Cele|bitchy | Is Jamie Dornan’s marriage suffering because of the success of ‘FSOG’?

Is Jamie Dornan’s marriage suffering because of the success of ‘FSOG’?


I sort of ignored Jamie Dornan’s wife Amelia Warner during the Fifty Shades of Grey promotional tour the last few weeks. Amelia was around, of course, and she walked several of the red carpets with Jamie, but most sites just ran the photos of Jamie, Dakota Johnson, Sam Taylor Johnson and EL James. It was also pretty clear that EL, Dakota and Sam were coordinating their looks for every red carpet and Amelia wasn’t invited to participate. Is that weird? Eh. In any case, Jamie and Amelia seemed pretty tight. They have a 14-month-old baby and Jamie has said lovely things about his wife and his family life in all of his interviews. But Star Magazine says it’s all a ruse! Their sources say Amelia is struggling with Jamie’s newfound fame and omnipresence.

Christian Grey may be used to getting what he wants, but Jamie Dornan isn’t so lucky. The Fifty Shades of Grey actor has been on cloud nine since landing the coveted role, but he’s having a hard time balancing his sexy new image with his quiet home life. Star has learned that Jamie’s wife, musician Amelia Warner, has developed major trust issues since the movie’s hype began, and their marriage could be headed for some serious trouble!

Jamie has been spending much of his time in the spotlight bragging about his gorgeous wife and their 14-month-old daughter, Dulcie, and although his rep denies any trouble, close sources to the Northern Irish actor say his constant gushing is just a cover-up for their increasing tension.

“Amelia didn’t love the idea of him doing such a sexually charged movie,” explains an insider. “But he said it would skyrocket his career. He tried to assure her nothing would change between them.”

But on the heels of the film’s box-office-record-breaking Valentine’s Day release, Amelia still isn’t on board. “Women all over the world now lust after Jamie,” the pal adds. “It upsets her to know that she has quietly sit by and watch him receive all this unwanted attention.”

For now, friends of the pair say there’s been no talk of an official split, especially because their daughter is so young “Jamie is desperate to keep his family together,” the insider reveals. “He’s trying to placate Amelia by talking so sweet about her in the press.”

But only time will tell if his tactics will work. “They’ve had several fights about him choosing his career over her,” the pal dishes. “And the fact that he’s already signed on for two more movies could prove to be the final straw.”

[From Star Magazine]

It really wouldn’t surprise me either way, you know? I think this kind of sudden stardom/media attention would be difficult for any couple to weather, and if Amelia is having adjustment issues, she wouldn’t be the first. But I kind of buy it when Jamie says nice things about his family – I really do believe that he adores his wife and baby and that he’s still racked with insecurities about his acting career. Jamie’s rep went to Gossip Cop and said this story is “utter rubbish” for what it’s worth.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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95 Responses to “Is Jamie Dornan’s marriage suffering because of the success of ‘FSOG’?”

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  1. Jess says:

    Eh, I don’t believe it but who knows, it would be difficult to have so many women after your man! I figured a story like this would come out not long after he said she won’t watch the movie because it makes her uncomfortable.

    • Abbott says:

      Is it weird that the only woman who is obviously not into this dude is Dakota Johnson?

      • Jess says:

        Lol! So true!

      • mom2two says:

        Ummm…I might be the second woman behind her (sorry ladies!). He’s not bad looking but he just doesn’t do anything for me. If CDAN blinds are to be believed, I don’t know that they are, supposedly he’s been cheating on his wife left and right and not with Dakota Johnson. CDAN’s revealed a few blinds saying he’s been cheating. Again, I don’t know how reliable CDAN is.
        Honestly, with the red carpet thing though, usually spouses & plus ones are not invited to coordinate and they walk but eventually the cast and folks involved pose together without spouses and plus ones. I would think his wife would know that.

      • cr says:

        @mom2two, all blind items are to be taken with an ocean sized grain of salt, but CDAN’s especially.

