Cele|bitchy | Johnny Depp finally surfaces in Australia amidst claims of ‘hard partying’

Johnny Depp finally surfaces in Australia amidst claims of ‘hard partying’

Well that was fast. Yesterday, I mentioned in a story about Amber Heard’s photog friend that Johnny Depp had yet to return to the Pirates 5 set in Australia. He missed his private jet, and no one knew why. The film’s publicist said there was nothing amiss, but he didn’t know where Johnny was either.

The story of Johnny being MIA was reported by various outlets. I didn’t make a huge deal out of Johnny’s vapor trail because I figured he’d show up soon, like it was some misunderstanding. He’d flash a sheepish grin, and all would be forgiven. That’s exactly what happened a few hours ago. Johnny miraculously appeared in Australia. This tweet ^^^ from Brisbane News noted Johnny’s arrival as “breaking news.” All is forgiven, until next time a chupacabra attacks. He’s even messier than usual and used a safety pin to close his shirt. No scarves. Oh, and Amber Heard is with him.

Producers must be relieved. I was starting to wonder if Jack Sparrow’s role would be a mere cameo in this film. Or maybe they’d have to CGI his face into the movie.

Yesterday afternoon, an interesting article surfaced in People. The mag claimed that Johnny and Amber “lead separate lives,” which seemed obvious. They’ve spent hardly any time together since marrying two months ago. Amber was filming The Danish Girl in London, and Johnny was busting up his hand in a go-cart. People said the problems weren’t “surprising … because they seemed to have a lot of relationship problems in the months leading up to the wedding. When the wedding finally happened in February, it had been postponed several times.” Johnny was also said to be “partying hard” in Australia, and “after he got injured, no one was surprised. He didn’t seem to care at all about filming and was all about partying.” I don’t doubt that there’s plenty of truth to this story. Johnny has issues with liquor for sure. He seems depressed over his career. But People yanked the story after Johnny surfaced.

I still think there are issues between these two, and they’ve decided to put on a show of solidarity. Johnny’s team probably contacted People and had the story pulled.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

Photos courtesy of WENN

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84 Responses to “Johnny Depp finally surfaces in Australia amidst claims of ‘hard partying’”

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  1. Jules says:

    I am almost embarrassed for him.

    • MG says:

      I used to love this man, he was #1 on my celebrity list. But now…ugh. What happened to him??!?!

      • M.A.F. says:

        The first Pirate movie is what happened to him.

      • Maria A. says:

        I’m guessing that he’s dealing with a lot of unhappiness deep inside after his well-ordered life came apart. He needs to get centered.
        It is sad to watch because I have never heard that he was a bad person. Eccentric, yes, but not bad.

    • Liv says:

      Their marriage is over in 3, 2, 1, …

      If I’d be Vanessa I was laughing, but she has probably better things to do.

      • halleygee says:

        Like raising their children for one…

      • erin says:

        Pretty much all the fictionalized account of his private life over the last couple of years is ridiculous. Ridiculous that people can read personal, private “details” by tabloids and “unnamed sources” and take it for gospel. The fact that neither of them will discuss their lives with the press, really ticks people off. As for Vanessa, she spent most of the time since their separation, away from the kids. The haters don’t like to discuss that. For all we know, Vanessa was cheating on him. But we don’t know, just like we don’t know details of what Johnny was doing. And, it’s really none of our business. Tabloids can say anything, and it’s all of a sudden fact? Or, bloggers like Laney’s Gossip can fuel the snark, because she has issues? As far as the gossips are concerned, anything either Johnny or Amber do, is subject to ridicule. They refuse to answer to lies, and the tabloids hate that the most. Although, it does leave them free to make up outrageous stories.

    • a cut above says:

      Almost being the key word. Personally, I think it’s sad that the liquor/coke bloat-ravage has destroyed his looks. He was so beautiful, and still would be, if he took care of himself.

      • Jules says:

        Thank you. I chose that word on purpose. He was so beautiful in Gilbert Grape.

      • Jessica says:

        I actually don’t completely believe the drinking stories. I have known a lot of people with serious drinking problems and you can see it in their face and their skin. Johnny Depp looks his age now, plus untidy and poorly groomed but he doesn’t have any real real signs of a drink problem. Still that isn’t to say that he doesn’t have one. I just think people are reading too much into his homeless style choice of clothes.

  2. Esmom says:

    No scarves? Looks like he’s deploying at least one on his hand injury.

