Here are some photos of Angelina Jolie headed out of LAX on Friday. Those boots! That bag! I even sort of like the half-shawl/half-sweater thing. I’m not sure if it is two pieces (sweater and a shawl) or it’s all one sack-like sweater. Whatever it is, it looks comfortable. Her skin looks really good too – very dewy.
I’m not sure where Angelina is headed, but it’s probably not Japan. Unbroken still hasn’t premiered in Japan, because the far-right Japanese nationalists still believe that the film insults the Japanese people and is completely “anti-Japan.” You can read more about the situation here. Basically, it doesn’t seem like the studio is going to fight very hard to get Unbroken distributed in Japan, which is bad news but not the absolute worst. Reading the book and hearing interviews with Louis Zamperini, he was very much at peace with what happened during the war and he wished the Japanese people well. He even returned to Japan for the Nagano Olympics and he was allowed to carry the Olympic torch. But – the film didn’t have room for a lot of the nuances of the book, and maybe it’s a good thing that Unbroken won’t be released there.
Meanwhile, Jennifer Aniston is still giving quotes about Brangelina. Her latest comments came on Marlo Thomas’ web series, Mondays with Marlo. Jennifer said: “You know…it’s a made-up triangle. It’s a made-up dramatic story line. It’s now to the point where all of us — because everybody is happy…everyone’s moved on — it feels very silly at a certain point to keep harping on it.” Yes, she’s right. It’s been ten years. I guess “a decade” is “a certain point.” As for the “made-up triangle”… Jesus, she was the first person to refer to herself plus Brangelina as the “Bermuda Triangle”. SHE SAID IT!
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
I’ve moved on.
She looks great.
+1 to you.
Yes, she looks great.
She does look great. Her skin is flawless.
She looks radiant. Can anyone help ID those sunglasses? Me wants!
Agreed. I like AJ more and more with age and accomplishment. She stays above the fray and looks great doing it.
She’s starting to look a little like the AJ I used to love. I’m sick of the triangle, enough already. Look at that freaking face, gorgeous.
It might be the lighting, or maybe she gained a few lbs, but she looks a lot softer. She’s always been very veiny*, and LOOOONG. I remember watching Girl Interrupted, at the end when they have her strapped to that bed, and her arms, legs, feet, and hands were just sooo long and thin….
*What is the deal with the veins? Because the only people I see with veins that pop out like that are exercise freaks. Like my brother had football camp a few years ago, and by week two (and he was biking six miles to get there, twice a day) he had veins popping out of his arms/hands, and feet. I always thought it was just due to exercise i.e. whenever I see really veiny people, I always think they exercise a lot.
she has always had them.. you can look at pictures from the beginning of her career. She has always had them.. even when pregnant. It is just her.. It just seems that people noticed and started making such big deal about it..
just like her being skinny. Yes she was bigger in Tomb Raider just like actors that buff up for parts; then go back to their natural state.
Angelina Jolie is skinny with very long limbs.. There maybe that will hold everyone getting ready to say how thin she is until the next thread.
I really like the darker hair on her..
Virgillia-my mom had the veins too…was not an ‘exerciser’ per se, just yoga.never had any health problems, they were just prominent…she hated them on herself!
VC: I agree although it can occur naturally. As an example, I have veiny hands and feet. Oddly they pop when I’m really hungry. Less prominent after i’ve eaten. Go figure.
I get prominent veins on my arms and hands when hungry or thirsty also. And when I take my rescue inhaler. It can look lik i’m too thin at times.
Jolie has a frame that puts the weight at the midsection. Even her early shots her arms and legs were very thin when she looked healthy everywhere else.
I suppose it is just a genetic thing. My veins sometimes pop out on my wrist, and my feet….but not much.
Virginia I have the same hand’s and arm’s as she does.I even had them when I weighed over three hundred pounds.Some people are just veiny.At least when I have my blood drawn it is never a problem.
@ VC
she looks better because she’s gotten some fillers. i think it’s funny how people never comment on that. otherwise, her face would look a lot more gaunt at her weight.
i wonder if she’s had some touch ups recently.. just after the critics choice awards. cos she looked older & tired then.
Indeed! She looks great!
aniston bordering on peeporndashian overkill
I want those boots!
JA sounds a bit ridiculous. AJ is clearly the most interesting thing she has to talk about, or she wouldn’t be talking about it TEN YEARS LATER. Ugh.
Talking about Brangelina AGAIN? LET IT GO, LET IT GO…………
Right. While it’s great she’s now trying to put to rest the triangle/homewrecker Jolie gossip she’s doing it wrong.
She addressed it, it’s done. Why is she still talking about how over it she is? Her award campaign is over.
@Florc…I guess when JA opened that can of worms, everyone wants to discuss it with her! Lets face it, some people have been waiting ten long years for one of the triangle to directly address the situation….
@FLORC, who wrote: “Right. While it’s great she’s now trying to put to rest the triangle/homewrecker Jolie gossip she’s doing it wrong. She addressed it, it’s done. Why is she still talking about how over it she is? Her award campaign is over.”
Agreed. And I still believe the only reason she’s talking on and on about ‘the triangle’ is because of the backlash she got after she and Justin got together ‘because’ of the manner in which she and Justin got together. Despite what her fans say, it wasn’t just the Brange fans giving her flack about Heidi Bivens.
But what I don’t understand is why she’s pulling Brad and Angie into her ‘the triangle is DEAD’ talking points? Why not just speak for herself and her assigned part in it? Why not just say: “I’m extremely happy right now in my life and to assume that I’m still stuck in anything that happened 10 years ago is just plain silly. People need to move on from it all … I did, years ago!”
Why does she feel the need to talk about, and for, “All three of us”? Even when she’s trying to convince people that she’s moved on, she clearly hasn’t.
JA has nothing left to talk about, everyone else moved on long ago.
Agree. She knows she’s the one talking about it and we know that. But all would be forgiven (imo) if she addressed it as you suggested. Not claiming it’s nothing when every time she mentions it she is making it something.
That she can’t just speak to her happiness in the present and must still talk about her ex husband is side eye worthy.
Regarding Bivens. I suspect a Vera style payout. Especially since Heidi’s mom confirmed they had a meeting.
POW camps happened and were terrible. Shutting your eyes to them won’t make the past disappear. The wrongs of history should be remembered and discussed so that we can try improve as a society. It’s a shame that Japan feels this way but history always has more than one perspective; you can’t be too upset when someone shares theirs.
Well, this country isn’t necessarily proud of and forthcoming regarding the internment camps where families like George Takei’s were sent back in the day. And the news about the torture under the Bush/Cheney watch seem to have disappeared quickly.
I think that Japan should face its history and we could probably do the same.
very good point.
As wrong as they were you cannot seriously be comparing the American internment camps during WW2 with the Japanese POW camps.
If that seems farfetched, we can compare the genocide of the Native Americans and the actions we’ve taken against other countries in the name of ‘freedom’ rather than oil. We’re rich with history that we, a nation as a whole, isn’t ashamed of when we should be.
Yes but the USA has those camps today, they are torturing innocents all over the world, why is Angelina not making a movie about those? She’s American, she should be concerned over what her government is doing right now.
And no, I’m not saying AJ should be the only one talking about it, I’m saying that every American should be horrified and demanding that their taxes stop funding torture and murder.
And how is this ever a valid criticism of a filmmaker? Choosing to tell one narrative over another narrative? That is done with every film, every book, every essay, every song, every piece of legislation, well almost everything undertaken.
Wonder if the Oscar consultant is telling her to extend (or at least pretend) an olive branch? Why is she talking about them all of a sudden? Anyway, I am so over this triangle. It was juicy in 2005, now is just ridiculous. However, the day a photo of JA with the Brange is taken and released.. Then THAT may break the Internet!
Yep. Aniston is trying to do a big image change. Also, I cant believe how many interviews the woman had set up to do an Oscar nom victory lap that she still has to follow through on. It’s excessive, to the point where I don’t feel particularly bad for her snub because she was going to gloat to every media source that would have her.
