Duchess Kate is already thinking about having a third child, her uncle claims

duchess kate hello

We’re still wait(y)ing for Duchess Kate to go into labor. And that’s on us, not Kate. I think Kate is feeling pretty peaceful right now. Her second pregnancy was a lot smoother than the first, she was happier and able to move around more, and from what we’re hearing, she’s been pretty active over the past week too. She spent last weekend in Bucklebury with her parents. She’s spent the last several days in London, running a few errands. William is with her now, having taken his paternity leave early (he left work on Tuesday). I assume that she’ll go into labor today, tomorrow or over the weekend. That’s just the vibe I’m getting, but hey, I’ve been wrong before. So while we wait(y), let’s go through some stories making the rounds (a lot of sites are doing these kinds of busy-work royal stories as we wait).

Her hair. There’s a rumor going around that Kate stopped by the Rossano Ferretti Hair Salon this week for a pre-baby blow-out and hair pampering. I’m assuming that just like with George’s birth, she has hair people on standby to do her hair at the hospital ahead of the big baby debut.

More than an heir & a spare? Kate’s dodgy uncle Gary Goldsmith tells Hello magazine that Will and Kate will probably go for three kids. He said: “I don’t think they’ll stop at two, so if it isn’t a girl this time round, people shouldn’t be too disappointed. I’m sure there’ll be a girl in the mix at some point….As long as the baby is healthy that is the important thing. Kate was a beautiful girl and if she were to have a girl, she’ll be equally as beautiful.”

The betting. The betting has gotten out of control. Most gamblers believe that Kate is totally having a girl and that “Diana” will be in the name somewhere. Other favorites these days? Alice, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Victoria and Alexandra. If it’s a boy, the top names are Arthur and James.

The bullish baby. The baby will be a Taurus. My dad was a Taurus and he was one of the most stubborn people in the world. They have good qualities too – they’re good in business, they’re loyal, they’re family-oriented.

John Oliver has no f—ks to give. John Oliver – who is an Englishman and an American citizen – was asked about the royal baby and he told Page Six: “I don’t care. I think people around the world care more about royal babies than British people do. It’s one of the only things we produce of international value anymore. It shows how far our empire has collapsed that people tend to look at us whenever members of the royal family are born, die or get married.”

Sigh… I’m kind of hoping Kate goes into labor today, has the baby quickly and we can manage to do all of this without some wild media extravaganza.



Photos courtesy of WENN, cover courtesy of Hello.

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60 Responses to “Duchess Kate is already thinking about having a third child, her uncle claims”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Uncle Gary has big mouth. Or do people on here think Kate and William want that story out there? It seems like he uses them to get attention, and reveals private details about them for his own purposes.

    • Carolina says:

      I agree. I wonder if Carole and Kate get pissed off that he spreads their business around but they can’t do anything about it because he knows all their dirty laundry.

    • goofpuff says:

      well since he funded and is still funding the Middleton social climb, why not? don’t take his money then.

    • FLORC says:

      Gary is a ticking bomb. He could go off and tell the world some awful things if not watched.
      Should Kate and William ever divorce and it gets messy I hope Gary’s businesses in drugs and undre age girl trades gets exposed in a way that isn’t buried in an article. The man was caught on camera ffs and the highlight people speak more of was how he wants his own wing at BP. Not the incredibly illegal activities.

    • TwoDegrees says:

