Did Scarlett Johansson throw shade at Ryan Reynolds in her Parade interview?

scar parade

Scarlett Johansson covers this week’s issue of Parade. The cover is a bit whack and I sort of find of amusing that an “artiste” like ScarJo has to go “downmarket” to Parade. But that’s what happens when you’re shilling a massive comic-book movie which needs to make more than a billion dollars. And while ScarJo doesn’t need to give up any juicy gossip for Parade, she still managed to throw in some interesting tidbits about her current marriage (to Romain Dauriac) and her former marriage (to Ryan Reynolds). Some highlights from Parade:

Where she lives: “I live a little bit of everywhere. My husband and I and the baby are a little bit nomadic at the moment.”

An allusion to her marriage to Ryan Reynolds: “Acting is a very strange world to be co-existing in. It’s very volatile. There’s always going to be the more successful person. It’s related to rejection. Because actors, if they’re not having success, connect it directly to unpopularity—to the fact that nobody wants them. It’s not necessarily true. I’m constantly rejected.

Marriage is hard: “It takes a lot of work. It takes a man who’s not only confident in the love that you have for one another, but confident in what he has going on in his own career. He has to be in a field that’s completely different from yours. My husband’s also involved in art. What’s important to him is the recognition that he gets from his job, and that has nothing to do with my job.”

Her current husband: “We like to go out and go dancing. Other times, we like to sit at home and eat Thai food and watch House Hunters International for four hours. And we’re interested in each other’s worlds. He’s interested in my weird, alien entertainment world. It fascinates him because it’s so different than what he knows. And I like to go to art openings with him and talk about art and emerging artists with him. That’s his passion.”

Her relationship with Chris Evans: “I’ve known Chris since I was 17, when we did The Perfect Score. This is our fifth movie together. We’re like Bogart and Bacall.”

She doesn’t want her daughter in the spotlight: “It’s hard. On the one hand, you don’t want to isolate your kids, but you don’t want to make your kids feel like freaks: There’s this fascination with famous kids, like they’re celebrity spawn.”

Parenting rules: “I think you just have to encourage your kids to be who they are, be themselves and not live in the shadow of your accomplishments.”

[From Parade]

I feel her on House Hunters International. I can turn it off when it’s a regular House Hunters marathon but when it’s a marathon of the HH International? It gets really difficult. Especially if there are families moving to cool cities and they actually have money to spend on good real estate.

As for the stuff about being married to an actor… her comments are begging to be parsed, right? “It’s very volatile. There’s always going to be the more successful person.” Meaning… Ryan had issues with Scarlett’s success while they were married? She was becoming one of the most in-demand actresses and winning Tony Awards for her stage turns while Ryan was… working on Green Lantern. This is also begging to be parsed: Marriage “takes a man who’s not only confident in the love that you have for one another, but confident in what he has going on in his own career.” Do I spy some very pointed shade? Hm.


Photos courtesy of Parade, WENN.

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82 Responses to “Did Scarlett Johansson throw shade at Ryan Reynolds in her Parade interview?”

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  1. Crumpet says:

    Yep. I detect shade. And not very subtle at that.

    • geekychick says:

      and I think it’s on point.

      • ava7 says:

        Yep. Maybe that’s why he’s been married to BL longer? She has minimal success, and even that is debatable.

      • Bridget says:

        I don’t know that it’s about Blake’s level of success so much as the fact that she’s very clearly chosen to make Ryan a priority in her life. Two actors together is hard, especially since the more successful the actor the more they’ll be traveling and away. If there’s two duelling careers, not only is there that obvious comparison between the two of you, but thrre’s also the choice: do they choose not to pursue opportunities because it’ll mean being away from their spouse? Ryan and Scarlett barely saw each other while they were married. Think about some of the most successful marriages between actors – they tend to take turns working.

      • Perfectly executed Chewbacca sound says:

        I mean, these are all extremely popular actors who have had a thousand times more success in their field than 99% of people who attempt to be actors. Neither Ryan nor Blake have had “minimal” success. Having said that, if you’re trying and failing to break through as a superstar as Ryan was during their marriage, I can see how difficult that would be while living with ScarJo, who has had almost uninterrupted career success.