I thought it was interesting that they embargoed reviews of Cake until after the Oscar nominations came out, and that the movie is apparently terrible.
And no one is going to see it. Maybe a few might have if she had gotten a nomination; she didn’t and they’re not.
The hype was manufactured. Positive reviews of Cake weren’t praising the film, story, and full cast. It was all about Aniston. Too obvious.
I recently saw Cake and it wasn’t good. Aniston was trying and that was nice, but she wasn’t award worthy. I feel like everytime we hear about her not playing another variation of Rachel Green there’s instant “sources” claiming she needs an award.
To me the review embargo says that they knew the movie was bad and that they were hoping to keep that out of the equation as long as possible. I guess they forgot to factor that part in with the Oscar nomination voting – apparently it was only nomination worthy if you didn’t actually see it, and they screened it for as many voters as possible.
The reviews I saw all said the movie was bad but Jennifer was good. But it was more of a backhanded compliment because critics were saying it was her best ever performance not necessarily an Oscar worthy performance. When you compare her roles over the years, it doesn’t take much to look good.
“she was going to gloat to every media source that would have her. ”
She would have been radiating smug. Kinda reminds me of falcor.
Lady D: that wasn’t particularly nice of me to say, and I feel kind of bad… but an entire press junket, the Hollywood Reporter, Ellen, and now this – it’s excessive. And of course now she’s stuck with these engagements and had to turn it into the snubbed tour.
Seems like both of these women ran pretty brazen ‘LOVE ME!’ campaigns, I don’t see what makes one worse than the other.
@Pepsi Presents – You are spot on!. I too don’t see the point of vilifying either one.
This hero/worship thing is very dangerous. They are both human and prone to mistakes (many of which we have been witness to) just like everyone else on this planet. I think it is pretty naive to think that a celebrity’s public persona is exactly who they are in real life.
How did both (I’m assuming Angelina and Jennifer) run brazen “Love Me!” campaigns? Angelina promoted her movie. She had a few magazine covers with her cast. She had a few solo ones (like EW). A lot of the promotion centered heavily on her–like with The Today Show stuff, her going on Jon Stewart’s show. The show that she and Jack O’c were supposed to go on was canceled–Jimmy Fallon and his wife had their baby. Angelina talked a lot about her friendship with Louis and how technical it was to direct the movie. How is that brazen? It’s called doing your job.
Jennifer, on the other hand, mounted a campaign for a movie that hardly anyone saw and no one bought. Which I have nothing but half snickers and half pride that she managed to bring a movie like “Cake” to the forefront by sheer will and lots of $$$$$. I’m not hater on her for that. But she basically brought up ten years of drama, and created more drama (with her dead ex boyfriend” just for a freaking award. I don’t think that garnered her any respect from any of the industry people. She had a real chance to change the conversation about her career, and be seen as someone who’s going to get serious…..and she didn’t do it. Instead she reinforced her tabloid persona…
@Pepsi & CN: we’re discussing a pretty specific instance here – Aniston and Tabak’s Oscar campaign. If you don’t have more to add than an ‘aww shucks, everyone runs a campaign’ then I’d have to ask why you’re even posting to begin with.
Both women know how to work the public, look at the discourse surrounding them, it is just as heated today as ever. People have been talking about them every day for the last decade and it shows no signs of stopping. In fact, it working so well that if a person doesn’t die with his boots on praising one and deriding the other it’s perceived as a problem. They both know how to work a persona and I’m sure that for every ‘I’m going to talk about how pathetic Jen’s attempt at being a serious actor is’, there is a ‘Let’s talk about how pretentious and self-important ‘Saint Angelina’ is’.
Promotion is part of the job, every actor has to do it at some point. Do you think AJ showed up on those shows and talked about the movie she made and the man she befriended all leading up to the day that the film was released as a coincidence? Do you think JA is just going let her project collect dust so she doesn’t come off as grasping? They’re doing their jobs. The teams were chosen long ago and no matter what either does, it will solidify whatever conceptions someone has about them, good and bad.
I don’t know what people think they know about the inner lives or motivations or either of these women but I think they’re both getting a lot out people taking film promotion personally. That’s not ‘Aw shucks’, that’s what’s happening.
Focusing back on terms of their work, why are you comparing two actresses that are not similar in strength, direction or accomplishment in the film industry? Aniston is a comedic actress trying to break brand new into drama roles where she has the lead. Why not compare Aniston to her peers?
Jolie is NOT Aniston’s peer on any level.
Aniston spent approximately 2 milllion dollars on Lisa Tabek alone for an Oscar nomination that did not happen and then additional monies to create a distribution arm so that the Cake movie could be distributed in a very limited release. She’s lined up to complete number of talk show appearances,live interviews, and print interviews… for a movie that ONLY generated approximately 1 million in box office sales this past opening weekend? Does it really make sense to compare someone like that to a seasoned accomplished Academy Award actress that just generated over 750 million dollars in box office for Maleficent?
I am always sensing the “me too” vibe or “they are in the same boat” angle. And this is done to elevate Aniston, not Jolie.
Not everyone thinks Angelina is on some higher plane than Aniston. Shocking, I know.
I have to say this, between the two ladies, Aniston seems NOT consistent with what she is saying during interviews. She keeps changing her tune. No credibility.
She is also not taking responsibility that she is mainly the reason why there is the so-called triangle. She is blaming the media most of the time when in fact she was the one who keeps on commenting about it. She doesn’t know when to say, “no comment”. Maybe because she knows by talking about AJBP, she is also being talked about. She is using AJBP.
Also, among the people involved, she is the one who keeps on mentioning AJBP while the Jolie-Pitts are just passive. They are busy to what is significant & what really matters or important to their lives. They also keep on improving their craft.
And look in 10 years what each of them has done. AJ and BP had a family, got engaged and married. BP did a lot of interesting projects culminating in his Best Picture Oscar for 12 Years a Slave. AJ, well, can you say about her? Endless humanitarian efforts. Wrote and directed her first movie and then tackled a beloved novel and brought that to the screen; she did a credible job. She started a dialogue about breast cancer and preventative mastectomies.
The Jolie-Pitts bought their French estate and got into the winery business. And on and on.
Aniston, well, she dated a bunch of guys. Went to Cabo every year. Did a bunch of interchangeable rom coms. She acted without makeup and shilled hard for awards, got a few nominations but not the one she wanted. She got “engaged.” She basically looks and acts the same as she did 10 years ago. No style evolution there.
Thing is Aniston has done a lot! She’s invested heavily and early on with a few successful companies. She’s the spokesperson for others. And she flips properties all the time for millions in profits.
She is a savvy business woman. For some reason though she seems hellbent on living out her glory days of fame. And her business success is more to support her acting.
She absolutely deserves a side eye for being the only 1 still addressing this and keeping it alive. She’s not telling us this is all made up and she’s over it. She’s just reminding us there’s still this bermuda triangle.
Yes, because no one ever talked about mastectomies or breast cancer before Angie did her thing.
Those of us who actually had breast cancer know a little more about it than someone who had a glorified boob job and turned it into a major media event.
I didn’t say Aniston isn’t successful financially. She is obviously very wealthy. I am talking about her primary career, acting, and the public image that she cares about.
Also, Diamond Girl, I never said she was the first or only one to have a mastectomy or have breast cancer. I never would say that. I’ve been there. I said she started a dialogue about it.
@DiamondGirl …
With all due respect for what you’ve gone through, if Angelina Jolie had simply wanted a ‘glorified boob job’ she certainly has the means to have done so without the painful recovery and risk involved with the life-saving process she elected.
That’s REALLY offensive. Especially since my mom had breast cancer, and tested for the gene. If she had BRCA, then she would’ve had a double mastectomy and gotten her “glorified boob job”…wow. And even if she hadn’t had breast cancer…seriously? You think Angelina Jolie got ALL of her breast tissue removed so she could have pointy nipples?
