Kelly Clarkson tells Blender magazine she pees in the shower


Kelly Clarkson apparently has a competition going with Jessica Simpson. They’re each trying to take the crown for “Biggest Over-Sharing Celebrity.” And frankly, that’s not a title a lot of people want. Jessica is known for telling audiences all about her flatulence and splitting pants. And just about every other thing you’d never want to know about. But so far, she’s drawn the line at pee. And I respect her for it. But Kelly Clarkson just threw herself headfirst across that line, by telling Blender magazine that she pees in the shower. Thanks.

Here’s an interesting little fact about Kelly Clarkson for all you trivia fans out there: she’s a bit gross. In a new interview, the American Idol winner admits to both peeing in the shower and checking the tissue to see what color her snot is!

When Blender magazine quizzed Kelly on whether she feels that washing and urinating are best done separately, she told them: “Anybody who says they don’t [pee in the shower] is lying.”

And on the sticky subject of boogers she muses, “I mean, if you have a cold, you have to check, to see how sick you are.”

Call us old fashioned, but aren’t these the kind of things we’d rather not know about stars? You wouldn’t see Marilyn Monroe admitting to that stuff.

But according to Kelly, the oversharing is all part of her special charm.

“It’s not like people look at me as unattainable, some kind of star like that,” she told the April issue of the magazine. “People love the ‘real’ factor that’s involved, I think.”

[From OK!]

Okay, I will grant Kelly that people don’t look at her as unattainable. She definitely strikes me as one of the celebrities I could definitely hang out with and have as a real friend. She’s accessible and real, and that’s good. But you can still have class. And it doesn’t even need to be 100% class… just like 80%. Just not talking about what you do in the shower that you should do on the toilet. Really, that’s all I ask. I will give her the mucus talk if she absolutely has to have it.

Celebitchy and I had a whole debate over just how gross it is that Kelly pees in the shower. I pointed out that pee is sterile and you can drink it, which she swears is untrue. And the internet was no help, since there are a lot of arguments either way. And Kelly has yet to say she does anything other than go in the shower, so compared to some of the stuff I just learned that people do with their urine (thanks Google), I guess that’s relatively benign.

The funny thing is, I had a really hard time writing this article without oversharing myself. Once someone starts talking bathroom stuff, it’s hard not to chime in with your own gross things or tales of woe. That’s why Kelly’s got to keep it classy. Once the cat’s out of the bag, everyone’s going to join in, and pretty soon we’ll know all about Brad Pitt and Clive Owen’s hygiene issues too.

Here’s Kelly Clarkson leaving Koko in Camden, England after performing for the shockwaves chart show on February 24th. Images thanks to BauerGriffinOnline.

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73 Responses to “Kelly Clarkson tells Blender magazine she pees in the shower”

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  1. Tony says:

    The only person that needs to know of your personal shortcomings are your parents if you’re a child or your spouse if you’re married. One of the first things taught a child after they can walk is to be potty trained. Pretty fundamental isn’t it? Sharing of the lack of control over bodily functions does not render a person more normal, it just shows a lack of respect and consideration to their fellow person.

    As far as drinking urine goes, Baer did it on Man vs. Wild. It made my wife turn her head in disgust. Again, is this necessary? Perhaps, for a survival show.

  2. Mel says:

    OK. Peeing in the shower is one thing, but talking about drinking it is where my stomach turned. Good thing I didn’t eat breakfast!

  3. Debbi says:

    Kelly, Kelly. From one short + curvy lady to another, let me tell you that the pants and Uggs combo is doing you no favors.

  4. HEB says:

    Thats really unnecessary

  5. pixiegirl says:

    Strangely enough, I’m not that disgusted by this. I mean the stuff just washed down the drain, right? Saves you time, right? I can’t believe I haven’t been doing this!!

  6. Prissa says:

    Dr Oz was on Oprah and confirmed pee IS sterile and you can use it on a wound if you are in dire straits.

    Oh and I agree with pixiegirl, it does wash down so what diff does it make? If you ALWAYS was the tub after showering/bathing it’s clean for the next person so it’s no biggie. And I’m sure she didn’t mean she does it all the time or she pees in the shower INSTEAD of the toilet.

  7. jess says:

    it’s pee people. we all do it. why is such a taboo? i am a proud shower pee-er!

  8. TaylorB says:

    Sorry Kelly, not everyone urinates in the shower. There is a reason they keep toilets and showers separate. But, to be fair, I am a bit of a neat freak and that is just my personal opinion.

  9. TaylorB says:


    Urine is usually sterile, unless the person has a UTI or Kidney issue, or some other bacterial infection in their ‘naughty zone’, all of which are fairly common, so please keep that in mind. By the by, it might not be wise to base your med info on Oprah. I am not an MD so human diseases are not my forte, but I am a DVM, vastly different but similar enough in some cases.

