Cele|bitchy | Reese Witherspoon in Tom Ford at the Oscars: lovely or tedious?

Reese Witherspoon in Tom Ford at the Oscars: lovely or tedious?


Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman posed together on the red carpet for some reason. I mean, I’m sure they know each other and they both have that CAA connection, but they seemed extra friendly last night.

Let’s start with Reese. She wore this Tom Ford that reads in photos like off-white, but I think it’s a very pale blue. It’s Tom Ford and the fit is beautiful and flattering, but I also think that the black shoulder thing looks uncomfortable. She looked like she had a rubber band holding her arms down. Reese accessorized with Tiffany’s jewels. I know this because she tweeted her styling details before she left her house, and then when she got on the red carpet, she promoted the #AskHerMore crap, which lead to an hour of awkwardness on the ABC red carpet show – which people only watch BECAUSE WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT FASHION – where no one asked anyone about their dresses. So stupid. Jesus.



And here’s Nicole Kidman in Louis Vuitton. Because of the stupid #AskHerMore BS, it took a while to get the ID on Kidman’s dress. The NYT Fashion tweeter noted that everybody thought Kidman’s dress looked super-cheap and then as soon as it was ID’d as Louis Vuitton, everyone changed their tune. For what it’s worth, I do think it looks cheap but I don’t even hate it. It’s interesting and I’m glad she didn’t wear some frilly, lacy thing. She goes to “grandmother’s lace doily” too often, and I think this dress looks sort of fun. But I could barely pay attention to the gown because Nicole has been Botoxing for so long, her face is set at a permanent frozen scowl. She looked like she was going to spit on someone while she was presenting. Something nice: her hair looked great.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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73 Responses to “Reese Witherspoon in Tom Ford at the Oscars: lovely or tedious?”

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  1. shannon says:

    I’m sure it’s just her eye makeup, or maybe even lack of sleep, but Reese looks strung out in these pics.

    • Kitten says:

      Yup. Miss American Citizen is looking really hard here.
      Her dress is the typical boring stuff that she favors. Yawn.

    • Rachel says:

      My BF and I agreed that her looks are not transitioning well as she ages. I can’t put my finger on it, but I will say, STOP WITH THE FREAKING CENTER PART. Her face is much too round for that austere center part.

    • LDUB says:

      this comment just made me smile……really, REALLY big.

    • FlowerintheAttic says:

      it looks like she’s been dieting and exercising for her life. she seems benzo’d out and her face is morphing into Jen Garner’s.

    • Pandy says:

      She looked like hell. Smoker wrinkles above her upper lip and so many wrinkles on her forehead. She could use a bit of botox or at a minimum, laser treatments. I can’t believe her age is listed as 38. That’s 38 years ol hard living I giess. She looked a good 10 years older than that.

      • halleygee says:

        I was thinking she looks like that bc she overdid it with the Botox and her eyes are drooping.

      • G says:

        Yes! The weird wrinkles on her forehead clearly show the botox routine. She was fine untill she had to think.

  2. Nk868 says:

    Kidmans hair looks nice. Her dress is LOL bad looks like fabric you’d find in a goodwill tube top and the red band … No.

    Reese looks fantastic but her facial expression (not her body) looks like she’s wearing five layers of spanx and is uncomfortable

  3. LadyMTL says:

    I was watching Reese on one of the pre-shows and she looked super tired, these pics are way nicer than what I saw last night. I don’t care for the dress, the band across the shoulders really does look uncomfortable.

    As for Nicole Kidman, nope. I don’t care if it is LV, it’s ugly.

  4. scout says:

    Reese looked great on the red carpet live, SOBER most importantly but never should pose next to tall and elegant Nicole ever!! Nicole looked stunning when she was walking in to present the award, but doesn’t look so attractive here in pics.

    • Stef Leppard says:

      I agree, when I saw Nicole’s dress on camera I really liked it but in photos it does look cheap and ugly.

  5. AG-UK says:

    I like Reese’s dress but I don’t know maybe I just don’t pay too much attention to her but I think center part is weird on her. Nicole the dress isn’t doing it for me.