Many people learned about BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 test after she discussed it.My mother and aunt died from breast cancer yet my doctors had never mentioned it to me.You can continue to believe she simply had a ” boob job”.If that is the case , many women got tested and learned more about their medical options.So Win Win
No woman who has had breast cancer would say that about Angelina. Nothing else needs to be said about that disgusting comment DiamondGirl made.
To balance out the feeding frenzy that’s being carried out on Diamond, AJ smokes. She’s as human as everyone you love and hate. Also, the surgery was pre-emptive but the point is that her not having (maybe yet) had cancer takes nothing away from people who have had it.
And so help me God if people who take this stuff way too personally start in with the negative character assessment about me for not being sufficiently worshipful, accuse me of being a spy or working for JA and start demanding a dossier full of research notes and peer-reviewed journal entries and start in about, ‘my former pool boy is a lawyer…’: that is not how I spend my days.
I don’t love or hate either of the personas crafted by these women.
I know how snotty that sounds but I also know the love for AJ here is strong, very strong. Eh, frankly, I don’t care so I should just peace out of this thread, I won’t have anything to add to the conversation.
On the chance you return… You have a bias. We all have a bias and opinion. That you’re commenting backs that up or else why bother?
It’s a pet peeve when people are clearly taking a side, but can’t continue to support theirs in a debate so they wipe their hands and claim they never had a dog in this fight.
Diamond Girl obviously meant to be offensive and insulting. Truth be damned.
I think the tell is when she says “we are all happy.” NOW she is willing to move on now that she has found happiness with JT. When Chelsea was spewing the venom and when she herself was less than pleasant in regards to her remarks regarding AJ, I pose that she was not in a good place emotionally. Nice to see that she is complete but she should really stop referring to it at all. I wonder if the press will stop once she gets married. I would imagine so.
Angelina advocates for much more than herself. She has been involved with UNHCR/Humanitarian for over a decade now. That is a long time. She is dedicated to advocating especially for women & children. She has provided funds for schools in Afghanistan & Kenya.
I read on Twitter fan account that it will be 14 years this year.
14 years since….?
She started with UNHCR in 2001, so yes, 14 years. She has been to more war zones, refugee camps and other dangerous areas than most of the men who are constantly called humanitarian and she started in her 20s and has nothing to do with an “image overhaul” as so many folks constantly like to bring up. She deserves her props. (this is in response to Beep. Don’t know why it is separated)
Ah, okay, thanks, I didn’t know I what the 14 year reference was.
FFS, she did not kill anyone!!!! So what if she kissed her brother over a decade ago, who cares if she wore a vial with some blood in it over a decade ago, she never hurt anyone. Other celebs have done much worse. She is allowed to grow up & mature!!!
Were you in the bedroom as Angelina seduced Brad? Do you have some proof.
10 years & counting, Brad seems pretty committed to THEIR family.
@Binky: Well then – since you are so high on morals and everything – you can stop watching Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, James Cameron, Courtney Cox, Steven Spielberg AND Jennifer Aniston. All these people had affairs and ruined relationships.
If you watch any of these people’s movies then you are a hypocrite.
@ Maya
According to them they have been threatening to boycott Angie and Brad’s films for years.. Yet they manage to go to see them so they can talk about how bad they all are. I don’t see films of people I don’t like. Nobody makes me.
but I’m glad they are contributing to their BO totals.
What I want to know is why these same people seem to in reality boycott Jennifer Aniston films? Color me perplexed.
nobody goes to see a jennifer aniston film unless it is a fab film or with a top actor – meet the millers did well not only because of her but the rest of the movies she has acted in have not done as well – life of crime wanderlust and now cake – i wd have thought that if she had more fans they wd rush out and watch all her movies but evidently not. considering that cake was promoted so much and thoughts of an oscar nom wd boost its image etc – nothing happened esp with compared to still alice or grand budapest etc ? her next movie will be out soon enough with owen wilson and i guess what the box office will be sd be interesting
@Evasmom, who wrote: “I wonder if the press will stop once she gets married?”
Of course they will, which (I believe) is why Jen has no plans to ‘ever’ re-marry. Have said that, I will dance with joy and sincerely wish them well if Jen and Justin prove me wrong.
Because then, and ONLY then, will it all truly be over.
I kind of think that’s why she hooked up with Justin. He was in a relationship for 14 years and never married Heidi. As long as Jennifer is “engaged” to a man who isn’t interested in getting married, then she can continue milking this dead cow.
As I mentioned on another Aniston thread, my hunch – and that’s all it is, I have no evidence whatsoever, just me reading between the lines – is that Jen and Justin are already over, but it was an amicable split. They remain friends, so he agreed to be by her side through awards season, especially after she was so sure she would get an Oscar nom, and was snubbed. Only time will tell if I’m right, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we get an announcement of their split in the next couple of months.
Interesting. They do spend a lot of time apart now that he has as steady job. And I bet Justin really likes this ride he’s on. They were together for the award shows where Aniston cursed at a driver so I think they’re still on.
Though, i’m skeptical on how solid they are being apart for so long. And Justin is very much New York while she is LA/Cabo
Will….Ms Aniston…..ever……STOP talking about the triangle that came about because of HERSELF!
actually there were three people involved therefore the infamous triangle. It can about because a marriage was ending and two people met on a film set, end of story. Move on
I think Janie is speaking more that no one else is calling this a triangle and no one else keeps discussing it. If Aniston, her PR man Huvane, and her bff Handler would stop reminding us of her marriage to Brad Pitt this would have been dead and buried ages ago. There would be no triangle.
Exactly. My first thought was…is it really a “triangle” when only one person is talking about it?!
Actually, people on gossip sites have been talking endlessly about the “triangle” for years. Don’t they bear any responsibility for keeping this story alive?
She’s in Kurdistan.
Not germaine to the story, but I’m curious – do the bodyguards & assistants accompany her on the plane or do they just escort her as far as security and then a new crew meets her when she lands? Just wondering how it works..
Angelina’s actually visiting refugees in Kurdistan at the moment.
If I where her partner, Justin I would just be a little bit over reading jens interviews. Seriously I know reporters can bring it up but couldn’t she just shut that shit down.
It’s very telling that she is still discussing her ex husband. If I was Justin I would tell her to keep the ring and move on to someone who’s not obsessed with the ex.
frankly speaking if i were justin i would be more than miffed that she would be talking abt her ex of more than 10 years ago – like she is engaged to jt or has she forgotten it shouldnt she talk abt him instead etc etc
There have been blind items about the relationship being over. It must be embarrassing for him. His friends and family must also be concerned about it too.
The said thing is that she would barely miss him and keep discussing brad.
Aniston’s role in awards season will be over after the SAGs; she doesn’t even have to wait until the Oscars now. She can put the big ugly cloudy ring away (because she probably bought it) and end the charade. Let JT live in peace in NYC, she can live in CA and plot her next move with Huvane.
Yes, as I stated above, I think they’re already over, and he’s being a gentleman and escorting her through awards season.
If I was Justin – I would have been more upset over the fact that not only did Jennifer use a dead man for publicity but that she outright said that he is the one and that she would have been with him if he was alive.
Justin must be a man with some understanding, or with her for the money. He doesn’t seem to have any self respect and Pride what so ever.
“He doesn’t seem to have any self respect and Pride what so ever.”
This is so true.
I forgot about that. Boy she is a piece of work. The funny part is that he also went on to marry and have children. It must be a big relief to move from her.
Didn’t she also say she has never been so comfortable in a relationship and then said it was like being with her gay friends or something like that (don’t remember the full quote)? Not sure what to make of the analogy or their relationship.
This guy has to compete with a ghost and a very much alive ex husband, both of whom got married and had children. I would run for the hills is I was the current one.
After claiming her dead ex-boyfriend was “the one,” going on about Brad and calling her relationship with Theroux “gay-friend cozy (not her exact quote)”, Aniston has basically “neutered” Theroux in the press. I certainly hope what he’s getting paid is worth it.
