Cele|bitchy | Will Smith: ‘Everybody disses my kids, that’s just part of the business’

Will Smith: ‘Everybody disses my kids, that’s just part of the business’

Los Angeles World Premiere Of 'Focus'
Do you remember when Willow and Jaden Smith gave that bizarre interview to The NY Times last fall? Willow said that time didn’t exist, Jaden said that he could control time, and he also claimed that school was useless. He said he only went to school for a year because “you never learn anything in school,” particularly driver’s ed, “because if everybody I know has been in an accident, I can’t see how driver’s ed is really helping them out.” It was bizarre, specious reasoning, but that pretty much characterizes the Smith kids, who were raised with Scientology teaching methods. (Although I doubt that they’re even being taught anything at this point, given that Will and Jada believe in letting them do whatever they want.)

During the Sony hack, we saw an email that executive Tom Rothman (head of TriStar) sent to Amy Pascal in which he pointed to the interview and mentioned that the kids were home schooled. He wrote “1. Read this 2. they r home schooled: don’t let this family date your movies!!!“” It was probably a quick message written on a phone and it was true, the Smith kids are home schooled, if they even are schooled at this point. Plus that was well after Will and Jaden’s horrible bomb of a Scientology propaganda film, After Earth, had come out in early 2013. That was an expensive mistake for Sony. (After Earth was distributed by Columbia Pictures, a division of Sony.)

On the red carpet for his new heist film, Focus, Will laughed off a mention of that email and said it was meant to be private anyway. Plus he said he has worked with Rothman in the past and implied that that’s not going to change.

“Everybody disses my kids,” Smith said Tuesday with an outsized chuckle. “To me, that’s just part of the business. And somebody’s email is private, you know? So I would never hold anybody responsible for something they said in a private email. I shouldn’t even know about it…”

“I worked with Tom [when he was head of Fox Filmed Entertainment.] ,” the star said outside Hollywood’s TCL Chinese Theatre. “We did ‘Independence Day’ together. We did ‘I, Robot.’ I’ve worked with Tom a lot.”

[From Variety]

Say what you will about Will Smith, he’s a professional and he knows how to handle his business. Maybe he should question why everyone is “dissing” his kids, though. It’s not just because they’re in the business, it’s because they say ridiculous things that make no sense.

Also while on the red carpet, Will said that he has problems balancing work and down time with Jada. US Magazine frames this like Will said this was the cause of all his issues with Jada. (Remember late 2011 and early 2012 when there were so many split rumors? Jada may have said that they have an open marriage, but she tried to clarify that later.) The fact is that Will was asked how he balances work and personal time and he said it was a struggle, he didn’t call it the cause of all his relationship issues at all. Here’s a segment of US’s article on that:

The actor, 46, was asked how he divvies up his time between work and his own personal life. “Now that’s really interesting. Jada and I have struggled with that a little bit.. The problem is one person is in work mode while the other person is in chill mode. Then it’s like you’re both trying to come up.”

“It is really something that will happen in time. And you’ll realize that you’re either really committed to having a relationship, or you’re really committed to coming up. At some point one or the other is going to have to suffer.”

[From US Magazine]

Whatever is going on with Will and Jada, they seem to be doing better now, at least that’s what all the PDA at the premiere would suggest. Oh and it’s strange that Will didn’t mention his kids when he was asked about his personal life. Maybe the question was framed as just about his relationship, though. Plus it’s a throwaway question on a red carpet, I shouldn’t read too much into it.

Los Angeles World Premiere Of 'Focus'

New York premiere of 'After Earth'

Russian photo call for 'After Earth'

photo credit: WENN.com

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37 Responses to “Will Smith: ‘Everybody disses my kids, that’s just part of the business’”

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  1. Lucy2 says:

    It’s only part of the business because they are the ones who push those kids into stardom.
    He’s becoming kind of Tom Cruise-like in interviews, saying what he thinks people want to hear.

  2. David says:

    He and the family are all part of CO$… Pretty freaky.

    • bammer says:

      He’s like a robot. A smiling soulless robot.

    • Anne tommy says:

      Don’t like mum, dad or the kids (though they are just kids so there are excuses). Or their films. And he’s the opposite of sexy (not sexy). That’s all the negativity out of the system so will exit stage right….

  3. Lilacflowers says:

    I don’t recall anyone dissing Mark ?Ruffalo’s kids, even though one of them accompanied him to work every day on the set of The Avengers. Or Denzel Washington’s four kids, but they all seemed to think education was rather important.

