Cele|bitchy | “Michael Fassbender & Alicia Vikander got suspiciously pap’d in NYC” links

“Michael Fassbender & Alicia Vikander got suspiciously pap’d in NYC” links


Michael Fassbender & Alicia Vikander got pap’d in NYC this weekend. I don’t know…it looks like she set up this photoshoot? See the photos here >> [LaineyGossip]
Chris Hemsworth is IG-ing his glamour shots. [A Socialite Life]
Prince Harry goes for a joyride in a Spitfire. [Dlisted]
Taylor Swift is all about Easter. [Buzzfeed]
The CIA watches Homeland & they don’t like Carrie. [Pajiba]
Orange is not Tori Spelling’s color. [Reality Tea]
No one watches VH1’s Hot Grits. [Starcasm]
Did Kate Hudson wear panties to an Easter party? Ugh. [Moe Jackson]
The past week in royal photos! [Go Fug Yourself]
This swimsuit is really fug, right? [Popoholic]
Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon took dem babies Easter egg hunting. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Iggy Azalea, rap savior? [The Blemish]


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79 Responses to ““Michael Fassbender & Alicia Vikander got suspiciously pap’d in NYC” links”

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  1. Esteph says:

    So jealous of Alicia!
    I love when guys look at their ladies like that before they go in for a kiss…
    *sigh* I’m a hopeless romantic

  2. Christo says:

    I have always loved Michael Fassbender, but this may be the year that he begins to crack along the lines of Ray Fiennes.

  3. jinni says:

    I wonder if she called the paps, since she seems to be really ready to be more famous and what better way to be more famous than hooking up with your more famous co-star. Not saying he isn’t a part of this (because he looks very aware of the camera on him) in any way, it’s just that she’s so eager for the spotlight.

    • Kiki says:

      I thought I was the only one who thinks this. But I am happy for him, for now. I am still hoping he will have himself a very beautiful black woman.

      And for all you haters, it is just preference and there is nothing wrong with that.

    • GlimmerBunny says:

      I’m pretty annoyed with the comments that she’s the one who planned this/called the paps (especially evident in the link comment). Why is it always the girl who’s the attentionwh0re?

      Also I think they make a cute couple 🙂

      • Liv says:

        This. Why so sure that it was her?!

      • Sarah says:

        If you were going to call them, wouldn’t you fix your hair a bit? Hers looks wet

      • Anne says:

        Easy: She is less well known and has more to gain from the publicity. Read the post that accompanies the pictures on Lainey’s site. She quotes a recent interview with this actress:

        ” I’ve had many years of working a lot without being in the public eye. And that’s been good. But by this time next year, I think things are going to change.” She smiled. “I expect to be busy. I’m ready to be a bit more known.”

        To me, she sounds like a girl with a plan AND a strategy. To be fair, I think he’s a willing participant. The publicity is good for both of them.

    • Question everything says:

      And that pose is very cliché: how many high profile couples got caught kissing like that? Wasn’t it Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel?

      Anyway I don’t really mind. They both gain and they both seem to play the PR games as of lately. Let them.

  4. Tiffany27 says:

    He looks like a moldy piece of toast.

    • Ash says:

      Hahahahaha. True. I don’t get his appeal.

    • Kiddo says:

      Under what circumstances are you retaining moldy pieces of toast? Is there a science project going on?

      *Sends back RSVP, ‘will not attend’, to Tiffany27’s invite for brunch affair.*

      • Tiffany27 says:

        LMAO!!!! Only the good and fresh bread for you Kiddo. Please come to the party!

      • Kiddo says:

        Okay, what should I bring in the bottled form that will make people properly ‘toasted’?

  5. Annie says:

    They just happened to be kissing in the middle of NYC and the pap just happened to walk up and catch them. Alicia “I’m ready to be a bit more known” Vikander would never stage this.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Well he looks like a willing participant. LOL. Didn’t he and his Shame co-star do the same thing when promoting Shamw? I don’t get why that wasn’t considered PR (or the rumors about him and Lupita when promoting 12 years a Slave). I think it’s only because this chick is considered “not his type” that people are turning themselves into pretzels to call this PR. But I didn’t actually believe the rumor that they are together until these pics. IMO she’s too talented to need the fake boyfriend PR game. And since when has Fassbender given a darn as to who he should date?

      • Annie says:

        Talent doesn’t equal fame. Most people don’t know who she is. She needs to raise her profile. And of course he’s in on it unless you think these pictures actually look natural.

    • Lola says:

      LOL! Hilarious!

    • EN says:

      I don’t think Fassbender is that well known in mainstream America. If she really wanted PR she should’ve gone for Hiddleston. That would’ve gotten her noticed.

      Jake G. is another option. Though is he even straight? No matter, would still work for PR purposes.

      So, in the end my verdict – this is not PR.

      • jinni says:

        He may not be as well known as some, but he is more well known than her.
        As, for Jake and Tom maybe neither were interested in being in a PR relationship. Besides isn’t that Tom guy with someone and Jake was trying to create “are they/ aren’t they” rumors with Ruth Wilson to create buzz for their new play, so maybe he was otherwise engaged.

