Lance Armstrong’s progressive implosion after his doping scandal continues. He goes away for about six months, and then he keeps cycling back. Each time, Lance reminds us of his true colors, as if we needed reminding. He has grown impatient after people laughed at his repeated requests for forgiveness. In 2013, he went on a big “admission” tour where he confessed to Oprah and to Livestrong employees. His Tour de France titles were stripped, and Livestrong pushed him off the board of directors.
Lance was banned from competing in any sport, which continues to bother him. He whined about the injustice of it all during last summer’s non-apology tour with Esquire where he insisted “I won those races.” His justification all along has been that every cyclist doped, so he shouldn’t have been singled out for punishment. That “excuse” hasn’t changed.
Lance stuck his head out of his borrowed mansion full of art and Lanceritas to complain some more. He stopped by BBC Sport. You can watch the full interview here, but let’s do some highlights:
He’d do it all over again: “If I was racing in 2015, no, I wouldn’t do it again. Because I don’t think you have to do it again. If you take me back to 1995, when it was completely and totally pervasive, [I’d] probably do it again. That’s the honest answer. But it’s an answer that needs some explanation. I mean, I look at everything — when I made that decision, when my teammates made that decision, when the whole peloton made that decision. We get it. It was a bad decision in an imperfect time. But it happened.”
Positive effects of 1990s doping on the sport? “I know what happened to the sport of cycling from 1990 to 2005. I saw its growth, I saw its expansion. I know what happened with the industry …. I know what happened to my foundation, from raising no money to raising $500 million, serving 3 million people. Do all those people want to, do we want to take it away? I don’t think anybody says yes.”
Pulling the sympathy card: “But what’s really frustrating, and probably 80% of it, is that if my mum got [multiple sclerosis] tomorrow — and thank God she hasn’t — and I wanted to run the Boston Marathon to raise $100,000 for the MS Society, I couldn’t do it. And not just run, I couldn’t walk it, run a little bit, walk the aid stations and finish in four hours 15 minutes, but raise a hundred grand — I can’t do it.”
A wee bit of regret: “What I would want to do is, I would want to change the man that did those things. Maybe not the decision, but the way he acted — the way he treated other people, the way he just couldn’t stop fighting. It’s great to fight in training, it’s great to fight in the race. You don’t need to get in a press conference or an interview or a personal interaction and fight. That’s the man that really needed to change and can never come back.”
Is it time for forgiveness? “Listen, I’m not going to lie to you. Selfishly, I would say, yeah, we’re getting close to that time, but that’s me. My word doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is ultimately what collectively those people on the street, whether that’s the cycling community, the cancer community, it matters what they think. Listen, of course I want to be out of timeout. I mean, what kid doesn’t?”
[From BBC Sport]
Lance also reiterates that he won those seven cheated Tour titles fair and square. And he wasn’t at all tempted to dope when he returned from retirement in 2009. He’s so full of crap, but I think he believes himself.
Lance’s lifetime ban from competititve sports should stand. He not only lost his cycling titles, but the NYC and Boston marathons wiped his times from the record. No sport will have him, and he’s acting like a frustrated child. I can’t feel much sympathy for a guy who cheated for years and reaped all the glory. He even stooped so low to drag his poor mom into the discussion for sympathy. Rude.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
Go hide behind a rock you cheat!
He represent EVERYTHING that is wrong with our society.
He’s so slimey, what a JERK he is.
Never liked him for some reason.
Even more egregious is how he tried to destroy the lives and careers of people who tried to uncover the truth about his doping, like Betsy Andreu and Irish journalist David Walsh. The man is not only a cheater, he’s a sociopath.
Yes, this is why I’m DONE with Lance. Doping I can understand and forgive. Trying not only to silence, but to destroy, anyone whom you think might possibly expose you? No forgiveness here. He is really a horrible, narcissistic person (something that was widely rumored in the Austin cycling scene in the years when he was winning Tours and had an untouchable public image).
+1 RAGING sociopath!