    He’s always been eccentric but his persona/demeanor now is just baffling to me.

    • Colette says:

      Thank God he has a SCARF so I can stop worrying now.
      I learned last night that All Blue Bell Products have been recalled.I can’t take much more bad news.jk

      • launicaangelina says:

        I feel ya on the Blue Bell ice cream recall. It’s my fave… And that’s all I have to contribute.

      • TX Laney says:

        I think I mourn the loss of Blue Bell more than I have mourned the loss of Johnny Depp’s hotness. They had just put out my all time favorite flavor Tin Roof then they yanked it!! It was an unfair tease!!!

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah he and his scarfy hand need to lay low for a while.

    • Bedhead says:

      I took that mini-scarf for a bandanna. Either way, he’s making a profound statement.

  3. Maria says:

    He’s really went downhill and looks miserable.

    • BangersandMash says:

      The man is a genius…. He snatched her before the looks started going south…. *tsk tsk tsk*
      *smh* and they say women are opportunistic!

  4. INeedANap says:

    That’s incredible inconsiderate of him to the rest of the cast and crew of the film. It’s very…Lindsay Lohan.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      And can lead to companies refusing to insure him, which will make it harder to find work than five movie bombs in a row.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Johnny agreed to do another dopey sequel. He’s part of the reason the cast and crew have jobs. It’s unprofessional yes but he’s still the star.

    • Tammy says:

      You beat me to it FingerBinger, I was going to say the same thing. And I highly doubt companies will refuse to insure him. Lindsey Lohan had some decent movies before she went off the deep end but nothing that even compares to Johnny Depp. Plus once he is on set, he is all work. I highly doubt anything will come of this.

  5. PunkyMomma says:

    That’s some speedy damage control.

    • Jegede says:

      Whats odd is that People magazine, People magazine!, pulled that story form their site.

      I thought they were unimpeachable with their PR approved pieces?

      This is all confusing

  6. Kaja says:

    I love that they pulled the PEOPLE story. Lmao!

    Johnny looks good in the last photo.

  7. Loopy says:

    News outlets are staking out at the airport for movies stars, really?

    • Colette says:

      In Australia
      They did the same thing when Angelina went down there to film Unbroken.It was on the news.They probably don’t get a lot of celebrities filming in the area.Also they probably they have a lot of crime stories to report.

      • Jonathan says:

        Yep, in Australia we WORSHIP overseas celebs. We grew up on British and American culture, we have a tiny local movie and music industry and to this day about 80% of our tv content is British or American. Mostly American.

        I don’t think those in the USA appreciate how much we’ve consumed your cultural media products. That’s why Iggy Azalea raps with an American accent- because that’s the authentic sound of rap, to us. Aussie rap artists who rap in an Aussie accent have a hard time being successful here, it sounds wrong to our ears in a lot of ways. That’s slooooowly changing.

        We don’t have a very developed culture of our own- we’re only a little over 200 years old as a culture (I’m referring to White culture- the traditional owners of this land, what we refer to insultingly and blandly as “Indigenous” people, have a culture dating back about 40- 60,000 years).

        The press here RUSHES to the airport whenever they get word overseas celebs are on the plane over. They have plenty of time to get ready for the celeb’s arrival- it takes 24 hours non stop on a plane to get here from the USA.

    • M.A.F. says:

      More than likely they were tipped off that he would be arriving.

    • msd says:

      Ha, they are in Queensland. There’s nothing much else happening up there.

  8. OriginalTessa says:

    He’s just become such a caricature of himself. I can’t take him seriously anymore.

  9. ToodySezHey says:

    Why is a man who is damn near 50 with children still partying like he is 21??

    Money I guess. Which celeb yesterday said some stars need to grow up? I guess fame and money cause arrested development. I would think by 50 my family would be the priority.

    See Brad Pitt. I’m sure Brad has a swinging social life but his wife and kids are job one.

    • Dońt kill me i'm french says:

      George Clooney continues to party with his friends or colleagues when Amalgame is not there

  10. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Glad he’s ok.

  11. SamiHami says:

    He used to be so hot. Such a shame to see him like this.

  12. Tara says:

    Midlife crisis. He seems lost. It’s just sad at this point. If he kept the film people waiting while he parties shame on him. That Amber Heard annoys me because she has said she doesn’t like the attention. It’s easy for her to say that now that she automatically gets it being with Johnny Depp. Before him she used to pose for paparazzi.