  4. vauvert says:

    In only a few interviews (with him and his kids) I went from being a long time fan of Will to the complete opposite end. That is not the business, Will, that is a direct consequence of a conclusion reached based on the fact that you seem to be now a typical HW parent. Here is what I hear from you: my kids can raise themselves and can do no wrong because they have money, they are talented and being worthy of all sorts of opportunities to become stars just like me, and parenting is easy, you peasants are just doing it wrong. Because you should just let the kids raise themselves. Oh and yeah, Scientology is wonderful.
    I am curious how Will will explain his decreasing box office success? I have a feeling I am not the only (previous) fan no longer interested in his work?

  5. Darkladi says:

    Dear Will,

    Mostly we’re laughing at them. Thanks for being cool with that.

  6. Granger says:

    Willow and Jaden will never know what it feels like to graduate from highschool and struggle to find a decent-paying job because you can’t afford to go to college. They’ll never know what it feels like to be working the cash register at Wal-Mart in your 60s because you weren’t able to finish your education and now you can’t retire because you don’t have enough money.

    I highly doubt Will and Jada would be so indifferent to education if they didn’t have absolute confidence in the fact that their Hollywood connections have already paved the way for their ridiculously spoiled children.

  7. happymama says:

    He’s right. Being a public figure often means that complete strangers make assessments of their lives. That’s gotta be tough. They aren’t hurting anyone. Sometimes the criticism on this site is too much. Most of the commentators probably wouldn’t like to be analysed in the same way that they leave comments without considering the feelings of the person they are writing about. Love the fact that it’s a gossip site cause obviously if my life was more exciting wouldn’t need that fix. However, it seems like the site has gotten mean lately and that doesn’t appeal to me as much.

    • Jaded says:

      I would make comments about anyone, NOT just a celebrity, if they said things like “we let our kids raise themselves”, and don’t see the importance of an education or parameters in their children’s lives. His kids WILL grow up to be selfish, entitled adults without a clue as to how the rest of the world operates and that is a sad thing.

      Furthermore, celebrities CHOOSE to be in a public role and there are many who live quiet lives away from the media but some court the media, it’s a big part of their relevance, so no, it’s not tough, it’s what they want. We are hurting nobody’s feelings and most of the comments on this blog are thoughtful and interesting, not hurtful or scurrilous. Oh, and we’re commenters, not commentators.

      Finally, if you don’t like this site why are you even here?

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Maybe I’m naive, but I think most of the negativity on this issue comes from a real place of concern for these children. They were always going to be exposed and privileged and living in the vicious world of Hollywood. Now they’re going to be uneducated and unsupervised as well. It’s not a healthy situation.

      • outstandingworldcitizen says:

        Spot on GNAT. No parental guidance, too time, too much money and no education is toxic mix. They are afforded so many opportunities to learn about the world in an informal way: world travel, tutors but they aren’t structuring meaningful lives for these kids. *sigh*

    • Sabrine says:

      So what’s the problem here? The end result is a happy and successful family, slightly unconventional family, who have a great deal of money. The parents are still together. The kids don’t appear to be on drugs. They certainly seem to be happy and well adjusted. They’ve made money in movies and entertainment. Willow has lots of friends; Jaden has lots of friends. I believe jealousy has reared it’s unattractive head here.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        What’s the problem with two children dropping out of school? Comparing education to driver’s training and saying it’s unnecessary because everyone has accidents? Teenagers completely unsupervised by their parents and allowed to make all their own decisions? But, hey, they’re rich and popular! What could go wrong?

        Yes, It’s all about jealousy.

      • Suzanne says:

        I believe that only time will tell how well adjusted and happy that whole clan is.
        Those children aren’t old enough yet to make responsible life decisions. Lets see how it all unfolds…give em ten more years. Talk to us then…and no…there is no jealousy here.

      • Shambles says:

        If you don’t think the kids appear to be on drugs you should read Jaden’s Twitter feed. Seriously.

      • Valois says:

        They are part of Scientology, that’s not far away from being on drugs.

      • Enui says:

        Not to mention that since they are insulated and uneducated, it is pretty likely that the money that they expect to someday inherit from mom and dad will be bled out of them. They seem too dumb to protect themselves.

      • lucy2 says:

        Honestly I don’t think they seem that happy. Willow had to tell her dad she didn’t want to star in a movie because she just wanted to be a kid for a while. That’s a kid under a lot of pressure.
        If they as a family place no value on education, no matter how much money they may have, that’s not a life I could be jealous of.

    • ozmom says:

      I agree with everything you said, happymama. Well said and things I’ve posted in the past and those comments were deleted. I like this site for the stories and fashion coverage so i visit regularly but there is a very cliqueish group of commenters who like to try to shut people down and they are supported by the moderators. Seems there are lots of rules about who is fair game or not and the writers perpetuate that. And for some reason the writers like to try to turn everything into a racial or feminist issue, maybe because they think it will generate more comments? It detracts from the actual stories and puts off occasional commenters. Tiresome.

