Gwyneth Paltrow, liar: ‘My food philosophy is: Nothing should be ruled out’


I could have gone the whole year without seeing Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goopy mid-section on the cover of Women’s Health. She does have a nice figure, but lately Gwyneth has seemed… I don’t know? Thirsty? That’s what happens when you’re building a lifestyle brand on YOUR life, though. You have to show some thirst, because you want people to pay attention to how you’re living. You want to be seen as aspirational. And so it is with Gwyneth. We’re supposed to want Gwyneth’s body, Gwyneth’s diet, Gwyneth’s clothes, Gwyneth’s homes, Gwyneth’s life. Some highlights from her Women’s Health interview:

Her comfort with her body: “I believe in having sex and I feel way more comfortable in a bathing suit now than I did 20 years ago!”

Her routine: “My routine is the same every weekday. I drop my kids at school. I do an hour of dance cardio, then I go to work. For lunch I usually have a big salad with grilled chicken, and then for dinner I’ll have whatever I want. Most nights I eat with the kids, like, a stir-fry of chicken and broccoli or pasta or roast chicken and potatoes.”

She believes in being herself: “I believe, as cheesy as it sounds, in exercise, laughing, having sex, being yourself.”

Her diet mantra: “My food philosophy is: Nothing should be ruled out. I don’t believe in saying, ‘You’re not allowed that.’ If my kids want a Shirley Temple with the radioactive cherry in it, go for it, you know?”

Her romantic relationship (with Brad Falchuk): “If I’m in a relationship at this point in my life, it’s got to be a relationship worth sustaining, you know what I mean? I don’t have the time or inclination.”

[From The Daily Mail]

She’s so full of it. I mean, this might be her “philosophy” at this point, to not rule anything out and to be okay with her children eating “radioactive cherries,” but it really wasn’t too long ago (it was just two years ago!) that Gwyneth was promoting one of the harshest elimination diets out there, suggesting that children should be put on no-carb, no-dairy, no-meat diets/cleanses for weeks at a time. And next year she’ll have a new philosophy, a new diet, a new set of rules for what we should and should not be consuming. Also: how passive-aggressive and judgy is she being about cherries? Shirley Temples are a staple of childhood! How dare she judge the cherry!


Photos courtesy of Women’s Health.

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111 Responses to “Gwyneth Paltrow, liar: ‘My food philosophy is: Nothing should be ruled out’”

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  1. Oobejabbawonka says:

    For the love of God, Goopy, EFF OFFFFF!!! Arghhhhhhh!!!!!! ***runs towards edge of cliff****

    • Sam says:

      I don’t know why she gets so much praise for her body. She’s a 5’10 always skinny woman who works out 1 – 2 hours a day with access to good food. The only time she’s ever been overweight is while pregnant.

      It’s remarkable to see transformations like Jennifer Hudson because she really struggled with weight her whole life. I dont undertand why we are. praising this twit for having the audacity to keep her already skinny figure in shape is by me.

      • cannibell says:

        Two words popped to mind when I read this, and they were “white” and “privilege.”

      • Kiddo says:

        I think she looks really really cute in the photos. Granted, I have no idea how much is shopped. Like some women who are stockier, but maintain that shape while working out, Goop has always been ‘skinny/thin’, so she’s going to remain that way, if it’s her body type. Not everyone becomes cut with defined or pumped muscles.

        That said, she must have developed incredible flexibility since she’s able to stick her foot in her mouth with frequency.

      • Fat Monica says:

        oh, because only white rich women are skinny? *eyeroll*

      • pf says:

        Yes, white privilege. I give props to someone like Jennifer Hudson, not just for her body transformation, but because she was raised in one of Chicago’s most economically poor, gun-ridden neighborhoods. Also, look what happened to her family who were murdered. Something tells me if the same thing happened to GP we’d never hear the end of it. GP is the daughter of an actress and writer/producer who has never had to struggle with anything. Also, being raised in “the business” is most likely the reason why she is so superficial. If she was really happy, she wouldn’t be selling this lifestyle so hard. I know it’s her “brand” but it’s pretty much bullsh*t. Eat whatever you want my ass. And I love radioactive cherries! I am sure she makes passive aggressive comments like that to her kids all the time. I bet they have crazy food issues like her.

      • HH says:

        It is always frustrating when wealthy people, especially actors, are celebrated for maintaining their figure. They have the money and time to do so. That being said, Gwyneth is thin, but skinny doesn’t equal healthy/good figure. Her body isn’t simply the result of being naturally thin. She actually looks toned and seems to be invested on being healthy on the inside.