Yes! I just watched the documentary Stop at Nothing. I have to admit I didn’t know the details about his cheating or the lengths he went through to hide the truth. The lying, using political connections to stop the FBI investigation, and his threats to people who were telling the truth are disgusting. Why are people granting him interviews? Serious question.
What a dope. Yep, I said it.
I read this yesterday on X17 and he really is a narcissistic little 1 ball a-hole. Justifying illegal drug use by stating it helped millions of people? Is it not possible to start a charity without using drugs? Not one ounce of self awareness.
Yeah that irked me too.
Plus, didn’t he drive a couple into absolute financial ruin?
Betsy and Frankie Andreu.
Also Emma O’Reilly, Armstrong’s former masseuse/soigneur.
Thanks Amelia.
The list is longer but there is a movie called the Armstrong lie. Lance threw everyone under the bus just to keep up his lies. Everyone lance screwed over is in that movie.
The funny part is during his depositions lance would say the same thing about the people who testified against him. He claimed everyone was drunk. Really? Every last person who is not on your team is a raging alcoholic?
YEP. The problem with Armstrong wasnt just the doping, it was the fact that he utterly bullied and made it his mission to destroy anyone that spoke out against him. His continued attempts to justify his behavior speaks to the man’s incredible hubris. He is just a terrible person.
Thanks for the additional info. I didn’t know any of this. I guess I’m not so neutral anymore!
I know, he is an unbelievable piece of work. He’s right about one thing, his word means nothing.
I wish the punishment & consequent fallout was as severe for animal and domestic abusers.
Yes, if he had knocked out his wife or beaten his child, he’d be back in the game already.
Good point.
I think it’s time that we moved past pets as property. I may be sentimental about certain items I own, but someone damaging a desk, is not causing that desk to suffer genuine pain and fear. Remember, women and children were once considered property too.
I agree.
Agreed 101%
I agree with you Minif as the doping was self inflicted. But the Livestrong organization and it’s aftermath was not.
He was using the charity to lobby on behalf of himself.
@ Kiddo. Did I not word that correctly. The charity imploded for all that were involved and supported it.
The implosion of the organization was also self-inflicted which was my point. There was too much Armstrong integrated into the charity and from what I recall there were expenses that were questioned at the time.
Just because something is a charity per se, doesn’t mean that all of the goals are altruistic. It’s sad for people who had their hearts in the right place and supported the charity, but care should be taken in evaluating who you associate with. But on that level, he screwed people who were trying to do the right thing.
Still, it’s a cautionary tale. Look up the Red Cross and some of the articles on Pro Publica. Critical analysis of non-profits is as important as those which are corporations.
Yes, Kiddo, there was an interesting article in Outside magazine a few years ago exposing some of the shadiness of Livestrong, which I see as somewhat of a separate issue from Lance’s lies and campaign to destroy those who tried to call him out. He’s just bad news in more ways than one, I guess.
The issue with Livestrong imploding wasnt just the downfall of Armstrong’s reputation, but also how Livestrong was being run and how its funds were distributed. People were disappointed to find out it was an awareness and support organization, not something actually dedicated to research or ending cancer. It raised a huge amount of money but wasn’t doing much.
Yeah, I think Susan B Komen was doing the same too.
It’s not even the doping that’s the main problem with Lance.
Well, obviously it is, but in the 90’s and early 00’s, it’s not much of an exaggeration to say that pretty much every rider in the peloton doped in some shape or form. David Millar’s book has an excellent account of how endemic the doping culture was within the pro ranks. The ones who didn’t were dropped by their teams fairly quickly for under performing.
A culture of doping doesn’t excuse the cheaters, but had Lance not been such an arrogant, aggressive, intimidating prick who went out of his way to crush the careers of certain riders who dared to swim against the current, I’d be willing to be there’s no way he would be vilified the way he is now.
He brought a lot of this on himself for being such a destructive arse.
Sod this. I’m going for a spin round Regent’s Park.
Yes, he’s focusing on one aspect — that “everyone did it” — while completely ignoring all of the other factors about himself as a person that make his whole situation so egregious. He really doesn’t have an ounce of self awareness or remorse.