      • Madly says:

        I don’t think Tom is with anyone other than his work.

      • Anne says:

        I think it’s a real relationship/fling AND I think it’s being used for PR. Tick tock.

  6. Freshmeat says:

    I’m surprised this didn’t get its own tread. Got to be suspicious as well as Fassy and this Miss have managed to stay outta sight for months. Now her first full on North American debut film is out this week…hmm. I guess PDA is in the contract. Also I still have this ick feeling because although she’s more than old enough, the teenage girl look of her contrasts with his (albeit yummy) middle age looking self.

  7. Lori says:

    ALl I know is that she never got away with this kind of thing when she was supposedly see the Viking.

    • Kate says:

      Because she never dated Skarsgaard. She’s friends with the family.

    • Jenny says:

      That’s because they never dated. They are friends. There are plenty of paparazzi pictures of them together (in both LA and Sweden and at Comic Con).

  8. Maya says:

    Nah this is just the beginning of the whole media game.

    Michael has a movie Macbeth with Weinsteen later this year. Michael is going to be this year’s Cumberbatch and will make a major awards campaign.

    • Kiddo says:

      You better start contemplating which critter he resembles and which constellation she comes from.

      • mimif says:

        Lolz also exact dates of the insane apex speculation, and then the concurrent downfall.

      • mimif says:

        pssst i think it’s already happening…

      • Kiddo says:

        mimif, season finale tonight on Saul. I will have no TV to look forward to. How many episodes did they have? It seems like only a few.

        ETA: responding to your second comment LMAO.

      • mimif says:

        Very short, something like 6 eps? And yes! I can’t wait for the season finale but you’re right, there will be nothing to watch except GAME OF THRONES baby! Sending you all 4 seasons right now and I expect you to be caught up by next Sunday. The End.

      • Sixer says:

        Kiddo – shark is the fauna-of-usual-choice for Fassbender, isn’t it? Personally, I think we should call him Desperate Dan, what with that lantern jaw of his. Plenty of cow pie jokes to be had.

      • Sixer says:

        Oh, and, he’s a game of two halves for leg lovers like me. He’s like Popeye. Short legs. Hmm. Should I be shouting Cow Pie! Jaw! or Spinach! Olive! Short legs! ?

      • mimif says:

        TOWIE! Oh, wait….

      • Kiddo says:

        Game of Thrones is HBO, Patooey.

    • Original T.C. says:

      I don’t think he will go full Cumberbatch and marry Alicia. His biggest fanbase is Black women and marrying a White woman after dating serial Black woman will make it look like he only thinks we are good enough for sex and not the ring. They will break up in a year like all his other relationships.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        I love how “going full Cumberbatch” has become a thing.

      • Allie says:

        So you’ll judge him if he ends up with a white woman. Woof. Why can’t he be attracted to all races?

      • Kim1 says:

        His biggest fan base is black women? Really?
        He has rarely ( if ever) been mentioned on any black female blog I have ever visited .If I didn’t visit CB ,I wouldn’t know who he was.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Does “going full Cumberbatch” require impregnation just before the campaign kickoff?

      • Dubois says:

        “His biggest fanbase is Black women”?? When and where was this established? I call BS. He is the muse of a black director, and has dated black/mixed women, but that hardly translates into black women being his biggest fan base.

      • Kiki says:

        I am glad you agree with me. I said the same thing, Fassy has a great passion for black women and I bel he does. He will marry a black woman and have very pretty bi-racial babies.

      • MtnRunner says:

        I don’t see this thing lasting longer than Oscar season.

        And I totally co-sign on him marrying a black woman and having beautiful bi-racial babies with her.

    • lisa says:

      This nonsense.. lol
      Macbeth is now an Oscar baity film? Please.. Fassbender could just campaign for Jobs,and Weinstein has nothing to do with it.
      However they have been seen each other for months. It’s not the first time that she flew to SF and NY To see him.

  9. SnowGlow says:

    That bathing suit isn’t so bad, but the tan lines sure are…

    I was into Fassbender years ago before that whole business with his ex came out. Since then I’ve been completely tuned off to him…

  10. Andrea says:

    It makes me wonder if they are trying to make it more than it is for publicity. He was pap’d with Nicole a lot but not like this…Things that make you go hmm…

  11. Norman Bates' Mother says:

    Why is she the only one suspected for staging this? Fassbender has been pap’d with all of his official girfriends. There were weekly photo-ops of him with Zoe Kravitz when they were together. He and Nicole Beharie were even pap’d cuddling and looking lovingly in each other’s eyes while grocery shopping. The most pictures of him kissing and doing all sorts of things in front of paps was when he was with that older woman who has a child (Leasi?). So we can either assume that all the women he dates happen to have paps on speed-dial or that he might be somehow involved in this.

    • Jenny says:

      Did you read the comments? Plenty of people think it’s weird on his part as well.