      • qwerty says:

        “GP is the daughter of an actress and writer/producer who has never had to struggle with anything.”

        What about her post-natal depression? Or the death of her father? How is that not a struggle?

      • Ally8 says:

        I sometimes feel like the word orthorexia was invented to explain Gwyneth Paltrow’s rambling on the subject of food, which manages to be both tediously obsessive and utterly joyless:

        I hope no one is taking dieting/exercise advice from this confused, unhappy woman.

    • Easi says:

      Honest question: who the eff is her audience besides rich white women? Do they put her on covers to get the hate clicks? She probably generates as much hate as a kardashian.

  2. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    She is so full of it.

    • Froggy says:

      Yup! I’d bet she never eats pasta or potatoes for dinner. Most definitely not every night.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        And one day she says she eats a really strict diet and the next she says she eats whatever she wants.

  3. whybenice says:

    What a crock.

  4. Allie says:

    I’m really starting to hate the ‘peace sign’ pose in pictures.

    • mimif says:

      I came here to say the same thing.

    • zinjojo says:

      Anything that makes me think of Lindsay Lohan can’t be good.

      It’s the pose that’s trying to say, look how cool and hip I am.

    • Gretchen says:

      When I first saw the picture I didn’t see her index finger because of the hair waft, just her middle finger and the smug grin…which actually seems like a pretty accurate representation of her brand 🙂

  5. Madly says:

    Wondering how much air brushing did they do and how long did she starve before this photo Shoot?

    • Belle Epoch says:

      MAJOR photoshopping. No need to starve – they’ll fix everything after the shot!

      Has anyone ever suggested that Gwynnie just isn’t that bright?

    • GoOnGirl says:

      Madly: I came here to say the same thing. Those pics are airbrushed to the max. Last time we saw her in a bikini, she had a little pooch, which is ok. Don’t know why they feel her pics have to be perfect.

    • TotallyBiased says:

      Yeah, that side-view is seriously reshaped Photoshopping.

      • Anne tommy says:

        She did boast recently that her ass was like that of a 22 year old stripper. Every child’s Dream Quote to hear from their mother.

    • Jen says:

      YES!!!! I came here to say the same thing!! Yes, she’s thin, has a good body, etc. But c’mon!! Her hair is not that luminous, her skin is not golden, and even before she had kids she had stretch marks. Yes, I would love to have her body and her privilege, but someone needs to duct tape her mouth shut for a while.

  6. Tiffany27 says:

    LMAO! It’s like she threw in sex for no real reason. Even at 45 she’s such a “cool girl”

    • Shambles says:

      Seriously. The thirst, man, the thirst. “Look how sexy I am, I just love to have SEX. Did you hear me mention sex?”

      Slightly OT, and I don’t want this to sound like body-shaming of any type. But her body just doesn’t do it for me. She looks great, she looks fit. But for someone who touts every aspect of their life as being aspirational, I’m just not that into her body.

      • Nk868 says:

        @shambles I agree. Yes she looks great but sometimes straight on I think her lower abs look… Like a small baby bump? Maybe she’s so thin naturally/from the fad diets that the abs add on bulk?

      • GoOnGirl says:

        Shambles, it’s hilarious how many times she mentions sex, which means she’s probably doing with out. LOL!

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Yea, maybe it’s because I have a different body type, but Goop, to me, looks like she diets and that’s it. And has been dieting for twenty years, lol. She doesn’t look like she works out at all…….

      • annaloo. says:

        Ew, why can’t we just say what we think? I think her belly/abdominal section is gross and swollen looking. I have no wishes to trade the waist I have for hers.

        And YES the peace sign is so shallow and juvenile.. For why are you using it, Goop? You’re not 19! Or 6….

      • Granger says:

        I agree with Virgilia Coriolanus. For someone who claims to work out all the time, Gwyneth doesn’t have a heck of a lot of muscle tone. Her arms are very thin. Her thighs are very thin. I admit, I’m envious that she doesn’t have cellulite (which is thanks to her genes). But I certainly don’t find anything aspirational about her figure, because it’s a figure that’s impossible to aspire to, so what’s the point?

    • KellyBee says:

      I know right her “I believe in having sex” as opposed to not believing in having sex? Lol

  7. PunkyMomma says:

    When will I learn not to click a Goopy article while I’m eating?

  8. capepopsie says:

    This woman is exhausting, very exhausting. . .

