moodgirl says:

        Because he wants to be an A list superstar so he feels he needs a wife worthy of him. No barely working slackers for him. Irony.

      • moodgirl says:

        Just a thought – maybe Ben and his people had to clean up behind Sophie and make her look presentable because she has a few questionable areas in her background? Or she was just lazy.

      • Anonymous says:

        true – I also think he is very self-conscious about his image and who he is seen with. He was so confident during the first half of the year, he must have felt like a stud and was having tryst/fwb/escorts like crazy….but to see him now…tsk* tsk*…shakeshead*…he should have gotten a vasectomy if he wanted to keep playing the field, especially in Hollywood!

    • Ingrid says:

      According to my very scientific (and of course, very accurate) calculations (if they announced it on 12 week mark), the conception was in mid-late August. When she was in Scotland and he was humping his way through London. So no, I’m not convinced it’s his. Maybe Benedict isn’t either? Or she doesn’t know herself? Maybe this is the reason for his passive aggressiveness?

      Prenatal paternity tests are high risk, especially in early pregnancy.

      Let’s see if this whole mess blows up after the Oscars.

      • lola says:

        She is already “having” a high risk pregnancy. That’s every pregnancy past the 35. birthday and amniocentesis is done as a routine test (at least that’s how in my country things are done

        eta: And she was parading herself in cold London in a sleeveless dress in Dec, in PS she wore ridiculously high heels, not to mention that flying around (well long flights) isn’t recommended – esp in risk pregg.

    • Sunflower says:

      So let’s parse out the current theories:

      A) she’s not pregnant, and this is a showmance gone out of control. He’s not happy because he doesn’t want to participate in this
      B) she’s pregnant, but it’s not his, but since she was already slated as his +1 they’re going with it. He’s not happy because he’s always wanted to be a dad but he’s has to pretend like he’s getting everything he’s always wanted
      C) she’s pregnant, and it’s his, but it was the result of a casual relationship. He’s not happy because he feels trapped, foolish and uninterested in co-parenting with her.

      • Ingrid says:

        Yes, that’s pretty much it.

        Sounds quite horrible when you list it like that but it’s clear that something is very wrong. Those are pretty much the only options. And I’m afraid that the worst option (C) is the truth.

      • moodgirl says:

        It’s C without a doubt. Nothing else makes a shred of sense.

      • Oh Hey says:

        I think C is on the money. I don’t think our Benny is the brightest bulb in the chandelier and possibly way too dreamy and gullible for his own good. Maybe it felt like a good idea at the time, I remember him saying in one interview that he knew where he was going to be for the next two years so he felt like he could finally plan things in his life. Like a baby with the first available female….

      • tsmiv says:

        If he was planning a baby with a woman that he had not even been in the physical presence of more than a few times, then he is a nutcase.

      • Renee says:

        I’m going with C. And then his personal life was used for PR. There’s no shortage of stupid when it comes to BC and his personal life right now.

      • Ireadtoomuch says:

        @sunflower – most def “C” – and I think the marriage will take place before the baby comes ( pls don’t kill me)- and I also think that the baby was not planned but a “surprise” …. I think he may have gone with the no marriage and co- parenting route if this whole fiasco has just been handled properly- he had actually made an effort to be visibly seen with her and not made a whole deal abt the SGF – not in the industry – wants to be private yada yada yada…. Then came the “watch this space” – and I swear that was the beginning of the as I say ” dog and pony show” ……. Whew too much!!!! My 2 cents for all they’re worth….;)

      • Kat says:

        How can be a baby be planned AND a surprise? And I agree with tsmiv completely, if he ‘plans’ kids with some woman he’s been on off seeing for a few months, then he’s a total nutter.

        Also, I don’t know why people correlate those stupid ‘SGF’ rumours with her. He was still doing cons/travelling etc around then. She wasn’t around.

      • moodgirl says:

        I can’t imagine they would through all of this if he had any idea that he isn’t the father.

      • scarf girl says:

        C. For what the vote is worth

      • Ireadtoomuch says:

        @kat- I had meant to type “not planned” – made the changes but it didn’t save in time

      • Kat says:


        Aah, gotcha..;)

      • tsmiv says:

        Just to clarify, if she was planning a baby with him after a few dates, she’s a nutcase too or a gold digger.

      • Cate says:

        C – but I honestly don’t know if this was a ‘surprise’ or planned. Planned would be quite foolish, after just dating a few months. I mean, why not wait ’till after Hamlet, right? Give it a year. She’s not 45 or something and 37 isn’t ancient! If you can get pregnant at 36, you can probably get pregnant the next year still. Lots of luck in both cases though. Lots of luck…

      • tie pin says:

        Definitely C and yes, it’s sad. It’s easy to think they were only together once or twice, but that’s all it takes. I also think there was very little conversation about birth control, just an understanding that, eh, it would be ok. What are the chances, etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m gonna go with B – because it’s still a possibility.
        If he was dumb enough to get her pg, he’ll even be dumber to NOT even think about the possibility that its not his – especially when during the past months he’s been so busy and stressed and was in total shock and emotional wreck to even consider it.

