Amal Clooney in yellow Maison Margiela at Tokyo premiere: hot or not?

Here are some photos of Amal and George Clooney at today’s Tokyo premiere of Tomorrowland. For the occasion, Amal wore this yellow Maison Margiela, designed by John Galliano. She also wore Galliano-for Maison Margiela to the Met Gala. Amal seems to love her new friend who was convicted of anti-Semitic hate speech several years ago. You can see some additional photos of George and Amal here at the Daily Mail.

I have to say, I don’t hate this as much as I should. I’m not a big fan of yellow (or orange) on the red carpet, but Amal sort of makes it work. The dress is beautifully designed as well – it’s really difficult to make satin look this good. My biggest issues are with how Amal carries the dress. Her posture is still absolutely awful and I’m now even more convinced that she got bolt-ons.

Meanwhile, George is sort of stuck promoting a sinking ship. Which I think is funny in a schadenfreude sort of way. Clooney shilled his marriage so hard for this film and… the numbers are pretty disappointing. Tomorrowland opened with about $32 million, which sounds like a lot until you realize that they needed to open with $50 million-plus. The film cost $180-190 million, so they’re barely going to recoup that over the long haul, and George is really going to have to sell it hard overseas (which is just what he’s doing). Tomorrowland is already being called a “bomb” and analysts are blaming Tomorrowland for the overall bad showing for Memorial Day weekend.

PS… Amal’s hair looks terrible!! Good God.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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164 Responses to “Amal Clooney in yellow Maison Margiela at Tokyo premiere: hot or not?”

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  1. Kip says:

    His back really looks like it’s killing him in that first picture.

    • Fa says:

      He look like he can’t stand correctly anyone he bending from the waist & it beginning he would have a good posture in the future

    • lisa2 says:

      George is always talking about playing basketball with his friends. You don’t do that if you are in constant pain. He is bending over talking to the press.

  2. Rachel says:

    I’d love this a lot more if her hipbones weren’t visibly sticking out.

    • That’s what I was thinking. Is that normal for very thin people? I’m just average height/weight so to me she looks very frail.

      • Celebwatch says:

        Yes, it’s normal for very thin people. I have always been thin-very thin, my hipbones were always visible. Normal is not necessarily ‘the norm.’

        I always assumed a ‘thigh gap’ was normal for everyone because I always had one. Surprised when it became a ‘thing.’ Not bragging, just the facts. Fact is I wish I were a few pounds heavier (in my chest above all else). Fact is it’s nigh impossible for me to gain weight.

        Honestly, I think Amal’s fine. I don’t see that she’s lost all this weight compared to how she was before. She was always thin-very thin. If it’s not your cup of tea, fine, but know that the way you are, even if you are indeed the norm, is not normal for everyone.

    • sofia says:

      I noticed that too! Could it be the panties or something?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I think it could be hip bones, but it also could be the corners of her panties, if they have any kind of decoration or thick seam at the corner. You can see the outline of her panties in the middle picture. I can’t believe I’m writing this, btw.

      • FLORC says:

        That fabric shows everything. Every detail and seam you think isn’t going to be noticed.
        Judging by her other outfits and where she bares her hip line these could easily be her hip bones sticking out. You can see her belly button outline as well.
        When wearing this fabric a slip of another fabric that is smooth is a must!

        Her styling is terrible here. She really goes all out for these events.

      • imqrious2 says:

        It looks like she’s going “commando” under that dress, complete with camel toe. Satin really does need a thin liner so as not to be that clingy and to drape properly. My grandfather was a tailor, and when he made me anything in satin, the only parts that didn’t get lined were sleeves, and the fit/drape was impeccable.

    • Lara K says:

      I’m less concerned with her hip bones and more concerned that the bottom photo looks like she has a banana in her pocket. A big one.

      • SideEye Sally says:

        Someone should have advised her on appropriate undergarments to wear with this dress.

      • mary simon says:

        Something strange going on with that dress. Is she flashing everyone?

    • Nikki L. says:

      “Concern trolling” be damned, I’m sorry, that’s just not a healthy appearance, AT ALL.

      • DrM says:

        I actually feel sorry for her. She looks like a smiling skull in the close-ups. ”Concern trolling” be damned. I think it needs to be pointed out as there are enough people going ”she looks GREAT…all women should be this weight…it is NORMAL” for it to be a huge problem when her weight isn’t seen as not ok. Those are hipbones in the picture. Her shoulders also look unbelievably bony as well. It makes me feel very badly for her.

      • FLORC says:

        There is a thin line we walk here. Do we mention how thin she looks? Do we praise or condemn? How will that be received and are we correct in our thoughts?
        IMO She looks really thin. And not healthy thin. She dropped weight swiftly when she was brought into the spotlight and put on little to no visible muscle mass.
        Not concern trolling. Just calling it like I see it.