  10. pixiegirl says:


    I think Prissa was quoting Dr. Oz who is in fact, a medical physician (not trying to speak for Prissa here..). And even if the person has a UTI or whatever, doesn’t that just wash down the drain as well? What’s the big deal about this? It’s not like she’s peeing on her couch or something.

  11. SW says:

    Get a grip folks! You’re in the shower, you are standing up, you have water flowing down your body. The pee is going to go DOWN. What are you going to do, walk across the bathroom and get your floors all wet just to go sit on the toilet and pee? LOLOLOL!! I’ve peed in the shower a few times yeah. My bathroom is much bigger than most bedrooms and I’m not going to track water ALL THE WAY across the room to go to the toilet, which I’m also going to have to wipe off afterwards cause its going to be wet…cause for some crazy reason I got out of the shower, that has a DRAIN and clean water running through it to go pee in the toilet, way across the room!

  12. Baholicious says:

    Pixiegirl, Taylor is responding to putting urine on wounds. Urine is not sterile if there’s a bladder/UTi/kidney infection.

    Incidentally my great-grandfather, a WWI veteran of trench warfare ( I mention this because footcare was a primary concern with these soldiers), used to rub the babies’ piddle diapers on his feet. Urine contains uric acid which softens and cleanses the feet. Sounds rude but my granny said he always had feet as soft as a baby’s. Many high quality lotions such as Lubriderm contain uric acid.

  13. iheartlasagne says:

    Urine is sterile in the sterile bladder, but once it travels down the urethra and out the body it can pick up epithelials and bacteria if present. So, if you have no UTI and can perform cystocentesis (drawing urine out of the bladder with a needle & syringe) aseptically you can obtain sterile urine. All this of course has no bearing on the peeing on the shower discussion.

  14. Mel says:

    LOL SW! How about we just not drink urine? Sterile, not sterile, it’s still waste.

  15. Feebee says:

    Not the first, probably won’t be the last time Ms Clarkson overshares.

  16. TaylorB says:

    Thank you Baho, I guess I didn’t explain myself very well. I am used to dealing with equines, not humans.

    But I do see some dog owners from time to time that hear/read how clean dog saliva is, and often helps clean a wound which is true to some extent for animals, so they wrongly allow their canines to lick their (human) wounds and end up with serious infections because they don’t understand that the positive bacteria in canine saliva carries different bacteria than a human does. Not to mention that some external bacteria are activated when they hit the ‘air’ and can become dangerous, especially on open wounds, much like unhealthy urine when it hits the air. As I said, I am a vet, not a MD like Dr Oz, so take my advice with a grain of salt. Mea Culpa.

  17. Prissa says:

    It is understandable that if there is an infection or what have you the pee would no longer be sterile. I was meaning under ideal conditions.

    BTW – I was wondering, if the pee is very strong (dark yellow) does that affect the sterile properties?

    I agree with SW. It’s more convenient to just pee in the shower.

  18. viper says:

    My GOD that is just the most discusting thing I have ever heard a celebrity admit.

    It wasnt asked!

    And the fact that everybody is not talking about urine is just nasty!

    I dont pee in the shower thats what a toilet is for!!! EW! BAH! Nasty girl!

    O.o -.- O.O! She’s just that lazy!!!

  19. viper says:

    NOW talking about urine * I miss edit.

  20. TaylorB says:


    Dark yellow usually means usually that you are dehydrated. Drink more water and clear fluids, if it continues after a few days see a doctor.

  21. Prissa says:

    Thanks! I’ve got my 1.5L bottle of Deer Park right here! :0)

  22. janey says:

    People just love to talk about urine.

  23. morgs says:

    I admitted to my roomate I pee in the shower, she told me the same thing. Who cares, it goes down the drain. You aren’t standing in a cess pool.

    I hate sitting on a toilet seat with a wet behind, that is nastier to me than peeing in the shower. Plus for girls, its the one time you can truly stand and pee and not worry about your clothes. Peeing in the shower is liberating, everyone should try it!

  24. Baholicious says:

    Taylor just to note too that people who take multivitamins and some medications like antibiotics will have bright yellow to orange coloured urine.

    The more dehydrated one is, the more dark gold to brown it becomes. The latter colour indicates severe/life-threatening dehydration.

    If you have bacteria in your urine it will smell like pee that’s sat around for awhile (anyone that’s used a port-0-let/potty knows what I mean.) There’s usually discomfort that precedes that stage so you pretty much know right away you’ve got a UTI or cystitis at the very least.

    And yes Janey, I guess you’re right, LOL!

  25. TaylorB says:


    Very true, some foods will do the same. But as I said I am a DVM not an MD, people and animals are different mostly due to external factors (diet, meds, environment, etc.)