    • MrsBPitt says:

      I really don’t think it’s a midlife crisis….I think, it’s a serious drinking problem…he has been looking really rough and bloated lately. And after the drunken presentation on that awards show (can’t remember, which one it was) He really needs to get help…

  13. SleepyJane says:

    Amber Heard looks ultra – nineties in the airport pic. And I love it.

    Johnny is still Johnny, I see.

  14. jen2 says:

    Who knows what is really going on with him. After that drunken speech at that Awards show last year, he should have taken serious time off to get himself together. It was obvious that he had issues.

    This scenario reminds me of a lot of the celebrity damage control. Break up/trouble in relationship rumors start, next few days pap walk together. Clooney did it with Stacey. Rumors of trouble, next day she is flown in and is on set. Then, confirmation of break up a few weeks later. Not saying this is the case with these two though. Hopefully he gets himself together, grows up, and does his job.

  15. Betti says:

    He’s always liked to party but seemed to calm down when he was first with Vanessa and the children came. She was a positive influence on him and then i guess mid life started to approach and he went back to old habits and she kicked him out. He’s been down hill since then. He’s def going throu the stereotypical mid life crisis.

  16. SilkyP says:

    More and more, Johnny strikes me as a man who is passive-aggressively sabotaging his relationship and his career. Drinking, showing up late for work, getting injured whether on purpose or not. Very immature. In the meantime his wife Amber Heard is using all the ‘turmoil’ as a way to get publicity. Because any publicity is good publicity, and more so because there have been so few professional successes for her and Depp in the past few years.

    Heard’s friend iO Tillet Wright – who was with Heard in NYC for her two premieres in the past week – suggestively instagrammed a photo of a bed in the Bowery hotel, then followed that up with a picture of her and Heard locked in an embrace and calling her ‘my love’ and a ‘strong out bisexual woman’. A propos of what? Why? Getting publicity is the only reason I can think of, though I am sure iO and Heard would call it ‘bringing awareness about the broad spectrum of sexuality’.

    • Shambles says:

      As far as him passive-aggressively sabotaging his own career, I could see that. He always came across as a bit of a “starving artist whom no one understands” type (like Shia LaBeouf before it was cool to be Shia LaBeouf, just not quite as extreme). It also seemed like he didn’t really want/wasn’t/prepared for/couldn’t handle a huge level of stardom, so maybe this is his Johnny-ish way of getting out. I say all of this as a huge Johnny Stan, who remains heartbroken over the wasted talent and beauty. Oh, the beauty.

      • SilkyP says:

        @Shambles The ironic thing is that he always cultivated the image of a rocker and a rebel who didn’t care about public opinion. And all that time audiences seem to love him unconditionally. But now that he doesn’t get automatic love and admiration for every quirky project he works on anymore, this seems to make him pout like a little boy. So much for rockers and rebels. (And by the way, I find it amusing that no matter how shabbily dressed and badly groomed he appears, he always seems to find the time to have his hair dyed impeccably).

  17. frisbeejada says:

    Just wish he’d stop trying to turn into Marlon Brando. Brando could get away with it, he helped re-invent film acting after all, unfortunately Johnny doesn’t really have that kind of reputation. It’s really sad to me that he might have done if he had concentrated on his acting – the core reason Brando was so revered for so long by so many people – and not the eccentricities that went with it.

    • Tammy says:

      Marlon Brando had his career well before even tabloid newspapers were reporting on scandals. Can’t really compare the two situations because Brando could do his crazy stuff and by the time it was reported he was already on to the next, if not third, crazy situation. I honestly don’t know why anyone is surprised by Johnny Depp. He’s always been like this, he just settled in with Vanessa Paradis and had two kids in Paris away from the paparazzi. Once that relationship ended (or he sabotaged it) he moved back into the spotlight, ie US.

  18. Suzy from Ontario says:

    It’s really sad when someone you used to admire and think was really cool turns into such a pathetic joke. It isn’t attractive to act like a drunken fool and the whole mid-life crisis thing… ugh! I agree…I think the first Pirates movie was okay, maybe the second, but after that? He should have stopped like Keira and Orlando did. He was so clearly all about the money and how crappy the movie is doesn’t seem to matter at all as long as he gets paid.

  19. meme says:

    he’s depressed over his career? maybe stop playing the same cartoon characters over and over again. he sold out big time.