  9. BengalCat2000 says:

    Stop trying so damn hard Goop. I aspire to be nothing like you. Tonight I will eat the greasiest meat pizza I can find and still f@ck a 25 year old grad student who has never heard of you.

  10. marie says:

    It’s like she’s being judgy, without being judgy. She’s probably the type that would go up to someone in the store and chide them for letting their 1 year old eat poison goldfish crackers.

    • kcarp says:

      My sister in law is like this. She doesn’t let her kids eat anything. Then when they in the wild they gorge on any sugar they can get.

      • Anne tommy says:

        Goop talked a while ago about her kids having that “no carbs hunger”, dreadful, there’s Enough kids hungry because food isn’t available without inflicting it on them. Kids should have a balanced diet and carbs are certainly part of that. She’s a self-obsessed narcissist.

      • Neonscream says:

        My friend is like this, her and her partner eat like birds and the 3 kids do too, if I go to their house for dinner I make sure I have a second dinner waiting in the fridge when I get home. When I look after the kids ALL they want is sugar and chocolate and soda. I never craved that stuff when I was a kid because although it wasn’t something we had all the time (only ever had dessert if it was someone’s birthday) it wasn’t verboten. I was more likely to crave cheese. I suspect with my friend it comes from extreme paranoia that she’ll end up like her Dad who is obese but she’s become a total bore about food and eating out with her is painful, orders veggies only, with no dressing, no fat, no taste. The kids will very soon be making their own food choices and she’s training them to make it ALL about the crap their never allowed to eat.

  11. Bishg says:

    Right, “at this point” she doesn’t have time nor dedication to just fool around and enjoy the single life, but one year ago it was OK to screw around while being in a 10+ year committed relationship with children, and turn a blind eye on her husband’s wandering penis…

    5 minutes ago carbs were the personification of Satan and everything that’s evil in the world, now she’s cool with fried potatoes and whatever’s on the menu..

    Insufferable, pretentious woman.

  12. Unmade_bed says:

    I have the same concerns about the cherries. There are all-natural ones at The Fresh Market, but they aren’t quite as good. I like Paltrow’s philosophy of eating as healthfully as one can without stressing, most of the time, interspersed with cleanses. Religion often elevates habits that are beneficial to adopt, and I believe fasting (or cleansing) is one of those. It is historically understood to be necessary.

    • Dolce crema says:

      Me too! I don’t want to give my kids too much food colouring. And then I wonder if I’m being paranoid. I would love to try making a Black Forest cake but the the kind I had as a kid has a bunch of those cherries

    • qwerty says:

      She eats chicken twice a day, not sure what’s healthy about this.

  13. Patricia says:

    She reminds me of my sister
    “Everything I do is right. Everyone should follow my lead and do as I do. But don’t blink because every second what I do is totally different. But still right! Keep up or I’ll start with the backhanded passive aggressive criticism!”

  14. Sugar says:

    Gwen “The Situation” Paltrow.

  15. Elizabeth says:

    Gwyneth really is one of the most annoying celebrities. I always thought actresses only posed half naked on magazine covers when they were first starting out and trying to get publicity. Why does she have o say she likes to have sex TWICE in the interview?

    Anyway I would never follow Gwyneth’s diet advice. I would much rather have a curvy sexy body like Jennifer Lopes or Beyonce.

    • Ankhel says:

      Actresses often pose undressed twice – when they are young and want to prove they’ve got it, and when they get middle aged and so desperate to prove they’ve still got it. Gwyneth, cough! Remember Jane Seymour and her “sexy” pics with her teenage sons?

  16. KellyBee says:

    Not too long ago I was saying how she was gluten intolerant and had to eliminate almost all food. let’s not forget she’s also said her kids were gluten intolerance and we’re on a strict diet.

    So now she doesn’t have anything out? does she magically get cured from her gluten intolerance?

    • lucy2 says:

      She also once said she’d rather smoke crack that eat cheese in a can, or something like that.
      I think she really expected constant praise for all that restrictive food stuff, but when instead the response was “oh shut up already” she’s changing her tune to try a different approach. But won’t ever admit it.

    • Anne tommy says:

      I have a Paltrow intolerance…

  17. Lanse says:

    That’s what elitist status seekers do (or junior high school girls). They make up a bunch of impossible rules and ways to live, announce them to the world as the only way to do things, and then turn it all around by announcing that, actually, they are the exception to all the rules, especially the ones they made up! See how great they are? And oh, are you still doing that? Trends and status. That’s all it is.