      • Maria says:

        cdan was caught multiple times making them up, Blind gossip wont run his anymore.

      • apointlessexercise says:

        Someone said that cdan goes back to edit his blind items so they seem true.

      • perplexed says:

        That’s what I find hilarious too. I thought cheating rumours with the leading lady would come out of doing this movie, but none of that seems to have happened at all. And the wife doesn’t seem worried about Dakota (the lady he’s doing intense love scenes with), but everyone else — according to the mag excerpt above, I mean.

    • Senaber says:

      Ugh that reminds me of my friends- a married couple- who were so embarrassed to go into a novelty sex store they barely got past the front door and spent the entire time looking at keychains. He cheated. They divorced.

  2. ell says:

    I mean, marriage is hard work so these things can happen (as does breaking up, people should stop viewing it as a failure and accept it as one of life’s things). Still, this story is probably made up because this guy is getting a lot of attention rn.

  3. LAK says:

    I love the purple dress. It’s looks so comfortable too.

  4. Memibee says:

    I don’t believe it either but they do have an awkward body language.

  5. Katie says:

    I have to say, I’d have a major problem with my husband being in such a racy movie. Yes, she married an actor and had to know he’d be somewhat public property, if you will, but he also bears some responsibility in his choices of what films/shows he does. Then again, he was in The Fall and that show is also pretty racy just not as widely viewed. And, well, let’s be honest, many of the women who are into FSOG are obsessive and a little nuts. Perhaps that’s not helping… Sorry for the stream of consciousness mess of an opinion

    • ell says:

      yeah ok but it’s his job, and he got TONS of money for this film, money I’m sure she appreciates. I don’t agree with people who marry someone in a certain profession then bitch about it. if you marry an actor (and she’s been an actress as well who has done racy scenes) you’re very aware that’s part and parcel and not always a choice if you want to work.

      • Maria says:

        movies like this are rare though. there are many examples of actors not accepting certain roles because of their wives. Dustin Hofman for example.

      • ell says:

        @maria, I disagree. nowadays most movies have sex scenes, and most actors do not have dustin hoffman’s luxuy to pick and choose their roles. most are lucky if they get any work at all. 50 shades of grey is clearly a big breakthrough for jamie dornan.

      • Maria says:

        is that true anymore? i think i just read that sex scenes in movies are getting less and its getting raunchier on tv.

      • qwerty says:

        They weren’t poor though. He was one of the highest paid male models in the world for years before he started acting, he said himelf he worked like a week out of a year and got a ton of money for that. He’s done The fall which I’m sure paid well and would have probably given him more solid offers… but he chose this, and now I;m not so sure he’ll get them.

      • ell says:

        @maria, idk I’m sure tv shows have got really racy recently, but I didn’t really notice a decline in sex scenes in films. If anything it’s always pointed out when a movie DOESN’T have a sex scene, because most times it’s expected.

        @qwerty: oh I’m sure they weren’t poor, but there’s just no way he was making the big money he makes now with an actual hollywood blockbuster (and no the fall probably didn’t pay all that well, it’s the BBC so it’s money but not a massive amount).

    • Nya says:

      lol it says more about you that you think either FSOG or The Fall is really that “racy” in any way. He’s modeled nude and shown off his dick before, so it’s not a big deal.

      But both Jamie and his wife seem like HUGE prudes which is totally weird.

    • minime says:

      I feel the same as you, however not only she married him knowing his job but she’s also an actress. That’s what the job takes. Still, I can understand that something with such a big impact is certainly different from what you expect as a starting actor. Maybe all of the awkwardness between him and Dakota in interviews could come from that in some way…Sometimes he really seems to go in such lengthy ways to show and point that he had no pleasure at all in doing the movie that it sounds a bit too much and unnecessary.

      Anyway, I think it would be normal to any couple to need a bit of time and work to adjust to such a big change in their lives, not a big deal. They look very comfortable together and a super cute couple.

