Cele|bitchy | Angelina Jolie & Maddox fly to LA, meanwhile Brad is mysteriously bruised

Angelina Jolie & Maddox fly to LA, meanwhile Brad is mysteriously bruised


Here are some photos of Angelina Jolie and Maddox Jolie-Pitt flying from New York to LA. I guess Maddox was the only kid to join Angelina in New York. Angelina and Maddox seemed to fly into NYC all undercover late last week because Angelina needed to make some appearances at the UN. On Friday, Jolie appeared before the United Nations Security Council to brief them/excoriate them for their inaction on the Syrian refugee crisis. Later that same day, she closed out the Women of the World Summit with a moving (albeit depressing) speech about sexual violence in warfare.

I don’t know what Maddox did while his mom was out at the UN. He’s old enough – he’s 13 years old – to amuse himself, I would assume. Did he do some homework? Did he go sightseeing? Did he play videogames? Did he call up his girlfriend? While I have no doubt that Brad Pitt is perfectly capable of being an uncool dad, do the kids ever think Angelina is uncool? Does Maddox ever yell, “Gawd, mah-OM, you just don’t understand”?

And in case you’re wondering about Maddox’s t-shirt… it’s for the band Whitechapel and their song “The Saw Is the Law,” which you can hear here. I listened to it for a minute and I’m pretty sure the devil just came into the room and punched me in the face. It’s that kind of crazy heavy-metal sound with some crazy person screaming into a microphone. So… typical teenage boy stuff. Angst, ‘tude, you just don’t understand, mom. It’s MUSIC. It speaks to ME. No one understands me!!!

Meanwhile, Brad Pitt appeared at an Autism Speaks fundraiser/charity auction on Saturday night and he had a weird bruise/scrape on his face. In case you feared that The Leg sought revenge for some slight, just know that Brad claims the bruise is actually “road rash” (kinky) and it involved him wearing flip-flops and walking with his hands full in the dark. Great story, Brad. Why not just say “dude, I was SO HIGH”?


Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

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69 Responses to “Angelina Jolie & Maddox fly to LA, meanwhile Brad is mysteriously bruised”

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  1. Peggy says:

    There are pictures of Brad with the five kids at a Korean barbecue place Friday night.
    If Angie was not in NYC, the headlines would be hilarious.
    Angie’s brother is in the pictures, Maddox is a big boy and familiar with NYC, could’ve finished his school work on the flight, and visited friends.

  2. lower-case deb says:

    that person in the background looked slightly like James Haven if i scroll down real fast.

    • lisa2 says:

      That was James. there are better pics and he flew back to LA with them.

      • lower-case deb says:

        @lisa2, thanks for info. i thought he was just some random person passing by. although i did feel odd why he was able to be so close to them (or the bodyguards).

        turns out he’s really James Haven 🙂

  3. India says:

    He may have had some procedure done. Fillers cause bruising.

    • Peggy says:

      He is filming a movie, never saw bruising like this from any procedure, it looks like a top layer of the epidermis is missing and run to under his nose.

    • Ennie says:

      I fell and hurt my face exactly on the same spot. I was running on uneven ground with the wrong shoes. I will have the scars forever.

    • lower-case deb says:

      he shoulda said he fell into a hibachi grill. it’s the “it” thing at the mo (or should i say the “in-jury of the month”). 😛

      • doofus says:

        HA! I was looking for the “he fell on the grill at the hibachi place” comment. and was going to make it if no one had…


    • Sabrine says:

      He said it’s mostly carpet burn. He was rushing up the stairs with flip-flops on and his arms full. He tripped, and smashed his face into the stairs.

  4. lisa2 says:

    He issued a statement and per usual people need it to be more dramatic. He was out to dinner with the kids the day before. I guess some people are just lucky and have never gotten hurt before.

    Yes the gossip sites were going nuts trying to make something out of it. And that is really such a shame. Everything around he and Angie has to be blown up out of proportion and made into some secret dramatic thing.

    regarding Maddox.. there was a tweet pic of him shopping at some store with a BG.. so I’m guess he did get out during their stay in NYC.

    • jen2 says:

      Yes, he was at a charity event benefiting autism, which he probably promised to attend, so he kept his obligation. He could have just stayed home. It is a shame the event’s cause gets lost in the gossip. He dropped some serious cash on a signed guitar, probably for one of the children.

      • Trashaddict says:

        As the mom of an Asperger kid, thanks Brad! I’m not losing the cause in the gossip. I’m truly grateful.

  5. Louise177 says:

    Waiting for the haters to claim that Angelina attacked him. They won’t let little things like not being in the same time zone ruin their attacks.

