Britney Being Clever

Okay. So once upon a time I liked Britney. I was young when she came out and had a few of her cds. I got older, stopped buying her cds, but remained somewhat fascinated with her. I like Toxic. It’s a good song.Then came K-fed. And the lack of panties. And everything else and things just went downhill.

Now Britney is trying to make a comeback. Which is fine, I guess. However, she keeps doing all these stupid things that have got to be driving more than me crazy:

Stupid Thing #1: As Celebitchy wrote in an earlier note, you can help Britney chose the name of her new cd (and by you, I mean the 25 dollar membership paying fan club member.). This in itself is not stupid, except for of course the first title being, “Omg is Like Lindsay Lohan Like Okay Like”. Besides the ridiculousness that is this title, do you really think it’s a good idea to advertise your cd with someone else’s name on it?! Just a thought.

Stupid Thing #2: X17online caught up with Britney leaving a club last night. When asked about if sheand K-Fed were having a reconciliation, she replied, “Oh my God, like yeah! Oh my Gawwwd” in a terrible fake Valley girl dialect. Then she continues, “I know, like, right? Hey where’s Lindsay Lohan? Oh my God.” Still in that same great voice, while her girlfriend laughs her face off.
K. First of all, Britney your dialect is terrible, we know you are being sarcastic and it’s not funny at all. Second of all, Lindsay is in rehab, something you might want to think about. Remember your time there?

Check out the video yourself, even though I do admit it is painful and cringe worthy. Britney also changes outfits with her same laughing girlfriend, going into one place wearing one thing, and then coming out totally switched. No explanation why, but there never really is for Britney. Girl, get yourself together.

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