And hereโs the full trailer for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, which leaked like crazy for days until Zach Snyder finally released it officially. [Buzzfeed]
Bobby Brown says Bobbi Kristina is awake. [Dlisted]
Game of Thrones recap: so much Arya! [LaineyGossip]
I actually liked last nightโs Mad Men. [Pajiba]
Kyle Richards keeps talking about her sister. [Reality Tea]
Woman breaks steak-eating world record. [Starcasm]
Ricky Martin is still around, still touring. [A Socialite Life]
The sexiest social media photos of the past week. [Celebslam]
Royal round-up โ the Queen looks awesome. [Go Fug Yourself]
Selena Gomez returns from a Mexican holiday. [Moe Jackson]
Demi Moore is selling her NYC apartment for $75 million. [Wonderwall]
Olivia Wilde is made of sparkles. [Popoholic]
A$AP Rocky gets messy over a bagel. [The Blemish]
Ugh, I wish stories like the one with the woman and the feral cat weren’t included in the Featured Links. I visit Celebitchy to escape things like that. ๐
I don’t see that one, but I’ll consider myself fortunate.
You are. The bf read it to me yesterday against my protestations.
That bastard!
I so badly want to make a Game of Thrones joke here but…but…*sad face*
Uh oh. I forgot about BCS. *runs and hides*
Darker than dark.More serious than serious . And I wouldn’t write on Batman’s steroid robotic voice
I’m going to be nice …cool posters
You said everything, but …The robotic voice… Enough said!
The voice took me out of it. Could Ben not pull it off?
This whole thing looks like it will be a mess. A Big, dark, artificial voiced, CGI’d mess.
FLORC: That’s the impression I got, he could not pull it off Batman’s voice…
For a moment I thought that was Utron’s voice.
The trailer doesn’t look exciting and I’m not as hyped about this as I am Age of Ultron. But I will most likely go see it out of curiosity.
On a positive note Ben looks good.
Ultron’s voice came off surprisingly realistic to my ears in the trailers. In a good way! Afflecks did just the opposite. Considering 1 is human and the other not so much makes this even worse.
I feel like the whole voice over in the trailer , especially the first line “Is it really surprising that the most powerful man in the world should be a figure of controversy” is really trying to convince potential audiences that making Superman full of angst and making him hated by all the world/ public enemy number one is not as nonsensical.
Maybe they should just do like the original Star Wars and just hire a guy with a naturally imposing voice (ex. James Earl Jones) to be the voice of Batman and Ben’s real voice could be only used for Bruce’s voice because the sinister Stephen Hawking thing isn’t cutting it.
I’ll do it, IN A WORLD where batman was once considered nothing more than camp, and all the people who played supermen had bad luck, the angst of a million men falls on his shoulders…..blah blah, deep voice, explosion, loud music, yadda yadda, light flashing and stylized moody-side-lit shots of brooding superhero…
I don’t get it? Is superman now bad and batman is supposed to get rid of him?
I’m so confused. I’ve absolutely no idea why they’re supposed to be pissed at each other.
Roll on Christmas and the return of Star Wars!!!
I know that in the comics there was a period where Superman went rogue (or some such bs) but c’mon. Did they see the Cavill reboot? If they go with Superman needs Batman’s tutelage I could get it. If they’re going with Superman is a “villain” FUHGETABOUTIT. Not even my love for Amy could get me to buy into that crap.
@Veronica, sorry to jump in but comics nerd here and I have to correct you.
Superman has NEVER gone “rogue” unless you are talking about a very, very dark AU where Lois and their unborn child was murdered. In that story, Superman is tricked by the Joker into thinking that Lois (who is pregnant) is Doomsday and he kills her and their child bc of the hallucination. It was one of the most hated and maligned stories ever and honestly I’m still angry they did that to Lois and to Superman. But this kind of story is always an AU of darkness where Lois is usually dead and so Clark goes off the rails. He has never just “gone rogue” and it’s misleading to say he has. ::steps back into nerd shadow:::
It was what Pa Kent warned about in MoS, people knowing he exists makes them question everything they know about humanity and their place in the universe. Some praise him like a God, others want him to get the hell out, which is why some turn on him and others don’t.