    • MindlessContemplations says:

      Her first husband was Colin Ferrell! FWIW this isn’t her first time at the rodeo of celebrity by proxy

      • Katie says:

        Yeah didn’t know that. She shouldn’t be shocked. Just trying to make that point that if you want to make your marriage work, both sides have to make choices and sacrifices. He should consider her when he choose films and she should understand that he’s going to do things she doesn’t like for his career. Somewhere, you hope a couple finds middle ground that works for them

  6. Well kudos to the studio because I didn’t even know he had a wife. I’m not a huge fan so I only really look at the photos and she’s been absent from all of them so…

  7. Amber says:

    It’s always a sign if a woman cuts her hair …

    • ell says:

      a sign of wanting to change her hair, if you ask me.

      • QQ says:

        or that hair loss they experience after the hormonal drop off and lots just cut em… since you know.. they DO have a fresh baby

      • ell says:

        @QQ except her hair is very full, cutting your hair does not make it look fuller, if she was having hair loss we would see it.

      • QQ says:

        No No I Totally Agree, i’m just offering less… simple alternatives along with your… fwiw I LOVE it and also Her dress is giving me major envy… not so much her dude

    • danielle says:

      A lot of women go short after they have a baby. Maybe because they can get ready more quickly?

      • Senaber says:

        Baby hands + long hair = ouches. At least for me anyway.

      • AntiSocialButterfly says:

        Definitely! IIRC (it’s been a loooong time), you can safely keep it long till maybe four months, then you are in for a nasty awakening.

      • ell says:

        a lot of women go short period. it’s silly to assume one changes their hair for any other reason than wanting a change. I’ve changed length and colour of my hair more times than I can remember for no particular reason other than I fancied something different.

    • Tifygodess24 says:

      @amber I get what you are saying. My hair stylist and multiple other stylists I know swear up and down anytime a woman is going through something she cuts off her hair or does something equally as drastic. It’s the same story from all of them so there is some truth to it but of course that doesn’t apply for everyone. Some women just want to go short.
      I have to add I don’t understand cutting your hair short JUST because you have a baby. I have two daughters and have never had any issues with my long hair. Babies can grab short hair too and pull just as hard. If I had an issue I put my hair in a pony or a bun.

    • Stef Leppard says:

      More likely the marriage started to suffer post-hideous haircut.

    • A.Key says:

      I’m young and single and I’ve just cut my hair, what kind of a sign is that then, eh?

  8. Heathering says:

    I think the hype around him hitting at the time of married less than 1yr and with a baby would be tough for any couple. Added to that there have been a lot of BIs (some now Revealed) re Jamie. A few other rumours out of the Groucho too. He may have been enjoying his newfound attention a bit much.

    Amelia and him have weathered a few years, but prior to her he had a rep as a player – usually dating career advancers (Knightly, Miller, Moss, Barton, and Lohan). After his comments when Keira and he split, I’ve always been sceptical of this guy’s self-deprecating charm image. Who ever really knows but, for now at least, Fifty has given the expensive PR support to make it ‘appear’ right for a while yet.

    I don’t rate him as an actor and every interview seems to make him less and less appealing as a person.

    • Abbott says:

      What were his comments after the split with Keira?

      I totally forgot he was on Lohan’s leaked list.

      • Heathering says:

        When asked in interviews about the break-up he pulled a lot of not classy misogyny out of his not so charming Irish ass: “well the guy in a relationship is supposed to be the Alpha, the breadwinner, more successful, clearly I wasn’t”. That’s just one direct, there was other stuff in a similar vein. Rumour is he cheated.

        I’d almost be prepared to put it down as he was young then if it weren’t for some of his dodgy gender comments recently re both The Fall and Fifty Shades of Grey. Added to which, Amelia herself seems to have faded career wise and something rings bells he might have found her more amenable to his “Alpha” schtick. But that’s just a gut feeling based upon her following him around on shoots with no direction outside of mother and wife. Even when he speaks of her it’s “I have a supportive wife who makes it all good for me to get on and then go home” type stuff.