      • Me says:

        There’s D) They pulled a When Harry Met Sally and just didn’t know how to reconcile their relationship with his public life…

        Yeah, unlikely.

        I go with C, but he is fine with co-parenting. Just doesn’t feel ready right now and his dream (of falling in love with a slender, blonde woman and having a fairy tale romance, wedding with no baby mama spectre and having a first child with his true love, after they’re married, when they’ve planned it) is dead.

      • **sighs** says:

        I’m c- but pr relationship instead of casual/real one.

      • lola says:

        I am not going with any letter but HOPING it’s not C.

      • ES says:

        How about a simple option D). They are in love and want to have a family together. It really doesn’t need to be more complicated than that.

      • Alice says:

        Oh, surely it’s D. He’s been absolutely giddy with joy the last few months. Not!

      • Kat says:


        I know you’re intent on seeing things very differently to everyone else, hence the idea you had that she was completely unaware that her dress made her look pregnant last weekend, but I’m afraid there’s some truths you just have to face.
        Of course he’s not planned to have children with her after such s short amount of time and the engagement after the pregnancy would also very obviously confirm that too.

    • Me says:

      I don’t think he’d confirm, if he wasn’t sure. Polite as he might be, he has lawyers to be the mean, bad guys. ” Of course, darling. My lawyers are making me…)

      • Anonymous says:

        his dream (of falling in love with a slender, blonde woman and having a fairy tale romance, wedding with no baby mama spectre and having a first child with his true love, after they’re married, when they’ve planned it) is dead.—-
        –Aah, now that Elle interview is starting to make sense!
        The whole ‘sexual currency’ thing was what he’s been doing all year.
        But during that interview, SH must have told him she was “late” but not yet confirmed? So he asked all those pg questions.
        But he was probably hoping for a negative so he could still have a chance at that fairytale.
        ….but no longer.

      • lola says:

        He hasn’t confirmed it jet, has he. And right now he can’t dismiss it. The thing is messed up enough (to much) already and that would mean making a complete scandal out of it … I don’t think that would be a good idea.

        The Elle interview will never make any sense since it was written by a very, hm, “worthy&theme specific” information hungry lady. She was with him at least the whole afternoon and came up with that material – any men, ANY MAN (there indeed are a few who would not respond to provocation like that, priests and such) would end up talking about sex, sex appeal, them being appealing to the other sex. As stupid as it was for BC to fall for all those baits, the interview tells us a hell lot more about her than him. An if you look at it now: there is to specific talk about sex techniques & his currency + there is the man in love with plans for the future and now we have additional info leak about that specific planned future. It was a bad interview that should never see the daylight, and that was imo it.

      • Ingrid says:

        Honestly, I think what happened with Elle was that he was still single and his quotes go with that. Then the baby happened and Karon asked to add those “he’s in love” to make this mess less… Messy. That’s why the interview doesn’t make any sense: it was edited heavily by PR months after he gave that interview.

  77. Ingrid says:

    Oh, I did… but at this point this just pure entertainment. A catastrophe or horror movie, if you will.

    Also, there are no new Hunnam or Hiddles threads so I’m stuck here until then… Outlander is also still on a break…

    ETA: The GG, it might be on purpose, yes. Saving the good bits to Ellen?

    • **sighs** says:

      Apparently the BBC just confirmed Night Manager to be shot in Spring. Maybe we’ll be blessed with a Hiddles thread tomorrow.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Sighs, just saw that too… so glad to see its a go. Moar Hiddles!

      • Me says:

        I’ve looked into Hiddles a bit more to get away from this circus. He’s a bit of a ham, but I’m a sucker for that British gent stuff. He needs to get a break doing a serious American drama. Maybe this country singer movie will do it. Is 2015 going to be Hiddles’ year?

      • TotallyBiased says:

        Some of us can only hope. He has three movies which all look to have a lot of potential opening this year, plus at least an easter egg/post credits scene in Avengers: AoU which helps to keep him in the mass market consciousness, and now he’s definitely filming at least two movies/miniseries with a LOT of wattage in his co-stars. It looks good!
        (I really like the way the announcements re both Skull Island and Night Manager are acknowledging that he’s the lead/co-lead and not sublimating his name to the more well-known in the US stars.)

      • moodgirl says:

        Am I the only person tired of British actors coming to the US? Give it a rest already.

      • Toodles45 says:

        @moodgirl, Hollywood will ALWAYS welcome and remain partial to Brits, because let’s face it, they’ve got the goods. Most are classically trained and well experienced in different mediums (theater, radio, tv, etc).