      • oneshot says:

        @Perfectly executed Chewbacca sound – He wasn’t exactly having no success, keep in mind The Proposal was released in 2009 and was a hit, and then he signed to front a huge superhero franchise i.e. the thing expected to catapault him to legit stardom. All this while he was married to Scarjo.

        Shame that superhero was Green Lantern.

      • Boo says:

        Me too. I’m glad she said it.

        Blake Lively prancing around everywhere as if she is the best and Ryan is the best and the two of them are the best is some serious overcompensation for SOMETHING. And now I understand why and what of all that.

        I’m glad Scarlet found happy and love that’s solid. She seems like a good person. I like her opinions in this piece. She’s got depth and understanding.

    • jujoki says:

      ^This. Not very subtle indeed..

  2. Tiffany27 says:

    House Hunters International is THE best! I also really like the “off the grid” episodes too.

    • Luca76 says:

      It’s such a great show. It’s also kind of hilarious that ScarJo watches it since she has the ability to buy homes in any city she wants.

    • aims says:

      I can watch HGTV forever! My perfect weekend involves my husband a good HGTV marathon and Chinese. Heaven! !! !

      • Miss M says:

        So do I. Thank goodness HGTV is not part of my cable plan…lol

        I love the property brothers, HH international, love it or list it…I can go on and on…lol

    • Azurea says:

      I just cancelled my cable, and the only thing I miss is HHI. I really, really do.
      I hope at some point I can find it kn a Roku channel.

      • Jen43 says:

        I am pretty sure you can watch it on HGTV on line.

      • Malificent says:

        You can also watch episodes on YouTube.
        I love HHI. Sadly, it’s the only exotic traveling I get to do these days….

      • Rhiley says:

        There are some select episodes streaming on Netflix. Not many but some pretty interesting ones. My favorite is the woman moving to Ireland on her mother’s dime.

    • koko says:

      I’m feeling her HHI love, it’s one of my guilty pleasures and on off days it perks me right up.

    • Dewdrop says:

      It can be found on Netflix now!!

    • MrsBPitt says:

      I love House Hunters and House Hunters International, but Love It or List It, is my favorite!!

    • belle de jour says:

      I was watching an episode with a friend, who eventually turned to me and shrieked, “This is your pornography!”

  3. Christin says:

    I don’t know if it is shade, but she makes a blanket statement about having to be in different lines of work that is not true. Just because something did not work for her, doesn’t mean it won’t work for others.

    • Snazzy says:

      I do see what she means though. I always dated men who worked in my field and it always became a competition (that ended badly for them as I often got the better international posting or position …) but now it’s much better because with my current (and hope forever Mr Snazzy) we do completely different things and therefore can support each other’s success wholeheartedly.

      But I do agree that it depends on the line of work. My mom and her partner run a shop together for years now and it works perfectly fine.

    • Chichi says:

      It may not hold for other industries but certainly does for showbiz couples. Particularly where they both do the same thing (say both are actors) and the woman is doing better. It may have to do with the sorts of personality that get drawn to performing in the first place. But I can definitely see marriages collapsing because the best directors are chasing your wife for a part but wont even take your call.

      Also, Blake did go all funny careerwise when she got with him, no? I mean she did The Town and Savages which got her some critical attention, even some praise and then she went off to set up a website to tell us all about slave era chic. Still waiting on those artisan leg shackles, Blake.

      • Cynthia says:

        +1 everything you said.
        lmao @ “artisan leg schackles”!

      • KATY 774 says:

        Blake has always said she wanted children & acting was something she did not start out do. Ryan & Blake are better suited it seems. Scarlett did not want children when they 1st married, @ 30 she is different. At 1st she was not ready to be married again until she became pregnant & he asked. She had said she was not committed to marriage but she said @ 1st she was lonely because it felt like she lost her best friend & she also said she wish they had more face time. Career wise at the time they were married he was truly working more than she. It was also strange that whenever they were together she was ducking & dodging & hiding her face. Now Ryan & Blake seems so happy to be together. this is Scarlett’s take on the marriage otherwise Ryan has NOT said a word in 5 five years about that relationship. I think it is time she stops talking about it too.