Batman is super serious this time, you guys.
I’m trying to keep a positive attitude about it because I love Superman and Batman so much. It’s just the first trailer. But. But. I feel like I’m watching the Titanic go down.
I made it to :43. Look there goes a waffle!
I made it all the way through twice because I was hoping Chewbacca and Han Solo would pop out and make it all better.
Batman eating sad, syrupless waffles would have been an improvement.
They should go up against the TRULY evil, like Burger King mask guy and Howdy Doodie. Throw in a few terrifying clowns, while you’re at it.
I’m really thrown off by the metal suit. Is it in the comics? I’m not familiar with DC as much.
It’s straight out of The Dark Knight Returns, which is what this film is based around.
Gotcha! Thank you ๐
The apathy I have is like kryptonite, keeping me from watching the trailer, or catwoman’s spell or somethin’….
Just like Christian Bale, I am staring into nothing for 30 minutes.
Watching the trailer is two minutes of staring into the dark abyss of nothingness, so there’s only 28 left to go.
LOL! Oh my God your comment made my day. Perfection!
Kinda tough to mock what he did when we feel the same way. What a clustered mess this will be full of cameo characters that only serve to establish they exist for their own movies later on…
In all honesty, I did stare into nothing for 30 minutes. I am hoping for 2 things:
1- Gal will be the good part in this mess.
2- The movie won’t be a mess and I will eat my words.
Miss M
I’m on the fence here. Gal might be one of the worst parts here. That production halted so she could add muscle mass, take acting lessons, and get some bolt ons isn’t imo promising.
Love to be proven wrong.
Correction: not enough Arya.
Less Khaleesi making sh*tty decisions, more Stark girls. Shoot, even Jon Snow is making moves. Why are we spending so much time on her boring story?
I found Dany *slightly* more interesting in this episode, if only because I didn’t think it was possible for her to make a sh-ttier call Even Drogon was like, Khaleesi Ssssssss….
I’m the person who’s still SO depressed with the whole Stark situation. I think I’ll cry if they all end up dead. I want Sansa to rebuild Winterfell, and be sung about and talked about five hundred years later. And because I’m a sap, I want her, Jon, and the rest of the Starks back together.
And I just can’t believe how much vitality Pedro Pascal brought to the show. He was only in the show for like a total of forty minutes, and he DOMINATED. And he’s not even handsome, in a traditional way, but he reminds me of James Spader. He looks incredibly dirty. In a good way.
Mimif, that hissing was pretty badass.
Virgilia, agree. the Stark situation is still do so sad. It’s pretty awesome that the remaining kids are gaining traction and power. Sansa needs to get far away from Littlefinger, though.
I can totally see Sansa going Full Cersei under Baelish’s tutelage.
How do we feel about Bolton? I can’t wait for someone to basically torture him or why not.. burn him alive! Oh hey Melisandre.. you might not be that useless after all…
I’m ashamed to admit that I think Roose Bolton is hot, but that man is no bueno. Ramsey will totally get his, just like Joffrey did and it will be soooo satisfying.
Honestly Ramsay is even worse in the books. But in real life he has proper psycho killer eyes. He’s a very good actor I’ll give him that.. but I can’t wait for him to have what he deserves. He is far worse than Joffrey. Faaaaar worse.
I loathe the Boltons. I agree, I hope Sansa steam rolls those turds and saves Theon. I have a soft spot for him.
I listened to the books while I was working and…uh, cringed during the Ramsey bits, like wanted to look away but couldn’t escape. Joffrey totally had Ramsey potential tho! And yes Iwan what’s his name is perfect for the part, even IRL he looks creepy ill. Also, I totally want to link something here, but don’t want to ruin it for everyone. Maybe I’ll try to slip it to you unsuspectingly on a Kim K thread or something. ๐
ETA: Is Theon savable tho? He’s pretty much f-cked.