      • moodgirl says:

        Not only do we get actors but television announcers and entertainment shows like E! I even went to my bank atm and the voice was English. So many people complained the voice feature was shut off. I mind. Find work at home

      • Sunflower says:

        Just wait. People were getting so sick of his shtick last year when he was shilling the latest Thor movie that Benedict seemed like a breath of fresh air. To whom are we going to turn when we get sick of him now?

      • A says:

        Yes, that’s fairly common if you’re following someone who is in a really active phase. Too much at once and everything is analyzed to death. I just don’t follow every single thing, take a step back when I’m annoyed or bored.

        But no one can stand on a pedestal forever, the public is fickle and generally demands perfection.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Sunflower, I think you mean 2013. Tom wasn’t working much and doing a bunch of promotion, which I believe was for Marvel. He was the dancing bear for them, the company man. I think he was still learning how to deal with his fame and the extreme fans and last year began to start putting appropriate boundaries in place. I expect to see an more mature Hiddles this time around.

      • Oh Hey says:

        Maybe, I can’t get enough of them, to be honest.

      • MtnRunner says:

        #183 Me, I jumped on the Hiddles train from the Cumby one this fall, when Ben began getting the side-eyes pretty regularly. Tom’s got a bang-up year ahead of him with multiple projects coming out (much like Ben’s 2013). Avengers in May, Crimson Peak in Oct and ISTL in Dec… no release date for High Rise as of yet. That’s a hella lot of promotion for him to be doing, along with filming Night Manager and Skull Island.

        I personally love his Shakespeare and independent film work the best, tho’ Loki is good, ole fun to watch (I can do without every other character in Thor, personally). Hollow Crown, Coriolanus, Muse of Fire, Only Lovers Left Alive, Unrelated, Archipelago, Cranford are probably my fav’s along with the Jaguar commercials.

      • scarf girl says:

        I cannot wait. Loved that book

  78. moodgirl says:

    “Hawking” is on the Discovery Channel tonight at 10:00 pm.
    “Third Star” airs on PIVT – used to be the Documentary Channel – at 3:00 am Sunday morning. I have DirecTV.

    Everyone taking advantage of the drama.

  79. Kat says:

    Amanda Abbington on Twitter in reply to whether Martin will be at the GG –
    “No, he’s coming home for the weekend instead”

    Love the disdain for “the game” and the anti BS of these two. Was a time when I thought BC was of the same ilk.

    • Me says:

      No shade, but you gotta admit that Martin isn’t Oscar campaigning. If BC was just up for a Sherlock nom, he might skip it like he did with the Emmy’s.

      • Kat says:

        That’s the thing though.. Can you imagine Martin shilling out for an Oscar campaign?

      • Felice says:

        I feel like if Martin was ever roped under a Weinstein film he would tell him to piss off since he has no desire to work in Hollywood.

      • Me says:

        Nope. But as talented as he is, I also don’t imagine that Martin will ever have leading man potential the way BC does. Or do lots of film. I see him as king of supporting actors on the silver screen. Not that I think BC will really get sexxxy leading man stuff, but you know.

  80. tsmiv2 says:

    I seem to be unable to post under my original name, but it’s most likely C. I still think B or something like that is possible, though.

  81. anon says:

    Hi all. I think I figured out the answer to my question to why wait 12 weeks even if she’s pregnant w/Ben’s child? I quickly Googled paternity test while pregnant. Chorionic villus sampling can be done 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. Down syndrome test can be done at the same time. So much for planned. And sorry guys – this looks like a “C”. And the comment by the Elle “reporter” that he looked misty eyed in love? Probably trying not to cry.
    Back to the early 90’s- think the marriage will last longer than 962 days? (Maybe 1 more if there’s a leap year).
    Moodgirl-that was the funniest thing I’ve read in years!
    Back to work!

    • anon says:

      @Claire-not if you’re in the early to mid august camp! 🙂 Although you’re scenario is interesting! Face it, we won’t know for sure how far along Sophie is til the child arrives and then probably not even then. After this debacle, I won’t believe anything from BC’s camp again!

      • Claire says:

        Whoa what happened to all my comments? Ingrid’s disappeared too. They were saying Nov 3 is too early for CVS testing and he wouldn’t have known who’s the father by proposal date. Someone didn’t want that public did they?

      • lola says:

        @Claire (#95.)
        Well, my comments are disappearing too – and my are all abut debunking this weirdness. Maybe this one will stay …
        Where was she in the beginning – mid august 2014? Do we know that? The second part of August she was in Scotland hiking wright? Her mom was conveniently available for that comment to the tabloid in mid Sept. – there had to be some news on the topic by then. The engag was supposedly surprising for the mother and the brother so … maybe BC freaked – believed it was his? But still … if he put the notice in the paper – what’s up with the names and initials?

        ps I still do not believe they were ever intimate – he looks he’s about to throw up when standing next to her.