      • Vava says:

        Yes, hip bones. She’s lost weight since her marriage and maybe it’s due to pressure she feels. I was in that sort of situation once a long time ago and my hip bones stuck out like that too. I didn’t have an eating disorder, per se, but I was not at a healthy weight. It does take it’s toll after awhile (skin, hair, etc.).

    • Anna says:

      I think it’s her hip bones. If you look at pictures of her from the past few months you can see how skinny she’s become.

      • nicole says:

        The silky dress would show the outline of anyone’s body, particularly if you are this slim, its definitely her bones showing and that last picture is vulgar, she should of worn some kind of underwear. She is supposed to be a classy women, I dont think so.

    • JaneM says:

      The hip bones don’t bother me. I’m bothered by the camel toe in the third picture! Yikes!

  3. GlimmerBunny says:

    I usually love her style, but this dress is terrible. Looks cheap and trashy.

    • LadyMTL says:

      ITA, the satin fabric is awful and makes the dress look really cheap (never mind the bad hair and so on). It surprises me that Galliano would have made something like this, his tailoring and style is usually amazing.

  4. DahliaDee says:

    Eh, that is clearly a silicon bra. Not sure whether she’s wearing undies however.

    • Samtha says:

      You can see the outline of her undies in the second pic up from the bottom (and her hip bones and navel).

    • Miss M says:

      She is wearing, you can see in the third picture.

  5. Gio says:

    OMG, she looks like a drag queen now. Amal, eat!

  6. Granger says:

    I’m sorry, but those jutting hip bones look painful. Her hair looks crazy bad! What was she thinking?

  7. Vava says:

    Satin is incredibly difficult to wear. I’d like to know what sorts of undergarments a person would wear with such a dress! Yellow is not one of my favorite colors either, but she looks quite nice in it. The hair is a mess, that’s for sure.

  8. Fa says:

    It already bombs overseas $26.7m with 65 markets including majors European countries

    • roses says:

      Yeah, its performance overseas was supposed to be its saving grace but its debut was horrible especially in the UK, France, and Germany, Even Prince of Persia did better overseas than this doing. Hopefully with it being a family film it can hold ok but doubt it breaks even. The marketing was just really off for this.

    • angie says:

      Preachy films tend to be boring. And I don’t know how others feel about this, but I’m beyond irritated with him and Disney for making a “message” film to instruct the masses on global warming while not doing a single thing to reduce their own gargantuan carbon footprints. Walk your talk, and then maybe I’ll stop thinking that your message to children is “Do as I say, not as I do.”

  9. Samtha says:

    The hair is really bad.

    I actually enjoyed Tomorrowland a lot, even though I dislike Clooney.

    • mia girl says:

      The promotional effort for this movie was so weird. I’ve seen commercials and trailers a lot, and still can’t tell you what the movie is about. Nor did it get me jacked to want to see the movie.

      I mean with the people behind the film, namely Brad Bird, never did the promos say, “From the director of Mission Impossible 4” or the creator of “The Incredibles”.
      I sorta get why they steered away from Lindleloft, but Bird always delivers.

      • Tiffany says:

        I think the biggest mistake was keeping the plot and trailer secret and vague. Also, I did not realize that Lindoff wrote this. That explains a lot. Why does he continue to get scriptwriting work. Ugh.

    • Miss M says:

      I saw this morning and it was a good sci-fi for kids. But, I think the problem was the screenplay :/

  10. trollontheloose says:

    her oohaa is wanting to make an exit. they both look tired. Papa Clooney’s back is killing him and her eyes are red. Time to get out of the lights and have some rest.

    • nicole says:

      Its about time they gave up the pr circus and lived there life away from the camera for a while because people are really fed up with it. It goes to show all his over the top pr in the last year since his engagement and marriage hasnt done much for his popularity or his career.

  11. neer says:

    Both have bad postures. Try as they might, they don’t project charisma. What they have are only their names.

    I think Amal really likes the fame that goes with being Clooney’s wife. Sure, she is a lawyer but the way she presents herself in her husband’s showbiz appearances diminishes her so-called professional reputation. It seems like she wants to be a movie star or a hollywood celebrity. She seems to be enjoying the attention that supposedly she is getting. That’s what she thought, that people respect her. Maybe, the public at first is fascinated with the coupling of Clooney & Amal, each coming from different worlds. However, as time goes by, from the over-the-top & exaggerated wedding to the dressing up like she’s always on a fashion show or runway…. she seems unnatural. Not the usual lawyer who is expected to dress up oozing with dignity & confidence. Looking at her, she is just plain fame wh*re.

    • Chrissy says:

      I totally agree with you, neer. Another thing is that since she is photographed and in the tabloids on a daily basis, it make you wonder when she’s actually doing any lawyering.
      She’s trying way too hard being “Mrs. George Clooney, the movie star’s wife” that her own professional achievements are being overshadowed, as you said. She’s becoming less and
      less credible as a professional woman, the more we see of her as a spectacle on the red carpet. And all this hoopla makes George look like a fool as their relationship comes across as a
      fake one.

