Cele|bitchy | “James McAvoy lost the Olivier Award but wins at life” links

“James McAvoy lost the Olivier Award but wins at life” links


James McAvoy is still the best. Pics from last night’s Olivier Awards. [LaineyGossip]
Lindsay Lohan doesn’t want Dina Lohan to do Celebrity Big Brother UK. [Dlisted]
It’s shocking that Lena Dunham only recently learned about endorphins. [Buzzfeed]
I hated everything about last night’s Mad Men episode. [Pajiba]
Recap of Blood, Sweat and Heels. [Reality Tea]
Josiah Duggar, 18, is courting. [Starcasm]
Robert Pattinson & FKA Twigs out and about in LA. [A Socialite Life]
Bai Ling was dragon-y at the MTV Movie Awards. [Go Fug Yourself]
Jennifer Garner’s jeans are unflattering. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Ryan Reynolds was hit by a car in Canada. [The Blemish]
Blake Lively’s baby’s godmother has been revealed. [ICYDK]
Does anyone care about Zac Efron? Eh. [OMG Blog]
Blind item: who was doing coke at the MTV Movie Awards? [CDAN]


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44 Responses to ““James McAvoy lost the Olivier Award but wins at life” links”

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  1. kri says:

    James. He’s just so lovely. Meeeoww.

    • Booklion says:

      I love him. I come from the same town as James and he is honestly just the coolest guy ever. Some of my family actually know him and they always just say he is truly awesome. We get dead proud of him whenever he has any success. He is like a hero where I live!

      • mia girl says:

        What?! I hate you and all your family.
        Can you invite me over next time he’s in town?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Lol, mia girl, your invitation request needs a little tweaking…

      • Heather says:

        I saw him in a play in London. I was there with a goup of people from a drama course, including a very precocious 16 year old gay boy, who was auditing this class out of high-school. This boy was in LOVE with James McAvoy and waited by the stage door for him, where James was very sweet and posed for pics/gave autographs to him and a group of over-excited teenage girls.

        This all following a nearly 3 hour play where he was on stage with the majority of lines the entire time. And, might I add, he totally killed it.

      • mia girl says:

        GNAT – Kiddo tried to school me a while back on proper request etiquette, but it didn’t stick.

        Booklion – I obviously do not hate you or your lovely family. Just hate the fact that you are in proximity to The Mac. Can I still come over sometime?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Much better, mia girl! Lol good job!

    • MtnRunner says:

      The Mac deserves his own post for that awesome move to help those actors without family money supporting them in their thespian dreams. As if I needed any other reason to love this guy.

      I wish the rest of the young, successful Brits that have had those advantages would pony up some money and pay it forward to the next generation. Hiddles darling, make me proud and follow suit, will ya? I’ll give you an extra special treat on our next adventure run. Promise.

    • Sista sista says:

      He is an excellent actor and deserves so much more recognition.
      Went to see him in the Ruling class a few weeks back and he was electric. The bonus was we saw him in white undies riding a unicycle as part of the performance ;;-))
      I tell you his eyes are so much bluer than any picture can show, they cut through, his Mrs is very lucky.

  2. tifzlan says:

    Alternate blind item: who WASN’T doing coke at Coachella?

    Edit: Misread ‘MTV Movie Awards’ as Coachella, my baaaad. But my alternate BI still stands.

  3. dr mantis toboggan says:

    Is this latest girlfriend of Don’s the absolute worst, or have I forgotten all the others? I never hated betty or even Megan like a lot of people do, but all his girlfriends are terrible. I thought it was kind of funny how Marie ordered them to clean out Don’s apartment

  4. Kitten says:

    I find Garner’s shoes….confusing.

    Part of what’s messing up those jeans (besides the sloppy fit around the waist) is the fact that they’re too damn long.
    I wish jeans manufacturers would make more ankle-length skinny jeans. I’m 5’4″ and most of the jeans I find are usually too effin’ long.
    (Hashtag first world problems)

    • taterho says:

      I’m 5’9 so I’m the exact opposite. I want them longer! I seriously don’t understand why they can’t make jeans right yet. It’s 2015 for crying out loud! We have science and stuff.

      Aannnd I just wanted to argue with you.

      • mimif says:

        I’m 5’10” and I wear beige booty shorts. The End.

      • Kitten says:

        Taterho, Taterho, quite contrary…..
        ….I suck at rhyming. The End.

        BBS flatter a varietal of body types from the little like Jon Snow to the big, like the giant dude that lives two houses up the street from me.