      IMO Gary can say what he wants, Gary was part of the Middleton’s wooing process of William.
      The Middelton’s,Carole&Kate used Gary’s home, yacht, Ibiza Villa many times during the dating years. William ,Kate,Carole had dinners with Gary, arranged by Carole when the Middleton’s were trying to woo William into marriage by pretending to be wealthier than they are, by using Gary’s mansion and yacht to take Wilkiam there in holidays.
      Gary joked how HE & Carole said they would have The Goldsmith Wing…it was said by Gary, but the statement was a response to Are they getting married and Gary said something like yes, We’ve joked they’ll be a Goldsmith Wing, or The Goldsmith Wing…these were jokes discussed during The Middleton’s visits with him.
      William also said things about Kate’s breast at the dinner table in front of Carole, Mike and the family, Gary told that story….but what got me about the story was Carole was perfectly fine with sitting at dinner with William discussing Kate’s breasts. So IMO since discsuccions of getting married and her boobs were ok between PW and the Midletons ,in Gary’s presence when the family visited, they may very well have discussed ideas on children.
      Gary bankrolled a lot with this family. I think what would worry Carole more is the TRUE issues surrounding their business and how much they are actually worth. IMO the touting the press does about the Middleton’s finances and wealth doesn’t add up.
      Carole and the family snubbing him after using his yacht, villa and money on their social climb to bag William is just not smart, IMO Gary knows loads.
      The Middleton’s should remember you meet same people on way down, that you stepped on or met on the way up.
      Do people really believe the Climbers didn’t know certain things going on.
      I hope he talks and keeps talking.

      I also don’t see Kate and William’s marriage lasting another decade.
      What did he mean by game changer? I think he barely spends time w her now.

  2. LadyMTL says:

    I actually keep forgetting that she hasn’t had the baby yet. I suppose I am curious to find out the gender but that’s about it. I’d hardly call myself excited. 😛

  3. Maum says:

    I know I am super shallow but I just can’t get over her terrible dye job. It’s just so sloppy.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Add me to the shallow list, Maum. Monochromatic plus all I can see is her salt and pepper skunk stripe.

      • FLORC says:

        I love my skunk stripe and wear it proudly. People assume it’s a blonde highlight though which I find odd.
        I think all women can pull off their natural hair. You just have to be comfortable with it. Plus dye jobs don’t last and roots look awful when they show.

  4. taterho says:

    I bet the Avenger PR people are hoping she goes into labor too.

    I’m hoping it’s a girl and they name her South.

  5. bettyrose says:

    Jon Oliver can school me on what nonsense this is any day. I love royal threads, but I love Jon Oliver’s voice even more. ** rushes off to Google that clip **

    • FLORC says:

      He’s wonderful
      And what he says on this is funny, but you can tell he is not pleased.

  6. Ms. Turtle says:

    Is she full on gray now without hair color? Goodness that is early! I have a friend who went gray in her 20s. Ugh.

    I love how Uncle Gary assures us there will be a girl sometime. Um, Gary, it doesn’t actually work that way.

    And what is so astonishing about wanting three kids? That’s not that unusual.

  7. bluhare says:

    YAAAAAAWN. I really am bored over this, surprisingly. I hope the baby and Kate are healthy and that’s all I’ve got.

    • FLORC says:

      I’m finding i’m here for 2 things. The shock at how people are trashing going gray early. It’s not a bad thing people!
      And Gary. Because he’s not often heard from anymore and can be a powderkeg. His interviews need to happen in the later afternoon after some early morning drinking.

      • LAK says:

        I don’t think anyone is trashing grey. IMO I see people surprised that Kate is grey under all that hair dye. And also the extent of her greying. It speaks to the fact that Kate’s pictures are often photoshopped so that when a less (or non) photo shopped picture comes through, it surprises people.

        You and I know she’s been grey (or turning grey) since her first year of marriage, but not many people realise it. It’s the same as the people who insist that she’s pregnant based upon the state of her dye job whereas we know that she dyes her hair all the time, pregnant or not.

      • FLORC says:

        I just tried to find the comment that set me off, but it seems to have been removed.

        And ofcourse I agree with you and your sound logic. We’re given such a consistent (sp?) image that anything else is seen as the out of the norm image.

        When you start going gray without such dark hair it’s not that noticable.

  8. notasugarhere says:

    I’m hoping it isn’t today. Endless fawning over Diana’s granddaughter being born on St. George’s Day (patron saint of England and brother’s name, “squeee, oh how cute”). Fingers crossed for a healthy boy early next week.