  20. tracking says:

    Is go-cart accident the official story? His situation is sad; addiction is not pretty. I can imagine mid-life issues stirring up past problems in this area. Her I don’t get. Sometimes she looks trapped, sometimes seems to enjoy the attention.

  21. Jaded says:

    I don’t think he likes himself very much. His career has gone from great roles in quirky films where he exercised some formidable talent to a series of bombs and never-ending sequels of POTC. He’s looked kind of hang-dog since his relationship with Vanessa broke up and I think there’s a lot of residual guilt about that. He may not actually be aware of his self-hatred but it will come out in destructive patterns of excessive drinking, drugging and taking it out on those closest to you.

    • SilkyP says:

      @Jaded Exactly, he seems angry at himself for the mistakes he made, angry at audiences and critics for not liking his work anymore, and subsequently angry at everyone who has anything to do with him.

  22. iheartjacksparrow says:

    I would not be surprised if this turns out to be the last POTC movie. Disney doesn’t need Johnny Depp anymore; they have Marvel and Star Wars to bring in all the money. I was actually surprised they green lit POTC 5 after Johnny said he was paid “stupid money” for the Pirates films. If POTC 5 and Alice in Wonderland 2 don’t bring in big bucks, he’s going to be forced to go back to small films.

    • Me says:

      he said he want to retire after this Pirate movie…they wouldn’t force him to do anything. He doesn’t want to be on this business anymore

      • iheartjacksparrow says:

        He’s retiring from making movies? Haven’t heard that before. You want to provide a link to a legitimate site that quotes him saying that? Or are you just another Johnny Depp apologist who makes excuses for everything he does? And I doubt Amber would allow him to retire since she would go back to being a no-talent, mildly pretty actress who would no longer get magazine covers.

      • lisa2 says:

        He said his vision is going in his eye. That he can’t see as well as he use to. I’m not sure he is retiring.

        But maybe this is who Johnny is. I know people that are long time fans think he has changed a lot.. but maybe he hasn’t changed. Maybe this is exactly who he is and who he wants to be.

  23. Me says:

    I was sure that he was waiting for Amber and that’s why he delayed his return to Australia a few days, right after she was done with her promotional work in NYC.
    I don’t think it’s related to this rumors. E! has their own story now talking about they are as any couple, they work and then go home, but they have been together all this time.
    People Magazine is just an unreliable source about these two and that should be considered since now and then, because this is not the first time they totally go wrong with one their stories about them, starting with that story around december about their “crisis” and how there were no plans for a wedding, etc. and few days after they were seen totally in love and less than month later, they were married
    People is not “godspell” anymore. And the fact that some people from the studios or related gave them some comments, doesn’t mean they have any real source really close to this couple

    • Minnie1 says:

      If he was just waiting around for her, why didn’t he accompany her to NY? After all, she had 2 films showing at Tribeca– a big deal. You would think a proud spouse would want to be there to share in his wife’s accomplishments. And there were enough celebrities there so that Johnny would not be the whole story of the Festival. And, they could have flown out from NY together.

      • lol says:

        Do you imagine what it would have happened if he was in NYC with her?The tabloids would write that he is partying instead of working in Australia.It wouldn’t look right cause he supposely had been recovering in LA.Plus that a couple can be separate for 3 days without having issues.Plus that maybe she wanted to spend time with her firned cause she is gonna stay for a long time with him in Australia.You are right we can’t know anything but there are so many cases.But for some reason people will believe the worst and the one that gives them the opportunity to bash them more.The same goes for tabloids.

      • lol says:


    • Ashley says:

      If you think this relationship doesn’t have issues, you are very naive. Body language is a pretty big sign that they have a rocky and and intense relationship. His drinking is also a very big sign that something is not right. Johnny life and career have been a huge MESS since this relationship began. People magazine is usually right. They don’t report things unless there is some truth to a story. After all, they were right in reporting he and his ex were living their own lives.

  24. Cindy says:

    Is it me, or does “cool” not age well? I was never a Johnny Depp fan because of the Viper Room/River Phoenix sadness. (I know, not his fault, its irrational). I am 43 and when I think back to the hipsters of my day, they all seem sad/pathetic in middle age. e.g. Chili Peppers(dirty old men), courtney love (psychotic), kurt cobain (gone), juaquin phoenix (bizarre, mentally ill?), i could go on… it’s like when the pretty wears off you wear your insides on your face (or on your scarves! )

    • oneshot says:

      well, there is Iggy Pop and Keith Richards, who aged like crazy but wore it with zero shame. And Patti Smith was the walking definition of cool and still looks amazing.