Mimif yes please! I always comment on KK threads.. it’s too funny!
Abbott at this point i think Theon is beyond salvation. He really is fucked up inside. I’m not sure if it comes out in the screen version but in the books Ramsay basically takes Theon to be his pet toy, he used to have one called Reek. He truly is disgusting. I don’t think Theon can come back from where he is right now. He has no identity anymore.
I didn’t read the books but I can’t imagine Ramsay is even worse! You’re both right; there’s no saving Theon. I just hope Ramsay doesn’t get his hands on Sansa.
Abbott the torture on Theon goes on for a really long time.. Theon is forbidden to bathe and is caked from head to toe in filth and excrement. he is left to starve in a room under the castle in the cold with no light, no water and no food. He has to eat mice and cockroaches when he’s lucky enough to catch them.. and sometimes he can’t even eat those because he almost has no teeth left (Ramsay broke and remove almost all his teeth because he hated Theon’s smile) and then the torture goes on and on.. House Bolton is famous for flaying their enemies. Ramsay removes the skin on several of Theon’s toes and fingers, leaving him in agony for days before removing the joints but only after Theon begs him to remove them.
And then he fucks with his head, he makes him believe to be the real Reek and starts to not be a human anymore. I felt really sorry for him but then I remembered that he burnt two kids and backstabbed the Stark… so screw him!
Theon lost me when he had the Maester killed, that was the point of absolutely no turning back. Basically Ramsey turns Theon into that horrible looking crypt keeper dude from Creepshow; 100% unrecognizable to anyone, including himself.
I just started GoT, like literally finished S1 Saturday. Reading this, can I assume there’s hope for Sansa? #TeamArya, but as much as Sansa has annoyed me so far, I do hope she gets a head-from-butt-ectomy at some point. Yay, redemption?
I really, really hope Sansa manages to find a way to completely fuck shit up with the Boltons.
Then she and Arya combine forces to bitch slap some sense into Danaerys and rule Westeros and beyond, with Jon keeping an eye on things beyond the Wall.
Did Viserys drop Dany on her head as a baby when they were escaping Kings Landing? So. Many. Dumb. Decisions. I can’t take anymore of her attempts at ‘ruling’.
More Daario, please.
Poor Dany just can’t catch a break on this site. I really liked her story in this episode. Dany started off with this very black-and-white ideology of “slaves = good” and “slavers = bad”. She now realises the complexities of conquering a city with already established traditions and is trying to find a middle ground, giving former slaves and former slavers a sense of justice and equality.
Killing Mossador in public may not have been the wisest decision but she’s trying to showcase that she is not favouring one citizen over another. I’ve been really liking the Meereen scenes in the show – I found them pretty dull and overstuffed with unpronounceable character names in the book. I also really like Emilia Clarke as Daenerys. She has a lot of strong and better actors to contend with but I think she’s a valuable member of the cast all the same.
I liked book Dany much better. I think because so much is bestowed to her at such a young age, and you get a better sense of how she’s really trying to act honorably amidst all the chaos. On the show those nuances get lost (for me) and I just see a bunch of posturing and a shitty platinum wig. I do like Emilia tho. And FWIW, Kit as Jon Snow gets a lot of flack too, pretty big shoes to fill there so lots of room for criticisms. I loved last night’s episode tho, can’t wait for next Sunday!
*steps into geek shadow with poster from Batman thread*
Ahh Mimif you’re so right. About everything. especially the wig!! It boggles my mind every time I see the hair! I want to rip mine off!!
If you take the hair and the eyebrows separately they’re just fine.. but the combination of the two.. My god so awful. She looks like one of the Angry Birds with those eyebrows!!
And why on earth someone with platinum hair would have brown eyebrows???? I’m sure that being a Targaryen invloves having platinum/peroxide hair everywhere!