  6. Lucretia says:

    Barbie and Skipper!

  7. Judyk says:

    Both dresses look like something out of the 80s…just ugh.

  8. Talie says:

    Looks like that blind item about an actress not wanting to credit her designer was Reese — she was so bent out of shape over it in her interview, she gave herself away.

  9. vauvert says:

    I don’t care if Nicole’s dress was made of moonlight and diamonds, it was horrible, and the red belt distracting. (I have a relative who wears Vuitton head to toe and I have yet to see her looking good IMO. Some of their things are fine but it us never a slam dunk.)
    Reese would have looked better with that black strip at the top in a halter or boat neck styling rather than looking tied up (or rather down). And I was watching her interview thinking “we get that you’re expressing deep thoughts, stop scrunching your forehead so much”. I guess that was a mean thought as we usually complain about frozen plastic faces, but it was just weird to see…

  10. Ginger says:

    The fashion folks on E! lost their minds over Reese’s dress and I thought it was boring. Funny side note…when she came out on the carpet my husband looked at me and said “Do you know who I am??!” He gets props for actually listening to me when I talk about my gossip. I did think Kidman’s dress looked cheap too and I’m not changing my tune. Plus, although I love the strawberry blonde shade of her hair (I’ve rocked that myself in the past) it kind of washes her out here. The pale hair, pale skin, pale dress…I would love to see her in a brighter color. And I guess I must be used to her Botox by now. It didn’t bother me.

  11. Cleveland Girl says:

    I can’t believe Reese won fan favorite on the Today show this morning. This dress is OK – nothing special – and she looks totally exhausted.

  12. Marianne says:

    Reese’s dress was boring. Nicole Kidman’s dress would have been better without the weird red belt.

  13. EC says:

    Extra friendly because they are both starring in a movie version of the book Little Big Lies. I actually think they will play off each other well on screen. Love Nicole’s dress. Kudos to Reese for finding the least tacky (actually, not tacky at all, but boring instead) Tom Ford dress ever. They both look good tho.

    • Tig says:

      Hadn’t heard of this casting-that’s great! Loved the book. Reese’s dress -great fit, but that’s about it. Nicole’s is just bad.

    • Sarah says:

      Oh no! I don’t want Kidman in any movie I am interested in. How can you be an actress if your face doesn’t move? Ugh…. Maybe she can play the old lady who lives next to the school. LOL!

      • EC says:

        Sigh…I have loved Nicole Kidman since I saw Moulin Rouge and was way too young to understand she was a prostitute and what the hell was going on. But I thought it was so amazingly over the top movie and watched it over and over again and would belt the numbers out in my shower. So it makes me a little sad that she is now the Botox Queen of Hollywood but I still see just about everything she is in.

        And she would NEVER play an old lady. Hilarious to suggest it tho. Never forget that she was the 45 year old who played a young Grace Kelley 🙂

    • InvaderTak says:

      I haven’t heard of the book, but the title got Fleetwood Mac stuck in my head. Thanks. Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies….

  14. minx says:

    Nicole’s dress looked cheap and hookeresque. The red belt was horrible.
    Maybe Reese’s dress would have looked better on someone taller; the band just looked awkward. And she did look exhausted; maybe she wasn’t feeling well.

  15. Kiddo says:

    EVERYTHING is wrong with Nicole Kidman’s look. I can’t even pick out a worst element.

    • lucy says:

      Agreed. Though I am confident in stating that the first thing wrong is the color of that dress. It thoroughly clashes with Kidman’s pale pink skintone. Further, it drapes terribly and doesn’t fit her bust or skim her form, rather, it fights her form with what seems like a plastic stiffness of its own stubborn preference.

      Reese’s dark roots, center part, casual hair, and un-special makeup lower the bar on an already awkward dress. The black bands on the dress overpower — especially the top one which takes turns looking like a frown and one of those “fashion don’t” anonymity masks. Tom Ford not up to his standards with this one.

    • Curious Cole says:

      @Kiddo, the worst element of Kidman’s look is her ‘Botox or Bust!’ mindset. Look at the effort it costs her to try raising an eyebrow. The second worst element was the color of dress, followed by the cheap heels.