    • Maya says:

      Don’t worry – some have already done that over at Dailymail. Some people are really vile and sick…

      • Naddie says:

        Really? Lol, that’s ridiculously hilarious, to say the least.

      • Beep says:

        I don’t think it’s hilarious. If Angelina had a bruise people would be pissed if others blamed Brad for abusing her.

  6. jmho says:

    I thought the small pic on the main page was Marilyn Manson.

  7. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Maddox is handsome. He’s really growing up.

    • Kaley says:

      I can’t believe he’s a teenager! I still think of him as being a sassy little kid with a Mohawk.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        Enjoyed Kaiser’s write-up about Maddox and his music. He looks appropriately sulky but actually pretty respectable when you consider what he could be wearing. I feel like those two will always have a special bond, even if Maddox is too cool for school right now.

  8. Maya says:

    Why do people constantly feel the need to turn everything about the Jolie – Pitts into something negative and sinister?

    Some people truly believe Brad is a victim of domestic abuse, others claim its drugs while some claim he was in a fight (aka fight club style).

    If I was either Brad or Angelina – I will sue these people for slander.

    Brad and Angelina seem happy and in love, their children look happy and well adjusted, career is at the peak and humanitarian work is universally admired and respected.

    Brad was at a charity auction for autism – why not write something about autism instead of a bruise?

    Angelina was giving speeches to UN & Women in the World – instead some people cared more about her nipples showing.

    It says a lot more about these people and their personalities then it does about Brad & Angelina.

    I will never understand why Brad and Angelina who supposedly cheated gets this much hatred while others like Chris Brown, Sean Penn, Mark Walberg, Russell Crowe, Naomi Campbell etc who have actually physically hurt other people and yet they get away with it.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I think they handle it (all of the insane theories and petty criticism) perfectly. They just go on with their lives and ignore it. If they sued, the story would just linger even longer. I admire their maturity and dignity and the way they stay above the cesspool.

    • Boopybette says:

      To @Maya, because DUH, their sister in fug is almost 50, still single and childless. …and her contractually having a man around doesn’t satisfy them either, especially when the man is a no name balding hipster midget. Their nastiness will only get worse and is directly attributable to her desperate neurosis.

    • norah says:

      i agree with you but then again it is brad and angelina so whatever they do will get built up only in a negative way. that is because everyone wants to be like them – successful and right on top of the hw food chain both individually and as a couple. just jealousy imo. best just to ignore the jealous ones

  9. nene says:

    Am I the only one who thinks Jolie have put on a little weight?
    Looks good on her.

    Maddox seems more close to his mum than dad, it’s quite normal in families ; Boys and their mum and girls and their dad. This is why we have the common terms ‘her father’s daughter’ and ‘Mummy’s boy'( not in the negative sense) and ‘Daddy’s girl’.

    • Maya says:

      No I also think she has gained weight and it suits her. In fact if she gained a bit more she will look exactly like she did 10 years ago.

      Angelina is one of those people who looks beautiful in their 20s, will lose weight and looks good but not great in their 30s and now when she is entering 40s and middle age weight comes to play – she will look stunning.

    • Carmen says:

      I noticed that also. She looks healthy and content.

    • Colette says:

      It is possible they are closer because for three years it was just the two of them.We rarely see this family so people overanalyze the pics.I have seen people argue about which parent is closer to which kid.Some people think one or both parents are closer to the adopted kids.Others believe they are closer to bio kids.One group think they prefer Shiloh, another group thinks both parents ignore Shiloh.
      They love all their kids.

    • zut alors! says:

      It does look like she’s put on some weight and she looks better for it. Angelina and Maddox were the dynamic duo. Time really does fly…..it wasn’t so long ago that he was a little baby. I like seeing them together

  10. vauvert says:

    As someone be who is a born klutz and walks into things all the time in daylight without having my hands full, I have to laugh at the tempest in a teapot. He had to be drunk, or high, or roaring away on his motorcycle, eyes full of tears, because Angie was throwing things at him right?? I swear people need to get a life…. If anyone saw the bruises I get in weird places, including a black eye from walking smack into a bike rack hanging off the back of a SUV in a parking lot, my poor husband would have been arrested for battery a long time ago. Luckily we are no one so people don’t jump to conclusions (although I did get weird looks at the grocery store for a week while my eye went through various shades of black, green, mauve and yellow…) and yeah, I have never been drunk or high in my life.

    • nancy says:

      Not everyone was meant to be a graceful as a ballerina. You’re not the only clumsy person!