“….but had Lance not been such an arrogant, aggressive, intimidating prick who went out of his way to crush the careers of certain riders who dared to swim against the current, I’d be willing to be there’s no way he would be vilified the way he is now. He brought a lot of this on himself for being such a destructive arse…..”
That sums it up nicely.
I think there’s a cynicism to his answers that’s a little different from what I’m used to seeing from other celebrities. I’m sort of neutral on it since I have no stake in cycling, but it’s interesting to see him not trying to fake what people want to hear?
I know nothing about cycling as a competitive sport but I caught the documentary about Armstrong and his doping scandal recently on Showtime. It was awesome! I highly recommend anyone – especially today in the blizzard zone – to check it out if you can. It is very intriguing and shows what a complete arrogant asshole he really is! I also didn’t know he had cancer in his head too! I thought it was all in his little head but nope, he had some in his brain too. To think a person would go to the extremes he willingly did – and was proud of – that could make him ill to win a cycling race.. wow..
I’d put my money on:
Co-morbidity does exist with these conditions, so both are possible. While watching him during the Oprah interview (in which he was obviously *still* lying, right to Oprah’s face)
I realized that this guy is not just an a-hole, I think he’s an actual sociopath.
This guy is trash in a cycling suit. Everything he does is completely self involved, self pitying and self absorbed. The only time he looks outside of himself is to place blame.
Just a grade A Ahole. Pity Party for One Lance. Sorry you couldn’t keep it clean.
My dad is a cycling aficionado and for the longest time, he looked up to Lance Armstrong. He was very disappointed when the truth came out and now refuses to even speak his name, lol.
My husband, too. I was suspicious very early on when he started winning so many Tours and my husband was outraged at me. He chose to believe the myth fir a long time and like many he was really let down.
I live near Aspen, the land of entitled dopers and exerciseaholics. LA is treated like visiting royalty by this mostly non-investigative populous. Hey “you’ve got to fight for your right to partay ” is the defense everyone gives him. If I try to explain that he’s a thief and a bully, people literally walk away from me. This cheeseball doper has his spiritual home in Aspen. Sad for the people like people like me (non druggy athletes) who are in the literate minority- he shouldn’t be treated like a hero!
His last two comments say it all – he views himself as a kid being punished with a time out? I don’t think so, Lance.
This guy has no moral compass whatsoever.
The narcissism is strong with this one. So strong. Dare I say … Armstrong?
Heh heh.
100% why I’ve always disliked him. His atgument is essentially punishing him is punishing people with cancer. Calling him an a-hole is disrespecting cancer…
No Lance. You are a jerk and not the voice of all those who struggle.
All I can say is how old is he? Man time hasn’t been kind. I use to live in Austin and were stories all the time about him he is a jerk apparently and it doesn’t surprise me. I watched that documentary about him what a d..k
Yes, when I lived in Austin there were rumors about him picking fights in bars and acting really sleazy. This was when he was winning back-to-back Tours and had legions of adoring fans who were incredibly offended and outraged if you suggested that maybe doping was the reason why he suddenly went from being a very good, but not legendary, cyclist to being the dominant leader of the sport. I have to kind of laugh when I remember how upset one of my triathlete friends was when I said, at the time the Lance doping scandal was beginning to break, that I absolutely believed the accusations against him. Sigh.
Not only did he he take the drugs and lie about it for years, he pressured other athletes to do the same and ruined their careers if they wouldn’t. He’s despicable.
The problem wasn’t the doping. Lance is correct that doping was/is pervasive in his sport – but that’s no excuse. But the biggest issue with Lance isn’t the doping. It’s how viciously and aggressively he tried to ruin any person who dared to tell the truth about him. He tried to ruin businesses, lives – he threatened to out Greg LeMonde as a sexual abuse survivor, he said that Emma O’Reilly was a prostitute, etc. – that’s the stuff that makes him unforgivable, to me. If he truly wishes to start over, he needs to start with public apologies to every single person he tried to ruin.
