Jennifer Aniston hangs out with Mrs Pitt

With all the news about how great Angelina Jolie is, how Oscar worthy her new movie is, her rainbow family, how thin and gorgeous, sometimes it’s nice to hear something about her rival Jennifer Aniston.

Now, these two might not really have a serious rivalry, but you sort of wish they did. Then Jen would get all angry and she’d get the six Friends to fight on her side, and Angelina would pull out some of the knives she collects, and gossip columnists everywhere would rub their hands in glee…

Anyway, the good news is Jen’s been invited to serve on the Academy Awards voting committee, and the juicy gossip is that she hangs out with Brad’s mum. For two hours!

It’s no secret that Jennifer Anison has managed to stay friends and chat on the phone with her former mother-in-law Jane Pitt — but is it well known that they still meet up for emotional gab fests? Celebrity Babylon stumbled on a highly organized stealth visit on June 17, that had Brad Pitt’s security team escorting his mother Jane in a black SUV to Jen Aniston’s rented Malibu beach pad. According to our Celebrity Babylon snapper, “The second the SUV was feet from the place, Jen’s bodyguard rushed out and got the door for Jane. She was quickly taken into the house where she stayed for the next two hours.”

What do you think they talked about? About that witch Brad’s with now, how that hot man Jennifer is seeing, or just about the weather and swapping recipes?

Picture Note by Celebitchy: Photos from Celebrity Babylon. Helen is a new blogger from New Zealand. We don’t all have to agree on the contentious Jolie/Pitt/Aniston thing so please be courteous.


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