Angelina looks great. Love the whole look.
As for Jennifer, I hope now that Cake is out she’s done talking about AJ/BP. It was like every interview recently had a part about the triangle being over. Makes no sense to me.
There is no reason for her to mention either ever again after this “There is no triangle” tour she’s been on. Jen has been giving interviews for years with no mention of AJ/BP, so I don’t believe the BS about the interviewer brought it up so she had to answer. This topic came directly from Jen’s camp.
The triangle stories have been less and less these couple of years but with her bringing them up again, she is giving the tabloids more material. She should just not comment but then again she likes it because it keeps her relevant. This is the third time in two weeks that she has mentioned Brad and Angelina and I think it’s getting ridiculous.
Oh by the way, Cake is BOMBING HARD despite being over promoted.
Exactly. It took them a few years to stop with the “Brad’s leaving Angelina and bringing all of the blonde kids to Jennifer, so they can raise them together”….and I haven’t read a (well, I don’t go looking for them either) “Jennifer vs. Angelina” tabloid rumor in a LONG time…not until she starts blathering on and on about them. First it was negative (years ago), and now it’s positive. She’s still talking about them though. Anything past the first “This feud is crap and over” is overkill. Yeah, she’s using them for promo.
That’s what I don’t understand, it’s like it’s being given life again – and it really was dying down as far as I could see. Of course they got mentioned together here and there, but I don’t think there was a lot of ZOMG “TRIANGLE” stories. So why bring it up AGAIN now. I don’t get it.
I must admit, I have my preferences (Angie and I guess Brad comes with the package) but I don’t hate Jennifer, she’s just doesn’t interest me much. I do watch her rom-coms when they come on (if there’s nothing better to watch), but she bugs on a gossip level.
Maybe she keeps bringing it up because she feels her relevance slipping away.
@Lady D
I read on the downthread that she’s already promoting “She’s Funny That Way”…..the one where she wore that curly wig and those ugly glasses…..that was filmed like three years ago…I remember it was in NY right after she got with Justin.
And as it has already been pointed out–films that take that long to go to theaters are RARELY any good. And she doesn’t have any other movies signed on. And I doubt that she made a good impression with the Hollywood bigwigs, talking about old, gossipy stuff in the freaking Hollywood Reporter, when she could’ve talked about her future projects/direction that she wants to do.
Vc, they’re already positioning squirrel to the nuts..or she’s funny that way..whatever it’s called this week….as NOT Aniston’s movie. It’s so hilarious. If possible she looks worse in this movie than she did in Cake. I know she was hoping this one went quietly to VOD…as is, I bet she had the pr guy lean heavily on the editor and post touch up people to do her a solid. Lol
Dear Jen how will bloggers get clicks if everyone moves on ?
Does Jennifer know how she will publicity and attention if everyone moves on?
She could start making decent movies but good luck with that.
I would love it if she return to tv. She better on the small screen.
I wish Jennifer would return to tv as well. She has great comic timing. She could kill it in a good sitcom and really be huge again. The separation between tv and movies stars really faded a long time ago but I don’t think she sees that. She seems to want to be the big movie star and really, she should play to her strengths. She has them. She is just isn’t utilizing them to her fullest imo.
I think with the first real Oscars possibility she realized that the victim card have been over played and her peers see her as this celebrity well known for tv and being brad pitt ex wife. thus all this change of leaf bullsh! T about letting go and all that to not having that hang over her career anymore.
Mr. Pitt was at Sundance on Friday presenting a film, picking up two awards from the Producers Guild for Plan B’s work last night (Saturday) and Ms. Jolie-Pitt is in Kurdistan taking care of her UNHCR duties. They are doing what they do best. No comment on the rest.
Yeah. Jen need a serious cause to focus on. And not a phony celebrity cause where you come in, take pictures and leave. She’s to focus on herself and no one else. Maybe she should concentrate on making some sort of peace with her mom.
@jen2 +100000000 to your comment
They’re both doing and achieving great things!
Has Angelina changed her name to Jolie Pitt? I’m pretty sure that hasn’t been made public if she did.
No, I just wrote it that way to make a point.
I wish she would just get married already. Then she would actually be someone’s wife again and not milking this “triangle” for all it is worth.
And, yeah, I don’t see that happening. They won’t get married.
Hate to break it to you but even if Jennifer gets married – dragging the JPs will never end.
After the wedding stories will like these will emerge – Jennifer is finally happy with her husband after she was dumped by Brad for Angelina etc
I suspect that the JustJen marriage will occur around the time BTS comes out.
Unless Justin is plotting his bolt. If I were him, I would, especially given that this woman has infinite resources allowing her to let past $h#t go and she’s sinking a good chunk of it referencing it at nearly every turn.
I’m really interested in how “By The Sea” is going to turn out. IMDB says it’s coming out this year. I’m wondering if the minimal details that have escaped out (just that one article where they had a few stills of Brad and Angelina) are deliberate, or should there be more details coming out soon? Or are they trying to keep everything quiet until it comes time to promote?
But I think it sounds like an interesting film, and I actually like Brad’s pornstache, lol. He looks pretty hot. I like an old and broke down Brad than pretty boy Brad. I just know my stupid theater isn’t going to show it though..ugh.
And I hope Angelina wore some of her Style of Jolie jewelry. I was looking at Procop’s website–and he had some notes of when she wore the jewelry…..I went and googled the pics, and they look a lot better in real life. The pictures go in too far, because I was expecting some giant, gaudy monstrosity, when it’s actually quite….reserved, lol.
*sigh* If I was Angelina, I’d be sleeping in jewelry….
THIS is what I like about Angelina – she never ever responds to any of the comments about her – whether they come from the media, Jennifer or Jennifer’s mouthpieces.
Angelina just keeps on living her life with her husband and children.
Angelina not engaging in anything is the perfect reply. Jennifer is the one who ends up looking desperate, a liar and stuck in the past everytime she drags the Jolie-Pitts into her promotions.
I am actually very happy to see more and more people starting to realise Jennifer’s PR games. As the time goes by – Jennifer’s popularity seems to go down and she looks desperate to be in the news. In the beginning Jennifer herself critized the JPs, then went silent and used her mouthpieces but now she has gone back to mentioning the JPs herself. But this time around – the world has moved on and is not falling for her games/lies.
PS: Angelina looks gorgeous and her skin really glows. I WANT her skin secrets…
PPS: there is a wonderful article about the whole Scott Rudin and Cleopatra issue. Here is clearly shows just how respected and powerful Angelina really is in hollywood
I’ve always loved how Angie ignores most stories, real or fake, and lives her life. The only other major star I’ve ever seen do it to the extent Angie does is Liam Neeson. Neither are ever out there doing damage control (well, rarely, and if so, just some brief response with no energy given to it), and just live their lives, and as a consequence, there’s not much ever to go off of from responses from them that keep real or fake stories alive in the media. And I’m not talking about the made-up covers on Angie that all gossip mags do on big stars, just the spit and repeat routine. I’m talking about some latest comment taken out of context and fake stories created or something said and no damage control. The gossip media just moves on to the next thing. Other stars are always issuing statements or retracting what they said, blah, blah. I’m sure there are others, but those are the two I’ve noticed that create headlines and times and just keep on truckin’. And no, ten years on, she never discusses the rag-driven “triangle,” because it has no relevance to her. She ignores it and thus it doesn’t exist in her interviews. She gives it zero energy or attention.
Jennifer is exhausting me. I realize it was probably asked again, but probably because she mentioned it in the other interview and then it creates a snowball effect for other interviews.
Ooh, yes, my man Liam!
But yes, I have NO clue why celebrities just don’t ignore stuff like that. Even when it’s something like “Make daddy a sandwich”….unfortunately that sort of thing (from the public’s mind anyway) is going to be forgotten in a week, and only remembered if it’s brought up again. But then again, I don’t remember Angelina EVER saying something idiotic..