      • nicole says:

        I thought when he married Amal that she would be different to the other girls as in she is lawyer nothing to do with hollywood. I thought she would of been pretty low key but she seems to be constantly pushed on the public as this new big fashion icon who has this amazing job aswell etc . I could understand the other girls where in the entertainment industry and he was trying to give them more exposure which he certainly did, but with Amal i just dont get it. Thats what makes me question this whole marriage theres just something not wright about it. Its like hes trying to make her this big star and shes not even an actress or a singer, why? And lets face it no one had heard of her or her great career before she met him, I even know a well known lawyer who lives and works in London and he said he never heard of her. So to me the marriage seems to be about making her famous and well known.

    • Blue says:

      Her job as a lawyer has definitely taken a backseat to her job as Mrs George Clooney which seems to involve endless photo ops in designer clothing. I have no idea as to why George is so intent on making Amal into a famous celebrity, when she is supposed to be a lawyer.

      Amal is not looking good in yellow and the hair is awful.

  12. Jayna says:

    Am I the only one that loves this on her? I rarely love that color, but every once in a while a celeb on a red carpet nails it. I think that gown is stunning in its design and really works on a tall woman. It actually flatters her figure. I’ve pretty much enjoyed all of her gowns on her, except for the washing gloves as an accent that time. It’s nice to see her softening her makeup for a change. Although, the hair is a bit of a mess. I do like it off of her face. Just someone could have done a better job styling it. It looks square up on top.

    She still looks in her 40s, to me. If she gained a few pounds, I think she would look younger. But, still, thumbs up. Very elegant. Well done.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I like it. In some pictures, the satin is doing odd things, like the bottom picture sort of looks like she’s smuggling a package in her undies, but is think it is very flattering in general. Satin is just difficult.

    • Judy says:

      I like it too. Not everyone can wear that gold/yellow color but it goes well with her skin tone. I love the style and cut of the dress. As we all know satin wrinkles like crazy so I’m surprised that it looks so smooth. The style and fabric does remind me of a dress from the late thirties or forties, something that Jean Harlow or Carole Lombard would have worn.

    • Mary-Alice says:

      I love it but I like Galliano as a designer very much. He has golden hands and creative mind. Yes, yes, I know, I’m a terrible person too.

    • jane16 says:

      Don’t like her hairstyle, but I like the dress also. I love retro clothes. I’ve been watching an Australian series, MIss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, set in the late 20s, and the stars clothes are to die for.

    • Suzanne says:

      You’re the ONLY one who thinks this celebrity wanna-be looks good in that dress. Her hair looks like it was done by HER…the gown clings in all the wrong crevasses…and her cooter is seemingly outlined in that last shot. Not good. She is deathly thin now…probably all the stress associated with getting new outfits and daily parading on time for the paps to photograph her I’m sure the hectic schedule is wearing the girl down. This is the first photo shoot I’ve seen where I can actually say…she doesn’t look good AT ALL. George needs to get past the black shirt open at the collar and the black sports coat. So 70’s. Good try Amal..but you get a 3 on a scale of 1-10 from this judge. LOL

  13. Belle Epoch says:

    I find her face very harsh, even after all the plastic surgery and dental work. She must look scary as hell when she’s mad.

  14. krtmom says:

    She really needs to gain some weight!

  15. Mel M says:

    Honestly I don’t remember much promotion for this movie at all. Maybe I’m just not watching the right stuff.

  16. The Original G says:

    I believe that Clooney’s box office appeal is firmly on the wane. He’s had a good run. I hope these two are for real because he looks like Count Dracula next to her.

  17. zut alors! says:

    Seeing as how his movie did not do as well as expected, will it be back to the drawing to figure out a new iteration of the “married to the most amazing woman ever who is also my equal”? He still has to finish shooting the Jodie Foster movie. Will there be more pap walks and visits to the set?

  18. Rosiebud says:

    I like Amal’s dress very much. The cut, color and style are beautiful. Yellow is a good color for her. She looks so pretty!

    • FLORC says:

      Simply speaking. That fabric is tough to pull off and there should be a lining with the dress. Even pros do make this mistake so no faulting Amal for it as she’s still learning. But that dress not having a liner alone is awful.
      And her tone works great with jewel or darker tones. This yellow imo is tragic. Her coloring and features would shine with deeper tones. But that’s MO and yours.

  19. Kat Matz says:

    I think Amal looks lovely. Yellow is hard to either have to be very blond ala Reese Witherspoon, or have very dark hair and complexion. And, of course, it has to be a good yellow.. She definitely has a new boob Job! She needed undergarments…a light spanx just to smooth it out…..

  20. Miss M says:

    I don’t think Clooney is an actor known to draw audiences like Leo. Most of his successful movies have great cast. I don’t even remember his last box office success.

    • FingerBinger says:

      The Descendants.