        Either way, reading his interviews, he’s a walking whinge & snark with many chips on his shoulder and a lot of excuses as to why he hadn’t had the work he feels he was owed over the years. Personally, I reckon learning to act beyond one-note might have been a way to go but he clearly figures taking his shirt off should still be enough.

      • Abbott says:

        @Heathering I had no clue! Jamie Dornan is gross. Case closed. I’m done. Goodbye, bearded turd. Ya clipped.

      • Heathering says:

        Abbott, point of no return for me was a few months ago in a joint interview with GA about The Fall. She was trying to address the accusations over the misogyny inherent in the piece and the glamourisation of the sexual violence. She was trying to be as balanced as possible about problematic aspects and mentioned that the victims in The Fall were all professional career women. Now we’ll never know where she was going with this rationale because Dornan jumped in at that point with “yeah, it’s not exploitative because it’s not like they’re all pole-dancers”. Now GA said no more… what do you say. Subtext – violence against pole-dancers fair game, obviously, Jamie?!?

        As I say, point of no return for me. I think there’s similar from him on a vid and iirc that interview was The Guardian.

      • minime says:

        @ Heathering
        Wow…those comments…
        I liked him so much in the Fall (and before in Once upon a time). I really didn’t imagine such a misogynist a-hole. Not nice.

      • apointlessexercise says:

        So he was perfectly cast as the psycho in fsog?

      • Luce says:

        I don’t care for Dornan, although I do like The Fall. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive since he plays such a creepy psycho. I do think his wife is just a natural beauty, and she has had many career avenues like singing, songwriting, and boutique ownership. Regardless, I just don’t like the comment about her “following him around on shoots with no direction except mother and wife.” That’s actually a pretty BIG direction and important vocation in and of itself, especially to children. I have done both, been a stay-at-home mom and then went back into my career. While the former didn’t suit me well, I can honestly say that it was not “directionless” or without merit in any way. As for the rumour, I’m with most here. It could be true because he seems like a prat in several ways, but this kind of thing was going to come out as gossip even if it was 100% false. With the film topic and excessive attention, it was inevitable.

    • ell says:

      what blinds?

      • Heathering says:

        I can’t remember which have been Revealed as him or not so don’t know how CB may mod. One was Ora having been heard claiming she had a quickie on set with the star; one had him having lost his wedding ring whilst out ‘playing’ and needing his PR to find a match stat – fans were v concerned at pics of him out in LA on personal time ringless; one was about a closeness with a co-star on Louis Drax Van set leading to Amelia having to arrive to be on set. A few others. Also, after a night very drunk at the Groucho solo (there were pics of him leaving 5am) a rumour from bar staff had him spending time with not his wife and taking a guest room for 2hrs before heading home. Gossip, but cumulatively getting to no smoke without fire stage.

        As was also pointed out by some – he rarely does an interview which doesn’t mention drink/being drunk – could be a side issue.

        I just don’t buy him overall, tbh.

      • holly2905 says:

        he definitely wants to be thought of is the same class as his buddies like Redmayne. He came off all whiney that he’d gone to about 100 auditions and was never cast. How about working with an acting coach and learning your craft? I agree that Amelia appears to have accepted her role as supportive spouse with no life of her own. She’s a grown up and she probably figures this is way better than trying to make a career out of her music. She has a very light, almost reedy voice, which would have been perfect in the 80s but not now.

        I also think he has a drinking problem. He’s rarely without a drink in his hand and there have been some pics posted where he looks beyond wasted. If he and Amelia are fighting I’d believe it was more about that then anything else.

      • ell says:

        @Heathering, I tend not to believe blind items but in his case it seems like an awful lot of rumours + pics, so there might be some truth to this. as other have pointed out he did say some shady stuff in the past, and his insistence shooting this film was soooo awful is a bit odd. Like I’m sure it was awkward in places, but he seems to protest a bit too much, contrary to Dakota who just seems to laugh it off.