      • dumbstruck says:

        He did not show up at the fashion show and the BAFTA LA party. I wonder whats happening. The silence is unnerving. About the pregnancy some are saying its confirmed some are not. WHATS GOING ON?????????

      • Kat says:

        Of course it’s confirmed. I wish people would stop paying attention to a few idiots on tumblr.

      • Ancora says:

        @Kat #105

        THANK YOU! Celebs use their reps to confirm things. They don’t personally do it. That’s why they pay publicists.

        Sheesh! What next? Baby arrives and there’s a new conspiracy theory that they actually hired a set of quints to play Cumberbaby in order to jive with child labor laws? They don’t even live with BC and Sophie! ROFL.

      • Anonymous says:

        I heard he was spotted in New York on 57th av.
        While Hollywood Reporter said he was in studio filming something.
        Is he filming Ellen now?
        No doubt Sh is having the time of her life picking designer clothes to wear at the GG with Wintour!

      • gg says:

        He is supposed to be filming Ellen tomorrow

      • Alice says:

        Dumbstruck. See comment 81. That’s what I posted earlier. It may be working or may be avoiding all but the mandatory appearances. I doubt he’s happy with last weekend’s clown show by her.

        I noticed the comment count was decreasing, also. Hmmmm.

      • moodgirl says:

        If he is that embarrassed about this whole thing one would think he would just end it, co-parent and move on down the road. It will be a million times worse if he marries. As frugal as he supposedly is, he will pay thousands a month in child support but if he divorces he will lose half his stuff up front – like his flat – and pay child support and spousal support. I know he is naive as hell but come on.

      • dumbstruck says:

        donno where it ll post , thank u alice.

      • anon says:

        No nymbers. Link?

      • moodgirl says:

        Didn’t she go to clown college or…..mime school. What did he expect?

      • gg says:

        Cumberbatchweb said he was supposed to be at BAFTA tea party but then somebody else said he was never on the guest list (?)

      • moodgirl says:

        A male friend claims to have had sex with a really stinky woman. He wanted sex so he held his breath as best he could and soldiered on. Some men just don’t care.

      • lola says:

        @moodgirl (#100)
        Oh, know some men are like that, but the stinky didn’t get conveniently pregnant, did she? SH was in Italy in July going by the Insta photos, she was very cozy with a guy in pictures. She was in Scotland in August. Those are facts. Between these to dates (I think) she got pregnant – if so. At that time she already knew she could be BC’s supposed GF. The chance is they did meet (according to the Twitter or Insta saying he was spotted with a woman looking as an actress, lol) but form all the people she evidently meet in that summer the father is conveniently BC – so the most prosperous one?
        ETA(#105) Maybe he got to reasons in the mean time. Maybe he got some crucial information during this time, because the wtf moment when she dropped her clutch on PS RC was telling (he has no idea what stage her belly is in) and very calculated from her side. Do you really think BC (if he was the father) would never check her belly before that? Really? He might not be able to look at the mother (he doesn’t) but being careless about the growing baby? Never.

      • moodgirl says:

        Stinky already had five kids. I guess he wasn’t the only one willing to hold his breath.

      • moodgirl says:

        Benedict is on The Hollywood News Report.

      • moodgirl says:


      • moodgirl says:

        @lola – I agree. She seems, ahem, very friendly. I know Ben is naive but I can’t imagine he wouldn’t demand a paternity test or announce his engagement if he wasn’t sure.

        Edit – Can you IMAGINE canceling the engagement because he isn’t the father! WOW!

      • lola says:

        And, why would she undergo invasive&risky prenatal paternal diagnostic if she already had BC at disposal? She could just publicly get attached to him in the middle of the most important time of his career … and guess what she has been doing exactly that. He offered her a way out after NY premiere but she managed to attend every single event from there on. Maybe this whole cluster*uck is not that much about repairing stupid PR moves but more about cleaning the mess SH is publickly creating.
        She doesn’t have a job, she doesn’t have a talent to start something, she is not motivated for work that is for people lover on the society level – she needs a stedy paycheck.

        ETA Yes I think that is something that is going to happen. I don’t know why. It can’t happen now during the campaign. It just can’t.

      • dumbstruck says:

        then why the Christmas photo op? necessary? generated by SH? generated by HW? why BC was announcing his arrival at edinburgh?

      • lola says:

        There are a lot of why in this story, too many in fact. There are as many possible explanations as well, if not even more. BC is stuck in this PR game and she as expecting lady has all the power for now and unless he dances as she pleases, she could easily go to the media in the middle of the oscar campaign (since her family has tabloids on a speed dial – that would not be a problem). She doesn’t even need any dirt on him, not taking care for the possible baby is a scandal he simply can not afford now. And god knows what kind of plan HW came up after the preggo news back in sept/oct (engag?). Announcing that he was in Edin was just being sure they would get papped imo (Paris and previous Edin visit didn’t produce desirable effect).
        I am positive that he needed a GF for the campaign. Even if he didn’t play gay character he’d get one. But he got one with very strong connections to HW and possibly very shady intentions from her side. But judging by his reaction to the belly show-off I am quite sure that the pregnancy itself and especially the revelation was not the original plan. Her stomp off was already a clear sign they can’t control her and she doesn’t mind embarrassing and humiliating BC in front of everyone.