        He’s totally huge, a monster even.

        Where is Mark?

      • mimif says:


      • Kiddo says:

        I’m a douchey marble table.

      • Ange says:

        taterho do you find though that jeans never have a middle ground? I’m also 5’9 and they are either ankle length or dragging on the ground even with heels. Who is making these mysterious jeans for women who are 6’5?

    • Susan says:

      How did the whole half tuck in your blouse thing start? Unless you are rail thin, it just isn’t flattering, it just looks unkempt. And yeah, the shoes are interesting. Garner wears weird shoes a lot. Or maybe mom shoes. Although, I am a mom and I don’t have any that look like hers. Anyway, the kids are cute and she seems likea really good mom, so props to her.

      • Kitten says:

        Yes, and I hate it when guys tuck their shirts too. I take a strong anti-tuck stance.

      • mimif says:

        What about when they tuck their junk?

      • Kitten says:

        No tucking under any circumstances, not even junk-tucking.

        I used to occasionally tuck…back in the early Friends era….maybe earlier than that, actually. Might have been during The Saved By The Bell era.

        So many fashion transgressions back then that it’s hard to keep track.

    • tifzlan says:

      Funny that you bring this up. I spent 3 hours in H&M yesterday looking for a pair of pants – any pair! jeans, slacks, anything! – that would fit me WELL. My problem? Petite with hips and a butt. As in, the ones that fit well lengthwise are usually too tight whilst the ones that don’t make me look like a stuffed turkey are always TOO LONG! I finally did find a gorgeous pair that fit perfectly (and for $25 too + a 20% coupon that i had) but i went through so many pairs of pants, i almost wanted to give up. Until yesterday, i’ve relied on my black American Apparel riding pants that are dressier than a pair of leggings, but is essentially the same concept.

      tl;dr: finding pants that fit well are a nightmare and is a very real problem for lots of people but it’s worth it because now i have two pairs of pants – yay!

      • Kitten says:

        That’s awesome that you had good luck. I had an amazing pair of jeans from H&M that I was obsessed with but now have a huge hole in the knee.

        I’m envious of your pants success.

      • jwoolman says:

        Kitten- your jeans with the hole in the knee are quite in style now. Sew them up a little bit if you fear complete disintegration, but let Kanye be your fashion guide. Don’t over-repair. Holes are in.

      • mimif says:

        I’m impressed you made it 3 hours. After the 3rd pair I would be outta there tossing Seven Limes™ back into my margarita at Chipotles.

      • tifzlan says:

        Kitten, pants success is hard to come by but when you do… there is no feeling that matches the satisfaction you get! And i get this feeling once every 5 years when i need to go out and start the whooole looking process again.

        Mimif, i had to! I had no choice! My AA pants are too thick for the summer and i wanted a pair of blue jeans. Determination was key here and it paid off!

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I love ankle length pants and three quarter length sleeves because I hate for anything to be flapping around my ankles and wrists. Bring back the flood length!

  5. Sixer says:

    I was glad Strong won, but I still love the Mac. Particularly for that scholarship fund.

    • icerose says:

      I was pretty sure he would -saw him him live and he gave an internally powerful performance backed up by an amazing production-had my daughter in tears. Armitage was good and my daughter said MvAvoy was great in the Ruling class but it nothing for me touched his performance last year apart from Hiddles in Coriolanus which was magnificent in a different way

  6. GingerCrunch says:

    God, he just keeps getting better.

  7. Kaley says:

    Does boy Duggar have to follow the “no touchy until marriage” rule or is that just for the girls?

    • burnsie says:

      I think so.

      Is this the same Duggar who had to go to gay-away camp?

    • Franca says:

      The one thing that I actually find okay in their crazy courting rules is that they are the same for men and women.

      I always thought Josiah would be the one to break away. Guess not.

  8. mia girl says:

    Sigh, swoon
    Thanks for the McAvoy post. I know you do them JUST for me.

  9. smcollins says:

    Forget his hair, as awesome as it may be, and look at those eyes! They’re gorgeous! He’s just….Mmmmmmm 😉

  10. Lara says:

    I saw him in The Ruling Class and he was amazing. At the end they had a question and answer session and he answered my question! My life is now complete

  11. LAK says:

    I love these two together.

  12. Lisa says:

    Is Bai sober now? I felt for her on Celebrity Rehab.

  13. sweetface says:

    Awe! He’s so happy I love it!