  16. Adiellybelly says:

    All of Reese’s award season dresses were so similar to me. She looked hella ired and forehead wrinkly on the red carpet. Such bad forehead wrinkles i couldnt look away. A little tox wont kill you girl.

    • Chinoiserie says:

      Do you honesty think actresses should be required to look ageless? They are suopposed to act well, do you think Nicole Kidman here could look belieavable in a film with her face this frozen? Maybe Nicole looks better in film than in pictures but here Reese certainly looks better.

      Anyway I think Reese’s dress is flattering and I love her hair even if she does not look perfect.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      I saw that too and it was alarming how unnatural those forehead wrinkles looked! I was truly scared by her.

    • Pandy says:

      She definitely needs to look into enhancing herself – totally agree. She looked 10 years older than 30 – I’m not buying that age.

      • perplexed says:

        She’s 38 1/2.

      • Pandy says:

        Oops – finger slipped. I knew 38. She looks like sh*t regardless lol.

      • Antonym says:

        Unbelievable! No one should be shamed for aging. There is no need to “enhance” herself.

        To me her forehead looked like she may get Botox for migraine treatment. I do (it works) and I have that super-smooth spot between the eyes.

      • FlowerintheAttic says:

        curious to how old you are and I feel really bad for you. “she needs to look into enhancing herself”? I pray you never age.

  17. Josephine says:

    I think these are some of the worst pics I have seen of Reese. She looked lovely in the other pics I saw. The dress is boring but fits her well and I think she looked lovely. I was just disappointed that she resorted back to black and white after rocking some color recently.

    And I loved Nicole’s look as well. She wasn’t nominated so she didn’t need something too over the top. It suited her and was a touch more interesting than 90% of what was out there.

  18. MrsB says:

    I love Reese’s dress, her hair could’ve been better but overall I thought she looked beautiful. Nicole looks just awful.

  19. HipHipHorray says:

    #AskHerMore isn’t bullshit. Its funny that the writer puts dress ID’s as more pressing than improving women’s rights via the red carpet…
    Ready for backlash, but theres not really an argument to be had.

    • sophie says:

      Agree. She didn’t say don’t ask about the dress, just that they should be asked about More than the dress, especially those who were nominated. It is annoying when women are trying to promote their movies they are asked about their hair, clothes, kids. etc., when the men don’t get asked about these things.

    • Bridget says:

      I disagree. While some of the red carpet stuff has gotten ridiculous, the fashion side represents millions if not billions of dollars and hundreds of hours of people’s work. If you don’t want to talk about it then that’s fine, but dont wear the free dress and the loaner jewelry. These pictures go all the way around the world and actresses like Reese get an absurd amount of free press for themselves and their projects for wearing those dresses that they don’t even want to acknowledge. She can still talk about things of substance while being gracious to the folks that dressed her.

      • Antonym says:

        @bridget – I think that’s the point. Ask more. There’s nothing wrong with asking about the fashion (you’re right, there’s business impact), but also ask more questions of substance.

  20. Sabrina says:

    I like Reese’s dress and the fit is great; Nicole’s dress is terrible.

  21. dr mantis toboggan says:

    I think Reese’s dress could have looked good with a nice necklace, and on someone else.

  22. Sarah says:

    I liked Reese’s dress. She does look tired but isn’t she filming now? Who knows how much sleep she has gotten over the last week. Kidman just looks……waxy?

  23. boredblond says:

    I’m not a huge Reese fan, but this season, I think she’s nailed it on every red carpet, and like the simplicity of this Tom Ford. Seen comments on the lines in her forehead..doesn’t that mean she’s the one without botox? But she probably shouldn’t stand next to Kidman..got that mini-me feel, hehe

  24. I Choose Me says:

    Reese looks like bland butter. Her styling was okay but she looked tired and kinda over it. And I don’t like the color or the fabric of Kidman’s dress but she seems to be leaving her lips alone or has let the work settle and that’s a good thing.