  25. pirategirl says:

    This makes me sad, and I’m showing my age, but he has always struggled with addiction and alcoholism. This is not a mid-life crisis, or anything new for him. I don’t think it’s is funny to mock someone who is clearly relapsing hard or struggling so much with his addiction. I remember all the tabloid reports about him and Kate Moss trashing hotel rooms, (and even before her) drunken antics etc. Perhaps while with Vanessa he controlled it a bit more with having kids, but he was off in Europe and stayed out of public eye, so who knows what went on. I really hope he gets some help with rehab, it is never too late.

  26. Laura_e_r says:

    Paps exist in Europe! Johnny didn’t spend that much time in Paris anyways, he was always off filming and never really out of the public eye. It seems as though he’s had a big relapse, perhaps triggered by a mid-life crisis or his relationship break-down. He always seemed a hands-on dad so probably feels guilty that he’s not around nowadays. I don’t know where Amber fits in.

    • Mary-Alice says:

      That’s not exactly true. Johnny and Vanessa didn’t spend any time in Paris, actually, aside from a few engagements here and there combined with a pap walk and dinner in a fancy restaurant BUT they did spend A LOT of time in Plan-De-La Tour. I do know because I vacation regularly in the area for family reasons. And they were absolutely cool and great around everyone but it also helped that no one in Provence will pay much attention to a celebrity while buying tomatoes at the market Sunday morning. The atmosphere is delicious and it did work well for him.

  27. mmm says:

    Well, as we needed another proof that People doesn’t have real close sources to this couple. They have been so wrong in almost everything unless is an official announcement, like they when they got engaged or married and still, it looks like that info always comes first in “US Weekly” or “ET”

    I read the deleted article on People and it looked like an old “i told you so”, like they were trying to prove that they didn’t were wrong when they said in December they were about to break despite that after they got married. Like they were using the fact that Johnny- allegedly – went missing, Amber was seen hanging out with her friends in NYC without him to try to prove it was true they had problems when they published their original story back in december. Because in no part any source said to them “they are living separate” or “they are about to split” nor when they were together or not, it was all like they haven’t seen together since they married and they went to separate countries to work after the wedding and “i told you they were having problems from before…”

    The worst part, it’s that they will still try to prove their point in a couple of months when they’ll go under the radar again as always happens with these two

  28. Liz says:

    It wasn’t just “drunken antics” as much as drug fueled fits of rage. However, I think his drug of choice is heroin not cocaine. When a celebrity gains or loses weight or appears drunk they blame an eating disorder/alcohol, but often times the problem is drug addiction.

  29. Coco says:

    He’s become a sad parody of the characters he plays. His ex wife probably kept his feet on the ground and in losing that he has nobody to keep him in touch with reality. So in his mid life crisis he’s gone crazy on drink/drugs with nobody capable of pulling him back, not least himself. He looks crazy and sad now.

  30. claudita says:

    People magazine just lately has given ball out with baseless notes.

  31. claudita says:

    And Yes, every time you go away from the radar, or some of them show up alone, will invent another crisis.

  32. claudita says:

    He’s so hot in those pictures, well now both will have lots of sex.

  33. G says:

    …annnnd here we have the male movie version of Madonna. Sad.

  34. boredblond says:

    ‘Breaking News’??? Depp is done partying for the month? Did some station actually break in for this? Omg. Somehow, I don’t get the urgent significance.

  35. Olenna says:

    Poor Johnny. He’s not looking so hot anymore, and if I didn’t know who she was, I’d think he was just escorting his daughter. It’s kinda sad seeing him like this because with all his money, he should be looking the picture of good health and well-being.

  36. mollie says:

    He’s gone from quirky to full Brando- embarrassingly weird. It’s only going to get worse.

  37. kri says:

    He really was beautiful. And I appreciated his talent. He has got to get to rehab and stay there for at least 6 months. I have a feeling that will never happen tho.

  38. Anguishedcorn says:

    OT, but how long is the mom-jeans zipper on those jeans she’s wearing coming off the plane? Holy hell.

  39. Katie says:

    Johnny looks so miserable in every one of these photos. He has been my dream celebrity since I was about 11. My parents were totally scandalized by that but he was just so beautiful.