      • Norman Bates' Mother says:

        I was talking about wording in the link summary: “…it looks like SHE set up this photoshoot”.

      • jinni says:

        @Norman Bates’ mother: Probably because between the two, she has made it well known that she is very ready for fame and attention. Plus her movie is out this week. Having new pap pictures is an easy way to make tabs write articles about you which will inevitably mean an opportunity to mention her new movie coming out in said article. As far as I am aware he has nothing coming out anytime soon.

    • kia says:

      Involved? “The most of pictures of him kissing and doing all sorts of things in front of paps was when he was with that older woman who has a child (Leasi?)” were taken at PARTIES,CANNES events and they were spontaneous.. With Zoe he was papped in LA (plenty of paps) and at some festivals (plenty of paps).He has been with Nicole for almost two years and I’ve seen two,three sets of picsof them together.. This famewhore!! :))

    • I wish people would stop referring to this photo as “kissing”. That is barely a semblance of kissing. That is a movie kiss circa 1956…hand on the neck, lips puckered. THEY DONT EVEN OPEN THEIR MOUTHS FOR GODS SAKE. If you were going to stop what you were doing in the middle of NYC to have a full on snog, it would not look like that, would it? They’re phoning it in, and not even doing it well. Of course, if Fassy needs a few lessons in making out (which I doubt), I’d be happy to offer assistance. You know. For Science.

    • Sista sista says:

      Yes, very true. I don’t know why people think he is above the need to gain publicity. Those that follow gossip can see this was staged to some degree and not without their knowledge or consent.
      They are making the most of what their real dating relationship can do for them. As the article title states it was suspicious, again don’t think he is above this stuff they all do this if they can.

  12. Jenny says:

    I used to think she was better than this, but she’s come off real thirsty and fame hungry lately so she’s off my list.

  13. EN says:

    Just how old is she? I never cared for playboys myself but when you are a playboy and a cradle robber, I am going to put you on the same shelf as Leo Di Caprio. And you better be as good an actor as Leo, or you’ll be stuck on that shelf forever with no redemption .

    • Jenny says:

      She’s 26. He’s 38. She’s a perfectly acceptable age, she just has a baby face.

  14. Mala Malum says:

    I really like Alicia Vikander. In a way, I’m glad that this relationship is bringing her more attention stateside. Haha, now that I think of it, most of Fassbender’s girlfriends are women I’ve had girl crushes on myself! Nicole Beharie and Alicia Vikander to wit!

  15. Madly says:

    Come on people, of course this is a set up. As is the pics of them together while filming. Doesn’t mean that it isn’t real, but they are not above using it for their own ends. Fassy may not have campaigned because he as pouting over Shame, but this fame game is a part of the business and he is playing along. Just on his own terms.

    I heard about what he did to his ex too and hope it isn’t true. I can’t with women beaters, I don’t care how handsome they are.

    • lisa says:

      There’s not any type of evidence.
      I don’t think it’s a set up,but evidently in some pics they know that they are being papped.

      • Madly says:


        Please, the evidence is in the timing. And they know they are getting photographed being affectionate means they wanted it to be seen.

        All actors play this game to some degree. All do.

    • M says:

      Yes, of course they call the paparazzis, at least she who is desperate for fame.

      • kia says:

        Are you speaking about the evidence about his ex?Because the timing is one of the most suspicious things.
        There’s a differencebetween being aware of paps ,behaving consequently (this case),because they want to play along,as you say,and calling them for a set up.

    • Question everything says:

      @ Madly

      Fassy’s ex had so few evidence against him that her allegations never even made it to court. In fact Fassy wasn’t even in the same country at the time when the assault had allegedly happened according to her. Nobody can beat up anybody if both aren’t even geographically close enough.

  16. lisa says:

    There were rumors about them when they were still filming their movie. There are pics of them on instagram when she flew from London to Australia just to spend some days with him around Christmas,or when she was in NY in different occasions. They are clearly trying to see each other every time they have some days off from filming.

  17. mark says:

    A whole lot of jealous women in this thread

  18. natalie says:

    he needs a women! Down to earth women, not a girl who is going to be one those stuck up demanding stars

  19. derpy says:

    I don’t get the disdain for him dating a non black girl all of a sudden. I myself am not white and I find it odd people believe it obviously won’t last with the white swede and he will obviously marry a black girl. Like how the f**k do you know?and if he does cool and if doesn’t cool.

    If he marries a non black girl that means the ones he dated were only good for sex not marriage? How disrespectful to black woman, and any WOC.

    How bout things work out or they don’t and u fall in love and out with whoever?

    • Sista sista says:

      Agree with this soooo much.
      As a bi-racial woman, it seems silly to me that the race issue is taken so seriously. Everyone needs to get over it FULL stop. Don’t be thinking because he is dating a white woman that the “whites” have won because if he is not dating you, there is no personal victory.
      It has always been evident that this man dates and sleeps with women he finds attractive. People need to stop with the polarization of his type in terms of race. His type is pretty and thin women (predominantly younger women as well). Let deal with those themes if you want something to bellyache about. Jeez!!