Geeesh make up/hairstyling people fix it!! They’re more distracting than Sansa’s voice. Sorry but Sansa sounds like she speaks while swallowing food.
I am aware of the fact I don’t make any sense ๐
Lmao @ Angry Birds ๐
Okay I’m going to try and link this, it will blow your mind. Take your time and read the comments, explains sooooo much about the Dany arc. **MAJOR SPOILERS PEOPLE** Like futuristic spoilers, so don’t read unless you want to go down the wormhole.
@paola, report back to me when you’re finished and yes I just wasted the rest of your day. ๐
Ready. Set. GO!
Yes ma’am! It’s evening for me so you gave me something to do ๐
Once you realise Danaerys is only an angry bird in disguise you won’t be able to see her with the same eyes again!
I’ll start reading and I’ll report ASAP!
p.s. you do know that someone leaked the first 4 episodes of the 5th season right?
Yes! I was so bummed because last week someone here posted they saw them and felt like it was going to be a shit slow season. I was unimpressed with the first episode and was being all sad face about it, but after last night I’m like BRING ON THE ICE DRAGON!
Okay seriously, I have to stop. Have a great evening and I will look for you tomorrow, Angry Bird. ๐
I’m reading already!
See you tomorrow on a Kardashian thread! ahah!
I didn’t read the books so some of it is lost on me but, holy.shit. That’s a helluva theory.
two minutes of man-angst and no wonder woman. what a snooze fest.
i’d be more hyped for this if there were at least a little glimpse. here’s to future trailers being more exciting.
I “like” the trailer because it doesn’t give away the whole effing movie…the trailer guy should win an award. After that, I got nothing.
And I’ve never seen a director try to push Jesus onto the populace so hard. The Duggars must’ve put some money into this, so they could….educate (let’s go with that word) the heathen masses via propaganda–because OBVIOUSLY Jesus, er SUPERMAN is going to win. And that gambling, cheating, birth control using Ben Affleck is going to go straight to hell… lose. In the movie.
But what it the trailer just gave everything away? Spoilers…maybe?
Superman is villified. Batman feels he must defeat this out of control alien… There’s a power struggle to who knows best for the world. Until ofcourse they realize they need to work together…
And the rest of the movie is dark and green screened with lengthy fight scenes that serve no purpose to progressing the storyline. Oh! and all those aquaman/Wonder Woman/Lex/etc… only are there for future films.
This is all a shot in the dark, but what if I just nailed the film?
No I mean like showing bits and pieces of every single fight scene, every single meeting, etc. We don’t know what will make them decide to fight together (if you’re right, I never saw the first movie, and am not planning on seeing this one)…..basically it implied all you said with very few scenes from the movie.
And lol, I follow this youtuber called “Every Frame A Painting”…he analyzes films. He compared the director of Superman to Martin Scorcesse–how Scorcesse uses silence/the absence of music to drive a point in, while the Superman director makes everything so LOUD….like we can’t just have Superman scream, and feel alone (specifically referring to when he killed someone), it has to be heard everywhere. He can’t be alone with his grief.
I’m off to look up this youtube channel! I follow Cinemasins. While it’s not all accurate they call out films for mistakes that should not have gotten through. Like incorrectly spelling some dinosaur names in the original. Man of Steel got destroyed.
And VC
Superman can be alone. His fortress of solitude ๐
Sometimes i feel like too much time is wasted on Danaerys and not enough time on other characters. I want to see more Arya. And Tyrion.
What about Gendry? He’s been on that boat for so long that he was probably cast for Life of Pi 2.
GEt rid of Melissandra. I truly hate her. She should lay off the botox for a while too.
Lol at Gendry and Life of Pi 2. Yes where is he, because dude is hot. So is Bacon H’ghar, so happy he’s going to be in this season. And ditto to the Red Wbitch, I cannnnot stand her or Stannis for that matter. Only thing interesting in that arc is Shireen.
I don’t see the point of Melisandre.. her religion and fanatism towards it just sounds wrong in the contest of game of thrones.