      • Jayna says:

        Yeah, The Descendants did quite well and was highly rated by audiences and critics. It had a budget of $20 million and its box office was over $177 million. I think that’s the last movie I saw of his. I don’t know if he has done others or not. He was in that astronaut movie with Sandra Bullock but it was a small part.

      • Miss M says:

        That’s tight, ladies. I forgot about it. But i think before the descendants he spent a long time without a box office success. I am going to give a try on tomorrowland.

      • Bridget says:

        Um, Gravity?

      • FLORC says:

        Gravity didn’t (imo) hinge on Clooney being in it. Added up those movies where Clooney lead or played a larger role over the past few years of his steady work did not do well. His films didn’t perform as wel as expected with a name like his attached.

        He did have a good run though and should bow out before this becomes a train wreck like other aging actors that are out of their glory days… *cough*

  21. jen2 says:

    This film was badly promoted. Most people want to go to a movie because it sounds interesting and the people in it are proud of it. The other Disney films that have succeeded the past year have had the main well known star and the younger one out promoting the film and talking about the film and doing things together. Yes, sometimes personal lives come up, but it should not be the main thrust of the promotion efforts.

    The only person who has been visible promoting this film has been Clooney and he sure did not talk about the movie. I know they wanted it to be a “mystery”, but that is not a good way to start. Most of the information was about Mr and Mrs Clooney and how smart she is, how she loves to dress and every other detail about her and the marriage. Why would anyone spend a lot of money for something they know nothing about and what Mrs. Clooney wears or her case load just won’t cut it. I heard folks don’t know if the film is for young children, teens or adults and it was never sold as much of anything. Whoever came up with the promotion ideas for this film need to go back and try again. They need to use the younger people to sell to young people, not a 54 year old curmudgeon (which he apparently is in the film). This film came off as just some type of commercial for Disneyland. I don’t want to concern troll Mrs. Clooney and her weight, but…..

    • Jayna says:

      This is an original story, which they say is harder to sell with a high budget movie on a holiday summer weekend compared to a well-known blockbuster story, and the studio purposefully did an oversecretive marketing campaign. Box office on a whole had very low returns compared to other Labor Day weekends. Time will tell whether this completely backfired on the studio being so secretive or whether it picks up steam as weeks go by and makes a profit or at least recoups its investment. It is the only PG movie and they are banking on kids turning out to see it when school lets out. Of course, that’s the studio’s spin. LOL

      • FLORC says:

        Those I know who saw the film didn’t enjoy it. Not that it was original. That it just wasn’t a good watch.

  22. FingerBinger says:

    I like her dress. She has helmet hair but it still looks fine.

  23. Cody says:

    Few thoughts,I bet they just walked the red carpet and left through the back door. I read somewhere that he does that after he does these international tours. So all that work to get ready for Amal for a few photos. Either she is really making a passive statement about wearing a designer who is anti-semetic or she is clueless. I do like the color yellow on her, but the hair reminds me of Frankenstein’s wife.

  24. Eme says:

    I love the color but I hate the fit.

    The bust darts are too high for her bust and that makes the satin do crazy things and puck in all the wrong places. Also, there are many techinques to line satin so you underwear does not show.

    Honestly, I expect a lot more from a dress that probably costs a fortune.

  25. jamrock says:

    I think when clooney married amal he thought it would give him the attention and crazy media following and respect..however im sorry to say if clooney was looking for power couple staus he fail cause he still boring and amal….too thirsty

    • nicole says:

      People became bored with his two year girlfriends and he was starting to become a joke, he knew if he wanted to stay any way relevent in the entertainment business, he was going to have to come up with something different so low and behold he decides getting married and marrying a smart and classy women would do the trick, but he’s not as smart as he thinks because nearly everyone thinks its a sham marriage and he seems to be coming more unpopular by the day.

  26. Nayru says:

    I think I finally figured out why it has always looked like something is wrong with her arm as though she were bending her elbow backwards or something. Her elbow and forearm are thinker than her upper arm. It makes her look terribly frail and unhealthy. She is panfully thin. I’m not saying that to body shame but it is difficult to look at some of her pics. My reaction/perception of her looks could be more from being someone with a close relative who suffered from eating disorder. Just to be safe I am not saying she has one!

  27. noway says:

    I don’t mind the dress when she is standing, but yellow is hard to pull off unless you are Big Bird. Still am I the only one who sees a camel toe from the dress when she is walking in the last picture?

    • Nayru says:

      I was wondering when someone would point that out. If your mons pubis is the most prominent curvy bit of fat on your body, it’s time to put on a few pounds.

    • jen2 says:

      That photo is really unfortunate. It is pretty hard to miss. It borders on obscene. Hopefully it is an optical illusion or at least I hope so.

      • noway says:

        @Jen2 I hope you are right, but that is one of the most unfortunate photos I have seen too, and I hope it is an optical illusion, but I doubt it. Note to self never wear satin and move without checking that!!

    • M says:

      I also saw the camel toe.