  9. Estella says:

    He’s even sexier as the serial killer in The Fall. His wife should be more jealous of his chemistry with Gillian Anderson- those two sizzle on screen. Sad if true. I sort of like their daughter’s name, Dulcie.

    • Nya says:

      He’s as wooden as a log on The Fall.

      • Ann says:

        I’m glad to see others think that too because the rest are excusing his awful acting in this film because of The Fall.

      • holly2905 says:

        nah, you aren’t the only one. I could never see what all the gushing was about.

      • Heathering says:

        He absolutely is. The whole nuanced psycho-killer but family man never worked for me S1 (def not S2). Anytime he was in non-killer Spector mode with his daughter, his emote was awful. He cannot deliver lines at all beyond his affectless psycho smoulder which, in itself, is pretty much just a moving extension of his one intense model-face. I think it was clear S2 they had to pare back his dialogue because he struggled to deliver convincingly. Likewise Fifty Shades of Grey… and that dialogue would’ve stretched Day-Lewis to land it right. His performances in New Worlds and Flying Home were risible. I honestly reckon this guy gets way too much of a pass based on hype and abs.

      • Bored suburbanhousewife says:

        Agreed. If you want to see a real actor pull off a scary but handsome psychopath who makes you kind of feel sorry for him despite yourself., you need to see James Norton in Happy Valley. He is superb and in a entirely different category than Jamie.

      • Heathering says:

        Oh now you’re talking, Bored suburbanhousewife. Although James Norton hasn’t had a massive profile so far, he’s someone I would hope has a future and the acting to back it up. He’s time-served learning the ropes and most recently shown a real breadth and depth to his range. From Happy Valley to Grantchester (so glad that was recommissioned). I saw him in theatre – The Lion in Winter (one of my ultimate favourites).

        I still stand by the view that Jamie Dornan’s questionable acting ability is being glossed over in favour of the hype around his securing Christian Grey and his past profile as male model of choice for a while. Also, now that is the case (and with 2 more sequels possible) he’s not going to have room to grow even if he were to want to put the effort in to do so. Even interim projects (whether good or bad) will now continue to all be noised out by his involvement with Fifty Shades of Grey. He’ll make some money and headlines in the process but I’m less sure he’ll now ever make a mark as an actor.

      • Bored suburbanhousewife says:

        @Heathering you are so lucky to have seen Norton live! I love him also in Grantchester — feeds all my dirty priest fantasies! Now that Eddie has made it to the A List, Norton is my new young cute posh British actor to watch over the next few years. He has got a resume like Hiddleston too,

  10. dr mantis toboggan says:

    Unlikely. If she still loves him after Lindsay Lohan she can love him for anything.
    Ditto and reverse for her and Colin Farrell

  11. Elizabeth says:

    There have been a TON of blind items about Jamie Dornan’s bad behavior so I think this article is probably true. He used to date Keira Knightly and he supposedly broke her heart by cheating. Amelia is very pretty and nice and I’m sure she deserves someone better. Does anyone remember when she was briefly married to Colin Farrell? Maybe she likes bad boys.

  12. Ginger says:

    It really can’t be easy watching your husband kiss someone else, etc. even if he’s acting. But he really does speak so highly of his wife and child that I tend to think this rumor is BS. If she’s a supportive wife then I assume she wants him to succeed in his career. And two more sequels in the bag means they can do things like buy a house. Or afford a nanny and go out once in a while. I would think the separation couples endure when they are both in entertainment kills more relationships than anything else. They are such a gorgeous couple! I don’t understand why no one has run photos of them together. More couple-y photos!

  13. msd says:

    He seems to be at pains to point out how much he hated doing the sex scenes to the point of overstating matters. This speaks of some insecurity. Who knows if it’s because he’s worried about what his wife thinks. Maybe he regrets being in the movie. Either way, I wish he’d lighten up because he often comes off as ungrateful and immature. It’s not like he signed on to do a kids movie. I know everyone rags on Dakota but she seems to have a better attitude.