If no one is safe from JJ Martins’ killing plan.. I hope she’ll die soon.
Took me forever to realize that Gendry was the same actor in “Skins”. I started watching it, and I was like “WHY does this guy looks so familiar?”. It was bugging me.
ahah that’s why is not on GOT anymore! ๐
I get why her storyline is there, I just find the actress playing her is so annoying. She’s so over the top, she’s like the Sofia Vegara of the show.
well.. at least Melisandre is not trying to be funny when she really isn’t…
She seems really useless to me and the fact that Stannis’ wife worships her pisses me off even more.
The only wise person in that family is Shireen.
Isn’t his wife so creepy tho? Her little dead babies in jars and that smoked a hundred million cigarettes voice. No wonder she worships Melissandre and her stupid God of Light.
Yes Mimif she is batshit crazy. But also stupid.. so she doesn’t count in my book. I can’t believe she gave Shireen a hard time for spendind time with Gilly because she’s a wildling.
Oh yeah why don’t we just spend our time with Melissandre and watch people burn alive. That is so much wiser and safer than reading books.
ehh, I just can’t like Arya anymore after Maisey’s interview. all I see is a spoiled know-it-all brat and I also find her boring. now Tyrion and Varys on the other hand. yes, please. entertaining.
Danny and her inability to be in charge of the dragons…I could spit fire. Mhysa my a$$a
Littlefinger and Sansa..ugh, uncle?! bitch, please.
what interview? i saw her on Chatty Man last week and she came off really likeable and very sweet.
Lol, I’m not totally in love with Maisy Williams either. I like that she thinks about more than boys and her friends (which is about the gist of my 15 year old sister’s conversation, you’d never think that she was a hardcore athlete OR that she was a great singer), but she comes off as so bratty and immature. And I’m only THREE (count ’em) years older than her……so if I think she’s hard to listen to, God only knows what the rest of you think.
To be fair, Maisie comes across as a spoiled brat in print but she seems pretty goofy, earnest and down-to-earth if you watch video interviews with her. I think she’s just trying to figure things out and have an opinion and she’s not able to articulate it quite well just yet. It comes across badly in print because the tone seems much more forceful.
I really recommend watching the Game of Thrones DVD/Blu-Ray commentaries. The Stark kids commentaries are always full of humour and insight and definitely stand out as a highlight.
@VirgiliaCoriolanus; Did you also know Hannah Murray (Gilly – Sam’s love interest) is in the same Skins cast as Gendry. She plays Cassie.
Apparently Ben Affleck as Batman is my Kryptonite. Yeah no, not interested in this at all from viewing the trailer. Which is saying a lot, as I’m a huge Superman fan.
I guess, I’m the only one who thought the Batman vs Superman trailer was awesome! I hated Man of Steel and was sure Snyder would screw this movie up, too…but I’m a little more hopeful after that trailer!!!
All I’m hearing in this trailer is “DARKNESS. NO PARENTS.” <– thanks Lego Movie.
I can understand Batman's angst though. He sacrifices and does all these things to save people and he's still a villain. And then Mr. Defeated-by-a-rock shows up and people clap when he takes a poop. I'd be a little grump too.
Mad Men!! Anyone want to discuss WTF is with Joan claiming to be divorced TWICE? I was racking my brain for an hour trying to figure out what she was talking about! Anyone have any idea?
I wish they’d donate some of the profits from Batman v. Superman to the Christoper and Dana Reeve Foundation. In my dreams, I know.
Lego Batman…is that you?
Wait…what…BatIronMan? Iron Batman? WTF? That isn’t the crossover I expected…
Looks like I would buy a ticket. I like both characters.
All MOVIES ARE TOO DARK AND I CAN NOT SEE THE ACTION.Somebody tell the studio- all studios- I can not see their billion dollar art dept because lately movies are just too darn dark. Literally. Will sombody pay the power bill and turn on the overhead light. Please.
Looks terrible. LOL.