      • Jaded says:

        This blog is an open and free exchange of ideas – some commenters are clearly full of attitude but for the most part we are a pretty interesting bunch with different takes on subjects. I have never had comments deleted and the moderators are fair and unbiased. Some comments are deleted by them if they are rude, racist, insulting of someone’s religion, sexual orientation or country of origin. It’s not a matter of “shutting people down”, it’s correcting misinformation or a misguided opinion that is not based in fact.

        What is also fact is that most kids raised without guidance, without education and without parameters are going to end up with some problems – especially if they are wealthy. I’ve known many in my time and they weren’t successful and well-adjusted adults. So that kind of family environment, coupled with the fact that they’re Scientologists, does not bode well.

  8. Peggy says:

    I’m disappointed in Will And Jada as parents, don’t know what koolaid they’re drinking, but as parents they’re delusional.
    You can lose your money and homes, but an education is for life, or senility.
    His first son’s mother made sure he was educated.
    I honestly feel bad for Jaden and Willow, all the money in the World can’t hide stupidity.
    Will said opportunities are equal for AA in Hollywood, so that tells all you need to know about Peter Pan.

    • Enui says:

      I looked up Smith’s oldest son, Trey and was sad to see that he passed up a college scholarship for football to be a DJ. At least he got a high school education– and it is probably because I’m staring down paying for college for my own kids, but I just go crazy when someone who can well afford to go to university opts instead to act as if it’s no big deal.

  9. dr mantis toboggan says:

    Nobody ever says anything about Trey. If you enter into the public arena you open yourself up for scrutiny. Whether it’s your craft – as Sean Penn would say – or for these kids who don’t do anything, the stupid shit they say and do. That’s the way it’s always been and always will be.

  10. spaniard says:

    I feel sad for the Smith family if they are really into the brainwashing mess that is Scientology. I’ve always been a huge fan of Will Smith (Always had a crush on him too).

    On the other hand Trey has become such a gorgeous young man!

    • Mia4S says:

      Trey’s also in college I believe; which I assume his younger siblings think is a waste and not cogent with the air flow of the seventh galaxy? 😉

      • Enui says:

        I hope you’re right about Trey– I just replied upthread that the article I could find from last year stated he opted not to go to college and instead is starting a career as a DJ.

        Isn’t that the same path that Tom Cruise’s son is following now? I don’t think Scientologists are big on college.

  11. AlmondJoy says:

    I’m probably one of the few people on this site that has no problem with the Smith kids. Of course they’re spoiled and entitled, like many other celeb kids. I feel that kids are off limits, and that if there’s anyone you’d like to blame or make fun of, it should be the parents. Willow and Jaden haven’t really done anything for me to complain about.

    • Danskins says:

      +1 – I really don’t get the hatred for these kids, including from some on this site.

      They’re just kids.

  12. blue marie says:

    I don’t want to make fun of his kids however, the things they say, the sense of entitlement make it very hard to hold my tongue. The things they post on Twitter make absolutely no sense and if they were adults we would wonder if they had mental health issues.

  13. Ginger says:

    All I’m going to say is if EVERYONE is dissing your kids maybe you should think about the reason behind that a little bit more instead of dismissing it out of hand.

  14. Dawn says:

    So I don’t diss Will’s kids. I think the two youngest have far too much freedom and need someone to give them an anchor in life and I think his oldest kid is flat out gorgeous. That’s all!

  15. Louise says:

    As long as we don’t have to endure Jaden “acting” in another film like EVER.

  16. jwoolman says:

    I’m not dissing his kids. I’m dissing the NY Times for interviewing two befuddled lost children. I’m dissing their parents for letting two young, immature children post to the world. I’m also dissing their parents for not doing their parental job of preparing their children for independent adulthood. Jaden is sliding along acting much younger than his years, with behavior that would make him an outcast if he didn’t have money, and is quite possibly on drugs. Willow has several times over the years said things that an intelligent man such as Will Smith should have recognized as a loud and clear plea for normal parenting and a normal life, and not a parent who buys her a “career” as he has tried to do with poor Jaden. His response to her interest in music was to buy her a studio and hire engineers who can make anybody sound great and put her on tour, even though she shows none of the passion and dedication that a young kid needs to have before anybody in their right mind would allow that. Home videos for family gatherings would have been much more appropriate for her. Let her grow up before so she can make a real decision about any career. There’s a whole world out there beyond show biz and her parents are keeping her from discovering it.