    • Zombie Shortcake says:

      Yup. This is the most we’ve seen of her nether regions.

    • nicole says:

      I noticed that too, not very classy looking.

    • imqrious2 says:

      lol I mentioned it above! To me, it’s so obvious.

    • taxi says:

      @ noway, many earlier posters have pointed this out, so no, your powers of observation aren’t unique.

  28. Michelle says:

    I can’t stand Clooney, but I have no issue with Amal. I just wish that the media would stop trying to make her out to be some sort of fashion goddess all because of who she is married to. I’ve never seen Amal in an outfit that I thought was attractive. Yellow or gold isn’t a good color on her since her skin tone is yellow-ish.

    • crtb says:

      ITA – getting really tired of her being shoved down our throats. “Oh how happy they are.” “Look at me, I don’t use a stylist” ” I can do it all!” I have yet to see her in an outfit that I thought was flattering. (take that back – I liked the red dress that she wore to the Met Gala. ) Many of her casual outfits are too short, cutesy or ingénue. Her chose of accessories are awful. She always looks too thin, This dress is the worst example of this. Her hip bones jut out. He arms look frail. She looks like she has a camel toe. Usually, her hair looks fabulous, not today. They need to take a low profile for a while. People are tiring of them quickly.

    • Mrs. Darcy says:

      Yeah, I’m kind of over the “Let’s tear apart this woman for her fashion sense who is maybe not a natural fashion goddess, so we can be extra catty” – but a normal person turning up to events with her o.h. I’m not into it with her any more than I am with any other non-celeb spouse – she really is under ridiculous scrutiny and I hope it wanes soon. I think we all know by now that Amal’s style is hit and miss, and she is thin, and I get that he has made the marriage very public but I still don’t feel right commenting or criticizing her, she’s a human rights lawyer for god’s sake.

      • Nayru says:

        Really? That is quickly being forgotten with the amount that she is being photographed and hyped. I’m starting to think her day job is to be a socialite, not a lawyer. I think people would be a lot more forgiving if not for the ridiculous hype surrounding her.

      • Mrs. Darcy says:

        Who is creating the hype though? For all we know she is just being mercilessly papped, going to and from work, her daily life – she’s not out on a obvious pap shoot (i.e. “La la just going to Whole Foods/yoga and oh look a photographer!”) and no I don’t think going to a film premier with her husband means she is fame hungry or seeking out attention any more than any other celeb’s wife is. The interest in her is being driven by her “bagging” the elusive bachelor and seems to have given the press a free for all mentality. What is she supposed to do, put a bag over her head and hide in a corner? Do I think Clooney was selling some tame tidbits for the press tour to get hype for his movie? Sure. But it’s not like they’ve gone on Oprah/Barbra Walters or done any joint press or anything at all to suggest they are trying to make her a “thing” the public should care about. She is a wealthy woman who can afford nice clothes, now even more so, I mean what is she supposed to do, wear sweatpants and never leave the house?

  29. oneshot says:

    I wonder if people here crucified Camila Alves quite as hard when Matthew McConaughey was on the awards campaign trail last year and she, too, accompanied him everywhere wearing designer stuff?

    Or is the pillorying saved only for celebrity wives/SOs who claim to have jobs?

    • lisa2 says:

      Camila is in the entertainment industry. She is a model. So her picture is going to be taken and posted on sites because that is her business. Usually when the partner is also in the business you expect to see them featured on sites..But Camila was not featured as a solo person on gossip sites. She may have been included in a feature with other people; but not on her own.
      It is understandable when two entertainers are on the RC.. both of them have fans and generate press because each is in film, music or maybe a model.
      I think it would be different if Amal was a part of the entertainment industry. But she is not. Matt Damon’s wife accompanies him on RCs and wears designer outfits.. Yet she is not featured in stories as the main subject. So it is different considering Amal has nothing to do with Entertainment in any way shape or form; outside of being married to George Clooney.

    • Guesto says:

      Did Matthew McC talk endlessly and relentlessly about how clever, amazing, superior, in every way his wife was while promoting his movie? Did he give endless interviews extolling her many and varied virtues, leaving the film itself largely a vague postscript? Did he allow her centre stage at every opportunity at the expense of the cast of the film he was promoting? If not, then no, very unlikely that Camila Alves would have been criticised, let alone crucified.

      Try comparing like with like. That will help you understand the issues with the promotion of ‘Clooneyland’.

    • noway says:

      Okay, I don’t see crucifixion here, and keep it real please. Camila is a model and has worn designer duds forever, and you don’t really see her on pap walks by herself a lot. Sometimes with her mountain of kids Camila dresses kind of grungy, she is just seriously stunning, to me at least. I realize some people think Amal is stunning, not so much me, but I find her attractive in the right clothes. I don’t like this outfit, but yellow satin is really hard to pull off, and for the first time I don’t like her hair, but no one bats a thousand all the time. I do think it is weird that we see so much of them and the selling their love campaign by Clooney, but to each his own. Also, Matthew was two years ago campaigning for an Oscar which he won. George is campaigning for a good opening weekend which he has lost.