      • lola says:

        And maybe the Edin pictures were supposed to be the last ones before she was supposed to be hidden away since she started shoving. She was clearly stepping up her game so lovingly leaning over his shoulder (and him still not twitching).

        It is nothing shameful if they had a fling and she got pregnant. And I don’t think BC would hide it as much (remember the FWB comment – Lidia something) and it wouldn’t be coming out now – it would’ve been mentioned or clearly hinted before.

      • moodgirl says:

        Agreed. Maybe the Christmas photos were designed to make them look like a normal, loving couple because they could no longer keep the pregnancy a secret and knew the announcement was imminent. They intentionally created an event to prove that they spend time together when more than likely they don’t. “See, we’re lovey dovey and go to church with family.” She had her arm draped over him when we know they barely look at each other anywhere else. I believe he did make appearances in several public places in the city so people would know that he was there and spread the news. Like the pharmacy and the market with her brother. It was strictly PR.

        Next pr setup came when they were papped walking through LAX or Heathrow he looked like he would rather eat shit and die than hold her hand. Then the rolling of the eyes by him and his driver during the hugfest between SH and Emily. PR, PR, PR.

      • Claire says:

        Did he really roll his eyes? Or is that speculation? Reminder to google and click on sogo and this thread, guys, to keep google rankings up 🙂

      • moodgirl says:

        The smirk and look of self satisfaction on her face during Stompgate will never leave my mind. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing.

      • lola says:

        The smirk at PS FF was way more telling. It is all her doing and plan. They knew that she would’ve shown alone (as she did in London) if they didn’t take her to the festival.

      • Alice says:

        I really don’t want to think he’s such a gentleman or more accurately, a p***y, to allow this nothing, no-talent hack to keep manipulating him after the awards season. If her influence on him affects Sherlock, she will really be up sh*t creek without a paddle.

      • moodgirl says:

        I think yes, he is.

      • moodgirl says:

        @lola – Maybe he didn’t attend the BAFTAs because he didn’t want her to attend with him and she is putting up a fight?

      • Ancora says:

        @moodgirl #104

        Desperate men do that kind of stuff. BC is not desperate when it comes to getting some. Now, ALL men will shag a woman they think is hot, even if they don’t like her as a person.

      • moodgirl says:

        Benedict didn’t appear at the BAFTA awards? Apparently he had work to finish up on Sherlock. I believe it. OR maybe he is sick of the crap and wanted to avoid a little if he could. I wouldn’t blame him.

    • Alice says:

      OK, I’m not getting the early ’90s reference. Clue me in, please.

  82. Alice says:

    Cumberbatchweb had him confirmed to attend theBAFTALA tea yesterday and he was a no-show. Excuse was “on set” but will be at GG. I wondered if real reason was to avoid facing colleagues as long as possible. I can just imagine RDJ’s eyerolls now.

    • dumbstruck says:

      Cumberbatchweb confirmed the pregnancy too *wink*
      Whatever I just think he is avoiding people coz he is really ashamed. Just a wistful thinking on my part. I still wanna think He is a good man.

      • Alice says:

        Oh, he’s absolutely ashamed and embarrassed at being trapped in such a manner by her. He probably thought since she was “upper class” and they knew each other slightly that he could trust her not to be a famewhore. Boy, was he wrong. He’s also probably terrified that some of his family, friends and colleagues have seen some of her “work”.
        I can just imagine Karon and Emily having a hen party, inviting people over, and screening In the Meadow. Followed by gut busting laughter.

      • Ancora says:

        Agreed on his reasons for trusting her, Alice.

      • moodgirl says:

        I bet Karon and Emily have a lot to say but can’t.

      • tsmiv2 says:

        @Alice Forget Karon and Emily, can you imagine Wanda and Tim seeing that awful In the Meadow or her topless appearance or the stupid octopus video? They are actors, but they seem like nice, normal people who would not pick this flitting socialite to be their DIL. Ben always goes on and on about their work ethic and that’s why his is so strong, but then he gets tangled up with somebody who has apparently never (and certainly not in the last couple of years) had a real job.

    • Alice says:

      And can you imagine Ben wondering if that video will still be around when his child is old enough to google it?

  83. tsmiv2 says:

    I’m still in the weirdness camp. I want someone to explain the staged papping at both airports last week, or the papping at the restaurant in October, or even the strategic seating at the French Open. He sits next to her at the FO, but then goes out of his way to avoid being seen with her for months. There’s still a lot strange stuff going on.