  14. mkyarwood says:

    I think new fame probably strains any relationship, ‘specially the Fame Machine celebrities are put through. There are rumors of his straying now that women are offering, and he was just in a softcore film with ‘Hollywood Royalty’. Also, my husband and I had some troubles during our first kiddo’s second year of life without any of those kinds of stresses.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I was going to say the same thing. I think when one partner is suddenly way more famous or successful than before, as in any major shift in the relationship, there’s probably an adjustment period.

  15. holly2905 says:

    I think they both went into this marriage fully aware. First off, Jamie made it clear in early statements that the husband should be the breadwinner and be alpha. Amelia has a history of latching on (and often getting engaged) to men so it’s not like she’s the innocent here. I think Jamie is letting all of this supposed fame go to his head and has for quite a while. Surprising since he got such awful reviews from pretty much everyone. Amelia is just going to ride it out, have more babies and turn a blind eye. She won’t be the first wife to do so, celebrity or not.

    • A.Key says:

      “Jamie made it clear in early statements that the husband should be the breadwinner and be alpha”

      Say what???

      Oh dear….

      • holly2905 says:

        he was quoted back when he broke up with KK
        “well the guy in a relationship is supposed to be the Alpha, the breadwinner, more successful, clearly I wasn’t”.

  16. scout says:

    By the loving looks she is giving him, I think she is fine. She should relax and enjoy the ride, it ain’t gonna last. Don’t think people are liking him in that movie, Dakota is running away with it all.

  17. Anon33 says:

    Well this is all very disappointing…I wasn’t aware of his earlier alpha male comments, thanks to the poster up thread who detailed them…think I have to reconsider my crush. 🙁

  18. Amy says:

    I feel bad for his wife.

    The books are successful garbage. The author is a true desperate housewife. She looks at Jamie like she wants to steal him away and jump on it at every premiere and in the movie her husband is doing things she’s probably uncomfortable wife.

    This would be a nightmare scenario for the wife of an actor. Seeing him in someone else’s lame masturbation material.

  19. Dońt kill me i'm french says:

    It’s from Star Mag..,they have a real gossip every 6 months and they made up all the others ( Brangelina’s breakup,Aniston’s 546 pregnancies…)

  20. Tig says:

    Re their marriage- I don’t get the comments re her taking time off to focus on her baby and homelife- glad she has the option.

    I thought his performance in the movie was fine. However, Dakota also got the best lines- and while Jamie had to literally quote from the book, hers got changed for the better. I am guessing that James was much more vested in CG’s lines/dialogue, and that may be why hers could change and his couldn’t.

    And also don’t believe for a minute that he and Dakota “hated” each other. And so what if they did? There has never been a steamier movie than “Body Heat”, and at the time no one cared if Kathleen Turner and William Hurt loved/hated/liked each other- they were actors playing roles!

    • Krystal says:

      +1 Jamie is a professional and so is Dakota. I really doubt this is causing any problems in his marriage. He seems pretty confident in his marriage. Star is a tabloid. How many false stories have they made up about celebs. His wife knows it’s just acting. She had to be aware of the sex scenes and all the nudity in the books. If you think about his personality, I just think he’s an introvert and so is Dakota. They aren’t comfortable with having so much attention on them. I’m the same way. If there are sequels, they will probably be a little more relaxed next time around.

      • Chrissy says:

        Krystal, I completely agree with you. STAR is just stirring it up, as usual. I think neither Jamie nor his wife have been comfortable with the FSOG
        juggernaut and it must be stressful to be a husband and father being seen/interviewed everywhere so suddenly. His wife must be a strong person to
        stand by and witness all the crazed fans wanting to paw at her hubby. As an introvert myself, I’d find the attention really overwhelming and stressful and the tabloid speculation would only make it worse. I hope
        they survive the madness.

  21. Andrea says:

    I don’t necessarily believe that their marriage is in trouble, but she does *not* look happy in most of the premiere photos. She is borderline scowling. They look very tense together, though it could just be nerves.

