Cele|bitchy | “Rest in peace, ’60 Minutes’ correspondent Bob Simon” links

“Rest in peace, ’60 Minutes’ correspondent Bob Simon” links


60 Minutes correspondent Bob Simon was killed in a terrible car accident in NYC last night. Rest in peace, Mr. Simon. [Buzzfeed]
Irina Shayk shows Cristiano Ronaldo what he’s missing. [Moe Jackson]
Lainey thought Dakota Johnson was great in Fifty Shades. [LaineyGossip]
What in the world is Helena Bonham Carter doing with that fish? [Dlisted]
Terrible Bobbi Kristina Brown story of the day. [CDAN]
Taylor Swift made a playlist for a heartbroken fan. [Wonderwall]
The trailer for Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Some new/old Spice Girls songs just got released. [The Blemish]
Behind-the-scenes footage from Spectre. [IDLY]
Anna Kendrick in a somber Vionnet. [RCFA]
I love Elizabeth Warren so much. [The Frisky]

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41 Responses to ““Rest in peace, ’60 Minutes’ correspondent Bob Simon” links”

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  1. CatJ says:

    Rest in peace, Bob Simon. He was always a favourite of mine on CBS. An excellent journalist that was professional, and truly interested in the stories he told. He will be missed.

  2. INeedANap says:

    That’s not the first review I read that praises Dakota while being underwhelmed by Jamie…I am honestly surprised and impressed she could get anything good out of the Anna character.

    • OhDear says:

      I know! Good for her, though.

    • Michelle says:

      I saw Jamie on Jimmy Fallon and he was so wooden even just being himself that I chalked it up to him being very shy or uncomfortable with attention, but according to the reviews he is also wooden on film.

    • insomniac says:

      Even though I have no intention of seeing this, I’m happy for her that she’s getting decent reviews. It seemed like so much of the pre-film negativity was being thrown at her, as if it was a given that she’d just be terrible and wooden.

      • Beth says:

        Same here. She got assailed on some of the sites I read, especially for her looks. Happy to hear her coming out unscathed for her performance.

    • Dońt kill me i'm french says:

      Her character is a few changed in good ( less clumsy, more a shy young sarcastic woman who waited to have sex to meet a guy who really attracts her) whereas Grey’s character is a boring wooden humorless Patrick Bateman .Dakota is really charming and pretty in spite of her ugly bangs .Dorman is wooden and not at ease.

  3. Kiddo says:

    Bob Simon was actually held captive for over a month in Iraq. He was a ‘journalist’ and not just a TV talking head. RIP Bob.

    I watched Anna Kendrick on Conan last night. I sincerely don’t understand all the love. She’s aight, but nothing special. However, I kinda hate her singing voice.

    • BengalCat2000 says:

      Yep, he had an amazing life. He was one of my favorites next to Ed Bradley and Morley Safer (sp?), this is a crappy week for news people. RIP

    • Kiddo says:

      I saw many photos of him last night. Man, he was so handsome when younger. Not a bad looking old man either, really.

  4. tifzlan says:

    That picture of the car Bob Simon was travelling in stunned me. Rest in peace and condolences to his family.

    Speaking of pictures, was it really necessary of CDAN to insert a picture of BKB using drugs? That’s crass.

    • Div says:

      I can’t stand CDAN. He’s so FOS and over the line. He accused a really nice, charitable woman who is loosely affiliated with the entertainment industry (I worked with her on her charity work) of doing some horrific things like pimping but apparently she didn’t have a legal leg to stand on because he’s super slippery with his words and has a giant disclaimer. I stopped reading him after that and when I noticed he would go back and change some of his former blinds to fit things. I did hear that the NY Post did a take down of him once, so at least he got some comeuppance. Not surprised he posted a pic of Bobbi Kristina doing drugs, poor girl.

      • tifzlan says:

        I used to be really into blind gossip sites, including CDAN too but then i turned 15 and realized that most of the stuff written is probably fudged or fan fiction. Kind of messed up that people can make a living off writing possibly untrue things about others.

      • insomniac says:

        Agreed — the picture of Bob Simon’s car almost made me physically ill. My condolences to his family.

        As for CDAN, I stopped taking them seriously when they were trying to convince people that Robert Downey Jr. was a poster on the site. That will never stop being funny.

      • Jayna says:

        I have never followed a blind gossip column site in my life and have no plans to. It’s a joke. You read all of that crap and so many buy into it and pass it around all over the internet, what, just to see that ten percent is maybe ultimately true. It’s too much negative energy and a waste of my brain cells to give garbage like that any attention.