Yes. He seems to be expressing some regret about that but it’s buried in all his deflection tactics and self-pity. I don’t think apologies are going to happen, he seems incapable.
That I can agree with. He was awful and convinced of his own invincibility.
FRAUD! and shameless.
He’s so arrogant. I hope they don’t reduce his punishment. Of course he is sorry now. But he really didn’t care about ruining other cyclists’ careers when he was competing did he.
Don’t get me wrong. Lance Armstrong is an arrogant jerk. There’s better words but they’d get massaged for publication.
However, taking the jerk out of the equation for a minute, I don’t see what’s so different than what the patriots are accused of doing here. He took a competitive advantage; so did the Patriots. He used the excuse that everyone else is doing it; so did the Patriots. Someone will get their butt handed to them for the Patriots fiasco; Lance did that too. He said he’d do it again; so have the Patriots.
Yet the patriots are victims and lance is despicable. (Well, he sort of is, but not because of the cheating).
Yet the Patriots are victims of the environment, the media, and everyone else they can blame. Lance tried that too.
But the Patriots didn’t exploit and hide behind cancer survivors, or financially ruin the lives of anyone that didn’t want to deflate their balls….
I am no Patriots fan, but even if it is proven that Belicheck and Brady deliberately deflated the footballs for an advantage, it is vastly different in degree. It would be the difference between plagiarizing your whole thesis, and not sourcing a fact on a thesis. Yes technically they are both considered cheating, but should they really have the same punishment? All rules and laws have consequences but not the same punishments.
Lance went far and beyond in cheating, and the fact that everyone else does it isn’t a defense for him or for the Patriots if it is proven. However, the punishment for a small infringement which is what the Patriots may have done shouldn’t be the same as a lifetime of doping and bullying your competitors and teammates into silence for your benefit which is what Lance did.
The Patriots didnt try to ruin the lives of the people that are accusing them of cheating.
Of course you would, Lance. What a tool.
I was thinking the same thing. This guy just doesn’t learn. Not sure why he doesn’t just go back where he was and stop talking.
What he conveniently forgets is that his lifetime ban is to set an example to others who dope or may even consider doping- this punishment is indeed fair consequence for cheating, not a singular personal vendetta.
He has the maturity level of a teenager who says “But Mom, absolutely EVERYBODY is cheating on their SATs (biology test, term paper, whatever) so I HAVE to cheat because they will get better scores me.” How many mothers have said, “if your friend jumps off a bridge, woukd you do it too?” Cheating gives you a false and meaningless accomplishent that only gets you places you don’t deserve to be – so you have to keep cheating to stay there. Harvard has a HUGE cheating problem, and recently a very large number of students at Columbia cheated on their ETHICS exam! It’s too bad accomplishment today is all about the appearance of success rather than genuine excellence. Now we have scientists lying on their research papers because they never really had what it takes to do the job correctly. Eventually the lack of true talent catches up with you because you were a fraud all along.
I hate how he tries to appeal to charity. He can’t raise 100k for a charity by running a marathon? Uh, Lance, you’re still a wealthy man, despite your issues. If a disease impacted your mother and you wanted to help, why not cut a check? You still have wealthy friends, I’d presume – you can call them to cut a check. He acts as though he has no ability anymore to donate to charity. I call BS. Plenty of people with far less than you bust their humps to be able to give whatever they can to causes they care about. He’s lost the fundraiser ability because people don’t want to be associated with him anymore – and I doubt many charities would even want to take funds from him anymore.
He’s trying to couch this as something where punishing him hurts sick people, and that is a falsehood. There are plenty of high profile people who raise tons for causes they care about. If Lance deeply cares about a cause and wants to help, he can volunteer, he can do whatever tons of non-famous people do to help. He just doesn’t want to.
…or, never being able to help charitable causes AGAIN is a consequence of the horrible choices you made and the way you’ve treated people. Forgiveness is probably NEVER gonna happen.
Sam, yes to all you said.
That was my thought too. No one is stopping him from raising money should a charity tickle his fancy. One doesn’t have to run a marathon to get people to donate to a worthy cause. He just misses the glory and the accolades of competition.