      • nicole says:

        Thats because Matthew and Camillla are a real genuine couple, they’re not trying to fool anyone.

      • Christin says:

        They do seem genuine, plus I knew what MM’s movie was about. Despite reading excerpts of numerous interviews, I have no idea (from GC at least) what this movie plot entails. But we do know what pub they go to and that they go through a cemetery to get home. Weird.

  30. siri says:

    I LOVE the idea of that dress, not so sure about the execution, though. As many have pointed out, yellow is tricky to wear, but it does look good on her. Thank gawhd she didn’t overdo her makeup. Just that hair…as soon as she pulls it away from her face, her harsh features become very prominent.

  31. Veronica says:

    It fits her like a glove, but I’m not a fan of the sateen. It’s really a fabric that works best on nightgowns, and it should stay that way.

  32. Heathering says:

    I’m sure at retail this is not a cheap dress but it looks it. I do wonder if she’s now gone so below even sample size that too many adjustments had to be made on the hoof for it to ‘fit’. The cut and finish don’t look to couture standards. But then that’s been happening on a lot of RCs lately.

    Serious question, can a pubis ever be that pronounced? I had years of issues with an eating disorder and at 5′ 11″ weighed in at 5 stone 8 lb at one point. Now my memory (and perception) of that time is understandably hazy but I don’t recall such distortion (though, not ruling out because my ‘vision’ wasn’t ‘regular’/was off I know).

    • Guesto says:

      Oh come on. It’s just an unfortunate lighting issue. If it were that pronounced, it would be visible in other pics, and it’s not.

      • Hearthering says:

        Thank you for answering. It is an odd photo. I was just asking. Lighting makes sense.

      • lisa2 says:

        Actually there is a video and you can see it in the video too. But it could just be normal for her.

  33. Heathering says:

    To clarify my last (sorry for over share) and that lowest weight – well I wasn’t even conscious for much of it let alone upright enough for RC walking so obviously I’m NOT putting Amal near that category. Just in case anyone thinks otherwise.

    I meant more when I did experience call it “borderline” greater weight. Even then… ?

  34. mememe says:

    The dress is beautiful. That color is great on brown skintones. She is styled horribly – the flower, the HAIR (it looks LESS done than her street style!), the shoes, the undies….The makeup is terrible as well.

    • lisa2 says:

      Maybe she did her own hair this time. I can’t imagine Disney paying for a stylist to accompany them on this trip. So she may have done her own hair and makeup for this occasion. Her hair looks a lot different than it did arriving. I like the unexpected yellow. Charlize wore yellow at Cannes. But I don’t know why she holds her arms like that. so stiffly by her side. like they can’t bend. Like in the last picture of her holding that guys hand. It is such a weird angle to hold someone’s hand.

      Sadly this is her life. Regardless of her accomplishments. She has become a gossip topic and they kind of invited that into their lives.

      • Guesto says:

        Amal will have whatever facilities she needs wherever she goes because that’s the life she now lives, courtesy of her husband. Disney has nothing to do with that.

        I also like the yellow, I think it looks really good on her.

        ‘…they kind of invited that into their lives.”

        Oh come on. They didn’t ‘kind of invite it’. They wholeheartedly embraced and generated it!

        Amal is 100% responsible for the profile she now has. If she wanted to be more low-key, she’d have made sure he was on board with it from the off and acted accordingly. That he has done nothing but puff her up at every opportunity says everything that needs to be said about this couple.

      • lisa2 says:

        @guesto I agree and was just trying not to sound so harsh. People seem to really be coming for them both; and yes they asked for it.

      • nicole says:

        They deserve everything they get. This relationship (business deal) has been pushed on the public from day one. They put themselves out there as much as they could, with every single thing including George telling the world were there wedding was going to be. Tom Cruise didnt even go this far apart from jumping on the couch but George could still do something even crazier I wouldnt put it past him, he seems so desparate.

    • taxi says:

      That pink lipstick is horrible with both the yellow dress & her skin color.

  35. tracking says:

    The dress had potential, but her makeup and hair aren’t right, and the clearly visible undergarments are so distracting.

  36. Lara K says:

    Ok, maybe it’s just me, but in the bottom photo she looks like she has a peen, or a jock strap.
    Either way, she looks like she is hung like a moose. Just sayin.

  37. maria81 says:

    girlfriend is wasting away and is not a good look!

  38. Nimbolicious says:

    I think they both look like hell, as if this whole charade is starting to wear them out. All that effort has got to be utterly exhausting.

    And all this peen talk has got me thinkin’ screenplay: Closeted movie star rolls out his gay lover as a woman. Just haven’t decided whether hilarity or tragedy ensues. Or both……

    • Hearthering says:

      Nah, I’ve read the Amal as born a man theories and figured them a stretch too far. I don’t believe this ‘relationship’ as real as packaged BUT that… no.