    Anyhoodle, as I said before people (humans) should take my advice with a grain of salt, and see a proper MD if you have discolored urine, but that being said I still wouldn’t suggest a person ingest urine regardless of color or use it to clean wounds. Good old warm water (or saline) and soap is usually the best way to clean up a wound. So when you get a paper cut at the office pissing on your fingers should be a last resort.

  26. Baholicious says:

    That last sentence was too funny Taylor!

  27. Emily says:

    On Postsecret, the guy who runs the website says he won’t run postcards he gets admitting “I pee in the shower” because that is apparently one of the most common secrets he receives. So it’s waaayyyyy more common than most people think.

  28. Codzilla says:

    This may sound harsh, but anyone who’s dumb enough to let a dog lick their open wound for sterilization purposes doesn’t get my sympathy.

  29. CB Rawks says:

    “I hate sitting on a toilet seat with a wet behind”

    I can’t sit on the seat. I hover! 😀
    I may have a touch of the OCD.

  30. viper says:

    I admitted to my roomate I pee in the shower-

    What the hell were you two talking about to have to admit that?

    I hate sitting on a toilet seat with a wet behind, that is nastier to me than peeing in the shower.-

    Then do your business before you get in!

    Plus for girls, its the one time you can truly stand and pee and not worry about your clothes. –

    When do girls stand and pee to worry about their cloths????!

    Peeing in the shower is liberating, everyone should try it! –

    I can’t even fathom a reasonable response to this without being insulting. So im just gonna say whats on my mind

    DISCUSTING! I can think of a billion other things one can do to feel liberated…all without having bodily fluids pouring all over the place.

    This reminds me of that scene in jackass where the guy is jogging butt naked and taking a dump at the same time. Im sure THAT was liberating too.

    Dear GOD.

  31. Blah Girls says:

    Kelly Clarkson is so down to earth and funny, I love her !

  32. RAN says:

    This post has me laughing 🙂 From the irate non pee’ers to the “ahh it’s so freeing” pee’ers. Thanks everyone – you’ve made my day!

  33. michellle says:


  34. mae says:



  35. guest says:

    you could argue that the shower acts as a standing beday.

  36. orion70 says:

    guest, a bidet sprays UP, not down. and the result doesn’t run down over your legs and feet when you’re done.

    and Kelly can speak for herself, I can think of a lot of things i’ve done in a shower, but peeing is not one of them.

  37. Aspen says:

    HA HA HA. Oh, this thread is great.

  38. Jill says:

    ok, i am laughing my ass off.

    orion, why the hell would you think it would run all over your legs and feet??? haven’t you ever had to pee outside??

    don’t they say you should pee on a jellyfish sting?

  39. katyalia says:

    I’m still mad at the implication that everybody who says the don’t pee in the shower is a liar. Lady, talk to adults more often.

  40. stellapurdy says:

    I’m sorry but all of it’s disgusting. Why would you pee in the shower when usually a toilet is right there, you know before you GET IN THE SHOWER?

  41. viper says:

    Thats what I said!

    The toilets like a foot away. It can’t be THAT difficult to step out and sit!

  42. Baholicious says:

    You stand and pee over the drain, you’re not doing the Dance of the Seven Veils in there…”bodily fluids everywhere,” LOL!

    Sometimes, a person gets caught off guard and you’re hungover…just saying.

  43. viper says:

    The drain isnt in the middle of the tub!Its not like we’ve got a targeting system like the men do where aiming and firing is a walk in the park!

  44. Baholicious says:

    Viper, you stand backwards. Problem solved.

  45. viper says:


    You’re enjoying this aren’t you.

  46. Baholicious says:

    LOL! Oh relax 🙂

  47. Lizzard says:

    I don’t see what the big deal is if you pee in the shower or not. You’re in there to clean up and you’re going to use soap or body wash anyway so it’s not like you’re walking around smelling like a urinal. Also, that soap you use to clean up will pretty much wash away any nastiness left over by the pee.

    When you’re a girl and you have to run across the bathroom to get to a toilet to sit or hover on the seat, it doesn’t matter, trying using toilet paper with soaking wet hands, its nasty!

    Anyone thats says it has never ever happened is a liar or are just too embarrassed to admit the truth.

  48. viper says:

    I’m hip.

  49. viper says:

    And we’re back to it again.

    I never pee in the shower! Just like I dont swim in public pools!

  50. Lizzard says:

    Anyone who says they’ve never ever peed in the shower or tub should talk to their parents because I am sure its been done at least once in everyones life…

    I blow my nose in the shower… The heat clears up my sinus issues every morning. It sounds gross but again, it goes right down the drain and you end up washing everything anyway…

  51. Leandra says:

    Urine is not a dirty thing. Who cares? It just washes down the drain anyway.