He’s a narcissistic sociopath who wants to be idolized. It’s not going to happen from me.
Why is does he SO NEED to compete still in any kind of race? If you want to raise money for MS just hand over the money you have or have a stupid bake sale or something. I sure wish I could run the marathon but I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, so it’s just not gonna happen but I’m not gonna happen. Be glad you have your health and your money
Because he built his whole life around competing. A lot of professional athletes do, but most of them are able to transition to regular lives at least somewhat. Lance hasn’t. I think he became hooked on the attention, the adoration and the love he got from the public. That can be addictive. He seems to have a family that loves him, he still has friends, he has his health back, and yet he comes across as deeply unhappy – and how sad is that? He has more than most people would be happy to have, and he still can’t accept it.
To me, he is one of the best examples of a person who truly cannot deal with getting their comeuppance. He cheated and yet somehow, he still feels wronged.
Weirdly enough, I remember something about him from years ago. He was discussing with a reporter why he lost his faith and basically turned agnostic/atheist (he never really specifies which). He kept talking about how he could not believe in a God that would allow him to suffer so greatly with cancer. And I remember then thinking that made sense, but now I keep going back to the irony of the situation that he blamed a potential God for a disease that, more than likely, he gave himself through rampant drug use. And now he just might be the poster child for divine or karmic retribution in the world – he’s lost the ability to do the things that gave him the most meaning and his reputation is dirt. The universe still leaves him his family, his renewed health and a decent lifestyle and he cannot appreciate it because he’s so emotionally crippled by his own narcissism. I guess it really does get you in the end, huh?
SAM good story! Many people with cancer (I’ve had it) start with “why me?” But end up with “why not me?” He brought it on himself and won’t take responsibility!
Belle: That bothers me a lot about him. By most medical accounts, the cocktail of drugs he was alleged to use could seriously up one’s chances of contracting cancer. He knew this and yet chooses to represent himself as a victim – of circumstance, of God, of whatever. The thing is that I’ve met people with cancer who truly did nothing to encourage it – they just had bad luck. Most of them handle themselves with far more grace, humor and courage than Armstrong did. He allowed people to think he was a warrior fighting back against bad luck when in reality he was scraping to reverse a process he had brought upon himself. There are genuine heroic people in the cancer world, and this guy took away from their spotlight. That angers me.
I found it very interesting that Lance had potentially given himself that cancer, considering how huge a part it played in the Armstrong lore. What amazes me was his inability to stop, to keep cycling even as the doubts about him grew, to continue to bully people into submission. I wonder if he’d have been allowed to keep more of his reputation, to be allowed to continue competing in other arenas (he was a pretty serious triathlete after his retirement from cycling) if he hadn’t had that compulsion to push everything so far. He expected to win, and that included not just sports but in life.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt he develop cancer relatively early in his career, before he became an international cycylist? It might be a stretch to connect the drugs he put into his body with cancer. Not that it makes much of a difference, but i have read a lot about LA and I have never read this connection being made by a reputable ssource. It would take longer then a few years of drug use to develop cancer. These guys were not shooting up on a daily basis.
Betsy Andreu testified that Lance doped from very early on in his career. She was present in the hospital room with him, after his diagnosis, when a doctor asked him if he had used performance enhancing drugs, and Lance answered yes and rattled them off. She was present for that conversation, so she basically confirmed that Lance was using before his diagnosis and that the cancer was very likely related to that drug use.
Thanks Sam, did not know that. Sheesh. I was a huge fan back in the day, have watched the tour de france religously for years now. I am glad drugs are being eliminated but dang, the mountain stages just arnt what they used to be. goes to show how much difference the peds made just going by the eyeball test.
An utterly vile human being who basically terrorized his team-mates into doping with him. What on earth did Sheryl Crowe see in him and how much did she know about his doping? Would love to have been a fly on the wall when the Feds questioned her. You can’t be with someone like that for 3 years without knowing how truly horrible and deceitful they are.