  84. Alice says:

    Moodgirl. We definitely think alike. I hope the delay is just until the Oscars are over then shortly thereafter a statement like “after much thought and agonizing, BC and SH have decided that their best course is to call off the engagement and co-parent. They will always care for each other.” I bet Karon is chomping at the bit to put that out.

  85. Felice says:

    Did anyone see that SH’s friends are some of the few people sending the over positive comments on the Daily Mail articles?

  86. maudfricker says:

    This time last year he was dancing with Fassy at the Golden Globes afterparty without a care in the world. Little did he know what a year would bring, poor bastard

    • Ancora says:

      Yikes! Yeah, even if she was the one I could still see him wanting to wait a couple of years to get pregnant. Trying at 38 is not entirely unreasonable.

  87. moodgirl says:

    I found this AP stuff from another site about Ben at PSIFF. When Sophie’s name comes first and Ben is referred to as “her fiance” they have HUGE PROBLEMS. Out of control.

    “3. Theatre director Sophie Hunter and her fiance, “The Imitation Game” actor Benedict Cumberbatch, pose for photographers at the Palm Springs International Film Festival gala.”

    • Ancora says:

      Ew. Now, they are trying to really take a page out of the Clooney – Alammuddin book. Shame on them. Amal’s accomplishments are prolific and well documented. She and George would never have met if she wasn’t a serious player in the highest ranks of human rights law.

      Sophie is a hanger on who knows Ben only through social connections. Has she even directed one show on her own? Anything that was actually found seems to list her as a collaborator or co-director.

      This would play so much better if they took the “Benedict Cumberbatch fell in love with his old friend! And she’s just a normal woman his own age!” strategy. Ick, I feel nauseous.

      • moodgirl says:

        Whoever took the time to big her up is responsible for this.

      • Anonymous says:

        So after her Vogue article, now its The TIMES who’s written ‘everything you know about sH’…..
        Seriously, after her Big announcement I believe she hired her own PR so everyone would know who she is by the time the big awards come around. I doubt Karon would be able to handle both BCs publicity and hers, especially during awards and Karon is mostly in LA.

      • Ancora says:

        Time or The Times? I guess they figure most people will take that trumped up CV at face value. Unh. Well, it was fun while it lasted. I’ll always be a fan of his work but I think Cumberfever will finally die.

        Ryan Gosling. Benedict Cumberbatch. Who’s next?

      • autumn says:

        Lol don’t you worry about the hype, no one gives a crap about her and those who do, we’ll guess what webpages will they learn about her from

    • Kat says:

      Oh god, this isn’t another new article, is it?

  88. Ancora says:

    You know, there’s this theory too:

    He was dating around and Sophie became increasingly important to him. Maybe those other sightings with women in the summer weren’t dates. He’s been known to hang out platonically with women before.

    However, things have changed a lot since he was with Olivia & Anna. As happy as he was, maybe he got paranoid about being seen because he knows how creepy some of his fandom can get. So, he really didn’t want to have his love in the spotlight. Things change; people change. The Old BC would be bouncing off the walls and telling everyone. The New BC is tired of getting weirdo gifts from strangers who consider him family and make cupcakes to commemorate every moment of his life. He doesn’t want to share the love of his life with them. He doesn’t want them to know anything about his baby. James McAvoy was able to avoid all that stuff because he never had the fandom that BC has. He’s angry and devastated about that.

    I would have chosen someone different for him. But maybe this posh, no talent, unemployed hanger on is what he wants. They have a bunch of mutual friends. She fits in socially with the glitzy types in his life. And his boarding school pals. Her main function will always be running the household and staying behind to take care of babies. She’s physically his type, except for hair color. She looks like a “yes” girl. He confirms she’s a “cool girl.” And, due to her age, she’s ready to do this thing. Right. Now. None of those 20 somethings would be down for that.

    She IS thrilled. She’s getting married to a real catch and pregnant with her first child. She probably thought none of this would happen at her age. She didn’t even have to settle for someone she wasn’t into. She literally got the most eligible bachelor on the planet. She hasn’t dealt with all the creepy yet and she’s pretty realistic about BC not being able to escape the spotlight on his private life. So, she’s rolling with it and he’s pouting all the way.

    • Kat says:

      Nah, none of that explains why he looks pissed off. He just looks dead behind the eyes and there’s no way that can be attributed to the over zealous fans. What difference do they really make to his life..his real life?
      That wouldn’t stop him looking thrilled at finding the things he’s always wanted.
      And besides anything else, he has completely publicised both the engagement and publicity. It would’ve been very easy to have kept both of these things quiet. It really would. McAvoy doesn’t have to deal with the attention because he’d doesn’t court it. He lives a normal life and keeps his home life totally private.

      I also don’t understand the fixation on him having a type of ‘preferring blondes’. Olivia was blonde …that was it.