    • mimif says:

      +1 to both your comments

    • Michelle says:

      I agree with both of your comments. I love 60 Minutes and Bob Simon was my favorite journalist on the show. I was also appalled at the wreck that was once a Town Car. According to what I read last night his driver was driving really erratically . The speed limit on the Westside Highway is 35 mph, so I can’t imagine how the hell any of that happened.

      About Bobbi Kristina – that picture makes me really sad and it was in very poor taste of them to use it.

      • tifzlan says:

        The driver of the town car supposedly had a heart attack while driving. If true, that’s tragic, not only for Simon but also the driver, who I’m sure will not forget this incident for as long as he lives.

        BKB is fighting for her life on a ventilator. She’s had a difficult and turbulent childhood, everyone knows this, but that’s still no reason to plaster that picture on their site. No respect at all.

      • claire says:

        I think the car looks worse than it was because they had to cut off the top of it to get him and the driver out.

  5. PunkyMomma says:

    RIP Bob Simon. A true journalist. Well done, sir, well done.

  6. RobN says:

    He was an awesome reporter in a time of talking heads.

    On a separate note, word is that he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. I’ll never understand why people who would never drive without a seatbelt somehow think the laws of physics don’t apply to cabs and other livery vehicles.

  7. scout says:

    RIP. Just heard about that accident, so sad. Unpredictable life.

  8. Div says:

    RIP Bob Simon.

    Interesting that A.O. Scott (along with several big critics) also said that Dakota was pretty good while but they were meh on Jaimie. I hope her career manages to survive 50 Shades.

  9. Reece says:

    RIP Bob.
    That crash was terrible! I can’t believe the driver survived.

  10. delphi says:

    My dad (old school newsman that he is) is absolutely devastated over Bob Simon. He hasn’t been this torn up since Tim Russert passed.

    The Fourth Estate is a family, and they all take these losses hard. R.I.P. Mr. Simon. You were a class act, and tolerated Andy Rooney with far more class than anyone else.

  11. Jen43 says:

    I am so sad about Bob Simon. He was a true professional. I remember clearly when he was kidnapped. After his release he went back to work. RIP, Sir.

  12. Luca76 says:

    RIP he was one of those voices of reason so steady that he was taken for granted but the loss feels substantial.

  13. Jayna says:

    I posted about his death last night in the Brian Williams thread when I heard about it. It brought me to tears. I have been a huge fan of 60 Minutes for years and really enjoyed all of Bob’s work on the show and interviews.

    • Michelle says:

      I felt the same way. I was shocked and so sad to hear about Bob Simon. I think this is the end of an era in journalism.

  14. smcollins says:

    How sad about Bob Simon. He was one of my favorite correspondents on 60 Minutes. May he rest in peace.

  15. Anon says:

    My condolences to Bob Simon’s family, friends and colleagues at CBS. Anyone could see how much he was loved from watching over the years to the breaking news delivered by an emotional Scott Pelley. Rest in peace, Mr. Simon. Thank you for being an outstanding journalist.

  16. taxi says:

    He was a great journalist. Polar opposite to Brian Williams.

  17. Jayna says:

    I’m still so sad over this. I can’t shake it today at all.

  18. Karla says:

    This sounds very suspicious … they don’t mention the other drivers or passengers and a Lincoln town car too. S U S P I C I O U S

  19. Jayna says:

    His daughter is pregnant with her second child.

    “Leslie Stahl and Steve Croft sat down with Entertainment Tonight and revealed that they were actually with Simon’s daughter Tanya, a 60 Minutes producer, when she received the news on Wednesday.
    They also revealed that Tanya was pregnant, and that Simon was to become a grandfather for the second time.
    ‘She’s pregnant and so I think a lot of us are a little worried about her,’ said Stahl.
    ‘Everybody loves her too.’
    She went on to say about father and daughter, who worked together on numerous projects for the program, including one that was set to air this Sunday on Ebola; ‘Oh, you’ve never seen a father daughter closer and I think it was a marvel to observe.’
    She then added; ‘You would expect that she couldn’t work for him, you would expect there would be a power difference or difficulty, and they worked together. It was a dream for each of them. She loved to [do] stories with her dad.”

    Leslie Stahl also said she recently went to lunch with Bob and the whole lunch he talked about his grandson, Jack. She said he just loved that little boy.

  20. Anonymous says:

    He will be missed and 60 minutes will not be the same. The way he told a story was amazingly poignant and he used his talents to enlighten the world. Condolences to all who knew him. Very sad.