  52. stellapurdy says:

    So I’m guessing that most of you aren’t opposed to the “golden shower” either. Sorry, I’ll pass.

  53. Carrie says:

    I agree with most people that peeing in the shower isn’t a big deal. I do it on occasion but it’s not a habit. As far as drinking it? Well, that’s gross but there are people who believe it’s healthy to drink your own urine (I’m not one of them.) But it can be a safe liquid of last resort in a survival situation. That guy that cut off his own arm when he was trapped for days with a boulder on it…he drank his urine toward the end. I’d do it in a desparate situation but would stop short of having it with my breakfast if I’m out of milk.

  54. viper says:

    I swear you all should do a girls version of Jackass.

  55. Cheezy says:

    What’s the big deal? I often defecate in the shower. I can then collect ‘used’ peanuts and corn to serve my guests succotash.

  56. loldongs says:

    Kelly Clarkson has this Jenna Fischer/Pam Beesley thing going on.

    I like it.

  57. mojoman says:

    @Cheezy, LOL!! Dang, the afternoon coffee went through my nose because of you!!

  58. Shadow says:

    To make this even more strange:

    Do you pee in a pool? I dated this girl who told me she would pee in a pool, and was shocked that I was disgusted.

  59. Jag says:

    @ Baho

    Not everyone who has a UTI or kidney infection has symptoms beyond the dark urine. I had a bad enough kidney infection to hospitalize me, and didn’t know it until I started having pain that felt like kideny stones. That was after my urine had been quite dark for some time.

    As has been said, always see your doctor if you have questions about your pee. lol

  60. nanster says:

    Just a superficial comment, but did anyone happen to see her on AI last night? Gawd, did she look terrible!

  61. I Choose Me says:

    Awesome thread! To each her own, I say.
    ROTFL @Cheezy’s and Carrie’s comments.

  62. Miranda says:

    I’m pretty sure everyone has peed in the shower at least once, even if it wasn’t intentional, but admitting it to the media is just gross.
    Weird fact: certain immunosuppressant drugs react negatively with bleach. So any passed out through urine will cause it to turn black in the bowl (assuming you clean it with a bleach-based product).

  63. Sarah says:

    C’mon, people, lighten up. There’s no problem with peeing in the shower. If you do it, fine. If you don’t, that’s fine too. I can’t control the time I want to pee. I can’t answer for other people, but, I can’t pee before I get in the shower if I don’t feel like peeing. If I’m in the shower and suddenly feel like peeing, I’ll not run to the toilet, because my bathroom is huge. And have you tried to use toilet paper with wet hands? It’s impossible. Funny, I don’t see people that disgusted when they have sex. And they get in touch with much more “gross” things and bodily fluids. Will I be disgusted of my own urine, that will simply go down the drain? I don’t think so!

  64. Ana says:

    Personally, I don’t pee in the shower. It’s a habit to go before I get in. It just seems gross to me.

    I heard this story once about a man who got injured and a woman peed on him to clean the wound. It ended up saving his life but he turned around and sued her. I wonder if this has any truth in it.

  65. smee says:

    Who cares? Do you know that 80% of people do this and it’s just urine. Urine is cleaner than water!

  66. smee says:

    Admitting it to the media seems comedic.

  67. orion70 says:

    There’s a lot of overshare going on here 😀

    Jill….yes I have peed outside, and while I admit it’s normally only ever been on an occasion when I was half in the bag at the time, I can’t say i’ve never peed on my shoes by mistake. Especially if there’s not a tree or a car bumper handy to hold onto lol. You guys must be balance masters.

    I had really bad kidney problems about 9 years ago that has seriously hindered my ability to know when I need to “go” until the very last minute. Despite this, i’ve never been caught off guard in the shower.

    Here’s a question, would you pee in someone else’s shower if you were visiting their home?

  68. spooge says:

    Hell yeah… nothin feels better than a good pee in the shower with the warm water running down your back.
    It’s just water and ammonia… what’s the big deal?
    If it feels good, do it.

  69. gman says:

    Kelly can give me golden showers any time

  70. Colombo says:

    They’re all pipes!!!

  71. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Why is this a story? this is why European countries don’t respect the US. Our ‘news’ is pablum. Fodder.

  72. John says:

    I don’t really think it’s that bad, but then I’m a guy and have peed wherever I had to on occaision including in old beer cans etc

    she prob shouldnt have admit’d it though because look at this forum, she’s taking heat for it which she doesn’t deserve but some are squeamish when it comes to No. 1 i guess…

  73. chris says:

    There is nothing wrong with peeing in the shower, in fact it is encouraged in some places to conserve the water that is normally used during flushes but for a celebrity to talk about it. mmmm!