Angelina Jolie: ‘At 20, we’re all looking for Prince Charming…’


Angelina Jolie gave an interview to a publication called – no joke – Dandy Magazine. It’s a French publication. Sigh… I really should just start my own magazine called Fancy Pants. Anyway, Angelina sort of gave the goods for Dandy. This interview sounds WAY more interesting than most of the major interviews she gave during the heat of the Unbroken promotion. I’m still mad about the crappy quality of her last Vanity Fair cover story. Some highlights from Dandy:

She was looking for Prince Charming? “At 20, we’re all looking for Prince Charming, the big handsome hunk, only we’re generally disappointed because of his instability. At 40, you know what you want: a real man.”

Her French wedding: “It wasn’t a wedding in grand style, but we were all very at ease, very cool. It was absolutely adorable to see how excited [our children] were by the idea, and how much they were all involved. For example, we told Knox and Shiloh they’d carry the rings without specifying they’d have a cushion to carry them. On the day, they arrived with two matched cushions on their own. I imagine they’d seen it in a movie. In short, they were so cute!”

Why she’s taken a step back from acting: “It’s somewhat personal. When my mother died, I realized how much my being an actress was linked to her desire to be an actress herself, and especially what satisfaction it brought her when she saw me onscreen. Once she was gone, I didn’t feel the same attraction for it. What I really like is to be behind the camera, to put others into the light. Being in the spotlight’s shine doesn’t interest me. I prefer to have my head almost underwater … than be dainty in front of the cameras.”

Her favorite wines: “All the rosés of Provence…Drinking a glass of wine with friends, people we love – there’s nothing better to take away bad toxins.”

The award-winning Jolie-Pitt Miraval Rosé: “Growing vines, harvesting, barreling them is an interesting experience. I learned a lot these last years. I’ve realized that making wine isn’t something that’s improvised. It takes hard work.”

Whether her kids will get tattoos: “I don’t see how I’ll be able to stop them later on. They only need to look at me to know that I’ve very few arguments to dissuade them. Brad, he’s much firmer on the question: It’s ‘nyet’!”

[From People]

Brad has a lot of ink too, so he won’t be able to argue against tattoos that much either. Still, I hope Brad and Angelina tell their kids to wait until they’re 18 years old at least. As for Angelina going into semi-retirement from acting… she’s been saying versions of that for a while. But it’s funny that she views her filmography as “dainty” in any way. She usually plays badasses, warriors and villainesses.

Oh, and when she was 20 years old, she had already found a Prince Charming, in the way of her then-husband Jonny Lee Miller. He’s still my favorite of all of her men. No joke. I think if Brad hadn’t come along, and Jonny hadn’t met Michele Hicks, Jonny and Angelina might have gotten remarried.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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60 Responses to “Angelina Jolie: ‘At 20, we’re all looking for Prince Charming…’”

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  1. Kim1 says:

    Prince Charming is for fairy tales not real life.This interview sounds like it’s been translated multiple times.The wording is off.

  2. Renee says:

    I think that her first comment is funny because she did end up with a hunk. I definitely think that there is more to her husband than his looks but she ended up with someone who is sort of the textbook definition of “the hunk”.

    • Andrea1 says:

      Exactly! She did end up with a hunk!

    • Maria says:

      i thought the same thing. Brad would probably one of the first images to pop into peoples head when they read what she said.

      Brad mostly only has his looks, he is neither a good actor nor very smart. he got his hollywood power through being pretty and making ladies crazy. Angie is the one dating down on practically all levels.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        @Maria…I beg to differ…I think Brad is a really good actor! He could have used his looks to his advantage, much more than he has…He tried to make interesting movies, that didn’t just hang on his being “the handsome one”…Inglourious Baterds, Fight Club, World War Z, The Curious Case of Benjamin Butten, Fury, Moneyball. The Assassination of Jesse James, etc….and his company Plan B, has produced some award winning and awesome movies…I do think that Brad is not very good interviews, not a great speaker, and that is his problem…but I do believe he is a smart guy!

      • charlie says:

        I think that’s true for both of them. Neither Brad nor Angelina would have the career they have if they didn’t look the way they look. They are not amazing actors. Angelina does seem very smart though.