And for me, even if the journalists are pushing the questions on her–she’s not some young 20 something who doesn’t know what she’s doing, or the effect it’ll have (her publicist could’ve told her that)….she wants to answer these questions. Otherwise they wouldn’t be happening or she’d refuse to answer. Which is annoying, because when she was going for her Oscar, she was talking about how she was SO over all of it. Yet she keeps talking about it.
Exactly! The rag mags has rehashed her drug use several times over the years. Most of them misleading making the reader think the stories are recent. They even printed a 20 yr old story about her being in a crack den.
The stories evaporated because they were ignored and she never refuted them. They just went away.
Jennifer needs to remember the first rule of an untrue story. If you reply you create another story.
It’s clear that Angelina clearly understands the media cycle. So does Jennifer….
@Maya thanks a lot for the link! very interesting read
@Jayna I agree with you completely
@VC spot on as always!
I can’t believe that Jennifer keeps talking about the divorce. Especially considering she keeps whining about the media’s part in it. She clearly has no clue how ridiculous she sounds complaining about the stories when she keeps them going by consistantly talking about Brad and Angelina.
Everyone is happy…..everyone has moved on…. Jen just revealed her meditation mantra.
*news alert Jennifer* Brad and Angie moved on like 10 years ago and looks like Jen because you were “sent” Justin YOU have finally moved on therefore want all of the (fill in blank) to move on…. only those stuck for the past decade are stuck because of what you have “allowed” to be put out there for us to be stuck on and that is why I am commenting right now see how that works Jen.
Justin was sent to guide you out of the triangle and to find that big bigger biggest purpose so put some hiking boots on grab some smartwater put some aveno sunscreen on and go out and find it-Godspeed and shut it.
the right clothes and lighting can really make a difference. she looks so good here, those pics of her in the silver dress at whatever awards ceremony were horrifying.
Riiight. That’s why all the commenters and websites said she was stunning, best dressed and slayed all the other basic ishes (waves to Ms flap Jacks in the burgundy power suit)
Also, Aniston thought going to a fancy resort in Mexico = charity work!!
“These people survive on us coming down and spending money and coming here to these beautiful places. It sort of made sense to sort of say ‘Hey, let’s help out Mexico” , by tanning at a fancy resort. She is so odd.
Will this “snub” tour ever end???
She was not even snubbed, Marion has won tons of notices already for 2D1N, and was not campaigning as desperately as Jen. She let her performance speak for itself.
Cake will not even make 1 million this weekend despite Jen promoting it everywhere. HB2 failed, Life of Crime failed. She can’t open films.
Raise your hands if you would’ve preferred the tried and People Magazine non-story cover versus this never-ending press tour about her ‘movie’.
**Raise hand**
I have an older woman that I work with.. she is around 65 or so. She was talking about this after watching one of the TV shows. She said that Jennifer has never gotten over Brad. I don’t know if that is true.. but I just think the way she does these interviews that make it about that ONE period in her life. She did this when everything was dying down.. Vogue came and her UNCOOL comment.. and of course it all started again. Then came the famous 5 years after Brad. not this feels like the 10 years after Brad interview, which is done at the 10 year Divorce anniversary. Look I’m sure she may be tired of it.. but she keeps addressing it.
I wonder more about Justin Theroux.. I don’t know of any man that would be fine with the woman in their life constantly associated with a man that she has been divorced from for 10 years. It is not about security as a man..but where the hell is his mind set. That interview was more about her past than her present with Justin. She talked about him more like best bud and not her passion.
Brad and Angie have moved on. Everything about their life and careers speaks to this. She is a closed chapter for them. I hope they are finally a closed one for her. Jennifer should just get married to the man she is engaged to and living with. That will help.. and to the people that will counter that she doesn’t have to get married..NO.. but she is the one that said yes when he asked. and if you say yes then do it already. Because that is what they said about Brad and Angie.. and all those cracks about “a promise for the future”.. well Brad and Angie made their promise a reality.
OH and Cake didn’t rise to the expectations. All that promoting and back to the past didn’t help. Wonder why her fans fight so passionately for her on gossip sites but don’t go to see her films.
I wonder about justin too! I almost get the sense he is enjoying this like maybe behind that cool hipster persona he just a gossipy lil man who secretly like hashing it over with his fiancé.
In fairness to Jen and the “Uncool” comment, Angie is the one who stated in an interview that she couldn’t wait one day for her kids to see the Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie. She talked about how she couldn’t wait to get to the set everyday to see him. “Not a lot of people get to see where their parents fell in love.” Jen was married to Brad and she was in the dark about it. They were husband and wife. So that was very tacky of Angie to say in an interview. Was it a dig at Jen? Angie isn’t an saint. Maybe so. Jen was asked about Angie’s comments when she was doing an interview for a movie and she responded regarding Angie’s making comments. I find nothing wrong with Jen responding to it and found her complete take on the divorce as being fair, not bashing. Again, Angie was the one who talked in an interview to the world about falling in love with Jen’s husband on set.
Aniston said: ”There was stuff printed there that was definitely from a time when I was unaware that it was happening. I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss. That stuff about how she couldn’t wait to get to work every day? That was really uncool.’
Jennifer had warmer words for her ex-husband, saying: ‘I have nothing but absolute admiration for him, and I’m proud of him,’ she said. ‘We have exchanged a few very kind hellos and wishing you wells and sending you love and congratulations on your babies.’
And she described their divorce as ‘amicable’. She explained: ‘Well, it never was that bad. I mean, look, it’s not like divorce is something that you go, “Oooh, I can’t wait to get divorced!” It doesn’t feel like a tickle. ‘But I’ve got to tell you, it’s so vague at this point, it’s so faraway in my mind, I can’t even remember the darkness.
‘I mean, in the end, we really had an amicable split. It wasn’t mean and hateful and all of this stuff that they tried to create about Brad can’t talk to Jen and Jen can’t talk to Brad because this person won’t allow it. It just didn’t happen. The marriage didn’t work out.
And pretty soon after we separated, we got on the phone and we had a long, long conversation with each other and said a lot of things, and ever since we’ve been unbelievably warm and respectful of each other.’
She added: ‘Whoever said everything has to be forever, that’s setting your hopes too high. It’s too much pressure. And I think if you put that pressure on – yourself – because I did!
‘Fairy tale! It has to be the right one! – that’s unattainable.’
Jen also says she’s proud of her love life – and isn’t the poor lonely victim she’s portrayed to be in the press. She said: ‘This whole “Poor lonely Jen” thing, this idea that I’m so unlucky in love? I actually feel I’ve been unbelievably lucky in love.
that quote is brought up all the time as some justification. Jennifer read Angie’s Vogue interview when the magazine came out “to see what the fuss was about”. She didn’t comment on it at that time but waited several years later to do so.. And her response to that comment came a week later. She called the interviewer back to say it. So yes it was calculated. And again her remarks about Brad in Mr. and Mrs Smith were about their characters and how their children would see it. And no not a dig at Jen. Why she and Brad were together with children. Jennifer was probably seeing someone too.
as a BA fan I don’t call her a saint. and neither do any real fans. That is what people that don’t like her call her. Angie is not perfect. She never claims to be.
Jennifer said the exact same thing about going to work with one of her actors in a film.. Angie’s comment was not about some affair with Brad but having a good time on set making a movie.. Did they develop feeling for each other. YES.. Did they get together after he and Jennifer filed for divorce. YES.. at that point it was over the day Brad moved out. So yes he had a right to go and start a new life. Just like Jennifer was doing at the time with Vince Vaughn.
People conveniently cut off the end of her quote to fit their agenda :
“Not a lot of people get to see their parents actually met, and watch them fall in love and try to kill each other.”
She was talking about the characters falling in love & then trying to kill each other.
“Not a lot of people get to see where their parents fell in love…… AND TO KILL EACH OTHER.”
That’s what Angie said.
Or you believe Brangie wanted to fall in love and KILL each other?