      • Ancora says:

        Well, I have a theory OPPOSITE to the one above. But this is all just so wonky. I think he looks mostly furious about doing press. But his interviews go smoothly, if he’s only talking about work. Then he gets all tense when they try to bring her up.

        I agree The Times announcement was a terrible idea if he wanted privacy. Eddie Redmayne was able to do it because his fandom is less intense. And they didn’t really blink an eye because he had been dating Hannah publicly for so long.

        Sucks. I believe he totally would have run that announcement, if he weren’t famous. But now he is. So, he should have just sucked it up and mailed announcements. Real calligraphy on beautiful cream colored stock… Posh people do that too. And, let’s face it, that comment about not wanting grainy shots of a ring is bull. Ann Veal still can’t get papped when she’s walking down the street on her own.

        This is bonkers. There’s no way he’d be able to completely escape the hoopla from his fans. But he could have just said something like, “You know, I’m thrilled! This is an exciting time in my life. I’m getting everything I’ve ever wanted. But things are different now that I have so many wonderful fans. Sometimes, it gets overwhelming for me. And I just want to protect the ones I love from all that.”

        Er, yeah. Guess what I used to do for a living.

      • Ancora says:

        Oh, as for the blonde thing. He dated Olivia. Had something with Katia. Might have been on a few dates with Laura Carmichael and Lady Kinvara. Seemed to be a date with a blonde at the NT in August. Has a crush on Naomi Watts. Had a crush on Grace Kelly. And wrote about that French actress he saw on the beach in his Seychelles piece – “a gorgeous blonde” with a great ass.

        Lots of men settle down with brunettes though.

      • Kat says:

        He’d have to a complete half wit to complain about the press wanting info on his personal life after he’s put it on a platter for this Oscar campaign.

        As for the blondes thing – I doing think there was anything with the katia, namely due to her long term fiancee.
        I definitely don’t think he dated Laura Carmichael or Kinvara. As for the Seychelles, not to nitpick, but he called her ‘a french beauty’.
        As for the photo at the NT, well, he does have lots of female friends, so no guarantee that was a date and in all honesty, I don’t think he was with her. From the look of that photo, he seemed to be about to walk past her.

        He was in a relationship with Anna James, had a crush on Helena Christensen, now SH..
        He doesn’t seem to be exhibiting any signs of a serial blonde dater to me. Seems very mixed as far as I can see.

        Also, as a brunette myself, I can’t help but sideeye the ‘men often settle down with brunettes’ comment, which suggests it’s the less exciting, more homely choice.

      • Ancora says:

        I’m a brunette myself. Maybe settling down with a brunette is just a smart choice 😉

        But seriously, I’m not trying to claim one hair color is more beautiful than the other. Just most men have a type. That’s all. Most “Hollywood heart throbs” are careful to only talk about inner qualities when the press asks them about type. Michael Fassbender is the only guy I can think of right away who had no problem also mentioning that he likes an exotic look. Speaking of, he needs a comeback. When is Macbeth coming out again?

        As far as a celebrity complaining about personal life in the media being stupid… Well, that doesn’t stop a lot of them, does it?

    • moodgirl says:

      @Ancora – Uh, no.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think he was more worried about a grainy pic of her Bump and though…well better put a ring on it first and announce it to the world!!

      Her Bump looks BIGGER than Kieras!!!

      • Ancora says:

        Hahaha! That would require people knowing who she was first 😉

        Aw, man! I missed it! Did E! talk to them?

      • Ingrid says:

        Look at that, she made 22 h trip to support him. How sweet and nothing to do with it being one of the biggest red carpets. That’s all I have to say… I think I’m finally done with this sh*t. Yay!

        Watched Birdman, there is no way BC can beat Keaton and Eddie.

      • Kat says:

        Well would you look at that? She DOES know how to dress to conceal a bump! I guess that one wasn’t available last weekend.

      • moodgirl says:

        Benedict was one of the few males – I will say few because of course I can’t account for every individual – who interviewed alone, without his partner. The other male stars that I could see interviewed with their partners. I saw his interview on NBC but everyone else I saw on E! I didn’t see Ben interview with E!

      • Ancora says:

        Oh! Just saw them during that Margaret Cho bit. His little photo bomb was a nice revisit to the old BC. Her bump looks huge now. But they certainly picked the right dress finally. BC actually looks happy. A happy waiter, but whatever. That bump looks like it’s 7 months along now though, no?

      • Kat says:

        The photobombing has got very tired now. I thought he was fed up people talking about it anyway? Banal and reductive, didn’t he say?

        And when she’s standing, you wouldn’t know she was pregnant at all in that dress. Further proof they/she made a conscious decision to show it off last weekend.

      • Ancora says:


        She does have terrible posture. I’m so pissed I missed them on the carpet. And Trent Reznor totally should have won best score. Maybe photobomb was fan bait and I bit? Ick. Why can’t I get used to this chick’s face? No other celeb SO’s bother me.