      • Ally.M says:

        I agree with you Maria. She definitely dated down with Brad, I find him a bland actor at best. Like Kaiser, I always hoped she and JLM would find their way back to each other.

      • Isa says:

        Brad seems very grounded which I think is good for her. He has supported her through her surgery. He seems very active in raising their 6 kids which isn’t something I can say for a lot of men I know. He also seems to have a thirst for learning or trying new things.

      • Wilma says:

        @Maria Way harsh Tai!

      • Ennie says:

        Really? I love Brad as a character actor in movies like 12 monkeys and Snatch particularly.

    • Crumpet says:

      Brad lost his hunkiness 2 years before Angie came along. She seems to like him scruffy and frumpy if his devolving appearance has been any indication.

      He has kept his figure though.

      • lisa2 says:

        Brad and Angie have been together for 10 years. Brad changes his looks for film Roles. Always has. In the time they have been together Brad has probably had at least 6 or 7 looks. All for film roles. When he is not working he may grow the hair out or beard. I guess Angie is the kind of woman that loves the man she is with in all his various states.
        And I don’t see anything about Brad Pitt that says frumpy. Regardless of his hair style or facial hair. Other Actor do the same, they just don’t get the negative that Brad does.

        Just saw a picture of he and Angie at the ASC last night
        This is not frumpy to me. He is still a great looking man.

      • TC says:

        @ lisa2 –Brad definitely still has it at 51. His body is in great shape and he still has his looks. I actually prefer the “father of six” Brad to the “Ken doll” Brad of the 90s. When you are happy and content with your life, it definitely shows and Brad wears it well.

      • lisa2 says:

        @TC TAWY

        I love Brad the father. As I said he has grown into it very well. I didn’t follow him at the beginning of his career. And for those that live to try and call this man dumb or untalented. Whatever. If all Brad Pitt was were his looks he would have gone the route of many that came before him and after. Brad is very smart. And being a good speaker or not doesn’t say you are not smart. I don’t know anyone that has met him or dealt with him professionally that say this man is dumb. Brad once said he is not the best at expressing himself. But that people have preconceived notions of him. He is fine with them underestimating him because it frees him to do the unexpected and surprise.

        I’m not putting any other actor down.. but look at Brad Pitt and compare him to some of the actor that began when he did or are on the same power level. Brad to me comes out on top. He is at the top of the food chain. And he earned it. Not on his looks but talent and smarts. He wouldn’t be where he is based solely on looks. It doesn’t work that way for over 25 years in this fickle business.

        but some as I said live to try and put him down and Angie too.

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:

        @Crumpet, who wrote: “Brad lost his hunkiness 2 years before Angie came along.”

        I disagree, because “Troy” came out 1 year before Angie and Brad was a beautiful blond animal in that film. He was in his prime, added about 25 pounds of muscle for the role, and was very much sex on a stick. In my opinion, Brad’s last intentional ‘Hunky-just-the-sex-please!’ role was in the 2005 film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” Although he rocked the shite as age 30-something Benjamin Button with Cate Blanchett (that scene of them in the lake was stunning).

      • Crumpet says:

        All I can remember is him making some kind of goofy face for Angelina when they were working on set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. That was the end of the hunky era IMO. So…I misspoke.

  3. kri says:

    When I was 20, I found a different Prince Charming pretty much every week. Sigh…those were the days of ass and roses.

  4. savu says:

    I love the way she talks about her desire to please her mother. I’m super close to my parents, and some of the things I love, I love because of them. I may not be a huge fan of dark craft beers, but my mom is. I LOVE a dark beer if it’s with my mom. Does that make sense? I totally get what she means.

  5. zut alors! says:

    I understand what she’s saying about wanting to act for her mom’s sake. Her mom really wanted to be an actress but was not able to and I think she lived vicariously through Angelina. I remember an interview where she said her mom would write letters to her characters. Remember the sock puppet she had in Girl Interrupted? I believe her mom gave her that for her character. I so wanted Jonny and Angelina to get back together. Oh well…life happens.

    I do want her to stop messing with her face. She’s veering in to Nicole Kidman territory with the Botox and fillers.