  9. Susan says:

    I couldn’t help but notice that hairline too!? Does that mean she’s totally gray? You’d think with all her grooming, shopping and free time she’d be on top of that. Interesting. Sometimes I think she really ISNT a prissy girlie girl but tries really hard to BE that because she thinks that is what is expected of her. Kinda like when I take a shower on the weekends because….I don’t really want to but it appears to be socially expected

  10. Cupcake says:

    Why would she be confiding in her weird Uncle Gary about her reproductive plans?

    I call BS!!

    • anne_000 says:

      I don’t think Gary is saying that W&K talked to him about their baby plans. I think he was asked what might happen and so he told the reporter what he guesses might happen.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Hasn’t William publicly stated, “Two” and she has publicly stated, “Three”? Her uncle might be confirming what she’s said in the family for years.

      • FLORC says:

        William has stated he only wants 2. The rumor Kate wants 3 was a rumor/”she said” thing. It to my knowledge was never confirmed to have been said by Kate.

      • FLORC says:

        Link won’t pass. It was a telegraph article. The claims were “Friends of the Duchess” and speaking to the telegraph so right there… Red flag.
        Even if Kate had friends that weren’t Williams also or first. They wouldn’t go to the press speaking about such things. William, as we know, is hyper aware of his privacy and any leaks in his circle.

        Also, that Kate would have to get pregnant within 2 years of this latest birth (when it comes) because she wants her 3rd by that age. Not because the chances of conceiving naturally greatly reduce year by year, but because she wants the children close in age. Like her family.

        And not far away there’s another article claiming Kate will shut down baby production after the spare because her morning sickness was too bad. I hestitated to mention that one.

      • notasugarhere says:

        It has appeared in other places through the years, not just that recent Telegraph article. I read this more as Gary confirming something that has been known within the family for years. Should he be publicly confirming it? No. But he does a lot of things he shouldn’t do.

      • FLORC says:

        As far as we know the only one to confirm that desire is William. He hasn’t changed his mind to 3. And the subject of how this information came to be. There’s she said, but nothing more.

      • TwoDegrees says:

        William talked about Kate’s breast in front of Gary at dinner. The Middleton’s and Kate also talked about when William and Kate would get married, during their visits to Ibiza with William, they may very well have discussed how many children also, but Kate has also said she wants three according to news reports last year.

        Do people really believe Gary has not once been to Middleton Manor since George was born?
        I think Carole is crazy if she thinks she can just dump her brother.
        He knows way too much in their finances IMO.
        Also it was a joke between the Middleton’s , Carolem Gary when they use to visit him with William in Ibiza that there would be a Goldsmith Wing at Buck Palace once Kate married, this was not just something Gary pulled out of his own hat, it was a running joke between brother and sister during visits to his Mansion.

      • FLORC says:

        But None of that has been confirmed that Kate actually said that. It’s all just stories and versions. There’s nothing to confirm it happened.

        And the BP wing comment wasn’t made several times to my knowledge. Just once by a clearly intoxicated and likely high as a kite Gary by reporters in an under cover drug story.

        Your comments are very large assumptions and lots of filling in the blanks.

  11. wow says:

    I don’t know who John Oliver is, but right now A i’m loving him and his sad but true statement Lol!

    I’m already over this baby. No shade to William and Kate. It’s not their fault that people are that into their lives. But as was said here, what is annoying is how the press does endless reporting on it as if Kate is the only woman to have given birth before. That’s what gets annoying.

    But for me at leasr, the coverage hasn’t been too bad this go around, which is nice.

    • bettyrose says:

      If you haven’t already, treat yourself to a binge of Jon Oliver clips online. He’s funny, insightful, has a dreamy accent, and has really cute hair (Don’t judge! I’m practically at the school girl crush level of writing our names together on my PeeChee).

  12. HoustonGrl says:

    “another baby will make things interesting…” Gawd let’s hope so.

    • Citresse says:

      One reason they’re so dull is the fact they don’t have much of a relationship with the press. I wondered if due to the fact they’re having a second child, they would begin to release more images and video to the public. Probably not.