  25. Diana B says:

    I like Reese’s dress. It was well tailored and the styling was flawless. Nicole’s dress was just a rainbowy mess.

  26. Dirty Martini says:

    I usually really like RW’s red carpet looks. She is small in stature, and takes care to wear beautiful clothes that fit her like a glove. When you are that small, it is easy for couture to wear you…..your body can’t pull off over the top. Having said all that…….the look was vanilla. Nothing to dislike, but nah…not her best by a long shot.

    NK on the other hand has the body for more statement couture. And the statement I got from that is frozen banana.

  27. Amanda says:

    Reese’s dress is ok. Very minimalist.

  28. Chinoiserie says:

    Nicole’s dress looks cheap and her expressions creepy in these pictures. Perhaps she looked better on red carpet, I did not watch the show.

  29. Morse0412 says:

    Nicole I love you, I really really do but for the love of everything PLEASE wear a color. #MyKingdomForAJewelTone

  30. Tracy says:

    Reese is wearing high school hair. Not good.

    And Nicole looks embalmed, wrapped in cheap cellophane.

  31. kri says:

    Nicole Kidman’s dress was so hideous that adding that awful red belt was almost a welcome distraction. WTF was she thinking? I have seen that fabric used in tube tops only at sidewalk sales outside of Rainbow. I am traumatized.

  32. DrMrsTheMonarch says:

    Love Reece’s dress.

    Nicole’s dress reminds me of an episode of “The Simpsons” with Patty and Selma trying to lend clothes Marge:

    “This was originally a Halloween costume, but it found its way into my regular rotation.” – Selma Bouvier

  33. perplexed says:

    The combination of white and black always strikes me as way more boring than simply wearing a black dress.

  34. M.J. says:

    Reese looked perfectly elegant, as usual. I like Nicole’s look the more that I see it, it’s growing on me for some reason.

  35. bettyrose says:

    Short curvy girls need to stick together and honestly I thought Reese rocked that dress. Clearly a lot of water dieting and spanx went into that look, but us small waisted big hipped short girls gotta work hard to play the adorable petite look – because long & slender ain’t happening for us.

  36. Mellie says:

    I like all the dresses and I normally like Reese, but I’m sorry, this is a night that people want to talk about the fashion. If you don’t want to talk about fashion wear a boring old pants suit and don’t walk the red carpet. She’s been talking about the movie and giving interviews for weeks, we know all about it and what went into the roll, we want to hear about the dress and I don’t think we’re intellectually less for it! I have a college degree for God’s sake, but I like watching the dresses parade by on Oscar night…now the mani cam, the body shaming, those things can go, but I want to hear about the designers and the jewelry. Sorry, not sorry!

  37. kellyinSeattle says:

    Both dresses; awful. But , Reese gets on my last nerve anyway.

  38. Alix says:

    Nicole’s dress is awful. Her hair looks dirty and her face is waxen. Fail.

  39. serena says:

    Although I’m glad Nicole didn’t go for a lace-bridal dress, this is just as much awful. Too pale, the sequin colour is terrible, reminded me of a fishtail, and the red belt MAKES NO SENSE.
    I’m not even going to comment on her face anymore.. she looks like a marble statue by now and her eyes looks wonky.

    I’m disappointed in Reese. She often brings it during major events but this was just so bland and meh. Her hair looked unwashed and that center part is unfortunate.

  40. Anastasia says:

    Reese’s face is far too angular for a center part. On TV, it looked like she had bad dark circles under her eyes. Most of the time, she looked like she was a second away from rolling her eyes during the awards.

    Nicole Kidman’s hair bugs me. Something about the texture is really weird, especially that poufy part right on top. It’s like old lady hair.

    The rest of her is just painful. Her face, her dress. I can’t…

  41. Melain says:

    Reese looked and sounded so uncomfortable last night. Awkward. But I thought there were many awkward moments. Nicole looks good, but it is a bit creepy that Nicole’s face never changes. It looks like her hairline is receding a bit, but all else seems frozen in time. Her husband is aging in reverse it seems.

  42. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I just wish Nicole would bring back her glorious natural curls.