    • BNA FN says:

      It’s so strange, some people see what they want to see. I don’t see Angelina face looking as if she has had fillers. I see a beautiful woman with fine lines and gorgeous skin. I’m sure with her money she uses the best skin and face cream.

    • Ennie says:

      As she gets older I see more her resemblance to her father.

    • Goats on the Roof says:

      I think she’s been going for Botox, but I don’t really see any evidence of fillers. The Nicole Kidman comparison is over the top, IMO.

      • Ally.M says:

        I wouldn’t know the difference between fillers and botox but her face does look puffy in the photo above. She really doesn’t need dabble (if she is), no matter what age she’ll always look attractive with her bone structure .

  6. manatee says:

    I completely agree with the wines, chapeau!
    And I can understand her now that her mother died years ago she’s not interested anymore in acting.
    Absolutely great interview with very pleasant and normal impressions into AJ’s world

  7. Ennie says:

    I love JLM, but at the time of their marriage he was friendly with that British crowd that was very into parties and … stuff, they even had a nickname, what was it? I found it: Primrose Hill set.

    So, I guess he probably was not as stable as he seemed to be.
    Both of them look content and happy with their lives, they made a beautiful couple.

  8. BNA FN says:

    Angelina is a very lucky woman, she found her “Prince Charming” at age 29. I still cannot believe Brad and Angelina have been together for 10 years. She has been with her husband all of her entire 30’s. Brad is her Prince, and I’m sure Brad knows Angie is his Princess. As a fan, It’s great to watch a great love story for 10 years.

  9. charlie says:

    Nope, not all of us in our early 20s are looking for Prince Charming.

    Where I’m from, everyone has a vineyard and makes their own wine, and it is very hard work.

  10. lisa2 says:

    I think she did what many people do. Go into a career for their parents. Not even knowing that was the case. She talked about this before some years ago. And I think it is great to come to that realization that maybe your desires are different and to go for them. I like that she found the right person for her. And despite people needing to call Brad names and demean who he is.. I think he is a very smart man. Grown into his manhood. I love his evolution and how he has managed to be far more than people expected him to be.

    to the person saying she is “messing with her face”.. Still pictures are not a good indication. I see video of her talking, laughing her face moves and looks like she has for years. She has lines in her forehead and laugh lines around her eyes. I know the belief is that everyone is injecting things in their face. But not everyone is.

    • Greata says:

      @lisa2…Totally agree.

    • Jessica says:

      Botox done properly won’t freeze your face, you should be able to move your face as normal after a day or two. It also isn’t meant to erase all lines, just improve the big ones and smooth out the little ones. Some people take it too far, but that’s not representative of how botox normally looks.

      The waxy look of her forehead is the giveaway. That’s not what oily skin looks like in photographs, that’s what botoxed skin looks like.

      • Crumpet says:

        That claim that Botox makes your forehead shiny is an old wives tale. If anything, it dries your skin out because it deactivates your sweat glands. That is why they use it under people’s arms.

      • lisa2 says:

        They do the same thing regarding her forehead vein.. saying it is a result of Botox.. She has had that vein way before people started using or talking about Botox.. just like the veins in her arms.. which have always been there. Then people noticed and it became a HUGE issue.

        Her face looks fuller when her hair is down.

  11. scout says:

    Prince Charming on a white horse…Santa Clause….Tooth Fairy…God….Perfect everything…Perfect people…Perfect religion…World Peace….. We wish!

    Met my husband as a teenager, got educated, married in our early 20s, still going on and on after decades, children, pets, white picket fence etc. Nothing was perfect and nothing was imperfect, makes sense? Angie has most of everything we can ever hope for, glad she gets it now. Open your heart and receive!

  12. unmadebed says:

    I hear what she’s saying, but I’ve always wanted a prince and a real man. I think it’s on the princes for not showing up prepared.

  13. Artemis says:

    The tattoo discussions is another ‘do as I say not as I do’ kinda thing. I’m sure they are great parents in general but it’s the same as smoking and then telling your kids not to smoke etc etc.
    Like, just accept you’re not helping by setting an example that you don’t want for your children.