    • Franca says:

      But I get what she meens, though. I don’t think I could be with a man who works in the same field as I do and is more successful than I am. I really don’t think I could.

      • Kara says:

        its not much of a gender thing, its more a personality thing. i was also follwing the narrative of “men are threatened” which leaves women completly out of it, then i experienced and read about how a lot of women have problems respecting men that make less than them.
        the NY Times has an interesting article about “Does a More Equal Marriage Mean Less Sex?” or the study about how men who do more in the household have less sex.

        if you read the polls and articles lots of women are attracted to ambitious, driven and competitive men. those men wont magically stop being like that when they enter the home. Mr CEO aint gonna stay at home with the kids or take time off for your achievements. if you find men like that attractive you better be fine with cheering for him and cutting back on your own career. if you are a high achiever a laid back guy will be a lot better. if you can see him still as a man.

        if two succesful people come together one will have to be able to take the backseat. most female CEOs have stay at home dads as husbands.

      • sills says:

        Kara–I’ve read (and witnessed!) exactly the same things. A lot of people don’t like to talk about or admit them because they go against the zeitgeist. But I believe some of it is just plain biological, the way we’re wired, and no amount of wishful thinking will change it.

      • Franca says:

        Yeah, I was the same, I always thought that it was misogyny, but it might come down to personality traits. I’m fairly young, so all this might change, but as I said, I would have a hard time if my partner was in the same field as me and doing better. I would also have a hard time if he made much more money than I do. I have quite an alpha personality.
        If we could do different things and make roughly the same, that would be the ideal, but if not, I’d rather have my husband make less than me.
        Does that make me a bad person? I don’t know.

      • Kara says:

        i dont think you are a bad person Franca. its good you admit it. its also good that you see that you dont want it and dont blame it on your future partner.

  4. Kiddo says:

    I was wondering where the Ryan Reynolds part came in at all until you expressed your interpretation. I don’t really think she was alluding to him at all.

    • Livealot says:


    • jaye says:

      Yeah, I don’t think she was shading him at all.

    • perplexed says:

      When I read the quotes over again, I didn’t think so either. She says that she’s constantly rejected, not that whoever she was married to was. And in the other quote, she references her current husband. Although I can see how other implications can be drawn from what she said, the way she framed the quotes seemed to indicate she was talking more about herself in the first quote and her current husband in the second quote.

    • oneshot says:

      in speaking about actors and relationships, she might well have been referring to all her previous relationships, not just her marriage.

      I mean, she did date quite a few actors before and after Reynolds.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      I agree. I interpret her words to be talking about her current husband and HIM being confident in their relatioinship and having his own thing going career-wise. I didn’t see it being about Ryan at all.

      I also don’t think there’s anything wrong with making your spouse your priority if the career you’re both in is demanding and takes you away from eachother on a regular basis. If Blake chooses to stay out of acting for a while so she is there when Ryan is there and to focus on family, that’s their business and while it may not do much for her career (I know, what career?), it does benefit the marriage, so how is that a bad thing? People do it in other demanding lines of work all the time. Mom’s stay home and work from home or go part time or just quit working completely and now-a-days husbands and dads do it too. It doesn’t mean either one is overly attached, co-dependant, or quit because they sucked at what they were doing. They simply make the marrige and family thee top priority and if you can afford to do that, have at it.

  5. Jegede says:

    Over the years interviews with GQ, Vogue, Glamour, Cosmo….. she can’t stop referencing her first marriage in some capacity.
    So odd, as they were hardly Taylor and Burton

    She’s either making wistful comments or sly passive aggressive digs.

    Sean Penn, Nate Naylor, other boyfriends, now years later with a husband and baby. And she’s still alluding to her ex!!!

    • Tough Cookie says:

      I totally forgot about her with Sean Penn!!!

    • Livealot says:

      An ex husband has more weight than ex boyfriends

      • Jegede says:


        I would agree but some partners/boyfriends can actually have larger impact on the individual without the legal contract.

        The relationship lasted barely over 2.5 years and ended 5 years ago.