      If (massive *if*) – I’d be: 1/ taken aback at the number of people they’d have to have involved in collusion; 2/ saddened that the climate is still such they felt they couldn’t be themselves; 3/ weirdly, it might actually be one of the few things which would convince of their real love as real.

      But as sad as I’d be they felt the need for such deception (because of still unevolved societal mores) I’d be hard pressed to defend the scale of the dishonesty and manipulation.

      *If* that then be together but don’t then run a hugely public game with a reveal in mind. That would be counterproductive for the possible positive message to come from such an open love.

      I truly hope George’s “prank which might get him arrested a year from now… “. Nope, too many negative impacts for too many other people and groups. Even I don’t think of them as that calculating or potentially exploitative.

      The common thought on the obvious mons is lighting (most likely) but I did wonder re fertility treatment side-effect – as a woman, born a woman (!) but in need of an assist for whatever reason.

      All ^^^ screenplay theoretical AND nope, would not buy it.

  39. patricia says:

    Amal is overdressed, loves the attention too much for being a serious barrister, and her hair is terrible. Is it’s true that she has not a stylist (which I doubt) she desperately NEEDS one, for starters to help her understand the context of the events she’s attending and the necessity of get an appropriate dress for the occasion. If she does have a stylist, she/he needs to get fired.

    • Jayna says:

      And yet tons of celebs have stylists and they are big misses half the time, as we on CB have critiqued. If stylists were so on point, why are there so many misses on red carpet events? Sometimes I think many celebs would do better on their own.

      • siri says:

        True, but I think a lot of them are too insecure to go by their ‘instincts’. Plus, there’s the tendency to be ‘fashionable’, even if it doesn’t suit. They follow trends without considering that anyone looks best when feeling comfortable, and true to their type.

  40. DesertPoppy says:

    I saw tomorrow land and it was fun. It was a decent movie not a great movie. The biggest problem was the last third of it… It just made me think “really that’s where your going” and “really that’s where your ending it”. I should probably mention I think San Andreas looks like great fun. I love disaster movies though.

  41. siri says:

    Did anyone notice it’s another endangered species’ skin in her hands? The clutch is called “Gold iridescent shiny lizard skin boxy clutch”, and comes at the price of $5,450.00…this woman doesn’t care about a thing as long as she shines infront of cameras.

    • p says:

      omg someone has dedicated a style blog to her?????????? WTF?

    • boredblond says:

      You’ve mistaken her for someone that gives a s#!@ about anything but the cameras. And p..I’m starting to think This site has become solely dedicated to her.

      • siri says:

        No, I’ve never mistaken her, I’m just surprised she didn’t get the memo, and stops with her show-off. I just can’t believe she’s that stupid. Whoever is doing this PR, makes a huge mistake. And ‘Boy George’ will regret this, sooner or later.

      • boredblond says:

        Actually, I think she’s following the Kardashian playbook to the letter.

    • nicole says:

      Its odvious she has no love for animals, just look at the way she was walking einstein on one of her pap walks, looked like she had never walked a dog in her life.

    • lisa says:

      lol, considering the theme of his movie, it’s like she’s tone deaf to logic and common sense

      • siri says:

        Actually, there’s always a strong elitist element in Bird’s films. It’s the “special”, the “choosen” people who safe us, or find the way for us. THAT she might like, and understand;-) Anyway, I don’t think she cares about any of George’s movies. She so obviously lacks the sensibility, and just wants to show her latest Galliano buy. George was promoting in jeans and T- shirt so far (London, Spain, China)- and as soon as she’s around, it’s full gala. They make the audience in Japan the choosen one;-)

  42. HoustonGrl says:

    Oh my G*d. Her weight. I just can’t. This is getting alarming.

  43. Nikki L. says:

    Wow, she is painfully thin.

  44. Mr x says:

    OMG does she have a Penis? Look at the last pic 😮

  45. wow says:

    I don’t know why her dress reminds me of the prom dress Sissey Spacek wore in Carrie. Maybe its the material and flow at the bottom.

    I won’t even bother with critiquing the bags under her eyes because that’s what happens occasionally when a person puts in long work hours at a real job. So, she gets a pass. Plus she does look really happy, so umm, yeah. That’s all I got.

    • Blue says:

      The bags under her eyes are probably from the long hours she’s puts in at her real job as Mrs George Clooney jet setting just in the past 2 weeks from London to New York, LA, then back to London and now Tokyo.

  46. M.A.F. says:

    Nope. Everything about this look is terrible. No one should ever wear satin outside of the bedroom…EVER. The dress doesn’t move right or “sit” right when she is standing still. And yes, her hair is terrible too. However, I do love the color of the dress, just not on that material.