  22. feebee says:

    I can buy a bit of adjusting to the crazy attention but Dornan on ‘cloud nine’ since getting the role? I’ve never seen it. He looks like he’s wondering what the hell he’s got himself into.

    • Kendra says:

      I think he really enjoys the being called a “Star” and the trappings. He’s spent 15 years doing the model and Hollywood and London scene trying to break. He dated a lot of profile women at the height of their fame but his career never took. He talks like he should have just been given jobs.

      Even The Fall season one success wasn’t really referenced to him. Everyone was just into the show itself and mainly Anderson. He never got much chatter until the FSoG casting then suddenly he was given individual The Fall recognition.

      It is his weird attempts to distance himself from the choice to do FSoG like he’s above it. He had no real career to speak of before it and couldn’t bide time for The Fall second season to maybe give him more credible work offers.

      Anyone with a brain knew the FSoG fans were gonna go uber Twilight Pattinson on whoever took Grey. Now he hates that and probably them too (they are crazy) but still wants the “I’m a Star” thing.

      Too “my s*** don’t stink” but give me sympathy anyway. That him being like John Lennon quote and being killed by a FSoG fan. What?!

      He needs to man up and take responsibility for bad career decisions.

      • qwerty says:

        ” He had no real career to speak of before it ”

        I do hope you mean just acting, cause in modeling he’s gotten as far as a male model can.

  23. oneshot says:

    This sounds like fan fiction spurred by his admitting that she wasn’t going to watch FSOG.

  24. NerdMomma says:

    He “has been on cloud nine since landing the coveted role”??
    That line lets me know the whole story is made up.

  25. chilicat says:

    I can’t be objective about this post. I saw it and wanted to cry. I love jamie dornan to an almost obsessive level. All I can say is that he gives me the impression of someone loving his wife a lot. And wanting to keep his family together. Does he cheat? I hate to say it, but it’s possible. Especially as he likes the booze. He comes across as charming and self deprecating. And unbelievably handsome. God I need help. I love him.

    • Tig says:

      You have lots of company, never fret- they are just not on this post!!

      • chilicat says:

        Haha thanks. I am a normal, sensible 32 year old woman (first time ive ever called my self a woman by the way ha )with a proper job and friends and even a boyfriend, but I literally behave like a 12 year old girl over jamie dornan.

  26. Judyk says:

    His wife is GORGEOUS…I think she looks a lot like Dakota Johnson. (I have the same haircut she has!)

  27. A.Key says:

    “Women all over the world now lust after Jamie”
    Say what?? LOL. No. Everyone says that the only silver lining in FSOG is Dakota, surprisingly. He is the biggest disappointment for most women. So no worries wifey.

  28. Bored suburbanhousewife says:

    I think this kind of adulation is hard for any wife to adjust to. It is not so much worry over involvement with the co stars they are fake kissing and fake sexing with or even the fangirls gushing about them on tumblr. It is that literally every pretty waitress, bartender, make up assistant, production assistant, etc. that the Great Man runs across is a potential threat. Plus you can no longer go out in public with your husband without girls interrupting to get his autograph and have a selfie with him. This is also true of sports stars and musicians, especially when they are away from home for work. I think if they can, a lot of these wives try to go along and watch them like hawks, and a lot of the actors gush about their wives in public to an unnatural extent compared with non famous men, for those wives who stay home and raise kids, sometimes I wonder if there is an arrangement when he’s on the road or on location and it’s don’t ask, don’t tell.
    Jamie and his wife remind me of Colin O’ Donaghue and his wife and I’ve wondered the same things about them. Hard to feel safe if your guy spends months away at a time on the far side of the globe from you,

  29. MeloMelo says:

    Do british couples always dtand so far from each other?

  30. Ruth Dunbar says:

    I don’t really care about any of this one way or another, but she’s totally cute, especially with that hair. She’s kind of got an 80’s era Linda Fiorentino thing going on. I like it.