    • Claire says:

      Yes that would explain why he referred to her as “the love in my life at the moment” knowing she was carrying what may be his kid. Cough.

  89. autumn says:

    Sophie’s theme song: 2Pac’s Wonda Why They Call U B*****

  90. Sunflower says:

    Hey! I don’t actually hate what she’s wearing for once!

  91. solanacaea (Nighty) says:

    Dress with pockets… Would have never guessed…

  92. solanacaea (Nighty) says:

    On Hollywood life: “Benedict Cumberbatch’s Pregnant Fiancee Shines At Golden Globes”

    • Ancora says:

      Euh. Just saw that. That is a good photo of both of them. And he looks way happier and relaxed there. I just don’t like her. I don’t know why. I think if they just sold her as his normal, old friend, it would have been much more endearing.

      And Clooney’s shout out to Amal seemed genuine. She’s so beautiful. That’s one where I honestly don’t get why everyone thinks it’s fake. I hope I don’t lose my dinner during Benedict’s speech.

      • Claire says:

        I never thought I’d say this but I hope he loses at this point, just because of all this personal life pimping.

      • moodgirl says:

        Maybe he’s happy and relaxed because the burden of carrying the secret of the pregnancy and the tremendous amout of crap they did to manipulate and cover it up is over.

      • moodgirl says:

        I’ll just say that I would not be upset if another nominee took home the award as long as it is NOT Eddie Redmayne.

      • Ancora says:

        Maybe he thought the fallout from the pregnancy thing would be worse than it is.

    • moodgirl says:

      Wow, he is being outshined by the very woman whose CV he had to big up. He’s arm candy. Idiot.

      • Claire says:

        Did something happen?

      • moodgirl says:

        Not yet.

      • moodgirl says:


      • Ancora says:

        “Ouch!” @moodgirl

        Hahaha! That is exactly what I thought. He looked pissed. Eddie was really good. This category was tough. So many wonderful performers. The Globes usually indicate who’s going to win the Oscar, right? Oy. BC is probably feeling sick right now.

      • moodgirl says:

        TIG didn’t catch even a cold. I wonder how he feels, after all the mess he has gone through for months to get to this point, all the lies and manipulation, only to end up with nothing. It wasn’t worth it.

      • moodgirl says:

        Poor Harvey. LOL!!!

      • Ancora says:

        What makes it even more bitter is that I really don’t think that Eddie really campaigned. Sheesh. You’re right. TIG didn’t win anything, did? Uh oh. I think it deserves at least one Oscar.

      • moodgirl says:

        Eddie was EVERYWHERE. I got so sick of looking at him I would change channels. Maybe Benedict will win in the new category for baby momma drama? He would be a shoo-in.

      • gg says:

        Daily Mail published a photo with caption “Benedict, who is pictured here with fiancee Sophie Hunter…” but photo actually shows Karon LOL. They couldn’t crawl far enough up her @ss last weekend but now they have forgotten what she looks like.

      • Felice says:


        They pulled an Ann Veal.

      • Ancora says:

        Her? (sniggers)

        Link please. I wanna see before they fix it. :rubs hands together:

    • Anonymous says:

      did you guys see the sneaky photos taken at the after party of BC&SH dancing and giving her a KISS!!
      Everyone was like side eyeing them, they were the only ones dancing. Lol
      Its a series of photos SH sitting on coach while BC takes her hand,
      Leading her on the dance floor, and their arms around each other while he swoops in for a kiss on the cheeks.
      Photos up on london phile – taken by hollywood reporter editor bcoz of ‘haters’!!
      Staged much???

  93. Felice says:

    I was slightly annoyed that she looked like she could not care less that her “fiance’s” name was announced in his category.

    • moodgirl says:

      Like I said, I truly miss SoGo because we won’t get the photos. PLEASE SoGo come back!!!!!

      • Claire says:

        Aren’t t there others like sockpuppetbc with the gifs? Surely someone else can fill the void. I always find it interesting these major tumblrs that call out her crap go on leave when something major happens

    • Claire says:

      It fits in with everything else we’ve witnessed about her personality though, isn’t it? She needs to be a direct beneficiary for her to smile, and it’s usually a smug grin then.
      How was the red carpet, I heard one report on the other thread he still looke miserable. Interested in body language.

  94. dumbstruck says:

    Very happy with The golden globes results. I truly hope the SAG awards, The BAFTAs and the Oscars follow the same route. No fanning of the flames of the clusterfuck. TIG would hav got a nom anyway.Its a great movie. There was no need for all these shenanigans. I am absolutely happy and for a change Ursula was NOT a pain in the eyes.

  95. Claire says:

    I’m reading on tumblr she was drinking champagne at the Gg, can I get confirmation of that? Also some critic lady is referring to her as his wife.

  96. dumbstruck says:

    Is it me or she has lost some weight rathr than gaining some. Her ribcage is visible :O