        It did not even get to the stage of having a 7 year itch never mind a 10 year anniversary, that it should still appear to have such a hold on her.

        After their awkward apperance at the Tony’s that year, Scarlett let it be known how unhappy she was in the marriage, she even moved in with Sean Penn before divorce papers were filed.

        She’s a big enough star that I doubt these publications are asking details about them, and she could shut it down if she wanted.

        Factoring all that in I just find it odd that, all these years on with a new partner and baby, she STILL continuously refs/hints at her ex husband in some capacity.

        Especially as Ryan keeps his mouth shut, so its not like there’s a back and forth

    • oneshot says:

      the alluding to the ex part is CB’s interpretation, let’s not forget she’s dated several actors and been in long term relationships with people before and after Reynolds.

      And if the rumours that he cheated on her with his current wife are accurate/she found out well after the fact, it’s quite easy to see why she’d be throwing shade, if she is in this interview.

      • Jegede says:

        This interpretation was not just on CB though, other headlines were ‘Scarlett burns Ryan’. And Scarlett is not stupid I’m quite sure she knew what would be inferred.

        I guess Scarlett can then claim some moral high ground. because Reynolds declines to smack talk her in interviews.

        Unlike his allegedly ‘above-it-all’ ex wife who digs at her ex-husband (she’s supposedly over) in almost EVERY mag interview going.

      • oneshot says:

        yes, because gossip blogs never purposely twist/interpret things in the clickbaitiest way possible (even CB sometimes has been called on it)

        “almost EVERY mag interview” is a bit of a truth stretch lol, she mentioned it maybe twice in the past year (and was far from dragging him in the interviews that she did give after her divorce, if anything she was nice about it).

        And if professional jealousy did factor into it, I’d be mad too no matter how over him I was romantically. I don’t begrudge her alluding to it now.

  6. Lilacflowers says:

    Why yes! Yes, she is throwing shade at Ryan Reynolds. Yes indeed. She might throw more than shade if she gets a chance. Duck, Ryan!

    • SofiaS says:

      Tacky from her part. After all these years, she still feels the need to hint at her previous marriage? one could argue she hasn’t moved on, contrary to RR who never mentioned her and seems faring pretty well in his current marriage.

  7. Tough Cookie says:

    gaaaaaa…..our local newspaper stopped carrying Parade a few months ago… Sunday mornings are not the same.
    The Bogart and Ball comment just kills me.
    I’m off to see if I can find the recipe for Derby Day Pie!!
    p.s. I hate her hair

  8. taterho says:

    I wonder if her and Ryan had fights about their hair? She has out-poofied him. Very shady poofing.

  9. perplexed says:

    She looks so much like that personal fitness trainer who had a reality show on Bravo (I forgot her name).

    • Cindy says:

      Jackie something and now that you say it I can’t unsee it. Not the same body but same face.

      That was definitely some a passive aggressive dig at RR. Maybe she is jealous of his new marriage/wife? Something’s bugging her or she wouldn’t bring it up after all this time.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Jackie Warner. They look nothing alike.

      • perplexed says:

        Maybe not with long hair and in movie-star clothing, but with the short hair and that wide-legged stance on the cover, there appears to be some kind of resemblance…Scarlett is probably more feminine-looking though.

    • Live says:

      Yes!!! They both have a similar voice too!!

  10. amanda says:

    “We’re like Bogart and Bacall.”

    Hardly, girl.
    Sit down.

    • Jegede says:

      LOL. Typical of her really

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Really. What an overstatement. What an ego.

      • Kiddo says:

        I’m no ScarJo apologist, but I don’t think that she intended that the movies they made together were that level of classic film, but that they were frequently cast together and maybe had a screen chemistry.

        I kind of liked her in this interview, it wasn’t excessively ego-centric, maybe it’s just the mood I’m in.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Maybe not. I dislike her, so I maybe unintentionally put a negative spin on anything she says.

    • jinni says:

      If I hadn’t heard rumors of her trying too hard to come off intelligent and of being pretentious, I would have taken that comment as a joke but I think she was being serious.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Really now. Maybe more like Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland in terms of pairing off young … but without the megawatt talent.