  13. anne_000 says:

    I think Uncle Gary’s guess is right, because I think it’s easier for her to use the excuse of having babies and taking care of them as a reason why she has to cut down or stop working.

    Other women can work and have and take care of kids at the same time. But for Kate, her PR team tells us that everything is just that much more difficult and too involved for her to do both. We’re told how her pregnancies cripple her, because they’re harder than most other women’s. We’re told how her home life is that much more demanding of her time, because she has to take care of two houses and now two babies mostly on her own, regardless of how much staff and motherly help she has.

    Whenever Jason does get her to work, we’re told that Kate just has to have a vacation right soon afterwards in order to cool down from working so hard and having such a hectic and busy personal life.

    For many other women, having more children is daunting. For someone like Kate with all her resources, it’s relatively easier. But her PR team never acknowledges this fact and thus she has an easy excuse not to work but be free from it.

  14. Citresse says:

    At least W&K appear to have a better marriage than C&D in that if their second child arrives on their wedding anniversary, it shouldn’t create difficulties in future. Imagine if William had been born on 29 July 1982?

    • FLORC says:

      10 years down the road let’s revisit that.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Let’s revisit that idea in three-four years, not ten.

      • Citresse says:

        I’m surprised so many here suspect W&K will divorce.

      • FLORC says:

        It’s a possibility. Not saying there’s a higher chance. Just that it is a possible outcome.

      • anne_000 says:


        I think Kate will never ask for a divorce. She, her mother, and her siblings wouldn’t stand for it.

        William, on the other hand, is who I think will ask for one if he wanted to. Once the kids are a little older, and he grows into his position a bit more and is more stable about what do with his life, he’ll look around, see that there are so many interesting and fascinating women who’ve done so much with their lives and are full of intellect and personality, then he’ll look at Kate, who will forever act like a child-bride, and he’ll probably start considering divorce.

      • Red Snapper says:

        It’s been said before, but it’s worth repeating: If William ever falls in love for real, Kate’s out the door.

      • maggie says:

        They wont divorce everyone is just hoping they will! Sad!

      • notasugarhere says:

        Maggie, whatever you may think of the posters who criticize W&K and their complete lack of work ethic, I doubt any of us WANT them to divorce. I know I don’t. At least, I do not want anyone to divorce if they are happy, content, and secure in their relationship. If you’re miserable in the relationship that is another story.

        It isn’t wishing bad things on W&K to want them to work for their living.

      • FLORC says:

        We don’t want that. Your comment is a large assumption you’re taking as fact.

      • Betti says:

        Maggie, no one wants to wish ill on them or to divorce but Willy is like his father – a cheater who spends a lot of time away from his wife and young family.

  15. LAK says:

    Out of all the rumours and stories doing the rounds, the only one that is believable is the visit to the hairdresser. She’s about to make a world wide presscall. Girl can’t do that with visible roots!!!

    She did the same just before having PGtips.

    As for Uncle Gary, he has earned the right to say what he says. He’ll never be cut off if the Midds know what’s good for them.

    • FLORC says:

      Gary’s place is very secure. He could do some damage if he chose to.

      I’ve never though Kate’s original hair color was bad. It’s in comparison with the dye tones that makes it look bland without natural highlights. Once you start coloring it’s just such a process to stop.

    • notasugarhere says:

      The hair dresser was called to the hospital to do her hair in-hospital last time. I don’t know if that involved a refreshing of the color as well as the blow-out and curling.

      • Citresse says:

        It looked way too long on that day (when they left hospital).

      • LAK says:

        I think the hospital hairdresser was only for the blow out. She was papped (photos on tumbler) a week ahead of PGtips’s delivery going into her new hairdressers (can’t recall the name) where she goes to have her colour done. It’s the one where she famously spent 6hrs, after the grey hair -gate of her poppy appearance.

      • Deedee says:

        Six hours is a very long time at the hairdresser. More than color and blowout going on.