JA and her fans are always missing and skipping that post part.
It’s all about the MOVIE AND CHARACTERS.
done, I hate to break it to you but she actually ended the sentence with “where their parents fell in love.” She never said anything about the characters or “to kill each other,” she was talking about themselves as a real life couple. How do I know this? I just stumbled across the interview in the NYT. I can add a link if you “need proof.” Or Google it.
This doesn’t mean I’m a “JenHen” or think AJ is evil. I also believe everyone involved has moved on. Except the media and those who come here to dissect the situation. Me included, I guess.
Esmom, I hate to break it to you, but she DID. The NYT maliciously left off the end bit. The sentence ended “and tried to kill each other”. here is the proof: “They haven’t seen a lot of our films yet, because they are a little young, but I’m looking forward to them one day discovering Mr and Mrs Smith,’ she smiles. ‘They’re going to have a great laugh – to see when their parents actually met, and watch them fall in love and try to kill each other!
‘And Madd was there while we were filming, so he was a part of it. It’s pretty extraordinary.’” Read more:
“OH and Cake didn’t rise to the expectations. All that promoting and back to the past didn’t help. Wonder why her fans fight so passionately for her on gossip sites but don’t go to see her films”.
Good question @Lisa2… But they always claim to go see brad and Angie’s films and say how terrible it is, they also claim to see So many people walking out on their movies…. Meanwhile they don’t go and support Jen’s movies. Ha!
She’s already started promoting She’s Funny That Way with Owen Wilson, even though the movie won’t be out until April. I read somewhere that SFTW was actually shot three or four years ago, which raises all kinds a questions. Why didn’t they release it when Owen Wilson still had some box office clout? Because he has none now. Is the movie that bad that nobody would touch it for three years? Or were they holding it back for insurance or something to deflect attention from a major bomb just in case? At any rate, Cake opened at #18 and barely broke $1 million.
Movies shelved for years are almost always terrible.
My first thought, she looks so freaking glamorous! I look like a schlub when I fly compared to her. It seems so effortless for Angie as she happily waves at the paps in LAX. I’m a mess before I have to get on a plane. Not that I’m afraid of flying, I just find the whole airport and security business so stressful. I wish Jen would shut up about the “uncool Bermuda triangle” already. We’ve ALL moved on. Go marry Justin and get over it.
I wear stretchy pants, stretchy big shirts, socks and Nike sandals I can kick off during security check. I would be mortified if anyone took a picture of me in an airport.
Lol, I went on the freaking TRAIN (3 days all told), and I looked like a hot mess when I got out.
I usually wear my yoga pants with zip up boots in winter (easy on and off at security) or converse when the weather is warmer. I always fly in closed toe shoes because if something goes wrong and I have to get out on the wing of the plane (hey, it’s happened) I don’t want shoes that will fall off. I like comfy oversized shirts and scarves too. A large scarf has saved me more than once on a cold plane. I only flew once with a dress on and I’ll NEVER do it again! I had to have the special wand AND get felt up by a security woman because of it. That was the one time I wanted to look cute when I got off the plane because my hubby was picking me up after I hadn’t seen him in a week. The things we do for love!
I LOVE Angie’s boots. I would love a pair. Her skin looks great. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had dabbled a little in Botox–her frown lines seem to have disappeared recently. Good for her either way. She looks fantastic.
She did a press conference at the camp..
Frown lines clearly visible.. So good for her for not using Botox
@Goats on the Roof, who wrote: “I LOVE Angie’s boots. I would love a pair. Her skin looks great. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had dabbled a little in Botox–her frown lines seem to have disappeared recently. Good for her either way. She looks fantastic.”
Such a strange, passive-aggressive comment. Angie is wearing large, dark glasses in the pictures above so how could you possibly see (or ‘not’ see, in your passive-aggressive case) her frown lines or lack thereof?
filler will make your little lines go away. did for me anyway.
Oh so that’s why u keep weirdly commenting about that which no one sees or is even talking about…you get injected to the gills like aniston eh? Natch lol
Does everyone remember that CNN piece about Jen’s PR strategy for her films?
1. Debut a boyfriend
2. Show some skin (usually via magazines or winning ‘hot body’ prizes from male targeted media
3. Rope in Brangelina so everyone pays attention to her.
This segment was around the time she won an award for ‘hot body of the decade’ or was it century from The Spike Awards. This was just before Justin, and I can’t remember which new man was being paraded around.
Cut to 2015 CAKE PR:
1. Even though she’s with Justin, ex and long dead BF has been resurrected.
2. When not actively shilling for awards, she’s showing serious skin – see CCA and THR cover
3. Talking about Brangelina, even if to tell us it’s BS. 3 times in 2wks and counting….
Lol, I remember that.
Box Office Mojo has Cake’s estimate at a little over a million….is that good or bad for this kind of movie (indie)? Or should it have done more since it had someone well known in the lead? And mounted an Oscar campaign, etc…???
Her per screen is a little over $2000. Julianne Moore’s film, on fewer screens is over $10,000 per screen and was more last week. Indie films are usually given slow releases in small numbers of screens to build momentum and word of mouth. I think they thought her promotion and name recognition would bring in more and it did not. Most high line indies can make huge per screen amounts. The per screen amount is very important in looking at how well Indie films do. 12 Years made more than $90,000 per screen, others like Grand Budapest made more than $100,000 per screen. Both of these films made more the second week. So, it is not a good sign that with so many more screens, it did not bring in more business.
There is a great article here to put it into perspective as to why this is not a good amount.
VC: it’s important to note that CAKE has opened in 482 theatres. That’s a lot of theatres. THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING is in only 502 theatres and that’s after small number of theatres opening before increasing the number.
For CAKE to open in 482, that’s a clear indication that they were expecting it to do very, very well. Better than average.
Many of the other indies have picked up theatres and more money because reviews are good, and of course those all important nominations.
CAKE was essentially riding on award season and for Jen to get those nominations. That’s the other reason they held off reviews. Now they are out, initial run might be all it’s good for, since the reviews aren’t good.
Thanks LAK and jen2.
I’m guessing they assumed that all of the Jenniferloonies i.e. her fans would go out and see the movie….guess not. All I have to say is that I went and saw “Unbroken” twice, once on Christmas day, and I haven’t actually gone to the movie theaters in my town since “Despicable Me” came out.
They should’ve listened to me. I saw only the trailer, and it looked like one of those low budget lifetime movies, with que the “dark and gloomy music” at the beginning, and the “uplifting, I’m gonna be happy now” music at the end. Very paint by numbers. The only thing standout about it was that it was Jennifer.
@VC and LAK, good points. I don’t know how much this film cost (probably very little), but they have spent a small fortune on promotion and all of the other things that go into releasing a film. They really banked on the nominations to get past the reviews. I don’t think people even realize there is a full cast since none of them seem to be promoting this, only her. I think this film was handled very poorly, relying just on one person. Other films have the entire cast out there working with the main star and alone, but not this one.
I think they may have just dumped it into the max number of screens since the reviews came in, got no real enthusiasm from the public who really had no idea what the film was about since she never really talked that much about it, and will leave it alone and let it die on the vine like that other film of hers last year. In the end, this film may actually lose money as I don’t think it is going to make much more over the next few weeks.
I remember all of us going “duh” to that piece, since it had been clear as crystal to us for years what she was doing. She doesn’t know how to do anything else. It’ll be 20 years from now and she’ll be bringing up the same stuff. It’s tedious in its predictability.
Yup. I saw it. It was CNN SHOWBIZ tonite with the host Brook something who’s now on ET I believe. They put all Aniston’s shenanigans on blast. I couldn’t believe it.
I picture karaoke night at Jens house with her, Justin and handler going a little like this. While Jen sings this song while sipping a margarita, oblivious to handler and Justin leaving the room. Before they leave her to sing this song handler ask justin if he wants to see her breast he raises an eyebrow, looks at Jen who has her eyes closed while a lowly tear falls from her eyes….he’s says sure, and they leave her alone.