    • The Other Pinky says:

      Oh shes clearly kidding. I would bet my left leg that it was said with a laugh and just didnt translate well.

      • sills says:

        Yes, I totally read that as she meant it in a joking way. The editors don’t always add [“huge laugh and eyeroll”] but it sure sounds like it here.

  11. Renee says:

    She is so tiny now!!!

  12. jinni says:

    She looks like an effeminate gay man in that Parade cover shot.

  13. Dita says:

    I do detect shade. I wonder if that’s why Ryan and Blake work so well. In that relationship he’s the successful one. Blake seems to be fine with that and likes working on her lifestyle website.

    • Blake sold it in says:

      Blake made it clear from the beginning that her primary role is that of wife. She sold herself in that way. She clearly figured out that that is what he really wants. Scarlet is more of a free spirit. She probably loves being a wife and mother, but isn’t the type who wants to make a big deal identifying in a specific role.

  14. PHD Gossip says:

    She does not come off as intelligent.

    • InvaderTak says:

      But she tries to so hard.

      • Nessa says:

        Ugh. Such a try-hard. I find her so smug, and completely overrated as an actress.

      • Misti64 says:

        #Nessa – Such a try hard. Its shocking how ignorant she actually is but has deluded herself to be some deep thinker i.e randomly asking a Creole waiter if he practises voodoo. Lucky for her that her Marvel co -stars are all showing their asses this press tour so ScarJo can’t even sink as she often does.

  15. Alex says:

    Why is she still talking about this? She’s remarried. He’s remarried. And their marriage was a blip on the radar really. It reeks of insecurity honestly. And I like ScarJo

  16. Kara says:

    i dont know why she entirely focuses on what a man “must” do or must be in a marriage and does not say what she contributes.

  17. Dont' see it as shade says:

    I think she’s also referring to any actor she’s dated–and there have been quite a few. Remember Sean Penn? Talk about an ego. Like many wives, she’s setting her husband apart from any one who came before.

  18. oneshot says:

    Kaiser I don’t think you have it totally right.

    Scarjo signed her Marvel contract and continued Woody Allen muse status/Broadway acclaim while she and RR were married, but in 2010 Green Lantern was supposed to be a big deal, and was supposed to do for him what playing Black Widow has now done for her. They got the previous Bond director and all the nerds were excited for it…..and then in 2011 by the time the actual trailers came out it became obvious Green Lantern was a hot mess. By which time Scarjo had long since exited the building.

    • KATY 774 says:

      By 2010 even before GL this when they separated. She said in an interview after the divorce she did not have that much invested in the marriage. On the GL set, it was reported that she often times treated him poorly. Remember when she accepted her Tony… she stood up kissed Liev & started to walk off then came back to kiss Ryan as if he were an after thought. This is not career oriented, she may have felt better than him. He was considered as sexy as she so that should not have been the problem. She was always hiding her face ducking & dodging. He is a very private man, but he & Blake have done the red carpet twice & they look great together!! God bless that marriage

  19. L says:

    I think she’s gorgeous. That’s all.

  20. jferber says:

    Didn’t Ryan leave Alana Morisette because she wasn’t as pretty as he was? So in that instance, the woman should be equal to him in the looks department, at least. Alana also had wild talent and great success (with that one CD). Maybe he bowed out when she got all the attention? And because she underperformed in the looks department? Blake is pretty enough and she can’t act. He’s pretty enough (if you like the rat-eyed type) and is a marginally better actor than Blake (though I have my doubts). So Blake is not likely to out-shine him. Good match! (eye roll) What a d-ckhead he is. He is superficial, envious and rat-eyed. Frankly, not only is Scarjo too good for him, but I am, too! I could never put up with such a paltry man.

  21. Wheeze says:

    Heavy shade. I think Reynolds was really, really heartbroken over her and she was not as into him. You can sort of tell from their just-after-breakup interviews. He just seems nice and dorky and slightly annoying to me. But I think he’s maturing as an actor; saw the Woman in Gold trailer and he didn’t do any facial twitches, thank God. I think he was just as traumatised by RIPD’s BO bombing as he was by the divorce.

  22. Dr.Funkenstein says:

    Man, I hate that hair.