Right??? I would LOVE to know how that relationship and his marriage really were. Think he bought their silence? Or do they have to stay quiet to protect their own images? Scary stuff.
I think even if she knew (and maybe she didn’t, I don’t know), I tend to think that Lance lays it on thick. He probably pulled the old “I’m helping cancer patients and if you tell everyone what you know, there won’t be anybody to help the cancer patients anymore and you’ll be responsible for destroying my wonderful charity and blah, blah, blah….” You know, stuff like that. He used the charity to shield himself for so long. David Walsh, a journalist who pursued Armstrong’s lies for years, talked about how if anyone questioned him, Lance would launch into his argument about “you don’t support the cancer victims who I do this for” and stuff like that. I have no doubt he pulled the same stuff with people close to him.
Supposedly she was privy to the doping, I recall that at the least she had been interviewed. To my dismay, there were some stories published about Crowe where she denied credit on either songwriting or musical contributions, so she may have her own ego issues, but not to the extent of Armstrong.
Hey Lance – if you needed to raise $$ for charity, try a solo run or walk across the country … organize your own walk. Terry Fox did it first and did it best.
I agree-go build some houses in Haiti or dig ditches in South America. There’s a lot that he could do outside of competitive sports to both contribute to a cause and rehabilitate himself that would help rehabilitate his awful image. His head is so far up his ass he can’t make sense of which way is up. I used to be one of his biggest fans, and gave him the benefit of the doubt up to point because everyone in competitive cycling in the ’80s & 90s knew “doping” was standard practice, Lance elevated it to an art form. The fact the he appears to have emerged on o the other side of this an even bigger asshole than he was going into it doesn’t bode well for his legacy. I feel sorry for his kids, although their moms seem to have their heads on straight.
Doping or not, Lance is a horse’s ass, and that’s all I have to say about him. However, what is really interesting is continuing research on the benefits of transfusing fresh, young blood into old mice. Apparently it reverses a number of things related to aging, effectively returning them to youthfulness. This process is now about to be tested in humans. This is basically doping, i think?
Doping is in the eyes of the person(s) doing the defining. This is an excellent article regarding it:
Thank you for the link!
That’s actually what’s referred to as “blood doping” – an athlete stores some blood they have drawn at an earlier time (or uses donated blood) and has it transfused. It’s to increase the red blood cells in an individual and the ability to transport more oxygen to the muscles. Riders would do it between stages of the big bicycle Tour races, marathoners do it before a big race.
With those comments about charity, Armstrong basically implies that we, the public, are LOSING OUT MAJORLY by not allowing him to participate in sports. His arrogance is obscene.
That’s what I was trying to put my finger on. He’s basically saying that by not allowing him to compete, we’re killing disease victims. Like, really. That’s what he’s getting at. It’s guilt-tripping to an obscene degree.
It’s really cowardly, to me. He’s using sick people as human shields for his own shortcomings. He cheated, he was caught, he was served an appropriate penalty, given the severity of his offenses. Be a big boy and take it on the chin, like many other athletes have done. Heck, Tonya Harding showed more class in her lifetime ban than this guy, and that says a lot. But he just can’t let it go. And at this point, that is really, really just sad.
Yes, that is a good word for his spin on this. By some accounts, one of the main reasons he founded Livestrong wasn’t concern for fellow cancer sufferers but to have a shield to help protect himself from the doping allegations. Talk about obscene.
Holy sh!t, I think I’m gonna be sick. I never really thought about all of the Livestrong stuff like that. So disgusting.
He sounds like a sociopath. No ability to discern right from wrong.
He also said that his presence in the sport made it even more popular and helped make it grow financially.
Instead of making amends and atoning for what he did, and helping out the people he did his best to ruin for speaking the truth about him, he’s saying he’s essentially blameless, that those who’ve punished him are irrational in their decisions and actions, and that he’d do it all again the same way because his own decisions and actions were the only things of benefit to everybody in the cycling sports world.
Does he even still have fans?? I can’t think of even one person who still admires the guy – except for Lance Armstrong, of course.