    • MrsB says:

      Ha! As a fellow klutz, I completely sympathize! It seems I always have a bruise somewhere from walking into stuff or tripping. Just last week, I was closing the gate on our SUV and pegged my head with it and got a nice little goose egg. *sigh*

    • doofus says:

      I feel you. I’m the same way. I walk into the corners of tables all the time and wind up with nasty bruises on my thighs. sometimes I see a bruise and forget how I got it because it’s so frequent.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Fellow klutz here. I have bruises I don’t even know how I got, as banging into things is so routine I hardly notice unless blood is involved.

    • Carmen says:

      Tripped on the corner of the bedspread, sailed halfway across the room and crash-landed face first into the radiator. Looked like I’d been through ten rounds with Muhammad Ali.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        flip flops + klutz = injury

        I am a klutz and can’t wear flip flops….I’m always tripping in those damn things!!!

  11. serena says:

    More than the bruise.. what the hell is up with Brad’s hair??

  12. desertrose says:

    B Pitt is giving off some Ned Flanders realness in the pic above. That hair!

  13. chaine says:

    He looks awful, and it’s not just the bruise. Are we sure this is Brad Pitt and not Russell Crowe impersonating Brad Pitt?

  14. louise says:

    I wonder if mama Angie ever listens to the Whitechapel songs? Did she let him go to the Summer Slaughter tour? I
    don’t let my 13 yr old listen to death metal.

  15. Jayna says:

    I jumped up to answer the phone across the room one night last year and my foot caught in my pajama type pants. It sent me flying across the room and the side of my face hit the sharp corner of a console table. I was on the floor in agony and thought I broke my cheekbone. By the next morning the whole side of my face was swollen and black and blue covering the complete side of my face, with one large abrasion by the cheekbone, and I had to be at a longtime client’s office all day. I was mortified. Even with makeup it looked like someone had punched the side of my face.

    I believe him. And I have tripped up stairs before when carrying something.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Ouch!! My cats tripped me when I was carrying a box down the stairs, and I did ass over teakettle until stopped by smashing against the hall closet door. I had to fly to San Francisco the next morning and my legs were purple, black and blue and swollen and I had a huge lump on my forehead. For my romantic getaway. Nice. I believe him, too.

      • doofus says:

        I used to dog-sit for a dachshund who was TERRIBLE about laying just at my feet, behind me, when I was the sink rinsing or washing something. I’d turn around and go flying…homeowners had hard terra cotta tiles in the kitchen; luckily I never hit the floor, only the pantry door a few feet away.

    • maeliz says:

      I was walking down the hardwood stairs while wearing socks and slipped all the way to the bottom to land on my shoulder on the slate foyer floor. Bruises on my butt, hip, shoulder, and a severe headache from hitting my head. I was packing to move, no stairs here. I still miss my Massachusetts house

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I feel bad for your face. I’m constantly smashing my TOES. Which doesn’t sound terrible, but it is. Especially my pinky toes–I’ve hit them to the point to where they are purple and black and swollen…….and I bruise really easy as well (I used to hit my dog’s cage with my hip, I’d get a deep scratch (which scarred) and a purple bruise surrounding it)……..it sucks. If I played sports, people would’ve thought I was an abused child.

  16. RobN says:

    I saw some clips fro the sexual violence speech. It was very good, although, for some reason, I am always surprised by the sound of her voice. It doesn’t fit her image, somehow.

    While I do not think she smacked him around, I do find the excuse for the bruise to be pretty laughable. Were it the female side of a couple sporting that and handing out some sort of fell down in the dark explanation, people would be giving the male partner a pretty strong side eye.

    • Beep says:

      Oh please, Brad would not get a side eye if Angelina had a bruise. People would say Angelina fell when she was on drugs or something but they would never blame Brad. His great Pr team would make sure of it 🙂

      Anyway, lucky for Angelina fans Angelina was out of town when he hurt himself so she can’t get the blame this time. Lol

      • RobN says:

        I didn’t mean this couple in particular, I meant couples in general. It’s the cliche excuse for domestic violence and would get a side eye in many cases. If a woman went to the ER with that excuse, they’d be asking her a bunch of questions.

        Not saying that is what happened here; people really do fall down.

      • Tarsha says:

        “I do find the excuse for the bruise to be pretty laughable.” So what does that mean then?

      • susan says:

        Don’t be silly Beep. Nobody would ever say Angie did something wrong!

  17. oven pride says:

    I don’t get what you mean about voice and image?

    • RobN says:

      I always expect a deep, kind of dramatic sounding voice that goes with her fairly serious image, and then she always sounds kind of girl next doorish. It’s just never what I expect.

  18. Lisa says:

    Before I scrolled all the way down, I thought from the top of the photo, that it was Marilyn Manson. The top of her head looks like his.

  19. maggie says:

    That header pic of her is unflattering to say the least. I don’t find her that attractive anymore. Him either!