I heard that you’re settled down
That you found a girl and you’re married now
I heard that your dreams came true
Guess she gave you things I didn’t give to you
Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain’t like you to hold back or hide from the light
I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited
But I couldn’t stay away, I couldn’t fight it
I had hoped you’d see my face and that you’d be reminded
That for me, it isn’t over
Never mind, I’ll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Don’t forget me, I beg, I remember you said
Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead
Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead
You know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised in a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days
I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited
But I couldn’t stay away, I couldn’t fight it
I had hoped you’d see my face and that you’d be reminded
That for me, it isn’t over
Nothing compares, no worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes, they’re memories made
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
Never mind, I’ll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you
Don’t forget me, I beg, I remember you said
Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead
I love that song, but the lyrics give me the sads and not in a good way.
I prefer angry break up song lyrics, like ‘you outta know’ by Alanis Morrisette.
After listening to that, I was ready to kill my ex. Haven’t listened to it since, as I am concerned I might follow through. LOL
LAK, are we gonna have to start selling fake babies to put some $$$ in your commissary?
Also, Brad didn’t help in keeping this alive. And this was only a few years ago.
“”I spent the ’90s trying to hide out, trying to duck the full celebrity cacophony,” he told Parade magazine.
“I started to get sick of myself sitting on a couch, holding a joint, hiding out. It started feeling pathetic. It became very clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn’t living an interesting life myself. I think that my marriage had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn’t.”
Sorry. Brad was so tacky in this statement, the part about his marriage, not the earlier part. And he tried to backtrack big, big, big time. It was very hurtful and he started it all up again in the press.
He and Angie rarely talk about anything to do to tie in with Jen, but they have not been saints.
Angie discussing falling in love on set and couldn’t wait to see him every day (while married to Jen), and this interview with Brad (both interviews they did while promoting their movies) is no better than Jen milking things. They just have rarely done it, while Jen seems to address it much more in interviews, I agree. But to make Jen the evil one and the Jolie-Pitts the saints in interviews is not true either.
I don’t see Jennifer as evil, just sad, but I don’t understand her need to talk about AJ/BP so much recently. She says there’s no triangle, which I completely agree with since Angelina and Brad don’t acknowledge her, but by her talking about them constantly she’s making their whole “connection” a story again.
I know I’m tired of it and she should be too, so that’s why I’m surprised that she’s still doing it.
I don’t think she is evil.. nor that Brad and Angie are perfect saints. Mistakes have been made by all of them.
I think Jennifer is what she has said she is. Passive Aggressive.
She’s just hustling to keep her career alive. Doubt that it goes any deeper. Brad and Angie are not saints. They are just more successful as actors. If they weren’t, they would probably be hustling to keep the whole scandal alive like Eddie and Leann do.
I know Angelina and Brad aren’t saints; never even hinted at that. I just said Jennifer looks sad and desperate to me claiming she’s over something, but continues to dwell on said thing.
I’m calling her desperate because this is what she uses to hold on to a career.
So much sense is being made here!
What is wrong with saying you can’t wait to get to work? She also enjoyed going to work on her other films!
Brad mentioned his marriage once or twice in the last ten years.Jennifer has mentioned her marriage multiple times throughout the years on tv and in magazines.
Jennifer also talked about how she loved going to the set to be with Justin.How much fun she had .Justin was living with his girlfriend at the time .
If you want people to stop talking about a story.Then stop talking about the story.She just brought up her ex again on Friday’s ExtraTv show, she also mentioned the marriage and baby questions.
I guess we will get a break until she starts promoting next film.
She already has. The trailers are out already and the movie won’t be out for another three months. Maybe the are trying to deflect attention from Cake bombing.
What other movie is she promoting–“She’s Funny That Way”? (That’s the one where she had that short curly brown wig and the godawful gold aviator glasses???)
Yes that one, with Owen Wilson. I heard they shot that movie 3 years ago. Why would they wait all this time before showing it?
Janet, my guess would be because the movie is bad, lol.
I’m trying to think of movies that were held back for several years that were decent and I can’t think of any.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was shot in 2011 or 2012…shortly after she got with Justin, I think.
Minx: ONE FOR THE MONEY is the most recent example. It was shelved for 2yrs and finally released in the January/February graveyard.
Ps: I feeling simultaneously bad and admiration for GOOP for putting a brave face and shilling MORTDECAI despite it’s graveyard release date.
A graveyard release date tells you how bad the studio thinks the film is….
LAK: OMFG. I CANNOT tell you how bad “One For The Money” was/is. I watched it on netflix, only because I was doing homework and needed something to NOT pay attention to. It was just awful awful awful AWFUL. And the lead was so HOT. And he still couldn’t save it.
And January/February is the worst time for films to be released? Good to know.
Did you know MMS took about a year to be made? If you read the archives from about 11 years ago you will see Brad’s marriage to Angelina was over long before he met Angelina. They were on life support clinging on to a marriage that was over about a year before they called it over. Brad was right saying he was living a uninteresting life and his marriage had something to do with it. The Jen hens made a big stink over this and Brad tried to throw Jen a bone to appease her fans. I bet they have not spoken for years, jmo.
Doesn’t matter how long the marriage was on life support – they were both in it until it ended and when it ended – it must have hurt a whole lot. If AJ stepped into the middle of that before it was over – not cool. Definitely not cool on Brad’s part either. Stop minimising AJ’s part in this.
CN, the key word is “IF”. We now know that AJ did NOT play a part in his marriage breakup. I say, stop minimising JA’s part in this. It was her own marriage she ruined. She chose a career over Brad and a family. That’s got nothing to do with Angelina.
Of course the key word is “IF”. At least I acknowledged that. You on the other hand blame JA for ruining her marriage. How on earth do you know that? It takes two to tango, so whatever caused the marriage to end, both Jen and Brad were the ones in it. The key point is that no third party should have been involved in it. It doesn’t matter how you slice or dice it – AJ’s alleged involvement in that was super uncool. You don’t know that AJ was not involved – but if it makes you feel better … go ahead and tell yourself that.
Aniston said she wasn’t involved – there was no cheating, so did Courtney Cox. So we do know that. But it seems you need to believe otherwise.
mmkay – to each their own.
Are you saying Jen is a liar?
@Jayna, who wrote: “… I think that my marriage had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn’t.” Sorry. Brad was so tacky in this statement, the part about his marriage, not the earlier part. And he tried to backtrack big, big, big time. It was very hurtful and he started it all up again in the press.”
Hurtful to whom … to you? Why would it be hurtful to Jennifer Aniston? Brad obviously wanted out of his marriage because he wasn’t happy, but the comment you find so ‘hurtful’ is a comment about ‘his state of mind’ during ‘his’ marriage. Why isn’t he allowed to talk about it? Quite frankly, I fail to so how the comment has anything at all to do with Jennifer Aniston. I was disappointed when Brad bowed to the pressure from Jen’s over-zealous fans and apologized. He said nothing wrong. People who get divorced–even non-celebrities–do so because they get tired of pretending that they marriage is something that it isn’t. What is the big deal?
To be fair, of course she said it first. Her husband left her and picked up a romance with a co star. It was epic. People act like she wasnt allowed to say ANYTHINg, but because she did it gives everyone a pass to still make headlines out of it 10 years later.
She was allowed to say something and she did.. many many times.. but come on it is 10 years later. She has had several other relationships since that time. And why not talk about that. Maybe she should reference Vince Vaughn or John Mayer or that Grip she was with. They are more recent than her divorce of 10 years.
Say what you want. she is being passive aggressive. She and Brad Pitt at this point are like strangers. She has no connection to this man that is married w/children. His life is with Angie and his kids. If she talked about Justin with passion and excitement then maybe the media would be more interested in that. But look at it. She has finally after all this time gotten in a relationship that has lasted longer than a minute and she references the past.