  18. Jaded says:

    She probably did a triple strength “detox” with heavy-duty laxatives for a month before she shot those photos. Fair bit of photoshopping too. As for what she says, utter tripe. not one word sounds honest. Just more rubbing of the peasants noses in her faux perfection. Piss off Goop.

  19. Tracy says:

    “Exhausting” is exactly the right word.

  20. snowflake says:

    I hate how these fitness magazines have celebrities on the cover. I would not buy it because a famous person’s on there. a lot of these celebs have notoriety for doing things that are not healthy or fitness minded. so to me, it is like endorsing their views by putting them in the magazine and/or on the cover. and gwyneth is one of the worst, as far as dispensing unhealthy/inaccurate advice. they should not give her perceived credibility

  21. Birdix says:

    Maybe she’s happier now that she is separated and loosening up a bit? I would think this would be so embarrassing for Apple to read at age 10.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Especially how she having lots and lots of sex. I mean, good for her, but must we hear about it?

    • ava7 says:

      Or she realizes that she has to loosen up if anyone is going to put up with her.

  22. blue marie says:

    My life philosophy: Never listen to a liar.. She looks good though

  23. kri says:

    Why does she keep saying she “believes in having sex”?! Is she clapping her hands three times or clicking her heels together whle repeating over and over? It’s sex, GOOP, not a trip to Oz. Ugh. She is the opposite of sexy for me.

    • meme says:

      These over 40 actresses desperate for the world to still consider them sexy and hot are kind of sad. Is that really all that matters to them? Gwyneth isn’t getting decent movie roles because she’s not a good actress, Nicole Kidman has frozen her face as had Courtney Cox, Aniston can only talk about her hair…it’s pathetic.

      • maria1981 says:

        don’t forget cameron diaz… just sad. you are absolutely right.

      • annaloo. says:

        This is the irony of being the “beautiful” girl growing up, the self.evident panic that sets in the 30s when 40/comes around, and you realize you ain’t developed nothing else about you. So you still talk about your hair or your weight or your sex life… At this age, even in Hollywood, if you’re still in the struggle to be the beautiful one, it’s gross BC as a woman, maybe you should have developed some saged wisdom now?

        I do appreciate the actresses whose fame never rode on their announced diets and workout systems, their hairstylist’s name, who they are holding hands with on the red carpet…women like Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Connelly, Angela Bassett, Tina Fey….

        Gwyneth makes me tired BC the thirstiness, the desperation, the narcissistic tone of everything she does … I don’t know her as a great actress, I know her as gossip fodder. And as a 41 yr old woman, it just feels like at this point of life, these are not the things I’d want my life to be about…. but wow does she run after them, and I just don’t want to watch.

  24. Izzy says:

    So that’s why she has osteoporosis and straw for hair? Thanks, but keep all your diet tips, honey. I’ll keep my extra 40 pounds, which I’ll lose the hard way – through ACTUAL healthy eating habits and more exercise. You know, reality. Which is how I lost the first 40.

    This woman is just annoying.

  25. FingerBinger says:

    She looks good. Her hair usually looks like straw but it looks really nice.

  26. jen2 says:

    Her, I ignore.

    What is more disturbing is that a publication called “Women’s Health” is so fixated on preaching how to be super thin–Bikini Body (get skinny), power foods to make you skinny. Shouldn’t this publication educate women on what health is without having half dressed already skinny women telling us how to stay skinny. Shouldn’t this publication extol the virtues of a healthy life style–eat right, exercise, decrease stress– without glorifying being skinny (which is not the same as thin–two different things or better still, obtaining a healthy weight for your height and body type) as the only way to be healthy? Another Pet peeve–“bikini body”.

  27. poppy says:

    aw, she needs sex right!? and a less restrictive diet you know? that’s all i’m getting from this interview, you know what I mean?!?
    also -lots of “ifs” in her speak.

    she has always been the worst “do as i say, not as i do” celebrity.
    such a flaky moron.

  28. Triple Cardinal says:

    See how marvelous I am when I’m Photoshopped! This bod, which does not exist in the real world, looks fab, eh? Look at me, I’m wonderful!

    Take that, Chris Martin.

  29. Micki says:

    Goop in a top form being herself.
    I think she has more than enough photos on different beaches, so i don’t believe she’s been photoshopped beyond recognitiion.
    As for her “new” fad it’s the good old Weight Wtchers mantra, which actually works.

  30. anne_000 says:

    Usually when people get their stomach photographed, they suck it in. They don’t stick it out as big as they can.