    I find it odd of Pitt, thought he would be more laid-back. Then again, he did get his own tats at an older age so getting them young might seem like a foreign concept…I wonder if he feels the same about piercings….

    At the end of the day, when you’re married to Angelina Jolie I would think tattoos are the least of your issues considering her ‘dark’ phase!

    Maybe they should ask permission when he’s baked 😀

    • Maria says:

      when they are old enough they can do what they want anyway. it could also be that tattoos dont interest them because their parents have them. my father smokes, i never have, mainly because he smokes.

      • Artemis says:

        Jolie has said they already expressed interest because of hers.

        That said, I know it could go either way. It’s personal preference. I was just giving an example as I’ve heard my whole family (avid smokers) dictate me I shouldn’t smoke and I never did because I didn’t like it, not because they told me not to 🙂
        Pitt will just have to deal when they get inked haha…

      • Isa says:

        Yea I don’t mind if my kids get tattoos one day, but I would want them to wait until they’re older. I got mine when I was young and stupid and I don’t like one of them anymore.

    • Ah, I see. Maybe he wants them to get them when they’re older…like late twenties, versus eighteen. I’ve seen a few teens with ridic tattoos at 16, 17, 18. Same with piercings. One guy in 11th grade had gages in his ears…..ugh.

    • lisa2 says:

      Their children are all under the age of 15. So of course the answer will be NO.
      What they do as adults is something they can’t speak to. But now they can say do as I say and not as I do until you are older.

      I don’t see anything wrong with it. Angie got her tats most of them anyway when she was very young. Brad got his in his 40s so he has a completely different view. I think that while they have both had some crazy times when they were young they are different as parents. That is not unusual either.

      and “baked” or not I don’t see Brad/Angie letting their children who are 14 and under get a tattoo. Besides that it is illegal without parental consent.

  14. Angie says:

    I’m 42 and I’m still looking!!! 🙂

  15. A. Key says:

    well Brad Pitt >>>>>> Prince Charming

    stfu you lucky woman you

    • Katherine says:

      LOL!!! I know, right! Well, they asked her – or some facsimilie of it translated and retranslated.

  16. Zombie Shortcake says:

    Awwww at the kids showing up with their own ring cushions. Lol.

  17. Jayna says:

    I love Johnny Lee Miller.

  18. Aubree says:

    I have a question; does she never get frustrated, annoyed, or irritated with her children? I’m asking becuase she seems extremely serene, like all of the time.

    • zut alors! says:

      I’m sure she does but she’ll never say it. She of all people knows how everything she says is twisted in to lurid headlines and salacious soundbites.

      I do wonder if she still flies her plane. She doesn’t seem to have any “me” time for herself.

      • lisa2 says:

        She did a french interview and talked about flying her plane. I’m sure she has some “me time”..we just don’t see it. I mean we don’t see them that often to know what is going on daily. They really seem to be able to just go off the grid and be out of sight.

      • Kim1 says:

        The tabloids already portray her as an evil mother who lets a dozen nannies raise her kids.They claim she forces Shiloh to dress like a boy.They claims she verbally and emotionally abuses Brad and the kids.
        So I can only imagine what they would write if she said something negative about Brad and the kids

  19. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    She doesn’t like the spotlight.
    Sure about that?

    Don’t even start, I’ve got voodoo curse insurance.

  20. Catelina says:

    It’s so funny that she says this because, though I was young and not close to being 20, Brad was my first major celebrity crush, my personal ‘Prince Charming’ fantasy for years. They are both far more than their looks though. Seriously, good looking people in Hollywood are a dime a dozen. They have it easier sure, and many talentless people are able to land a few movie roles with that, but that can only go so far. Brad and Angie both had their highest WW grossing movies ever within the last 2 years, while they have been in the industry for decades now. Angelina just directed a (flawed to be sure) successful movie in a very difficult world for female directors. Brad is producing acclaimed Oscar nominated movies left and right. Looks alone doesn’t get you that. But whatever, people will continue to try and bring them down, declare them ‘washed up’, and deride their success in multiple areas while my wonderful favorites will continue to do their own thing and prove everyone wrong.