I think it is because despite what her fans say about how Justin is so much better than Brad they don’t feel the heat with her and him.They don’t feel the connection they want her to have with him. And I don’t think the gossip media does either. If people thought Justin and she were this UBER couple then the press would let it go. I even see comments from her fans saying how she and Justin may not be real. Those are her fans. So something is not being seen by them.
I always thought if she had gotten with someone after the divorce and it lasted the media would have moved on. People blame Angie and Brad for her not having a long term relationship. Which is dumb
Why is Jennifer asked about this so much in interviews? I guess i am trying to figure out why aniston talks about her love life and brangelina so much, while brad and Angie rarely/never address this stuff. In other words, is it the fault of the interviewer, or is it Jen. How much control do celebrities have of the questions they are asked? Can they dictate whether some question are off limits? If this is the case, why doesn’t jennifer, before the interview, just state that she doesn’t want to talk about her ex-husband? If Jennifer has that much control over topics she is willing to discuss in interviews, than she is at fault for continuing this tiresome narrative. If she does NOT have control over subject matter and questions in interviews, than it is the interviewers fault for not letting it go.
At her level, Jen would definitely have control over what questions she’s asked and answers. Nothing would be left to chance, especially if a publication wanted access to her again. So, I guess the answer to your question is this: Jen is asked the questions because she hasn’t said they are forbidden.
In addition to what Original Mia said, it’s industry practise for some stars to have copy and picture approval. That means they pre-approve questions/topics to be discussed. Anything not pre-approved is automatically off the table. However, if off the table topics are discussed, the star still has final approval of the final article before it goes to print.
Some stars used to be/still are notorious for stopping an interview if they don’t like the topics/questions, even when they have pre-approved them.
Jen Aniston is known to have copy and picture approval of ALL her media activity so she can’t play the ‘I was tricked, it’s the media’s fault’ game.
Or look at it this way……
2 of her PR stable mates, looked after by the same PR man, Reece Witherspoon and Sandra Bullock, aren’t dogged by the disastrous moments of their lives because they won’t address it. I don’t know about you, but I really want to know Sandra’s take on that Jesse James shenanigans.
Reece Witherspoon is keeping the conversation focused on her work and not her little ‘American Citizen’ shenanigans.
At this point even Kristen Stewart is doing better on the PR front because she’s not being asked questions about Rupert/Robert anymore, and she refused to address it after that initial mea culpa.
Nicole Kidman only discusses her new marriage and children, very little about TC.
Jen Aniston needs to let it go or stop discussing it in public.
Interesting LAK, thanks for that. Why isn’t she discussing the actual movie itself, or talking about chronic pain? I only read the snippets from the other article, where she said it’s the first movie to focus on chronic pain and that people were sending her letters thanking her for portraying the character. That is just pure narcissism to me. Julianne Moore was on the nightly news talking about early onset Alzheimer’s disease, not about tabloid junk.
TheOnlyDee: exactly!!
Angelina looks great! Off to do her humanitarian work while Jen falls back again on the Triangle. Again. Will she ever move the F on? I mean…she has Justin, who really should check below the belt to see if his balls are still there. I’ve never seen a woman concentrate so much on her past, instead of reveling in her present and future. But that’s Jen. That’s the image she’s crafted for herself for over 10 years.
Aniston’s marriage was what–4 yrs long? She’s been using it for PR for what–10 yrs? Boy, oh boy. Basically, I dislike alll 3 of them (altho Brad sometimes produces decent films like 12 YAS and The Normal Heart).
That being said, Aniston’s Oscar run showed her true colors–pure fame addict. She pretends she’s over the triangle while using it for PR. She has a face full of lies . . . and botox.
She is a beauty!
I can’t believe this lovely woman! She showed up today, that’s all she had to do, at a refugee camp outside of Iraq. I wish there were more voices from the entertainment business that realize thier presence and voice is worth millions for any cause. Whether you like her or not she stands up!
Why is anyone on the planet still talking about that divorce. End it.
AJ looks gorgeous, love her look from H to T.
As for more comments about the stupid triangle from Aniston, I wish she had said this kind of stuff years ago – when it was actually relevant, and maybe the stupid BS wouldn’t have been dragged out for so many years. But I guess the ‘story line’ fit her brand at the time and now she wants to change up the ‘story line’. How interesting. The tabloid crap has probably hurt her career more than she realised.
At this point, the only place left to discuss the triangle is Howard Stern. I guess she’s saving that for her next movie promotion.
God her skin is so amazing. I wonder what she does to take care of it.
Fillers do not give you flawless skin!
She does not even look like she has fillers. She gains weight in her face and stomach area. Her limbs stay thin, even during her pregnancies.
she naturally has clear skin. that’s not the same as not having wrinkles. but fillers make up the volume that you lose when you age. trust me, i weigh a lot more than her and my face has lost volume. she just has someone that does a good job with the fillers and doesn’t overdo it.
i like both jen and angie. but i think it’s funny how no one mentions angie’s face work. but there’s always attacks on jen about botox. I’m 39, at 35, my face started losing volume, esp when I upped my workouts and lost some weight. I have great skin like angie and filler did a great job of filling in little lines/creases. there is NO way angie’s face is this full at her age with no fillers and esp as skinny as she is. and there’s no big deal, imo, with getting either botox or filler. just saying, the double standards are funny
Or, newsflash… & Angelina are NOT the same person. Just because your poor face lost volume does not mean everyone’s does.
Some thin people have full faces! Imagine that.
ok, if you don’t wanna believe angie’s face is not all natural, how about Brad? he was looking rough according to people on this site. Then he lost weight and his face looked better. magic? no. and who better to refer you to a good dermatologist than your wife?
Probably because a lot of people on this site don’t know how to spot subtle work? If Angelina’s had fillers, then I can’t tell. All I know is that she has the body type that she gains weight (fat) in her torso and face. And besides being a little fuller, her face doesn’t look any different to me. And even if she got fillers–her and/or Brad–since when have they ever talked about plastic surgery and about how they’d never do it? Never, to my recollection.
As for me, I can only tell fillers/plastic surgery unless it’s completely obvious. Like as obvious as someone who went from an A cup to a D cup. And I’m probably one of the rare few that thinks Nicole Kidman still looks beautiful (in an entirely different way, with a large part to do with her HAIR)…..
As for Jennifer–it’s always super obvious when she does fillers, because she gets a sort of bloated look to her face, yet hadn’t gained any weight in her body–although recently she has gained weight. I remember her GMA appearance about 3-4 months ago–her body was toned as ever, but her face was like a chipmunk.
that’s it, VC. people who have never done fillers have only seen the Housewives overdone looks. I had filler and Botox for a year and all everyone said was your skin is looking so good. it’s only when it’s done badly that it’s obvious.
You can always see her parents faces, which probably are/were more natural anyway. Jon Voight’s face is full and his cheekbones are legendary, and he has always been a slim, lanky guy. AJ’s mom, she was slim and gained weight when ill with cancer or probably naturally, but she had really great skin.
Dermatologists enhance what we have naturally. She has a great face and superb skin. If she subtly maintains it, it means she is still gorgeous. Sophia Loren comes to mind. Great genes are what it takes, the rest is maintenance.
JA or whatever, since you mentioned her. She does not have great skin, but huge pores, and tans a lot, which has translated into deep lines in face and chest. She really shills her skincare brand, but ultimately what we see is the result of thousands of dollars dermatologysts’s works.
omg Jen, STFU. stop talking about Brangelina. if they care about you, they definitely don’t show it.
The triangle will never die despite what Aniston says. All the comments on here are proof of that!
She looks healthier than she has in a long time.
On the way to UN mission to northern Iraq, checking up on refugees. Saw her on TV addressing with a bullet proof jacket. AJ asks …Jen who?
She stepped out because she couldn’t take her hypocrisy anymore. Remember it was Jennifer who made up boyfriends every time Angelina has something going or something to promote. She was fierce to her then. And now she is talking like she is innocent.