  31. maria1981 says:

    more like “Gwyneth Paltrow, liar: ‘My food philosophy is: Nothing.”

  32. belle de jour says:

    You know that part in It’s a Wonderful Life where Clarence says every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings? I think every time this woman opens her lifestyle pie hole in an interview, some poor magazine editor gets a hemorrhoid.

  33. NUTBALLS says:

    Goop trying to remain relevant. Her confidence in herself would be so much more convincing if she wasn’t trying to sell her perfect life and body to the rest of us plebs.

    When is over 40 and enjoying sex so novel and unique that you have to talk about it so much? I like all kinds of food, vigorous outdoor exercise and humping my huz as do many of many of my friends. Hardly newsworthy.

  34. perplexed says:

    Maybe sex helps her forget about food? It’s weird she keeps talking about she “believes” in having sex, like no one else has figured out why it’s so sought after in the culture, but perhaps this is her diet secret.

    • Marie-France says:

      I think she knows that she was never considered sexy so she needs to prove that she is sexual. Like a teenager who just lost her virginity. I find it a bit embarrassing…

  35. laura says:

    I love maraschino cherries!

  36. Sara says:

    It should read more like ” I finally no longer suffer from orthrexia and am able to reasonably eat whatever I want within moderation.

  37. kai says:

    “I believe in having sex” – What??? Not a native English speaker here, this sounds so stupid to me.

  38. Pumpkin Pie says:

    I have no words to say how tired I am of these bikini body magazine covers. A “bikini body” in this horrible media culture seems to be a skinny woman’s body, and a skinny body does not equal health. PERIOD.Plus, to me, Goop has absolutely no credibility in giving any kind of nutrition and health advice. Brittle bones, remember? And I won’t even comment on food restrictions she seemed to promote – to say that gently. And in IMO, health should be taught to kids from kindergarten at least, adapted to their wonderful young minds, by people who know what they are talking about. Knowledge doesn’t come out from no-where. And all these “celebrities” who think they are experts should become more responsible, educated, or shut up.

  39. Jayna says:

    Great photos of her, but she just doesn’t look this good in reality from the pap photos on family vacay a few weeks ago in Mexico with her ex. She’s thin and fit in the bikini vacation photos, but just an average body, really. These photos are really good, though, and I don’t see anything wrong with these photos for Women’s Health Mag

    Regarding the new and improved Gwyneth, loose and chill with food, I’m on the floor laughing. Does she think that”s going to rewrite all of her other interviews regarding her obsession with diets and kinds of foods to eat and all the elimination in helping us peasants see the errors of our ways and aspire to be like her, food expert? LOL

  40. Granger says:

    So lemme get this straight… She drops her kids off at school (I’m assuming at 8:30 or 9), then comes home and works out for an hour, after which she presumably showers and has something to eat, and THEN she gets to work. At which point it must be, like, 11 in the morning. Whew! Must be nice. I work from home, but that means I’m up at 6 to work out early so I can actually sit down and start working at 8:45 when the kids are gone, and hope to be finished what needs to be done in time to start making dinner at 5. (And isn’t this the same woman who said actresses have a tougher time of it than your average mom who works 9 to 5? Rrrrrriiiiiight.)

    • Jayna says:

      Your a peasant, though. LOL

      Haven’t you ever read on GOOP circa 2010 Lady Gwyneth’s diary for a day of her stressful life and how she packs it all in? Me, I’d rather go listen to the Beatles masterpiece A Day in the Life, than read this again, but everyone has to read it once to fully appreciate Gwyneth. Enjoy!

  41. HoustonGrl says:

    Congrats on being skinny. Can we move on now?

  42. MJ says:

    Just throwing it out there, but considering she works out 1-2hours a day, eats only chicken and salad she doesn’t look that good. Just a naturally thin woman with no real muscle definition.

  43. zimmer says:

    Probably airbrushing in that last photo, but her mid section looks really UNhealthy.

  44. Liz says:

    In that front view her abdomen looks pooched out. Any fitness instructor would tell you to “tuck it in.”

  45. LAK says:

    She keepps flip flopping as far as food and diets are concerned. Her philosophy seems to be that food is the enemy. 50 shades of poison.

  46. Estella says:

    She is super skinny and stringy for someone that works out at least an hour a day. Plus, she is a liar. This woman does not eat carbs.

    I do find myself now wanting to go on a cleanse so my belly can look as flat as that side view so… I guess I am buying what Goop via Women’s Health is selling. Dammit!