Cele|bitchy | Rihanna swam with sharks in her Harper’s Bazaar cover shoot: stunning?

Rihanna swam with sharks in her Harper’s Bazaar cover shoot: stunning?


Rihanna covers the March issue of Harper’s Bazaar, which is perfect timing for this week’s Grammys. RiRi will perform at the show, along with Kanye West and Paul McCartney, in a rendition of their new “iconic” single. I still don’t dig the song, which makes me sad after jonesing for more Rihanna music. If you’re checking out the white background of this cover and wondering if Uncle Terry shot it, you can rest easy. Photographer Norman Jean Roy landed this feature, and he loves water shoots. Norman shot Kristen Stewart in a shallow pool, and he goes to town with Rihanna. You can see more of the editorial on Rihanna’s Twitter, but here’s the impressive shot. Rihanna swam with sharks!


Rihanna really did this. Harpers also posted a behind the scenes video to prove that the shark wasn’t photoshopped in next to Rihanna. The vid is slightly NSFW for Rihanna’s thong, but you can see it here. The video is a bit confusing because Rihanna’s wearing an orange swimsuit, and you can see a white one in the above shot. Maybe she changed suits. Rihanna swam with sharks in Hawaii a few years ago too. That’s definitely her kicking past a shark in the Bazaar video. It looks terrifying, doesn’t it?

We should get a fair dose of Rihanna soon. Dazed Digital says Rih is planning to tour with Kanye later this year. Here are some photos of Rihanna with designer Jeremy Soctt at the the Daily Front Row’s fashion event last week.


Photos courtesy of Harper’s Bazaar, Norman Jean Roy & WENN

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45 Responses to “Rihanna swam with sharks in her Harper’s Bazaar cover shoot: stunning?”

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  1. Linn says:

    When I read the title I thought she swam with whale sharks, but that does look terrifying.

  2. Alyce says:

    Does anyone know how they got the shark shot? It’s amazing but looks dangerous!

  3. jamrock says:

    She looks so good on that cover.

  4. bammer says:


  5. AuroraO says:

    Very beautiful. I really like her wing tattoo under her boob. I thought to myself if I got that tattoo It wouldn’t be visible with my boobs hanging down.

  6. Nev says:

    Amazing cover!!!! Happening.

  7. ¡mire usted! says:

    Stunning. This is the best cover of her career. Rihanna is so beautiful and I wish she would go for the classic beauty look because she is. Most of the time she goes for a more punk look and it masks her natural beauty. #islandgirlsrock

    • pretty says:

      this cover itself is masking her natural beauty. cause that’s not her hair.

      • kanyecaps says:

        Oh come on.
        How many women on magazine covers (not models) wear extensions? What about makeup? What about false lashes? Earrings? Clothes? All masking their natural beauty. What a shame, lol.

    • wiffie says:

      I wonder what’s with the shadow on the lower left of the cover though? It’s kind of weird and they don’t usually have those left in?

  8. maria1981 says:

    beautiful. her personality, on the other hand…

  9. Sadie says:

    It’s a beautiful shot, and I also want to cry from fear just looking at it. She’s got guts.

  10. EM says:


    • akivasha says:

      Agreed and for the Shark…that is a Sand Tiger, pretty docile of the Shark world…I would be more impressed it if where a Tiger, Bull, White Tip or even better a Great White.

  11. scout says:

    Sharks might have thought “Hey, she is too beautiful to be eaten, let’s just look her mate”

  12. Kitten says:

    Wish she wouldn’t wear gross fur, but that shark shot is cool.

  13. Dawn says:

    It’s a nice cover. She looks good. That’s all I have.

  14. paola says:

    Kudos to her.
    I have a serious sharkphobia. While in Australia and New Zealand I couldn’t muster the strength to swim in open waters. Only rivers or lakes. That pic of rihanna gives me the shivers.

    • Sarah says:

      Never heard of crocodiles or sea snakes then?!

      Our beaches are beautiful and no sharks are gonna stop me from swimming!

  15. kri says:

    Looks cool.If a shark isn’t hangry, he won’t give a sharkturd if you are in the water.

  16. Otaku fairy says:

    Cool photoshoot. I would have never agreed to it though! I like the cover pic too.

  17. theoneandonly says:

    She is stunning but I agree with Samihami she’s a crappy singer, barely literate and barely talented; just to echo the recent threads on KP’s super bowl appearance – the bar for pop stars is so low talent isn’t required,, just marketing, flash and dash. And I’m majorly disappointed Sir Paul collaborated with this dunce on a song. A slew of books have recently come out detailing the Beatles’ genius, and I’m sure riri is unaware of this, or had to get the thumbnail history from her handlers. The reason I don’t like today’s pop stars is that most of them have no interest in music or it’s history, have little respect for any tradition, and just use it as a means to live the life, along with their peeps and sycophants.

    • ORLY says:

      Actually, Rihanna is quite literate. Most of the time she writes in Ebonics or “Island speak” for shits and giggles, or to play with her fans. If you pay closer attention, you’d see she is FAR from ignorant or illiterate.

      • theoneandonly says:

        Fair enough but please give me some examples of who/what she’s been reading lately and who she quotes and references. I’m not even talking lit/crit stuff or her disquisitions on Hemingway and Fitzgerald, just something more than that tired lame jargon and her less than scintillating intellectually wide-ranging interviews.

      • ORLY says:

        I don’t have to search for references of Rihanna’s reading material to pacify you. The internet is there for your use as well as mine. You claimed she was illerate, I disagreed. I believe she is smart; smart enough to pander to her fans, leading to hit after hit. I don’t follow her daily life but I don’t need to, to know she is far from stupid.
        Note, there are a lot of intellectually brilliant people who aren’t avid readers. Not calling Ri brilliant or anything.

  18. Alice says:

    I guess she really is preparing to date Leo

  19. Anony says:

    I would crap my suit if I saw that thing in the water with me. Freaky! Even the photo scares me (yes I’m a wimp…yes I know it biting her is very unlikely).

  20. Celebritney says:

    Photoshop, anyone?

  21. Birdix says:

    I’ve been diving with sharks, the first one I saw I drew my breath in so sharply my tank should have crumpled like a soda can. Their eyes rotate so much that they are still looking at you after they’ve passed by. In my mind swimming and knowing the sharks there but not being able to see it (as in the photos) would be scarier.

  22. Melibea says:

    I’m so jealous!!! I’m obsessed with sharks since I was a little girl, she looks stunning.

  23. A mascarada says:


  24. Sarah says:

    They can easily change the colour of her swimmers while editing the photo. They often change clothing colours to better match the vibe of the pics

  25. RR says:

    Amazing, this is the best cover & most interesting shoot I’ve seen in a while!

  26. jferber says:

    I would love to be as beautiful as Rih. I just wish she had better taste in men.

  27. A Fan says:

    She is very sexy, beautiful, unique looking, and photogenic.

    [*The best part? She looks all natural*]