  16. bettyrose says:

    Referring to the divorce comments higher up, wouldn’t Kate be pretty well set in a divorce? If she’s not the instigator and causes no trouble, isn’t she likely to get a title, some houses, and other privileges as the heir’s mother? Why not embrace that deal with open arms? (Carol, I mean. It’s a good deal even by her standards I would think).

    • notasugarhere says:

      I think the BRF learned from Diana. William does not support their family, Charles does. He calls it business expenses on his taxes. She’d be “Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge” with no HRH until she remarries. His new wife becomes “HRH X, The Duchess of Cambridge.” Is that how the “the” in that works?

      I think it doubtful she would receive as big a cash settlement as Diana, or remain in the largest home in Kensington Palace. If William is not yet Prince of Wales at that point, it could be argued that her share of her parents rumored 30 milllion net worth is equal to his inheritance therefore they’re financially equal. The court would have to view the now-hidden financials for PP to determine the value. That might be a reason for the Middletons to accept a lesser deal, if they do not want those books examined.

      I think there would be one home, not one in London and one in the country. “Suitable housing” on Sandringham or Duchy land for security reasons but she wouldn’t own it. Significant cut in the security for vacations, shopping, and time at her parents when without the kids. Once the kids are at boarding school and when they’re older, there could be further decrease.

      If William remarried and started a second family, who knows. If she remarried there would be a lot of discussion about who is supporting her new husband and any other children (see Alexandra of Denmark).

      When Mark Phillips and Anne divorced, he moved into another house on her property for many years. Zara and Mike moved in to that house recently after Phillips left/was removed.

      • Zombie Shortcake says:

        I didn’t know Mark Phillips had to give up the home for them! That’s interesting.

      • bettyrose says:

        Thanks for the details, notasugar. I’m sure it’ s not what Kate/Carol are hoping for, but since they must know it’s a possibility, surely there’s some solace in knowing she’ll have a title (minus HRH, of course) and that the Mid clan will still be very influential in the life of the future king, George. Moreover, they’ll still have the status they did all this for, i.e. having ascended from merchant class to titled aristocracy.

      • Betti says:

        If that did happen – she would come off worse than Diana, purely because of the dirt that the press etc.. clearly has on her family (Uncle Gary and the ‘hidden’ financials of PP) – it would be messy if they were difficult. Willy would have no qualms about throwing her under the bus if it meant he was ‘free’, he’s done it to his own brother. Explains a lot about how they treat him.

      • LAK says:

        Further to Nota’s comments, the question of financial support is pertinent to the divorce discussion. A precedent was set with Charles, Andrew and Anne’s divorces where their family and individual trustfunds were off the table. Financial settlement involved examining their personal income which in all their cases meant the duchy (Charles), Olympian endorsements and any other income (Anne) and Naval salary (Andrew). Consequently, Diana had a larger settlement than Mark Philips or Fergie because Charles has been receiving income from the duchy since he was a child when he was made POW/DoC. The other two exes received pittance.

        In the event of a divorce, Kate will receive a settlement equal to William’s salary as a pilot, plus some considerations that calculate her security and a home for the kids to live comfortably, but not much else. Chances are she’ll have one home on a royal estate and that will be all. Like the other divorced spouses.

        That said, i’ve always said that I don’t expect them to divorce. They’ll separate and live like the Duke of Kent and his wife, but there will never be a public, final divorce.

        If I am wrong, a divorce will be instigated by William, never Kate. She’ll never leave him.

      • FLORC says:

        Hypothetical for you.
        If William keeps working as a pilot and always donating his salary would that count as he lives off of a nothing? And if a divorce was to happen Kate would get about a small percentage of what he gets… which is nothing?

        And agree. William would be the one to file. And that would be if he no longer wants to even keep living seperate lives.

    • sophietta says:

      Good grief,

      Wills and Kate will be together forever, leading separate lives until Will, like his papa decides enough is enough! Kate will be taken care of in a fairly royal(ish) way and that will be that! End of that fairytale….how sad for the children.