  47. Aurelia says:

    Good lord, Amal is now bordering on grotesque territory. She is ultra thin. Can you imagine what she looks like in the flesh if the camera adds 10 lbs. I refuse to belive her bossoms are natural. You can’t drastically lose weight from every inch of your body except your bust. I have seen images of her online pre george and she was a normal healthy weight. So please don’t say she was always this thin.

  48. Sue says:

    In the third picture, George’s hand gesture looks as if he’s saying about Amal – “Look what I bagged.” You get the feeling he’s showing her off, not really relating to her as a partner.

    • HoustonGrl says:

      I agree. I can’t stand the whole trophy/stepford “I bagged her” attitude he’s had this whole time.

  49. Wheeze says:

    Is that a camel toe in the last pic? Other than the hair and the ‘brows (she looks like Elvira/Elviria? That mother from the Addams Family) she looks good from a distance. But I’m sorry, I still don’t like her being shoved down my throat. I’ll tolerate celebs who actually have something to do with the entertainment industry. Why can’t George do a premiere without her?

  50. Rhona says:

    She’s emaciated now, she looks like she could snap if you bumped into her. Her eyes look near death.

    George needs to stop marketing his wife and never should have done in the first place. Matt Damon doesn’t push his wife front and centre of everything to be judged by the worlds media, he rightly protects her and she always looks lovely, healthy and happy in the background. I can’t think of any actor who has marketed their non entertainment industry partner like George has and I don’t understand the point. They could have had a lovely private life together and she could support him at premieres without being scrutinised if they kept to themselves. Instead by overselling her he’s put her in a position where everything about her is under the microscope and by making people sick of her by claiming her superior to all other women that lens is magnified even further and viciously scrutinised.

    It’s no wonder she’s starving herself to death.

    • nicole says:

      I agree Rhona, why does he do this. Its has been the same thing with every women in the past couple of years, make them a big star,fashion icon etc. With Amal its just over the top. I am convinced more and more that these are not real relationships but some kind of business deal/contracts that they are promised fame, recognition, beautiful clothes, fancy events , worldwide travel etc. Theres something very shady about it all.

      • boredblond says:

        He sees himself as Henry Higgins..making nobodies into somebody’s..he wasn’t always that way..started with his er fame and has continued..always having the next lined up before ending a relationship. His credibility has dropped to zero as the constant couch hopping goes on.

      • Wheeze says:

        This is not just an image makeover; it’s also about some older dude reinventing himself and coming to terms with mortality. I think this is all about George, not Amal. Not really. She’s just the prop.

  51. maggie says:

    Gosh! George is looking so old!!! She’s beautiful but awfully thin.

  52. DanaG says:

    Her hair and face look awful that dress is not meant for such skinny women. You can see her bones jutting out and in some pictures Amal seems to have a rather large bump where a woman shouldn’t. Why does she insist on dressing as the star not the wife off? People are probably thinking she is in it and staying away in droves.

    • Lorenzo says:

      And since we were taught that supereducated superlawyer is way above models and actresses, why does she try to look like one?

  53. Jaded says:

    She is looking drawn and unhealthily skinny. For a woman who supposedly has a lofty career as an international rights lawyer and was an inspiring example of what women can become, she’s succumbed to celebrity fame-whoring and thinification with open arms, which certainly doesn’t send the right message to young women. She may have an important job but it appears what’s become more important to her are photo ops, not eating and wearing ridiculously expensive and outlandish clothing. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt at the beginning but I’m disappointed in what she’s let herself become – George Clooney’s ticket to being taken seriously. I don’t think this marriage is going to survive.

  54. TOPgirl says:

    Let’s see how long this marriage lasts. She is far too young for him and he looks so old!

  55. India Andrews says:

    Doesn’t she have legal clients who need her attention, or is Amal’s mew job being George’s arm candy? It seems like she is in the news weekly and not for her legal work.

  56. India Andrews says:

    I would LOVE to know what her colleagues and clients think of Amal’s fame whoring since marrying Clooney.

    • siri says:

      Me too.

    • Mrs. Darcy says:

      How exactly is she fame whoring?

      • Wheeze says:

        She does pap walks all over the place and he has to feature her in this premiere instead of putting the attention on himself. Not to mention their spreads in a bunch of mags around the wedding date. She gets dressed up for her pap walks. That’s undeniable.

  57. Smd says:

    These pictures are so alarming in terms of Amal’s weight loss. She was a beautiful, slender woman to begin with and now she appears skeletal with her hair showing tell tale signs of nutrient deficiency. No shaming, trolling or hate, just very worried about her mental and physical health. I hope both she and George can take some time away to recoup, relax and focus on their health!!!

  58. Delores Smile says:

    Amals ok she takes a lotta strangers comments. This isnt fair to say however -sorry-in some photos it seems the first 10 months of her marriage to a man who likes press seems to have stress aged her. The foto with hair pulled back. Gown was lovely.

  59. Ibaloo says:

    Sie fühlt sich sichtlich unbehaglich !
    Ich wundere mich über das Wort “schadenfreude”.